Submitted on 11/29/08
Within the palace of The Living Goddess Aishia hundreds of slaves were housed,
born or conquest of war slaves. Being a tremendously wealthy young
Lady, The Goddess Aishia has been waited upon all Her days by bought
chattel. It is true to say She has never lifted a finger to perform a menial
task in Her life all slaves worship Aishia. There has never been an
attempt to escape; no day passes without number of slaves painfuly suffers or
tortured to death for Queens pleasures, comfort & luxuries, for each and every
slave of The Queen Punishment can be harsh, slave made to endure a heavy
whipping or other cruel punishments if The Queen will be amused by it Even to
extent of death if it adds to ceremony for the beautiful Aishia.
A footstool slave suffers supporting Her Regal feet; Her present footstool
spends up to eight hours a day kneeling in front of Her Throne though his body
aches tremendously.
At this very moment he kneels six metres to the side of Her Throne. The
throne room is quite full, with Priestesses, Priests, maidens and slaves.
They all wait in silence as The Queen is at Her bath. None of them have seen
Her yet today so the expectation is very high. Will She be as beautiful as
yesterday? Could She be even more so? No it would be impossible!
The silence is broken by a slave girl sneezing. All eyes turn to her, a
Priestess nods to two guards to drag her away. Though she will receive
little punishment a week in the Royal Dungeon will do her good. Had she
sneezed in the presence of Her Majesty, punishment would have been wreaked
upon her even to the point of death. None of the other slaves felt any
sympathy for her whatsoever. The only person who mattered to any of them was
The Goddess Aishia.
At this very moment The Icon of Icons Herself was being massaged in rich
oils by two of her hand maidens. The massage area was next door to where She
had just been bathed in milk, most of the children in egypt are kept deprived
of drinking milk so she can take bath in her large pool filled with that milk
each day. Two dozen male slaves grafted every time to fill this pool with milk
as quick as possible. Even working at full speed under cruel whipping to encourage
them, the task would take two hours.Lying prone on Her comfortable leather massage
couch, The Queen gave no thought to such activities. Why should She, these men
had been placed on earth to toil away for Her, She gave them no concern whatsoever.
but She did enjoy their ministrations. It was quite a nerve racking task for
the slaves for pleasing their Mistress. Also,they could not ignore the
incredible softness of Her Majesty's skin, in comparison silk felt almost rough.
Aishia sighed contentedly as Her slaves ran their hands over Her voluptuous
frame. Kneeling in front of Her was a slave boy who held a golden tray
adorned with grapes. Idly She picked at the offered fruit, ignorant of the
boy's hunger. On the days he was permitted to serve his owner in this way he
was not allowed food for himself. Nor was allowed of raising his eyes to The
Queen's face. Otherwise he could have witnessed her crushing a juicy grape
between her impeccable teeth with the same ease She could have had him crushed
by snapping Her fingers at a guard.
Leisurely The Goddess turned onto Her back; the girls began to massage a leg
each. And what lovely legs they were. Though She was only five foot four the
Queen had long shapely legs, toned to perfection by daily massage.
Slowly the slaves worked their way up the divine body of their Mistress
until they arrived at Her magnificent breasts. They were particularly
nervous whilst oiling and manipulating these finest of orbs. Queen Aishia
smiled gaily at both the physical sensation and the fear in the eyes of Her
property. She was not cruel, but She did enjoy the feeling of absolute power
over these creatures.
In time She had had enough and dismissed the girls with a lazy wave of Her Imperious
hand, one of the girl kneel in front of her feet to put very fine leather diamond
studed slippers lying beside the couch on Queens pampered feet, She rose and walked
otherwise naked into Her make up room. Following Her were six floor slaves, grovelling
on their bellies in order to kiss, lick and worship Her Royal footprints. As She
passed through the connecting corridor.
Once in the room of make up Aishia reclines on a huge leather chair as hand maidens
carefully manicure Her hands and pedicure Her feet. Whilst this continues, Priestesses
display gowns for Her eminence to choose from. Eight gowns are shown, all spun with the
finest silks from the four corners of the world, also shown to chose from ten pair of
sandals in finest leather studed with diamonds & expensive stones along with high heels
of real gold & silver for the comfort of her pampered feet, The cost of any pair could
have fed the starving of Egypt for a year. & she has over 1000 pairs count still going
adding new pairs every month at the expense of hardwork & labour of people of egypt
However nobody, including the starving, would disagree it was more important that The
Queen has a luxurious selection of clothes & sandals than the people eat.
In time Aishia chooses a red and gold gown & golden sandals with very high heels and
the others are returned to Her wardrobe here even all her sandals are kept in silk
lined racks where as most of the people of egypt sleeps on hard stone floors. Eight
more Priestesses now display a wig eachfor their Ruler to choose from. These have been
obtained when The Queen has been on Her travels both home and abroad. Should She spot
a girl with particularly attractive hair She informs an attending Priestess. The
Priestess then informs the Royal guard who seize the girl in question and scalp her.
Some of these girls die, others survive, badly marked. The survivors though, in time,
come to feel very proud that their hair has been chosen to adorn Her Majesty.
Goddess Aishia finally points a manicured finger at Her preference and it is
put to one side. Her fingers are now decorated with rings crafted from the
rarest jewels. These are gifts from all the main leaders of the world. Each
and every one of them an ardent admirer. The last ring however is the Royal
sovereign. An imprint of this ring was required on any papers submitted for
Royal decree.
Finally Her facial make up is applied, though it could be strongly argued
that She doesn't require any. However, Her luscious lips are reddened
further whilst shadow and mascara frame the most piercing blue eyes known to
Aishia is now helped into Her chosen gown, Her wig is placed carefully upon
Her noble head and sandals are gently slipped & buckeled up onto Her lovely feet.
She is now ready to attend court at Her throne room and a divan litter lifted by
four slaves came beside her, she regally setteld her self on coushioned silk divan
in litter & she was carried in comforts that way to her throne room.
As She enters Her throne room nine Baroque trumpets are sounded to herald
Her arrival at court. All present drop to their knees and abase themselves
kow-tow style. The Head Priestess Hakariar welcomes her with her well used
verse for all to hear:
'Welcome Goddess Aishia,
Queen of Egypt
Daughter of Isis
Divine Ruler of our minds
Our bodies
Our hearts
And our souls.
We surrender any independent thoughts
Any rights
Any freedom unto You Your Majesty!'
As Goddess Aishias litter reached beside her thorne litter slaves kneeled to lower
the litter & five slaves gets on all four in a row on floor from side of litter to
throne forming a path to walk on, Godess aishias pampered divine white feet with
blood red painted toe nails in elegent diamond studed golden leather sandals came
in sight first to all kneeled around as she steps on the back of first slave
forming path to her throne, pointy gold high heels of her sandals diggs painfully on
slaves bare flesh he gritted his teeth in pain trying not to move she smiled cruely
& walked on reaglly digging her heels on other slaves back to her throne & took Her
place on Her Throne and raised Her little finger towards the High Priestess, who
spoke once more, 'Those permitted to stand in the presence of our Divine Goddess
may do so!' The Priests, Priestesses, golden virgins and some of the higher ranked
slaves stood to attention. The lower order of slaves remained in their rightful
position on their knees.
The Royal footstool stealthily crawled to position in front of the throne.
Without bothering to look at him, Aishia rested Her Imperial feet in elegent
golen leather sandals on his back. Two Nubian eunuchs began to waft huge
ostrich feather fans to keep their Mistress cool during proceedings.
And so began the business of the day. First item being The Queen's decree
for execution of punishments. The Head Priest, reads out the charges against
citizens already found guilty. He then states the recommended sentence and
offers the relevant paper for Aishia to stamp Her approval with Her sovereign
ring. Of course She had the power to overrule any recommendation but very
rarely bothered. In truth She found this procedure quite boring, as despite
being a very worthy Queen and Goddess She was still a young woman who preferred
gaiety and entertainment.
However duty was duty and so She half listens as he reads out a list of
miscreants who were present at the back of the court. He then states the
crime for which they have been convicted and the recommended sentence.
Today there were few petty thieves mostly who tries to steal some food for them
or their starving families and one was a blasphemer too. As each punishment is
read out the Priest offers up the paper for The Queen to mark the wax with Her
Royal Decree.Harsher sentences were awarded The Royal mines after one hundred
lashes of the whip. The Queen was becoming bored and she suppressed a yawn as
she condemned a peasant to death by fire for stealing a piece of bread to save
his starving children just in effort to kill her boredom.
Finally came the case of blaspheme thief. Priest skips through the outline of
the case and pronounces the proposed sentence to be death by beheading.
'Wait a moment,' commanded The Queen leading the entire court to wait with
baited breath. 'Give me more detail as to the crime in question.'
'Goddess, Your Royal Majesty,' began the Priest, 'the insolent dog on his knees
at the back of the court.'
'Go on,' replied The Queen stroking her upper lip with her tongue.
'He was overheard to say when caught stealing food, " we are starving because of
aishia, she snatches all fruits of our hardwork from us as unreasonable taxes
leaving us & our childrens starving to death to makes her life full of luxuries
& comforts"'.
There were gasps from many in the court. Aishia smiled, even tittered a
little, 'and you deemed that this creature should have a quick and simple death?'
'Your M-Majesty,' stuttered the Priest, 'I was merely head of counsel.'
'Silence!' ordered Goddess Aishia, 'Hakariar! Come here!'
The High Priestess approached the Royal Throne and bowed low.
'Hakariar, slash deep slits in flesh on every part of this blasphemous convict's
body with knives & apply salt on these slits then dig a coal pit by my palace
entrance.I want it lit and I want him hung by up side down above it. Is that
'Yes my Goddess,' replied The Priestess humbly.
'Within the hour!'
'Yes my Goddess.'
'And who is second in line as High Priest?'
'Ferrioh Goddess.'
'elevated him to Head Priest as soon as court is ended.
And as for you Mallaha, you are no longer a Priest in my court!'
The now former Head Priest threw himself on his knees, he had been in the
Priesthood for thirty years, ten years longer than The Queen had been alive.
He groveled before The Goddess Aishia, 'please Goddess, please I beg you,
please let me continue to serve in some capacity, please Majesty.'
Aishia looked down Her impossibly pretty nose at the man abased at Her divine feet
in elegent sandals resting comfortably on footstool and smiled with disdain.
'Very well if this creature survives the sixty lashes he is going to receive, then
he may replace my footstool.'
The High Priestess bowed and stated, 'So it be said, so it be done!'
Palace guards dragged Mallaha from The Divine One's feet and down to the
torture chamber.
The business of the day turns to the proposed trip to Aishia's newly
acquired island. The General of Her army was brought forward to explain the
situation. The Goddess had decided she wanted a new holiday home and so part
of Her army had been dispatched to a small Island east of Crete in The
Mediterranean. The General reported that the natives of the Island had
surrendered within a few hours of battle. The Egyptian army had suffered
just forty fatalities, the natives around a hundred. This left around four
hundred Islanders including women & children
'And how many slaves do you think I will need to service the Island as a pleasant
holiday retreat?' asked Aishia.
'It's a small Island Your Majesty,' answered the General, 'I would think hundred
twenty would be plenty.'
The Queen smiled, 'splendid, I'll have a choice then. And The World leaders,
they are to be informed the island is now a province of Egypt and shall be
known as Aishisle?'
'Yes Your Majesty.'
'Excellent, Hakariar! Have them prepare my litter, we leave in one hour!'
'Yes Your Majesty.'
Precisely one hour later and a couple of hundred in the subservient control
of The Divine Aishia waited in position at her litter. There were Priests,
Priestesses hand maidens and slaves. The ceremonial litter was a huge affair,
designed out of gold. This made it very heavy and forty eight slaves bore its
weight for this labourous task A quarter of them would be sacrificed each year,
but transportion of Queen aishias in luxuries & comforts same as of her bedroom
is essential & always acquired at the cost of extreme labours, pain, suffering
& horrible death of these slaves carrying her in heavy litters, while The Queen
Herself was late, as was Her unquestionable prerogative. She had wandered down
to the torture chamber to watch the former Head Priest Mallaha receive some
of his lashing. His wrists were fastened to a beam high enough that his feet
dangled in the air. As the Royal executioner laid on the bullwhip, Her Majesty
sat in acomfortable chair sipping wine from a bejeweled goblet.
The man She watched being flogged had been Chief Priest for as long as She could
remember. Up until Her late teens She had even quite feared this man despite
being his Queen. But by the time She had reached eighteen and had experienced
Emperors and Kings kneeling at Her feet, She feared no-one. At twenty She was
now at the peak of Her power.
Now Mallaha would live or die according to Her Regal whim. She smiled as he
began to whimper from the heavy blows. a cruel smile & beautiful smile of a
woman who realized She was in complete control of everything and everyone
around Her.
After thirty strokes She started to bore of this entertainment. She left the
executioner to finish his task and wandered towards Her litter. As ever, in
the Palace, six floor slaves groveled behind Her gratefully worshipping the
ground She had stepped on.
At the palace gate Aishia entered Her litter digging the solid gold pointy
heels of her leather sandals stepping on back of foot slave. Hand maidens
ensured She was comfortable as She reclined on the silk covered divan. Just
as She was about to permit the procession to begin The Queen noticed the
blasphemer with blood dripping deep slits in flesh all over his body chained
above the ordered coal fire. It would probably take a couple of hours of agony
before he found the release of death. Aishia noticed that he was already
bleeding & sweating terribly and trembling with extreme pain . With an almost
girlish laugh She gave an imperious wave of Her hand and the procession began.
The caravan continued its journey; the people of Egypt knelt with their faces
to the ground as it passed. Aishia took no notice of them; to Her the sight of
crowds groveling before Her was as natural as breathing. However Her guards kept
a diligent eye out that no-one was slow in falling to their knees in The Royal
presence. One man, a labourer busy digging a ditch had somehow failed to notice
quickly enough. As soon as he was aware of the procession he had abased himself
but too slow for the liking of the chief guard. He was on the man quickly, slicing
off his ears as a reward for his insolence. Fortunately the Queen had not had to
witness this as She dozed peacefully while all about her slogged their guts out.
Within two hours the Royal Litter arrived at the Queen's harbour. Throughout
the journey The Goddess Aishia had been covered from the sun by awning on litter.
The heat had been kept away by hard working slaves with gigantic feather fans.
Because of this, and the size of the litter, She could not have been more
comfortable had She been at home in bed. though the litter slaves were sweating
profusely. Their muscles ached from their burden, but of course they didn't matter
one bit. The High Priestess, Hakariar approached her Ruler. 'I hope and pray the
journey was not too uncomfortable Your Majesty?' she enquired.'No, not too bad',
replied Aishia, 'somewhat boring though.' As The Mighty Ruler of Egypt stepped
onto the back of Her prostrate foot slave digging high heels of her sandals, all
around her groveled in the dust. By way of a small divan litter Her Majesty is
taken aboard Her Royal barge.
She is settled comfortably beneath a silk awning on the upper deck. Here She
sits upon a golden throne with a slave to rest Her Imperial feet in elegent sandals
on. She is fanned by two slaves as before Her musicians and dancing girls provide
the entertainment.
On the lower deck eighty eight galley slaves begin to pull at large heavy
oars as the barge embarks on its journey to Aishisle. Within half an hour
they are beginning to tire and sweat under such a burden of labour and the overseers
begin to use their whips.
Above them Queen Aishia beckons Hakaria with a curl of Her delectable finger.
The Priestess attends immediately to be asked, 'surely if we travelled faster
it would create more breeze?'
Hakaria looked sternly at the fan slaves, 'my Goddess, are these beasts failing in
their duty to keep you cool?'
'No, no it's not that, I just thought a little sea breeze would give me a gentle tan,
'So it be said, so it be done!' Hakaria spoke to a guard who ran downstairs to speak
to the chief overseer. Within seconds the galley drum beat was doubled to war speed.
This was an exhausting sprint which would normally be
maintained for ten minutes at most.
The guard ran back upstairs to discover if this pleased The Goddess.
Hakariar asked Her Majesty who replied, 'Yes that's much better, have them retain
this speed all the way.' With which Aishia turned Her attention to the dancing girls.
Half an hour later and the galley slaves were in sheer agony from their efforts. The
overseers whipped and lashed but knew they were up against it with several miles of
sea still to be covered. Soon the slaves began to groan and even scream at their toil
yet the guards drove them on with their whips.
Upstairs, their tormentor The most beautiful Queen in all the world smiled happily as
She ate sweetmeats and sipped Her chilled wine enjoying cool sea breeze uncocerned of
the pain & suffering she has imposed on galley slaves under her.
An hour later The Royal Barge came to dock close to Aishisle. There was no
port as such so they anchored as close to the shore as possible. The galley
slaves lay over their oars in semi consciousness. Five of their numbers had
lost their lives during the trip through sheer exhaustion & The survivors with deep
welts bleeding freely were now too tired to weep at their own fatigue. They looked
such a mess that even the overseers felt some sympathy towards them. However they had
not failed in their duty to whip them on 'til the end.
Of course none of this held any importance whatsoever. Queen Aishia giggled excitedly
as She viewed the idyllic white sands of Her new holiday Island.
She abandoned Her usually austere posture as Her youthful exuberance took over.
The slaves around Her felt so pleased to witness their Mistress's happiness whether
they were permitted to view Her or not.
Aishia skipped off of Her slave into the small litter and ordered, 'move
quickly!' The litter slaves had to hold their burden high over their heads to ensure
their owner didn't feel a splash of water on Her divine skin. They themselves waded
in through the sea towards the shore. Behind them was a retinue of slaves safeguarding
the dryness of a throne, fans and refreshments.
Once on shore the party were greeted by the leader of the mission to conquer the Island.
He bowed low as The Queen whish to see the entier island around as he led Her to explore
the entier island while she was comfortably carried around in litter sipping wine eating
delicious refreshments while fanned by two slaves all the time to keep her cool she was
quite impressed with the beauty of island then she was led to where the natives were
being held.
here, how long will it take to have my holiday premises built?'
'To your normal levels of comfort and luxury Your Majesty?'
'Of course!'
The Captain cleared his throat, 'at least a year Your Majesty, maybe two.'
Goddess Aishia pouted Her ravishing lips, 'nonsense! Hakariar, you may use as much slave
fodder from Egypt as you wish, but I want this Island perfect in three months from today!
Both the Priestess and the Captain raised their eyebrows before The Queen spoke again,
'otherwise I'll have you both enslaved to my mines!'
Hakariar fearfully bowed her head, 'so it be said, so it be done.'
Aishia smiled victoriously as sitting comfortably upon Her litter.
these new slaves of mine shall we see. Aishia chuckled as She looked upon the flock of
conquered men, women & children on ground in front of her from high above her litter they
were also mesmerised by her beauty, luxuries & comforts, Aishia gave a bemused smile.
At the snap of Her fingers another slave deftly handed Her a goblet of wine.
She then order to separate the flock into two, strong useful men, women & children above
10 in one & weak useless on other, after segregation they have 225 of usefull slaves with
180 men, 30 women & 15 children, rest 175 were useless, then captain asked her further
instuctions after some thinking sipping wine she order to tie entier usless flock together
tightly with rope in the center of island and cover them with dry tree sticks & leaves all
done as per her order immediatly & she was taken to where flock of useless natives was kept,
have her litter halted at a safe distance from the flock, she orders captain licking her
lips 'enlight the flock i want to enjoy watching them burning alive ' captain immediatly
torched the flock covered with dry sticks & leaves catches fire easily spreding all over the
flock starts burning the men, women, children in the flock they starts to scream & cry
painfully stuggling to free themself as their flesh starts to burn, which Queen aishias find
amusing & entertaining enjoying their terrible pain & suffering lounging comfortably in litter
sipping wine under continus fanning by slaves to keep her cool, with passing of time their
screaming, crying & writhering subsides now they all were colapsed on ground as rope they are
tied with must have burned away some flipping like fish without water in extreme pain only to
die soon while others already dead Where Queen aishias was rolling her tounge on her red lips
& wriggling her toes in her elegent gold sandals rubbing her crotch with one hand moaning in
escasty as she just had a wild orgasm.
This shocked the other flock of Islander, The Queen who has Her sincerity in cruelly slaying
people to an agonizing death.
Queen Aishia smiled imperiously as She looked from the man groveling before Her the rest of
the Islanders who were now Her slaves.
She instructed to leave 125 men from the flock there to work for her holiday island & rest
taken with her, the Island and its inhabitants were all the rightful property of Goddess
She instructed to take her back to Her Royal barge.lounging comfortably into Her litter to
begin the journey home giving no concern to the pain & suffering of the slaves carrying her
in the litter through out her leisure trip to the island.
The sun was beginning to set as the Royal Barge glided through The
Mediterranean Sea. Fortunately it was now a little cooler, but on The Queen's
orders the galley slaves were forced to row at full pace from the off.
Despite having been rested and watered for a few hours the toil was even
harder than before. However The Divine Queen Aishia had given an order; so
it be said, so it be done.
The gorgeous Lady herself was now housed in an enclosed part of the upper
deck lounging on large silk couch. She picked delicious food served to Her and sipped at
Her wine. Enjoying muffeled sound of lashing, screaming & moaning of galley slaves coming
from one side & mournful begging for water by survived slave of island coming from the
small opening of dark cellar they were stuffed in beneth deck where she was resting.
It was late when the ceremonial litter arrived back at The Queen's palace.
Aishia was tired but She had enjoyed a delightful day. Though it was late,
no ceremony was spared as She alighted Herself from the litter. Slaves
groveled, Priests groveled. Before this Divine beauty, everybody groveled.
She grinned as She cast Her lovely eyes on the blasphemer, whose life was
drawing to an agonizing end.
Inside The Palace, Aishia took Her leisure in Her lounge area. She sipped at a goblet of
warmed milk, order her maid girl to wash her feet & bring her slippers, she came back
instantly with small tub, jug of milk with rose petal, soft towel & fine leather slippers,
kneeled at Queen aishias feet unbuckled the straps & slids out her golden sandals, washed
her feet with milk, wiped them with soft towel & puts the fine leather slippers on her
beautiful feet . She informed Her maid, I'm going to bed but I'm too tired to walk'her
maid immedeately gets a divan litter lifted by four slaves for her, she lazily lay on
silk divan of litter & carried comfortably to her bed chamber.
handmaidens prepared Her for bed. Now attired in a flimsy see through night
dress, She lay in her gigantic silk sheeted bed. Her favourite handmaiden
gently tucked Her in and was dismissed with the others. As she slips into a sweet sleep
amidst all the luxuries & comforts of the world unconcerned of the slaves who toiled,
suffered & died horribly & painfully to make her leisure trip extremely comfortable &
enjoyable for her.
The End
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