Chapter 10
A door opening and slamming against the wall awakened Susan from her all too brief sleep. She had only gotten a few hours of rest, which was all she could manage. The cold air in the cell and handcuffs locking her hands behind her back prevented her from getting too comfortable. Two women, dressed in tight black spandex body suits hauled her to her feet; her gag was slid aside so some water from a spray bottle could be poured down her throat, before being readjusted back into position. Next a thick black slave collar, with multiple metal rings was placed around her neck. One of the women took a silver charm, it was “473”, and fastened it to one of the loops in the front. The other women took a short leash and attached it to a loop in the back. A gentle tug reminded Susan who was in control.
As per usual, the two “nurses”, as they were known internally, exchanged no words to each other or to their captive. This was entirely by design; Natasha wanted all new slaves to get the feeling that they were not in control of anything. Lack of dialogue only reinforced to the girls that they were in the hands of people who knew exactly what they were doing at all times.
Susan was led out into the hallway, where she soon met up with an equally petrified and restrained Missy. Together the two young girls were taken to an elevator, which took them down two floors and eventually into a room with two similar tables in the middle. A series of cuffs, chains and other restraining devices were featured prominently on each table, like might been seen in an insane asylum. The room was very well lit, perhaps most ominously two very bright lights hung over each table, similar to those in an operating room. Two other women were already inside, they wore similar outfits to the others, but their bodysuits were white, and even more unsettling were the hospital masks they wore, they were clearly there to perform some type of procedure.
With little resistance each of the girls was roughly positioned onto one of the tables and very securely fastened into place. Amazingly no words had been spoken by anyone. One of the white suited women took a pair of scissors and cut away the fabric from Susan’s meager gown carefully she pulled it out from underneath the straps and placed it in a trashcan. The other woman did the same with Missy. The two girls laid there, now completely naked except for the chastity belts encasing their cunts.
To be sure there were some significant logistical issues that Natasha was now going to be forced to deal with that she wouldn’t have under normal circumstances. At this point she did not want anyone to know that Susan was the little sister of Dominique. That would greatly complicate the task at hand and could lead to significant and unwanted issues from the already wary staff, some of whom were certainly uneasy about the tender ages of their two newest slaves. Natasha had made it perfectly clear to Dominique how dangerous it would be to reveal this secret to anyone.
Only three people at Stonebriar were aware of this horrible truth, both of them, and Dr. Olga. Certainly Susan herself would eventually find out but how had not been determined yet. Natasha herself could hardly wait to listen in on that conversation. For now the two women headed down to the shaving room, where in order to keep this secret Susan would be blindfolded for this morning’s procedure.
Natasha walked into the room alone, while Dominique waited outside. She smiled at both of the obviously panic-stricken girls. She circled Susan and dragged her hands over the young lovely, pausing to feel her thumping heart. She wiped the tears away from the poor girl’s eyes as Susan tried desperately to mumble something through the gag. Natasha ignored her and took a key from her pocket; she placed it into the chastity belt, unlocked the device and slid it out from under the quivering girl. To add to the girl’s unease, Natasha stared at her pussy for an uncomfortably long period of time and then licked her lips. Satisfied with her unsettling performance she did the same thing with Missy.
At long last she broke the silence. “Hello Girls, my name is Mistress Natasha. I am in charge here. I know you both have many questions and I promise we will answer all of them in due time. But let me answer one for you right now, you are not here by mistake, of that I can assure you. Now before we do anything else I am going to introduce you girls to the pleasure of having a freshly shaved cunt. Has either of you girls ever had your pussy shaved before, either by someone else or perhaps done it yourself?”
Unable to answer with the ball gags in their mouths, both girls shook their heads.
“I didn’t think so; you both probably a little too young. That is OK. What you are going to learn today is that we place a high value on a clean, neatly shaved cunt. Pubic hair prevents us from our objectives at Stonebriar and that is why it is strictly forbidden here on any of our “guests”. It is important that you get used to this process, it will occur daily.”
Susan gulped, it was now starting to hit home to her that this whole awful, dreadful thing was more then just a prank gone bad and likely something much more sinister. Natasha signaled to a staffer, who obediently wheeled put a cart of assorted shaving supplies. Normally the girls would have been subjected to a much crueler “hot shave”, which featured shaving cream in a silver bowl heated by a Sterno flame, but Natasha wanted to ease these girls a bit more slowly into their new surroundings. More importantly, since Dominique would soon be joining them she preferred to take things slowly initially, to give her plenty of time to adjust to this very difficult state of affairs.
“Blindfold them both.” She gestured toward the girls and immediately padded blindfolds was placed and secured over the girls’ eyes. This caught the staff by surprise as this step was rarely done. Natasha had always made it a point to have the girls watch their cunts being shaved, to further remind them of their helplessness. No one was sure why this change of procedure, but certainly no one dared question Natasha. Satisfied that the girls could see nothing, Natasha opened the door and Dominique walked in. She undoubtedly had a nervous look on her face as she surveyed the room; she immediately noticed which one was her sister, tightly strapped to the table on her left. She was pleased that she was blindfolded, as Dominique certainly was unprepared to engage in any sort of dialogue with her younger sister.
Her unease was obvious to the other staff people in the room. She had supervised the mandatory first shavings of countless other girls here before and had always shown eagerness in these proceedings. Perhaps Dominique was showings signs of being uncomfortable of working with girls so young. That was certainly understandable.
Sensing these odds feelings from both Dominique and the staff, Natasha decided to take charge. She pointed at the cart and with other hand gestures she ordered the shavings to begin. Each girl had her pussy sprayed with ice-cold water. This served two purposes, lubrication for the cream as well as inducing goose bumps on the cunt, which Natasha felt provided for a closer shave. Next horsehair brushes were used to coat the girl’s pussies. What normally would have been a very unpleasant feeling with the hot cream turned into a somewhat sensual one, especially for Missy, who was surprisingly getting turned on by the whole process. She had wanted to do this on her own many times, but had never gotten the gumption to try it.
Next two of the nurses snapped on tight black latex gloves before donning ultra sharp straight edge razors. “Don’t move girls”, Natasha yelled out, “the only person you will ultimately end up hurting is yourselves.” The whole process took 15 minutes. As was customary, Dominique put the bright light over the girl’s cunts and bent down for a closer inspection of each girl. Theses two nurses, Jackie and Kim had been with Stonebriar for many years. They had shaved hundreds of girls thousands of times. They were pro’s pros. Dominique did not expect to find even a trace of pubic hair and she didn’t. She nodded to each, a sign of a job well done, and left the room. Natasha ordered the chastity belts back on and for the girls to be taken to their cells.
She was very pleased with Dominique, as they had discussed prior to her coming into the room. It would be best if she did not speak in the presence of Susan, on the off chance that her sister would recognize her voice. Yes she was gagged, but she wouldn’t be forever, and they did not want to risk Susan finding out of Dominique’s participation in this sordid ordeal before it was absolutely necessary
Dominique waited out in the hallway for Natasha. “Very good my dear,” the Mistress began. “You handled that very well. Why don’t you go check on your other girls now? In an hour or so I will send Madam Harding in there to deliver her speech to them. We will let them think about that for a while and you and I can talk before you go in and see her OK?”
Dominique nodded and walked down the hallway to her wing, hoping to get her mind off Susan by directing her attention to the other slaves under her control. She would try, but she knew that was going to be very hard to do.
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