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Review This Story || Author: Barbara1795

Clinic of Happiness

Part 1

                               Clinic of happiness



   I read about possibility of attractive work the notice on one of islands of Caribbean Sea.

I wrote E - mail and waited impatiently on answer . She came quickly .I was invited

on preliminary conversation already in tomorrow's day. I waited on this what impatiently it has to happen tomorrow. I got up morning dressed in favourite skirt and blouse .I on foot put my new sandals on small heel .I got to taxi which she took me under indicated address .The office of firm about name under this address was the "clinic of happiness ".I informed secretary that I came on prearranged meeting and she took me to boss.

Boss was in age looking blond about 30 years nicely.

He greeted me warmly and he showed in armchair place .He asked me about my hitherto exists life and when he found out that I am lonely the shadow of smile he flitted by by his mouths .I noticed that he looked on my alloys often .In sure moment he said " woman has very pretty alloys”

I about it are denied very small and large problem the purchase of suitable shoes is . He cracked a joke " Chinese women had yet smaller alloys and they had not from footwear problem anyway how we will        sign contract it will undertake we will assure woman work in our firm suitable stately shoes of these feet " .I in nice atmosphere signed year - old contract . After he had signature contract he proposed that it will take me on airport where from in two hours it flies away I Affirmed company airplane that I have to pack. He pushed away " all on woman waits There already”. I in airplane noticed that it was  about 30 women in age 20-25 years . All so as flew I to "Clinic of happiness ". After 3 hours of flight the airplane landed . Woman on airport waited us in age about 40 years .” I Invite on 15 one-minute walk on place , on our island there are no cars”. We went for her . High wall the terrain of " Clinic " be enclosed but we passed through gate and we were taken on terrace. Different woman which waited already us there she told us to take off arrogance and after 5  from shoes in hand to be successful for her . I was in first five . Going by me girl  asked why to go mum barefoot . She did not answer only she smiled. She took us to large room . Odd table in room was from degrees which they made possible on him easy entry . Fixed on former table  three chairs . It near this table sat men in medical overalls .Woman told one of us to enter on table and to sit down on chair . Intrigued this situation first entered and I sat down .First measured  my feet exactly and he recorded results . I changed seat on second chair . This man took in hand my alloys in turn . He checked their softness and elasticity and he recorded results also .Third told me to propel with fingers and to raise alloys after matches box .I went down from table and I stood up before ostatnim . I heard that they spoke between me in language which I did not know . I only word which understood this Chinese .I got to signature writing in unknown language. I signed and woman which introduced us C recorded on my shoulder letter .Women's four stayed she was studied so alone ,but every had on shoulder different letter .Girl which asked about barefooted march P had letter  and remaining And, B and M. Po came after us this investigation girl in white aprons with painted letters and they with letter on apron took us with me peaceably .I asked my leader czy I can put shoes : she shouted "not now and not these”.She led me corridor where she on doors to halls was the same mysterious letter C .She unlocked one from appointed with this letter doors she told to enter . It in room stood 6 beds . She told me to undress and to put .When I lay already she tied me to bed and she went out taking my clothes and shoes .Girls which in short time three beds occupied yet they arrived with me to ”clinic of happiness” together.

We wondered why they chose just us and which means on our shoulders this letter .Came with evening she to our hall girl in our age . She gave us supper .She walked very oddly how I looked on it foot I frightened .Her shoes had 8 cm of length ! These were former Chinesewoman's shoes ! She saw that we patrzyłyśmy on her leg . She said 5 months ago I had such feet as you and she went out .We knew already what letter marks C ! They will destroy us leg and we can not on this anything advise .We spoke and it turned out that this I have the smallest alloys .We got morning injections and we were have taken away from hall in turn . I saw it how first was brought was .Bandages her  alloys be wrapped around  and despite this considerably shorter .I was taken as ostatnią .I calmed down with relief when I heard " she has so small alloys that we will not be her to operate” they Took me to different room .Old Chinese woman waited on me there and they on table lay scissors lay bandage and thread. They cut off  me nails very briefly they soaked in hot water foot and Chinese woman began me binding alloys with old tradition peaceably................

Girl about Chinese feet which looked after us after once first she brought us suppers. After two weeks I from first my intervention had alone to study passages

Our carer led me . She said then that Wiki has on name . She said me what also they mark letter which us was marked after preliminary investigation .Every of them marks kind of modification what woman be  becomes subjected .Passage 60 metres on my lasted aching injured alloys for me infinitely long . When we came on place I made happy seeing one another that there only Chinese woman is Wiki and I . In this situation because Chinese woman did not understand about what tell Wiki explained me meaning of some mysterious letters . All interventions in initial stage had for task the limitation of possibility of moving .The heaviest interventions women about letters be subjected M – cow  D – dog and T – cat . All had to knees amputated legs and fingers at hands . Removed all hair had and they had to be always in the nude.

Woman pony P had from feet done something also but Wiki did not know what. She knew that they had not hands .The letter the  B marked the adapting to carrying the shoes of ballet modification she Depended on narrowing the alloys of amputation of small toe  and the nails of legs . B had also to be always in the nude and removed hair had beyond head fixedly .Letter And she marked to work woman . Removed all amputated at toes clink hair had and they were tęż in the nude .Listening I was glad Wiki from  my C almost . After renewed wrapping up feet return was more yet difficult .When I came back

I noticed that they two free beds be occupied by new yet healthy girls which from horror they observed my march . After month wrapping around my feet doctor examined and he decided about removal from my nails 4 small toes . It gave me this 2 weeks of rest from bandaging .All came back to gloomy norm then .

more far draught will happen

Review This Story || Author: Barbara1795
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