Chapter 9
Like a child on Christmas morning Dominique tore into the folder, anxious to get her first look at the beauty that would soon be under her complete and total control. Dominique looked closely at the pictures, going through the stack quickly to make sure this was not some sort of mistake. She almost did not believe her eyes, but once she got to the data sheet it was confirmed, the girl in the file was her own little sister Susan Richardson!!!
Dominique was absolutely speechless, she looked at the pictures and then again back at Natasha, and then back again at the data sheet. She was now completely unsure of what to say or do.
Natasha put her hand on Dominique’s thigh; to comfort her stunned subordinate. “I know this is a shock my friend and I am truly sorry to have to spring such a wicked surprise on you like this. I knew this would not be easy to deal with and believe me I struggled with this decision for a very very long time.”
“But this can’t be, why?” is all that Dominique could mumble.
“Everything I said earlier I meant Dominique, I very much want you take over Stonebriar, but I cannot turn it over to someone who I don’t have absolute and total confidence in. I need someone who is 100% loyal to me and me alone, someone who will do anything and everything for me and this institution that I have spent the better part of my life building. I need and want you to be that person Dominique.” Natasha was speaking from the heart now, something she rarely did with her staff. But she wanted Dominique to know how passionate she was about this and the future of Stonebriar.
“If you will agree to enslave your sister Dominique then I will know beyond all doubt that you are the right person to lead this institution into the future. I don’t want you to answer me right now, I am going to leave the room and come back here in 30 minutes for your decision. If you can’t say yes, and you think it will be too hard for you to do this, then we can work out another arrangement, I promise you.” She bent over and kissed her stunned friend on the forehead and left the room.
Dominique took a deep breath, sat there, and started to think over her dilemma as Natasha shut the door behind her. There was no better job in this world then working for Mistress Natasha, of that she was sure. A world had been opened to her that was far beyond anything in her wildest dreams. Here at Stonebriar she was given free reign to literally transform beautiful young girls into willing lesbian sluts. Just a few short years ago Dominique could never have believed that such a magnificent thing were possible.
Stonebriar provided her with a life filled with beautiful young women at her constant disposal, the very same type of women that scorned her so often in her youth. It wasn’t just that though, it was the friendship and camaraderie of the others who worked here, people like her that had a passion for what they did. The generous salary and regular bonuses didn’t hurt either. And now she was being told that she would one day take over this entire operation from Natasha, the ultimate compliment from the person she loved and respected more then anything on this earth. How could she not do this for the woman who had given her so much, whatever her motives were?
On the other hand though, Dominique had never been forced to make a decision of this magnitude. She had never given the slightest hesitation to inflicting the worst kind of tortures imaginable on the endless stream of young girls hauled in before her. She was a sadist through and through. For her the torturing sessions were at first cathartic, a way to let out the anger from a youth spent being humiliated by other girls she fancied and was ultimately spurned by. Growing up in the ultra-conservative state of Utah as a lesbian was extremely difficult and lead directly to her running away from home the moment she turned 18. Even ten years later she had never forgotten her past, the pain and humiliation of being an outsider in a world not understanding of her “deviant” sexual desires. But Dominique had somehow managed to temper that anger and that was no doubt why Natasha had offered her the position. Nevertheless what she did though was still brutal and barbaric, and now she was being asked to perform it on a beautiful underage virgin who also happened to be her sister!
Dominique wasn’t sure she could do it, no matter how many times she had done it before. If it were anyone else she would relish the opportunity to enslave a stunning girl like this, no matter what her age. But this, she thought, could be too much for her, for anybody really. Why was Natasha doing this to her she wondered? Why did she have to ask so much of her? On top of all of those questions Dominique had something else to consider, what did Natasha mean when she said that “another arrangement” could be worked out? She knew from experience that Natasha tended to be cryptic in her comments. Did she mean that Susan would be broken by her archrival Teresa? Dominique was certain that Natasha would never let her go after the build-up from the meeting two nights ago. Susan already knew too much already by being here, they just could not let her go now, no matter how much she pleaded.
The only other viable option was letting Teresa have at her sister and that would be worse then anything. On top of that she was certain that Natasha would be sufficiently disappointed in her decision to rescind her earlier offer. In that case she would lose everything, her sister, her dream job and the respect of Natasha. What could be worse then that?
She glanced up at the clock; it had been over 30 minutes now. She hadn’t even noticed but Natasha had come back into the room and was sitting on a chair in the corner.
Natasha knew how difficult this was on Dominique. She could see the anguish on her face, even the beginning of tears starting to welt up in her eyes. Certainly she had never seen this from a tough woman like Dominique. But it was totally understandable; to put her in a position like this was almost cruel. But cruel was something that Natasha specialized in, whether it was to the many slaves that came to her or to her subordinates. She relished these moments like nothing else in the world. Psychological torment to her was much more satisfying then the physical kind, but she liked that too. Yes she was fond of Dominique, more then anyone that worked for her, but to her it was worth risking her best employee for the sheer joy of watching her torture her little sister into submission. Nothing could top the thrill of that.
She got up and sat next to Dominique on the couch, again placing her hand on the woman’s exposed thigh. “Tell me what you are thinking Dominique; let me help you make your decision.”
Dominique cleared her throat, “Mistress I am not sure I can go through with this, she is my sister and she is only sixteen.”
“I know how you feel my dear; I knew this decision would be very hard on you. But try to think of it like this: She is young and strong and she will be able to handle anything you dish out. It won’t take you long to break her, so her suffering will be minimized. In just a short time she will succumb and then the hardest part will be over. Afterward Susan can go to Level 2 and learn like all of the others. You can tell her what to expect there, how the process works, and most importantly how to keep herself out of trouble. She will have advantages like none of the other girls has ever had here before. You can guide her right through this whole process, right up until the auction. You will be there for her every step of the way.” Natasha was smiling now, hoping that her twisted logic would once again convince someone to agree to the impossible.
Dominique thought to herself, some of this made sense in a bizarre sort of way. But first she had to ask a question that she already knew the answer to. “There is no way to set her free Mistress and try with someone else?” She said keeping her head down. Natasha didn’t need to answer, both women knew that. She merely shook her head and patted Dominique on the thigh.
The young woman took a deep breath, got off of the couch, and went to her knees; she bowed before the Mistress and then took her right hand. “I will do it Mistress; I will do whatever you ask of me.” Dominique bent her head and kissed Natasha’s right hand, knowing that she had made a decision that she would likely grieve over for the rest of her life. But knowing that any other decision she could have made likely would have been worse.
“Thank you Dominique”, Natasha said patting her on the head. “This was not easy, but I assure you that you have made a wise decision. I promise to make this as easy as possible on you both.” Dominique had no way of seeing it, but Natasha flashed her patented wicked grin, a sure sign that she had no intentions of the sort.
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