Chapter 5
Acquisitions of new merchandise were always the most dangerous activity that any Stonebriar employee engaged in. Snatching a girl and transporting her undetected, sometimes from halfway around the world, was always a tricky and complicated business. At any one given time 4 or 5 operations were being run simultaneously. Such a frenetic pace was necessary to keep the facility stocked with a continual stream of new talent, which was essential to satisfy the demand at the quarterly auctions.
In the many years that Natasha had run Stonebriar she had had many close calls during the acquisition phase, despite the many safeguards that her people took in the field. Things tended to go wrong no matter how many contingencies were planned for, that is why she hired only the best and most qualified people for such delicate operations. These field operatives were all women, a prerequisite to be employed at Stonebriar. Most of these women were trained by such elite agencies as the KGB, Mossad, the CIA and other world-class spy agencies. These women were hired for the abilities to conduct surveillance, plant listening devices, take discreet photographs, deliver bribes, smuggle cargo, etc. Whatever was necessary to stalk their prey and then pounce when given the order. Of equal importance was their ability to evade detection, and if necessary, take extreme countermeasures to avoid capture if they were compromised during an operation. With nearly 500 successful kidnappings to date, the skills these highly trained women possessed had come in handy more than a few times.
For this particularly critical mission though Natasha was taking no chances, only her very best team would do, and that team consisted of Larina Petrov and her long time partner Allison Winters. Larina originally came to Stonebriar as a recommendation from Dr. Olga, who knew her as savvy, up and coming field agent for the KGB in the late 1980’s. She immigrated to the US in the early 1990’s and quickly hooked up with her old friend Dr. Olga. She was a methodical planner; highly detail oriented, and one who had a certain knack for breaking into places that weren’t supposed to be broken into.
For the last 10 years she had been paired with Allison Winters. Allison was an American; she grew up in Texas and joined the US Air Force right out of high school. She was stationed in a string of low rent Latin American countries where she specialized in counter-surveillance and when necessary participated in a series of “off the books” political abductions, usually involving 2nd rate politicians and other undesirables, like drug dealers. The skills she developed were both highly prized and much sought after in the murky world of white slavery, among other professions, and Allison, knowing this, left the Air Force as soon as her commitment was up. When Natasha first came in contact with her she was quickly hired and soon thereafter paired with Larina. Their skills complemented each other perfectly and soon a heated lesbian love affair began that hasn’t cooled in the 10 years they had been working together.
For Natasha these two women were as close to perfect operatives as she was ever going to have at her disposal. They were a bit older, which in this case meant wiser and less prone to taking unnecessary risks. Neither one was particularly attractive, which was also important. Good-looking women get noticed quickly and are often stared at. That was not an issue with either of these two, they could blend in easily with civilians and were quite frankly, easily forgettable.
About a month ago, Natasha had given them the order to start tracking a young girl by the name of Susan Richardson. This one was going to be different, she told them, and they needed to be extremely cautious. Susan was still a junior in high school, so even routine surveillance would be tricky. To complicate matters Susan went to a smaller high school in a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. Not exactly a place where outsiders fit in easily. Neither woman was one to question orders, especially with the amount of money they were being paid, but even they had their concerns about this mission. This one would not be easy; Natasha assured them though of the high value of this particular target. To further persuade Larina and Allison of the importance of this assignment, their fee would be doubled if they were successful. Upon hearing that, they quickly got down to business.
Their first look at the girl, from a parked car across the street from the high school, left no doubt as to why Natasha was so interested in this target. She was an absolutely stunning sight to behold. Susan was 5 foot 6 inches tall with long flowing blond hair. She had long legs and from what Allison could tell had a perfectly toned body with an overly large bosom for her frame.
Further pictures taken at different times revealed a gorgeous, yet innocent face with large baby blue eyes. One thing that both Allison and Larina found odd was that she walked around like she had something to hide, almost like her obvious beauty embarrassed her, very untypical for a girl with such obvious physical charms.
A closer look through a high powered telephoto lens revealed something that both of them, and especially Mistress Natasha, would find especially interesting. It seemed the pretty young girl wore a special sterling silver bracelet she on her left wrist. This particular bracelet, with a three leaf clover as a charm, was virtually unknown in other parts of the country. But here in Salt Lake City it was known as a Chastity Promise Bracelet. It seemed that Susan had promised to remain chaste until her wedding! This was an unexpected bonanza. Her virginity was no doubt a constant source of frustration to the many boys in her high school; however it had the opposite effect by making both Larina and Allison feel as if they had hit the lottery. Only in a place like Utah could they get this lucky, a stunning beauty that wanted to remain a virgin! Once the good news was relayed back to Natasha she nearly came over the phone. “Do whatever you have to do, spare no expense, we must have this girl!”
The two operatives planned their work carefully, even more so then usual, knowing that a huge payday was on the line, there was nothing that these two women liked more than cold, hard cash.
Susan came from a large family, 11 children in all. She was the second youngest and most of the others had moved out, however a steady stream of visitors to the house prevented Larina from gaining easy access to the home. The only time that she could get in there was on Sunday morning, when the entire family was at church. Larina took this time to install listening devices in Susan’s bedroom, placed-tracking software on the computer in her room and bugged the telephone. Because she was unsure when the family would return she had to skip the hidden cameras in the bedroom and shower that she would have normally put in when doing recon work on other targets. She was certain Natasha would be disappointed but would no doubt understand.
With the equipment in place the two women holed up in a motel room nearby and listened to many phone calls and mind-numbing discussions the family had hoping to figure out when and how they could pull off a successful abduction. How many boring conversations could one family actually have? Finally a break though, Susan logged onto her computer one evening and confirmed her registration at a religious retreat in Wells, Nevada the next weekend, several hundred miles from her home.
This would no doubt be their golden opportunity. Larina and Allison did their homework and found that this was a conference for young women looking for spiritual guidance as the entered womanhood. Attendance at this type of event certainly makes perfect sense for someone who wore one of those chastity bracelets.
For the next few days the women stayed in Utah and hoped to gain any additional details on this trip. Was she going alone? What were her sleeping accommodations? Was she staying alone? The team took the 3-hour trip to Wells and did some investigating before the conference. One posed as a woman who wanted to send her daughter to it and was innocently told all the information she needed to know. On the way back to Salt Lake City they carefully studied the 2-lane highway and selected just the right spot to spring their plan into action.
Once back in Utah, they camped out at a different motel, to avoid suspicion. At the new location they were able to confirm more details of the trip by listening to a phone conversation: Susan would be traveling to the retreat with a friend, but would be returning to Utah alone! Perfect the two women thought, the return trip would be the best time to strike. Even better news arrived on a later call to the house. It seemed the rest of the family would be gone for the entire weekend as well. This gave Larina a chance to slip into the house unnoticed and remove the bugs, phone taps and software she had previously installed. Once Susan had disappeared, the police would no doubt have quickly found those items. While no clues would have been yielded as to Susan’s whereabouts, it would certainly tip the authorities off to a much more sinister operation then just a simple disappearance by a young girl, of which there were dozens of those every day all over the country.
The next two days were extremely busy for the team. As Susan had left for Wells, Allison and Larina followed from behind at a safe distance. No need to risk a premature interaction between them and their quarry. Once they located a safe, discreet place to stay the women kicked themselves into high gear. Larina was able to find the room where Susan was staying and managed to pick the lock and again plant a listening device. This was important, as they would need to know about any possible last minute changes to her itinerary. There was no phone in the room to bug.
When night fell Allison was able to pop the hood on Susan’s car and plant the all important gadget that would set this complex plan in motion the next day. At around 11:00 PM that night Susan and her friend and Missy returned to their room, exhausted from those days’ activities. Unbeknownst to them, their every word was being listened to and recorded by a sinister and evil white slavery organization, whose two most dangerous tentacles were parked only a few hundred yards away.
Melissa had been Susan’s friend ever since kindergarten. They grew up only doors apart from one another, and were raised in a nearly identical manner, by two extremely strict religious families. Despite that though, the girls were definitely going in completely different directions. Melissa was everything that Susan was not, adventurous, rebellious, loud-mouthed, and quick-witted and every bit a smart ass. She felt shackled by the rules of the school, the church and most importantly by her family. She rebelled at every possible turn and couldn’t wait to turn eighteen so she could run away and do whatever the hell she wanted with her life. She knew that was never going to happen in stodgy old Salt lake City, Utah.
Her authoritarian upbringing was no match for Melissa’s desire to break every rule she could. She drank whenever she could and had even managed to have sex a few times with some older boys from high school. If her parents ever found that out they would have grounded her for life. The only person that knew about these transgressions was her best friend Susan. She delighted in telling her all about them. She knew it made her uncomfortable but she enjoyed the shock on Susan’s face when Melissa revealed all the juicy details.
For Susan, hearing the exploits of her friend was fun and an escape from her own dull life, and she promised she would never tell a soul. In some ways Susan resented her buttoned down life. She knew she was attractive, but she was shy also, and almost nervous about all the attention she was getting recently from boys, and in many ways that made her even more irresistible.
Despite Melissa’s occasional dalliances with a few boys she secretly harbored a crush on Susan, and had for a long time. Melissa was confused about her own sexuality, as many people are at that age. She wasn’t really sure if she was into girls, but the only way to know for sure was to try having sex with one. And if she was going to take that step, why not have it be with her incredibly hot friend?
Always sexually adventurous, Missy (only her best friend Susan gets to call her that) decided to make her move and see what turned up.
“I don’t know how you keep doing denying your self Susan. It must be so hard not to.” Missy began.
Susan knew, or thought she knew, where this was going. Missy had started so many late night conversations off like this. “I just made a promise to myself that I would not have sex with anyone until I was married, see that’s what this means.” She bent over and flashed her bracelet to Missy.
“I know what that stupid thing means, but how about pleasuring yourself, just giving yourself a little release.” Missy reached under her nightgown and touched her own pussy, being obvious enough so that Susan could see her.
Susan showed no reaction, as she had seen Missy do this many times before in front of her. “You know I don’t believe in that, I have never done it, you know how the church frowns on that kind of thing. I am just going to have to wait until the right boy comes along.” She said wistfully while trying not to blush at Missy’s actions.
Missy was feeling gutsy now while methodically trying to bring herself to orgasm. “But what if the right girl came along? Then it wouldn’t be wrong would it? No boy would be down there, just another girl who wanted the same things you did. You would still be a virgin, right?”
Susan, somewhat surprised, just sat there, not sure how to react.
Having breached this taboo topic for the first time Missy knew there was no turning back now. She got up from her single bed and sat down next to her now nervous best friend. Susan did say anything as Missy rubbed her shoulders. Susan could feel her pulse start to quicken as Missy gently kissed the back of her neck and reached around to grab one of her friend’s enormous breasts. Missy had never done this before with another girl, but it just seemed so natural now. Susan’s nipples were getting harder as Missy turned her friend’s head towards her and passionately French kissed her. Within moments the aggressive little vixen was on top of her, and was now reaching between Susan’s legs. Missy briefly thought how jealous all of the boys in school would be if they saw her now, in the throes of passion with the school’s unquestioned beauty queen.
She slid her hand under Susan’s nightgown and felt her way up the tender thigh as she inched her way towards her long time goal. Before she could get there though Susan gently pushed away her friend’s hand; no one had ever touched her this way before. She was well aware that she was dangerously close to committing a major sin in the eyes of the church.
“Please Susan, let me do this for you, it will feel so good, I promise.” Missy was breathing heavily now, obviously unhappy at the rejection. The two best friends locked eyes for a moment. Missy could see the apprehension in her Susan’s eyes, almost to the point of tears. She could read her friend so well. Missy knew that Susan wanted her to stop, but didn’t want to say it. As much as she wanted to go down on her, Missy had too much respect for her chaste friend to force the issue. She knew how much Susan would regret it later and it may drive a permanent wedge between the two best friends. Missy did not want to risk that, Susan’s friendship meant that much to her. She too had been raised the same way, but had chosen a different path. Missy could shake off the guilt in seconds, for Susan though it may take a lifetime.
Missy got off of Susan, kissed her on the lips softly and then went back to her own bed. “When you are ready, let me know, I will always be there for you.” She whispered.
Nothing more was said between the girls. Susan stayed awake for a few more minutes listening to the sounds of Missy bring herself to orgasm.
Back in their nearby vehicle, Larina and Allison could hardly believe what they had just heard. Larina was kicking herself for not installing a tiny camera in the room to record these extraordinary events. They could not wait to share this audiotape with Natasha. The two women drove back to their motel, confident that they were not going to miss anything more. It was time for them to get to sleep; tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of them.
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