Chapter 15
It was now day five of Susan and Missy’s captivity and the girls were clearly on divergent paths, much to Dominique’s dismay. Initially it was the general feeling of most of the women on Level One that Susan would be the first to break. On paper at least it appeared that everything favored such an outcome. Susan was younger, obedient, very mild mannered and even-tempered, and most important of all she was extremely sexually naïve, which should have made the tortures to her tender body all the more effective at breaking her quickly. Missy on the other hand was older, rebellious, a smart ass and someone who fancied herself as a “tough broad,” despite being only seventeen.
Yet it was Missy, #474 as she was now known, that was the one who was so close to succumbing. Likely it would be today, tomorrow almost assuredly. Some of this unlikely outcome could be attributed to the stern hand of Commandant Teresa, who seemed to be unconcerned with the fact she was dealing with such a young girl.
Dominique on the other hand was clearly not being as aggressive with Susan as she would have been with any other girl, for obvious reasons. Natasha was unconcerned about that though, she was proud of her young charge and the way she was dealing with such a complicated and difficult situation. Nevertheless though Susan seemed to be gaining strength from the whole ordeal and was becoming more defiant than ever. After a day’s worth of torture Susan often times went back to her cell and recited passages from the Bible in order to maintain and build her strength. She was hardly the first to do this, there had been many other religious girls brought to Stonebrair who reacted in similar fashion and all eventually submitted.
Today was an important day for everyone. Natasha had changed the normally strict rules of capitulation down to six days from the usual seven. This was an iron clad dictum that Natasha had set from the very first day that she opened Stonebriar. Girls were to be punished for a minimum of seven days before being sent to the chamber. This was done for two very important reasons. First, this policy was put in place largely to ensure that every girl brought there knew fully what she was agreeing to when they finally surrendered themselves. They had to want to go in there, if only to stop the assault on their bodies. Many of the girls brought to Stonebriar were weak in both body and spirit and gave themselves up after only a few days, sometimes less, of torture. The seven-day subjugation phase of Level One helped to ensure that the girls entering the chamber were fully ready to begin their transformation into becoming lesbians.
The second and far more important reason for the seven days of punishment was to give the girls a constant reminder of just how unpleasant Stonebrair was. When the girls were sold at auction, the terms of sale were quite clear to all parties involved in the transaction. If their new owners were unsatisfied with their new slave for any reason, they could be sent back to Stonebrair for “retraining”. Having to go through this process was distasteful for everyone involved. The new owner became upset because she had to part with her slave for several weeks while her new toy had her “attitude” adjusted. Natasha became angry because of the embarrassment of having to have defective merchandise returned to her. She really was no different than the Ferrari dealer who has an irate customer who brings their vehicle back to the dealership for mechanical reasons. People spending significant amounts of money, whether it is on fine automobiles, yachts or beautiful female slaves expected and demanded the very best. Anything less was unacceptable and a true embarrassment for the proprietor.
Mistress Natasha took great pride in providing the world’s finest lesbian slaves; nothing to her was more upsetting then having an unsatisfied customer. It was just terrible for business. In the extremely small world of ultra-wealthy lesbian slaveholders, bad news about defective or unsatisfactory merchandise traveled fast. It was exceptionally rare that Natasha received complaints, but when it did happen she addressed it immediately and with the most stringent methods imaginable. No girl had ever been back to Stonebriar for a third time.
But Natasha lived by the motto that the best way to eliminate problems is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. She has found that torturing girls in a brutal manner during their submission stage, even well after the given up, left an indelible mark on their psyche. One that was so strong that no matter how much they were mistreated by their new owners, they were far better off with them than if they were sent back to Stonebrair for “re-education.” This fact is something they will be reminded of many times during the training phase on Level 2.
This seven-day policy though has come under intense scrutiny because of the new additions to the facility. Because of the politically delicate nature of bringing two high school girls into Stonebriar, Natasha had thought it wise to lower the standards of surrender by a day. It was a minor concession on her part, done largely to keep the more squeamish staff members appeased. Many of them did not want to see these girls here at all, let alone punished for a lengthy amount of time. So the Mistress thought it best to move them into the chamber as soon as they agreed to it and then they would be taken down to the more docile area of Level two where the rules and punishments were slightly more relaxed.
Natasha and Dominique had met prior to that day’s session, as they did every day, and both agreed that it would be wise to ratchet up the level of intensity of the tortures on Susan. This was certainly nothing Dominique relished doing, but Natasha’s logic was very sound. The older women felt that a particularly brutal session, while being hard on both Susan and Dominique alike, would be preferable to a long drawn out struggle that would only make Susan suffer more over a longer period of time. If Dominique could break her today, then the rest would of her stay at Stonebriar would be that much easier, or so she thought.
Dominique entered punishment room 8D, which was a specially equipped cell featuring a number of suspension devices. Per usual Susan was completely naked and gagged. Susan had still never made direct eye contact with her sister, either because she herself was blindfolded or because Dominique wore a mask during their sessions, as she was now. In either case, it had managed to keep Dominique’s secret safe.
Susan was inside a “bondage frame”, which essential was rectangle made of heavy wood with cuffs at each end to secure both her wrists and ankles. At her midsection was an additional restraining device made of heavy leather and chains, which served to keep her from wiggling too much. The entire apparatus was suspended from the ceiling by a heavy-duty chain. This allowed the captor to have unlimited access to Susan’s body while easily shifting her body to a new position of vulnerability.
Dominique preferred that her sister be gagged, which was a change from most of the girls she handled. She generally liked to hear her captives scream, and would occasionally engage in dialogue with them during their sessions. But keeping her sister gagged and unable to communicate was done largely to ease Dominique’s tremendous sense of guilt. Any reasoning, logic or downright begging Susan may use in order to stop Dominique’s onslaught would be particularly difficult for Dominique to hear and she preferred to ignore it all together. She couldn’t stop now if she wanted to. This was something that she would never be able to explain and Susan would never be able to understand anyway. Dominique knew her day of reckoning was going to come soon, but she preferred to delay it as long as possible.
These past few days had taken a terrible toll on Susan’s body; she was obviously tired and completely worn down. But despite though now clearly visible marks on her sister, Dominique could see, for perhaps the first time, just how beautiful a girl her younger sister actually was. It was hard for her not to take moment and fully survey the girl in front of her. Susan was in nearly flawless shape, with not an ounce of fat on her body anywhere. Her legs and arms were perfectly toned, she had long flowing blond hair and the face of an angel. Perhaps her most outstanding feature was her big beautiful breasts, perhaps the finest she had ever seen at Stonebrair, on any girl of any age. They were large and full and stood high on her chest, a full 38DD. It was nearly impossible to believe that she was only sixteen. It was easy to see why everyone at Stonebriar had felt this girl was likely to fetch an enormous sum at the auction.
Dominique did not want to even fathom that now as she tried to get her mind focused again on the task at hand. That was becoming increasingly difficult as Susan’s big green eyes, now filling with tears, literally stared right through her. The older girl tried to pay her little sister no attention as she went to a table in the corner and grabbed the ubiquitous tit press. She walked behind Susan, not just because it was easier to attach that way, but also to avoid her laser like stares. She separated the slats, and took first one oversized breast, then the other and put them between the two wooden bars. Next she connected the ring on the upper bar with the ring on Susan slave collar, to provide additional support, finally she fasten the belt behind Susan belt to prevent it from coming off. Next she was ready to begin tightening the devilish apparatus.
Big breasted girls were always vulnerable to devices like these and Dominique used them as often as possible. Most girls hate having their breasts handled in a rough manner and big-titted girls like Susan were particularly sensitive to this. Few devices were as simple to use or as effective as a tit press for providing serious pain to breasts. Dominique, while still behind her Susan began turning the large wing nuts in a counterclockwise manner. Susan started to shudder more violently in the frame as the turning continued. Dominique wanted to stop, but then she thought of her conversation with Natasha just a few minutes before entering the room and twisted each screw twice more. Susan’s breathing became heavier and her motion more violent, but she was clearly not going anywhere while locked inside the frame.
Dominique stopped, but only to grab another painful device. These we called Japanese clover clamps. They were a special kind of nipple clamp, designed to get tighter each time the chain connecting them was pulled. Dom fastened them to Susan’s already aching nipples, now even larger then normal because her breasts were being compacted.
Susan was in excruciating pain as her sister used the electric winch to completely lower the entire frame to the cold floor. Susan was on her back when her older sister undid the chain over her head and attached it to a hook by her feet. She then pushed the button on the winch and raised the entire frame, this time though Susan was upside down, and was now in even worse agony as her throbbing breasts were drooping near her face. Her entire head was 2 feet off of the ground. She was disoriented as Dominque spun the frame around and around, causing Susan to feel increasingly dizzy and disoriented. Somehow she was able to see Dominique take a step ladder and set it up outside the radius of where she was spinning.
Dominique at last grabbed the frame and stopped Susan from spinning; and then she bent down to her knees and looked he sister in the face. “You know I don’t want to do what I am about to do, but you leave me no choice #473. You must submit to me! Please tell me you will?” All Susan did was shake her head violently.
“Very we’ll then. You leave me no choice.” Dominique climbed a few steps up the ladder. Now she was directly over her up-side-down sister with her outstretched and wide-open legs. On the top of the ladder, was a pullout tray, where cans of paint would normally be situated if one was about to paint a room. Today it held something much more sinister, an assortment of large candles, now burning brightly in glass cylinders, which served the dual purpose of both retaining heat and also collecting molten wax. With her left hand, Dominique steadied the wooden frame that housed the up-side-down Susan. She did this in order to position her sister better. With her right hand she took one of the candles and started pouring it directly onto her sister’s freshly shaven and unprotected cunt.
The pain was indescribable; Susan had never felt anything like it. She struggled wildly, shaking, twisting, turning, kicking, anything to get away from the searing onslaught. She had absolutely no leverage though, and ever if she had the older woman was bigger and stronger and far too experienced in performing this process to let some minor movements interfere with her work.
Dominique had done this procedure dozens of times to nearly every other girl who she had had to break, she never gave the horrible pain it caused another thought. This time it was different, seeing Susan scream like a mad woman, even through the gag was hard on her. But again she went back to her conversation with Natasha, “Make it hard on her so she will break quickly”. So without another moment’s hesitation grabbed another candle and continued coating Susan’s innocent pussy. The horrible wax now dripped in every direction, some of it even going down her equally unprotected ass.
Dominique waited a few minutes for Susan to try and compose herself. Normally this was one of her favorite torturing activities, but today she derived no pleasure from it. She hated more then anything to watch Susan writhe in agony, but it did not stop the heartless bitch. She continued, this time holding the candle mere inches from Susan’s cunt to let the wax trickle into any previously uncovered areas. The screams were louder this time; they always were when Dominique was this precise, but she paid no attention. She took the last of her four candles and held it high above her target, trying to splash a little of the wax into Susan’s anus, just to be sure.
Dominique climbed down the ladder and pulled it away, careful not to knock over the candles, lest they needed to be used again. They still contained a healthy amount of un-melted wax. She went over to the winch and lowered it to the ground, removed the heavy-duty chain from one end of the frame and attached it to the other, before raising it back up into the air and again suspending Susan a foot or so off the ground. This time the poor girl was now right side up.
Susan was now grateful for this minor allowance, as she could now regain her bearings. But that did little to change her predicament. Dominique had now taken a riding crop that was hanging from a wall and was now taking direct aim at her already blistered cunt. Before doing so however she yanked on the chain connecting the two nipple clamps, further tightening the diabolical little devices. The older woman, still hiding behind the heavy black mask, which completely obscured her face, didn’t even have the guts to look her in the eyes before she flailed away at Susan’s pussy. She violently whacked away at the wax, causing it to fly off in all directions as Susan howled away in agony. In a just a few short minutes it was over though, and Susan was at last able to catch her breath. Dominique casually went back to the wall and put back the crop, like a carpenter puts a tool away after a tough day’s work.
She went back to Susan, again avoiding eye contact, and walked behind her, kissing her gently on the neck. “I am so sorry I had to do that Susan”, she whispered quietly into her sister’s ear. Quietly enough she hoped that Natasha, would not hear her call her sister by name, a big taboo for the entire staff.
Susan herself was stunned. She did not really recognize the voice, as it had been so very long since she had actually spoken to her sister. She was more surprised that this brutal and mysterious woman had actually called her by her real name, the first time anyone had done that since she had arrived here.
Dominique started loosening the press; allowing the blood to flow back into Susan’s massive tits. This caused a sharp increase in pain, especially to the nipples, still throbbing from the Japanese clover clamps. “I want to take these off but Mistress won’t allow me,” Dominique motioned to the clamps. “I can’t take the gag out either.” She said almost apologetically. “I am going to come back here in 30 minutes, #473, I want you to think very carefully if you want this to go on,” she continued as she walked towards the door, “I want more the anything for this to stop, but I can’t until you decide it does.”
Dominique closed the door leaving Susan still naked, gagged, framed, and hanging off the ground and worse confused. Was this some kind of psychological ploy she wondered? Why was this woman all of a sudden acting so concerned about her? The light soon went off, leaving her with her thoughts in total darkness.
Natasha was waiting right outside the door, again offering words of encouragement to her trusted employee. She needed badly to keep Dominique focused on this most delicate task. The young employee was performing so well and was getting close to winning her trust and more importantly her sought after promotion; it would be a shame to have a slip up now.
“Do you think she will cave in?” Natasha asked her point blank.
“I don’t know Mistress, this session usually works, but my sister has proven to be much tougher than I thought. I don’t know how much more I can take doing this, let alone her.”
Natasha hated to hear those words of doubt, but it was certainly understandable in this type of situation. She put her hand on Dominique’s shoulder, “be strong my dear, be strong for both of you, this is not easy for either one of you but there is no turning back now, Susan must succumb. If you don’t think that you can handle it then just let me know, I will understand. Commandant Teresa can finish the job.”
The thought of that scared Dominique more then anything, and Natasha knew it. The younger protégé had worked too hard at her job for too long to blow this opportunity now; she wanted to run Stonebriar more then anything in the world. Giving up on the submission process of her sister she knew would cost her that job, as she was sure that Natasha would never trust her again. On top of that she could not bear the thought of that animal, Teresa, defiling her sister in unimaginable ways to get her to break. No, she would soldier on and finish the job.
“Don’t worry Mistress, I won’t let you down.”
Natasha smiled and walked away, knowing that her little psychological trick had worked perfectly.
Dominique walked back into the room, turned the lights on and saw Susan just hanging there limply, obviously passed out. Her sweat-covered hair was strewn all across her face; it took everything in her power not to release her and just hold her in her arms. Instead Dominique simply nudged her awake and whispered into her ear, “Please tell me that you have had enough #473, I want this to end just as much as you do.”
It took a moment, but the still very groggy Susan simply shook her head defiantly. She wouldn’t give in, she couldn’t. Her faith would carry her through this dark time, it always did. Somehow she held out hope that she would be rescued. She prayed every night for it. She knew she could endure any pain to her body as long as she held onto some glimmer of hope. She looked the masked woman in the face and again yelled “No” through the gag.
Dominique was crestfallen. Now what she wondered? Her hopes for a speedy conclusion to her sister’s suffering were dashed and now she had to get back to work. Normally a defiant girl would have excited her as it only meant she could roll out increasingly excessive tortures. That was not the case here; instead she shook her head at the younger girl’s foolish decision and began to screw the nasty tit press back into place. Susan was wide awake now and could only moan through the ball gag. The nipple clamps were next and Susan was sure they were on tighter then before, or maybe it was just that her tits were still sore, either way they hurt like hell, as Dominique pulled extra hard on the chain.
Next the older girl went to a cabinet to retrieve a special kind of plastic wrap; one with a heavier grade of film then typically was available at a store. She proceeded to wrap her sister from head to toe in it, except for her tits. She put an extra layer over the cunt. The wrap over the entire body served no purpose, except to scare the victim into thinking something much worse was coming. In reality only the film on the cunt really mattered. It was thick enough to prevent the wax from melting through and causing any additional damage to Susan’s ultra-valuable virgin pussy. But not so thick that she wouldn’t feel the bitter sting of the molten wax on her now very tender cunt.
Rather then keep her upside down this time, Dominique attached an extra chain to the clamp at the foot of the wooden frame and then proceeded to winch Susan up so she hung parallel to the floor, about three feet off the ground. Once in position Dominique proceeded to cover her sister’s pussy in wax again. The screaming, even with the gag firmly in place, was hard to ignore. On and on she went, pausing only to splash some onto Susan’s compacted and throbbing tits. Only when the melted wax was gone from the cylinders did Dominique finally speak.
“Please let me stop, she was practically begging her sister. It can all end right now Susan, just nod your head.”
She didn’t need to, even with the gag in her mouth, Dominique could see her mutter a “No”. The frustrated older girl simply left the room and slammed the door.
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