Chapter 63
It was Friday night and the inevitable session in the basement room had come around all too quickly. At eight pm James stood outside the door at rigid attention awaiting the arrival of his wife. She arrived, dressed as usual in her short sports skirt and vest like top. He, of course was showered and stripped but still wearing the degrading pair of his wife’s white sports panties that he had never been allowed to wash since an unfortunate incident. This greatly added to his humiliation.
It was some weeks before when carrying out work for Mrs Brady he had been denied the use of the toilet when he asked to use one of the ones he was cleaning and preparing for the use of the ladies in the local fitness group. She had earlier encouraged him to drink a large glass of water as the floor scrubbing around the toilet bowls had made him sweat profusely. When the liquid had inevitably worked its way through his system he found that his bladder was uncomfortably full, but his request was denied as this toilet block was “for ladies only” ...and she didn’t want it soiled by any “mere male”.
As the minutes passed she found more hard and difficult work for him cleaning the inside of the bowls with a hard toilet brush and chemicals. He had to frequently flush the toilet and the sound of the running water added greatly to his discomfort. Again he requested her permission and again it was refused saying that he should have attended to his personal needs earlier.
A full hour after his initial request he was in some pain and desperately needed to release the pressure in his bladder, but bearing in mind Mrs Brady’s propensity to use the large wooden spoon on his inner thighs and the freedom she seemed to have to slap his testes whenever she felt like it, he was too frightened to ask again. Just then his wife appeared on a visit to Mrs Brady’s part of the house and to inspect the work he had done. They kept him waiting at attention while Mrs Brady showed Jayne the work and added frequent unjustified complaints about his behaviour and work ethic. This prompted Jayne to tell Mrs Brady that the solution was entirely in her own hands and that she, Jayne, was the last person to complain about heavy use of her “punishment spoon” or any other form of discipline that still left his buttocks un-bruised for her personal beatings.
Thus encouraged, Mrs Brady mentioned her belief that a male’s testicles, being his most vulnerable area, should also be considered for discipline. Jayne was doubtful as she had taken a dislike to even having to look at his genitalia, hence his painful restrainer. To cover them completely she had also insisted that he be made to wear that pair of her sports panties. The housekeeper then suggested that she demonstrate how she believed he should be disciplined, and should Jayne approve, she would feel more confident in using these methods more on him in the future.
He was ordered to strip down to the punishment panties and Mrs Brady soon had him sitting on the heavy scrubbed kitchen table with his knees wide apart and each foot planted on a separate chair. He made one more plea for relief: “Please Madam, I desperately need to use the toilet”. Jayne snorted with contempt and told him that he could go after the demonstration.
Mrs Brady produced the large wooden spoon for Jayne’s inspection. Having gently slapped her left palm with it she agreed that it was a fairly light implement and wouldn’t do him any harm...then asked about the scrotum slapping. It was agreed that Mrs Brady would allow James to wear the panties to prevent his wife’s embarrassment but he would have to take ten spoon whacks on each inner thigh followed by three ball slaps with her fingers through the material of the panties. She would move from her left to her right. First the inner thigh, then the scrotum that could be seen sagging and protruding through the thin material of the crotch followed by the other thigh.
James was in agony with his distended bladder consuming all the thought power he had. He knew that he could not hold on much longer and just hoped that perhaps the pain would take his mind away from his bladder problem. When the housekeeper started on his inner thigh, the spoon being applied even harder than normal to impress her employer, it did just that and even though he was starting to sweat he was able to hold on.
But then came the time for the three scrotal slaps. Mrs Brady cupped the fingers of her right hand and gently felt them around the hanging bulge in the panties. She increased his fear by several notches by reminding him how much it would hurt and that he would have to remain with his legs spread apart even after the third slap. She lowered her hand...and brought it up hard to contact the bulge.
She was on target, and it hurt, but still James managed to hold on. Mrs Brady then turned to Jayne and explained the psychology of punishing testicles. The first slap, particularly when they were covered as in this case, was merely to gauge their position and their ability to move. The second would be the one that really hurt and the male realising that would have to be prepared as any undue movement would be taken as a refusal to accept this particular type of punishment.
James knew that she meant what she said. He was now faced with having to take the type of pain that he always dreaded. His fear factor, already high went off the clock and for a second or so he was so frightened that he forgot that the control of his swollen bladder was his main concern. He relaxed his sphincter for just one second....but it was enough to start the flow, and once started, he could not stop it. His bladder released itself and a torrent of hot urine quickly soaked the crotch of the panties and ran down on to the kitchen floor.
The two women, oblivious of their responsibility in causing this flood reacted with shock and horror. Jayne found the whole scene revolting and stormed out having instructed Mrs Brady to deal with him. Over her departing shoulder she also instructed him to wear the panties until dry and continue to wear them as such when on punishment duty as a reminder of his disgusting lack of control.
Needless to say, the housekeeper made full use of that order. She started again on his now wet thighs... but it was to be twenty bruising slaps each side and with the wet spoon wielded with sadistic force. She then ordered him to remove the soaking panties, move the chairs from the table and place them wide apart so that he had to squat with a foot on each. This left his genitals and restrained penis hanging low. She bunched up the wet and heavy panties and five times brought them sharply up to slap his wet scrotum. The pain was unbelievable but James knew he must take it...and he did.
Since that terrible evening he had worn the stiff and odorous panties, the smell of which was always greeted by his wife with a screwed up face and expressions of disgust. And he was wearing them tonight as he waited at attention outside the room.
When she arrived she clicked her fingers as an instruction to follow her.
He knew that he faced a routine beating, but hoped that her promise to lay on the strap for his lack of effort with Mrs Brady’s underwear that week would have been forgotten. It certainly seemed so. She carefully examined his inner thighs where Mrs Brady had recently laid on more spoon whacks commenting on how long the bruising took to dissipate every week. Then, having stripped off the panties He was told to take up the normal position on the low leather bench for the twenty slaps with the paddle on each cheek. She was obviously in a good and charitable mood in that the slaps were certainly hard, and stung as they always did, but at least she spread them out over the entire buttock area. Following his five minutes corner time, with hands on top of his head, he was told to replace the panties and leave.
His hand was on the door handle when the voice behind him snapped out: “So you have deliberately decided not to remind me about your strapping then James?”
What could he say? He had been caught out and would no doubt, knowing his wife, have to pay the price..... She soon had him standing at attention in front of her as she sat in the high backed chair. The chair that she always occupied when she felt the need to lecture him.
“I stated quite clearly that you were to remind me to lay on ten with a strap at the weekly maintenance punishment session, and yet you totally failed to do so. I will take your omission as a deliberate act of disobedience and deal with it accordingly. I realise that these punishments are somewhat painful for you but that is no excuse. They are, after all, for your own benefit and should be accepted with good grace. I will endeavour to get through your thick skull that when I give an order, it is to be obeyed.”
She stood, walked over to the rack of disciplinary items, selected a strap with a wooden grip and a single blade well over a foot in length, one and a half inches wide, and about a quarter inch thick. She then resumed her seat...and her lecture.
“I have decided to give you double the original strokes and with a more effective strap. This hasn’t been used on you yet but my guess is that you will find it unpleasant. For that reason you will be strapped to the horse so that you won’t be tempted to avoid punishment. Following the infliction you will remain in position and I will allow you to display your respect for my body. Should you fail to achieve my ...satisfaction...as you often do...it will be another ten strokes. Now, remove your punishment panties then mount the horse with your hands and feet positioned for the securing straps.”
He had only been across the large leather padded horse twice before and neither time had she considered it necessary to secure him. The previous times she had been harsh with him but this time he sensed that she would be even harsher. And once he had been thoroughly secured by the Velcro bands...she was.
There was a mirror positioned on the wall that enabled him to see not only his face but whoever stood either side of the horse. He watched with a frightened fascination as Jayne raised the strap over her shoulder and brought it down...hard. She then stood calmly and patiently watching the hands of a large wall clock until a minute had elapsed and then laid on the second stroke across the same area. This went inexorably on until she had laid on the first ten strokes, all of which she laid in a three inch band on the upturned crown of his buttocks.
James was still trying to control his breathing as the pain continued to sweep over him when Jayne casually sat astride the head end of the horse with her legs splayed and her skirt almost around her waist. She leant back so that her white pantied crotch was just inches from James’s face. “Take a good look, aren’t you lucky that Mrs Brady didn’t find fault with your washing these panties. Just one mark left by carelessness and you would have to take another thirty with this strap instead of another ten... ten that is if you manage to provide a satisfactory level of service to this area. It may take time James, but you will learn obedience no matter how long it might take me.”
With that she slipped off the horse, picked up the strap and started to lay what James hoped would be the final ten strokes. This batch were concentrated on a three inch band beneath the earlier ones which should have afforded him some relief, but as this extended to where his buttocks and thighs meet it turned out to be even more sensitive than the earlier application. Each was laid on with vigour at one minute intervals and every one of them was agony. Finally she put down the strap, slipped out of her panties and mounted the horse for the attention of his tongue.
He knew that despite the pain from the strap he would have to put everything he had into the service. Her thighs were still damp from her exertion and a faint smell of arousal reached his nostrils as he brought his tongue to the inner lips protruding slightly from the vulva. Even though her legs were widely splayed the lips were hardly parted and he had to twist his neck so that his tongue could separate the folds and enter the salty slot.
He allowed some minutes of running his tongue up and down to penetrate as far as it could before concentrating on the nub near the top. As it swelled provocatively his job was made easier and she was soon moving her hips and pressing against his face making breathing difficult. He could feel his neck muscles becoming tired and stiff and his tongue ached but the thought of the extra ten strokes somehow kept him going... until she suddenly climaxed and he was safe from further beatings...for a while.
She unstrapped him and left the room without a further word.
The next morning he breakfasted alone, but in truth had little appetite knowing that he had an appointment at ten am with the Assessor. His wife told him nothing about the Assessor or what he would need to do, she simply packed a small bag and handed it to him along with the address and told him not to be late.
He drove himself in one of his less conspicuous cars and having parked, walked up to the average looking house on a large modern estate. It was nine forty five when he knocked on the front door. There was a long pause, then it was opened by a heavily built but attractive lady in her mid-forties wearing a skirt and tight white blouse over an ample bosom. She looked him up and down and asked one question:
For some reason her attitude made James immediately nervous but he managed to stammer out: “J.j.james Hough Madam.”
She stared at him. “I believe your appointment is for ten o’clock? To which he agreed by nodding his head. “Then report at exactly that time... and not a second early or late Hough.”
...and the door was slammed in his face.
He realised that this had not been a good start. He wandered aimlessly round the estate until it was just before the allotted time and then walked up and knocked again. There was no response so he knocked again. Panic was now setting in so he knocked for the third time and much louder.
The same lady opened the door and told him to get inside. Once the door was closed she turned on him in irritation taking the bag out of his hand. “When I say ten o’clock, that is the time I mean... and as for your hammering on my door in such an insolent way ... You have made a very bad start to your assessment Hough and I can only hope that this is not a true indication of your level of ability and respect. Follow me!”
She led the way into a small room that was obviously her office. Telling him to stand at attention on the door side of a large desk she took her seat, placed the bag on the surface in front of her and sat staring at him in a way that made him feel distinctly uncomfortable. She placed a pair of half rimmed glasses on her nose, opened the bag and took out a file. He was concerned to see his photograph on the cover and guessed that it contained details on his life.
She slowly read the sheets inside the cover, with just the odd glance in his direction and a snapped instruction to “stop fidgeting”. Without looking up she spoke “I see you had to be beaten last night, what was that for?” Blushing with embarrassment James told her that it had been his weekly routine beating but he had also had a strapping for failing to clean the housekeepers underwear properly. She looked up over the top of her glasses. “Don’t lie to me James, ten of those strokes were because you failed to remind your wife that you were due a beating, is that not true?”
James mumbled an agreement.
She looked up. “Well, so far today you have failed to obey my order on the report time, been insolent to me in the way you hammered on the door and now you have chosen to lie when I asked a question. I have rarely had a boy here who has made such an appalling start to an assessment day. You are well below the acceptable standard so , if I were you, I would try to demonstrate that these lapses were not indicative of your real behaviour, unless you want me to report that you are in urgent need of corrective training?”
James was beginning to feel like a young boy up before the headmistress. His instinct was to rebel in some way but the thought, never far from his mind, that his wife could not only reduce him to penury but also have him committed to jail, obliged him to obey this woman and accept whatever she chose to dish out. He knew that he would have to endure this process of assessment and just hope it wouldn’t be too protracted or unpleasant. He therefore simply agreed that he did not want such a report to be made.
“My name by the way is Mrs Cordell but you will address me as “Madam”. Before starting your assessment You will be medically examined by a nurse who happens to be a friend of mine. She lives in a house opposite this one, number 26, just cross the road and knock...gently...on her door. I will see you on your return and we can then get started. And take this with you she said opening his bag and handing him a small envelope that was inside.
The house, similar to Mrs Cordell’s was indeed opposite and James soon found himself knocking...gently...on the door. There was no delay this time and the door was opened by a lady dressed in a full starchy nurse’s uniform from her head dress down to her sensible
shoes. She was in her late forties with short greying hair and a bored expression on her rather lined face.
“You must be Hough.” She said. “Well, let’s get on with it as I am more than busy today. Go upstairs and into the room on the left and wait there. Read and obey the instructions on the back of the door and leave that envelope on the table.”
James did as she had instructed and found a large room with a medical bench and assorted medical equipment in trays on a table. He placed the mysterious envelope with the equipment and closed the door to read the notice.
There were two of them. The first headed “Females on Assessment” and the second concerned males:
Males on Assessment.
Males are to strip entirely and place their clothing in the locker. They will then completely drink the glass of water on the table. They will then stand on the small mat next to the table with feet placed on the blue marked areas and hands on head. Care should be taken to retain the penis in a flaccid state at all times during the examination. No questions will be asked and every order by the Nurse will be instantly obeyed without question. You should realise that the inspection may be uncomfortable and embarrassing at times but there are to be no complaints. You will also hold any position that the Nurse requires without undue movement or attempts to obstruct her actions.
This was hardly comforting news but, as directed, he stripped down to his restrainer, thankful that this device would prevent any erection, drank the water and took up the position. The marks for his feet were certainly wide apart and he had some difficulty in widening his legs far enough to comply.
The Nurse entered the room, glanced in his direction and continued with a call on her mobile. It seemed that another appointment had been made for 30 minutes time and that she was irritated that it would overlap. She concluded the call by telling the caller to tell the female to arrive on time and expect a long wait. The mention of a female was not overlooked by James.
Having replaced the mobile in a pocket in her blue uniform she stood back and looked James over. “We will start by taking off your device James, how long is it since it has been off?”
James explained that it was only taken off on rare occasions for cleansing and monthly for milking. It had been over a week since it had last been removed. The Nurse slipped on a pair of blue latex gloves, reached for the envelope and opening it extracted the key that she needed. It took a few seconds to removed all parts and deposit them in a steel dish. He now stood fully naked. She lifted his penis, commented on its general redness and when he flinched, it’s obvious soreness. Then asked how it was cleaned. James described Mrs Brady’s attentions to which the Nurse remarked that it certainly looked cheesy and overdue for a decent scrub.
She led him into the bathroom where there was a modern shower cubicle and told him to get in, handing him a bar of soap.
“This is a power shower so you will find it very efficient. You will soap yourself all over, particularly in the crotch area and then stand whilst the soap is removed. Don’t think of increasing the temperature, it is set at maximum cold as this is not intended to be a pleasant experience for you.”
With that, she turned the lever to “Full” and as the icy jets hit James, closed the door and stood back.
It was unbelievably cold and powerful and took his breath away. He rubbed the soap all over as quickly as he could and then turned and twisted under the jets until the soap had been washed off. The Nurse reached in a turned the shower off, but she was not through with his ablutions. Taking the soap from the dish she took hold of the wet, cold and flaccid penis an vigorously rubbed the soap around the head, shaft and scrotum then told him to stand with legs apart and hands on his head. Taking the shower head from its socket she twisted the head to a different setting and turned it on. There were now just three small jets within a half inch circumference, but under an even greater pressure. She held it just inches from his genitalia and, moving it all around the entire region, blasting the soap away. It was particularly painful when it hit his soft shrunken penis which was blown sideways by the force of the jet. The Nurse curtly told him to hold it firmly by the root which he did. The jet was then directed at and around the glans, somehow he managed to remain almost motionless until she was satisfied.
It wasn’t over for him as he stood shivering with cold. Next he was told to face away from her with his legs wide and reach behind to pull his buttock cheeks wide apart. The icy jet was then directed at the top of his anal cleft and brought slowly downwards. It felt like three jagged icicles especially when it reached his clenched anus where it remained for several seconds before hitting the rear of his dangling scrotum with full force. Even though the cold had contracted the scrotal skin it still made them bounce painfully until the water was at last turned off. He was given a small towel to dry himself and she led the way back to the other room where, still shivering and with aching testes, he took his place back on the mat.
Holding a small flashlight in one hand and a tongue depressor in the other she gave his mouth and teeth a cursory examination. Following that she used q tips to check on the cleanliness of both his nostrils and ears placing the soiled ones in a steel jar. She then turned her attention to his shrunken nipples flicking them with her finger nails until they became erect. Then she indicated to him that he was to climb up on the examination bench. Laying on his back he soon found his knees wide and in the supports that pulled them back to a vertical position over his hips in what would be an indecent display anywhere other than a medical room. His body was lying at 45 degrees to the floor giving him a good view of the surroundings. He glanced at his cold penis which showed no signs of erection for which he felt suitably grateful. Just then there was a knock on the front door and with a snort of irritation the Nurse left the room.
James could hear a faint conversation and then footsteps on the stairs which he assumed to be the return of the Nurse. To his surprise a female entered the room and on seeing him stopped dead and blushed furiously. She was in her mid twenties, tall, slim with long fair hair and an exceedingly pretty face. A subtle and expensive scent wafted around her as she stood in what was obviously an expensive skirt and blouse looking somewhat frightened. She had obviously been told what to do and read the notice with a grimace. With one more glance at James and a shrug of resignation she started to strip in front of him.
She carefully removed her blouse then skirt and stood for a few seconds in her designer underwear before slipping off the self supporting stockings. She bent down facing away from James to put them neatly away revealing her long tanned legs and bubble shaped buttocks only partially covered by the small black panties. There were ugly fresh weals visible on her buttocks and further heavy bruising evidencing a recent punishment. At least, thought James, I’m not the only one who gets beaten.
Still facing away from him she shyly removed her brassiere then her panties to reveal even more weals. Having placed the panties on a hook next to the females’ notice she blushingly turned round and took up the required position on the mat. She had small upturned breasts with unusually long nipples. She was unshaven around the pubic area.
James whispered “Who beat you? What for?”
She looked at him horrified shaking her head, but eventually whispered back:
“My husband. Just before he brought me here, he said it would show them what I can take. Last night it seemed that I was supposed to have been insolent to one of his male friends and he ‘phoned my husband this morning to complain. I tried to tell my husband that I hadn’t, but I then had to take six with the strap for insolence and eight hard ones with the cane for lying about it.”
Just then the door opened in the Nurse returned. She ignored the girl who had braced herself into the required position and walked towards James.
“If either of you feel in any way embarrassed you only have yourselves to blame. You are both here to be assessed and there were no requests on either of your files for any special treatment or consideration. I don’t normally examine with anyone else present but as I am busy, I certainly have to today. It might cause you both to be more sensible and not whine and whimper as most of my patients seem to when things get uncomfortable. We will start with you James.”
With those words she slipped on another fresh pair of latex gloves and produced a steel inspection device that she coated with lubricant. She then, to his surprise, transferred more lubricant to his exposed anus causing him to shift a little on his bench. Without any warning the speculum, as it could now be seen to be, was roughly engaged into the opening and pushed harshly fully in making him gasp with shock. A ratchet device was then operated and his anus stretched to a very uncomfortable degree. She then moved to a nearby table and he found the female, still in position with legs wide, to be looking at and indeed... into his yawning anus.
He tried desperately to concentrate on something else, but the combination of the speculum and the female proved too much and he felt and saw the erection starting to swell his now warm penis. By the time she returned with a dish containing some probes and a small light. He was fully erect.
“Did you read the notice of instruction?” she asked. James agreed that he had. “Then I will have to report this to Mrs Cordell as gross disobedience so that she can deal with it.” She said.
The light was directed between the blades of the speculum and a long cotton wool tipped probe was inserted to prod, poke and scrape around the sensitive inner surfaces. Satisfied as to the general cleanliness the speculum was abruptly removed and a gloved finger inserted to feel and massage the prostate gland for some time... with her watching his face to note any reaction. Eventually it was removed and the gloves changed.
His foreskin that had slid over the sore glans was snatched back and his swollen penis examined in detail, right in front of the embarrassed girl. The nurse made no allowance for the tender areas and twisted and squeezed as she checked all the folds and wrinkles before transferring her attentions to his scrotal contents. The check was thorough with her finger tips rolling and pressing around the two bulbs and feeling for the connecting pipes. James squirmed more in fear than actual pain and was told to keep still and that if she wanted to hurt him she would press harder...which she did to demonstrate, causing him to writhe and grunt loudly.
She moved up to his head and having made him open his mouth to an uncomfortable degree. She then used a sharp dental prodder and bright flashlight to examine all his teeth and gums, using the probe to scrape and poke around the teeth and into the tender gums, ignoring his obvious pain.
His ears were then examined with the scope device before she took his blood pressure. Finally, with a stethoscope she listened to his chest, both front and back.
Turning to the girl, the Nurse instructed her to fetch two tall glasses from the bathroom and when she did, told her to urinate into the one she was holding. The girl looked in all directions for some area that would afford her privacy but was told sharply that the Nurse had to see her do it as there was a requirement for the liquid to be checked for drugs. She ordered James up from the bench and handed him the other glass with the same instructions, adding that as they would both have to urinate in full view of each other it should reduce the embarrassment factor.
They stood facing each other with the empty glasses in their hands. The female, blushing furiously bent her knees slightly, placed her glass between her parted legs and with a look of utter concentration tried to release her flow of urine. Eventually, a small trickle came from her labia then a gush of yellow liquid that soon filled the glass. From the look of anguish on her face the embarrassment had changed to discomfort as she tried to hold the flow back.
Just then, James managed to release, and soon filled his glass leaving him with the same problem of holding back the rest of his bladder. The two samples were placed on a table for later analysis and the Nurse, having completed the paperwork for James told him to get dressed and report back to Mrs Cordell. As he dressed the girl was told to mount the examination bench as he had done and a speculum was being inserted into her vagina.
His knock at the door was soon answered by Mrs Cordell. James handed her the report and a container holding his restrainer from the Nurse and followed her to the small office, taking up a position at attention in front of her desk.
She sat down, opened the envelope and read the contents. It took several minutes and her eyebrows were raised in surprise more than once. Having placed the letter in a filing tray she looked up at James and spoke:
“Well, Hough, not a good start to your Assessment. It seems that you are fit enough but unable to obey simple rules and display real respect for a female in authority. Your lack of self control with your erections will have to be looked at as will the continual use of that particular restrainer which may cause some harm to your penis. I understand that it is somewhat tender?”...James nodded in agreement.
“I will now start your Assessment. The purpose of this is to determine the level of respect for ladies that you display, your obedience to any order, request or suggestion, your acceptance of any correction or discipline that might be ordered and your overall level of subservience. You may find parts of this humiliating and some parts certainly a little painful but just remember that you are here to show me how well trained you are in doing whatever I say or accepting whatever I might do to you. I have two ladies here who will be assisting me. Their identities will remain secret but you will obey them without question...whatever they may require of you. Firstly, I will give you the first of the tests in accepting pain. Come round the side of my desk and hold out your right hand.”
She stood and picked up a leather tawse. James stood in front of her and raised his hand realising that she was about to lay on a Scottish style punishment. Having carefully moved his palm and fingers into a position that she wanted, she raised the tawse over her shoulder and brought it down in an arc to slash into his presented palm.
“Youch” he exclaimed and instinctively drew his hand back to rub it with his other. It hurt like hell but Mrs Cordell’s face remained impassive as she waited for him to reposition his hand for the next lash. That came down and hurt even more. He had just received the third when he presented his other hand as the thought of another application of split leather to the right palm was more than he could bear.
Mrs Cordell simply shrugged and started to lash that hand. Again after three blistering strokes he held both hands protectively under his opposite armpits. James was glad that assault was over and didn’t realise that Mrs Cordell was simply testing his limits. She had intended to apply five to each hand and her notes reflected his failure to accept anywhere near that number. She sat down, motioned him to the other side of the desk and wrote copious notes on to the clip board.
She then delved into the bag he had brought and took out the panties his wife made him wear for punishment Fridays. She wrinkled her nose in disgust then threw them at him telling him to take them into the bathroom and wash them thoroughly. When he returned with the wet item she ordered him to leave them on the desk top and to strip naked in front of her. He found this embarrassing and couldn’t help it when his penis reacted by starting to engorge. Before it was too noticeable he was told to put on the wet panties as it was not the lady volunteers fault that he needed to wash them and they might not appreciate him being naked.
The fact that you could see nearly as much with the wet panties on and the sheer cold discomfort of wearing them was not mentioned.
“Now for your next test Hough. You will go into the room opposite where a lady is waiting. She will tell you what she requires and you will then carry out that instruction. I would warn you that each of these tests is designed to assess your obedience and so they will be made as unpleasant as possible for you. There is no requirement for the lady to shower before your service, although she will most certainly want to do so afterwards. The only comfort and enjoyment to be considered is that of the lady and your aesthetic, olfactory or taste senses will not be of any concern. She will be wearing a mask to protect her identity and will submit a report to me afterwards that will assess your respect, demeanour and compliance. Go now and knock on the door.”
Not knowing what to expect and why she had made a point that his senses were not to be considered left him totally confused. He knocked on the door. A curt female’s voice told him to enter... which he did.
It was a small well lit room. There was a tall wooden stool on which sat a large lady wearing a jogging suit and trainers. Her head was covered in a black leather hood, out of which at the back hung long lank dyed blonde hair. It only left her eyes , nostrils and mouth free so that her identity could not be even guessed. At her feet was a small mat and she pointed to this indicating that James was to kneel in front of her. He found himself looking up at the heavily built woman wondering what she had in store for him and knowing that as she was covering up her identity it would be something unpleasant. She spoke:
I have just come from a very hard session in the gym. It is your duty to massage my feet so start by removing my trainers. You will then do whatever I require.”
From his kneeling position James unlaced each trainer then slipped them off leaving them to the side. He was told to take each one, place it over his face and inhale twice. The insides of the rubber and canvas shoe certainly gave proof that her workout had been to the point of heavy sweating. Both trainers reeked of both fresh and stale foot sweat.
“Now remove my right sock and then I want you to clean my foot with your tongue, taking particular care between my toes.”
James started to lick the extended foot and tried to ignore the smells of sweat and foot odour as best he could. By the time he worked around to inserting his tongue between the damp toes it felt sore and dry, but he knew that he must continue.
And he did continue with both feet until the lady appeared satisfied and dismissed him with a casual wave of her hand.
Back at attention in front of Mrs Cordell, he awaited what next she had in mind for him. It was, as she described it to him, in the nature of an endurance test.
She pointed to a metal tray on the floor. It was almost covered in dried peas. He was ordered to kneel upright on the peas with his back straight and hands on his head.
The pain in his knees started immediately. It was a sharp cutting sensation that had him bend at the waist as he tried to accept it but he was soon ordered back to the fully upright braced position that seemed to place even more weight on his knee caps.
Mrs Cordell brought a chair and sat with her knees almost touching his chest. She stared into his screwed up eyes watching him closely as he absorbed the pain with just the occasional glance at her wrist watch to check how long he had been on the peas. She
whispered that the longer he stood the pain, the better would be his report and that anything under ten minutes would be viewed as a failure. She mentioned how the girls always seemed to be able to accept a longer time and mused on whether this would be a consequence of their reduced weight or the extra padding on the female kneecap.
It was 13 minutes before he gave up and rested his hands on Mrs Cordell’s knees to reduce the weight on his knees. The sharp slap to his face came as a shock as she stood with a furious look on her face.
“Don’t you ever touch me without a direct order!” she snapped as he took the weight on his hands lifting himself clear of the tray. She made no further comment but scribbled away on her report form as James squatted down to pick the embedded peas from his sore knees.
Having finished scribbling, she told him that he would now undergo another assessment in the room where he had previously been. He was reminded that the lady would be masked and that he was to carry out anything...anything... that she ordered.
Just as he was leaving the young female who had been on the medical assessment arrived looking flushed. She was told to stand to attention as Mrs Cordell read the contents of the envelope that the girl, like James, had brought from the Nurse.
It was a different woman standing in front of him when he knelt, as ordered, on the mat. She was slimmer and wearing a blouse and long black skirt with high heels and stockings. The hood still hid her identity making her less apprehensive about ordering this male about. When she spoke she did so with a soft cultured accent.
“Well James, I have been told that you need testing in providing a personal service for a female. I will tell you exactly what service I require and you will be assessed on the way you follow those instructions, the effort you put into the task and the degree of success that it achieves. I shall require you to provide oral sex to me, cunnilingus if you prefer the term. You will need to clean both my outer and inner labia before exciting my clitoris and I expect your tongue to probe deep. It is to your advantage that I have been looking forward to this for some hours and so you will find me moist and receptive. It is equally to your disadvantage that I do not climax easily from this type of stimulation so you will need to work hard. Do you have any questions?”
James mumbled that he had none.
She then raised her skirt and told him to remove her panties. James reached up and gently slid them down over her knees and feet. He noted the dampness and scents of an aroused female as she had promised. She then, holding her skirt high, walked over to a large well padded armchair and sitting down raise each leg so that the knees were splayed and resting on the arms. The room was well lit and her extremely hirsute pudenda was spread before him. The labia were only slightly parted and as he knelt between the stretched apart thighs, he could again scent the musky smell that he had noticed on the panties.
He had only performed this act on one female in his life and that was his wife and only when she had ordered it. He even found the thought unpleasant but he knew that as with his wife, he had no choice if he were to prevent some dire consequence being inflicted on him. He knew that even if he tried really hard, anything other than a total success would be bound to have its repercussions.
He approached the exposed lips with some caution then gently reached out with the tip of his tongue to stroke it up and down the crack. He immediately sensed a salty taste that increased as his tongue slid between the labia to the extent that his face was almost scratched by the coarse thatch of black pubic hair. He continued to lick for some minutes before bringing his hands forward then using them to spread the lips wide so that his tongue could probe the wet and slippery depths with his nose forced to inhale the strong musky odour. Fighting his reluctance to have such a close contact he assiduously licked both the outer and then the frilly inner lips feeling the area respond to his touch by swelling imperceptibly. With his tongue beginning to ache from the effort he eventually moved up to the protruding, hooded clitoris first licking then sucking the nub to full swollen prominence as the thighs either side of his head flexed even wider to submit to his attentions.
He tried everything he could think of to achieve the climax he needed more than the woman. He licked, probed sucked swallowed, but there was no happy ending to be found. After a few minutes the woman became irritated then furious as she ordered him to return to Mrs Cordell which he did.
Mrs Cordell told him to wait and went to the room herself. The conversation was obviously short and when she returned the look on her face indicated that James had failed. She however made no comment but picked up an acrylic cane that was laying on a shelf. She flexed it between her hands whilst staring at him.
“I note that you seem to have managed an erection even though you have failed to satisfy the lady. I don’t think it will be erect for long.” She stood directly in front of him almost touching, took a deep breath and continued: “We move on. I am now going to use this cane to inflict pain. I am not trying to punish you and I accept that inflicting pain for no reason is a hard thing for you to accept but it is necessary to assess how you react to being deliberately hurt for no reason. You must hold position during the infliction with absolutely no rubbing your buttocks or trying to avoid the strokes. This is a very effective implement for causing pain and you may rest assured that I will lay it on with full force even though I understand from your wife that you are relatively inexperienced with being beaten. We will start with five strokes and then that will be repeated after an event that you need not worry about at present.”
She was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was the female looking more flustered and red in the face than before. James could only guess that she had been to the foot woman, as he thought of her, to demonstrate her licking abilities. She was told to stand to one side and watch what was happening to James.
He was told to remove his still damp panties then place his legs wide apart, bend over from the waist until his back was parallel with the floor and clasp his hands behind his head, a difficult position to hold without having to take the cane as well.
Mrs Cordell gave the metre long rod a few experimental swishes that did nothing to calm James. He realised that the skin on his buttocks would have been tighter if he had been made to bend double, but even so, with his genitals dangling between his spread limbs and his bruised skin feeling exposed and vulnerable he knew that this would be hell for him. She stood to his left, he heard her raise the cane and then the swish as it descended to impact across his presented buttocks.
He had been caned by his wife, but never so painfully as this. It felt like a hot wire had been dragged over his skin and the pain did not reduce to any appreciable degree before she raised the cane over her shoulder and brought it whirring down for the second stroke...then the third...fourth and final fifth. All were laid on to a thin band of two inches across the centre of his buttocks...but he had managed to take each unjustified stroke without breaking his position.
He was told to stand and saw the look of fear and horror on the girl’s face as he did so. He was then told to go down the corridor to the bathroom and knock on the door.
As he left he heard the girl being told that she would now undergo the same test and to position herself. He heard the first stroke and following cry of pain as he knocked on the bathroom door and was told to enter.
He was surprised to see the Nurse who had carried out his earlier medical assessment. This time she was wearing latex gloves and a transparent plastic apron over her uniform.
“Welcome back James!” she said with a cold smile. “I have been told to milk you so let’s get it over with. Lean over the bath with your hands on the far side and knees up against the edge. Legs wide...wider. I can see that your penis is still looking sore from that chastity device but it can’t be helped if my pumping hurts a little...my best advice is to concentrate on ejaculating then it won’t last too long”.
She sat on the closed toilet seat, reached between his spread legs and grasped his penis firmly with her right hand, then..., suddenly snatched his foreskin back to expose the red raw area behind his glans where the device had dug into his organ.
Before James had even time to collect his thoughts the harsh pumping action started and her left hand came between his legs to grasp, somewhat firmly, his dangling scrotal contents.
There came a knock at the door, and without breaking her rhythm the Nurse called out enter. In a mirror next to the bath James could see it was the girl, naked, who had clearly come straight from her caning. She was sobbing to herself but still keeping her hand away from the soothing touch they would have had to her throbbing wealed buttocks.
The Nurse didn’t need to ask her the reason for her visit, knowing full well that she was there for the same treatment as James. The girl glanced down at James’s buttocks and exchanged sympathetic glances with him in the mirror as the Nurse stopped pumping and withdrew her hands from between James’s spread thighs.
“Since you are both here to have your sexual frustrations released I don’t see why I should have to do all the work. I will position you both so that you can work on each other until you achieve success. Naturally any failure to do so will be regarded as disobedience and will probably attract a few more welts on your backsides.
She soon had the girl, who’s name was Emma, sitting on the toilet with James at the present standing astride her legs. She instructed her to grasp his penis in her right hand and his scrotum in her left then to start masturbating his erect and reddened organ making sure that any product landed on her not the wall behind her or the floor. James face was screwed up more in pain from his sore penis rather than ecstasy from the girls massage. More in the manner of an engineer rather than a nurse the woman produced a bottle of some sort of cream and liberally applied it to the shaft as the girls hand slid the foreskin painfully back and forth.
It helped, and now James experienced both pain and pleasure as Emma followed orders and pumped hard at the swollen red penis. It took under a minute before the surge and inevitable ejaculation came as he shot all over her breasts.
Neither were allowed to clean themselves before it was the girls turn to orgasm. Emma, legs wide was resting her hands on the toilet seat and James was kneeling behind her with his face only inches from the cruel red and blue weals that crossed her pale buttocks. His only consolation was that the girl had been caned every bit as severely as himself. The Nurse spoke:
“You know what to do James, right or left hand between her legs ...it’s up to you...and give her a finger orgasm as quickly as you can!”
He reached round her thigh with his left hand and gently prised the vulval lips apart, then reached between her legs with the right and introduced his fingers to her already swollen clitoral area. Even his wife had commented favourably on his manual dexterity and this girl was to be no exception. She soon started to sag at the knees then move her hips in rhythm with his finger movements as she silently clenched a few times and clearly reached her orgasm.
“James, you go back to Mrs Cordell and you Emma, clean yourself up first and then follow him.” Ordered the Nurse.
Mrs Cordell was waiting for them both. To the pairs unease, she held the acrylic cane in both hands.
“I will now repeat the five strokes of the cane which you will both take without undue movement. I am well aware that your buttocks are already somewhat sensitised and as these strokes will be laid across the earlier ones it will be quite a challenge for you to accept them, especially as they are being inflicted for no reason other than I need to hurt you to assess your obedience. You will be first girl so bend over as before with your back parallel to the floor and legs wide apart.”
She did and could be seen visibly trembling as Mrs Cordell took up position. James could hardly believe that this woman was about to thrash this defenceless girl purely to see how she reacted...but she certainly did. All the strokes slashed agonisingly down across the same band that the earlier ones had. Despite her shrieks and violent shaking she managed to take them and was allowed to change places with James.
He was mystified as to why she had not simply laid on all the strokes in one beating. Why had he been milked half way through? The thoughts were soon eclipsed by the pain of the first stroke. It was unbelievable and seemed worse than the original ones. At the third he was unable to control himself and his hands went to his rear to protect and massage the area hoping to reduce the pain somewhat. He realised his error and took his hands away but too late. Instead of laying the cane on again and even adding more for the lack of control, Mrs Cordell simply returned to her notes and scribbled for several seconds.
He could not believe that the assessment was over...but it was. Mrs Cordell told them both to dress, and in James case to ask the Nurse to refit his restrainer and return to their homes. She would be submitting a full report to their spouses and would give no hint of how well either of them had done. Something told James that in his case, things had not gone at all well.
The week passed surprisingly normally for James. His wife made sure that he was kept busy and Mrs Brady continued to supervise the work in the ladies changing room with her usual unsmiling thoroughness. He also had a fair amount of intimate laundry to wash but at least he was learning to carry out this task to the housekeeper’s satisfaction. Unfortunately she did find fault with his work in the boot room where, in her opinion, a pair of his wife’s riding boots were polished to a less than satisfactory shine. This required him to strip below the waist, sit with legs wide and feet on two chairs whilst she used one of the wooden spoons to impress the need for hard polishing on his inner thighs. At least she left his backside alone which was still heavily bruised from Mrs Cordell’s attentions.
The marks from the spoon were still sore and vivid but the marks of his caning were almost faded when Friday came round again. His wife told him that she had a dinner date and that the scheduled Friday beating would have to wait until she returned around 10pm. He was almost relaxed about the event as he had taken great efforts not to incur and further penalties from when he had been assessed and as the report had yet to arrive he felt fairly confident.
...until there came a knock at the door, just after 7pm. It was a special delivery and James was asked to sign. As he did so he saw the logo on the thick envelope and realised that it was from the assessment centre. He placed it on the hall table where he knew his wife would find it when she came in and....waited.
By 9.45 he was stripped down to his punishment pants and at attention at the door to the discipline room awaiting his wife. It was some forty minutes later when he heard her come into the house and was horrified to realise that she had company, male company. They spent some time, probably having coffee before his wife approached and spoke to him. She was dressed casually but clearly to impress her date with a tight fitting designer dress that showed her figure to the full. She carried the letter that had been delivered earlier in the evening.
Had James spent the night opposite her at the dinner table he knew what he would be hoping for when she invited him back to her place and doubted that this male companion felt differently.
“Well James, a little delayed this evening but we can now deal with your weekly routine beating for which you will have a witness tonight. I discussed you and your behaviour with my dinner date and he has expressed a wish to see how I deal with you. I think you know him but obviously I require you to display an adequate level of respect to him and address him as “Sir” at all times.
James could not believe that she would subject him to such an abuse and humiliation, but what choice did he have. He knew that he would just have to remain respectful and servile in the hope that things would not develop along the many lines that kept flashing through his head. The thought of having another male watch him being ritually punished would be hard to bear.
Just then he heard footsteps behind him and realised that they had been joined by the male. A voice behind him added considerably to his feelings of humiliation.
“Well Mr Hough, we meet again”.
The man moved to stand in front of James who was still rigidly at attention. James did indeed know him, he was at one time one of his employees and someone that he had a real problem in dealing with mainly because of his youth, good looks, athletic build and rather superior attitude. It had reached a level where James had fired him from his job as a Junior Executive and he had done so in the most humiliation way in front of the other employees to teach him a lesson.
“I hear that you are here to be punished, so I have asked your wife if I might be allowed to observe. Afterwards Jayne and I will be spending the night together as you will no doubt be in no fit state to carry out your marital duties.”
Turning to speak to Jayne he asked where the marks were that she had told him about over dinner. Without any hesitation Jayne told him to remove his punishment panties and to stand legs apart and hands on head for inspection. The tone in her voice encouraged no debate or argument. James removed his ridiculous panties and took up the position.
The male sniggered in amusement and stood directly in front of James looking him up and down then circling him to see the marks and bruises. He pointed to his crotch and asked if the device locked to his genitals was uncomfortable. Looking straight ahead James said that it was. The young male picked up immediately on his lack of respect.
“Sorry Jayne, but I thought he had been told to call me “Sir”, perhaps he needs to be reminded of his new status in my presence with a dose of one of these implements that you have told me about.”
Jayne looked at the now wretched James. “As usual James you seem to insist on learning the hard way by failing to obey me.”
She opened the door to the basement punishment room and led her boyfriend and James in.
“He is due for his weekly beating with the paddle” she said to the younger man whom she addressed as Harry. She selected a medium weight split strap from the rack. “I think using the strap should provide a contrast and get the message home about treating you with respect. Have a feel of the implement and tell me how many strokes he will need.”
Harry was grinning from ear to ear as he held the strap and stared at James.
“I would say that anything less than a dozen hard ones on the bare would be a waste of time Jayne.”
Naturally, no one asked James for his view. He stood there in the inspection position realising that he was about to be severely hurt by his wife just to feed her new boyfriends sadistic fantasy. And that there was nothing he could do about it other than to accept the pain as best he could.
He was soon bent over the leather caning bench with his body at right angle to his spread legs and his hands gripping the supports. He heard his wife slip off her high heeled shoes and kick them to one side before taking up a position to his left. The first stroke of the strap demonstrated that she was out to impress her boyfriend. It certainly impressed James as it lashed down on the same area as the cane had just days before. She gave all twelve strokes at full force and within a narrow four inch band. He did his best not to show just how much they hurt but his gasps and squirming were enough to indicate the level of pain.
Within seconds he was back in the inspection position in front of the boyfriend who stared again at his plastic covered penis.
“I will ask you once more Hough...is it uncomfortable?”
“Yes Sir, it is Sir” snapped back James.
Jayne then seated herself on one of the leather surfaces and opened the bulky envelope and took out the many pages and photographs that it contained. She scanned through the sheets and arrived at what must have been the summary. She read it carefully shaking her head in disbelief at the comments. As she did so she handed several of the sheets and photographs to Harry who also took a seat and studied them carefully, with his eyebrows frequently raised in surprise at what he saw.
“So James, you must have thought that your assessment was some sort of fun exercise. Mrs Cordell was unbelievably unimpressed with the levels of obedience and acceptance of discipline that you showed. Your selfish attitude also carried over into your ability, or lack of ability in providing personal service to her lady assistants. On each section you were awarded marks consistently below the minimum standard that she requires. Her concluding remark seems to sum it up: “This specimen will require several periods of both strict training and severe punishment before I will even consider spending more time on his assessment. I fear that your kindness to him under your training has resulted in a truculent attitude, a feeling of superiority and a total lack of respect for females in general. I trust and hope that you will follow my enclosed recommendations for his much needed training in obedience, service and discipline.”
She carefully retrieved the page in question but decided not to read it all to James believing that the recommendations would be more effective if they came as a surprise. The first item was that he should undergo a severe thrashing so that he would be aware of the effects of a real, professionally inflicted punishment such as were awarded in the Correctional Centres. As the assessment had revealed that he tended to accept the cane more easily before an ejaculation than after which could well indicate a slight interest in the sexual aspects of punishment. It would be prudent to arrange a thorough milking just before the thrashing to ensure he felt the full benefit without the pain being diminished in any way by any endorphin effect.
She then read the name of a lady who specialised in such punishments with her contact details. It emphasised that this was a most serious solution but one that would change his attitude to one that Jayne would find more acceptable. Jayne realised that it was rather late to call the lady for an appointment but resolved to be on the telephone to her first thing in the morning in the hope of getting an early appointment to start James’s obviously overdue training.
The pages concerning his assessments in personal service did not surprise her as he had already failed to demonstrate a really effective amount of effort with herself. There were recommendations on that type of training but also the suggestion that he should attain a basic level of fear for female authority first that only a formal and severe punishment could achieve.
Turning her attention back to James she pointed out that her presence was required by her male friend in what had been their bedroom, however, she would first have to administer his routine beating to prevent any backsliding by him from his already less than satisfactory standard of behaviour. She ordered him over the caning horse as he had been just a little earlier. This time she used the restraining straps and buckled them tightly around his upper spread thighs, over his back and around his arms and wrists.
She explained to Harry that this would be 40 strokes of the heavier leather covered paddle, given good and hard. He asked what allowance would be made for the previous strapping and was told that repeated beatings to the same area were not of any concern to her. After all, if the area was somewhat tender, it would be up to James to behave in a way that would not attract further chastisement. She explained that normally she spread the strokes evenly over his buttocks but tonight she would concentrate 20 in the same area of each cheek to get the message home as to how displeased she was with his assessments. Hence the need to secure him. Without embarrassment she then pulled up her skirt to the waist exposing her stockings and panties, climbed up on the horse facing James’ rear and sat astride him...and commenced the beating.
She started on his left cheek with an area low down that encroached on his upper thigh. It was not a large paddle and she certainly brought it down hard each time, with a blow every five seconds or so. Almost immediately James began to gasp, then moan as he squirmed impotently against his restraints. The pain was still building when she had finished the last stroke on his right cheek and was climbing off... assisted by Harry.
She pulled her skirt back into place and still panting from the exertion, unstrapped the now shaking male. Having apologised to Harry for being, as she put it, a little warm and sweaty, she went into a clinch with him with noisy kissing right in front of her husband. When they broke for air she told James to go up to her bedroom, turn down the large bed and to make sure that there were adequate tissues either side of the bed. Having done that he was to go to the drinks cabinet and pour two large red wines for them and bring them back up to the bedroom.
James, buttocks burning and throbbing rushed to obey. By the time he got back with the drinks the door was closed and he could hear the sounds from within. Timidly he knocked and was told to enter by his wife.
She was on the bed, covered by the bedclothes. Harry’s head and shoulders were visible and from the look on his face his intimate parts were receiving the sort of oral worship that Jayne had always refused to give James. He had no choice other than to stand at attention clutching the drinks tray with the full wine glasses and bottle awaiting his next order.
Eventually Jayne appeared above the sheets licking her lips and told him to hand them the wine. He had to stand with his knees touching the side of the bed to be able to reach over and place the glasses first in Jayne’s hand and then her friends.
When doing this he was all too aware that he was naked and with his inferior position only too highlighted by the cruel restrainer that was causing him almost as much pain as were his still throbbing buttocks. As he started to move away from the bed the male, looking at Jayne for her approval, told him to remain pressed against the bed so that he had a full, close and complete view of his naked wife sprawled out in front of him.
Jayne smiled her agreement as she sipped generous gulps from the glass then placed it back on the tray. She then spread her legs apart and started to stroke her sex with her fingertips provocatively waiting for Harry to finish his drink. James face demonstrated the pain that this sexual teasing was causing his restricted penis but rather than achieving their sympathy, this was clearly acting as a turn-on to both of them. She then leant over Harry and reaching out, started to gently play with the plastic device causing even more internal pressure to her husband making him bend at the waist to reduce the tension in his groin.
“What a pity you can’t join in James” she purred. “It seems really sad that Harry here will be having all the fun and you will be having all the discomfort. It looks as if that chastity device is really living up to the promises that the lady made about it making it really uncomfortable for you to have sexual thoughts...do stand up straight...it can’t be that bad surely! Perhaps I should send for Mrs Daly to give it a really thorough scrubbing to take your mind off what we will be doing in the next hour or so. And that reminds me”....she added with a sweet smile: “I have plans for you tomorrow and she will certainly need to give you a really good cleaning beforehand so off you go to get a good night’s sleep for now and then report to her at 1pm for a milking and scrubbing ready for what will happen later. Leave the drinks tray. You are dismissed!”
James exited the room that could only now be a place of humiliation and pain for him and, having attended to his toilet requirements, climbed into his narrow hard bed pondering on what on earth she had planned for him. Instinctively he realised that it probably had something to do with his assessment but what it could be he could not imagine.
...which was perhaps, just as well.
It was late in the morning until Jayne and her new boyfriend were up and about. James had already been obliged to put in three hours of hard slog working in the renovation of the old toilets under the supervision of Mrs Brady. Her standards were becoming higher by the week and a careless failure to clean behind one of the toilets resulted in James, sitting on the kitchen table with trousers off and legs splayed, receiving more painful beatings on the soft inner thighs. In turn, he was becoming hardened to such punishment and frustrated Mrs Brady by meekly accepting each whack with the large wooden spoon without undue complaint and above all...movement. Even so, a dozen on each thigh left his legs painful to even the touch of his coarse trousers. He knew that he would be seeing her later and when she dismissed him she reminded him of the fact that he would be meeting her in the kitchen at precisely One pm.
It was just before mid-day when he heard Jayne in her office on the telephone. The bell to summon him came a few minutes later when she was still engrossed in the Assessment report and the telephone call. He snapped to attention on the mat in front of the desk trying to ignore the ever present Harry. The main telephone discussion seemed to be about an appointment time and Jayne was both excited and relieved to hear that 5pm would be convenient for the person on the end of the line. Phrases overheard were “He will be delivered and collected of course”...”I fully accept that severity will be required” ...”Little point in my investing in further training until we have really established a total acceptance and fear of female authority,”...”...Indeed...indeed a thorough extraction will be necessary to bring the pain aspect fully home”.
None of this one sided conversation gave James anything other than a feeling of impending doom. But what could he do? He knew only too well that a word from his wife and his financial dishonesty would result in years in jail not to mention the loss of his outwardly luxurious lifestyle. Whatever she had in mind he would just have to accept as best he could.
She eventually replaced the telephone, made a few notes on the forms she had then looked up to address him:
“Well James, as a result of your appalling show under assessment I have accepted their advice and arranged for you to be sent for some professional training rather than leave it to Mrs Brady and myself. I am assured that at the end of this rather expensive training you will have a deep respect for all females and will be instantly responsive to all of their needs. It will take place over the next few weeks at various locations around the county. I am assured that it will be deeply unpleasant for you and you will need to summon all your reserves of courage to accept whatever they do to you without having yourself reported back to me for cowardly behaviour. I will be giving each lady involved in your training full and complete authority over you when in their care, with permission to discipline you in any way they consider appropriate at any time that you need it. From what I know of you I anticipate that you will require a very firm hand... until such times that you start to toe the line. Your first session will be this afternoon at 5pm with the lady that I have just been talking to. You will be delivered and collected by my driver as you may not be in too good a state to drive yourself back here. The session today will be to train you in how you will be punished during the rest of the course. Please don’t bleat that you haven’t committed any offence as this will be punishment without reason to let you appreciate the various techniques and levels that ladies in authority use. Off you go and report to Mrs Brady who will get you cleaned up and prepared for the appointment. I will be spending the rest of today with Harry here, but will have you report what happened when I see you in the morning. Dismissed!”
James was in a state approaching total panic. What in the hell was going to happen to him this afternoon? Who would be the woman that would have such total power over him and the authority to punish him just for the sake of it? What would happen on the other training days that she his wife mentioned? With all these thoughts rushing around his brain he went to the old kitchen where Mrs Brady was already waiting for him.
Snapping to attention in front of the housekeeper he told her that he was there for a milking and a scrubbing as he had been instructed to do so by his wife. Mrs Brady was dressed for a day off in a tight blouse and dark slacks rather than her duties as housekeeper and was clearly not pleased by being detained to attend to James’s needs. She ordered him to strip and when he was standing at his usual present position in front of her extracted the key from a drawer and leant over to unlock the restrainer padlock. As she pulled the component parts away from his body then penis he felt a great surge of relief even though he thought it would not be for long.
His penis, around the rear of his exposed glans was red and very sore due to the constant pressure from the plastic spikes every time his organ swelled in the least. If Mrs Brady had noticed she certainly didn’t comment or make allowances and soon had him on all fours on the large wooden table with his head well down. She took down the small polished copper saucepan that he had to keep burnished and she always used for his “collections” and placed it under him, then donned a heavy pair of ridged rubber gloves. Before she started she gave him the usual reminder that this would be made as unpleasant as possible then took a tube of some ointment from a draw. Having placed a goodly helping on the gloved fingers of her right hand she put the tube near his head so that he could read the label. It was some form of cream to removed dead and hard skin from ladies feet. As his foreskin was pulled even further back and the cream was applied to his glans and the exposed shaft he realised that it contained abrasive granules that would, with friction, cause his penis more pain.
She reached between his parted thighs with her right hand and pulled his foreskin down to cover his glans, then without any comment, started her firm rhythmic pumping of his now engorged penis. Without the cream, the area where his shaft met his glans would have been painfully sore to the touch. With the addition of the scouring ointment and with the firm grip that she always used on him, the pain became intense. Despite this, the regular pumping action was still sexually stimulating and his erection remained in place with his involuntary movements of his pelvis disclosing a certain strange pleasure. Her left gloved fingers moved around the front of his left thigh to grasp his dangling scrotum in a gentle grip.
It was some days since his last forced milking and it didn’t take Mrs Bray more than a couple of minutes before he dutifully spurted into the saucepan. He groaned in appreciation hoping that she would then stop the pumping action which now only caused pain rather than any pleasure.
She did not. If anything she increased the rate of pumping and held his still erect penis in a firmer grip. Her left fingers increased the pressure on his testes to the level of pain and she leant on his back with the firm pressure of her large constrained breasts pressing into him.
He tried gasping and flinching against the assault but this was her demonstration of how she would make the event as unpleasant as possible. He had felt the pleasure and now he must pay the price. It went on for some minutes until she tired from the effort and releasing his genitalia, stood up. She ordered him to an upright position on his knees then, grasping his deflating organ, pushed the foreskin fully to the rear exposing him to her inspection. He could not help but look down. The whole shaft was reddened and even throbbing. The gritty paste had added greatly to the soreness caused by the restrainer prongs and there was a dull ache in his scrotum where she had gripped him.
“Painful isn’t it James.” She casually remarked running her gloved tips over the tender parts. “You can thank yourself lucky that I don’t insist on two milkings this afternoon but I have been told that you need washing before reporting for training later. You won’t be having the restrainer put back on until you arrive back here later tonight so you will have a period of freedom...not that it looks capable of anything other than throbbing for a few hours. Go into the ladies changing rooms and take a thorough shower, then dry yourself and change into casual clothes. You will then wait in your room until the driver arrives at 4pm for your journey. You have a few hours to think about what might happen during your training which
your wife has hinted will result in a great improvement in your attitude. I will see if it has when I refit your restrainer on your return.”
James spent a nervous few hours lying on his small bed. He had no idea what would be happening other than the Assessment day had something to do with it. He gently felt his buttocks and hoped that their tenderness following last night’s beatings would not be made worse.
At the appointed hour he was waiting for the driver who greeted him politely being just about the only member of staff who hadn’t been informed of his new status. The drive was for nearly an hour and not receiving any encouragement to talk from James, was carried out in silence.
He was dropped off in the street of large white town houses that has obviously housed the upper classes for many years. He climbed the flight of stone steps and stood in front of the imposingly large blue painted door ringing the door bell. Following a pause the door was opened by a tall fair haired girl in her mid-twenties dressed in a form of school girl uniform of skirt, blouse and tie. James muttered his surname and remembered to add a polite “Miss”. To his surprise the girl gave a wide grin and invited him inside leading him along through a large hallway into a small reception room. She indicated that he was to sit one side of a small table and she sat on the opposite side. She introduced herself:
“My name is Anna ...but you had better call me Miss Anna in this place. It’s my job to prepare you for what is to happen later. Now Hough, has anyone told you what you are here for?”
He replied that no one had, which seemed a cause of some regret to the girl.
“Oh dear...then I will have to break the bad news...you see your wife has agreed to Madam McKenzie, who owns this house, giving you what she calls an “Introductory”. Now I read from your file that you already receive Maintenance Beatings...well Madam will lay on a more severe thrashing to make you totally aware of the authority of females and what will happen should you fail any part of your training that you now have scheduled. I had better warn you that this will probably be worse than anything you have experienced so far and indeed is designed to be. Whether you will have to come back for further punishments will be up to you but I truly believe that you will do everything to avoid such a return visit. I have to tell you that Madam believes that the cane is the best implement to use, that you will be naked and that there will be witnesses that you cannot object to. Basically Hough...this is going to be hell for you, but if you accept it with anything less than total obedience, Madam can...and will...make it far worse for you. Do you have any questions?”
“When will it happen Miss?” he enquired respectfully.
“In around an hours time, but first I have been told that I have to perform a certain service on you. You see the form completed by your owner has the box ticked that requires you to be milked before the beating. This is to ensure that there is no sexual endorphins in your system that would make the beating seem less severe. I’m sorry...I know it will be humiliating for you, but it has to be done and done really thoroughly until you are really drained. I will do my best to make it as pleasant as possible for you as I know just how you must feel.”
The look on James’s face indicated that he thought this comment was just so much mock sympathy. Anna stood up with a look of annoyance. “Why do you think I am wearing this silly uniform James? You are not the only one that Madam has here for training.”
Without any embarrassment she turned, raised her schoolgirl skirt and pulled down the large pair of dark green uniform panties. Her buttocks and upper thighs were a mass of heavy bruising, most of which were in horizontal stripes. James did not need to be told that she had been thrashed as severely as he was about to be.
She explained: “This happened three days ago so I’m still damned sore. My owner/husband authorised it so I just had to accept it without question. Believe me...it hurt like hell and no one offered any sympathy. It’s something that people like us just have to learn to accept and work through. For me the humiliation was nearly as bad as the pain. Madam McKenzie has made sure that the frame to which you will soon be strapped with your backside up in the air exposes the victim and leaves nothing to the imagination...particularly a female like me. You just know that her audience are staring at your most embarrassing bits and you just have to blush and accept it. Afterwards, even when the pain was still peaking, I was more concerned about the rough handling that the people were encouraged to do as they “examined” the punished area with their fingers.”
She replaced her panties and skirt. “Let’s get the milking over them Hough. Follow me please.” She led him down the stairs into the basement area. They walked passed a door from behind which he could hear voices. Miss Anna screwed up her face and whispered with some disgust that they were the witnesses starting to assemble. They entered a white painted room with a sink and toilet and she closed the door behind them.
She then asked if he had been milked before and when he mentioned Mrs Brady’s ministrations he had to explain, in detail, what she had done and how she made the event as unpleasant as possible. Anna smiled and told him that he would find her methods more than pleasant and told him to strip and lay back on a medical type raise bed with covered in a white sheet. She turned her back as he stripped and donned a pair of blue latex gloves. As she turned back towards him she told him to lay flat with his legs wide to give her the necessary access. She then reached over and gently held his slowly erecting penis with her left hand. She slowly pushed his foreskin down to expose him and gasped with horror at the state of his glans, red and sore from the recent attentions of Mrs Brady. Wincing, James explained how it had been caused by the cruel restrainer he had to wear and the abrasive cream that had been used for his earlier milking.
James wasn’t used to receiving kindness from a female and was most touched and relieved when Anna produced some cold soothing ointment and proceeded to rub it in to the raw skin. It soon had the secondary effect of hardening his penis which Miss Anna found amusing rather than offensive.
“I have to prove that I have milked you Hough, so when you spurt it will have to be in the glass jar so make sure you don’t miss.” She then lightly held his scrotum in her left hand and then started to slide her right gloved hand up and down his shaft greatly aided by the slippery cream.
She certainly knew what she was doing. Long strokes were mixed with short ones than concentrated on the glans. All the time she was watching him for signs of approaching success and when the time came increased her hand action considerably until his back arched, a long groan came from his lips and with the jar in place whilst she continued pumping, his ejaculate was collected. She then firmly squeezed the length of the shaft until all the sperm had been extracted, scraped the glans with the rim of the jar to collect the last drops and moved away from him.
There was another surprise for James. Anna picked up what was obviously a house ‘phone and spoke to “Madam” explaining that the milking had been done and would she care to inspect him. As the answer was yes she quickly put the ‘phone down and told him to stand with legs apart and hands on head for her arrival.
It took just two minutes for the door to open and in she walked. She was in her early forties, short with heavy hips and a pronounced bosom, dressed in a white shirt with long sleeves, a short black skirt and her dark hair in a long pigtail hanging down her back. Her face was not unattractive but was devoid of any humour. Her large eyes were gray and stared menacingly at her next victim. She picked up the sample jar and spoke to Miss Anna.
“Are you sure you have collected it all girl?” she enquired.”I don’t want any embarrassing stiffies when he is paraded before my guests and most importantly I want him to feel the full force of the caning.”
With that she placed the jar on the side bench then suddenly grabbed James’s flaccid penis with her hand. “Any life left in this thing boy?” she demanded. James managed to control his fear and stammer “N..no Madam McKenzie!”
“We shall see...we shall see.” With that she ordered Anna to remove her tie and school shirt. The girl looked amazed but rapidly did as she was told taking up the same position as James but facing him. Her white bra provided some privacy but still left her breasts partially exposed to his view. Anna blushed deeply in sheer embarrassment.
“Right Hough, you have my permission to handle this female’s breasts as much and as hard as you want. You will start by removing her brassiere. And you girl....will accept this treatment...unless you want another dose of the cane!”
James was initially frozen to the spot not believing what he was hearing. He looked at Anna who’s face was now crimson. She looked down at the floor and said just two words: “Do it!”
He went behind her, unclipped the fastener and allowed the bra to fall down from her breasts as she obligingly lowered her arms. They were not overlarge but firm and pointed with large pink aureole and pronounced nipples that rapidly erected as the cold air of the room hit them. He started by squeezing the nipples in each hand then placing a hand under each one lifted and joggled them as if to assess their weight. He had been doing this for a couple of minutes, and greatly enjoying himself when he was ordered by Madam to stand back and resume his original position. Madam reached out and grasped his now rigid penis.
“So girl, you have fully milked him!” she snorted in disgust. “When I have a male milked he is supposed to be incapable of erecting for several hours. You will resume his milking and this time, do it thoroughly. I want him ready for my guests to inspect in thirty minutes. Should you fail to extract a sensible amount of fluid I will simply substitute you for the boy on tonight’s punishment display.”
As she stormed out of the room Anna glared at James. “You stupid idiot, are you deliberately trying to get me thrashed again? I will certainly milk you now and without mercy so get back up on the table!”
She started her pumping without another word or any hesitation and it was as furious as she was, believing that she now faced more caning as a result of his lack of control. Her compassion for him and his upcoming punishment had all but evaporated. Either she produced evidence of his draining or she was for the same treatment. James was surprised how short a time it took. Perhaps it was the harsh rubbing of her clenched fist, perhaps it was the sight of her still bare breasts joggling and swaying just inches from his face. Whatever the catalyst was he spurted for the third time that afternoon and it was only Anna’s quick reaction with the jar that caught it.
Anna now gave every indication of her desperation to avoid more of the cane. She continued to pump, now extremely painfully for James in the hope of extracting more evidence for Madam. She even told him to reach up and hold her breasts in the hope that more stimulation would return the lost erection. Eventually she gave up, cleaned the area around his genitalia and called Madam on the house ‘phone to tell her that he was now ready.
Madam McKenzie strode in, checked the specimen jar and pointed out to Anna that the real test would be whether the male displayed any form of erection when he was presented to the witnesses. She had no doubt that once she started to cane him sexual excitement would now be impossible. She gave James a cursory inspection around his genitals and produced a steel bucket telling him that from what she had read in his wife’s report about his lack of bladder control, he had better relieve himself before punishment. Knowing that a refusal would make the situation incredibly worse, James forced himself to overcome his natural inhibition to urinate in front of two females and released himself noisily into the bucket which he then place on the floor.
She then told Anna to replace her bra and school uniform and for both of them to follow her.
They were taken into a large room that clearly doubled as the TV room for the house. James, ordered to stand naked at the present position facing the audience tried not to look at what was obviously a punishment frame made out of steel tubes with padded leather supports for various parts of the body. Sitting around in comfortable chairs were three couples in their early twenties up to their fifties. Clearly valued friends of Madam they listened intently as she spoke.
“Thank you all for giving up your valuable time to attend as witnesses. You will no doubt recognise the female, albeit from a less embarrassing angle than when you last saw her on the punishment frame.” A soft titter of amusement went round the room. “As you know she was caned at the request of her husband in the hope of improving her general behaviour which I hear it has. I thought that you would be prepared to have her here tonight for two reasons. Firstly she has been used to thoroughly milk this male to ensure that there was no residual sexual interest in being beaten but also so that you could see the natural progression of the extensive bruising that was a necessary result of her thrashing. You went to great lengths to examine her weals and ridges that the cane creates and now you can see the results after just three days. She tells me that the bruising is still rather tender to the touch, but you can disregard that information if you feel that it will prevent you from carrying out a thorough inspection. Strip girl, leave your clothes on that stool and mount the frame.”
Anna stood routed to the spot. She had been given no notice that she would again be humiliated by the group and that she would have to strip in front of them. Her face was bright red and her jaw hanging open in shock. It was only a further sharp command from Madam that made her move. Mechanically she removed her tie, shirt and skirt then her bra and slid her school type knickers to the floor. Madam interrupted the stripping to tell her to leave the heavy school stockings and garter belt in position. She then climbed slowly on to the frame. It required her knees to be well spread with her upper body stretched out to enable her lower arms to lay on their respective supports that were somewhat lower. This had her hips and buttocks as the highest part of her body and not only sticking skywards but obscenely spread so that the hairy anal cleft and vulva were totally exposed. Her breasts hung under their own weight jiggling with every movement she made .A discreet light in the roof somewhere lit the intimate area so that not a hair root, wrinkle or blemish could go unnoticed.
Madam then asked if any of the witnesses would care to carry out an inspection of the girl to fully appreciate how effective the punishment they had witnessed had been. The young couple stood up and approached. The male eagerly placed his hands on the buttocks and rubbed the bruised areas vigorously making Anna squirm. The girl, a rather superior looking chubby brunette by the name of Miss Callum took a pair of latex gloves from the box on the nearby table and, having donned them, also stood close to the displayed female.
“When you gave us that most informative talk on administering corporal punishment you mentioned that some receivers display signs of sexual interest during the floggings Madam. May I check this person for any signs?”
The girl knew full well that the form completed by Anna’s husband had been thoroughly ticked in all the boxes that indicated how his wife was to be treated. Items such as “Own sex handling” and both the verbal, handling, exposure and duties under the “Humiliation” section were ticked. As many of these experiences as possible would need to be forced on the female to keep her owner satisfied with the way she was treated. From the continuing deep blushing of the girls face that extended down to her breasts, this particular humiliation had been selected by her husband because of her fear of such procedures.
Madam assured the witness that a penetrative check would be in order but perhaps they should all first see the video of her thrashing that was taped at the request of the girl’s husband. She was ordered to stand next to James and in the same position, then they were both told to face the large projection screen as the lights dimmed and the video commenced.
Anna was seen being escorted into the room by Madam McKenzie and was soon strapped down over the frame with the cameras, hidden in the roof and walls of the room, taking in the indecent display of her intimate areas. Madam produced a long cane that was to be the instrument of her correction and this was handed round witnesses for their examination and approval. Finally the cane was handed back to a young male who had appeared and seemed to be an assistant. Having swabbed Anna’s buttocks thighs and cleft with a large wet swab of some sort he ran the length of the cane through the swab as part of some antiseptic procedure.
Madam then grasped the cane, flexed it between her hands several times, took up a position to the rear and left of the girl and raised the cane back over her right shoulder bringing it down in a whistling arc to strike across the upper part of the stretched buttocks. Anna could be heard to gasp and she strained in a futile way against the straps that held her to the frame. Madam had clearly carried out such thrashings many times before and made each stroke count with around thirty seconds between each one to allow the pain to be absorbed. The strokes gradually made their way down the buttocks until the last four of the fifteen stroke flogging were laid, with some difficulty because of the wide spread, across the tops of the thighs. The witnesses then came forward to carry out a visual and tactile inspection of the still trembling buttocks and thighs. Anna could be heard sobbing as various hands and fingers were run over the swelling ridges often making the pain worse. The edited video then ended with the area being swabbed down by the male assistant.
Anna was ordered to take up the position on the frame once more and Madam McKensie told the female witness to carry out such examinations that she considered necessary.
She started by slowly cupping her left breast in the purple latex gloves and gently lifting and swaying the weighty item. Then, to emphasise the victim’s vulnerability she dragged her finger tip down the exposed anal cleft from the top to the split of the vulva. Next she toyed with the brown wrinkled anus, firstly gently rubbing a finger tip around the rim and then suddenly jabbing the finger tip at the very centre making the girl gasp and thrust her hips away. Then, slowly but firmly, she used her fingers to part the girls outer secret lips and then inserted two fingers into the opening.
It seemed to hurt the girl and she emitted a whispered whimper at the intrusion but knew better that to object to this crude violation. Her husband had permitted any female contact and she would just have to accept it or face worse punishment.
Eventually, after much probing and twisting the gloved fingers were withdrawn and Miss Callum, carefully inspecting the gloved fingers of her hand announced that she could see no indications that the girl had found any sexual satisfaction from watching the video of her beating. Anna, with tears running down her cheeks from the humiliation, was told to take up the same position as James and next to him.
Madam McKenzie spoke:
“Thank you for your patience ladies and gentlemen. We now move on to the main event for today which will be carrying out this male’s wife’s request that he be given a beating that he will not wish to have repeated. If you, Miss Callum would take a seat next to the punishment frame I will be asking you to carry out regular checks of this male for the slightest level of sexual arousal during the session. He has, I am assured, been thoroughly milked but one cannot assume that he has had all the male semen drained.
This beating is just part of a long training course for this male during which he will be taught total obedience to female authority. As well as having to accept the application of punishment by any female put in charge of him, he will also have to reach a high standard of personal service to any female that he finds himself in the company of. Any ideas that he has any choice to whom he offers servitude to or any choice in the nature of that servitude will be either trained or beaten out of him. The eventual standard of service ladies is that when fully trained, he will, without question or hesitation, obey any order that you might give him. He will always carry out any, shall we say more personal service, that you may find enjoyable to any area of your body and at any time or place that you decide.
All the time he will, after this evening’s discipline, have in the back of his mind what will happen to him if he fails in any way to be obedient or does not comply with personal service to the standard the lady requires. He will, I can assure you, be very mindful of his need to show total respect to any lady.”
James was then ordered to mount the frame. He immediately felt and sympathised with Anna in the way his thighs were required to be widely spread and his back lowered so that his already bruised and sensitive buttocks were forced high in the air. He obviously could not see how he looked to the witnesses but could feel the cold air around his opened anal cleft and his dangling genitalia. The numerous restraining straps with their Velcro grips soon held him rigidly in place and saw Anna’s legs as she approached. The cold swab being applied to his skin made him gasp in shock especially when it was dribbled into his anal cleft and stung his exposed anus. Both his thighs were wiped removing any hope that they might not be struck.
Madam Mackenzie was heard to remove an implement from the wall rack and she then held it in front of his lowered face. It was a different one to the one used on Anna in that it looked a little meatier and slightly less flexible. It still bent as Madam flexed it under his nose.
“Take a good luck James”. She whispered. “I have selected a cane that you will really feel and come to respect as it will now be necessary to really hurt you. I have no objections to you vocalising the pain but I would warn you that if I hear any insults or obscenities coming out of your mouth you will be gagged and an extra set of strokes awarded. Extra strokes will also be awarded if Miss Cullum here detects any signs of sexual arousal.”
She stood back and held the cane out so that Anna could wipe it’s length with the antiseptic swab. She then took up a position to his rear and his left, with Miss Cullum taking a seat to his immediate right, she immediately reached under him and gripped his dangling scrotum firmly then his penis which she squeezed and pulled non too gently. With some difficulty she forced his foreskin back to expose the raw area which she continued to squeeze and pull hoping to achieve some inflation.
James heard the swish of the cane behind him microseconds before it struck across the top of his buttocks. It was harder than even the strokes he had been given during assessment and his immediate thought was how many like this would he receive. The pain of the thin weal hit him soon afterwards and caused as much fear as sheer pain itself. He knew only too well that he was now entirely at the mercy of this woman, he would be given as many strokes as she thought fit. There would be nothing he could do to change that in any way.
To be continued.
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