[b]The Lake and the Lady[/b] by Hypnohypno
[b]Chapter 5[/b]
As Asiara strode through the wilderness, she found herself suffering from multiple levels of frustration. First, she was furious that her army had been depleted so much by what should have been a routine battle. But that would be something that she would work out with Partheon later.
Even more bothersome was that she felt that her victory was incomplete. The auburn haired woman who had captured her, then brought her to orgasm, thus allowing Dathaka to enter her body, had escaped. She was no longer a threat – the Sirsiphi had been so completely routed that she would struggle to put together a prayer circle, never mind a fighting force worth even mentioning. But still, Asiara wasn’t accustomed to a woman, or anyone for that matter, getting the best of her, even temporarily. That woman had almost defeated Asiara, and Asiara wanted revenge.
Still, the battle against the Sirsiphi hadn’t been a total disaster. Though she had lost more than ten times the number of soldiers that she had anticipated – many by her own blade – as well as all of her own personal body guards, she had gained something quite valuable: the residual powers of the goddess, Dathaka. With every move she made, Asiara could feel the strength, speed, and agility that she now possessed. Perhaps her new skills wouldn’t be enough to replace the soldiers that she had lost, but they would come close. And at least for the short term, her enemies wouldn’t know about these powers, so she could scheme battle plans that would take them by surprise. Her campaign into the Maurial Kingdom could still happen.
But Asiara’s troops weren’t her only concern. Even her new powers couldn’t begin to replace the advantage that powerful magi gave to an army. And she had slaughtered two of the best while Dathaka possessed her. This loss, though, wasn’t one that bothered her too much. After all, the ease with which they fell made her wonder just how effective they really were. No, the greater loss was Calean. His injury, though completely necessary and deserved, would limit his usefulness in any immediate battles. His spell casting would still be what it had always been, but his lack of mobility would make it difficult for him to move to different parts of the battlefield where he might be needed. He would have to rely on teleportation spells, and those could be draining.
Even this dilemma, though, didn’t completely discourage Asiara from continuing her assault on the Southern Lands. She still had the help of several lesser magi, and while their individual skills might not be all that useful, she could use them to teleport Calean to different points on the battle field. Asiara’s agile military mind had already begun to imagine a new approach to war – one centered less on a vast army and several powerful magi, but instead one in which a single warrior, touched with divinity, and a powerful magi being teleported quickly around the battlefield would produce strategies that her opponents had never seen – and wouldn’t know how to defeat.
But even with the reassurance that all was not lost, Asiara still couldn’t overcome her greatest frustration: the pulsing sexual need that burned throughout her entire body. Calean’s spell had been so strong that she had to break it when she had the chance, and that had meant that she had not achieved the release that she craved. She had thought of masturbating, but that somehow just didn’t seem like it would satisfy her. Her lust, like her battle skills, had been touched by the divine, and satisfaction would require far more drastic measures than simply playing with herself.
So, in an attempt to calm herself down and clear her mind, she walked through the wilderness, letting the bright light of Neda, the green moon, show her the way.
Not that there was much to see. The land of the Sirsiphi was, for the most part, unremarkable. It consisted of just rolling, grassy hills, punctuated with the occasional group of trees – trees that only rarely amounted to what could even be called a small forest.
She was just approaching one of the larger clumps of these trees when she spotted a figure in the distance, just at the top of a nearby hill. Asiara was far enough away that she couldn’t make out many details, but judging by the long hair that she saw fluttering in the breeze, she assumed that the figure was female. She also had her back turned to Asiara.
“Good,” Asiara thought, “I can approach her carefully and find out more about her before she realizes I’m here.”
Asiara crept closer to the woman, keeping a careful eye on her. It would be unusual for someone to be out in the middle of the night like this. There were any number of creatures that could roam in the night that a single person would be loath to face. Even Asiara, if not for her new fighting prowess, would hesitate to walk alone in the wilderness at night. This woman was either confident in her power, or a fool. Asiara didn’t intend to take any chances.
She became still more wary as she got closer. As Asiara made her way up the grassy slope, she could see that the woman was unarmed. That could only mean one thing – the woman must be a mage of some sort. It was unthinkable that this woman would be foolish enough to walk through these lands without a weapon unless she could call on magic to protect her. Placing her hands on the hilts of her two blades, Asiara made her way as quietly as she could towards the woman, who still hadn’t seemed to notice her.
But then, Asiara saw something that made her stop in her tracks. From a distance, and with only the pale green light of Neda to aid her eyes, it had been difficult to make out the color of the woman’s hair. But now, as she came within a few meters of the woman standing stoically on the hilltop, there was no mistaking it – the woman’s hair was auburn, just like that of the Sersiphi woman.
At just that moment, the woman turned towards Asiara, immediately confirming her suspicions. It was the same woman! This time, though, Asiara wouldn’t underestimate her. Drawing both of her blades, she watched to see what the woman’s first move would be – ready to dodge any darts that the woman might have at the ready.
But the woman made no move to attack. Instead, she simply stared at Asiara for a a few moments, and then ran down the hill, to Asiara’s right. Asiara immediately realized what she was doing – she was fleeing to the large clump of trees at the bottom of the hill. With Phyxilir and Finisher gleaming in the moonlight, Asiara raced down the hill after the auburn haired woman, intent on catching her before she reached the cover of the trees.
But the woman was fast, and even Asiara’s enhanced physical prowess wasn’t enough for her to close the entire gap before the woman slipped into the small forest. Cursing, Asiara plunged into the forest in pursuit, knowing that it would be difficult to track her in the forest’s dim light. Still, her powerful and lithe body moved quickly and gracefully through the trees, and she could just make out the movement of her prey as she danced through the underbrush.
Then, Asiara heard a strange sound. It wasn’t coming from the woman she was chasing, but from some other source – somewhere to her left. She knew that she should continue her pursuit, but something about this sound demanded her attention. It was music, soft and lyrical. Asiara slowed down as the strains of melody made their way to her ears, caressing them, and beckoning for their attention.
But then, she remembered her task. Shaking her head slightly, and doing her best to ignore the music, she squinted in the darkness to try to locate the auburn haired woman. “Damn!” she thought, “I’ve lost track of her.” She slowed her pace to a walk as she scanned the surrounding trees, looking for any sign of the woman she had been chasing. All the while, the gentle hum of sound seemed to dance around her.
Still breathing heavily from running so fast, the pulse in her ears drowned out some of the delicate sound, but still, she could hear it well enough to want to hear more, and to hear more clearly. She tried to focus, but the sound – no, she realized, the singing – was elusive. It was somehow haunting, and yet enticing, but always the strains of the voice changed just as she was starting to realize just what mood it was evoking.
She felt compelled to walk towards the music, but she stopped herself. She was here to find the auburn-haired woman, not to listen to some strange music.
But still, it was so enticing.
She wasn’t sure which her prey had gone, so, she figured, going towards the music was as likely a direction as any. Besides, if the auburn-haired woman found the music even half as compelling as Asiara did, she would be headed that way as well. Slowly, Asiara started to move towards it.
The singing had an elegance that called for soft, slow movement. Running towards its source just wouldn’t do. Asiara listened intently, and stepped lightly, almost sensuously, on the soft leaves beneath her feet as the sound drew her closer.
And as she drew nearer, the sound was becoming slightly louder. Asiara’s breath had already calmed, and she could hear the music more clearly now. But hearing it more clearly didn’t make it easier for her to make sense of. In fact, if anything, it had become more elusive as its varied strains and lilting vibrations – which seemed to hover on the edge of discernable words, without ever quite coalescing into recognizable syllables – caressed her ears more forcefully.
But it wasn’t just her ears, Asiara realized. She could feel the music vibrating inside of her, dancing in her mind, teasing her thoughts, telling her things that she couldn’t quite comprehend. It was soothing to simply let the melodies push her other thoughts aside, to simply let the music enter her, to make her its instrument.
No! Asiara shook her head again. She had just freed herself of the influence of a goddess, she wasn’t about to succumb to another assault on her will. Doing her best to ignore the strands of melody floating around her, she took a step backwards, determined to get out of this forest.
After taking another few steps back, Asiara realized how heavily she was breathing. She had recovered from her earlier run already, but still her heart was pounding heavily in her chest. The brief run through the woods had temporarily distracted her, but her arousal was still just as intense as it had been before she had seen the auburn haired woman. Now, she was aware of it again, only it, like her own thoughts, was starting to respond to the ebb and flow of the song that was penetrating her, calming her even as it turned her on. She could feel the vibrations of the sound teasing her sex, causing her thighs to quiver, and her breasts to pulse in time.
In fact, Asiara’s whole body seemed to be pulsing in time to the singing – only it wasn’t a rhythm that she had ever heard before. She couldn’t consciously make sense of it, but she knew that this sound was stimulating her body in ways that she couldn’t ignore. The earlier encounter with Calean flitted through her mind – the arousal that she’d felt; her discovery of the new heights of ecstasy she was now capable of; the spell he had tried to cast.
The spell! She had resisted Calean’s magic, she had to resist this song as well! Shaking free of the trance that had started to cloud her mind, she found that she had already walked back into the forest far further than her previous retreat had taken her. This sound was pulling her towards it without her even realizing it. Backing away a bit more frantically this time, Asiara sheathed her swords and put her hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the sounds that were having such an effect on her.
But her hands weren’t enough. The music was inside of her, teasing her most sensitive areas, coaxing her pleasure into a harmony of desire that she fought to resist. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus on resisting; on holding on to the control that she had only regained from Dathaka earlier that morning.
But closing her eyes proved to be the worst thing she could have done. Without the sense of sight, her other senses became more sensitive – more aware. She still held her hands over her ears, but now it was the sense of touch more than any other that was responding to the music’s melodic strands. It’s vibrations hummed through her, causing her to shake with arousal. No person’s hands, not even Calean’s deft touch, could stimulate her breasts and nipples with such maddening, perfect stimulation.
When she opened her eyes again, Asiara found that she had somehow been traveling forward, walking only through the guidance of the song. A long, sensual gasp escaped her lungs as she realized that the sound had finally drawn her to out of the trees to a small glade. Through lidded eyes, she saw that she was in a clearing consisting of a small patch of grass and a large pond, its rippled surface reflecting the pale green light of the moon.
And as her eyes took in this lovely sight, the voice continued to draw her forward, wrapping itself around her, caressing her, thrilling her, controlling her. Fighting to regain control, Asiara focused on one last desperate attempt to flee from this music and regain control of herself. She stepped back into the woods, forcing her legs to move in reverse, even though every fiber of her being wanted to move forward – to let that song give her body the pleasure it craved.
This first step was followed by another, and then another. With each step, Asiara felt herself growing stronger as she proved her ability to resist. With her hands still clamped firmly over her ears, she backed further and further away.
The pond was barely visible now, as the glade began to recede into the underbrush, and Asiara continued to back away. Growing more and more confident. More and more in control. But then, her motion stopped – she had backed into someone standing behind her.
Asiara’s reactions were slow as so much of her focus was on resisting the song that threatened to take control of her. It took her a few moments to even realize what had just happened. In those moments, a soft, feminine tongue traced up her neck and then cool lips blew gently on her ear. Asiara’s body was so tightly strung with need that these sensations caused a deep, longing moan to escape her throat.
Before she could react in any other way, the woman’s hands grasped Asiara’s wrists and drew her hands away from her ears. Now able to hear once again, the full power of the music washed over her mind. That, combined with the touch she had just felt was simply too much. The power that the goddess had given to her body was of no consequence now. Asiara simply yielded to the demands of the music, making her way gracefully back towards the pond while her mind and body continued to seethe with sexual energy that seemed to fall into harmonic unison with the pulsing sounds around her. She was so enraptured by the sounds and the sensations that she was barely even aware of the rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs that signaled the retreat of the woman who had just been behind her. That woman had escaped the power of the music, but Asiara was proving far less lucky.
She still knew that something was wrong with all of this, but the sheer beauty of the music enraptured her mind. Maybe the experience with Calean had tired her, or maybe her sexual frustration had left her more vulnerable, but whatever the reason, she simply let the sound guide her, it’s subtle commands compelling her to move closer and closer to the water. As she neared the water’s edge, Asiara languidly reached towards her boots and slipped them off. Standing just beyond the water, she slowly slid her pants off of her legs, kicking them away, before unbuckling her sword belt and letting her blades fall uselessly to the grass covered ground.
Then, she waded into the water, feeling its sandy bottom on her feet and between her toes as the coolness of the pool caused her to gasp once again. She took several steps into the water, and then felt a compulsion to stop, as the singing now seemed to be thrilling through her entire being, body and mind. There was another sound added to it now – a sound that was coming from Asiara’s own mouth: the sound of moans.
But even these moans seemed to blend with the music around her, brushing away her own thoughts, filling her with desire, rifling through every sensitive part of her body.
Then, in the center of the pool, the water began to ripple, and rise, and slowly, gracefully, fluidly, coalesce. Through her lustful, will-less eyes, Asiara saw a face with two large, penetrating eyes and surrounded by lush, wavy, silver hair. She couldn’t tell if the face had broken through to the surface of the water, or if it had been formed from the water itself. Either way, the result was breathtaking, and Asiara could only stare, her body and mind obeying the unspoken command to remain still, as she saw the luscious woman’s lips moving, singing, producing the sounds that held Asiara so deeply enthralled, so helplessly obedient, and so desperately aroused.
The singing continued as the figure in the middle of the lake continued to rise out of the water, revealing an exquisite naked body, with light, flawless skin, and a figure as graceful and fluid as the substance from which she had emerged. She rose from the water until her long, slender legs had completely emerged, and she was simply standing in the middle of the pool, her alluring feet standing on the surface of the water as if it were solid ground.
Asiara was so lost in this erotic, enticing spectacle, that she didn’t even notice her own feet starting to sink, the sand at the lake’s bottom slowly engulfing both of her feet, trapping her where she stood.
But such trivialities refused to penetrate into her foggy, lust clouded mind. All she could do was stare and listen as the woman before her walked across the water; coming closer; allowing Asiara to see her in glorious motion. As she drew near, Asiara could see the pale green moonlight reflecting off of the woman’s wet skin, causing her to shimmer. The vision before her was almost as entrancing to Asiara as the song that continued to pour into her mind, engulfing her own thoughts and drenching her in sexual need.
Asiara could hear her own moans continuously – as if they were now providing a rhythmic bass that worked in counterpoint to the lovely melody dancing from the lips of the splendid woman who now stood before her. The humming of that sound, the vibrations of the air, seemed to strike every nerve in Asiara’s body, and she felt herself completely overcome with lust. As the woman stepped directly in front of her, Asiara wanted desperately to reach out for her, to take her in her arms, as she had done with so many other women. She wanted to push her down on her back, into the water, and to ravish her, making use of the beautiful body to finally achieve the release that she craved.
But she couldn’t move. The song continued to bind her, to control her. She could only stare at the object of her desire. The woman reached out, cupping Asiara’s breasts in her hands. She slowly started to circle her hands around each breast, teasing the nipples through Asiara’s thin shirt. Asiara could feel the shirt clinging to her sensitive skin, as the woman’s hands seemed to leave a trail of water wherever they caressed Asiara. Indeed, it wasn’t long before the woman began stroking Asiara’s sides, and as she did so, wetness slipped down Asiara’s skin, gliding over her naked hips and legs, lighting up her nerve endings and making her quiver in anticipation.
Next, the woman reached forward, taking Asiara’s shirt in her hands and, with a single powerful pull, ripped the fabric down the front. In one smooth motion, she slipped the ruined shirt off of Asiara’s body, leaving the beautiful warrior woman standing naked, ankle deep in the water with rivulets of liquid dancing over her body, driving her wild with lust.
And all the while, the song continued to waltz over her mind, controlling her; subduing her. The woman raised her hands just above Asiara’s breasts, and from her palms a cascade of water drops fell onto Asiara’s taught nipples, teasing her breasts, forcing her to tip her head back and scream in sexual frustration. She wanted to have this woman now, but the song continued to lock her in place, to force her to endure this erotic torment.
Then, abruptly, the singing stopped. For just a moment, the two women gazed at each other in silence. Then, realizing that the spell had been broken, Asiara launched herself at the woman, intent upon satisfying the desires that had been trapped within her all this time.
But as her arms reached for the woman, ready to grasp her and pull her into a passionate embrace, Asiara was shocked to find that her arms passed right through the woman, as though her body were nothing more than water! This unexpected result, combined with her not realizing that her feet were now trapped in the sand, caused her to fall forward, and before she knew it she was on all fours, with her forearms partially under water and her hands now stuck in the sand in the same way that her ankles already were.
Finally free of the music that had subdued her, she was able to realize the dire situation she was now in – trapped with this water spirit, whose intentions she still did not know. But her thoughts were almost immediately distracted as she saw the woman step around her trapped body, taking a position behind her. The woman knelt behind her, and began running her hands up and down Asiara’s back. The trapped woman responded immediately, as the water spirit, though seemingly made of liquid moments before, now had taken on a more tangible form, and was using her hands to massage and tease Asiara’s sensitive flesh.
It wasn’t long before the hands circled around and once again began to fondle Asiara’s breasts, pinching the nipples and causing Asiara to scream in sexual need and frustration. Through her own wailing, Asiara was only dimly aware of the water nymph as she withdrew her hands from Asiara’s breasts and, from the rear, slipped them between her legs, sending a whole new wave of sensation racing through the warrior woman’s body. The hands were skilled, and Asiara could feel the welcome tension in her sex that she knew signaled an impending orgasm. Knowing that its intensity would be unlike anything she had ever felt, Asiara braced herself.
But then, the stimulation stopped. Asiara’s cry of frustration, though, was cut short, as the water spirit took hold of her hair and pushed her face down, plunging her entire head under water. Asiara’s arousal was so intense that it took all of her self control to stop panting and hold her breath as the water engulfed her. As she remained trapped, unable to breath, the water spirit slipped her fingers back into Asiara’s sex and began to stimulate her once again.
It was more than Asiara could take. Her body was quivering on the edge of orgasm, and no matter how hard she fought, she knew that it would overtake her soon. Just as her willpower was about to break, the hand withdrew from her sex again, and a hard yank on her hair pulled her head back out of the water.
Gasping for breath, Asiara couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She had always been so powerful and dominant with all of her lovers. And yet, here she was, panting desperately in sexual heat, craving release, on all fours, as a beautiful woman fingered her from behind while forcing her head periodically under water.
What was more shocking, was how much all of it was turning her on. Rather than fighting against what was happening to her, Asiara only wanted it to continue – all she wanted was for this water nymph to push her over the edge, and for that, Asiara would obey any command. Her lust had come to control her far more powerfully than the song that had enthralled her before – Asiara’s newfound capacity for erotic ecstasy left her completely open and vulnerable to this woman who was driving her to erotic heights she had never before experienced.
With her dark curls clinging to her face and her mouth open, gasping for breath, Asiara waited for the spirit to stimulate her sex again. When she felt pressure on the back of her head again, she immediately yielded, letting the woman push her face back into the water, hoping only for the release that had come to consume her every thought and action. As she felt the water closing over her, the stimulation of her sex resumed, and within moments she was shaking on the very edge of climax.
But the climax still didn’t come. With another hard yank, her head burst from the surface of the water again, and air flowed into her lungs once more. Asiara’s helplessness only spurred her on. She desperately wanted to be plunged back under the water if that would bring her climax. She didn’t care that she was yielding herself to this spirit, her entire world was reduced to a single desire that was flooding her body and soul.
With another firm push from the spirit, Asiara felt her head being submerged once again, and with it her sex was submerged in a yearning, passionate need. That need was met when she felt the fingers working inside of her again, pushing her higher and higher into her helpless desire. Her lungs burned for air, but her body’s need for release was still greater. At that moment she would have sucked the entire lake into her lungs if that was what it took to reach climax. Asiara shook in her need. Waiting in frustration for the fingers to slip out of her again, to leave her panting and frustrated.
But this time, the hand remained firm on her head, and the fingers continued to stimulate her sex, the water that sprung from them mingling with the wetness of her sex to produce a perfect balance of friction and motion. Finally, even her goddess touched body could endure no more, and she felt waves of orgasmic pleasure crash over her; around her; through her. Clamping her mouth shut, trying to survive only long enough to feel the full weight of this release, Asiara felt herself become completely saturated with powerful, overwhelming pleasure. Her sex spasmed uncontrollably, and her hips shook violently. Her whole body was quaking in this tsunami of erotic ecstasy.
Whether from the continuing climax or the lack of air she didn’t know, but stars began to collect in her vision, and her thoughts were starting to fade. Again, and again, and again, the pleasure hit her, engulfing her, submerging her in a world of nothing but erotic release. Her lungs were ready to burst, and she had no choice but to draw a breath. But just before she was able to do so, all consciousness left her, and she knew only sweet, orgasmic darkness…
(To be continued…)
[b]Author’s note:[/b] If you are enjoying Asiara’s story, there is no need to keep waiting for future installments. The entire story is available for a very low price as an eBook at Amazon.com and Smashwords.com (under the pseudonym Clare de Luna), and should be available on most other major eBook sellers soon. My other works will soon be available as well. I hope you’ll check them out!
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