Tracey couldn't help the usual tremor of excitement passing through her as she approached the large meat section of the supermarket. Ever since the new law allowing the use of females as meat for human consumption had been passed two years earlier Tracey had been fascinated by the whole concept of being treated and packaged as pure meat, fit only for some ones dinner.
The new law had been passed in the summer two years ago partly to try and bring some rules and regulations into what had become a burgeoning underground market in girl meat. Throughout the previous years before it was made legal there was all sorts of rumours and stories about girls being used as meat becoming more and more common, the stories were that you could go into more or less any curry house or kebab shop and order a pussy curry or pussy kebab and be served up 100 percent prime girl meat. At first people only tried it because of the very fact that it was underground and of course highly illegal, after all these girls were not volunteering to become somebodies dinner, more often they were being snatched off the streets and chopped up and served up as a main course the same night. It was a boom time though for any establishment that was prepared to acquire meat this way, after all it was free!
Pretty soon though people not only asked for the girl meat because it was dangerous and illicit, they also started to realise that the meat was delicious! This led to new problems for the restaurants and meat suppliers though, it was one thing to snatch a girl off the street and make her last a week or so in the freezer as she was slowly reduced to bones but it was quite another to need a 100 pounds girl every night, after all there were soon dozens of restaurants and eating places in each town that wanted their own supply of fresh pussy and quite simply demand very quickly outstripped the supply!
Eventually the government stepped in and realizing that the eating of female flesh was not such an underground thing any more they decided that they had better bring in the same rules and regulations for it as any other meat and the they legalised it! Before you knew it you could go down your local supermarket and quite openly buy some pussy burgers or steaks with no guilt or shame. The meat was priced competitively and in an effort to make sure supplies were kept high enough girls could legally be converted to a meat status by several simple means,
1. Any female under the age of twenty five convicted of any criminal offence would automatically be converted to meat status. This included motoring offences and it wasn't unusual to hear of girls being caught for speeding and being converted as a result.
2. Schools had to automatically provide 5% of their female students to the state meat plants, usually be means of a lottery within the school.
3. Girls could be sold to a meat processor by anyone with a legal right to do so, this included the girls parents, siblings, and anyone with a semblance of authority over the girl. This could include extended family members or even boyfriends.
4. Girls could volunteer to become meat themselves.
These rules had so far provided enough meat as far as Tracey could tell and whenever her dad sent her down here to buy some girl breasts for his dinner there was always a large selection on display!
Those displays had always entranced Tracey and today was no exception as she stared at the large brightly lit display cabinets full of cuts of fresh meat. There were rows of breasts, thigh steaks, rump steaks, every cut of meat you could possibly imagine, including Tracey saw with a extra flush of excitement a tray of fresh cunt fillets. As well as the trays of cut up meat there were also four live girls standing to the side of the counter, each girl was naked and had her hands and feet tightly tied, in fact Tracey thought they were having a hard time from tottering over their feet were so tightly tied together! All four were gorgeous of course, full breasted and not an ounce of fat on them, Tracey knew that sometimes people wanted to buy a whole girl, maybe to spit roast, maybe to cut up themselves and freeze and so there were always live whole girls on display. Although her dad sent her down here once a month Tracey had hardly tasted the girl meat herself, maybe a mouthful of her dads cooked breast once or twice, she knew some of her friends hardly ate anything but girl meat but to Tracey it was the process and dehumanisation that turned her on. Of course she was relatively safe, at the age of nineteen she was now out of school so couldn't be caught up in any of the meat lotteries the schools carried out. She didn't drive a car and certainly wasn't likely to be caught doing any other criminal activities and as far as she knew everyone else loved her and had no intention of selling her. That only left volunteering herself and although the subject fascinated and yes even excited her she wasn't brave enough the volunteer and so any fantasies she had about the whole process were just that fantasies.
“Tracey?” she suddenly heard some calling, “Tracey is that you?” she quickly raised her face from the rows of meat and looked at the smiling face of Emily Jones standing behind the counter. Tracey had gone to school with Emily and hadn't seen her since they'd left three years ago, to be honest they had not been best friends, Emily had a almost bullying personality and expected people to fall into line with her plans and if they didn't you were quickly reminded of your place in the school hierarchy which was a long way below Emily Jones! In fact Tracey remembered that they had a little fight once over a boy and Emily had threatened all sorts of retaliation but nothing had come of it and Tracey now found herself smiling back at Emily.
“It is you, I haven't seen you since we left school, what have you been up to?” Emily beamed.
“Oh this and that.” Tracey smiled back, “ I see your working here now?”
“Yes assistant manager of the meat counter.” Emily laughed.
“Lucky you.” Tracey giggled.
“Not really, you should see my boss, a right ogre.” and both girls laughed together.
“Still you must be doing well to be assistant manager.” Tracey said honestly.
“Not really, my dad got me the job in the first place and then the girl in charge left and I got promoted,” she laughed, “it's a piece of cake, the guys out the back cut it all up and I basically just smile at the customers and sell it to them.”
“How about the live ones?” Tracey asked nodded towards the trussed up girls.
“Just make sure they don't run away really,” Emily laughed, “they're pretty well tied anyway and we don't really sell many of them, one a day and we've already sold one today, those ones will get chopped up soon if nobody buys one.”
“Must be strange for them standing there all naked like that waiting for people to buy them.” Tracey giggled.
“Well rather them than me,” Emily laughed, “they get prodded about a bit to.”
“Really?” Tracey exclaimed with maybe a hint of too much interest in her voice.
“Sure” Sophie laughed, “customers can touch and feel as much as they want, of course most of them aren't going to buy, they just want a free feel of a naked girl.”
“Poor girls” Tracey said and to her slight dismay she realised that she was flushed and she also realised that Emily had noticed!
“Well maybe it's a last thrill for the girls to as well” she laughed.
“Maybe” Tracey giggled weakly in return.
Emily looked at her with a questioning smile before saying,
“Fancy giving it a go?”
Tracey looked at her shocked,
“I don't think I'll volunteer today thanks” she smiled.
“Well not all the way silly”, Emily giggled.
“How do you mean then?” Tracey said puzzled but perhaps with a hint of interest in her voice.
“Well we usually have five live girls on display but as I said we've sold one today so there's space for another girl there, I could just slot you in there and you wouldn't be in any danger, we shut in a couple of hours anyway and we've never sold two live girls in one day since I've been here.”
Despite herself Tracey felt a sudden spasm of excitement as she heard Emily talking. It was a ridiculous plan of course but even so!
“I couldn't do that,” she laughed, “what if someone did come along and buy me?”
“Well as you can see it's pretty quiet already, the chances of someone coming along to buy a whole girl is pretty slim, and anyway there are four other girls there to chose from as well.” Emily laughed, “Not only that you wouldn't be bar coded so even if someone did chose you we couldn't put you through the till, you'd be perfectly safe.” she beamed a big smile at Tracey.
“Well I guess it might be fun to see what it feels like.” Tracey laughed softly.
“Sure, you might even feel like volunteering for real after. “ Emily laughed.
“I don't think so.” Tracey squealed.
“Okay,” Emily giggled, “ come with me then and lets get you ready.” and she approached the side of the counter and took hold of Tracey arm and started leading her behind towards the staff only door at the back. Even though Tracey couldn't remember finally agreeing to this little game she found herself allowing Emily to pull her through the door and out into a large brightly lit room.
“I'm not so sure about this Emily.” Tracey said quietly and with a hint of nervousness.
“Don't be silly, it's just a game, there's no real danger and it will be fun.”
To her relief Tracey saw that they were alone in the room and as if reading her mind Emily laughed,
“Looks like the guys are on break which is good anyway or else I'd have to explain where you came from, right let's get you ready quickly, I can't be away from the counter for long, my boss might come back so get your clothes off.” she snapped slightly.
For some reason the idea of being naked had not fully occurred to Tracey and she was suddenly shocked to be told to get her clothes off and even more shocked when Emily clapped her hands loudly,
“Come on Tracey, you need to be naked silly.”
Tracey noticed a trace of Emily's old bullying tone of voice and feeling as if she was back at school and expected to do as Emily said she started to undress. Emily suddenly held a basket out for Tracey to drop her clothes into and Tracey felt more and more embarrassed as more and more clothes were dropped into the basket but perversely the embarrassment was also turning her on and although she knew what she was about to do was stupid and maybe dangerous she couldn't deny that it was also incredibly exciting.
“Good girl.” Emily said as Tracey finally dropped her panties into the basket and stood there naked in front of her old school enemy. She was even more keen to get this done now before any of the butchers came back from their break and saw her naked and she stood still as Emily proceeded to tie her hands behind her back and then her elbows together in a reverse prayer position with the effect being that her large breasts were pushed out to become even more prominent. Emily then stopped and tied Tracey ankles together equally as tightly until Tracey was well and truly helpless.
“That's good you look perfect.” Emily giggled as she stood back and looked at her handiwork, “just a couple of things to do before I take you out.” she suddenly reached up and pulled out both of Tracey's ear rings before pushing a much larger ring through Tracey's pierced right ear. It was so big that Tracey and squealed in pain but Emily had smiled and said the alternative was to pierce her pussy lip and put the ring through there!
“Right I just have to put a temporary bar code on the tab on the ring now.” Emily said.
“But you said I wouldn't be bar coded.” Tracey said suddenly alarmed.
“Well I have to put something on you silly, I'd get into big trouble if I put meat on display with no bar code and you wouldn't want me to get into trouble would you?” Emily smiled at Tracey who could only weakly smile back and say of course she wouldn't want to get Emily into trouble.
“Don't worry I'll try and make the bar code almost right but just wrong enough for someone to query it if you go through the till, I'll have to make it pretty close though.”
Tracey could only watch as Emily bent over a computer console for a few minutes, she used the time to test the strength of her ties and found them to be extremely strong! She was fully aware that her nipples were as erect as they had even been and that her sex was probably as wet as it had ever been, she only hoped Emily hadn't noticed.
“Right I'm not to good on computers I'm afraid,” Emily said approaching Tracey with a sticky label on her thumb before sticking it onto the tab dangling off Tracey's ear ring,”I couldn't figure out how to muck it up on purpose so you will probably go through the till okay if someone scans you.”
“What!” Tracey squealed, “I think I've changed my mind, you better let me go now.” she said genuinely scared.
“Oh don't be silly, I've already told you the chances of selling you are very slim, it's pretty dead out there now and we've only got an hour or so left, I'm sure you will be safe.” Emily snapped back.” Now tilt your head back a second.”
Instead of waiting for Tracey to do as she was told Emily suddenly grabbed the back of her head and pulled it back sharply causing Tracey to open her mouth wide to squeal but she suddenly felt a thick nozzle being pushed between her lips.
“Good girl, just got to devoice you, after all we can't have talking meat out there can we, “ Emily giggled, “The guys usually do this but one spray freezes your vocal cords for an hour or so so lets give you two, and maybe another one for luck,” Emily laughed as she depressed the button on the nozzle three times before pressing one final time and pulling the nozzle out of Tracey's mouth.
Tracey was suddenly struck dumb, literally! She couldn't believe it, ten minutes ago this had all been a silly game, now she was suddenly naked, trussed up like a Christmas turkey , bar coded and speechless! She had wanted to have a taste of the experience of being a meat girl and now this was getting dangerously real!
She would of squealed but she couldn't as Emily suddenly laughed and slapped her hard on her bare bottom,
“Okay Tracey let's take you out and put you on display and see what happens.”
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