The Family Feud
Chapter Eleven
“It's Friday, Friday...Gotta Get Down on Friday....Weekend, Weekend”
Jamie was driving her mom's car, top down listening to one of the most shallow pop songs ever recorded coming out of the CD player. Her and her friends were singing along ironically, half making fun of the song, half enjoying its upbeat melody and completely pointless lyrics.
Absent was Cathy Griffin, who had not surprisingly been ducking her all week at school. She had not even gone to cheerleader practice; it seems maybe she quit the team.
The car was filled with a bunch of other girls that were like her, fit, athletic, tall, long hair, cute face and figure and a bright, positive attitude. It was fun and carefree.
She was driving them to her house, where her Mom had promised that there would be a party. Her dad and brother were going to be there, after all her dad was supplying the alcohol. She was sure her mom had some sort of humiliation for them, although they would definitely have to be dressed.
This was going to be a night of hunky high school football stars, and popular girls. So even the weird twist her life had taken for the past two weeks was not going to get in the way.
She reflected though on how this had all been kind of necessary, and how easy it was to think of her dad and brother as totally powerless, and to mock them and make them clean up after her, without a second thought.
She was thinking how it was good for them, to be focused, to have strong powerful females in their lives. How it was her and her mom's duty to help them, if they really loved them, tough love. She was thinking how yes, its awkward, but at least she hadn't had to handle their cocks, even though she had to see them. She was pretty sure what they were doing qualified as some sort of incest on some level, but she had desexualized the entire affair in her mind as much as possible, when oh shit, what was that, what the fuck...kachung?
It seems that while Jamie was having one of those introspective moments, that airheads like her brother and dad have way too often, hers was behind the wheel of an automobile. Not unsurprising for a teenager, really “Is anyone hurt?” she asked in a panic.
Her friends were already being pulled out of the car, by some good Samaritans who happened to be close by. “No one seems to be hurt this time...wow...you'll probably lose your license,” said one of the men helping her up.
For such a nice guy, that was kind of a creepy thing to say “I guess so, I probably deserve it...I just wasn't thinking. My mom is going to kill me.”
Once they were all safely out of the car, and able to survey the damage, the man pulled her to the side and said “Listen, I can take care of this for you, no charge. I can make it look like your car was stolen, if you get the other girls to agree that this never happened, you came out from wherever you started from to look for your car, hey it’s not there, must be some kids stole it to go joyriding. I do this all the time, insurance will cover it, you won't get in trouble at all.”
Jamie had no idea why a total stranger, would be so willing to go through that much trouble for her, she was skeptical. “I don’t know, I think I'll probably just get caught if I try that. I mean, I had the key, and I am a little scuffed up, besides...the other girls, I can't ask them to lie for me...thanks anyway, I mean that is really quite an offer” she told him quietly.
The man turning to the other cheerleaders gregariously asked “hey girls, this accident never happened right? You came out of the mall or the school or wherever, and car's gone...someone stole it...you have no idea...badda-boom, badda-bing, no problems....insurance pays to replace it, mom and dad aren't mad, everybody is happy, you girls would agree to that, right?”
Jamie's friends all gave an enthusiastic “Yah!!!” which surprised Jamie. Maybe, she was just being a fuddy-duddy, it just sounded a little too good to be true. “You don't think I should stay here and wait and do a police report?” she asked her friends.
Her friends were already saying in what sounds a bit like valley girl accents (except kids today don't know they are valley girl accents) “No, totally! it is cool, maybe this guy can give us a ride, say he was helping us look for the car?” offered up Janet, Captain of cheer squad.
Jamie had to admit, it would be nice to get out of trouble, and they did have a party to get too. “I really don’t' know how to thank you enough, I still don't see why you are willing to do all of this.” The gentlemen gave a dismissive “no problem” hand gesture and started to work on making it look like the car had been hotwired. “Hey the only witnesses are me, my friends and your friends and I am not going to say anything, or else why would I implicate myself, by making it look like it was stolen? Give me a few minutes and I'll take you wherever you want to go.”
Problem solved. Jamie looked a little banged up, but probably not as bad as Chris and Dad had it, she thought to herself. They pulled into the party a little late, there was already music and drinking. People seemed to be having good natured high school party kind of fun. Popular boys, Popular girls....all in her house.
Then she saw Chris, he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was trying to “Bartend” by handing out beers, but putting way too much foam in the cups. He was dressed in a little pink Rainbow-brite shirt and bright red shorts, but it seemed some of the girls were actually flirting with him. “I bet they think he is just gay, and that makes him seem popular,” said her friend Janet in in a judging sort of tone, usually reserved for Kardashian sisters and rich snobs.
Jamie actually felt sorry for him for the first time in two weeks, she was going to tell him he could stop and go see if she could find where Mom and Dad were hiding out. She was sure they were here some place. They might let her throw a party as a way to reward her for having put up with this whole little experiment, but she was sure mom wouldn't want to be too far from the house.
15 minutes into Jamie's mingling around her party, that is when SHE got the tap on the shoulder. It was Cathy Griffin. “Oh HI Cathy, I did not expect you here, but I am glad you came!!!” Jamie said pleased she got another chance with her friend, after she had ran out of the house a week ago thinking she was being set up.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Of course, why wouldn't I be?”
“I've got some people to introduce you too, they are up in your parent’s bedroom. Come on, let's get out of here, it's too loud” Cathy said over the music and noise of the party taking place in the living room. Janet just waved “Bye-bye” as they walked upstairs, taking Chris with them much to his relief.
When Jamie walked into her Mom's bedroom, she saw something she did not expect to see.
It was her Mom and her Dad, her dad was fully dressed, they were sitting on the bed, and standing around them were three men, the guys from the car wreck earlier. She wondered if they invited themselves into the party after they dropped her off. They were in their early 20s, so they seemed a little out of place for a high school party.
“I want you to meet my Brothers, that's Jarrod, Nick and Heath, but then you already got a ride from them, didn't you?”
Jamie was totally busted, and she could see in her parents eyes that she was in a lot of trouble. “Mom...you've got to understand, I didn't” she tried to explain but Cathy hushed her.
“Listen, here is what you didn't know.” Cathy decided it was time to fill in some blanks “Last week when I came over here, and saw the pictures on your computer, and you said you were going to get your mom, I had a panic attack. I thought you were going to come back out with my Brothers, and the joke would all be on me. So I bolted.”
“My theory at the time was that my brothers had put you up to some elaborate practical joke, they've been doing these to me since before I had pubes. They have just gotten more and more elaborate now, that they are adults and have the resources. You see Jarrod is a Lawyer, Heath is a Private Investigator, and Nick the guy who “Handled” the car accident you walked away from, is a repo-man among other things”
Jarrod smiled “You'd be surprised how child hood hobbies led to our choice of professions...We throw each business all the time, Heath digs up the dirt, if there is no dirt to dig Nick creates a little and then I go to work and make it all pretty official and legal.”
“What are you talking about?” Jamie was confused.
“Oh right...” Cathy said “Well, thanks to you I went right home and apologized to my brothers for making Chris do my work, thinking that I had fallen into the trap and I had to negotiate my way out of it, it cost me basically an entire week of being their slave, and they aren't as playful as you and your mom were with your Dad and brother.”
Jamie remembered the two times she saw Cathy fail her negotiation by offering something when nothing was even being asked for. She could only imagine how she must have played right into her brother's hands.
“Yes, what you don't know, is the only reason that me and some of the other girls from cheer took those Craigslist “modeling” gigs was that my Brothers had dirt on us all. You were never invited to it because you are a goody-two shoes who was too much trouble to corrupt or blackmail. However, Janet and some of the others, were caught up in the web. There is NO way we'd have CHOSEN to strip and humiliate ourselves for your dad and his buddies for what little they pay? I think he tried to give me 10 dollars and a six pack of Fanta. The only reason I was doing the photo shoots was as part of my brothers little game to make me do photo-shoots, seeing the pictures, I just assumed they were involved. You can see why that is?”
“Oh yes” Jamie said begging her friend to continue, it was starting to make perfect sense.
“So while I spent a week going to school, keeping a low profile, I had to drop out of cheer, because it meant going to pep rallies with no spanks under my mini-skirt and just kind of grin and bear my brother's gloating that I was once again answering to them. Trying my darndest to not let my parents find out what I was doing at the same time. We are talking long runs through the neighborhood after dark where nothing at all, tearing up my feet with grass itch, running and hiding behind bushes, and that is just to GET to a certain trial they have in mind. Once there, it gets worse...”
“Oh I am so sorry, Cathy, you see I was going to explain that since you were having fun with my...” Jamie tried to explain but was interrupted.
“Yes, yes...I know all about it. You see while I was keeping a low profile at school, I decided to pump your brother for a little information on what was happening at your house. It became clear to me that my brothers had not been the masterminds of my present downfall. That in my haste to beg forgiveness from them, I had somehow managed to get myself sentenced to a week of dirty chores basically as their slave girl.
“But you know we love you” offered her brother Heath in a slightly sarcastic way. They reminded her of grown up version of the “Connect Four” commercial, where the boy says “Pretty sneaky sis!!” the way they seemed to accept the winners and losers in their blackmail games like a friendly rivalry.
Jarrod interrupted his sister, who immediately quieted down “What my lovely sister is trying to say, is she came and told us what you were doing, and we realized you were rank amateurs. I mean, I wasn't sure if the Mother was secretly getting off on this, or what your goals were. You kept telling yourself it was to improve their lives, make them stronger, but you kept knocking them down and getting your jollies out of it....and with what leverage? That you'll kick them out again? Hell. it had to be better to live on the street, then be your puppy, but your Husband went along with it, like a gullible sap. I just couldn't let this stand.”
Nick added “Bossing little sis around is fun, but we've been doing it most every summer and winter break for years, so there is little challenge left to it to us. There isn't a lot we haven't seen her do, that we want to see her do left, but you two, well you two, you are fun.” He was addressing Jamie and Wendy.
Heath continued the story “My brothers and I agreed to do a little digging. Your mom, she was hard. She has a fantastic job, that she earned through years of hard work. Too bad, when the scandal of an underage party that her sex slave husband she made buy booze gets on youtube, it's going to make her unemployable, and then you won't be able to make your house payment and car payments.”
“You wouldn't?” Jamie heard herself say.
The brothers laughed “You've no idea what we would or would not do. That was the tip of the ice berg. I said she was hard to get dirt on, not impossible. People can lose their job, change their name, move to another state, not enough. We found out that your mom didn't just read about BDSM the first day she decided to start this, did you Wendy? Why don't you show her the magazine”
Reluctantly Wendy handed a copy of “Nugget Magazine” she was holding in her hand to her daughter. It was an obscure fetish magazine with some bondage pics of dear old mom in college days “I really DID do it for the money, and I had forgotten about this” Wendy admitted about the magazine spread.
“Oh really?” Jarrod flipped to page 88, snatching the magazine they provided Wendy from Jamie’s hands. “Hands behind back in handcuffs, gagged, and the caption reads “Co-ed at Attention” sound like a familiar position?”
Wendy and Jamie could be heard both swallowing at the same time. This was all hard to take in.
“Still not enough dirt for our tastes, a magazine photo shoot in college? Forgivable. We also managed to take over the mortgage on your house, your car and you made it very easy to hack into the computer and downloaded all this videos. You should see the movie your mom made of her letting her husband and son milk themselves into mason jars.”
Wendy could not even look up, her eyes cast down at the carpet. She was so ashamed that everyone knew she had made them jerk off. It didn’t even register to her how it made Chris and Bill feel to have been videotaped doing it. She was internalizing all of the disgusting feelings.
“And YOU miss goody-two shoes, jeez, we thought we'd never come up with something. You are just too perfect. If you fart it smells like Strawberry, I mean there is just nothing on you. You are one of those impossible ones.” Jamie started to feel relief. This was like a bad dream.
“That is of course, until we arranged for you to accidentally wreck your Mom’s car, did you think you just dun’ goofed? Oh no, that whole thing is my brother's specialties at arranging perfect car accidents. We can make it look like someone else fled the scene and then offer to “track” down this fictional law breaker, or we can soak them for legal fees if they want to prosecute someone we finger in the accident. It's a good living, we sleep well at night” they grinned.
“So naturally, you were riding with our former models, it wasn't too hard to find out where you'd be going and when, and be there right on queue. Of course, they don't want to make us angry, so they'll play along and advise you to agree that you want the strange man to fix everything for you...and I did. I fixed it so that if I want, I can make it look like you stole your own car, and wrecked it for the insurance money. A very criminal kind of offense, I've got the digital pictures of you leaving the scene of the accident a very happy girl, if you remember.”
“OMG! You went to all this trouble over some pictures, that we didn't even take?”
“No act of kindness goes unpunished” Nick smiled as he quoted an old saying “I am sure it's more than dear old sis, had to pay for blackmail we didn't even do, and once we found out what you were doing to Big man Bill and Chris here, we just had to be good Samaritans and help out a bro.” he laughed.
“So this is what you'll do....you'll immediately stop your rules, Bill and Chris are no longer your personal little amusement weasels.”
“Done!” Wendy and Jamie agreed without hesitation.
“Not so fast, not so fast, take out your house keys, and hand them to Bill and Chris and apologize to them, tell them they are the men of the house now.”
Wendy and Jamie both stood up to do just that. Cathy’s brothers cautioned “Slow your roll, slow your roll, do you think it's fair that you should apologize fully dressed, when you thought it was so important the men do it from a position of being disarmed and humbled?”
Wendy whirled to face Jarrod like a mama grizzly bear protecting her cub, a snarl on her face “Now wait a second! That is my teenage daughter...”
“You had no problem when it was your teenage son?” he cut her off. She had no response to that point. The logic was valid, when it was her teenage son, his nudity had meant nothing at all to her. It was simply a way to motivate him. This seemed different, it seemed naughty, nasty, to violate everything she had been taught.
Wendy had not thought it was bad at all when it was the guys turn, but now that it was the Taylor women’s turn, she didn’t know what to say or do. “Don't like turnabout? It's fair play” Jarrod said flippantly.
Wendy slowly unzipped her skirt in the back and began to step out of it, and Jamie followed suit. They were beaten. Nick started to prod them to hurry up and then came the blouse, the panties, the bra, and both Mother and Daughter were naked, knees on the tile floor, offering their Men, their Castle back. “It's your home, it's your castle” they were prompted to say.
Wendy couldn’t believe they were both naked in front of strangers, much less her son. This was not turning out the way she had planned, not at all.
Bill and Chris couldn’t help but smile. They hadn’t lifted a finger, and for some reason that they presently didn’t understand, this girl and her brothers had come to their rescue.
“Now if memory serves, you have a live party going on down stairs, and no bartenders, we can't let you be poor hostesses, can we?” the Griffin brother’s grinned evilly.
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