Infiltrating Ashagen, the land of ultimate torture
Authors: Noemi Salvadge & Aurelie Catena
Authors' emails: Noya2929 [at] gmail [dot] com), Aurelie [dot] Catena[at] gmail [dot] com
Tags:M/f, M/f+, F/f, F/f+, interracial, modification, snuff, Tit Torture, feet, slavery, bondage, real, torture, nc, Extreme
Chapter VIII - Piercings
Tyros knocked at the house's door and a very small, wrinkled, Asian man opened it.
"My friend, come in, I was waiting for you!" the small man invited them into the dark room. The equipment was more than strange but finally she figured out why the place was so familiar: it was the copy of a very strange tattoo saloon. Right in the middle of the room a huge metal chair was standing, that was a hybrid between a dentist and a gynaecological chair.
Tyros freed Aurelia’s tongue, grabbed her shoulders and forced her to sit onto the cold iron seat, whose seat had a large hole in the middle. With the small Asian’s help first her left leg was forced in place, at about chest height, and her ankle was strapped tight. The other leg was immobilized in the same way and soon she found her waist and her chest under her gorgeous breasts also strapped. The wooden stock was removed but before she could do anything with her arms, the two men's joined to strap her wrists on her sides. They needed all their strength to force down her right arm, as Aurelia tried her best to break free. Her muscles bulged fiercely, she groaned like a panther and sweat poured from her dirty skin as she fought for her freedom. But with her left arm and her neck still locked in the heavy yoke, she had little purchase. Finally the four men’s arms won the struggle and her right wrist was strapped down. Exhausted and desperate, she could not oppose such a ferocious fight with her left arm. Finally her neck was also tightly pinned down. She was now unable to move any part of her body but her fingers and toes, and slightly her neck although that caused serious pain in her throat. Still, she groaned and clenched her muscles, which formed bulges and knots under her shiny skin.
"Nice and strong specimen" said the Asian, “although she stinks like a sewer”.
"Nice indeed, Master Torana. Actually she is one of the best you could ever meet." Tyros replied.
"So, what will be her fate? How do you want her prepared?"
"Well, you must apply every piercing for a full time arena slave. No need to ring everywhere but the holes must be really secured. I also need some security implant for her. Examine her nails, Master. She escaped from Adamar's training gym and she did that with those nails. I've examined what she did and the leather straps were cut through as if she had been wearing scalpels instead of sheer horn. She is something special and I want to ensure she will remain with me for as long as I want. Do you have any suggestion?" the ninja asked. The small man bent over Aurelia's hands and flexed her fingers, examining her fingernails from close distance. He did the same with her toes and rubbed his chin.
"This girl is a living weapon, my friend. I've heard about such body modifications but never seen with my own, old eyes. Maybe the charlatans at the Mengele Institute could have done this to her but as you mentioned she is new in the city... very interesting. This girl was prepared for something extreme I can tell you. If you can make her compete in the arena, she will earn you fucking lot money. I would implant my very own CuntRol device. It is a bit larger than the high tech waste at the Mengele, but more secure and more reliable. You can shock her anytime if needed with a small signaller and it can work at one-kilometre distance. No need to recharge, the device collects its charge from her body heat and once activated she will be shocked by the inner discharge. They usually puke and release bladders and intestines and also remain knocked out for long minutes. The signal is individual so nobody else can influence your slave. It must be implanted into her pelvis right next to the spine but I can do that very easily."
"Sounds good... you know how much I prefer your skills to the Mengele's high tech stuff. Could you also replace her canine teeth with artificial vampire teeth? Not only for the visual desire but that could also prove useful in the arena." Tyros asked.
"Well... if you don't want to rape her mouth too much I can change her whole denture into a shark jaw."
"Ohh noo... just her canine teeth... I have some weakness for predatory women."
"Not a problem... vampire teeth. So we're going to ring her whole body... nostrils, upper and lower lips on three spots each, her tongue... this one seems done already but I suggest another ring closer to the root. Nipples and belly button, clitoris, inner and outer labia, five spots each, and if I remember well, two rings would be useful too on both sides of her asshole. At this stage fingers and toes shouldn't be ringed but only when needed for the competition. Should I use anaesthetics?"
"Why? Do you have any?"
"Hehehe... sure I don't.. this is Ashagen! Also, I notice that you have placed nail-shoes on her feet. Would you like me to put more permanent heels? I can screw a long nail into each of her heel bones, which will leave her no choice but walking on tip toes. This is delightful, I assure you. And it is even better when combined with studs screwed into the balls of the feet. It really makes them dancing! Ha ha ha! And maybe Achilles’ tendons ring as well? The kind that drag on the ground when unattended. That’s the must for runaway slaves: these rings keep bouncing up and down when they run, bouncing against the bones and yanking on the flesh.”
"Not yet... you offer me very seductive opportunities, but now I need her to be able to compete at maximal effectiveness. No need to worry, after her first competitions in the arena more extreme preparations will be needed and I will suggest the other kennel owners some of those additions. But not now. I want to make out lots of money before she gets crippled too much.
“As you wish, Sir. And now, about her breasts, the fashion is now to set very large rings through the very flesh of the tits, in addition to the regular nipples rings. Or even a steel rod piercing them both through and through. And maybe a ring or rod through the septum of her nose? What do you thing of that?” added the Asian man, his eyes sparkling with cruelty. If he had been left the choice, Aurelia’s body would soon be hidden under a thick layer of steel rings and rods.
"Yes, the septum ring sounds like a good idea and as I inspected, there is already a hole, make her by be bull, Master. The tits shouldn't be pierced such roughly yet, but in time everything will come... But I've almost forgotten something important... you should tattoo her temple with my kennel sign too, I want everyone to know that she belongs to me!"
"Sorry sir, what is your sign?"
"A human female body with panther head roasting in the middle of sparkling flames."
“Let's start, this will take the rest of the day!" the Asian man laughed and put on plastic gloves.
"No need to hurry, Master Torana. I want quality job." the ninja said and took a seat in front of the strapped and wide open legged Aurelia.
Aurelia had listened to this sickening conversation with growing anguish. Her body was going to be permanently marked, once more. And if what she had just heard was indeed true, the tattooing of her forehead would soon seem a little girl make-up exercise.
"Hmmm... let's see... very pretty nose..." the Asian man said holding a long metallic needle in his hands which had a rubber cover at the blunt end. He switched on a gas burner and held the needle into the flame until its surface was completely antiseptic. He stepped to Aurelia and grinned at her, gripped her jaws and slowly approached the needle from her septum. The hot metal touched Aurelia's nose, the remaining dried sperm around that spot evaporated within a moment and Torana pushed the pointed end through the thin, half- healed tissue. The pain shot through Aurelia’s nose and seemed to explode in her brain. It radiated from the sensitive nerves in her septum and caused incredible agony. Tears poured from the clenched eyes of the proud agent.
His strong grip held the face steadily and without a pause he also punctured the girl's flaring nostrils, small puffs of smoke fought towards the ceiling. Finally he removed the needle and admired his handiwork.
"Perfect little holes at perfect locations, her rings will show perfect symmetry. Let her flesh cool down a bit..." he laughed. Aurelia’s tear-filled eyes were crossing on her throbbing nose, as she tried to evaluate the damages done. But her blurred vision did not allow her a clear view. She hoped the Agency’s surgical surgeons would be able to repair her nose. Torana reheated the needle and also burnt down the drops of blood before he returned to Aurelia's face.
"What a kiss-begging lips you have, darling... I’ll make them even more attractive." he took a pincer and pinched Aurelia's upper lip with it and began to stretch the soft tissue far from her mouth.
“Aouch!” cried Aurelia, trying her best to escape the strong grip and scared to death by what was going to happen.
"Don't struggle! Let it happen, it will be easier for both of us." he said and pierced the lip right where the red, tender and fatty part ended. He punctured the soft tissue mercilessly right in the middle under Aurelia's nose and he also made two other holes on both sides, near the corners of her mouth. He released the pliers’ cruel grip and heated the needles again.
"You will look beautiful, darling; you will see a totally new face next time you look into a mirror."
Torana enjoyed his work. His eyes were flashing and he drooled like a lunatic as the holes were burnt into Aurelia's lips. After the three holes in her upper lip Torana went to work on her lower lip too creating the holes in the opposite spots. He yanked on the girl's lips hard every time the whining agent struggled against her bonds and made the straps cut into the flesh of her very own throat as she managed to turn her head a centimetre away, but Torana's rough yanks returned her head to the original position immediately. Smoke rose and some drops of half-roasted blood landed on Torana's grinding face after every hole made, and finally he was over with the girl's lips. Snot was flowing from the girl's nose, her eyes were red and showed the pain and humiliation she was forced to endure.
"Let's ring 'em while the iron is hot... I'm curious how does my metal circles look on her face!" Torana whispered in overwhelming sadistic lust. He brought a bunch of different iron rings to the girl and threw them onto Aurelia's flat abdomen. Every ring was shiny clean but the sizes both in diameter and thickness varied on a wide range. Torana picked up two smaller rings and with a pair of strange pliers he opened one of them. The device was designed explicitely for opening and closing this kind of metal rings and Torana inserted one ring’s open end into Aurelia's nostril, made it turn and with a single movement closed it shut. He repeated the process on the other nostril and stepped back for a moment. He held a small mirror before Aurelia's face and laughed.
"Look at that... what a lovely piercing you have darling, and this is only the beginning..."
Aurelia’s eyes opened wide at the sight. Her nose was framed with two ugly rings pierced in her nostrils. It reminded her of the race she had seen on Ashagen TV and she shivered at the thought. She was being prepared for the same purpose. Her mouth too was lined with red holes. Futilely, she pulled on her restraints, squirming helplessly on the rack. “Please,” she begged, “do not disfigure me any more!”.
A much larger and thicker ring was opened and Torana inserted it into Aurelia's septum with great pleasure. At least that was a familiar experience for the girl and Torana's ring proved much easier in comparison to the one she had been forced to wear in Dhonko's truck.
The ring was heavy. She could feel it dangling from her raw septum, and resting on her lips. It was so large that it touched her lower lips. Aurelia sobbed. The first two rings might still have passed for some deviant jewellery, but this ring was obviously for one purpose alone: bondage and humiliation. It would announce her slave status in even clearer words than the tattoo on her forehead. Again, she crossed her eyes and was horrified by the size of the ring.
Finally the six holes in her lips were ringed too, and the period of time while the rings were inserted gave Aurelia some time to rest. Having the ring embedded was significantly less painful than having the holes punctured. The six lip-rings were small but sturdy, although they did not disturbed the girl as much as the three rings in her nose. She could feel them, slightly parting her lips where they entered her mouth. She could feel them with her tongue inside. She imagined how she should now look like a freak. She remembered the shocked impression she had felt when first she had seen Jane, the tattooist girl. This was the kind of reaction she would be producing on peoples from now on.
"Now let's use these rings to provide access to the oral cavity, if I remember well, we have to work on her tongue and teeth too." Torana said and bent a strange attachment of the chair in front of Aurelia's face. It was similar to a dentist's chair's reflector although it was fancied with six, hanging, thin chains. Torana clamped the small hooks at the end of the chains to Aurelia's lip-rings, and pushed a button on the side of the chair. The chains started to shorten with metallic clings and soon Aurelia's lips were forced into a widening circle as the chains pulled the rings. She gasped, feeling her lips stretched. She opened her mouth and stretched it wider and wider, following the diverging tug of the chains. The widening went on for long seconds until the girl felt that her mouth reached the maximum stretching, her jaws were wide open. For her utter chill the chains pulled further and further and her lips were slowly forced into an unnaturally wide and extremely painful position, the tissues were stretched beyond the point where the jaws could follow them and the lips departed far from her teeth. Finally the pulling stopped and Aurelia felt like her whole face was in fire. Torana showed the mirror to her again, and she had to face the grotesquely grinding mask of herself, like she was sketched by an insane cartoon maker. Her perfect, flashing-white teeth were fully discovered, down to the last molar at the back of her mouth. Her gums were glistening in the violent light. Her lip flesh was stretched so thin and far that she looked white and almost translucent. Her eyes offered a mix of pain and terror. She could not move her face or her jaws a millimetre. She was drooling profusely. Beads of cold sweat were rolling down her face. Her tongue was trembling in the wide open cavern of her mouth. She wondered whether her lips would ever recover their original shape or whether they would stay drooping for the rest of her life.
In the midst of agony and pain, a faint sparkle of lucidity was wondering whether the mad dentist would notice the treatment her teeth had been given. A special dentist of the Agency had first polished the surface of her teeth to make them thinner. Then he had applied several layers of strengthened cement. It was a material that was very similar to natural ivory but whose strength was close to that of steel. Her front teeth and her canines had been filed so as to be able to cut through rope and even thin cables. Her special teeth had saved her at several occasion in past missions, allowing her cut her restraints with her teeth. In this mission, she had always been gagged in some way or another and had not yet been able to make use of them. But still it remained one of her best hope of escape.
"As you can feel darling I have quite an easy access to your mouth now. I strongly suggest you obey my commands without hesitation. Now, let me see your tongue, stick it out!"
Aurelia was too conscious of her helplessness to fight. She had no hope of escaping now and it seemed a better strategy to comply so as to get out of the claws of this sadist as early as possible. Thus, she stuck out her already-pierced tongue, wondering what was in store for her.
Torana grabbed the very tip of Aurelia's tongue with forceps and pulled her tongue until the girl's tongue was stretched as hardly as earlier on the slave market.
"Help me, boy!" he told to Tyros. "Prepare a needle, take it from the tray and heat it up, we don't want the beauty suffer any infection." The ninja did as he was told and soon handed Torana the hot needle. With his free hand Torana inserted the iron into the bloody hole on Aurelia's tongue. Hissing sounds came from her flesh and she squeaked in a very high-pitched voice, Torana had to tighten his muscles to hold the struggling tongue in place. He moved the needle in and out several times in the hole, gore evaporated and small flesh-chunks were burnt down as he treated the hole with that cruel but effective method. When the hole was finally rounded perfectly and every broken tissues were burnt enough to stop bleeding Torana smiled. "I suggest a ring instead of any other piercing, if it is wide enough in diameter to pass the tip of her tongue you can immobilize her tongue anytime you want." he said and Tyros nodded. So soon a huge, metal ring was embedded into Aurelia's tongue. It was at least 4 centimetres in diameter. Torana’s special ring-closer pliers did their task and the sturdy ring was permanently closed around the agent's tongue.
Aurelia had been moaning all the time her tongue had been stretched out of her gaping mouth, tears pouring from her wide-open eyes. As soon as Torana let her tongue go, she pulled it back in the fallaciously protective cavern of her mouth. She felt the heavy ring weighing the tip of her tongue and it rattled against her teeth as she pulled it in. The ring was so big it was unpractical as it rested inside her mouth. She wondered if she would ever be able to speak or to eat normally with it.
"Now it's time to deal with her canine teeth as you ordered!" Torana said and Aurelia's new tongue-ring had its use immediately. Through a hook another chain was attached to the ring and Torana stretched it until the poor girl's tongue was pulled out from her mouth, pressed hardly against her lower jaw.
Aurelia groaned again as the bottom of her tongue was grinding against her sharp lower teeth. The awful stretch made her retch and gag helplessly, until she managed to accustom herself to the difficult situation.
"Wow... her mouth and throat stinks like the dingiest toilet, and there are still dried layers of sperm on her gums..." Torana murmured as he bent closer and inspected her teeth. "Man! Look at this!" he shouted and invited Tyros closer to have a look into the girl's mouth. "Look at the teeth, especially at their surface!" he said. "The bitch is really transformed into some heavy weapon! Not only her nails but her teeth are also extraordinary" he explained and tapped a tooth with his pliers. "Hear that? This is some kind of cement, but hard like steel... I think she might be able to bite through rock not to mention your cock..." he grinned. "Be careful with this little wench, she is something special and you might find it too hard to keep her under control! Let me remove all of her teeth... that would be safer." Aurelia had a hiccup and her face seemed even more scared. She was afraid that her secret identity was going to be discovered. She would have to kill these two guys as soon as possible to prevent her secret to spread wider.
"No... I know how to handle that. Follow my order and replace only the two upper canine teeth." Tyros replied and he walked behind Aurelia. He squatted and began to whisper into the girl's ear.
"You owe me a lot, baby... for now you should have some idea about what would already have happened to you if someone like Adamar or Torana were your owner..." he said and playfully bit her ear. Aurelia just grunted in replay. She could not even turn her head to look at him. What was going to happen was feeling her heart with anguish. She was vainly trying to close her mouth, stretching her lips some more and yanking forcefully on her restraints.
Torana took evil-looking pliers into his hand, opened and closed them before Aurelia's eyes. He reached into her mouth with the pliers and took a firm grip on Aurelia's canine tooth. "This gonna hurt like hell. Feel free to transform your pain into any voice you can produce" Torana said and suddenly he started to pull on the tooth. Aurelia's vision busted into harsh, violent light, the pain that hit her was beyond every human limit. Torana wanted her to feel that pain as long as possible. He worked on her tooth for a long time, pulled on hard before he started to twist it left and right. For short seconds he also let the tooth rest before he yanked on it again, every time pulling it a bit farther from the root. The nerves in her tooth radiated a big amount of pain and it grew even larger when Torana started to screw the tooth around. Blood spurted from under the tooth but nobody paid attention to it, Aurelia was suffering and the two men were enjoying the cruel role-play of wicked dentistry. Long minutes of unspeakable agony passed with the slow pulling, twisting, screwing and yanking until Troana finally decided to finish the game. With a final and hard yank he tore the root and nerves from Aurelia's jaw and showed up victoriously the bloody but totally perfect tooth.
Aurelia was reduced to a crying, screaming, trembling piece of broken meat. Her upper jaw was throbbing and she could still hear the atrocious creaking sounds in her skull. She could not believe agony could reach so high a summit. As her torturer brandished her tooth, she could not resist the need to explore the hole it had left in her denture. This sent a renewed shoot of pain as instead of delicate tongue flesh, it was the hard steel of the ring that touched her raw gum.
"That was great... " Torana said and placed the tooth onto a tray. "Maybe we should drill the removed teeth and stitch them onto a ring pierced on her body..." he said as he searched for a firm grip on Aurelia's other canine teeth. "Here we go!" he said and the torment was repeated. The second time was even worse for the poor girl, and Torana proved to be even crueller as he played with the strong, healthy tooth. That time he focused on fore and aft twisting instead of pulling on the tooth, he tried to loose the root while it was still embedded deep in Aurelia's gums. That method was even slower and although after a few minutes of diabolic twisting he had to pull and screw again as he did with the first tooth the pain what Aurelia had to endure exceeded the first tooth removal. Finally the second tooth was removed too, the final yank spurted blood-drops all across the girl's tied body and another healthy but removed tooth was held in front of her wide-open eyes.
The last bout of inhuman surgery had been too much. Aurelia had passed out as she could feel her tooth slowly torn from her jaw bone. Torana had to revive her with icy water poured over her face.
"Teeth are removed, but we still have teeth to implant." Torana laughed and left for a minute. When he returned he showed a small box to Tyros. "Choose the vampire teeth you want in her mouth." The ninja made his decision soon and Torana showed two, perfectly white ceramic like teeth to the girl. At the root both teeth had nails sticking out, the other ends of the teeth were unnaturally long and pointed, looked like real vampire teeth.
Through her tear-blurred eyes, Aurelia looked at the teeth. They seemed so long. They would either prevent her from closing her mouth completely or protrude beyond her upper lip. But what was scaring her was the size of the nail. It was going to be very deeply implanted in her jaw…
"After the removal the implanting won't be as painful as you might expect... I'm afraid your nerves are still dumb from the pain you got. Fortunately I have to drill your jawbone to make place for nails so at least it won't be pleasurable." Torana said as he placed a tube into Aurelia's mouth. "This sucks the drool and blood." he explained.
Aurelia tried to protest and plead with her torturer. But was could she do? Her mouth was spread so wide that her ringed lips were stretched very thing and immobile. Moreover, her tongue was stretched down and wrapped upon her lower teeth, totally interdicting its use. All she could utter were “aa… aa… aa….”. As for her face, she was so deformed by agony and fear that she could not emote anything more.
Torana stuffed gauze into the place of Aurelia's teeth in order to wipe the blood. He took a very sinister looking, shiny dentist drill and switched it on, held it in front of the girl's face. The thin, ribbed drill-bit emitted a high-pitched sound. He went to work and after removing the bloody pad of gauze from a hole he started to drill immediately, directly into the hole where Aurelia's tooth used to be. The drill ate the remaining flesh within seconds and suddenly hit the bone. Its sound turned to muttered and the pain of having her sensitive living bone drilled hit Aurelia like a tornado. She tried to shriek out loud and let the pain melt in her pain-laboured screams, but all she could do was yowling on very high pitched tone. The metal drill dug itself deeper into her jaw-bone and slivered the living tissue into light dust. Aurelie felt her whole skull vibrating and the churning sound was echoing so loud that she had the feeling of getting mad. Torana withdrew the drill and repeated the process in the other hole, introducing Aurelia to the living hell itself.
She heaved and suddenly the minimal content of her stomach was puked out, sticky gobs of half-digested sperm mixed with her digesting acids filled her forced-open oral cavity and flowed beside her stretched tongue onto her chin. Torana grimaced and stopped the drilling for a while.
"Stupid sluts... they always mess themselves..." he cursed and sucked the vomit with the vacuum tube. Then he went on with the drilling and soon the second hole was made too. Torana didn't give Aurelia any chance to regenerate or rest. He took one vampire-tooth and put it into place.
"I'm going to screw. The nail of the tooth is much thicker than the hole we've just drilled. Will take about 15-20 turns until it reaches the root but this will be much more stable than any other of your teeth, slut." Torana explained and he grabbed the vampire-tooth with a pliers-ended screwdriver. He got a firm grip on the tooth and started to screw inside the nail. He had to tighten his muscles and soon sweat started to flow from his forehead as he was fighting with Aurelia's jaw-bone again, this time using only human strength. After 5 minutes of sweating and screwing Torana stepped back and admired his handiwork. Aurelia’s jaw was throbbing and pain was pulsating through her whole head, flashing from the newly rooted tooth. She could not believe how much pain could be inflicted without causing her death. Never she had been confronted to so much agony.
"Perfect! How do you like it?"
"Very nice, Master Torana!" Tyros replied. She looks like a real predator with her new fang."
"Yes. She will often bite herself, mainly the tongue and the lips in the first days but after that she will be used to her new teeth and learn how to avoid any self-damage." Torana said as he began to work on the other tooth. Another 5 minutes of hard physical screwing took the second tooth in place.
Aurelia was trembling and babbling with intense agony. She was exhausted too, her muscles cramped from the fierce and desperate thrashing she had showed during the whole operation. The leather straps had left deep imprinting into her sweat-drenched skin. She was panting and drooling and hardly conscious. Barely, she could feel her new eye teeth resting on her lower lip.
"As I said, be careful! Her teeth are far from normal, I don't know who prepared this bitch but she seems to be the trainee of one of the most professional intelligence or criminal organization. She can easily bite through flesh and bone, and with her new teeth she could easily learn how to tear up arteries with a single bite."
"I know Master Torana, no need to remind me of her skills and specialities. That's why I have chosen her..." Tyros replied.
"You take the risk..." Torana turned around and began to wash out Aurelia's bloody mouth with a small shower tube. He also let the girl to swallow as many water as she could. "Let her rest a bit, I’ll make her tattoo before we go for her tits." he said. "A tattoo on her temple with your kennel sign, a human female body with a panther head roasting in the middle of sparkling flames. Right?"
"Yes, Master" The ninja replied and Torana started to work. It took him around 2 hours while he was working on Aurelia's forehead. The tattooing wasn't too painful, but her throbbing and aching and still stretched mouth made these hours hellish for the poor Aurelia. When Torana finally finished he smiled victoriously.
By now, in spite of the reviving water she had been allowed to drink, Aurelia was utterly exhausted and destroyed. She was still fighting her restraints, but weakly. She was still screaming, but coarsely, in a creaking voice. She had the impression she would never get out of this place, that she was going to be killed by pain, or that her skull was going to explode in thousand pieces.
"My masterpiece!" was all he said. He loosened the chains stretching Aurelia's face and also soon removed the hooks from her lips and tongue, so Aurelia finally could close her aching lips and withdraw her throbbing tongue. Torana showed her a mirror again. She gasped as she had to face her new appearance. Above her eyes the slave brand could be seen; on her right temple a quite high quality of Tyros's kennel sign was tattooed. A panther-headed, beautiful woman was surrounded with angry red flames and her unnatural position showed how much agony she had to endure. Three rings were hanging from her nose, the middle ring inserted through her septum was large and rested on her lower lip. Her lips weren't closed completely as another six rings were embedded into the soft flesh of her lips, the tip of two shiny white predatory teeth pushed through her lips, and even the her tongue-ring protruded between her lips. Aurelia was shocked. Tyros admired his slave and smiled.
"You're fantastic, my dear! I have never seen such a pretty pain-slave around Ashagen!" he said and tickled Aurelia's left sole.
"Now tell me, how do you like your new appearance? Please, be specific! I'm really curious about your opinion!" Tyros said and gently massaged Aurelia's toes as he was waiting for her answer.
Aurelia tried to answer and immediately she bit her lips with her fangs. Also, the heavy ring set in her tongue was pulling its tip down. Her lips were still aching from their piercing and were flabby from their long over-stretching. Her big nose ring rattled against those set in her upper lip and with her tongue one. All these unusual and painful sensations made quite unable to speak clearly. She rolled terrified eyes, realising what a freak she had been reduced to. Her face was shining with metal protrusions. She could both feel their weight and their itching. They were so ugly, lowering her to the level of cattle. They felt so permanent. The pain was still pulsating in her head and she could not bring her thoughts to organise themselves logically. For now, she was just a piece of throbbing flesh, scared to death, disgusted to nausea and extremely exhausted.
She babbled and drooled a few more incoherent words before renouncing to speak. She no longer felt human. She just wanted to cower in a small space and sleep and forget all that. Tyros stared into Aurelia's faces, his eyes were flashing with growing anger.
"I've given you an order, slave! You will soon understand how appreciative an owner I am, but refusal of my orders cannot be tolerated! Master Torana..." he turned to the Asian man. "Her mind is quite messed up, can you do something?"
"Sure I can, my friend! I wouldn't suggest any amphetamine, although that would wake her up and avoid further black-out but it would also make her pain nerves dull and she would become a ready-to-fight fury. I have my very own special mixture that will help her to keep a clear mind but doesn't influence her senses nor her physical attributes. Want a dose?"
"Yes, Master, I need to talk to her!" Tyros replied. Torana soon returned with a syringe and simply injected the content into Aurelia's arm. For seconds nothing happened but suddenly she felt like she was banged on the head with a hammer. Her vision blurred for some moments, she felt like she was sitting on a wild roller-coaster. The pain hadn't eased but got even worse, her senses sharpened suddenly. Tyros took a long needle and continued massaging Aurelia's left foot.
"I ask again, slave." Tyros said in a cold, sinister voice. "Tell me, what do you think of your new jewels and face?" he asked and touched the cold tip of the needle to Aurelia's big toe, right where her tastefully long toenail left the nail bed. Before she could say anything Tyros pushed the needle and the tip punctured her soft, sensitive nail bed, drawing blood immediately.
The sharp pain shot into Aurelia’s foot and spread up along her bound leg. After the torture her face had been subjected to, it seemed impossible that anything could be worse. But still the sensitive flesh under her big toe nail caused nearly the same agony. The poor girls muscles, tendons and veins bulged again, as though they wanted to tear her skin apart as she howled in pure agony once more, her voice getting coarse from so much howling.
“Oh, please, stop that! This is horrible! You are completely defacing me. Please, stop now and I swear I’ll be obedient” begged the young Agent, her sentence cut by sobs and moans. At least that was what she wanted to say. The result was something much more grotesque, mumbling, babbling, hard to understand because of all the metal that was weighing on her speaking organs.
"Wrong answer, slave! You must love everything I decide to be done to you. You must love and you must be grateful for every moment I spend with you whether it is painful or not." Tyros replied and pushed the needle deeper. Pain shook the girl's body as her sensitive nail bed was violated so roughly. The needle slid one centimetre deep under her toenail and even through the silver polish she could see the dark shape of it under her nail. "Let's give it a try again, how do you like your permanent makeup?"
Aurelia was sweating like a fountain, rivers of perspiration snaking down her shiny skin and dripping on the floor. She could feel the cruel needle grinding under her nail, causing mind-shaking agony. She was scared at the idea that her nail might be torn from her toe.
“I like it very much. This is very pretty” she managed to babble, her tongue rattling against her teeth, drooling abundantly on her chin.
"Almost good... I like your funny articulation..." Tyros laughed and Torana joined him. "But I still miss something... you're not a parrot to repeat what you have heard. I want honest feelings; I want to feel that you really LOVE what is happening to you. Fortunately I'm a very patient guy, so I enjoy teaching you and giving you motivation..." he said and twisted the needle under Aurelia's toenail. She screamed out, her ankle strained against the straps holding it in place. Her other toes wiggled wildly as fat blood drops fell from the wound. "Say it again, with joy, dear!" Tyros ordered and playfully tapped the needle sending new waves of pain through Aurelia's toe.
The girl’s heart sunk deeper into dark despair. This man was playing with her like a cat with a mouse. It seemed that the more she winced in agony, the crueller he got. The pain throbbing in her toe was tremendous, inhuman, mind-blowing. She could hardly think about anything else. The leather straps that were holding her down ware creaking as she pulled and yanked on them, to no avail. And she had again to speak, in spite of the difficulty her piercings added to that task. She would have wanted to pass out, but the substance Torana had injected in her veins was keeping her perfectly, cruelly lucid. She forced her mind to focus away from her agony and tried to think of something to say.
“Oh, Mr Tyros. I am so glad you offered me this wonderful jewellery. My beauty is revelled in it and I am most thankful for this wonderful gift” she mumbled, trying to look as sincere as she could.
"Good... I think we are ready, Master Torana! She is awake and almost acts like a trained slave. You can start with her breasts." Tyros said. He was smiling wildly and looked deep into the girl's teary eyes. He obviously enjoyed the situation and liked his victory over the woman.
“Oh my god” thought Aurelia at these words. The feeble instants of hope she had felt at the idea her torture might be ended were thoroughly devastated by the prospect of getting her breasts tackled with.
Torana took another needle and heated it up with his gas burner. Meanwhile Tyros removed the bloody metal from under Aurelia's toenail and poured some drops of raw spirit onto the girl's toe. Aurelia had no doubt about the sterilization effect as the liquid burnt itself inside her fresh wound and sent another flash of pain through her nerve system. Torana stepped to her chest and firmly grabbed her left breast. Aurelia began to tremble and moan, feeling the strong grip on her ample and firm bosom. The flesh was bulging between the deeply embedded fingers of the man.
"Hold your breath, bitch, we don't want this needle run into the wrong place, do we?" he asked as he pinched the areola right under the nipple making the pink and luscious nipple filled with blood and standing out proudly. He placed the heated needle against the nipple and started to push in slowly. Small puff of smoke raised as the metal slowly sank into Aurelia's soft flesh. The girl shrieked, Torana smiled, Tyros encouragingly caressed Aurelia's sole. Torana repeated the process on her other nipple, the poor girl was screaming that time on high voice. Torana didn't give her time and using his pliers he inserted two metals ring into both pierced nipples. The rings were thin but wide in diameter, unlike any usual piercing; they were almost as large Aurelia's open palm. She could not detach her eyes from them. They were so large. How could she wear any shirt or bra with that? She realised this was probably on purpose. All these cruel piercings would make her to stand out of the crowd if she ever managed to escape. Wearing clothes would be difficult and would hardly hide her freakiness now.
Aurelia's bellybutton was small, round and definitely pretty, the masterpiece of her obstetrician. And Torana was ready to ruin that too. Without emotions and with a heated, small hook he simply punctured the meat of Aurelia's belly right in the middle of the bellybutton. According to the pain she felt in her nipple that wasn't as intense but she had to cry out again as the hook mined a small tunnel in her meat. The open ring followed and was closed soon. It was at least small and almost pretty, but still protruded grotesquely from her flat belly.
"Let's make the pussy... it’s almost as enjoyable as the face..." Torana said to himself as he kneeled between the woman's wide spread legs. Tyros walked from her feet to her head to have a clear sight of what was coming.
“Oh, pwease, not down jhere! I cou’ not bear it” she pleaded, her nose ring clanging against her lips and tongue piercings. She tried to close her thighs and protect her feminine organs. But this was all in vain and she remained opened and helpless.
"My poor little slave... I can't spare this pain for you... be strong and tough, thousands of girl had to stand this before you... and as you already know this is still the most pleasurable sensation you can have here in Ashagen... hard duty to be a slave in a place like this." Tyros caressed the girl's face. "Take care, not to bite your lips too hard when you scream..." he finished and right before Aurelia's face he removed his cock from his pants. He started to stroke it slowly, very slowly, as Torana heated up another hook. Aurelia had already seen that cock; she remembered the taste of it when she had been mouth-raped after her recapture. The small and limp cock began to bulge and grow as Tyros played with himself... She could smell its acrid and sweaty odour. Tyros had obviously been creaming just at the sight of what had been done to her. Something dragged the girl's attention. Something hot touched her most private part.
Torana had a firm grip on the girl's naked pussy with pliers ended in two, flat discs. He pinched and pulled on the outer lips, pressing the pliers hard enough to flatten totally the meaty lip. That was a painful and humiliating sensation by itself but when the heated hook was held against her skin and the pointed tip ran through the vulnerable lip Aurelia howled. She tried to wiggle her hips away, all of her muscles tightening in her long legs and around her pelvis, but she was more than helpless. The hook punctured her lip drawing only minimal blood. Aurelia's vision was covered from time to time by Tyros's hardened, red cock, but she was unable to close her eyes. Somehow she had to watch as Torana moved the hook in and out several times in order to widen the hole.
Torana repositioned the pliers and repeated the process on the same outer lips two times more, and Aurelia screamed and screamed and screamed as the hook prepared her ringing. The big cock was jerked right before her face and touched her nose and ringed lips from time to time, the situation she had to face was beyond humiliation. Her human existence was destroyed spiritually. Torana switched to the other outer lip and three holes were punctured on that meaty lip too, Aurelia pissed herself and wished death. When Torana grabbed her inner lip and stretched it outside, pulling it from between the outer lips for total display and helplessness Aurelia finally closed her eyes. The hook touched the red labia and made its task. That meat was thinner but far more sensitive, every touch of the heated hook caused almost unbearable agony to the young woman. She shrieked and cried, covering Tyros's pulsating cock with her warm tear. Torana made three holes on both labia before changing instrument.
His new tool was a set of small forceps. She felt as if the cruel Asian was stripping her clitoris from the defending skin around it. She gasped and stared in total disbelief. The forceps were closed around the base of her small pleasure mound and the tight squeeze made it filling with blood. It hurt, more than anything before. The hot hook touched the sensitive flesh, and then Aurelia's world burst into flashing pain. She shrieked like never before, went totally mad, and her agonized screaming had its effect on her cruel owner. Tyros shot his load right onto Aurelia's face, up her nostrils, into her blind but wide open eyes, into her drooling mouth. Despite the stimulants she had been injected earlier, she passed out.
Her recovery was more than unpleasant. She felt her heart beating like a drum, her head aching not to mention the several freshly-punctured tiny wounds in her sensitive parts which were throbbing. Aurelia opened her eyes, her vision was clear like never before in the last three days. She knew that another dose of drug had been injected into her body. She faced her own crotch from a very short distance. It took her seconds to understand the new humiliating position she was forced in: She was lying on her back but her waist was forced into the air, her legs were strapped to the surface under her, which was some kind of table. Her knees touched the table and her shins were immobilized on both sides of her head, so that her pussy and bottom were fully exposed. To her terror, her very own pussy was now ringed: dozen of metal rings were embedded in her pink labia. Three rings in each outer lip and another three in each inner lip not to mention the quite wide ring which was inserted through her throbbing clit. Her clit normally would have been hidden under its hood, but the ring made it stand out grotesquely, unable to slip back. Her whole crotch looked like a strange display in a jewel shop. And it was so close to her face! She soon understood the reason: Her head was forced up toward her pussy and the ring in the tip of her tongue was attached to the heavy ring in her clit directly by a third ring. She could smell her own crotch, she had not washed or bathed in one day and the last night and the sweltering day made their effect. She felt that a hand was holding her nape in place, as soon as she regained her consciousness the hand let her head free.
Aurelia moaned in misery as the weight of her head pulled her clit, she had to collect her strength and hold her head in place. Between her open legs Tyros' and Torana's face stared down at her, the men laughed and shamelessly pawed her legs and buttock. This was an awkward position, and most painful as well. She tried to stretch her tongue as far as she could but this did not seem to be enough: the tension on its root was causing dull ache and her clitoris was stretched out of its hood to a length she would not have thought possible. What had been a tiny bead of flesh was transformed into an oblong, squalid, throbbing needle of skin. Even the hole through which the clit ring was passing was stretched and gaping around the wide-gauge steel. She could feel her ample breasts pressed into her chin. She had glimpses of the glistening large nipple rings.
Keeping her head up proved soon difficult. Her eyes bulged out in anguish and her neck was already trembling from exhaustion. When her neck muscles became too full of cramps, she lowered her head the couple of centimetres needed to rest her skull on the table top. It was merely two centimetres, but they were enough to relieve the pain in her neck while decupling the agony in her clitoris. The poor elastic organ was now stretched even further away from her crotch, pulling the skin around it in a horrible cone. Tears filled Aurelia’s eyes as she desperately pulled on her arms. Her biceps bulged to no avail as her wrists were strapped to some point behind her head.
"We're almost done, dear." Tyros smiled and flicked the girl's stretched clit causing intense pain to the poor agent. "Master Torana will implant another two rings around your puckered little asshole, that will make it easier to widen you anytime I want." Tyros said and fingered Aurelia's helpless ass, pushing a finger deep into her bowels. "After that only the CuntRol must be implanted into your body and we’ll be done with your preparation. I hope you are glad, my sexiest little panther." he finished and stepped out from Aurelia's field of sight. Torana took his place with a long, heated hook in his hand. He smiled wickedly. "Are you ready for another two holes around your hole, bitch?" he mocked her.
Aurelia tried to beg for mercy, but her stretched tongue allowed her no way of expressing herself with more than pitiful grunts and moans. As she tried to speak, her nose ring rattled against her lip rings, reminding her of her terrible fate.
Torana began to work precisely, and he pushed the pointed, hot tip against the girl cervix. He let the hook mine itself through Aurelia's sphincter right at the edge, carving two wide holes into the muscle right where the puckered anus was located. This caused Aurelia to scream once again to the top of her lungs. She had to suppress the urge to shake her head in deny, or this would have provoked more pain to her clitoris. It was fast and efficient, within a minute the process was done. Two open rings were inserted into the holes, the cold metal cooled down the burning tissues slightly. The rings were closed and Torana spat onto her ass. Aurelia had a new set of jewel to contemplate, adding to the weight of steel dangling from her crotch. It was now as heavily loaded as her face.
"Now the CuntRol, I'm going to insert it through her bowels. Help me, my friend, we can make use of her newest rings. Take these pliers, grab the rings with them and open her ass for me." he said, and Tyros followed his request. With pliers in both hands he attached the pliers' clamps against her rings and with mighty force he started to pull. Unusual way of opening a tightly shut ass but it was working properly. It hurt like hell and the girl felt as her luscious ass cheeks were separated as Tyros clenched his muscles and pulled from two directions on her asshole. Aurelia tried to resist for some time, clenching her sphincter, but this was a hopeless battle and soon pain and force won. With a tremendous fart, the puckered hole opened like a flower, giving easy access to her interiors for Torana.
Torana showed up a very hideous device that was a long, flexible tube with a wide end. At its end it was equipped with a scalpel razor, several small slots and a larger projection looking like a beak. Torana pressed a button and the razor started to vibrate with a humming voice. A yellow liquid spurted from the small slots and the beak was pushed forward, its tip opened and pushed out halfway a small, matchbox-sized metallic thing.
"I'm going to push this tube deep up your butt, babe. This is the CuntRol Penetrator, a high-tech device, engineered in Ashagen. It is going to cut a small incision in the wall of your intestine, the beak pushes through the hole and shoots the CuntRol into your inner abdomen. The liquid will disinfect the wound and also help the healing process very precisely, no need to worry about any infection or illness. But the penetration process is quite... mmmhhh... unpleasant. Clench your teeth, bitch, here we go!" he finished the explanation and put the tube against Aurelia's ass. She felt the pressure increasing against her already sore and widely stretched sphincter. With her anus gaping, she had no way to stop the invader. The stretching was extremely painful. As the tube slid into her bowel and was pushed deeper and deeper, the girl gasped for air. She could feel the cold tool progressing deeper and deeper into her bowels, forcing its way, stretching the frail intestine wall to go farther. The whole process was happening a few centimetres from her eyes and she could see all much too well. The head had disappeared inside since a long time and the slender shaft looked lost in the middle of her cruelly distended anus, but Tyros was not decided to relieve its pull on her ass rings. Torana pushed and pushed, until the whole shaft was inside her. Her intestine were vainly and automatically squeezing as they tried to evacuate the unnatural turd, causing cramps in her bowels. Never would she have thought that so long an object could be inserted inside her.
Once the handle was against her ass crack, Torana began to twist and move the tool inside her, causing more agony and nausea, while palpating her abdomen with his free hand. Once he was happy with the position of the tool head, he pushed the button and a sharp pain hit her. She was unable to believe the suffering she was facing. Her whole body tensed in her straps, her muscles tightening like steel cables ready to tear her skin apart. She let out an inhuman scream of agony and the table creaked and groaned from her frantic struggles. Her eyes were bulging so much that they seemed on the verge of popping out of her head. As the antiseptic liquid was injected into her inner wound, she became almost mad from the pain. Suddenly, a long golden stream spurted out of her piss hole and splashed over her stretched tongue, gaping mouth and grimacing face, soaking her long, dirty hair.
Torana withdrew the tube and it soon left the girl's tortured bowels together with a loud fart. Both men laughed loudly, Tyros let her stretched ass free and took away the pliers.
"Give her one hour or so, after that you can test the CuntRol, you'll be satisfied with the result." Torana blinked at Tyros. "We're ready with her for now, I will send you the bill. and don’t forget, you're always welcome with your old or new slaves in my house, I undertake every modification you might need!" the Asian said.
"Thanks you, master Torana, I won't forget!" Tyros replied and slapped the woman's ass. "We are finished here, dear, time to go, you've rested enough!"
With Tyros' help Torana released Aurelia’s arms, and despite her desperate struggles, her wrists were tied together with a strong leather strap. Tyros tied the strap and tightened it so heavily that the leather cut deep into the girl’s wrists, cutting her blood-supply and causing burning pain. Her fingers and hands were soon filled with blood and turned to deep red, her palms were forced into two directions like the wings of a butterfly as the strap pressured her tendons in the wrists. Her fingers were quivering as the incredible pressure drove her nerve system crazy.
„You have escaped from Adamar’s dungeon, beauty. You have razor sharp nails and you also defeated me in combat... don’t be surprised that I must secure you in this way.” Tyros explained. A metal hook was carefully slid under the tight strap and her arms were forced towards her crotch just to attach the hook to the ring in her bulging clitoris. The hook had a clever lock, similar to the locks holding necklaces in place. It could be opened only with precise touch. Aurelia’s shaking fingers were scratching her own thighs, and even the involuntary jerks caused throbbing pain deep in her ringed love button.
Her wide-spread legs were closed together as the chair’s mechanics were loosened; a short chain was attached to both of her ankles with cuffs. Finally the straps holding her body and limbs were released and she was free to stand up. Tyros and Torana grabbed one arm and lifted her in the air and placed her on her soles. As a final act, Torana attached a very big and heavy metal ball to her right ankle with another chain. The ball was half a football ball in diameter but was extremely heavy.
A leather collar was also attached around the girl’s neck and Torana handed the leash to Tyros.
“Do not forget, my young friend, I’ve warned you. This cunt is special. She has a reason to be here, such specimen don’t fall into slavers’ hands accidentally” he said and shook Tyros’ hand.
“Thank you for your work, Master! No need to worry, I can handle her. That’s exactly why I have chosen this slave” the ninja replied and said farewell. He took a bag containing the nail shoes in it and tugged on Aurelia’s leash so the girl had to follow him. Every step proved to be very difficult.
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