Chapter 3
I kept my eyes closed against the morning light; I was warm and comfortable and really did not wish to wake up just yet. I felt a silky thigh brush over my hips, as an arm brushing over my chest raised goose bumps over my arms and shoulders.
“Hummm Cathy” I thought turning into the embrace.
I felt the arm and leg stiffen as I turned towards them. Puzzled I opened my eyes, blinking, and found myself looking into Claire’s wide and frightened eyes. I confess I jumped. “Shhhh” whispered Claire, her lower lip trembling.
“What the hell” I stammered “I mean” I was thoroughly confused
“Cathy sent me” she whispered. I could feel her trembling against me, and after yesterday I knew why.
“But that’s…” I tailed off I was going to say obscene, horrible, or words like that, but caught Claire’s warning look. I realized that Cathy must not be that far away.
“Mistress knows what I need Steve” she said in a low voice.
I could feel her lithe naked body pressed against mine. It was most uncomfortable and arousing at the same time. I immediately felt guilty for feeling aroused, knowing what this was doing to Claire.
“She promised me a pleasure day if I got into bed with you”
“A pleasure day?” I frowned.
Claire relaxed slightly as I made no move to turn towards her or hold her.
“Yes it’s a day where I get to do everything that pleases me.” I couldn’t help but feel Claire was just a little bit smug that she was in bed with a naked man, and that she could claim a reward.
“Well done little one” Cathy entered the room clapping slowly.
Whatever had happened between us last night was now clearly over. She was obviously in total Domme mode. Her bright red leather corset with matching lipstick, long clingy PVC leather skirt split up to the top of her thighs, revealing elaborately buckled knee high boots. Her red hair was scraped back into a tight ponytail.
I gulped, wondering what I might be in for today.
Cathy sat on the bed, watching Claire and I intently. “Well little one…what do you want to do today?”
Claire screwed up her little face, thinking hard. “Well” She grinned at me.
I was beginning to get the feeling I was going to be well and truly done over. Cathy smiled indulgently at Claire.
“Can we put the collar and lead on Steve, please mistress” Claire turned those eyes on her mistress.
“And make him my slave for the day? Please, please, please, mistress”.
I must have just gaped stupidly for a second or two; both Cathy and Claire were staring at me, both smiling. Well as if I needed proof that the two of them had cooked this up together. Still, how bad could serving Claire for the whole day be…
A few hours later I was beginning to get an idea. The pair of them had insisted that I shower and shave, and then Claire, her nose brushing my chin and her hair tickling my damp chest had buckled me into a collar and clipped on a lead. Negotiating the stairs was tricky on all fours, but Claire was very patient with her new “pet” as she kept calling me.
In the kitchen I was told to remain on all fours next to Claire’s chair as Cathy prepared breakfast. I remained there stomach growling as they ate, before long Claire started to hand feed me little morsels of toast, and getting me to lick jam and butter from her fingers, before mussing my hair and calling me her little pet.
“So” purred Cathy when breakfast was finished “what does my little darling want to do today?”
Claire beamed at Cathy before kissing her full upon the lips. “Would it please you if Steve were to bathe me, and give me a massage?” I perked up at once.
“But of course little one” Cathy grinned. “Do you think that would be too much fun for Steve though Claire? I mean we don’t want him to become all aroused do we?”
Claire fixed me with those soulful eyes before grinning impishly “Oh no mistress” I did not fail to miss the irony in her voice “We couldn’t have that”.
Cathy grinned at her little protégé, before taking the lead from her and forcing me into a fast crawl across the floor to the playroom.
“Kneel up” Cathy commanded, flicking the lead slightly.
I did as I was told. Cathy rummaged through one of the boxes in the corner of the room, before swimming over to me and kissing me once on the lips. “Close your eyes please Steve” Cathy purred.
I did as instructed, shivering as her hand slowly stroked over my shoulder and down my back as she moved round behind me. My breath caught as her hand snaked round my hips, her breasts pushing into my back, memories of the night before returned to my confused mind. Her body beneath me, back arching, crying softly and pleading with me not to stop.
I stiffened as I felt her hand circle me, her breath in my ear. With a mischievous laugh she slipped a rough leather sheath over my manhood, before buckling it round my waist and drawing a strap between my legs separating my testicles right and left. I gasped as I felt tiny needles start to prick the delicate tissues.
“That’s it Steve” Cathy crooned “The harder you get the more the pins are going to stick into your cock”.
She smiled nastily as she vibrated the leather sheath encircling me; I let out a yelp as I felt the pins dug in further and managed to gasp out a strangled “Please”.
Cathy gave a hard laugh, and jerked the lead. Walking me back through the house and up the stairs, before pushing me into the bathroom.
“Just don’t get hard Ste, and everything will be ok” she called mischievously.
I looked around the bathroom and my mind did a back flip. Claire lay in the tub, gently splashing water over her firm high breasts, one leg draped sensually over the side of the tub, displaying everything to me. Her small muscles rippled slightly as the lights glistened on her wet skin, her hair fanned out around her.
She stroked both hands over her wet nipples which instantly stiffened under her touch. A sharp pain between my legs forced me to suppress a yelp. Claire turned her brown eyes on me full of mischief. “Little pet” she pouted, “Would you wash my hair?” she sighed and closed her eyes and sank down deeper into the bath. I reached for the shampoo.
Switching on the shower head I directed the jets over Claire’s head soaking her hair, before gently applying the shampoo and switching off the water. Slowly and firmly I started to massage the shampoo through Claire’s hair, before placing my fingers firmly on her scalp and starting to massage it. To be fair it had been a while since I’d studied my alternative therapies course, but it’s surprising how much comes back to you…
Claire’s big brown eyes opened wide looking up into mine for an instant as my fingers wove patterns over her scalp. Slowly she started to relax, once more closing her eyes, and mumbling something from between her half parted lips. I felt rather than saw Cathy watching me from the doorway.
I continued massaging her head and scalp for a good twenty minutes, until my hands were cramping, before rinsing off the shampoo. Claire gave me a slightly glazed look from the water before smiling in pure mischief. She draped her other leg over the other side of the bath and pushed her sex above the surface of the water. Her brown eyes locked to mine “Oh little pet” she crooned “If only I had hair there for you to play with”
She ran her hands up her thighs, over her belly and cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples.
I let out a snort of pain, and spent the next couple of minutes gasping as I desperately wished for my prick not to swell further. All the while Claire giggled in delight at me. I’m sure I heard Cathy trying to suppress her laughter from the doorway.
Claire stepped out of the bath and stretched up on tiptoes her hands pointing to the ceiling, pouting provocatively at me. “Please little pet” she whispered “please don’t let Claire get cold” She shivered theatrically causing her small breasts to sway gently. “Please come and dry Claire little pet” She did her best pleading look with those big brown eyes.
I was torn, possibly quite literally, I wanted to move and dry her and wrap her up snug and safe, but the pins around my cock were digging in and making every move painful. Manfully I crawled over to Claire and started toweling her dry, wincing with each movement, and gasping as the towel snagged against the device. Claire all the while turning and moving and presenting me her lithe hard little body in the most provocative ways she could think of. “You’ve missed a bit little pet” She cupped her breasts and pushed her nipples towards me “You must dry these very firmly little pet”
I gritted my teeth, whimpering a little, as I took hold of each nipple in the towel, gently tweaking and pulling on them through the material. “No little pet” Claire gasped as I went to move away “You must be much more through” She put her hands on the sink behind her to steady her as I gently started to tweak and massage her nipples through the towel. She closed her eyes and a shiver ran through her “Don’t you dare stop little pet” she said her voice getting rougher and her breathing increasing.
Cathy leant in next to my ear “Steve” she spoke softly “follow my lead”. Cathy removed the towel from my hands and Claire’s eyes shot open. Cathy placed a finger on Claire’s lips and then, kneeling, placed her lips around Claire’s right nipple, motioning me to do the same with her left.
I sucked her nipple gently into my mouth rolling it round with my tongue, before sucking it harder or grazing it with my teeth. I looked up and found Claire staring down at us with a look of complete wonder on her face, no trace of mischief in those brown eyes now. Her breaths coming in quick gasps, and I felt her thigh tremble against my chest as her eyes closed.
Cathy nudged me with her elbow and I looked over, Cathy turned slightly and took Claire’s nipple between her teeth, her eyes indicating for me to do the same, her tongue still licking at her trapped nipple. Claire writhed as I caught her nipple in the same way.
Cathy held up three fingers, and slowly counted down with them. Claire started to moan softly her knuckles white as they gripped the sink for support. The countdown reached zero, and Cathy ever so slowly pulled her head away from Claire’s breast keeping her nipple trapped between her teeth. I did likewise and felt my teeth starting to graze the entire length of Clare’s nipple before it came free. Claire screamed as Cathy and I both pulled free, and a gush of warmth swept down her thighs as she collapsed on top of us both, clutching us for support, small sobs wracking her body.
Cathy held her and stroked her damp hair; I stayed kneeling where I was muttering “shit” over and over, my eyes watering slightly. My prick felt like it had friction burns on it. I nudged Cathy “please” was all I could whisper, my watering eyes indicating the source of the problem. Cathy’s eyes widened, and after wrapping Claire in the towel, she very gently undid the fastenings that held the sheath in place.
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