Chapter 7
We arrived shortly after the sun rose in Japan and, after a short ride to the hotel, we fell into our bed went to sleep, waking a few hours later.
“I have the day to myself,” he told me, shortly after we woke up “and I’m spending it with you. Later on we can go to dinner and then tomorrow I have to meet with Mr. Ito bright and early. Meanwhile, when was the last time you went to the bathroom?”
“This morning,” I said.
“I don’t mean that,” he said.
“Oh,” I said, embarrassed by the question. “Yesterday before I cleaned up.”
“Get into the bathroom and pull the plug and balls out,” he said. “Clean them off and put ‘em on the counter. I’ll be in in a sec.”
I smiled at the prospect of finally having my ass empty. It was hurting from being stretched all night and I was also looking forward to not being in a state of constant arousal. Unfortunately, he had other plans and, shortly after I had finished washing the plastic balls and gel plug he presented me with a new torment; an enema.
After commanding me to get on my hands and knees in the bathtub I watched him fill the clear plastic bag with warm water and then hang it on the shower door frame. Then, red faced, I waited while he attached a long clear tube to the bag and then attached the free end to a previously unused plug that he put in my ass.
This was not something I wanted and, after screwing up my courage, I told him so in the only way I could think of.
“Daddy, I really don’t want to do this,” I said.
He frowned and then kneeled down in front of me, just outside the large shower door.
“You know how you hate to suck my cock after I’ve fucked your ass?” he asked.
“Why is that?”
I looked at him and said “Because its been in my ass. Because it tastes bad sometimes. It’s gross.”
“And was there anything on the plug you just cleaned up?” he asked.
“Well, Brandi,” he said, speaking as if I were a child, “this will clean you out. You won’t have to worry as much about anything gross going in your mouth or being on the plug when it’s removed.”
I smiled unhappily, seeing his logic. There was little I could say in protest other than to tell him it was embarrassing. Besides which, it was far less embarrassing than other things he had done. So I simply nodded my head and waited to be filled with water.
The ordeal, though it seemed to take forever, was short lived and, humiliating as it was, it was not unpleasant. He filled me three times and then had me sit on the toilet and empty myself after each filling. By the time the last of the water was out of me it was clear and contained no trace of waste.
Once I was cleaned he put the metal balls and then the plug inside me. The balls slipped in with a little more ease than they had previously and made me worry that I was being stretched too much. Though he had told me he only intended on using my ass I still had some hope of enjoying normal intercourse. At any rate, my misery had just begun.
After dressing in a baby blue PVC skirt and bustier and black thigh high boots we headed out of our room. I had only just made it to the hotel’s elevator when the full effect of the balls and plug made me lose concentration and stumble. John caught me and then righted me, holding me until I had my balance again. By the time we made it to the hotel lobby I was near to losing my mind with need.
“Please, Daddy, this is too much,” I begged. “I need to cum.”
He smiled and then walked me out of the bustling lobby and into the crowded streets. We walked several blocks with me holding onto John’s arm as tightly as I could. I stumbled several times and I could feel my thighs growing ever more moist by the moment. There were several occasions when I thought I would cum and I welcomed the orgasm with open arms. But each time I neared the moment of release I found myself frustrated. Eventually, I growled out my need to him. I know people heard. Whether they understood or not I had no way of knowing. I didn’t care, though. I just wanted release.
Finally, we reached John’s intended destination. A small cafe that served American food. We were seated quickly and were treated to one of the finest roast chickens that I have ever tasted. Over our brunch we enjoyed pleasant conversation and reminiscing of our past. Of course, it all led up to the sad moment when he caught me cheating, something he merely glossed over and finished up by telling me how much happier he was today than he could ever recall being.
Unfortunately, thanks to my state of mind, much of our conversation left my head as soon as the words were spoken. Even now I can only remember the brief moment of sadness that was followed by his statement of happiness. In fact, I believe the only reason I was able to follow as much of our conversation as I did was because I was sitting down.
The rest of the day was largely blur. It was different from before, though. Before I had been in constant need and wanting to cum. This time, my mind seemed to retreat and I felt as if I was a spectator to the events of our day. I saw us walking and I saw us run into Tomiko and Fujiko. We talked a bit and made them giggle. Then I saw us walking and holding hands and I watched myself collapse into John’s arms. Everything I saw was us; from above or from the back or the front. Then we were back at the hotel and I was sucking his cock and my eyes were empty I couldn’t think.
Then we went to dinner. We met Ben and Tommy and Fujiko and Tomiko. The girls giggled and I giggled and I needed to cum but couldn’t. The girls talked to me and it was nonsense and I tried to listen to Ben, Tommy and John but I couldn’t follow their conversation.
“You should take her to the clinic and give her some real breasts,” I heard a voice say. “She rika new bleasts” I heard and then “Maybe you get learry biga bleasts!” I was told.
My head was spinning and then I agreed. “I need biga bleasts rika you!” I said to both girls, mimicking their speech. They giggled and then I giggled and then I was at the hotel with John and he was giving me another enema. My head cleared somewhat and then it clouded over again and I was in bed and sucking his cock and then it was morning and John was up and already wearing his suit.
“We’re going out again, tonight,” he announced.”I laid out your outfit for tonight. Do me a favor and do a bit of stuffing. Now, let’s get you cleaned out.”
After giving me another three enemas he re-filled me with the dreaded metal balls and plug and left me with a note that read:
Dear Brandi,
Tonight we are going to go out with Mr. Ito and Yumi. I want you to wear your red PVC outfit and the thigh high black boots. You really look amazing in them and red and black is a great combination. Remember to pad the boobs a little so we can make a more positive impression. Also, I want you on your best bimbo behavior tonight so empty your head. Though, it is probably easy
with your ass and pussy so stuffed.
Breakfast should arrive any time. Just sign for it.
P.S. Fujiko and Tomiko will be by in about an hour or so. Go out with them and try to have a good time. Remember - Be the Bimbo.
I was in shock. He had told me to ‘be the bimbo’. Did he know? He couldn’t. How could he? I hadn’t told the girls had I? No, it all been in my head. I never told a single solitary person. It had to be a coincidence.
A door knock sounded and then sounded again. I jerked myself from my trance and ran to the hall closet and pulled a robe out to cover up and then answered the door, wincing with every step. A Japanese man with a tray smiled and then said “Room Service” in perfect English. I let him push the rolling tray in and then signed for it. Then I was left alone with breakfast and the note.
I sat on the foot of the bed in front of the tray and read the note. Over and over, I read it, each time focusing more on those last words; be the bimbo. The more I read it the more I felt the balls and plug. They seemed to be vibrating now, even though I was barely moving. I felt myself mind slipping away; retreating as the balls vibrated inside me.
I was suddenly finished with breakfast and remembered nothing of it. Somehow, I was fully dressed and with my breasts practically overflowing the bustier. There was a knock at the door and then the girls were there and then I was out on the street, giggling at their every word and speaking as they spoke and making them giggle in return.
I needed to cum but, for some reason, I never thought to make myself cum. I don’t know why. It would have been so easy to slip off into a bathroom and make myself cum. But I didn’t. I don’t know why.
We shopped and then had lunch. We watched the men watching us as we passed them on the street and giggled when one had the gall to grope me. Then I was back at the hotel and the girls were hugging me goodbye. Then the door opened and John stepped in and smiled at me. I was laying on the bed and staring at the note I was holding in my hands.
“How’s my little bimbo?” he asked.
I jerked and made the balls start to vibrate again and the little cognitive ability I had recovered slipped away.
“Did you remember to be the bimbo?” he asked.
I jerked again and then smiled. “Yes, Daddy,” was all I could think to answer.
He took me to the bathroom and made me get on my hands and knees while he emptied my ass and pussy of balls and plug. Then he was giving me an enema and I was relieved; thankful that I no longer suffered from such intense needs. My insides filled up with warm water and then I was directed to sit on the toilet and empty myself out. The process repeated two or three times until he was satisfied.
He took me to the bedroom - or is it the living room? I don’t know, it’s a hotel room. Then he made me get on hands and knees on the bed, put the balls in me and then fucked my ass. It was the first time I didn’t care about it. I could think again and that was all cared about.
After he came he pulled out, zipped his pants and then lay down beside me on the bed. “How was your day?” he asked.
I was still on my hands and knees, my thoughts still a haze, and waiting for his next command. “I don’t know. Good, I guess.”
He crossed his legs and then adjusted the pillows so both were under his head. “You look good with your bra stuffed. I like you with slightly bigger tits.”
I smiled, trying to think of a response and then remembered some comments Tomiko and Fujiko had made. “The girls thought so too. They said I should get them done for real.”
He smiled again. “Well, they do look nice.”
I cringed inwardly and then thought to positive comments I had received. “Do you think my breasts are too small?” I asked.
“I don’t know. What do you think?” he replied.
I focused my thoughts and fought the lingering haze. “I always thought they were too big until I met your friends. The girls always say I should get bigger boobs Then Mr. Ito said they were too small and then you wanted me to stuff my bra. I don’t know. Maybe they are.”
“We’ll talk about it later,” he said. “Were leaving in about twenty minutes. Mr. Ito is having us to his house for dinner.”
“You’re going to fill me again, aren’t you, Daddy?” I asked.
“Yes,” he said. “I want you on perfect bimbo behavior; mindless but for the wanting. Can you do that?”
I looked at him and tried to think of my response for a moment. I didn’t want to be filled again. The need they caused was too overpowering.
“Yes, Daddy, I can. But I don’t need the plug and the balls. I can be a perfect bimbo without them.”
“Not quite,” he responded. “Without the them you pretend to be the bimbo. With them you are the bimbo; mindless and thinking only of your need to cum. I want you to be the bimbo.”
I jerked and felt a strange shift in my head. It was as if the cloud of need I felt was returning.
“Are you okay?” he asked, noticing my reaction.
“Yes..no...yes,” I said.
“So, in a little while I’m going to piss in your ass again. Then I’m going to plug you,” he told me. “Then you can truly be the bimbo.”
I jerked again and felt my mind slipping back into the haze it had been gradually leaving behind.
“I’m going to shower,” he told me and then got up, stripped and headed to the bathroom.
I was still on my knees, just as I was when he left, when he came back into the room. A towel was draped around him and he was slightly damp.
“Those boots look great on you,” he said. “And I really like how big your tits look pushed up and almost out of your bustier.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” I said, watching him as he got dressed.
“So, did you buy anything, Brandi?” he asked as he slipped into a pair of black boxer briefs.
“No, Daddy, I didn’t.”
He smiled and then turned to get a pair of black, pinstriped trousers from the closet.
“And were you able to be the bimbo or did you just act it out?”
I jerked and felt myself begin to fade. “No, Daddy. It was easy, thanks to the plug and balls.”
“Good,” he said, pulling on a white dress shirt. “I like when you can really be the bimbo.”
Every time he said it; be the bimbo, I faded more. It was as if the balls and plug were both inside me and vibrating and I began to feel need. I wanted to cum. I needed to cum but I couldn’t.
He pulled on his suit coat. He was talking to me and I was finding it hard to follow. Again he uttered the phrase; my motto. Soon, his words were a slur to my ears, as if spoken by a drunk. Then he was behind me and the tube was in my ass and he was filling me with piss. The plug followed immediately after and then it was as if my mind left me to a dream of wanton need.
Afterwards, all was a blur to me. I know we went to Mr. Ito’s house and I know we had dinner. I have brief recollections of roast duck and comments about my appearance and I remember snippets of conversation with Yumi. There were paintings and tapestries depicting battles and countrysides and there were pornographic sculptures. Then it was morning.
John was already up and dressed casually when I woke. I rolled over and the internal vibrating started with my movements and there was an immediate wanting for release. Immediately halting my movements, I tried to ease the burden of need and then felt a terrible fullness inside. I remembered then that he had used my ass as his urinal over and over until, on one unpleasant occasion, I overflowed. It was horrible and humiliating but it didn’t stop him from emptying another bladder of piss into me.
“Get in the bathroom,” he told me, jarring me from my memory.
I was thankful in knowing that I would be free of his piss; free of the plug and with my mind returned to me, if only for a short while. I walked slowly, carefully trying to avoid the vibrations as best I could but it was useless. By the time I had made my way to the bathroom I was completely lost.
He spoke to me when he joined me in the bathroom but I’ve no idea what he said. I couldn’t think; not until he pulled the plug from my ass. Then, there was a sudden rush of blood that gave me back my identity. I was free of the plug and the terrible longing it caused. He told me to sit on the toilet and relax and a rush of fluid - his piss - left my body.
I thanked him profusely for removing the plug and letting me empty my bowels of his piss. Then I thanked the gods that be for my return to reality.
After I was empty he pulled the metal balls from me and put them in the sink and then told me to take a shower. Again, I thanked him.
The water was hot and felt wonderful against my skin. I let it flow over me and revelled in the moment, feeling free and alert, once again. Yes, I still had need. I still wanted to cum and there was still a lingering haze. The plug and balls had left me but they had done their damage but my need was minor in comparison to what it had been.
Suddenly, I was in the bedroom again. I don’t remember leaving the shower or drying off but I must have. A terry cloth robe covered me and I was staring at John. He was smiling and telling me how proud and happy he was. I had been a perfectly mindless bimbo and his client had thoroughly enjoyed my company.
There was another loss of time and events and I found myself laying on my back in the middle of the bed. John’s head was between my legs and I was writhing in pleasure. He had always been excellent in this area and my need only added to the pleasure I felt. There was an orgasm and then another. I came and came again and then there was blackness.
Time and events slipped by again and we were at the clinic where I had my hair removed. We talked to Aya and Dr. Watanabe and I was led away and laid on a gurney and then wheeled into a bright room and then I was back at the hotel.
I couldn’t keep focus for more than moments at a time and I begged John to stop using the horrible tandem of tortures but he would not relent. I fought him once but he told me to give in; to be the bimbo. My own words. Words that, for some reason, took on new meaning when he said them. They made me become the bimbo, no matter what I wanted - made my mind fade into oblivion and left my body wanting.
Day after day passed and I remembered less and less and my will weakened until I could resist no more. Then, suddenly, we were on the airplane and heading back to Los Angeles with only brief snippets of memory of our stay in Japan. Even the time - how long we had been in Japan - had slipped away.
The plane was a welcome relief. Minute by minute I began to regain myself. Yes, I was plugged with the gel plug and stuffed with plastic balls that kept me in a state of arousal and my mind was still in a haze. But it was nothing compared to the miserable need brought on by the metal vibrating balls. By the time we reached our home in Los Angeles I was as near to being myself as I had been in...how long?
We were dropped at the house as the clock neared midnight by the company car and I nearly fell into our bed, exhausted. Unfortunately, John had plans other than to allow me the rest I so needed.
“We need clean up before we sleep, Brandi,” he said.
I knew what it meant. He was going to give me my enema. I had only had one today, thanks to the long plane ride. So, like the good girl he wanted, I left the soft comfort of the bed and trod to the bathroom and took my stance on hands and knees to await my cleaning. It was quick and easy and led to a hot shower. He washed us both and held me close when we were clean and kissed me passionately.
“You’re such a good girl,” he told me as he held me to him.
His words melted me and I remembered how much I loved him and then guilt washed over me. No amount of water could wash the guilt I felt for hurting him. I kissed him passionately and told him I was glad to be his good girl. I told him how much I loved him and how sorry I was for hurting him.
“I’m glad to be your bimbo, Daddy,” I said.
He turned off the shower and pulled me to him again. My mouth was covered with his and our tongues fought within each other’s mouths. We parted for a brief time while he ran soft towels over our bodies and then he kissed me again and took me to bed. Our love making was as passionate that night as it had ever been and when it was over I was left ever more exhausted and panting for breath.
“I’m so glad you learned to be the bimbo,” he said.
I jerked and then faded slightly when the words met my ears. This time I didn’t fight it. This time I let it wash across me, embracing it as he had embraced me and then fell fast asleep.
The rest of this story can be found at: http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/a1129.htm
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