Authors: Noemi Salvadge & Aurelie Catena
English corrected by Scarab and JP
Authors' emails: Noya2929 [at] gmail [dot] com), Aurelie [dot] Catena[at] gmail [dot] com
Tags:M/f, M/f+, F/f, F/f+, interracial, modification, snuff, Tit Torture, feet, slavery, bondage, real, torture, nc, Extreme
Aurelia's awakening happened to be very harsh. Ice-cold water was splashed over her face, one... two... three buckets. She coughed and fought for air for several long seconds. Since her first blackout in Trixie's Bar, Aurelia had experienced several rude awakenings from a string of dreamless comas, but the most recent one always felt the worst. She tried to wipe the chilling water from her eyes but her hands were locked in place and she soon realized that her neck was also immobilized. She shook her head, spraying water all around, but some naughty, wet lock of hair stuck to her face and she had to peek through a dense curtain of red hair.
She was in a dim, square room. The roof above her head rested on short poles protruding from the top of the wall; sunshine filtered through the hatches. The main structure was made of grey stone, but almost everything else inside the room was shining with a harsh metallic light. She was locked in the middle of the room, and high above her head, a plastic pipe dangled free; the water must have come from it. She was placed in some kind of stocks, about one and a half metres high, carved out of a vertical metal slab, 10 centimetres wide. Her neck was locked into a tight hole about one metre above the floor. As she raised her head to look around, the thin metal circle cut into her neck from behind, and into her larynx from beneath. Her wrists were locked in similar but much smaller holes on both sides of her head at the same height. She felt that the rest of her body, her chest, waist and legs were totally free. While she had been unconscious, her legs had been creased under her body and her knees were aching from the touch of the cold, stone floor. In front of her face three identical stocks stood, forming a rhombus, although the sides of the stocks were not touching; there was approximately one metre between the slabs. All three stocks were occupied. Three slaves were locked in them, facing each other, with their hands immobilized at the sides of their heads.
All stocks had several unused holes. There were three vertically stacked neck holes, and all the prisoners occupied the highest ones. On both sides of the neck holes, two vertical lines of three smaller holes had been cut into the stocks forming a total of five lines, encompassing a total of fifteen holes, three for necks and twelve more for the limbs. It was easy to figure out the numerous possible postures in which a human body could be locked into these stocks. All the holes seemed to be made of some cold, metallic material. They could toggle between open and closed. Any limb or neck could be inserted into any open position, because each hole had an adjustable inner circle that could be expanded or contracted as needed. Adjacent to every hole was a small keyhole, which controlled its open state. Without the proper key it was almost impossible to pick the locks and open the holes. Aurelia recognized this type of stocks; she had already seen how they imprisoned people. The technology had been invented and used by the KGB, the former Soviet Intelligence Agency.
This sight brought back a painful memory to the young spy. She had already been trapped in such a contraption. It had been during one her first missions, when she was still rash and inexperienced. She was obligated to collaborate with a Ukrainian secret agent named Vlad. He was the haughtiest, the most arrogant person she had ever met. He had invited her to a restaurant to celebrate the success of their most recent mission. After two weeks of being with him almost continuously on the field, Aurelia already had more than enough of his condescension but political correctness and State interests did not permit her to turn the invitation down.
There were a couple of other Ukrainian agents at this dinner which proved even more boring than she had feared. They were all former members of the KGB and they kept gloating about the good old times and about the superiority of the Soviet intelligence agency over the rest of the world. By turns, they each recounted missions where they had successfully extracted crucial information from Western countries. Each success story was saluted with a full glass of Vodka. Aurelia did not like to drink alcohol. She did not appreciate the loss of control or blunting her razor-sharp skills. She had tried to refuse the drinks but she was met with such a dense barrage of misogynous remarks and derogatory comments that she was forced to comply; her pride demanded that she prove these arrogant men that she could hold alcohol better than them. Indeed, her organs had been trained to resist the effects of alcohol, but still they were all taller than her and easily weighed twice what she did. Out-drinking them would be almost impossible and she could only hope to hold her liquor as well as them.
At the end of the dinner, they were all quite drunk. Aurelia was bearing the Ukrainians’ bragging with increasing difficulty. The Vodka was progressively weakening her self-control. Later, as they were chatting over coffee, Vlad asserted that the KGB’s prisons had been the most secure in the world. Aurelia, who was beginning to get exasperated, mocked them and replied that any child would have been able to escape from those prisons. The argument had escalated and if the ex-Soviets (Ed. note: Ukrainians are distinctly NOT Russians; in the 1930's, the Ukraine resisted Soviet rule and the Soviets responded by creating a famine in the Ukraine. This is ironic because the Ukraine was known for its rich soil.) had not been stopped by the vestigal remnants of gentlemanly behaviour vis-à-vis a woman, a fight would have erupted. As it was, the Ukrainians merely invited Aurelia to see one of the souvenirs they had kept from their KGB period: a set of steel stocks.
Half an hour later, they were all gathered in the basement of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service, the Sluzhba zovnishn’oyi rozvidky Ukrayiny or SZRU, headquarters at 33 Volodymyr Street, Kiev. It was a small, dirty room where unused furniture was stored. In one corner stood a rusty apparatus that was in many respects similar to the one Aurelia was currently locked in. As Aurelia, by now completely upset, had spoken with contempt of the venerable device, Vlad challenged her to try and escape from it. Under normal conditions, Aurelia would have refused, but the alcohol was making her overconfident. She decided to teach the arrogant Ukrainians a lesson.
Using a rusty key, Vlad opened the three upper holes of the steel stocks, and invited Aurelia to get in. As she was kneeling to push her head through the neck hole, he stopped her and firmly motioned her to turn her back to the stocks, arch her body backwards and pass her head through the neck hole while facing the ceiling. As she bent backwards, her white shirt was pulled out of the hem of her black leather skirt and her belly button appeared on her flat, muscular belly. One turn of the key and Aurelia felt the hole tightening around her neck, locking her inside. Then Vlad and one of his colleagues pushed her hands through the corresponding holes on both side of her neck and locked them too. Aurelia was now in quite a difficult position, kneeling on the concrete floor with her back arched and her torso and face turned upwards.
This posture soon got even more difficult as they pulled on her feet, spreading her legs and passing them through the lower set of small holes. They first had to remove her high-heeled shoes, leaving her feet naked. Second later, she felt the stocks tightening around her ankles with a dreadful click. Her toes barely brushed the floor now, leaving most of her weight supported by her knees. The situation was worsened by the fact that she was wearing a rather narrow black-leather skirt which left her knees bare against the cold concrete floor. Moreover, as her thighs were spread wide, the skirt tended to slide up her legs, centimetre by centimetre, each time she moved.
The situation’s intensity level had suddenly increased. The three inebriated Ukrainian agents were now looking at Aurelia with an entirely different point of view. She was not a colleague anymore. Locked in the KGB stocks, she was now nothing but a piece of meat begging to be abused. And a beautiful piece of meat, at that. Her arched body showcased all the best features of the feminine anatomy. Her proud, firm breasts were pushing against the front of her white skirt, pulling on the buttons, threatening to make them snap off. Her belly was visible from the hem of her thong, which pointed its lacework just above her skirt, to her lower ribs, which protruded under her trussed up shirt. Her strong, curvaceous legs were exposed up to the middle of her thighs; Aurelia felt the change and shivered inwardly. Still she was too proud to ask for release and she just said, “Alright, guys. Now, leave me here and do not come back before one hour. Chances are I will join you in your coffee room long before that.”
“One hour? Certainly not,” answered Vlad, who was the most lucid of the three men. “Where is the challenge in staying only one hour in this tool? Our prisoners used to stay locked in for days on end. And we do not want to wait, bored in those empty offices. My friends and I are going to continue the party. We’ll go to the Vodka bars and then maybe to the whores. Then we’ll go to sleep. Only then will we come back here.”
Aurelia was going to protest when he continued: “That should not be a problem for you anyway. You said you would free yourself in less than one hour. You have my cell-phone number. Just call me when you are free and we’ll come back and get you… If we are still sober enough, of course…”
Aurelia bit her lips. There was little she could propose without losing face and admitting she was not sure she could free herself. And yet unsure she was. She had not expected to be locked in such a strict position, with even her feet immobilised. The key holes were way out of reach of her fingers. Her hands and her feet were actually far away from anything she could grab. The device was rusty but looked sturdy enough to resist her strongest efforts. She would have to complete a more detailed exploration to find whether there was a weak point or not.
The three men were looking at her plight with knowing grins. They seemed unsure whether they should stay or go. Aurelia felt that if they decided to stay, it would not be good for her. The ambiance was getting more electric every minute that passed.
“Well, then… I guess I am all set. Leave me and I'll see you later,” she told them, speaking in a firm, authoritative voice.
“As you wish, Baby. There is just one problem I have to solve. I want to make sure we meet again before you leave for the States. And I believe I know how we can do that…” Vlad pursued. He took Aurelia’s purse, which she had placed on the top of a nearby crate, and fumbled into it. He found her cell-phone and placed it on the crate. “Here, I leave your phone here so that you can call me. As for your purse, I’m going to take it with me, along with your ID, your room card, your money and your car keys”.
“And your shoes!” added Mikhail, one of his acolytes, brandishing Aurelia’s high-heels.
Aurelia glared at them. “That’s not fair! If you get too drunk to come back here when I call you, I’ll be stuck here for who knows how long!”
“Then I suggest you don’t lose a minute to free yourself” mocked Vlad. “If you are fast enough, we could enjoy a few more glasses of Vodka together!”
“And be glad we don’t take your skirt with us as well. This is very contrary to the rules to leave a stocks prisoner with her clothes on,” said Mikhail with a greedy stare at Aurelia’s curvaceous shapes. “Shouldn't we remove all her clothes as well? The test would be more realistic if she would feel the real situation of prisoners locked in our masterpiece,” he continued after a moment of reflection. He was grinning like an idiot, lurching from the extreme amount of the finest vodka.
“Don't be such a cur, man!” Vlad laughed while looking deep into Aurelia's eyes. “We're just playing with a colleague of ours, we don't really want to use the full range of our long standing techniques.” he replied.
“But she is a trained agent, said to be one of the best! I wonder if she isn’t hiding some tricky tools somewhere in her clothes! Such advantage wouldn't be fair against us, as we're testing the REAL utility of the stocks” Mikhail replied while almost openly rubbing his already bulging member under his trousers.
“Fuck, there is truth in what you say!” Vlad smiled and winked at the girl. “I hope you don't mind if we remove your dress, my American friend! Just for the sake of fair-play!” Vlad asked Aurelia while hinting to his fellows. The girl was not given any chance to answer or refuse the humiliating request. Mikhail and the third muscular Ukrainian jumped on her and with stunning effectiveness started to undress the half-drunk agent. Obviously it was not their first time. Within ten seconds she found herself naked except for her underwear. The agents did not tear her clothes but unbuttoned and unfastened every accessory. When necessary, one of them held a limb, while the other opened the corresponding hole, removed a piece of cloth and relocked it. Aurelia was given no chance to struggle out, although she protested and fought her best to escape this humiliation. She was soon left in her black-lace thong and bra. Her strong body left almost nothing to the imagination of the inebriated minds of the former KGB spies. Her muscles were bulging as she tried to pull her limbs from the stocks' tight embrace, involuntarily adding to the show. The most humiliating aspect was perhaps that with her head locked behind the upper panel, she could not see the faces of her colleagues on the other side. The men were taking advantage of this to leer shamelessly at her fantastically displayed squirming body. All the time, Aurelia was pleading and threatening them to get back her clothes.
“Please, don't look so ashamed. We're colleagues after all and you asked for this, remember?” Vlad declined Aurelia's protests menacingly. “We have all been trained alongside female agents and we have seen them in even more... displayed situations,” he said and blinked again with an exultant smile. “We will leave your clothes in the coffee room, so that, once you are free, you can just go there and dress again to wait for our return...” he smiled. “It's time to go. I see that Mikhail is already ready to visit the whores...” he said, peering at his acolyte whose sexual fever was now quite obvious.
“But we should be fair to her!” Mikhail started again. “Alone in this basement, stocked there, chilled from the lack of heating... she might lose her motivation too early and give up her escape attempts! We should help her somehow not to bring discredit upon her Agency...” he said, almost trembling from excitement. During the whole mission, he had been fantasizing about the proud and beautiful Aurelia. Never, even in his most shameless fantasies, had he imagined he could get his hands on her so directly.
“What do you suggest then?” Vlad asked.
“We should use the timer-roaster. On low setting of course, we're just testing and playing...” the man replied.
“Accepted! After depriving her of any extra-help she might have had we can be such gentlemen!” Vlad nodded wildly and Mikhail ran out of the cell.
“What’s that, now? You are not seriously planning to roast me alive? Do not do anything your government could regret. The CIA is not used to leaving its agents molested without vengeance,” she threatened, sensing that the situation was now on the verge of switching to a horror story.
“Oh, it's a very clever little bit of machinery. Let's call it a programmable hot-plate. We can set up times for heating and cooling, the duration of these periods, and of course, the temperature. But you don't need to worry; it will just help you to do your very best while fighting against the stocks. We won’t let it do any permanent harm,” Vlad grinned.
Mikhail returned with two black plates, about 50 centimetres in diameter. Mikhail squatted behind the girl and slid the device under her left toes. The surface of the plate was ice-cold as it was made of metal and had been stored in a nearby room. Mikhail pushed a button and the plate shook as it anchored into the cement floor. He then placed the second plate under her right foot in the same way.
Aurelia curled her feet away from the cold touch of the plate while contorting her head to try and see her feet. In her cruelly arched position, this was impossible though and she could not see what the Ukrainian was doing. She could just feel the coldness radiating from the device. “Mikhail! Don’t do that! Not so close! You are going to roast my soles!” she ordered in the firmest tone she could muster.
“No, no... hahaha!” Vlad replied. He was having the greatest fun of his life. “We won't let this precious thing hurt you too much, I promise you won't suffer any permanent damage! Tonight it's more a toy than a real torture instrument” he said while opening a small console on the side of the plate. He started to type something into the computerized control panel. “There will be times when the heat will be... quite uncomfortable. Luckily you have the freedom to bend your pretty feet back and avoid touching the surface, though some radiated heat will cause you some discomfort even then!” He finished the programming and stepped back.
“The first wave of heat will arrive around the end of the first hour...” Vlad said. “You should be free since a long time, if your gloating is true. So we even give you some indication of how much time has passed. Have a nice escaping time, we really need to leave 'cause Mikhail won't be able to keep his rod longer in his trousers!” Vlad laughed and headed towards the door.
“This is completely crazy!” Aurelia protested frantically as she saw the men withdrawing for real. Up to now she had believed to a bad joke. “You can’t leave me here like this! I will make a report! Let me go now or I promise you that you will all be in deep shit before tomorrow evening!”
Vlad halted and turned his head back. “Three of us plus the bartender have heard that this whole test was your idea, my precious colleague! By the way, the security camera has recorded that you willingly put yourself into the stocks” he said, pointing at a tiny camera fixed in a corner of the room. “You asked for it, so please cease your childish threats and focus on our game. See you upstairs!” he blinked at the girl again and all men left the room, taking her clothes and purse with them, only leaving her cell phone in the room.
Aurelia pulled frantically on her muscular limbs while screaming and cursing to the top of her lungs as they closed the door. She kept screaming insults, threats and begins for several minutes, her noise echoing through the concrete room. Suddenly, she heard the door opening and paces walking in. She smiled and ceased screaming. This was just a joke, finally. Those Ukrainians had really a strange sense of humour.
But her wide smile quickly melted down to a mask of fear and anger as she saw Mikhail approaching from her face, holding a big, black, rubber ball gag. “Don’t make so much noise. You might attract unwanted attention. You don’t want our colleagues to find you here tomorrow when they arrive to work, do you?” the mountain of muscles said, swinging the gag by its steel, articulated strap above Aurelia’s face. “This should keep you quiet.”
With these words, and despite Aurelia’s protests, he pushed the ball hard against the girl’s lips, crushing them against her teeth until she was forced to open her mouth. He pushed harder, spreading her mouth wide. The ball tightened a little bit and suddenly popped past her teeth and into her mouth. The ball was so large that Aurelia could not have pushed it out without the help of her hands. For good measure, the giant tightened the steel strap behind her neck and locked it with a tiny padlock.
“I’m sorry. I had no time to look for a woman’s gag. I’m afraid this one is a bit too large. But after all, you have so wide a mouth it shouldn’t be a problem!” he said, before exploding in a burst of laugh at his own joke. “I’ll keep the key to your gag, to be sure you don’t say anything you might regret before we discuss things tomorrow.”
Aurelia was glaring at him over the huge black gag that was stretching her jaws so wide apart.
“Now, my dear, be quiet and call us soon!” he added. He made a move to leave and then stopped short. He looked towards the door, then around him, with a culprit look on her face. He then quickly bent over the trapped girl, grabbed her breasts in his huge paws and fondled them harshly through the bra while licking Aurelia’s skin all the way from her cleavage to her right eye, leaving a long smear of Vodka-imbued saliva. With a greedy blink at the poor girl, he hastily left the room and closed the door behind him.
Aurelia tried to protest and call him back, but the gag was very effective in muffling her voice and removing her ability to express herself. All she could utter were low wet grunts and humming. Mikhail’s last deeds had convinced her that the Ukrainians really intended to leave her here the whole night. Already, after maybe 15 minutes of being in the stocks, her spine was screaming to be unbent and knees and ankles sore from supporting most of her weight.
She twisted her heads several times, trying to assess her situation, to find a weak point in the evil device. All the keyholes where located on the other side of the panel, hopelessly out of reach of even the most long-fingered pianist. Her long, strengthened nails were of no use this time. Even with one of the tools hidden in her clothes she would have had no way of picking these locks in her current position. If at least her legs had been free, she could have used her incredibly agile and skilled toes to try something, but secured as they were, they were completely helpless.
From frustration, she bucked in the stocks, making them tremble. But they were deeply set in the floor and there was no way she could pull them out. At least not with her legs trapped in it too. The bastards really knew what they were doing when they had locked her.
After a few more bucks and thrashing, she had to admit she was trapped inescapably. She was in for the long night, and probably for the whole morning as well as she doubted the already drunk agents would wake up early after their night of feasting and sex. For her, the night promised to be a very long one. Already her jaws were on the verge of dislocation. Her spine seemed about to break. In spite of the coldness, her body was glistening with sweat as she fought her restraints and the pain. She clenched her eyes and her fists, letting out a long moan of pain and frustration. Why had she allowed them to go that far?
Suddenly, a click sounded close to her ears. At first she wondered what it was but soon she felt the heat against her toes, which she was resting on the electronically-controlled plate, reminded her of the device. The heat quickly climbed to an unbearable level and she had to curl her feet and toes up in the air to prevent her feet from being roasted. Even then, the heat was almost too high to bear. She curled and twisted her feet in all directions in order to present a different piece of skin to the red-hot roasters every few seconds. The temperature in the room quickly increased as well and she began to sweat even more than before.
Maybe ten minutes later the first cramps began to grip her feet. She screamed in her gag. She HAD to rest her feet! She would not be able to keep them curled like that for much longer. Now she understood what Vlad had been meaning when he told her that the plate would keep motivated. Strict as it was, her position caused a pain that, with time, would begin to fade as the nerves would fall asleep from lack of sufficient blood supply. In contrary, the pain caused by the heaters would just keep getting worse as it stroke already blistered skin.
Aurelia entered a new wave of frantic action, contorting madly, pulling and pushing on her trapped limbs, closing and spreading her thighs, shaking her head, clenching and unclenching her fists. All these efforts did not produce any more effect than before. She just increased the level of chaffing of the skin that was in contact with the rusty steel of the evil machine.
Just as she was about to drop her feet on the sizzling plates, a new click warned her that the first cycle had arrived to its end. She bit hard on her gag and forced her cramped feet to stay in the air a few more minutes, until the plate was tepid enough to let her rest her sore toes. The plate cooled down at a very slow pace so that when Aurelia could not keep her feet in the air any longer, her feet touched the still hot metal. Her toes and insteps were sore red, her skin was sweating profusely, the sweat evaporating in the searing heat seconds after they were excreted. A few small blisters appeared where her skin was thinnest; where her toes joined the feet, around the tiny curves. Her nail-beds also suffered first degree burns right under her toenails. Nothing permanent or severe damaged had been caused but her feet looked like roasted chickens. They were red and sore and the high the temperature had also wrinkled her generally smooth skin. She screamed into her gag when the soft pads of her toes finally touched the cooling plate. She felt new, small blisters bursting; the surface of the skin roasted while melted body fat and other tissue liquids formed new blisters around that area. Finally the heat cooled to a bearable level but her wounds, however light, continually radiated pain. Mikhail's idea turned to be a real nightmare.
The night passed slowly. In the artificial light, Aurelia had no way to see the time passing. Only the roasters cycles told her that seconds were actually elapsing, but as the periods were obviously random, they were of no use to help her measure the time. She was more and more exhausted. Her skin was dripping with sweat. She was panting. All her muscles were constantly knotted with painful cramps. More blisters had erupted on her toes and soles. She wondered how many days it would take before she could be able to wear shoes again.
She was hovering in a haze of pain when she finally heard footsteps approaching. She lifted her head, trying to see above the upper stocks panel and who would open the door. But, as she knew all too well, this was impossible. She could only see the half of the room that was on her side of the stocks. The footsteps approached. They were silent steps, almost inaudible. Whoever was entering into the cell was a skilled sneaker, although he sometimes lost his pacing and his soles squeaked on the floor. He was an alcoholised but well-trained sneaker.
Aurelia grunted through her painful gag, contorting her neck to see who was coming in. She felt so exhausted. Her feet were covered with blisters and seemed glowing red and radiating internal heat. She was hoping that her tormentors had come back and were going to free her. She felt like she could not bear this treatment one minute more. The girl felt fingers running along the curve of her belly, tickling her sweat covered flat abdomen.
“How did you enjoy your stay, here?” Vlad's voice said. “We had a great time up there, we snuffed another three bottles and spread our seeds into two whores each. It was a long night and despite our superior training we got tired. You seem quite exhausted too, did you have a fun night too?”
Unable to answer because of the gag, which the man had obviously forgotten and which he could not see, bent as he was on her gasping belly, she grunted some more and tried to mumble something. But the ball was so large that it pressed her tongue down, stretched her lips thin and prevented any coherent speaking.
Puzzled, Vlad straightened up and looked at her face. At the sight of the huge ball that was defacing Aurelia’s features, he grinned. “Oh, I see. For the gag too you wanted to tackle more than you can cope with!”
Aurelia glared at him and shook her head, trying to communicate how sore her jaws felt. Vlad smiled in response and bent over her. He fumbled under her hair for the gag strap buckle. “Oh, but it is padlocked?” he said, a cruel smile on her face.
Aurelia felt her heart sinking.
“A chance that Mikhail gave me the key before getting too drunk!” Vlad finally said, pulling the small key from his pocket. He unlocked the buckle but then he had to pull with all his strength as the ball would not come out. Eventually, it popped out and Aurelia produced a loud moan of mixed pain and relief. For about one minute she was unable to close her jaws.
“So, how was your night, Beauty?” he asked again, his fingers toying with her belly button.
“Awful!” Aurelia managed to say. “And the trick with the heater was way beyond the top! Look at my feet! I shall hardly be able to walk any more! You’ll pay for that! Now, let me go! This game has been too long by far!” Aurelia was furious and looked angrily at Vlad.
“I have been waiting for your call all night long but in vain. It almost spoiled my pleasure! You disappointed me, Agent Aurelia! I thought you Americans weren't hectoring but it seems I have to change my opinion. You have lost. You were weak. You were incapable and as I smell you also roasted your own feet. Do you belong to those perverts who're into self-cannibalism?”
“Stop joking now! You can’t imagine how painful this position is! Free me immediately or I can assure you that my embassy is going to break you like dry twigs!” answered the furious American.
“Why should I release you? You look so good in this place! Have I told you earlier how much I love curved, stretched, sweating female bellies? That's some kind of fetish for me...”
“You fucking bastard! I don’t pay a penny about your devious, nerdy fetishes! LET… ME… GO! Right now!” she barked while contorting weakly her cruelly arched body.
“Come on! We're still playing! Because you lost the challenge you should offer something as a reward. Or maybe I should take whatever I want!” Vlad said and peeked at Aurelia's face above the upper panel of the stocks. “What about I take a few pictures? Just for my personal use of course, as you're such a secret, undercover agent I know how important it is to keep hidden your real identity... but a few well-done pictures on a “B” bondage site doesn't mean you would lose anything... They would never show your face. Well, not those I would upload on the site. As for me, I would keep a few nice pictures, just to make sure you don’t get too virulent about this affair when we release you. You don’t want to become the Internet queen of bondage, do you?” he laughed and smiled.
Aurelia roared like a trapped panther and her muscles bulged fiercely as she contorted in the stocks. “You bastard! Stop this game immediately!” Aurelia went even more frantic and furious as Vlad pulled out his cell phone, equipped with a tiny camera. She swore and insulted him like never she had. Her fury was such that Vlad felt his assurance melting.
Suddenly there was a click. Aurelia’s face got pale and a mask of terror replaced her angry figure. The heating plates had just switched on again. Aurelia tried to lift her feet but her Achille’s tendons were much to weak and cramped by now. The pads of her feet barely left the quickly heating surface while her toes remained firmly stuck to it. Aurelia was beginning to panic. Even the still low heat was enough to make her feel as if her roasted feet were in the middle of a fire inferno.
“Ok! Ok!” she said hastily, her eyes wide open and panicked. “Take your pictures. But don’t take my face. And then set me free. But please, PLEASE! Switch those plates off!!!!!”
Vlad grinned contentedly but he did not switch off the plate. A bucket filled with stale water was standing nearby; he took it and poured some water onto the girl's tortured feet and the heating plate. The water was hissing loudly as it splashed over the plate, clouds of dense steam rose in the air. “This might give you some more time, I really want these photos to look realistic and showing some true pain and desperation...” he said and he started to take photos. Actually, he took hundreds of them. Being stocked in a highly unnatural position, after a long night of pain and suffering, immobilized and feeling the hellish heat under her already burnt feet, Aurelia had no chance to check whether Vlad really focused on her body and ignored her head and face. She had doubts about it, but there were nothing she could do. The mobile took photo after photo of the girl's body, from all possible angles.
The water soon evaporated and the heating of the plate went on non stop so Vlad - being a true gentleman - poured again some water on the plate, giving Aurelia some relief while leaving the threat alive. Another bunch of photos was taken until Vlad finally got bored of it.
“Seems we're done. Now I'm switching off the plates... ouccchhh... they're fucking hot! God... what have you done to your feet, dear? They're almost unbearably hot too...” he laughed while he shut off the device and even pulled them from under the girl's feet. “Oh shit... you'll definitely need some days or weeks in a good hospital without jogging around, but hey, at first sight, no really severe damage occurred, only some pinkie reddening.”
“Now, let me out! And I promise you will hear about this affair from your superiors. You will regret all your life what you have done in this cave....” threatened Aurelia.
“Agent Aurelia! You forgot our little agreement. You shouldn't tell anything about all of this happening to your superiors. First of all, I can prove it was your idea and you did all this willingly. Secondly; I have lots of photos of your shapely, tied body in my phone, ready to be spread over the internet. In your position I would remain silent and stop this kind of behaviour. So, what do you say?”
Aurelia was fuming but she was also all too much conscious that he was right. She was completely stuck and the mercy of these photos. She would have to try and recover them quickly. “Alright. You have won... Let me go now...” she answered while pretending a defeated face.
“Nice. I'm leaving now and sending down the guys to release you. I've enjoyed your stay in our beautiful country. I hope you've felt the same. See you soon back; but never forget about how the old guys of KGB deal with things...” Vlad said before leaving the room.
Moments later, Mikhail came down, holding the key to the stocks. “I’ve got here to free you. But first, I want to keep a souvenir of our... collaboration” he said in a hesitant voice. He slid his hand under Aurelia’s black thong and pulled hard, tearing it from the hips of the prisoner. He pressed it to her nose, sniffing the strong feminine scent it was imbedded with and then rolled it in a ball and shoved it in his pocket.
Unable to hide her well-trimmed pussy, Aurelia went berserk and poured insults on the Ukrainian spy. Seeing how furious she was, Mikhail, in his drunk state, preferred not take any chance with her. He unlocked Aurelia’s left wrist and dropped the key in her palm. “Your clothes and purse are upstairs. I bet that with the key you can free yourself now. See you!” he said while hurrying towards the door.
But even with the key it had proved not so easy to get free. She had to fumble with the key until she could find the key holes to her neck and right arm, and only then could she get some relief. She was so exhausted and wracked with pain that she could hardly move. But anger was fueling her. She scrambled on her knees to the coffee room. By chance she met nobody. She hastily put back on her clothes, except her panties. She also found that her shoes had disappeared. She could not have worn them anyway. Thus, it was barefoot that she drove back to her hotel. She had been longing to recover the compromising pictures but she was also realising that in her state, she stood no chance.
In the afternoon, when she checked her mail, she received one from Vlad containing all the pictures he had taken. Many of them showed her face and she was perfectly recognizable. He had also posted many faceless pictures on various porn sites. The connection with the pictures showing her face would be easy to do if he ever decided to publish them. Aurelia left Ukraine the next morning to never come back. Never did she hear of Vlad either. He had kept her secret well. Anyway, that experience had always remained as a cruel thorn in her flank since then.
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