4F elevator boy in WWII helps secretaries meet black bulls
May 2, 2013
by ryderman
Tags: cuckold creampie femdom obeah humiliation sissy
Helping Her Go Black!
TJ Ryder
Talking to my favorite uncle Bob about women and sex
has made me realize how things have changed since his day,
and how much they stayed the same.
For one thing, nowadays it's almost acceptable, even desirable in some
circles, for a guy to refer to himself as a cuckold, especially if the
girlfriend or wife has gone black. I know swingers groups of all walks
of life who actively promote this lifestyle. I mean guys don't advertise
it because it's still an embarassing fact, but more women, particularly
wives, are going black on their white husbands with the help of not only
their spouses, but groups of women, and not limited to swingers and
swapper groups either.
So if your'e like me or Uncle Bob; the men in
our family tend not to be too studly, kind of smallish and thin and
easily bullied; well, guys like us can get attractive women if they know
the score. so that part is easier I guess, but Uncle Bob says the
interracial thing is the big thing that has changed. In his day a decent
white woman just couldn't be seen with a black man, so they had to use
a white man for a sort of a screen or diversion if they were lucky enough
to find one who'd play along. So in his day, according to him, cuckolding
was a survival mechanism, especially during the war. So Uncle Bob is
going to relate how he met his first wife Vicki.
Dear Timmy,
I'm so glad you and your lovely wife have joined the BlackRule Party!
I realize some members of the family aren't too happy about Patty going black, but I can
tell you for a fact a lot of the women are very pleased even if they don't say it in
front of their husbands.
During the war I had a 4-f deferment for a variety of reasons in addition to my small
skinny frame, even more skinny than you are. Flat feet was the killer so I hit the
employment line, and there were tons of jobs, but boy, things were changing fast.
For one thing, just about all the women in the country started filling
all the jobs all the men left when they got drafted, so most of the clerical
jobs, all the office work; well, women dominated that. Cities like Atlanta
especially still needed jobs filled, so naturally, black men filled the
factories and loading docks. Now you know as my favorite nephew that we
share the fact of being a little sub which wasn't anywhere accepted back
then like it is now, but there still is a grapevine like there is everywhere.
When I moved to Atlanta I was younger than you are,
but I had urges I wasn't able to explain.
I always lusted for the beautiful women, and one idea I had was with all the
men gone in my age bracket except for 4-fs like myself, I had a chance for
once! A grapevine buddy advised me that Schwabb's warehouse was a good spot,
and they gave me some kind of personality test, and for some crazy reason I
was made an elevator operator. I was going to quit as soon as I had another
job, especially after I saw the demeaning uniform I had to wear, kind of like
a bellboy. In fact I had wrongly turned down a bellboy job because I was afraid
of not being able to lift the heavy luggage some of the guests showed up for,
but I remedied that ten years later when I took it at an interracial trysting
hotel, the greatest job out there for guys like us, but that's another story.
Anyway, a big company composed of a few older white guys, a lot of young
white women, and a lot of big black men, and a few skinny little 4-f's like
myself, and you know what was going on! You don't have buildings filled with women
clerks nowadays due to computers, but back then the offices were filled with young women,
and during the war, the warehouses in back were filled with black men taking all the
white boy's jobs until the end of the war.
Well, first off the blacks got kind
of militant, letting all us 4-f boys know that if we wanted to stay healthy
things were different. Different in that if you saw a white woman smiling
or talking to a black man, you just did nothing about it. That was for
starters. Then after a while, no matter what you saw them doing, you didn't
say anything. And if you didn't accept it, well, find another job or get your
face beat in.
The fact that before I got there the women were going black was
well known and accepted by everyone at Schwabb's, in fact I think the management
decided it was inevitable. Word is that the president's wife had a black lover.
Anyway, there wasn't a political party like BlackRule then, but there was this
protest organization for militant blacks called Obeah which was an AFrica first
kind of thing. The secretaries and clerks at Schwabb's had their own little
flags too, and it didn't take me too long to find out I had to play the game
to not only keep my job but get any action at all.
In fact, I was just on the job a few days when I found out that
the elevator was a hot spot of quickie activity between the cute white
secretaries on the upper floors and the black warehouse workers,and I was
kind of in the catbird seat. Being warned by a big black loading dock
boss and a female personnel director before the day was out I decided
to take the path of least resistance. The next day I was wearing an
Obeah pin on my left lapel and a Mandingo pin on my right and I addressed
every black man as Sir with a sincere smile. And I also stopped at any
floor they wanted, usually the 16th because it was empty but sometimes
for variety between floors. This wasn't too hard because I was one
of two elevators and there wasn't much traffic in the back tower where
I was except during rush hour. Well what was hard was me! I had to
sit and watch while a luscious white woman got her black cock quota,
usually two or three a day and some of these women were super hot.
And it didn't stop during the daytime. I lived in a company apartment
building touted as a revolutionary model of interracial harmony. It was
harmonious all right. Except for a few white guys very much like me,
it was all white women and black men! I had absolutely no chance with
these white beauties and while it was very erotic, I was seriously
considering other work when I met Vicki.
You had to be around during those days to appreciate what it means
when surrounded by blackowned white beauties to be impressed by a
white girl. Devastated is more like it! She was luscious but
a little older than I was, with a little daughter, dressed in her interview
outfit. She explained that she couldn't find a sitter and she had
to rush down to personnel for the job interview. She was a hick from
the sticks, but so cute. Blonde and wide blue eyes, and no wedding
ring. I found out she was going through a divorce, back then people
felt obliged to explain stuff like that.
"Gosh, um, I guess I forgot about what to do with Lisa! Do you
think I could leave her at the receptionist?"
While Schwabb's was liberal about a lot of stuff, they had to draw
the line on kids or we'd have gotten overrun a long time ago with
all the women working. They did have a subsidized day care center a
block away but you had to be an employee. So while I didn't especially
like it, I made my first pitch, mainly because I really wanted this girl
to be hired and not make a bad first impression.
"Um, well, she could join me, I guess, in the employee lounge,
if you, well, want...!"
She bit her lip, looking closely at me. Even then there were stories
and mothers were careful. Plus being a 4-f means maybe I was rejected
for a psych reason, she maybe was thinking.
"Um, she's safe from me honey," I smiled, winking at the girl who
smiled back, "until she gets a lot older and starts looking like her
beautiful mother anyway!" That was true and brought at least a laugh.
She introduced herself, and I told her my name and showed her my
employee badge, as if I could be anything else in a monkey suit in
an elevator. Lisa was real cute though, and I bought her a candy bar
in the rec room while I took my break early. Vicki came by in half
an hour with a big smile to pick her up.
"How did it go?" I asked, being friendly.
"Oh, thank you so much, Bob. I think I got the job actually!"
"Oh great, maybe, you know, we'll see each other around!"
I really wanted to ask her out right then, while she was sort of
obligated, slime that I am, but didn't, maybe because I didn't want
a rejection. She nodded, sort of gave a meaningless shrug and walked
off with a wave. I watched her luscious bottom swish in her tight
skirt, waving at Lisa who turned and waved back. Cute kid, maybe
like her mother in 20 years. I kept looking for her for the next
couple of weeks, and finally caught her leaving the break room.
"Oh hi, Bob, isn't it?" She looked hot, wearing the kind of slutty
look a lot of the secretaries were going for, her big breasts showing
a lot of cleavage, and then I noticed she didn't wear the Mandingo pin,
and I kind of felt a little self conscious, since I was flying both pins.
"Yeah, hi Vickie. Say, how's that cute kid of yours?"
"She's not so cute sometimes at home, but wer'e doing okay!"
"Um, say," realizing by her employee pin she was in inventory,
meaning she worked in Building A and I probably wouldn't see her for
another month, and not wearing the Mandingo flag could only mean she
hadn't gotten herself a black lover yet, so I figured maybe I had a
"Um, say, ah, you know, I was wondering, if, well, sometime
after work, well...!"
Her smiled showed dimples. "Your'e asking for a date?" I blushed
and nodded.
"There's a new Cagney movie out at the Metro!"
"Oh, yes, I did want to see that. Um, you mean like tonight?"
"Well, I guess!"
"Mmmmm," she bit her lip, looking at me different now. "You don't
mind if Lisa comes along, I couldn't get a sitter this short notice!"
Well of course I did mind but of course I said no. We agreed on a time
and I had her address and phone number. Her address wasn't at the
subsidized apartment either, it was a very prim and proper apartment
building just for single white women, another good sign I was thinking.
Fresh and innocent. I had this plan right then, lock her up in a
relationship, and then get her the hell out of Schwabb's to another job
before some big black buck stretches her out and flips her to black like
every other woman there who looked even halfway decent. In fact I was
not even thinking why she hadn't gone that way already. The first date
I got a look at her apartment and there was no sign of another man
there. I heard her husband was some rich kid from the sticks, whose
father was a state senator, while she came from a poor white farm family.
That date I only got a peck for a goodnight, and another peck with
a giggle from Lisa. I figured on more next time. The next time I asked
and she smiled and accepted without Lisa, and I got a little more of a kiss,
but it was still remote. I always figured divorcees were ready to rock
and roll, so I kept on trying.
On the fourth date, I knew something was up, wrong, or whatever. She
wasn't responding to me even though she knew for sure I was super turned on
by her. And I think she wanted sex, her lush body seemed to ache for it
and if ever a woman was built for love, well it had to be her. After sitting
in the parked car and resisting my advances again, she bit her lip and
"Oh, please, Bob, I-I really... shouldn't...!"
"(Gasp) "Oh, okay, honey, okay!" She put her warm palm on
mine which was trying to conceal the jutting hardon.
"I do like you, Bob, but, well, ...!"
"I know, it's okay!"
"No, it's, well, it isn't that I don't want it, Bob, but well,...!"
"Is there something about me then?" I was reaching for a reason now.
I mean why would she keep going out with me otherwise? "I know about
Schwabb's and the Mandingo pins" She looked at me sharply then, so I
"I know you don't wear one, honey, and I do, but it's like part of
my job, you know how it is!"
She smiled, "is that what you think, Bob? I-I would never go
out with a white boy who didn't wear them!"
That didn't make sense and she shook her head at my blank look.
"Bob, please try to understand. I think Iv'e been using you,
and I'm sorry. I like you and Lisa loves you, but it couldn't work
between us, the way you want anyway. You see, I'm only interested in
black men that way! You have a right to know that!"
"But...your'e not...!"
"Showing any Mandingo pin?" she smiled, shaking her pretty head.
"Bob, I'm in the middle of a custody battle with my ex, and if anyone
could prove I have a black lover, well, I'd never see Lisa again!
Don't you understand?"
"Oh, wow," I groaned, but still puzzled. "So that means, you have
a, you know...!"
She nodded, smiled and patted my hand. "Yes, a black lover.
We came to Atlanta together; of course we don't live together, and we
have to be very careful, because a private detective could be out there
any time."
"Wow, a private dick, do you really think so?"
She nodded emphatically. "Yes, I still have friends in Valdosta,
the ones whov'e taken black lovers,(smile) and Maureen assures me to be on
the lookout for a black buick with a green bumpersticker. Of course
it could be any car so I just have to be careful!"
"Okay," I said, resignedly, "I guess it's time to bow out!"
She patted my hand sympathetically. "I mean I do enjoy our dates, Bob.
I'd still like to see you, that is, if you'd like to. In fact when I
found out the score at Schwabb's and saw you with that pin, and heard the stories, you
know, I was trying to figure out some way you could help me!"
Wow, would I! Naturally I said sure.
"And, maybe you wouldn't mind, you know, maybe helping me and Tyrone
get together sometime?"
(Gulp) "Like h-how?" At least I had a name to go with an image, and it
didn't help much, remembering a giant black muscular new hire at the loading
dock. Imagining his huge black body holding this sweet innocent white luscious
girl made my dick instant hardon.
"Oh, like picking me up, and going into a movie with me downtown,
Tyrone and I know this theater near his room where it's pretty safe
for me to pretend to go to a movie and slip back out."
I knew if I didn't say yes that would be it, so I nodded,
"Sure, I, guess...!"
"And then, when we come back out of the movie, well, we can have our own date,
although, it would be absolutely wonderful if you'd pretend just a little bit
more. Like, you know, I was thinking of going to Lookout Point or someplace,
just in case I'm being followed. Other than that we can do anything you like!"
The idea of making out which I'd been
trying to do all along settled it right then. I had a lot of hopes now and
she knew it.
Three nights later I asked her for a date and she accepted, and said
she wanted to go to the Rialto 7pm show. The fact that she didn't know what
was playing made it obvious why but I didn't care much. I was thinking of after
the movie.
Fortunately she had a sitter for Lisa, a really cute teenager with a
shapely body, still in high school, who opened the door.
I was wondering right away if she knew what was going on by her smirk.
Vickie came out wearing a drop dead low cut dress, no bra, FM shoes.
"Oh you met Dawn, she'll be watching Lisa. Lisa's taking a little nap now,
but make sure she hits bed before 11. I don't know how long we'll be."
"Oh, it's really okay, Mrs Ellershaw. I know how it goes. And, Bob, " she smiled
at me, "I think it's really sweet of you to help like this!" I was a little confused
by that until I saw a silver Mandingo pin peeking from her deep cleavage.
"U-um, thanks, I'm pleased to help out!"
"Thanks honey," Vickie said, kissing her on the cheek, "Dawn's been blackowned
since she was a kid, it's like a sisterhood, Bob!" Both women giggled and I
blushed. But she admonished Dawn not to be seen coming into the building wearing
the medallion.
"Don't worry, I keep it on a long chain, see!" She let me see her cleavage
some more as she pulled it teasingly out. She liked teasing whiteboys as much as
the stuck-up blackowned sluts at Schwabb's.
When we were in the car, she slid over to me, saying someone might already
be staking out her building. The warmth of her rump near me got me itchy again.
We both watched for car lights turning on as I pulled my old heap out but I'm
no detective, anyone could be out there, and it kind of made me feel like being
in a fishbowl. Vickie was playing it up through, when we sat under a lot of lights,
nuzzled my neck and giggled when she saw it gave me the squirmies.
When we got to the theater in an interracial part of town it was crowded,
which is what she said she was hoping for. She explained how it was going to go down.
She kept her ticket stud, and we sat near an exit on one side until the movie
started, some gangster thing I had seen already. And then when it was nearly full
and dark, she said she would be back before it ended at nine, and I was to change
seats also after she left, just in case. We would meet in the lobby near the
ladies room when the movie got out.
As she sat there, she shifted her bare shapely legs, her ripe thighs
crossing and uncrossing, her big breasts softly heaving, and she seemed
unable to not cup her breast, and I could see her braless firm beauties already
had big hard nipples.
She whispered to me, "I'm waiting for some people to come into the row in front
and back, oh damn, why is it taking soo long?"
I asked her why I should change seats also.
"Oh, just in case someone already has scoped out where wer'e sitting.
If he returns and sees you sitting alone it would be suspicious, so you
should switch seats a couple of times. oooh, come on people," she sighed
impatiently, and then smiled, taking my hand. "I just can't help being
anxious, Bob. Tyrone and I haven't been together for almost three weeks,
it's just so unfair!" I agreed with her. Finally for her, too soon for me,
people started milling in the seats around us and she deftly slipped out with
practiced ease. I waited for ten minutes and also slipped out in the darkness,
going to the other side of the theater and sat beside a couple in one of the
few single seats. A very shapely redhead was sitting besides a balding
middleaged man, and she kissed him on the cheek, and got up.
"Now be a good pretend sissy, dear. I'll be back in an hour or so."
"Yes dear," he replied humbly, "remember we can't be late for my boss's party!"
"We'll get there, now watch the movie like a good boy!"
It was becoming evident that Vickie's little ploy was being copied,
and I counted several single guys in rows around me with empty seats
beside them with women's coats in them. At intermission I stood in the lobby
and picked up some gossip. Some of the guys even knew each other. Turned
out the Rialto is near several Negroe SRO buildings and couples trying to
be discreet came from all over. That's how it was back then. Anyway
I sat watching a movie I had already seen, nursing a hardon, making it harder
thinking of what Vickie was doing that moment, not able to think of anything
else, probably like all the poor whiteboy suckers, no, what did that woman
say, Sissies!" Finally, the movie ended, and I joined the milling crowd
and walked out to the lobby, holding Vickie's light wrap for cover, and
I was getting worried, most of the people had filed out and the next audience
was coming in when she came up, a little out of breath.
"Oh, wow, Bob, I was almost late here!"
"Yeah, but it's okay!"
"Did you like the movie?"
I didn't want to say I'd already seen it, so I said yes. She smiled
and took my arm, making me feel nice and proud as we walked out, so absurd I
know, but how often do guys like us get to walk out with a mega babe on our
Inside the car, I felt like asking her how it went, but that was a
stupid question. I could tell just by looking at her she'd done some heavy
loving. She had lovebites on her sweet slim soft neck, and pinch marks on
her breasts and arms, and I could swear she even had traces of semen in
her blonde hair and on the tops of her breasts. Even on the side of her
full but smudged lips. And inside the car the unmistakable fragrance of
female cuntcream and negroe studlust filled the enclosed area along with her
musk perfume and sweat. She was still softly panting, but also serene
and very satisfied. She took several luxurious long breaths after she
slid over near me again.
"Here, Bob, kiss me now, just in case!"
I did so very willingly, her hand on my thigh as she leaned and tilted her
beautiful face up. Her lips and tongue tasted like sperm, negroe sperm, and
she knew it and didn't care any more. I kissed and tongued her,groaning,
until she giggled and pushed me away.
"Down boy," she smiled, seeing my little projection in my lap. "I also
wanted to make sure you weren't put off by a white woman who's just come from
a black man, and I guess you aren't, are you, Bob?"
My throat thick, I croaked a 'no'.
"That's nice, now I am famished, Bob, but we can't go to a restaurant,
you know, the way I look, not for a detective who knows what a white woman
looks like after being with a big black buck, haha!" I smiled weakly.
"So," she continued, stroking my thigh, near my hardon, as my body
trembled, "if you still want to, we can go to Lookout Point, but I want
you to know, that I talked this over with Tyrone, and he said it was okay,
but only if, well, you accept that he owns me like a Black man should,
and, well, I can't touch a white penis." I looked blank at that, and
she would have blushed if the color in her cheeks wasn't still high
from all her lovemaking.
"You can use your mouth and tongue, Bob, but that's it. We just pretend
to have regular sex, okay?"
Groaning, naturally I said yes, and she kissed me on the cheek.
On the drive up she cuddled closer, her big breasts pressing against me.
"This is so sweet of you, Bob, doing this for me."
"Well," I paused, as we finally made it to the long curving parking
lane overlooking the airport, finding a spot among the making out couples.
It was not totally dark, shapes could be seen, like I'm sure ours were.
"I mean," she said, turning to me and pressing her big breasts against
my chest, "it's so difficult for a girls like me, whov'e gone black, you
"Yes, (kiss), I - ah, ...!"
"Mmmm, and Tyrone was so big and stiff tonight, it's been so long
since Iv'e been with a real man it seems, (sigh) he just pumped me so full,
isn't that nice?"
(gasp) "Y-yes, mmm, (kiss), ahhhh!"
"And just because I can't touch your little penis, Bob, doesn't mean
I don't want your lips and tongue, everywhere! That's what I like a
whiteboy for, after Iv'e been with a real man. You don't mind, do you?"
(groan) "B-but, ....!" She unbuttoned my shirt for me, popping
a couple of buttons and then leaned back, and I gaped at her undoing the
straps of her top, as she smiled, teasing.
"And if your'e a good boy, you can get a taste of this too. Tyrone
just sprayed me earlier so...," as she undid the snap and slowly dropped
her top, letting me gaze, licking my lips at her luscious gorgeous
big firm breasts. "My nipples are a little sore because he pinched them,
so be gentle, and look,"she traced her finger to a white sperm strand,
catching it off her breast and putting her finger in my mouth. "oooh,
(giggle) I really need a cleaning I guess. mmmmm!" I licked and kissed
all over her front, her nips, tasting her, and finally, she sighed,
and leaned back in the seat, gently pushing me to my knees between her
"Good sissies know how to really clean a woman who's gone black,
Bob, I know you want to be one, don't you?"
"Y-yes," I moaned, looking at her spreading thighs, her damp bikini
"Good," she smiled, "because I think I might just have another cum,
but only after you clean me, everywhere. But don't touch my clit yet, allright?"
I could only nod, and she giggled, lifting up her sweet buttocks as
I put my fingers in the bikini waistband and slid them off, gaping at a
pussy and anus that looked like nothing I had ever seen. It looked like
she had been with a bull or a horse, and this was the first time I had
ever seen a woman's privates after a big black bull had been there.
Her pussylips were three times normal size and even her anus was huge
and puffy, and drooling white ropey strands of negroe sperm. Tyrone must
shoot a big load, maybe multiple loads. I was repelled and turned on,
and stood stunned and conflicted. Her hand on the back of my head pulling
me forward decided it.
"Come on, Bob, clean me like a good sissy now! I'd never have come
up here with you if I thought you wouldn't be a good boy!" I moved
closer and pressed my face into her cunt, tasting her, and deciding it wasn't
as bad as I thought, in fact, it was kicky, as I slurped and licked and kissed
and she sighed and moaned. She used her hands to guide where she wanted my
lips to worship her, and that's what it was, and I knew she was used to it.
"That's a good sissyboy, Bob, mmmmmm, ooooh, yes, that's a black man's
cum, little boy, worship that up now like you should, mmmmmm, yesss!"
Finally, she let me lick across her distended swollen sore clit, and she
stiffened, groaning, and then gripped my face in her strong thighs, and had
a long orgasm, pushing out the rest of Tyrone's spermload in my softly gulping
"Oh yessss yesss, that's it wimpy, suck that up, yesssssss!"
As she came down from her cum, she relaxed her thigh muscles, but still kept
my head there as I kissed her sweet anus a couple of times. My own little throbber
leaked drops on my pants as she moved back, sighing deeply. Her face was flushed
and she smiled.
"Oooh myyyy, that was soo nice. I bet we put on a nice show if someone
is out there too!"
Groaning, I shifted back to my seat, and arranged my hardon upward.
Noticing, she smiled while she buttoned her top back up. "I know it's seems
unfair, Bob, about Tyrone not allowing me to touch a white boy's privates any more."
"Yes, (groan) well...!"
"But," she added breezily while she checked her makeup in the mirror,
"I suppose it's only fair though. I could never be interested in your little
penis, Bob, even if Tyrone wasn't around. I am only going to have big black
real man cock from now on, you don't mind do you?"
I groaned, and she smiled, looking at my little lump. "But you can take
your pants and underwear off, Bob, because I do have something for you."
Not comprehending, the raging hardon taking control, I was hopeful as she
giggled as I quickly slipped them off, showing her my stiff 5 and a half inch
pale erection.
"Oooh, smaller than I thought, (giggle), but here, I understand you have
needs too, Bob. I want you to wear these as a token of our friendship!"
She handed me her warm saturated pink bikini panties! I wanted to inhale
the fragrance but I dutifully slipped them on, making her smile even wider at
how my genitals filled them.
"There, you look so nice too. That's a common token for girls like us
to give to their sissyboys; and because youv'e been so nice I'm going to let
you jack off in them while I finish putting on my makeup. But please do hurry,
Bob, I'm just starving now. Where do you want to go for dinner?"
Complete illustrated story on midnightx.com/
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