The Family Feud
Chapter Four
A month had passed, and things were quiet and running smoothly in the Taylor household. It was just Wendy and Jamie and without the Taylor “men” to make messes, leave things out, drop clothes on the ground, it was much easier.
They just picked up after themselves as they went, and they actually grew a little closer. Less mother and daughter and more older sister and little sister. They stayed up late and watched “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” and “Mama Mia” eating fat-free snacks, and doing “girl stuff”.
Meanwhile things had not gone so well for Bill. They had moved into an old rat infested motel that let you pay by the week. Unfortunately, for them, Wendy had cut his access to the ATM and they were finding they had run out of money pretty quickly. They were eating bologna sandwiches without any bread, or as they are more commonly known “Just bologna”.
Their single motel room was filled with wrappers and debris, old burnt beans still on the coffee machine they used as a makeshift hot plate. They had been wearing the same clothes for days, and Chris had racked up several absences at school because without Mom to push him out the door in the mornings, it never occurred to Bill Taylor to get up and make his son go to school.
Prostitutes walked up and down the “Track” in front of the motel from day to night. These were not the lovely Julia Roberts with the Heart of the Gold Prostitutes. These were the cranky, crabby, cracky whores who chain smoked and looked 50 even though they were probably only 30.
A couple of the women even seemed to take pity on them and exchange pleasantries, but they could sense Bill and Chris had no money and nothing going for them, so there was really nothing more than that.
It wouldn't be long before the two men, were kicked out, the landlord taking what little stuff they did have put them living out in Bill's Truck. Bill was pissed at “Rahjid” the owner of the motel. He hated the fact that every time he went in to negotiate for an extension on the rent, the little man had made him feel about ten inches tall and not accepted his excuses. It made it all the more easier for Bill to justify skating out on his final bill. “That will show him!”
He didn’t really think Rahjid would cry over the final bill, but it didn’t hurt pretending Rahjid would miss them as tenants and wish he had been more willing to give Bill some time to pay.
It was a rainy Thursday around 7pm when they pulled into the Taylor driveway. They were still wearing basically what they had on when they left. The lawn was mowed, the driveway clear. The Taylor House looked like the perfect suburban two story house, bright and cheery. Nothing like the bad side of town they had been living in.
“Okay Chris, when we go in...let me do most of the talking...you agree with them, whatever their conditions, we agree. Okay?”
“What?” Chris was not paying attention.
“Nothing..just be yourself..” Bill was already thinking maybe he would try to get back in to the House and it was time for Chris to move out, maybe he'd distance himself from his son so they didn't think he was such a bad guy. “That shouldn't make me feel guilty...I mean, he is almost a grown man” he thought to himself as he walked to the door, preparing himself.
He rang his own doorbell while the rain fell around them, gloomy day. They were soaking wet and looked pretty pathetic. He smiled to himself “may actually make them feel sorry for me.”
He waited for a few minutes, “Damn they sure are taking their time, they wanna rub this in”. Chris didn't respond, he was daydreaming.
When his wife opened the door, she was in a modest white robe, very fluffy the kind you get from that store in the mall that sells all the cool massagers and electronics. Bill couldn't remember what it was called, he wanted to say Sharper Image, but that is not it...oh fuck, he was apparently day dreaming too and his wife had been talking for a few minutes. He hadn't heard a word she said. “Brookstone”, fuck the store he was thinking of was called “Brookstone”. Oh shit, she was pissed he had been preoccupied trying to work that out in his head. Whatever she was saying she really meant, that is for sure!
When she realized he had not been listening, Wendy reached out and pulled the two men out of the rain. “Get in here dumbasses and get the clothes off, your soaking wet.....are you in agreement with the rules I told you out on the porch?”
“Sure, sure..anything” Bill Said.
“All of it, and you are sure?”
“Yes, whatever..its fine. I fucked up, are you happy? I am sorry..anything.”
“Okay, well take off your wet clothes” Wendy told him sternly, she was drinking what smelled like a delicious warm cup of hot cocoa and staring at them as they stood in the foyer.
“Okay..I'll just go upstairs, I may have something....”
“What?” Wendy chided him.
He had a look of confusion on his face.
“You'll take them off here, and hand them to me.” Wendy said firmly. “You already agreed, and that is the only way we are doing this. This is for your own good Bill, and that son of mine too. You are lucky we are willing to do this. We knew you'd come back, and I am actually proud you made it this long, looks like you lost a little weight wherever you've been.”
Bill was still confused. Standing in his doorway sopping wet.
“STRIP BILL....TAKE OFF THE WET CLOTHES!!” Wendy said raising her voice.
“Oh okay..I didn't know you meant right here.” he started fiddling with his buttons, almost instinctively without thinking about it.
“That is what I've been saying for the last 15 minutes!!” She blocked the doorway, arms crossed in front of her. Chris reluctantly started to strip as well. He obviously hadn't paid attention to what had been said either, as it was just registering with him.
“You boys are going to learn to do some listening, and to do that, this is going to be a shock to your system. We tried going easy on you, so now that you've agreed to our conditions, we are not going to go light on you!” his wife promised.
Wendy was trying to sound strong and brave, and assertive. She had thought about this scenario several times since they had been gone. Her husband is fairly predictable, she knew that he'd either go to his mother's or back home once he decided he couldn’t hack it on his own. Since his mother's house was further away, it was most likely he'd come here. He's just a lazy ass, she thought to herself. Things were going just how she pictured them, she only wondered if she would have the courage to really go through with the plan the way she envisioned it.
It was too late to turn back now. They were already naked, and handing her their soaking wet clothes.
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