The Family Feud IV
Chapter Thirteen
Ample Parking In the Rear
Get out of jail cards: 1
WHORE: 5,3,0,0,1
Get out of jail cards: 1
WHORE: 4,3,0,0,0
The Taylor men had hit upon several effective ideas in how they trained the Taylor women. One of them had been the use of routines and rituals in everyday life. The morning routine had at first seemed brutal, extreme and even tedious but as it became repeated it had started to become their version of 'normal'.
They did vary the routine at times but they found the girls responded best to structure. The girls seemed to accept even the most humiliating activity if they had done it enough. Delilahs presence as an active participant had added the fear of the unknown to the mix and the girls were noticeably uneasy.
When Bill and Chris were satisfied that Jamies affirmation had given sufficient thanks for her supervision and training they had her crawl into the living room with her mother.
Wendy had been humiliated many times by an audience of leering men in the last weeks. She had not counted on how painful being ignored while she humiliated herself could feel. Each time people walked by as if she didnt exist and just left the room without so much as a glance she had felt humiliation. It was a different kind than the embarrassment she felt when her skirt flew up or someone grabbed her tit.
This new feeling of humiliation from being ignored was more subtle. Wendy wondered if part of her own vanity wasnt just offended that she hadnt warranted even a maniacal wringing of the hands and a Mwuahahahah from the guys. She didnt want to let on to Chris and Bill that treating her like an object or a fixture to be ignored had made her feel this way. She also knew her daughter might spill the beans if she confided in her so she just pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind while the guys helped her down after untying her wrists from the hooks in the ceiling beams.
They left her ring gag in and Bill slapped her hand when she instinctively attempted to break a long string of saliva that had dripped down her bare chest.
Oh I didnt see the tail. That IS cute. Delilah gave a swish to the suede cat of nine tails emerging from Wendys ass like the bushy cotton tail of a rabbit. Bill had bought several tailed whips ranging from doggy tails to horse tails to this one - It seemed most appropriate to Delilah.
Wendys taut body was bruised, cut and now she was shivering as her muscles reacted to being freed from her captivity but she made no attempt to stop Delilah from playing with the whip-tail.
Yeah, its neat. Chris plopped it out of his mothers ass revealing a full 7 inches of glistening wooden rod and then pushed it into the O-ring in his mothers gag, It fits in both
Well not all the way Delilah said with a grin.
Mom can take all seven inches! Chris seemed determined to show her that the length of the rod could go much further down his mothers throat while she murmured in a panic.
Bill caught his arm We really need to get going
Yeah, thats trueokay play time is over, Sorry Mom. Chriss tone implied he was cutting of his mothers recreation time as he removed the gag and the two inches of the whip handle he had inserted in her mouth.
Where did you get all these neat play things? Delilah was impressed with the assemblage of paddles, chains and dildos that seemed to be spread out around the house like kids might do on Christmas day when they first unwrap their gifts.
Actually we just bought them. Chris answered as he unfastened the last snap from his mothers gag.
I thought you were broke? Delilah sounded confused and a little concerned.
Who do you think was too lazy to tell us we were running out of money? Bill sounded cross as he slapped his wife on the ass with a leather strap that was handy. Get on the floor and kiss your daughters lips, or arent you glad to see her?
Wendy didnt hesitate to get on the floor and press her lips to Jamie who was being walked like a puppy behind Delilah. She could instantly taste the sticky cum on her daughters lips and wondering the origin only made it even more creepy.
So what is first on the agenda? Delilah had her hands on her hips.
We usually let them piss and shit first. In the morning we use a litter box, but because its dark outside they can just use the backyard. Chris answered plainly.
Oh my, how beastly! Delilah her voice caught half way between amusement and shock.
Chris started to offer an apology about how they were in control of every aspect of the girls and it was a natural body function but Delilah stopped him, Its okay Chris, I guess there are just some things about your deviousness I am still finding out is all. I saw your sister do way more disgusting things the last two days. I am just sorry my brothers arent here to watch it they love this sort of thing.
You still have your camera phone? Chris offered helpfully.
That I do. Delilah took the phone out of her back pocket, But isnt that what girly-girl got in trouble for? Not going when she was given the chance? Delilah bent down to give a playful tickle to Jamies chin. You cant just let the two of them wander around in the yard all willy-nilly and trust them to not beg to go five minutes later can you, sweet-ums?
Chris was in awe of Delilahs personal presence and even though he knew the honey in her accent was a form of manipulation he was liking being manipulated. He shrugged a concession that he wanted to hear Delilahs idea.
Well, lets give them both an enema and a douche at the same time so they can clean out their bottom cavities, while they brush their teeth and clean out the mouths that seem to have given them the most trouble.
A douche? Chris had used that word a hundred times with his friends and always associated it with an insult or a playful term of affection.
Delilah could tell Chris had no idea what one was and she smiled, Well, its an awful lot like an enema except its going to clean out their sweaty pussies. If you have a little vinegar Ill mix up something. Do you want to meet me in the bathroom, Sugar?
Chris was already leading the girls upstairs on all fours as he smiled back his approval.
Bill looked at Delilah as Chris led the girls away, Should I just go put some pants on? Even Bill had naturally acquiesced to Delilah without being consciously aware of it.
Now if you do that honey, what will the girls use for tooth brushes? Why dont you follow them up there and put a little Aquafresh on there for them and Ill be up directly. She brushed the tip of his half-erect cock with her hand and Bill lit up with a smile as his cock reacted to her intentional teasing.
She was carefully balancing her assertive personality with Bills ego so that he still felt like he was calling all the shots.
When Delilah walked into the upstairs bathroom holding several warmed plastic bottles, both Chris and Bill had their pants off. Jamie was squatting and sucking off her father while her mother worked on Chris.
I take it you put enough tooth paste on your peckers for them to get a good brush? Delilah smirked. Chris and Bill only nodded. Chris was holding his mother by the ears and Bill was actively fucking his daughters mouth up and down on his cock.
Can I get you two to sit on the sink counter, so I can bend over Thing One and Thing Two here? Delilah asked. The men silently led the girls with their hands as they sat themselves down so the womens backs were bent. They knew what was coming next and both of them had their legs apart.
I have a feeling these should slide right in. Delilah giggled as she first inserted an enema nozzle into Wendys ass. She gave it a pat and said, Wiggle your butt so I know its in their good. Wendy wiggled and it waggled like a puppy dog tail, Oh good girl, you are fun! Delilah slapped Wendys ass playfully.
She repeated the process for Jamie, Okay Stinker-butt, I know you have had so much packed into your heiney tonight that you may not even feel it. as she pushed the enema nozzle in with a twist and gave it a squeeze to start the slow trickle of water into her bowels. Jamie could only murmur in reply while her father fucked her face.
Delilah proceeded to squat down and squirt a little of her homemade douche on the Taylor womens clit hoods, before angling the nozzles into their pussies and pushing them inside. She was certain she heard Wendy moan.
Should we cum? Bill asked in all seriousness.
Do you want to cum? Delilah responded playfully.
Bill didnt answer as he rapidly began to throat-fuck his daughter and with a, Take it bitchah,-ah..ah.. he pulled out.
Dont swallow yet. Delilah reminded Jamie with a swat to the ass.
Oh they know to wait for permission to gobble our cum. Chris said with a serious tone.
Are you enjoying it, or is it just not making you cum? Delilah asked Chris who was pumping his mothers face at a nice regular pace.
I take a long time to come. Chris answered without hesitation.
Maybe they just arent doing it right, can I try something? Delilah was already standing him back up and gently easing Wendy up so that the enema and douche she was receiving didnt fall out. Delilah put one finger behind Chriss bare ass and tapped on his asshole playfully while staring at him with her vixen-like blue eyes.
He came almost instantly and more than he had ever had to that point in time. His mother who had fancied herself fairly experienced at deep throating almost gagged trying to hold it all in her mouth.
Here let me get this on camera. Delilah had her pocket camera out and faced towards the faces of the two humiliated women, You two swap what you got in your mouth with a nice passionate kiss between mother and daughter.
Jamie and Wendy had made out several times with each other were a little shy at first, but after awkwardly putting their heads together embraced and passionately began to French kiss.
Dont swallow any of it. Delilah warned as she held up the camera.
Too late, Maam Wendy offered her open mouth, I think some of it dissolved in our mouths, I am sorry! she seemed genuinely apologetic and her voice sounded cracked and strained.
Oh, just admit you are a cum-gobbler and you wanted to swallow the spunk in your mouth, Mrs. Taylor. Delilah said playfully while holding the camera on Wendys face.
I am a cum-gobbler and wanted to swallow my sons and husbands spunk, and you may call me Cow-tits if you like Maam. Wendy answered submissively like she would during an affirmation.
Why is that, Cow-tits? Delilah impishly responded.
Mrs. Taylor is a sign of respect and authority, and as you can see from my station around here, I am only worthy of scorn and ridicule. My son and husband have decided to refer to me as Cow-tits because of the fake boobs I paid for with money I could have used to help support our household instead of satisfying my vanity.
Oh those are a lot of big-words, care to rephrase for my brothers? Delilah held the camera out to emphasize her point.
Wendy was almost to her breaking point where she felt she might cry, but at the last moment she took a deep breath and started to rephrase, Sirs, if you are watching this then you know I am the naughty woman who you saw in the backoh god, oh god!! Wendy started to reach behind her arms flailing for the enema bottle in a panic.
No, no keep it in! Delilah started to put down the phone but Chris got behind his mom and sister and pushed the enema bottles back up their squirming bottles. Jamie too was in anguish and grunting.
You dont mind a little of My Aunties hot-sauce tonic up your stinky backside do you, Ass Face is it? Delilah resumed her interview.
No Mistress, you are just opening me up back there so that everything comes out. Thank for the concern for my comfort. Jamie gritted her teeth as she sucked her breath in with her teeth. Her face was turning red and she was still jerking slightly.
Mistress is it now? Delilah grinned sheepishly.
Yes Mistress, as a key-holder under green protocol that is the appropriate title of respect. I dont think my mom realized that, so please forgive her for being more casual about your title. Jamie couldnt help but tattle-tale on her moms lack of protocol even in her struggles. There was something about following rules and playing fair that compelled her to tell even on herself and she did it so instinctively.
Stop your squirming and put each of your hands on each others boobs. Then say something thoughtful to each of my brothers. Call them each by name. They will get a kick out of that. Delilah ignored Jamies casual admittance of her mothers wrong doing - She was having fun and could punish them later.
The girls were bent over slightly at the waist with their legs apart, while Chris and Bill both held the enema and douche nozzles in place tightly. Their asses were still wiggling involuntarily from the hot-sauce mixed into their enema water sending spasms of pain down their thighs. They clung to each others tits with their faces pressed cheek to cheek.
Um, Hi Jimmy Sir. Jamie went first, I hope you are enjoying watching us get ready to go out tonight. I dont know where we are going but its not up to me.
BORING! Delilah turned off the camera and started to slap Jamies face before stopping herself when she saw Jamie didnt flinch away. Cow Tits, say something cuter to Jimmy. Delilah started recording again as she pointed the camera at Wendy.
Hi uh Jimmy Sir, this is Cow-tits from the backyard, you are probably wondering why we are wiggling so funny. That is because we have hot-water enemas and they are really uncomfortable. Wendy pleaded But I hope you and your brothers are laughing.
Good job Cow-tits Delilah patted her head like a puppy and laughed while inserting her own face into the camera frame before turning it back to Jamie who was in the process of grimacing from a cramp caused by the enema.
Hi Gordon Sir, this is Ass Face, Jamie Taylor. I just wanted to thank you for fucking my ass so hard tonight. I showed my father and brother the cum you left inside of me, and um I am not sure what else to say. Jamie seemed unsure of herself. She suddenly heard a groan of pain come from her mom and looked quickly in her direction before catching herself and focusing back on Delilah and the cellphone.
Chris smacked her ass hard Say cheese! he started to yank the enema out but Delila stopped him.
Delilah quickly added, You want to leave it in for a few minutes to get maximum benefit. Lets finish the videos for my brothers and then well let them get in the shower and start washing their hair and upper bodies. You just make sure that the nozzles dont come out until its time.
Cheese! Jamie said with a forced smile that anyone could see had pain behind it. Suddenly an overwhelming cramp hit Jamie and she fell to her knees holding her stomach as the enema had its hideous effect. She let slip out Oh God as the cramp reached its peak and her body shook with the pain and the need to void herself of the vile liquid inside her.
Suddenly there was a loud scream of pain from Wendy as she suffered an intense intestinal cramp as well. She didnt fall to her knees like Jamie had but it was obvious her screams were of agony. Bill and Chris looked at each other and then to Delilah who was just standing there smiling as she admired her handiworks effects on the two poor women.
Finally Chris made a sound like he was clearing his throat, Uhhhhh, shouldnt we remove the nozzles and let them shit now?
Delilah smiled sweetly at Chris, No but they can get in the shower and shampoo their hair and was themselves from the waist up. Ill tell you when to have them take the nozzle out of their ass.
Jamie looked over at her father whos mouth was open in disbelieve at the site he had just seen. Jamies squirming and groaning could almost have been mistaken for a Jamigasm if it hadnt been for the intense look of pain on her face. When she saw Bill nod his head to what Delilah had just said to do, she struggled up into position, still holding her left hand on her stomach. She moved in the direction of the shower and noticed that her mom wasnt moving. She turned and took the step towards her mom to enable her to grab her hand. She gently pulled her mom up as she said, Come on mom.
Jamie had to half pull her mom into the tub. Wendy was still focused on the seemingly neverending cramps in her gut. Jamie turned the water on and helped maneuver her mom under the water. She got her moms hair wet and then started washing it. It took her a few minutes to wash her mothers hair because she had to stop from the intense stomach cramps several times. It seemed though that Wendy was having a worse time of it though as she never seemed to get a break from the ever increasing pain the cramps were causing. If she hadnt been in the shower, you could have seen the tears streaming down her cheeks from the pain she was enduring.
Finally Jamie finished working the shampoo into her moms hair and then rinsing it out. She immediately began to wash the rest of her moms upper body. They had done this enough that it didnt take long until her mom was clean from the waist up, including her fake tits. When she had turned her mother around to make sure the soap was all washed off, she experienced another spasm in her gut that doubled her over. It didnt last long though and she quickly stood up and ducked her hair under the water. She quickly got the shampoo and poured a good amount into the palm of her hand. She stepped back from the water and rubbed her hands together and then began to work the shampoo into her hair. She had just worked up a lather into about half her hair when she had another very bad cramp like she had earlier. She fell to her hands and knees and actually screamed out her agony from the stomach cramp the enema was causing.
When Jamies intestinal cramp began to ease, she realized that her hair was being lathered by someone. She just concentrated on getting through the painful cramp in her gut as whoever it was finished her hair and washed the rest of her from the waist up. She was too unfocused to realize that Wendy had finally been able to get up and help her. She didnt know how long it had been but finally the pain eased enough for her to stand up. When she did she turned in the water to wash the soap off of her body, still suffering small aftershocks of cramping. She felt as if another big one would come any second so she tried to hurry.
If the mother and daughter had been aware they would have heard Delilah finally telling Bill and Chris that it was time to let them expel the enemas. Bill immediately looked into the shower and had to call Jamies name twice before she finally responded after the third time because of her concentration on ignoring the severe pain she was experiencing. The fact she had only had to very large cramps that dropped her to her knees wasnt because she wasnt having painful cramps, it was just because she was concentrating so hard on ignoring them to complete her tasks that the pain had kind of faded into the background. Finally she heard her name the third time and it registered so she turned to look at Bill, Pull your mothers nozzle out of her ass and let her relieve herself. Be sure you clean the nozzle with your mouth when you do. As Wendy began to groan in relief as the pressure forced her to completely clean out her backside, Delilah held her camera phone just inside the door of the shower and ordered, Say hi to Gordon Wendy.
Wendy was about to say something to Gordon for Delilahs phone video when Chris put Jamies enema nozzle into his mothers mouth. She hadnt even noticed that Chris had reached into the shower and yanked out her daughters nozzle. She glanced at Jamie who at that moment was also putting the nozzle to her enema in her mouth and sucking it clean. She sighed in relief from the enema being evacuated even though she had the nasty tasting nozzle in her mouth which she automatically began sucking on like a small cock as soon as it was put into her mouth.
Wow, the old switcheroo. Delilah observed as Chris led his mother over to the downpour of water coming from the showerhead after her enema had been expelled. Yeah, you know how its not as bad to smell your own farts? I figure its better if they have to clean each others nasty nozzles.
Absolutely heinous! there was a happy zeal about the way Delilah said that which reminded them all of her Aunt. Her Aunt had a habit of sounding disgusted but remaining fascinated and Delilah took it one step further by simply seeming fully in approval. Tell Zeke why you have to clean off your mothers enema nozzle after its been up her stinky keister for five minutes, Ass Face?
Well Zeke, because I am a three hole slut and so is my mother and when someone puts something up our asses, its only fair that they use our mouths to clean it instead of dirtying a rag or paper towel. Its just my tongue and I... Jamie sounded too positive and cheerful for Delilahs taste so she stuck the enema in her mouth before she could give one of her detailed affirmation answers.
Whats next? Delilah asked
Well, we usually have them shower and shave but they shaved already this morning and we are running behind. Chris offered.
Step in ladies, it will all wash down the drain in the end. Delilah indicated the filthy bottom of the bathtub with a fine layer of brown butt-water in it. The girls stepped into the shower and washed each other by hand as they did every morning. They still had the douche nozzles in their mouth as they showered their aching bodies.
Oh that is cute Delilah didnt video tape the rest because she knew her brothers would be fascinated with only the gross-out aspects of the getting ready.
When the girls stepped out they were given towels to dry. which was a rarity, and told to be thankful that it was only since they were in a hurry.
They were told to put on more makeup than normal. The guys had purchased the most trailer park blue eye-shadow and cheap drug-store cherry lipstick for them when this began. Delilah was amused at how cheap it was.
Actually, that lipstick though is supposed to be all day lipstick Wendy corrected instinctively So I can give blowjobs and it not um, you know rub off as much and smear.
Very practical Delilah sounded condescending as she giggled at Wendys defense of the whorish makeup that clearly wasnt her shade. Make sure you put on a lot, how about body make up?
Chris was the first to ask what she meant and Delilah demonstrated by patting some base powder on Jamies naked and dry body and then using a brush to dust over it. You can not only cover up some of these bruises and whip marks, but you can accentuate the size of her smaller boobs by applying some concealer of different shades to give the impression of depth. Delilah artistically began to paint Jamies chest while she dried her hair and applied her face make up.
Thats really cool. Can you draw me on some abs like in 300? Chris joked. He had to explain that in the movie they had made it seem like everyone who lived in Sparta had a perfect six-pack abdomen using makeup.
That is sort of the idea, if you like I can make her nipples a much redder color Delilah pinched and twisted Jamies nipples with her thumb.
Make her butthole, pussy lips and nipples all match the same color as her mother? Bill requested trying to sound like the wise patriarch. He was no longer self-conscious about standing in the bathroom with his pants off in front of her. That was in part because his son was naked from the waist down too.
Oh, sure! Delilah used an eyeliner tool to apply a thin dark ring around Jamies pussy lips and asshole before coloring it in with a pink blush powder. This will make it stand out and really pop then she asked Bill and Chris to rub some body-glitter oil over the two of them.
Delilah pinched and tugged their puffy nipples and clits in order to get them to stand out more (and just demonstrate she had a fiendishly sadistic side).
When they were finally done the two girls looked like perfect naked sluts and there wasnt a mark or blemish on their bodies.
This is great, what should they wear? Bill asked Delilah instinctively.
Well not too much, you dont want all the glitter to come off before you get there.
Wendy and Jamie still didnt know where there was, and they had been poked, prodded and talked about as if they were simply a prop that they didnt feel they had the authority to even ask - the curiosity was killing them though.
Actually, I think I have an overcoat cow-tits could wear, Chris do you have something? Bill asked his son.
A football jersey?
That will probably be cold in the night air on the way out there. Bill said sounding concerned.
And? Chris laughed as if he could care less.
Good point. Bill smirked and slapped Wendy on the ass. Lets get them loaded up and can we drop you back off at your house?
Delilah answered Why thank you, you are ever so thoughtful Mr. Taylor. In the southern genteel accent she had used when she first arrived.
Bill threw an old overcoat at his wife and tossed her some high heels which she quickly put on. You had better thank Delilah for all the effort she put in tonight.
Yes Sir, thank you Mistress for cleaning us up, and painting us pretty and making our holes match. I am glad my daughter gave you and your brothers some amusement this afternoon. Wendy got down on her knees as she delivered the line wearing only the high heels.
Oh think nothing of it. You two are so sexy when you grovel though. I hope you are looking forward to a visit some time at our place? Delilahs sadistic tone was completely invisible to the guys but Wendy read the subtext completely.
Oh Yes Mistress, I am sure that my owners will want me to visit soon. Wendy wasnt looking forward to it in the least but only Delilah and Jamie could pick up on the context of what she really meant by her tone.
Jamie got down on her knees next Mistress, youve really outdone yourself and I suspect that I too will be visiting your house before my training is over.
Oh dear Delilah took her chin in hand once again You know you can come back over for an attitude adjustment even if your training is over. I am sure we can work out a trade she winked at Chris and then the girls stood to dress at the door.
Wendys overcoat came down to her ankles and reminded her of something a flasher would wear to the park. Jamie was even worse because it was simply an oversized Cherry Lawn Trojans scrimmage jersey and not only did it barely cover her ass, it had been designed to go over pads and had breathing-holes in the mesh of the material.
Jamie was carrying a small leather bag with Stuff that they may need as they were loaded into the back of Bills truck.
You can sit up front with us Chris offered sweetly to Delilah.
Dont Taylor men cum first? Delilah joked as she stepped into the back of the truck with the girls.
You know it Chris smiled back at her after she repeated the familiar family motto they had been drilling into the womens head.
Well then Ill just stay back here with them until we get to my house. I wouldnt want to overstep my ego or else you may have to give me a paddling.
That would be bad why? Chris chuckled flirtatiously.
Bill finally nudged his boy inside Okay you two love-birds, weve got to get rolling and with that they pulled out of the parking lot.
Delilah ordered the girls to get on all fours as she squatted next to them. That sure is fun isnt it? Delilah said without a trace of her southern accent once the truck was in motion and it was just the three girls.
Fun Mistress? Jamie sounded confused.
Oh you can stop the formalities for now. Delilah explained. Dont bullshit a bullshitter, I see why you two agreed to be treated like little rag-dolls for the guys. It is exciting you never know what will happen next. You like being dominated.
Wendy turned to her Sometimes it can be exciting but trust me; I would lick your asshole for an hour for a cup of coffee and a hot bath by myself. Not thinking twice about how vulgar and forward it sounded.
Delilah just laughed You two are alright. You are tough bitches and I am impressed, I want to play with you again and I wont tell my aunt about your white alert - That will stay between us. Delilah sounded like she was being genuinely comforting and not manipulative.
Well thank you, mistress or um, Delilah Jamie answered politely.
There was a quiet pause while Bill drove through the neighborhood. It was dark outside and there was no danger of them being spotted but the cool night air ran down Jamies back and gave her chills.
Do you really like my son? Wendy got up the courage to ask.
What do you think? Delilah answered coyly.
I dont know what to think. He has never had a girl take an interest in him. Wendy caught herself before saying mistress too. It seemed so instinctive to punctuate her speech with that she started to feel weird not saying it.
I like your son, Mrs. Taylor Delilah smiled as the truck came to a hault. This is my stop she patted their asses and added Dont do anything I wouldnt do as she hopped off the back to run inside her house.
The truck was in motion again and now Jamie and her mother were free to have one of their long talks but they spent a long time just staring into each others eyes. The shared pain and humiliation had brought them closer in ways they were just starting to comprehend and they both felt they were sharing a moment with just their silence.
When they finally did talk again the truck was on its way out to the raunchier side of town. I think we are almost to MLK Blvd Jamie was looking up curiously and noticing familiar landmarks.
Oh dear! Wendy suspected what Bill wanted them to do but instantly regretted chirping that out because it only alarmed her daughter. The speculation about what would happen was making things even more difficult for the two. Jamie looked at her mother expectantly to infer go ahead and spit it out.
Well, I guess you should know that one night early on when Chris first started pimping you out to your friends Bill pimped me out here.
Wendy knew that Jamie was still waiting for more of an explanation but paused as if to give herself the illusion that she had said enough to explain. I did not know how far things were supposed to go and things sort of got out of hand. I ended up working the streets. Wendys tone was both apologetic and embarrassed.
Mom, its me! Jamie smiled at her mom reassuringly We worked the flea market today trying to sell our ass? reminding her mom that they were in this together.
Yes, I know but I think your Dad wants money so badly, he might be taking us to the motel to work there.
So? It cant be any worse than we did all day? Jamie was being positive and upbeat.
You have a good point Wendy conceded adding something she remembered being told that night You could walk naked in panties and a bra only down the sidewalk. This is Martin Luther King blvd. In every city there is a MLK blvd, and it is known for three things. Where you go to buy crack, where you go to buy ribs, where you go to buy ass.
We didnt exactly stick out at the flea market, there were lots of sluts there Jamie smiled again reassuring her mother that they would get through this together as a team. Jamie wasnt sure if they were going to have to whore again but she was not afraid.
Yeah, I suppose we will fit right in here too the tones they used would have gone right over Bill and Chriss heads but Jamie knew wrapped up in the subtext of that statement was a whole ball of fears.
Mom, we have gone this far, whatever we have to do, as long as we work together as partners in crime, you know Ive got your back and I know you have mine.
Wendy leaned in to kiss her daughter and for once it was just a gentle close-mouthed kiss of affection. Wendy and Jamie both were quietly wincing that their incestuous kisses had made the act of a sweet kiss now feel a little sexual.
Jamie changed the subject before the two of them started to gush What did you think of Delilah?
She is a horrid meanie-butt even worse than your friend Cathy Griffin. Wendy wasted no time in offering her true opinion.
I mean do you think she is going to break Chriss heart? Jamie already knew Delilah was twisted and cruel.
Dont we all at some point? Wendy offered a vague comment when the truck came to a stop and the doors cracked open.
The girls looked up at the lights overhead Ample Parking in the Rear and like it or not their conversation was cut short with Bills direction to Get their fat asses out and report for duty.
Yes Sir Jamie acknowledged while her mother added Coming Sir. The two would have to compare notes later about what that had meant.
They were in a parking lot behind a bar. There were several neon signs out front but in the back it was hard to make out. It looked like a run-down bar with loud music coming from inside.
Okay Ladies, and I use that term loosely Chris chortled Follow our lead and dont embarrass us. You have a chance to earn some stars tonight and some cash for the house. They led the girls around to the front of the building and it became obvious it was a smoky old strip club.
The Crab Shack? Jamie asked incredulously.
The sign that was bigger than all others read Crab Shack in bright lights.
Yeah, we get that a lot A heavy-set biker in leathers emerged from the darkness of the door-way holding a large wad of folded ones. This is Soft-tails. The Crab shack is a restaurant in the same plaza. He obviously knew the connotation.
We are here for the amateur contest Bill explained getting right to business. The bald bouncer looked the girls up and down and then asked Does this one have ID? as he looked at Jamie wearing only heels and a football jersey.
Bill silently cursed his luck that they would card them.
Chris jokingly replied You know I think it was in her pants and she was in such a rush to get down here, she plum forgot them.
The Bouncer chuckled slightly and added Yeah, we get that a lot. There was a pregnant pause before he added She can be in the amateur contest, but if she wants to work here youll have to show me an ID that says she is at least 18
Bill nodded Sure, thanks! but did his best to remain non-chalant. Where is the dressing room?
Its a ten dollar cover for you both, and let me guess you forgot your ID in your other pants too, Slim? the serious Biker looked down his nose at Chris.
I will gladly provide it if my sister starts dancing here Chris smiled like a child who had been caught red-handed.
This one is your sister? And let me guess this other one is your step-mom? the Bouncer asked.
She is blood related, but she is my mom. How did you know that? Chris asked as he handed him a twenty dollar bill they had earned earlier.
Yeah, we get that a lot was all he said.
Well the economy is tough these days, and people gotta do what they can. Chris offered as explanation.
The Biker didnt acknowledge the explanation. He offered a curt explanation of the rules You can touch, no blowjobs, no penetration you or the customer. He said adding Dances are 20, the house takes five per dance, and you dance three song sets.
We are just here for your amateur contest Bill added noting the five hundred dollar prize.
That is the amateur contest. The Bouncer added grimly.
How do we earn the five hundred dollar prize? Bill asked.
By doing five hundred dollars worth of dances. If these two arent drunk, drugged up, or fucked up and can get along with the customers they can come back and have a job here.
Oh we will make sure they are good girls, I just thought your ad said was like a wet t-shirt contest
The Biker extended his tree-trunk like arm into the smoky bar of bikers, drunks and titty dancers and said Do these people look like they are here for a Wet T-shirt contest?
Bill could barely see inside the room but everyone seemed to be nursing beers and quietly ogling the girls dancing on stage.
Let me talk to my partner here Bill brought Chris over to the side of the lobby.
The Biker added as the two walked away Yeah, we get THAT all the time, but no refunds on the cover charge.
Wendy and Jamie were left smiling at the front door next to the Biker as Bill and Chris weighed their options.
You told me this was like an amateur contest Bill whispered impatiently to his son.
I thought it was. I dont hang out at strip clubs, how would I know? Chris offered as explanation.
This place is a real shit-hole. I thought they could get on stage and shake it around and maybe walk away with the top prize or at least second prize. We are going to have to be here all night.
You have some place youd rather be, Dad? Chris asked
You need to be home and get ready for school in the morning. Your sister is probably going to be kicked out of school and you need to let me know if I need to come get her. Bill warned his son.
Oh yeah, well what would you rather do?
Come here sluts, we need to get home. Bill turned back around to the biker but Wendy and Jamie were gone.
Dressing room the bouncer explained seeing their confused faces. And no you cant go in
Because you get that all the time? Chris joked.
The Biker looked at him with a flat expression and then just nodded his head slowly Have a seat, here is a drink card, first one is on me.
Bill had to admit he couldnt pass up a beer. You can have a beer with your old man, while we can an eye on our bitches then.
The two saddled up to the bar and a good looking bartender got them both a budweiser. You look a little like Sarah Silverman Chris offered to the bartender.
Who? she asked with a look like if she could hear him, she really didnt care what he said.
Sarah Silverman the comedian Chris clarified.
The Bartender turned and walked away without a comment.
Son, we gotta work on your game. Bill chuckled.
Chris took a sip of his beer and slapped his dad on the knee while they sat on the barstool Oh and you have game?
I got your mother to do all this didnt I? Bill made a gesture to indicate the entire bar.
Work at a titty bar? Chris had a little of the head from his beer on his upper lip.
Wipe your lip, Son Bill said seriously before adding I meant be our slave and serve and all that whispering.
You think anyone here would be shocked that mom and Jamie are our slaves? Chris said out loud over the Whitesnake playing in the background.
The bar was filled with seedy characters and slutty dancers. Bill had to admit his son had a point.
The girls came walking out in the extra small lycra bikinis that had been packed in their stuff bag and made a bee-line over to Bill and Chris.
Dont come to us, we aint got no money Bill was half serious and then added It seems like you two decided you are working here without consulting us anyway.
We need money, sir Wendy said simply and Bill conceded the fact.
That doesnt mean you can start making your own decisions. You didnt even let us pick out your outfits. Chris added with a hint of sarcasm.
Would you like us to change, Sir? Jamie asked her brother.
Yes, switch with each other right here. Chris was half joking but the girls didnt hesitate to strip and switch.
Other than a few of the long-time dancers no one even seemed to take notice. This was a nude bar and in this setting it seemed perfectly normal.
You know what? Change back. Chris said with a goofy expression. His father slapped him on the shoulder to indicate to stop wasting time and the girls giggled a little.
One of the long term dancers sauntered over in heels and a much less revealing outfit (by comparison). She had a jealous look on her face and a cut-the-shit attitude. My name is Easy Money she announced.
Pleasure, I am Bill.
Easy was smacking her gum impatiently as she looked at Bill and sized him up. He was obviously one of the dancers boyfriend or husband and was most likely not going to buy any dances so she ignored him. The DJ wants to know what your dancing names are so you can get on the list.
Wendy and Jamie looked at Bill.
Can you put Cow-tits and Ass-face? Bill said half-kidding.
Cowtits and Ass-face, how cute. Easy Moneys apathetic expression didnt change as she turned to go relay the names to the DJ.
Sir? Wendy couldnt believe Bill had just done that.
How did I know she was going to take me seriously. They watched the girl point to where they were sitting and explain to the DJ who seemed to have a good laugh and then he wrote something down.
The DJ was skinny and wearing a tux-shirt with no bow tie. He picked up the microphone as the song ended and a voice way too deep to be coming out of his thin frame crackled over the microphone. Yow-zah, Yow-Zah, we got some new poon for you here at the soft-tails, coming to you corn-fed from the land of milk and honeys, its and no I am not kidding fellaz, make a girl feel welcome her first time on our stage, Cow-titt-ay! he drew out the ayyy in Wendys name.
Oh my god Wendy mouthed silently to Jamie as she reluctantly made her way to the stage like she didnt know what she was going to do.
An old classic rock sang was already playing as she walked on stage.
(somewhere in a lonely hotel room,
There's a guy starting to realize
That eternal fate has turned its back on him,
It's two a.m...........)
It's two a.m., the fear has gone
I'm sittin' here waitin', the gun still warm
Maybe my connection is tired of takin' chances
Yeah there's a storm on the loose, sirens in my head
I'm wrapped up in silence, all circuits are dead
I cannot decode, my whole life spins into a frenzy
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
The place is a madhouse, feels like being cloned
Wendy took a deep breath and sauntered on to the stage. She felt embarrassed and awkward. She had only been in the club a few minutes and hadnt had a chance to see how things were done. She took her clothes off right away and set them on the side and men started to walk up with dollars in their mouth or folded in their fingers for her to take them.
She felt like a seal at the zoo trying to get a fish. Easy money walked up half-way through the set and Wendy walk-danced over to her.
You look like a fucking ostrich up here Easy Money said with the casual sarcasm of someone who hated her guts instantly making Wendy feel terrible. Its three song sets, you can flash during the first one, show your tits on the second and go nude on the third, havent you ever danced before?
No, actually I havent Maam Wendy answered apologetically trying to keep time with the Golden Earing song that she remembered from her high school days but for the life of her had forgotten its name.
Dont get catty with me, its Easy. Easy Money had taken offense to being called Maam. Maam is what a waitress calls a customer who is a bitch.
Should I put my clothes back on until the third song? Wendy stopped herself before instinctively adding Maam.
I dont give a shit what you do, as long as you dont piss all over the stage or get your fucking ass cream all over the pole. Easy Money gave her a dirty look and walked back to some other girls who were all sitting at the table together.
Wendy felt like the song must have lasted for fifteen minutes even if it had lasted only half of that. She was starting to notice that some of the men were peeling the labels off their beer after her initial new-ness had worn off. She had only made about seven dollars in wadded up dollar bills.
Wow-wow-wee-wow, would you give it up for that lady? The wolf-man jack DJ said as he started up Wendys second song. There was no applause at all which was quite normal for that place but it still made Wendy feel like she hadnt been doing a good job Lets treat her right, she is up there naked already with those big old pierced rings, I just wanna stick my dick through fellaz! Cow-tittay!
By the time Wendy got through her third song she had warmed up quite a bit and was dancing a lot like she had in the step-aerobics classes she had been in. There had been one old black man who had tried to stick a dollar up her ass but other than that it had been fairly easy.
Okay now I understand we got another girl here who came with her fellaz, first time on our stage, Oh my god fellaz I know a lotta girlz work here whose mommaz named them Candy or Naughty Nikki and thank god for that - but listen to this, its Ass-Face!!! Yeah-Buddy on our stage right now in the flesh!
In contrast to her moms classic rock set Jamies music was a jarring techno-beat.
Smack my bitch up
Change my step up
Repeating over and over and she strode on stage to take her mothers place.
Now are you two sisters or something? The DJ pulled the music down for them to say something.
Uh, she is my mom Sir? Jamie answered nervously over the music.
Thats your momma? Good lord almighty! Alrighty! She gave you the name Ass-face when you were a little bitty baby did she? the DJ joked back trying to make a bit out of it.
Wendy indicated where Bill and Chris were sitting. The DJ would pull down the volume of the music for his own part but bring it back up over the girls so almost no one could hear them anyway.
Oh is that poppa? the DJ looked in the direction Wendy had indicated and the girls shook their head yes.
Dad, is it alright if your daughter dances tonight or you gonna go all Rambo?
Bill was suddenly embarrassed when the DJ was obviously talking to him and shouted I dont give a fuck when the DJ had the volume down allowing all the customers to hear and chuckle.
You heard daddy, he dont give a fuck as long as you give his little girl a buck. Yes Sir, whats seven inches long and has a head on it? A crisp twenty dollar bill babyz! the music went back up.
Jamie helped her mother down from the stage and the DJ asked Now you two are open to doing mother and daughter table dances? over the microphone. Jamie could only nod her head yes because the music was simply too loud to do anything else.
Alright, that is out of sight, dont forget our VIP lounge, we dont serve champagne in there, because well you know why guys. Hey dont forget your waitresses out there working hard to keep YOU that way!
Jamie had the good fortune of watching her mom dance and seeing how the girls strutted around the bar for three songs. She had practiced her whole life in dance and cheerleading it was like second nature to pick up the style of dancing in the club.
Jamie seemed far more natural on stage than her mother and the guys were already tipping before she flashed. An old man came up and patted her on the butt and whispered something in her ear. She couldnt hear him but it sounded like Will you dance for me later and she shook her head yes.
The old black man tried to stick a dollar bill up her ass just like he had her mother on Jamies third song when she was naked but other than that Jamie had no trouble dancing and strutting around to the mostly techno and hip-hop songs they played for her.
I wonder why he played classic rock songs for me and not for Jamie? Wendy asked Bill as they watched their daughter collect one dollar bills from strangers on stage.
I wonder why you arent trying to hustle up some dances, Cow-tits? Bill slapped his wife on the ass playfully and she felt comfortable enough to give him a lemony glance as she walked away.
Bill noticed how fine her legs looked stuffed into those 5 inch pumps she was wearing. The way it made her back sway and her ass stick out as she made the rounds to the guys in the bar. It took her about three customers of asking May I dance for you Sir? to get a nice old gentlemen take her off to Perverts Row. A couch on the side of the bar where dancers performed lap dances.
Wendy saw the other girls let the guys grab and touch their naked bodies and she rode the old man the way she saw them dance, letting him slide his hand up her thigh and breath down her neck. You sure I am not crushing you Sir?
I like it if you call me daddy the old man breathed heavily over her shoulder. The request creeped Wendy out as it made her think about her own dad but then she realized for Jamie that was reality anyway. Yes daddy, you like it when I do it like this? she whispered softly.
When Jamie finished her set she went over to her dad to hand him her earnings from the stage. I dont have any place to put these.
Id like to put them up your BUTT a drunk little old black man offered snidely.
Thats Herbert, dont pay any attention to him. The bartender explained He is a regular, he tries to stick dollars up everyones butt.
Ill stick a dollar up YOUR butt! the little old man offered angrily at the bartender.
Why dont you go home and stick dollars up your OWN butt, Herbert the Bartender said with a sort of no-nonsense attitude.
I would but I.. the little old man mumbled to himself but the bartender had already moved on to another customer.
How many dollars would you stick up her butt? Chris asked playfully.
All of them the old man pulled out a wad of bills without hesitation.
Go for it then Chris wasnt kidding and Jamie knew it. She stood by the bar at his stool and turned around so her ass faced him. Then she pulled her thong to the side and felt the old mans finger push a single dollar into her asshole hard and twisted.
Its hard to get these in. he was working on the second one when Easy Money strode over to the bar.
What do you think you are doing, new girl? Easy money asked with an attitude the size of Montana.
I am letting this customer stick dollars up my asshole, Maam?
Fuck, you talk just like your momma. Dont call me Maam
Yes.. Jamie had to stop herself as she held on to the stool to steady herself.
Herbert is going to want to do this to all the girls now if you let him do this on you. Easy Money complained.
Herbert offered in a casual way like a happy drunk No, I dont wanna stick dollars up your tight ass, when I got this white girl shitting green.
Whatever! Easy Money walked off with a quickness.
I cant get no more in Herbert was genuinely enjoying himself having only poked about four dollars into Jamies asshole.
Chris could see that Easy Money was talking to the Bouncer about what they were doing and unless he was terrible at lip-reading he thought he saw the bouncer answer her complaint with Yeah, we get that a lot here.
Hey Sis, you better knock it off Chris made it sound like Jamie had been the one to instigate the entire thing. Yes Sir, thank you so much for the tips Jamie turned to Herbert and gave him a hug. He smelled like warmed over poop and old man smell.
Can I take these out?
Why would you? And I know the girls dont want you calling them Maam, but youll call all the males in here Sir, you got it? Chris chided his sister.
Yes Sir, I am sorry.
Jamie turned to see the bartender looking at her with what appeared to be pity in her eyes. Its okay, they talk to me like that all the time she explained.
Do I look like I give a shit how they talk to you? the bartender was already ignoring her and moving on to a paying customer before she could answer.
The girls eventually danced together privately and even kissed on stage when the DJ put them on the spot but none of this seemed to overly surprise the customers. Bill and Chris made sure they didnt go to the bathroom without permission and stayed out on the floor to make money but they had made less than 120 dollars and it was already getting close to 11pm.
I am Harley a woman about the same age and build as Wendy introduced herself.
Nice to meet you, I am Cow-tits
Good god, that is a terrible stage name. Harley laughed. There were no customers around and Jamie was dancing for someone else so Wendy felt she could speak casually to a fellow dancer.
You think? Wendy laughed.
We had one girl who called herself snapper. I think she meant that she liked to snap her fingers, but the DJ always made it sound like pussy. Harley explained with a laugh while she lit up a smoke and offered one to Wendy.
No thank you, my husband would never allow me to smoke. Id definitely love one though
Oh, you got a controlling old man too, huh? Harley laughed.
If you only knew Wendy joked.
Well, I could tell there is some ink on your ass, but you are wearing concealer and covering it up. I used to be owned by the Iron Horseman before I met Jack.
Owned? Wendy asked.
Yeah, you know a pass around girl?
Wendy was curious and Harley explained that when she was young, dumb and full of cum she had a rebellious streak and couldnt wait to get out of the Podunk town she grew up in. She fell in with a motorcycle club and became club property to whoever wanted her.
Its not like they bought me, but you know how if you feed a kitty every day? It dont have no fence or leash on but it aint going anywhere? Harley took a puff from her smoke and Wendy nodded. Then I met Jack and became his old lady she indicated one of the bikers playing pool who had never tipped her.
A girl in her early twenties came up and gave a quick kiss to Harley and she introduced herself as Marlboro
This is my niece, she lives with us. Harley explained.
Oh? That is my daughter over there Wendy pointed out Jamie.
Yeah, I heard, but cmon? Are you just telling guys that so they will buy dances from you two? Harley seemed skeptical.
No, we are really are mother and daughter. Wendy said sincerely.
Well, we really are too but I have enough decency to pretend she is just my niece Harley didnt say another word as she left with her daughter. They sauntered over to Jack and they both flirted with him while he took a puff from his smoke and put his arm around them both.
Wendy only shook her head in confusion.
Bill was going to walk over and separate Wendy anyway since he wanted to work the customers and not make friends.
Lookey, Lookey, Its Buford-Boofey! Walking in the door! How are you my man! the DJ said over the microphone to introduce a favorite customer who walked in without paying a customer. It was the smiling bearded owner of the Metro Adult Megastore they had visited a few days earlier.
He was instantly surrounded by dancers who seemed to want his attention. He was perpetually happy and child-like and dressed like a Hippy who just came from a Grateful Dead concert.
He made his way to the bar as he greeted each person by name.
What will you have baby? the Bartender brightened up and gave Buford her full attention. He ordered schnapps and then noticed Bill and Chris.
Well Bill and Chris Taylor, how are you? I am so glad to see you both the man had an incredible memory about details and smiled as he did air guitar in time with a Van Halen song that seemed to come on just for him.
Wow, you were always playing air guitar before and I never knew what song you were listening to in your head, but they actually play it here?
Yeah, I am always here in my head, man! I love it! Buford had a wad of cash and began to pass out a few singles to the girls as he slid up next to the two of them. Ive got too much time on my hands and its ticking away, ticking away he quoted an old styx song and as if by cue the DJ stopped the song that was playing and started that very song.
Wow, you are the man here! Chris was impressed.
What? No Buford was being modest or just his trusting child-like manner made him believe it was serendipity they played the song he wanted to hear when he wanted to hear it.
Where is your darling daughter and wife, still in their Pussy Prison? Buford described in detail the ultra-deluxe chastity belt they had purchased at the store a few nights earlier Made of 24ga. stainless steel, and covered with a clear vinyl in the front, and black vinyl backing. Its ultra slim design makes it impossible to be detected through the clothing. Has a 5" slot which expands from the clitoris, to the end of the vagina, to allow for urination. However the shield will not allow penetration from the rear, or front. Has a removable rear shield that locks into place. The rear shield can be removed without removing the main belt.
Yeah, we had to let them out so they could make some money
Oh they are here dancing? Bufords eyes lit up.
Will they dance for me, for a Hundie? he held up a hundred dollar bill like a child holds up his favorite toy of all time to impress someone.
They sure will dance for you. Bill assured him in the VIP Room if thats what you want.
No, I have my own VIP room. He walked up to the DJ booth and seemed to say only a word or two to the DJ.
And that was Sunshine, everybody how about a round of applause for Sunshine? the DJ faded the girls music down in the middle of her song.
That was my second song though the black girl stood on stage with her hands on her hip and then she saw the DJ mouth something and nodded her head and got off the stage.
Ladies and Gentlemen, its a special VIP dance for Soft Tails favorite customer, and dont bitch, because no one gives a shit.
The customers who had been sitting at the stage all got up as if by queue and moved to seats further away.
Buford took a seat right at the stage and rested his hands on his chin dreamily.
The mother and daughter team, virgins of Soft-Tails but something tells me they are not virgins of life, lets hear it for Cow-tits and Ass-face!
Oh my God, they are going by Cow-Tits and Ass Face!! Buford put his hands up in the air like he just won a prize when he heard them called to the stage together.
The familiar rock beats of Rush Tom Sawyer began playing over the loud speakers.
A modern day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift
Buford began air-riffing to the song as the girls made their way to the stage. Wendy was the first on stage and she said Hello Sir, its good to see you again as she bent down to say hello.
Its good to see YOU again. Buford fawned over her like a puppy.
Jamie joined her mom on stage Are we doing just a one song set? she had picked up the dancing terminology and began to move in time with the rockbeat.
You do whatever you want to do! Buford gleefully explained holding up two one hundred dollar bills for them.
Wendy and Jamie looked at each other and pulled down their swimsuits. They had been dancers for only three hours but they knew what was implied.
The DJ, the Bartender, the bouncer, even the customers and other dancers all seemed to ignore the stage. This was Bufords idea of a VIP dance and apparently everyone here respected him.
You know the difference between eccentric and crazy? he asked the girls.
Wendy answered How much money you have?
Bufords eyes got wide as he asked excitedly How did you know that? and with a broad smile he tossed five dollar bills on the stage.
Can you. Buford stopped himself like he was trying to hold back telling a secret Would you? he asked excitedly almost ready to pee himself. The girls hadnt forgotten that he always seemed to be an 11 on a scale of 1-10 about everything.
Can we make out on stage? Wendy asked him while squatting in front of him.
YES!? Buford seemed relieved Wendy asked him.
The girls circled each other as they danced seductively. Wendy had picked up the dance style of the bar after her first set on stage and the two of them seemed like perfect naturals. They moved close and stroked each other seductively.
YES!!! Buford was rocking out to the Rush song while licking his lips and encouraging the girls. Two minutes into the song and they were laying on the stage kissing and making out.
The customers and dancers who had initially seemed intentionally uninterested became very interested. Bill wasnt sure if the sense of pride that was swelling up in his chest was from the fact that every man in that bar right now wanted his wife and daughters sexy ass and they belonged to him.
Where is your tattoos? What happened to your tattoos? Buford was watching every detail and fold in their sexy bodies as the two played with each other with the practiced routine they had done morning after morning for Bill and Chris.
Wendy gave him a naughty look and turned her daughters ass towards him. She licked her finger and then removed a little of the makeup to reveal the tattoo.
Take it all off!
Even Easy Money the unflappable dancer seemed impressed by this point. The DJ ensured the song lasted as long as Buford wanted by fading it down and quickly rewinding it while he talked about Cow-tits and Ass-face.
Wendy and Jamie pretended to lick each others asses while using their fingers to remove the makeup covering their tattoos.
What does the tattoo say? the DJ asked over the microphone clearly getting into the mystery Now THAT is a strip tease before. Weve never had any strip off their own skin before
Buford egged them on and eventually it became obvious the tattoos said WHORE.
Well god-damn, why would you want to cover those up? Let me have a bite out of that O ladies! And Ill show you my OH face..Oh, Oh! the DJ joked.
When the girls finished the dance Buford handed them each a hundred dollar bill like he was giving them the most precious thing on earth. They also collected a dozen fives and twenties he had thrown on the stage.
Wendy leaned down and gave Buford a kiss on the forehead which sent him into a spasm of happiness and then the two of them exited the stage into the dressing room drunk on the stardom of their latest performance and that they made more money in one song than they had all night.
Unfortunately for them they walked into the sobering lights of the dressing room and they were surrounded by all the dancers.
Hey Chica, you think you can come in here and take my best customer a fiery Puerto Rican girl demanded with her arms folded. Easy Money, Harley, Marlboro and four other girls all echoed the same concern.
I didnt know he was your customer, I am so sorry! Wendy said.
Never danced before? Not a biker chick? With a tat like that? Harley was shaking her head in disbelief.
Yeah, I never seen a girl who never danced before, dance it like you did Marlboro invaded Jamies space and got very close. Jamie wasnt sure if the smell of vodka on her breath or her use of double negative was more offensive and she didnt have time to decide before they got jumped by the girls.
Hair-pulling, tit grabbing, ass pulling, biting and smacking the titty bar girls were not fucking around. They descended upon Jamie and Wendy and quite literally beat their asses by the truest definition of the word.
You let Herbert shove dollars up your ass, how do you like this beer bottle shoved up your ass? Jamie tried to fight back but there were four girls for each of them and the rough dancer girls with attitudes mopped the floor with the dancers rubbing their faces literally in the dirty carpet from the locker room.
When it was all over Jamie and Wendy lay naked in the cold alley behind the bar under the Ample Parking in Rear sign next to a dumpster that smelled like sour beer and piss.
They were naked, beaten and covered in sand that stuck to their bodies from all the glitter they had on.
Are you okay? Wendy asked.
Yeah actually Jamie sounded actually chipper.
Why are you so happy?
I am not happy, but I guess if I hadnt gotten my ass beaten every day for the last two weeks I probably would be in tears. I can literally say this really wasnt the worst thing that has happened to me all day.
Girl, you have the heel of someones high heel sticking out of your ass and you are lying face down naked in an alley! Wendy said with a hint of humor.
Its not all the way in Jamie reached behind her as she dusted herself off to pull it out. I dont think this is one of ours. She sniffed it and then quickly wondered why she had done that.
Bill and Chris came running around the side of the building Are you alright Wendy? Bill shouted.
Its Cow-tits Sir, and yes I think I will live Wendy said with a hint of humor while picking herself up off the ground.
What happened? Chris was stunned We waited for you to come back out, and Buford left right after you danced for him. We asked what happened when you didnt come back out and the bouncers just did one of those Yeah, we get this all the time. Things.
I would have kicked his ass Bill sounded serious If he wouldnt tell us where you were!
No offense, but somehow I think youd be laying down here next to us if you had tried that, Sir Wendy got to her feet and cradled her ribs slightly.
Bill started to take offense but he had to admit she was right Well he IS built like a brick shit-house. I take it you lost the money?
Yes Sir, I am sorry. I know you will probably punish us, but can we go home first? Wendy seemed apologetic but made no effort to hide her nudity even though she was now standing in the dark rear parking lot of the titty bar completely naked.
Nah, you girls did good tonight. You tried your best, and we made a little money. Bill had sixty dollars in his hand.
I thought it was a lot more.
That Bouncer is a fucking prick Bill didnt have to say it because it was obvious that their bar-tab plus the house fees had eaten up most of what they made.
Yeah, he gets that all the time, Dad. Chris smiled and Wendy, Jamie and Bill found that about the funniest thing they had heard all night because they all shared a mutual laugh.
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