Even though things had been a little strange the past 3 days, nothing had prepared me for the sight before me as Neil led me through the thick steel door and into a room I had no idea existed below the ranch the house he and Carrie called home. But before me was his wife Carrie, naked and stretched as far as her limbs would go on what appeared to be a table—but Carrie was standing and the look on her face as I entered the room was priceless. She tried to speak or even yell her objections, but the gag that I can only guess Neil had placed in her mouth earlier didn’t allow for any sound to come from Carrie.
I began working for Neil and Carrie Faust 15 years ago. They ran an 800 head cattle ranch on over 30,000 acres Northwest of Billings, Montana. Carrie is a drop-dead gorgeous lady; 45 years old, shoulder length black hair, piercing blue eyes, 5’6”, and weighs all of 120 pounds. She is as fit now as when she was in high-school according to Neil. Aside from last Thursday when Carrie got out of the swimming pool behind the ranch-house and she walked to the house naked as the day is long—tonight is only the second time in 15 years I have seen her naked. In a bikini—many times!! It was quite obvious Carrie didn’t wear her bikini around the pool very much—not one tan line on her!! Now seeing her spread and stretched, her beautiful 36 C tits and nearly inch long nipples and her shaven pussy all on display—I was still trying to take it all in and figure out just what the hell led up to the events of this evening when Neil pointed to a chair and told me to please take a seat.
Neil then took a leather strap off a hook on the wall and walked over to Carrie and asked her, “On Thursday, did you get out of the pool naked and parade in front of our hired hand?” Carrie knew she had been caught and simply nodded her head “Yes”. Neil pulled his arm back and brought the strap down hard across Carrie’s stomach. The sound of the strap hitting her and her attempted scream into her gag caught me off guard, and I had no idea what to expect next.
I didn’t have to wait long. Neil then asked Carrie, “On Friday, did you borrow cuffs and clamps from this room and use them to play with Alyssa?” What the hell?? Alyssa is my fiancée’, and what the hell kind of “playing” is Neil talking about?? Carrie simply nodded “Yes”, and as I was still trying to figure the question and Carrie’s head nod in the “affirmative”, Neil pulled his arm back and brought the strap down hard on the inside of Carrie’s right thigh. The whack was an amazing sound and the resulting red welt was impressive. Carrie pulled at the restraints holding her securely in place, and saliva began dripping down her chin and neck; but she wasn’t able to utter a word to complain.
Neil moved around to Carrie’s left side and asked, “Did you cuff Alyssa spread-eagle to the guest bed and use the clamps on her nipples?” Just as Carrie was nodding “Yes”, Neil was already delivering another blow from the strap to the inside of Carrie’s left leg. Again, the resounding whack and welt were impressive as Carrie pulled against the restraints holding her firmly in place.
Now it was becoming clear to me. Alyssa and I have been together for 8 years, she has been my fiancée’ for just over a year. Alyssa is 5’7”, weighs 135 pounds, blue eyes, blonde hair that goes to the middle of her back, 34 C tits, and similar to Carrie, nipples that stick out nearly an inch when she isn’t aroused. She works in Billings and works four 10-hour days each week. She would usually arrive at the ranch late Friday morning and would head back to Billings every Sunday afternoon.
Sex with Alyssa has always been great, but Friday and Saturday night had been some of the best ever. Friday night was only the second time in 8 years she ever asked me to restrain her with hand-cuffs and it was the first time she had ever asked—actually begged me to put metal clothespins on her nipples and pussy lips. Not one to ever ask too many dumb questions, I simply did what she begged me to do.
Neil was still standing along Carrie’s left side and asked, “Did you provide cuffs and metal clamps to Alyssa when you two were done playing Friday afternoon?” Again, before Carrie could even finish nodding “Yes” the leather strap came down hard again across her stomach. Unlike the first blow to her stomach, this one left a fairly good size red welt to match the ones on her inner thighs.
As Neil walked around to Carrie’s right side, it was all starting to dawn on me what had occurred this past weekend and I was not sure how Neil was as acutely aware as to what Carrie and Alyssa had been up to Friday afternoon; then I started to remember. We had brought horses back from the South pasture late in the morning on Friday, and Alyssa’s car was at the ranch house, as it usually was. Neil had gone in to get us some water bottles, and I really didn’t pay that much attention that Neil just didn’t run into the house, grab the water and come right back out. While I was getting the horses settled in the pasture behind the place, Neil apparently got to watch a little show—or part of it anyway.
Neil then asked Carrie, “Did you really think you could put away the toys you provided Alyssa without me knowing it?” Carrie didn’t nod “Yes or No” right away, but no matter, Neil brought the strap down across her stomach once again. A resounding “whack”; and bright red welt quickly appeared.
Now it was becoming clear when Neil had knocked on the door of my house and said he needed to talk to me, and quickly assured me I was not in trouble; but he needed me to help with an issue he was having with Carrie. My house is actually the guest house on the main ranch property. It is a nice 2 bed 2 bath place, with all the things I need. In the 15 years I have worked for Neil and Carrie, Neil has been inside my place once, and that to help install the satellite dish and receiver 4 years ago. So having him knock on the door tonight had me wondering just a little!!
When Neil went on to explain he asked if I would help him with a “situation” but he said he would understand if I said no, I was now beginning to see what he was talking about. When I told him I would help him and he brought me downstairs to where his “play room” is located I was quite amazed at would I was seeing.
Neil reached back and delivered another blow with the leather strap to the inside of Carrie’s right thigh. Another red welt resulted and again Carrie strained against the restraints holding her firmly in place. Neil walked around to Carrie’s left side, and delivered a blow to the inside of Carrie’s left thigh. The welts the strap was delivering were starting to serve as a reminder to Carrie she was not in a position to resist and was going to pay for what she had done on Friday.
Neil looked over at me and told me, “Now here is where you get to help with this situation!!” I gather at this point all the color had drained from my face as Neil said, “No, relax!! You are going to educate Carrie for awhile now!!”
Neil then told me to stand up and go over to the wall and get the control box off the hook and bring it over to him. On the wall was a large control box that had various buttons and knobs on it. Wires ran from the back of the box into a large plug located in the ceiling I took it over to Neil and he said, “Now watch this,” and the table moved backwards and took Carrie from standing to now lying down on the table.
Neil then asked me to come to the head of the table and hold Carrie’s right arm as he released the cuff from the outer corner and moved her right arm straight above her head over the top of the table and re-attached the cuff to a hook at the base of the table. We then moved her left arm from the outer corner straight above her head and secured to a hook at the bottom of the table as well.
As Neil went over to one of the cabinets on the side wall, I began to look around the room. It was huge!! There were various rings, cuffs, and pulleys located along the ceiling. There was what appeared to be a metal cross along the back wall. In the far corner was a large X with cuffs in the upper and lower corners, along the other side wall was a rack of various straps, whips, clamps, and leather binders. Along the other side wall were two rooms that appeared to have beds in them and in the corner behind me there looked to be a kitchen and full size bathroom.
It became very clear that Neil and Carrie had enjoyed a lifestyle I had never seen the likes of and until Friday and Saturday had only gotten to do a small portion of. I asked Neil “Is this where you go when the lights go off in the main house at 9:00 P.M. every other night?” Neil smiled and said “You are becoming a quick observer!!”
Neil then came back to the table that Carrie was tightly secured to and laid out metal clothespins, some wires, and another box. Neil looked at me and told me, “Take a clamp on put one on each of Carrie’s nipples.” I took one clamp, spread it wide and placed it on Carrie’s inch long left nipple. Carrie arched her back and inhaled deeply. I took another clamp, opened it wide and placed it on Carrie’s right nipple. Again, she arched her back and took a deep breath. Seeing her lovely inch long nipples clamped was quite the sight!!
Neil then told me, “Go ahead and roll the clamps, twist them, and pull them, Stretch her nipples!!” Not being one to disappoint, I did what Neil instructed me to do. Rolling and twisting the clamps was causing Carrie to arch her back and inhale deeper and deeper. Neil then handed me 2 more clamps and said, “These go on her pussy lips.” I took the clamps from Neil and placed the first one on her left pussy lip, then the other on her right pussy lip. Neil nodded and I began to roll and twist these as well. As I did, one thing I noticed was how wet Carrie’s pussy was getting. These may hurt but her body is definitely giving her away.
After a few minutes of rolling and twisting nipple clamps and pussy lip clamps, Neil told me to take them off, which I did. The blood flow returning to her nipples and pussy lips again caused Carrie to arch her back and inhale deeply.
Neil then handed me some wires and showed me how to attach the wire to 2 of the clamps and where to attach the wire to the small box lying on the table next to Carrie. On the box were 5 switches and 5 dials. Neil said the switch turned the current on and off, the dial increased or decreased the current intensity. Neil said the intensity was similar to the jolt of the cattle prods we used every day. Neil said he liked to tinker with things and used that cattle prod device in his little box.
Neil went on to say Carrie could take a level 10 setting for quite a while, moving up to level 15 would cause her to thrash around quite a bit, and level 20 was only to be used for just about 10 seconds. Neil said I could use level 10 and level 15 as I saw fit. He said I would soon see what would happen as I put Carrie through the paces. Neil also said that after a while, in addition to the nipple clamps and wires, we would add the pussy lips, then about the time I started to mention it, Neil told me that yes, there are five switches and dials. The 5th is for the clamp that is applied to her clit.
Neil then showed me where to place the wires on the clamps and where to plug the wires into this special box. Neil asked if I was ready to begin, I nodded “Yes”, and placed two clamps on her nipples. Again, Carrie arched her back and inhaled deeply as the clamps began to squeeze together tightly on her inch long nipples.
I turned on the current switches and turned the dial to “10”. Ever so slowly Carrie arched back as far as the restraints would allow and she bit down on the gag still in her mouth. Remembering what Neil had told me about her ability to maintain at level “10”, I turned the dial to “12”, then “13”, “14”, and finally “15”. Carrie arched back as far as she could, her eyes opened wide, and she tried screaming into her gag.
What happened next caught me completely off guard. Carrie arched her back; spread her fingers wide in the wrist restraints, and orgasmed!! The tell tale sign of her orgasm was the fact she squirted pussy juice to the far end of the table!!
Neil just looked over at me, grinned, and motioned to slowly turn the current down. I did as he said, turned the current down and then turned the current off. I then took the clamps off Carrie’s nipples—to which she again arched her back and inhaled deeply.
Neil then motioned toward her pussy lips. I took the clamps that I just took off her nipples since they were still hooked into the box, and placed them on her pussy lips. Again, I turned the dial to “10” and watched her reaction. Carrie may be able to withstand “10” on her nipples for quite some time, but on her pussy lips she became to squirm quite a bit more. I turned the dial to “11”, then “12” and watching her arch back against the restraints was quite pleasurable. After less than 30 seconds at “12” Carrie arched against the restraints as far as they would allow and orgasmed once again!! This dirty slut enjoys pain and she squirted pussy juice to the end of the table once again.
Neil nodded for me to release the clamps on Carrie’s pussy lips, which I did. Neil then came over and hooked 3 more wires into the back of the box and into 3 more clamps. Carrie was breathing deeply, sweating, and her eyes were begging for this to stop. But at this point, there was no intention of this stopping!!
It seemed the few minutes it took Neil to get the other 3 clamps all hooked up gave Carrie some time to recover from her last orgasm. That would be short lived. Neil was finished and nodded. I took clamps and placed them on Carrie’s nipples. I turned the switches on, and turned the dial to “10” I was going to make her hold out for a little bit this time. I took 2 more clamps and placed them on Carrie’s pussy lips, turned the switches on and turned the dials to “10”. Carrie arched back and again tried to scream into her gag.
After a couple of minutes, Neil nodded and I took the 5th clamp and applied it to Carrie’s clit. She inhaled deeply and I turned the switch on, and turned the dial to “5”. I turned the nipple dials to “15”, the pussy lip dials to “12”, and the second I turned the clit dial to “8” Carrie orgasmed once again. She shot pussy juice to the end of the table for the 3rd time!!
I quickly turned the dials back to “0”, took the clamps off her clit and pussy lips and reached down and massaged her swollen pussy lips and clit. After the blood flow returned to each area I noticed Carrie was still very wet and thought one more time!!
Carrie may have thought I was going to take the nipple clamps off; but as I pulled and twisted the clamps for a little bit she quickly realized I wasn’t and about the time she realized what was going to happen, I then turned the current switch back on, turned the dial to “12”, looked at Carrie, then at Neil, then turned the dial to “15”. Neil knew what was coming next and about the time Carrie figured it out I turned the dial to “20”. I didn’t think one woman had that much pussy juice in her, but what Carrie squirted to the end of the table was amazing!!
I turned the current off and removed the clamps from Carrie’s nipples. I gently massaged her nipples as the blood flow returned and I couldn’t believe that after all that her nipples still stuck out an inch and were as firm as ever!!
Neil came over to the table, and placed a belt under Carrie’s waist that had some rings on the belt. He then reached down and un-hooked the cuffs at the head of the table and then attached the cuffs to the belt around Carrie’s waist.
Neil then released Carrie’s legs from the spread position they were in and brought her legs up, crossed her legs and used a small length of chain to secure her legs to the belt around her waist. As blood flow returned to Carrie’s arms and legs, Neil took the clamps, wires, and box and put them away in the cabinet on the wall.
Neil then walked over to the table, took the gag out of Carrie’s mouth and told her, “You will now pleasure both of us!!” What??? Neil just told her what??? Seeing the look on my face, Neil motioned for me to hold her down while he un-did the wrist and ankle restraints. Not that there was any fear of her jumping up and running away, I think it was to get me to focus on duties at hand.
Her legs restraints were unhooked first, and then Neil gently moved her legs back and forth to help restore the feeling and blood flow to her legs. He then released her arms from the belt and helped her off the table.
Neil told me to come over to the first bedroom and take my clothes off. I did what Neil asked and noticed he was taking his clothes off as well. He told me to lie down on the bed. He then looked at Carrie and told her to suck my cock dry!!
Carrie got on her knees on the bed and began to give me a blowjob like I have never had. As she began this, Neil began to fuck her from behind. Not only is Carrie able to withstand a tremendous amount of pain, she is quite gifted with her mouth!!
It didn’t take long for either of us, but as I arched my back and filled Carrie’s mouth; Neil filled her pussy. Carrie took all of our cum like a champ; and then awaited her next order.
Neil told her to get up and stand in the corner. As she did, Neil and I got dressed and he walked Carrie back into the big room and told her to stand at attention. Carrie stood straight, arms behind her back and folded at the waist, legs spread wide.
Neil then motioned to me and we went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers. As we began to enjoy the ice cold beers, what Neil said next caught me completely off guard.
Now, what has gone on tonight has been in direct response to something that has been going on for quite some time. Holy crap—WHAT??? What has been going on for quite some time??? Neil and Carrie playing his homemade dungeon—figured that out thank you!!!
Neil said Carrie and Alyssa. What the hell???? Neil said they have been carrying on for nearly the past 3 years. Neil only suspected things, but the events Friday confirmed it. Holy Crap—he suspected and I didn’t even have a clue!!
Neil grabbed 2 more beers and then began. “Carrie and I have enjoyed this lifestyle since before we’ve been married. When my grandfather died and I inherited this ranch, my dreams came true. I knew there were 2 bomb shelters on the place, and very quickly I converted this one to a pleasure place.”
Wait a minute, he said 2 bomb shelters, where is the second?? Well Neil had seen the question in my face and before I could ask, he told me, “The second is below your place. It is identical to this one in size, lay-out, and rooms.” Neil then went on to explain that in the days for worry about “nuclear war’, his grandfather had built 2 of these on the place.
Neil then said that he and Carrie had tried to figure out a way to include me in one of these sessions for a very long time. Neil said he had found Carrie and Alyssa enjoying each other 3 years ago, but on Friday when he went back in to get the water bottles and he heard the moaning and groaning and went to look in, it was actually Alyssa that looked up and saw him standing there!!
He then explained that Carrie has brought Alyssa to this room many times during the day when we are out doing chores on Friday and Saturday. Neil then said it was only after this weekend when Alyssa begged Carrie to give her some cuffs and clamps so she could see if I would respond and cuff and clamp Alyssa that the entire plan had come to a point where they could involve me.
Neil then told Carrie, “release and enter.” Carrie then came into the kitchen, grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down at the table. Carrie looked right at me and said, “Please do not hate Neil and I and above all, do not hate Alyssa!!!”
Hate wasn’t the emotion I was feeling at this point—confusion YES, hate NO!! Those big blue eyes of Carrie’s were staring straight through me at this point. Carrie went on to explain that what she and Alyssa did all started as an innocent touch when they were naked by the pool 3 years ago. She said one thing led to another and well, now they enjoy their time together when we’re out busting our asses.
Carrie said that Alyssa has learned to experience the same devices I used on her tonight. Carrie said Alyssa isn’t able to take “15” on her nipples or “12” on her pussy lips yet, but she is getting there!! Carrie then told Alyssa has wanted to ask me to cuff her and use the clamps on her for over a year; but she has been so scared I would reject her and make her leave our relationship. Carrie said Alyssa finally got “brave” and asked for the cuffs and clamps and figured “what the hell!!!!”
Carrie said Alyssa really enjoys the same leather strap Neil was using tonight, as well as a couple of floggers and a cat-o-nine that is in the playroom as well. Carrie said the clamps and electro are Alyssa’s favorite and she is also becoming quite into being stretched on some of the hoists that are in the playroom.
Confusion must have appeared on my face at that point as Neil said we had not gotten to those little toys yet tonight. He said we only used the table, restraints, strap, clamps, and electro. Neil said there are a number of devices in the playroom we have yet to use.
Just as he mentioned this, I guess another look of wonder came across my face; and both Neil and Carrie began to laugh!! Neil started, “Next Friday when Alyssa arrives, Carrie and I would like to bring her to the playroom and show you what Alyssa can endure!!” “Holy Crap!!!!” That was all I could say at this point.
Carrie then assured me that things would go slowly and she and Neil would be very careful as they began with Alyssa. Again, the look of confusion must have been all over my face as both Neil and Carrie sensed it and went on to explain that their relationship and the whole playroom was NOT a true Master/Slave type relationship. If it were, what Carrie and Alyssa have been doing what be outside that realm.
What they have been doing is finding the true enjoyment and pleasure they both have doing this and as Carrie has found, being able to experience the pain and pleasure as well as being able to deliver the pain and pleasure; with Alyssa being on the receiving end as well.
This conversation has answered a lot of questions and has left just about as many things left up in the air. I know Alyssa seems to enjoy what Carrie has been able to put her through!! It is no secret Carrie enjoys what she gets put through—I have never seen a women squirt like that!!!
As I take it all in, Neil and Carrie ask if I am ready to go to the next level and include Alyssa in the playroom next weekend!! There is really only one answer to that question: YES!!!
This is going to be one very long week!!! I can’t wait for Friday to arrive and yet I wonder…..
To be continued….
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