True to his word, Mr.Ling had left word with Ahmet before leaving his guest's estate, as to where he could find the tortured whore. By the time the manservant had dispatched two low level servants to release and then clean Peter's heavily abused body, she had swallowed all of the horseshit that had been packed into her gullet, but was still struggling to breath with the thick rubber strapping wrapped around her throat overtop of the restrictive posture collar. The estate servants carefully removed the skewers from her inflated lips, and deflated the huge rubber plug that had been propping open her cavernous pussy. She was then placed onto a cart, and wheeled to a large walk in shower. Once there, she was unceremoniously dumped onto the tiled floor, and instructed to thoroughly clean herself from head to toe so that she would be in acceptable condition to be used by her Master at his leisure. When the hot water hit her milky flesh she thought she had died and gone to heaven. It dawned on her that she could not remember the last time she had been left alone to have a hot shower. She was just starting to feel somewhat normal again when the hot water was abruptly shut off, and a thick white terry towel robe was thrown in to her. Donning it, the estate servants ordered her to follow them so that they may install her in her harem chamber.
As the heavy ornately carved wooden door swung shut and then locked behind her, Peter gazed around the sumptuously furnished suite in which she now stood. It was dominated by a huge king sized bed, covered with a thick duvet and masses of fluffy down pillows. Chairs covered in heavy deep purple velvet, tapestry curtains with gold brocade ropes ending in beautiful tassels, and a bureau upon which stood a multitude of cut crystal perfume and lotion bottles completed the vista. Dropping the robe from her shoulders, Peter made a bee-line for the bed, and collapsed instantly into a deep, restful sleep. As her conscious mind drifted further and further away, giving way to dreams, Peter was back in the USA, in his office - a junior executive working his way up the corporate ladder. So vivid was the dream that when the presence of another person in the room began to wake her from her slumber, she momentarily did not even recognize the visage of Ahmet staring down at her when she woke. All the more painful it was then when reality came crashing back in, and in fact she became aware that her old life in America was the dream, and that her reality was that she was the personal slave property of a sadistic Muslim Turk who enjoyed nothing more than seeing her suffer to ever greater degrees. Genuine tears rolled down her cheeks...which brought a broad grin to the manservant's face. "Your beauty sleep is finished whore" he announced, "your Master wishes to be amused."
Dragging her from the plush confines of the soft warm bed, at Ahmet's direction Peter shuffled towards the large walk-in closet. It contained masses of rubber and leather slave garments of every imaginable description...and many that were decidedly unimaginable. Ahmet had already selected Peter's next outfit, and had laid it out on the settee, ordering the slut to get dressed, and to make it snappy.
Once dressed, Peter stood in front of Ahmet looking like the quintessential perverted rubber fetish whore. Sky-high heeled zip up stiletto rubber boots, a black rubber miniskirt, and a heavy rubber bustier with built in boning to provide it with structure and stiffness. It culminated in a type of firm rubber shelf upon which her steroid-infused orbs simply sat, waiting to be abused. Around her neck was a broad rubber choker, and on her head, Mehmet had requested that for this particular day, his slut should be a red-head. A strawberry colored bob-cut wig completed her look, in addition of course to the whore make-up that was permanently tattooed to her face.
Ahmet grinned as he watched Peter dress for the Master's pleasure, and prepared to take the final steps to complete her look as ordered. Towering over the submissive slut, he cupped her face in one of his meaty hands and tilted her neck back so that she was looking him in the eye. One thing he loved was that despite the amount of torture Peter had suffered at his hands, she never lost that look of terror when she gazed into his cold, dark eyes.
Around her face he strapped an open ring gag that pushed past her rubberized injected lips, and seated itself next to her gums, propping open her permanently pouted mouth into a wide "O" shape. He then unceremoniously doubled her over and ordered her to grab hold of her ankles. From an ornate bowl beside him he began to take handfuls of thick viscous lube, and plunged his balled up fist into her pussy over and over to load it up with the gelatinous slime. Once fully lubricated, and partially opened up, an inflatable ball was stuffed inside of her, and pumped up to the size of a small melon. Allowed at that point to stand up, Ahmet instructed Peter to start walking, as it was important not to keep Mehmet waiting for his pleasure.
Peter tottered around on the incredibly high heeled boots, and found walking with a hugely inflated ball up her ass and the inflation bulb dangling humiliatingly between her legs to be incredibly difficult. Luckily, she had Ahmet behind her carrying a short whip which he liberally applied to the backs of her exposed thighs in order to keep her moving forward. Ahmet directed Peter exactly where to go, and after stumbling through hallway after hallway of the enormous mansion, she emerged into the hot Ankara sunshine onto a travertine paved patio. At the far side of the patio, Mehmet lazily nibbled on bits of cheese and fig, while sipping hot apple tea. Smiling at the sight of his slut, he waved casually for her to approach. Another sting from Ahmet's whip spurred Peter onward, knowing she was willingly walking towards another session of unspeakable torture.
As Peter approached her Master's table, Mehmet thumbed through a magazine as he pointed to the floor beside his chair. The beefy hands of the ever-present Ahmet clasped both of Peter's shoulders, and forced her to her knees. A leather leash was then clipped to the back of her rubber choker collar, and tied off around one of her booted ankles, forcing her neck backward so that her ring-gagged face was turned upward towards her lounging Master. Ahmet then grabbed Peter's wrists, and tied them behind her back with a length of soft cotton rope.
Mehmet turned his attention away from his magazine at this point, and gazed the fearful face of his tranny slut whore...in anticipation of what he had planned for the morning's activities. "I must say slut that you did very well last night...thanks to being able to provide Mr.Ling with your services, I was able to secure a contract with the Chinese government that will make me many millions of dollars. I felt it was only proper to thank you, and I know that you would enjoy your Master showing his appreciation by having you used for his sexual pleasure...so that is exactly what we shall do...you are welcome Slut."
Seriously? Was he demented? Peter could not believe what she was hearing...he wanted to express gratitude - and thought that she would appreciate that coming in the form of more torture and abuse????!!!!
At that point the look on Mehmet's face changed from one of glee, to one of concern...like he was thinking very hard or having to concentrate. This look lasted for a minute or so, and was then replaced by one of great satisfaction. Peter was confused...but not for long. Ahmet moved behind his Master's comfortable chair, and reached down towards the back of it. As he did so, Mehmet donned a pair of black rubber gloves, and off of the table he picked up an instrument Peter had never seen before. It looked like a miniature solid black rubber puck, with a long slender handle extending from it. The purpose of the instrument became instantly clear when the big Turk placed the puck into the opening of Peter's ring gag. It was a perfect fit - the puck fit right into the ring gag. Mehmet plunged it into Peter's hot wet mouth several times, extracting it covered in the slave's thick white saliva. Out of the corner of her eye. Peter caught sight again of Ahmet, sliding something out from underneath the seated form of the supreme Master, and placing it on the table. Horror overtook Peter as she instantly knew what was going to happen. The look on Mehmet's face had not been concentration or concern...he had simply been bearing down as he pushed out several hot steaming turds into a bowl concealed beneath his seat.
With his rubber gloved hand, the sadistic Turk picked up the thickest and longest of the four turds that the bowl contained and simply stated that the first way in which he had decided to reward his slut for cementing the Chinese contract for her Master was to provide her with a hot breakfast. Mehmet then shoved the slightly soft end of the log of excrement through Peter's gag and into her mouth. With her head tilted backward, and the ring gag in place, the shit simply slid toward the back of her throat. Not being able to chew with her mouth propped open by the steel ring, Peter had no choice but to start reflexively trying to swallow the log whole. Using the spit covered tool, Mehmet began to shove the turd forcefully into Peter's gullet, causing her to choke and splutter as she struggled to ingest the foul meal. It took 10 full minutes of gagging and swallowing to get all four man-sized logs down her throat, and although she felt sick to her stomach, she was happy that at least that part of the day's activities over and done with.
Ahmet reappeared wheeling a wooden cart, and parked it right beside Peter's hobbled frame. Releasing the leash holding her head back, and untying her wrists, the manservant hauled the slave up and slung her over the cart on her belly. Under her torso, a padded rubber-covered plank supported most of her weight, and kept her angled slightly downward with her ass higher up than he shoulders. Short chains which ended in thick rubber cuffs were attached to all four of her limbs, securing her tightly to the wooden framework of the cart. With the ring gag still firmly embedded in her mouth, Peter drooled uncontrollably with thick strings of saliva slowly stretching down towards the ground. In this position, her milk-filled boobs drifted out of the shallow cups provided by her bustier, and dangled pendulously from her prostrate chest. To complete her bondage, Ahmet fastened a broad rubber belt around Peter's waist. It was bolted to the underside of the plank, and by way of two heavy steel buckles secured the whore's midsection tightly to the padded rubber plank. Fully restrained, Peter was now ready for the next form of torture that her Turkish master had planned.
Mehmet hauled his considerable bulk out of his chair, and adjusted his clothing to cover his bare ass before grasping the handles of the wooden cart and casually wheeling his slave through the grounds of his sprawling estate. As the cart trundled along, Peter could feel the inflation bulb of the large rubber sphere inhabiting dangling between her hobbled legs, a well as her unnatural tits swinging rhythmically from side to side. Not being able to look up at where she was being wheeled, her first inkling came from one of her other senses...she thought...no...she was sure...that she could smell horses!
"I wonder my little slut if you have figured out yet what your next treat of the day is to be?" Mehmet inquired. "I have told you have I not that in addition to yourself, some of my most prized possessions are my thoroughbred Arabians. I think it is time that you became better acquainted with them, for I know that they will absolutely love to meet you my little rubber whore." Mehmet continued to chat idly about his champion horses as he pushed Peter's bondage cart into the stables that housed them. Finally delivering the bound and gagged slut into an open stall, Mehmet brought the wooden cart to a halt, and retreated to another part of the building to retrieve another piece of equipment.
Peter could see in her peripheral vision that when her Master reappeared, he had brought along with him another wheeling cart, which contained a stainless steel machine about the size of a microwave oven. The big Turk unwound a long cord, and plugged the device into an electrical outlet. He then proceeded to lift two thick rubber hoses from latches on the side of the machine. Each of the hoses terminated in thin elongated rubber sleeves that looked something like plungers. After greasing each of the sleeves with lubricant, Mehmet shoved one onto each of Peter's engorged orbs, and then flicked a switch on the machine's housing. As the machine whirred to life, Peter could feel the rubber sleeves beginning to massage and milk her breasts in an alternating left then right fashion. The sensation was almost pleasurable, until Mehmet grasped a dial on the machine and began to slowly turn it around once...then twice...then a third and a fourth time. With each turn of the dial, the speed and strength of the suction increased, to the point that Peter thought that her sensitive tits would be ripped right off of her chest. It didn't take long for the rubber whore's milk to start flowing, and Mehmet clapped with glee when he could see the first drops of his slave's hormone induced lactation drop into the glass canister on the bottom of the cart. "Wonderful my little whore...just wonderful" he exclaimed..."we shall see how much milk we can extract out of you while you enjoy having your pussy treated to a new and exciting experience!"
With that pronouncement Mehmet ordered for his chair to be brought in, and two of his estate slaves appeared out of nowhere...one with a comfortable armchair for the Master to sit in, and the other with a tray of snacks and an ice-cold glass of sparkling water. After settling in off to the side of the stall with a perfect view of Peter being mechanically milked dry, the fat decadent despot beckoned for Ahmet to bring in the first stud. Peter began to tremble with fear, as she knew what was now in store for her as she lay exposed and open on the heavy wooden cart with the industrial rubber hoses suctioning her boobs. The clip clop of hooves on the wooden floor of the stable confirmed it, as did the hiss of air escaping as the unseen Ahmet released the inflation bulb and deflated the huge spherical rubber plug that had been stretching her cunt all morning. Mehmet piped up once more and explained that the thick lube that his man had fisted Peter with when she was getting dressed was in fact laced with the estrous hormone of an Arabian mare in heat. All of the Turk's thoroughbred stallions would be able to smell the scent of sex in the rubber whore's cunt, and be eager to mate with and impregnate her. The sadistic Master added..."and I have six prize stallions my little slut - so you are in for quite a gang bang". Mehmet burst into gales of obnoxious laughter as he sat back in his chair and sipped his drink while waiting for the show to begin, and Peter could feel the intense heat of the first stallion as it's massive bulk moved slowly overtop of her bound frame on the bondage cart.
Ahmet yanked the deflated bulb from Peter's cunt, and used his free hand to move the tip of the stallion's enormous cock to the opening of the rubberslave's trench. Above her, Peter could hear the horse snort and grunt, horny and eager to mate. In one blindingly excruciating burst of pain, the animal's massive schlong barrelled into its target, and Peter was impaled by the beast. Still gagged, Peter gurgled and choked out a shriek of agony, as Mehmet simply continued to laugh even more loudly. As the massive stallion set up a punishing rhythm of pistoning its gigantic penis in and out of its human-mare, Peter nearly lost consciousness, and was sure that the brutality of the rape would kill her. A large puddle of drool now accumulated below her ring-gagged mouth, and both rubberslave and stallion had broken out in a full body sweat. The wooden cart creaked and groaned as the strength of the male equine repetitively shoved it forwards with its human cargo firmly attached. It seemed to go on forever, and Peter thought that this fresh new hell would never end. The stallion's grunts became louder, and then with the mightiest thrust of all it shoved its organ deep into its receptacle, spasming with the biological drive to procreate. The horse had no way of knowing, nor would it care to know that the cunt it was currently pumping full of scalding hot Arabian equine semen was completely incapable of providing it with offspring.
Peter could feel her insides being blasted with the biological seed of her animal rapist - like receiving a high pressure cum enema. Her pussy was filled to beyond capacity and horse jizz exploded forth from the seal between the rubberslave's cuntlips, and the rigid leathery member of the thoroughbred stallion. Thick warm horse cum ran down the back of Peter's thighs, and as her first "lover" of the day slowly came down off of its sexual arousal, it unceremoniously backed up, pulling its appendage out of her pussy just as mechanically as it had thrust it into her in the first place. During this entire time, the rubber suction hoses had continued their assault on the rubberwhore's tits, painfully extracting all of the milk they had to offer and then continuing to wring them out like damp dishcloths.
Peter was a blubbering drooling mess as the second, then the third stallion was trotted in to rape and fill her snatch. By the time the sixth and last horse had finished with her, the slut's pussy was a wide-open trench, filled to the point of overflowing with congealing, lumpy equine cum. Her tits inside of the rubber suction sleeves were bruised and engorged, and rendered extremely sensitive by the constant relentless milking. Mehmet sat back quite satisfied with himself that he had managed to turn this American businessman into his personal total whore who could be tortured, fisted, raped, abused, and now horse-fucked for his amusement. As had been pre-arranged, Ahmet set about scooping as much of the cum out of the slave's ass as possible, while Mehmet disconnected the large glass bottle containing the trussed up slave's tit-milk. Once the two liquids had been mixed together, both Turkish perverts hauled out their impressive organs and relieved themselves of large loads of steaming hot piss to mingle with the cum and milk already in the bottle. The result was a foul cocktail, which was capped with a special lid, and placed directly underneath the nearly unconscious slave. The bottle cap had a large lumen straw that plunged all the way to the depths of the disgusting mixture, while at the other end culminating into a special attachment that fit right into Peter's ring gag. "Now you be sure to drink up all of your nutritious milkshake whore" Mehmet ordered..."because if you haven't consumed every drop by the time I return each of your six lovers from this morning will be given another crack at your sloppy distended cunt." That statement alone was enough to revive Peter's level of arousal, and she began to suck for all she was worth. Tears began to flow freely as she swallowed her first mouthful of the disgusting slop, and her lord and master grinned broadly as strode out of the stall.
Peter heard Mehmet make one last pronouncement as he exited the stables - an instruction to Ahmet..."shove as much of your arm up her cunt as you can to keep her motivated to finish her meal"...and the sadistic former wrestler smiled to himself as he drew thick black shoulder length industrial rubber gloves onto both of his muscle bound arms. Mehmet could hear the faint sounds of his manservant's python like biceps squelching in and out of his whore as he retired to his pool for an early afternoon swim.
It took a full 45 minutes for Peter to ingest the disgusting mixture of piss, slave-milk, and horse cum through a straw...all the while being mercilessly fisted by Ahmet, who had been shoving his gloved arms all the way into Peter's ruined pussy well past his elbow. She was then unfastened from the breeding cart, and dumped into a wheelbarrow by Ahmet. Delivering the slut into the care of the estate slaves, she was barely conscious as she was hosed out, drained, showered, and stuffed into her rubber punishment burka. With the false teeth silencing gag in place, and the corset portion of the garment cinched in so tightly that she could barely breathe, the rubberwhore was marched out to the pool area where her Master was lounging. From his sumptuous cabana where he relaxed and enjoyed the warm breeze, Mehmet pointed to a raised dais across the pool from where he lounged. Peter was led over to the dais, and directed to stand on the two metal foot plates. The estate slaves fastened thick rubber buckling straps around Peter's feet to hold them fast, while at the same time screwing an enormous phallus onto a pole that protruded from the platform immediately behind the foot plates. The gigantic dildo was liberally greased, and with the click of a button from Mehmet's remote control, it slowly began to telescope upward, towards Peter's awaiting but severely inflamed cunt. The estate slaves made minor adjustments to the slut's position until the hard rubber intruder had begun to enter its target. With her feet secured to the platform, and the enormous dong relentlessly burrowing into her, Peter was helpless to escape the ever increasing pressure and the feeling of being stretched to the point of being torn in two. Unable to scream in pain from behind the silencing gag, she had no choice but to be impaled to the degree that her owner desired. Just as she thought she would tear in half, the progress of the penetrating dildo was halted by another click of Mehmet's remote. There, in the blazing hot Turkish sunshine, sweltering in head to toe thick black rubber covered over by what looked like a standard burka worn by any devout Muslim woman, was Mehmet's personal whore-slave...displayed like some kind of macabre rubber scarecrow. Mehmet became aroused by the sight of Peter on the pedestal, and his thick Arab meat became rock hard under his kaftan.
Peter remained impaled in the sunshine for a full 90 minutes, sweating buckets of fluid inside of her rubber prison and becoming more and more dehydrated with every passing minute. By the time Mehmet lowered the phallus and allowed the estate slaves to remove her from the display platform, he was in desperate need of sexual release. Peter was delivered to his cabana and dumped unceremoniously at the big Turk's feet. Her black material burka cover was removed, but her full body rubber garment remained. Mehmet reached forward and worked his stubby fingers in behind Peter's permanently pouted thick silicone injected cocksucker lips, and grasped the end of the false teeth silencing gag. Twisting it as he slowly and painfully removed it from his whore's throat, Peter coughed and spluttered deliriously as it regressed from her windpipe and once again allowed her to breathe normally. "You must be thirsty my little pet" Mehmet cooed, as he loosened the midsection of his kaftan. "Come...crawl here to your Master's superior Arab cock and see if it will give you a drink." By this time Peter was so dehydrated that she would have accepted anything to drink. She hungrily latched on to Mehmet's tool, and nursed on it like she was sucking a baby's bottle. It did not take long for the flow to begin, and soon, Peter was guzzling down yet another load of her Master's acrid yellow piss. Gulping down the fluid, Mehmet placed both of his hands of the back of Peter's rubber covered skull and pushed his manhood deeper in the cocksucker's throat. Having fully drained his full bladder into his slave's gullet, he began to jack off his impressive organ using Peter's entire head as a masturbation aid. Up and down he stroked himself by rhythmically forcing the slut's rubbered head in one direction then the other...slowly bringing himself closer and closer to climax before bellowing out like beast in heat as he pumped his cum deep down Peter's spasming throat. Five impressive shots of cream pulsed outward from the Arab's dick, all of it being ingested and not wasted by the American whore...exactly as she had been taught. Once he had come down from his sexual high, instead of releasing Peter's skull from his iron grip he kept her head exactly where it was, to slowly milk the remaining semen from his shaft. Mehmet eventually softened, but continued to keep his plaything's mouth occupied until he had delivered another load of piss, and two more sizeable loads of sperm into her body. Peter's mouth had been occupied for a full two hours before he allowed her to get up, summoning the estate slaves to once again take her back to her suite for further preparations.
"You have pleased me very much today whore" the Master announced..."so I will let you in on a little secret. We are having another visitor come to enjoy the amenities of my estate, and the talents that your worthless whoring American flesh have developed. When I brought you here from Saudi Arabia a certain prince of the royal family with whom I am well acquainted assisted tremendously with our departure. It is time you expressed your gratitude to him in person for the role he played in allowing you to become the rubber slutwhore that stands before me. As with your Master, he very much enjoys seeing submissive cuntmeat like yourself treated the way you deserve to be by superior Arab males. He is very upset with how his government has allied itself so closely with the American President, and is looking forward to taking his frustrations out on a citizen of the great white devil. He will be arriving tomorrow, and I want you to be specifically prepared to greet him."
As she had become accustomed to, Peter was cleaned up, and cleaned out that evening and allowed to sleep in her luxurious suite so that she would be well rested for her first session with the Prince the next day. Even though she was terrified of what this new sadist might do to her, the sheer exhaustion won out and she drifted immediately into a deep sleep, roused only by the alarm clock that had been set for her by the estate slaves who had put her to bed. Shortly after it broke the silence of her slumber, the duo appeared to assist her with her morning ablutions.
By the time the she was delivered to the front door of the mansion, she had been stuffed in the familiar rubber burka, fitted with tight rubber gloves that forced her hands to be balled up into fists so that she could not use her hands for any kind of function, and made to don the rubber boots with the sky high stiletto heels that she could barely remain upright in. These were of course hidden by the fabric of her outer burka as it draped to the floor. Underneath her veil, stuffed into her mouth, was not the false teeth gag to which usually completed this outfit, but a different method of silencing her that was just effective, and far more painful. She had been made to accept into her mouth two rubber trays that looked like a typical sports mouth guard, one for the upper jaw, and one for the lower. After she had bitten down on the trays, the thick rubber strap to which they were fused was buckled behind her head preventing her from expelling them. Briefly, she experienced relief that her gag was of such a simple and relatively comfortable design...that was until the punishment aspect of the gag became apparent. Each of the rubber trays had been coated in oil from a particularly spicy hot pepper native to the region of Turkey in which Mehmet kept his estate. Upon contact with the tender gums and injected lips of the rubberized sex whore, the oil began to inflame and irritate the mucosal tissue so badly that it began to swell. With the gag firmly strapped in place, the internal swelling that was progressing increased the pressure from the gag, and made Peter's mouth feel like it was trying to explode from the inside out. Once the gag had been fitted, a rigid posture collar was strapped around her neck to prevent any movement of her head whatsoever. With no thrashing around, and only the very faint mewling that came from beneath the black veil of the fully garbed former businessman...once again Peter could have been taken out in public, and not a soul would know a thing about his true fate behind the veil.
Ahmet pulled the limo around to the front and ascended the steps to retrieve Peter. She was to be properly installed in the vehicle before Mehmet's arrival. The Master's stretch SUV limousine was enormously large, like the Master himself. The interior was opulent, and consisted of a bank of seating at either end, each with bar and refreshment services, and a large floor space which ran the length of the vehicle between the two seating areas. Along the central portion of the vehicle's floor, ran a track embedded into the frame of the car itself, so clearly it had been custom made. A padded rubber platform that occupied the track was slid over to the end near the doorway, and the Turkish wrestler forced Peter down onto it. Positioned on her knees and made to lean down onto her forearms, broad straps were fastened across her calves, and along the length from her wrists to her elbows, effectively keeping her in the supplicant position of head down...ass up. It was an extremely vulnerable position that Peter regularly found herself having to assume. Once secured, Ahmet tested the various mechanisms of the skate, by sliding Peter's bound form from one end of the limo to the other, and also by spinning it round and round on its swiveling mechanism. Expertly greased and meticulously maintained, there was almost no friction to the device whatsoever, and with just a gentle push, the slave's body could be sent careening along the floor from one set of seats to the other. Likewise, it was a simple matter to spin her so that her head, or her pussy, could face either direction. Ahmet pulled out his mobile phone, punched some numbers onto the keypad, and once connected told his employer that the bitch was secured and ready.
The ride to the airport was long and uneventful. To Peter's surprise, Mehmet practically ignored her presence altogether, and comfortably lounged in the front bank of seats reading and drinking for the entirety of the 90 minute trip.
Peter's only clue that they had arrived at the private runway to collect the arriving Saudi Prince, was that the vehicle not only came to a halt, but Mehmet exited the confines of huge car. She however, remained bound and gagged on the floor, and with the door open, she could hear the voice of her Master conversing in Arabic with another male...laughing and behaving as if there was nothing out of the ordinary at all with picking someone up at the airport, while having a feminized, abused and tortured sex slave encased in rubber and strapped to the floor of your car!
She could feel the weight of the two large men shifting the balance of the vehicle as they entered, and as one of them walked past her to the rear bank of seats. It was her first look at the Prince. He was much older than her Master, appearing to be at least in his mid-sixties. In fact, Prince Rashid was only 58, but his sun-weathered skin made him look substantially older. He was dressed in robes of pure white, finished with ornate gold piping at the seams, and mirrored aviator sunglasses shielding both of his cold, grey eyes. He was much thinner than Mehmet, but gave off the same arrogant air that Peter had become accustomed to over her time with the Turkish brute. As Ahmet loaded the prince's cases into the cargo hold of the stretch SUV, a sneer came across Rashid's face that made Peter's blood run cold. Although she could not understand what the Arab was saying, his tone of voice was crystal clear. The real translation of what the Saudi royal had said to his Turkish host..."is this the American slave-whore that you have promised me for my pleasure?"
As the engine of the luxury vehicle roared to life, and Ahmet who was now behind the wheel eased it away from it's parking position, Peter noticed that both her Master, and his honoured guest began to disrobe. Both men stripped down until they were completely naked, although the Prince continued to wear his mirrored glasses. Well acquainted with her Master's enormous cock, she now had a clear view of the older Royal's member. It hung heavily between his hairy thighs, slowly beginning to inflate at the sight of the rubberized American slut bound on her knees in front of him. As it continued to rise, Peter could see that it easily rivalled Mehmet's cock in terms of length, but had a girth that outpaced even that of the Turkish despot. Rashid had a truly massive penis, that he was going to enjoy using to rape Peter's willing holes with over and over and over again during his visit.
As Peter began to quake at this new and unfamiliar factor in her subjugation and abuse, both Mehmet and Rashid continued to converse, laugh, and don thick shoulder length rubber gloves from storage compartments located beside their seats. With the press of a button, the small motor housed underneath the padded platform to which Peter was secured whirred into action. Although she was facing the Prince, the platform began to slide on the track backwards towards her Master, where it stopped just in front of the seated Turk's naked bulk. With his heavily rubbered hand, Mehmet reached out, and tore away the fabric covering of the punishment burka, leaving the vulcanized and exposed form of the slut underneath visible and vulnerable of the pair of abusers. The next sensation Peter felt, was the full fist of her Turkish Master being roughly shoved into her cunt. She gasped at the invasion, and had no option but to suffer as Mehmet repeatedly forced his fists in and out of her pussy without any lubricant whatsoever. Cheered on by Rashid, Mehmet kept up the ferocity of the attack for several minutes until he was elbow deep in Peter's rectum, and the slave was now coated inside of her rubber prison by a thick layer of sweat. With a final shove, the Turkish brute buried himself just past the elbow, and began to open and close his fingers into a fist – abusing the sensitive lining of his slave’s innards.
Watching the brutal fisting that was taking place at the far end of the vehicle, Rashid’s enormous cock had now reached full erection, and twitched in anticipation as he rubber his hands together waiting for his turn to fist and stretch the American whore. Soon enough his wait was over, as Mehmet withdrew himself from Peter’s body, and with a click of his remote sent Peter’s bound frame barreling down the length of the vehicle to where the perverted Royal Prince was seated. Upon arrival, the rubber-covered sled spun round, and presented the second abuser with Peter’s open and puffy cunt which twitched and spasmed uncontrollably. Without any hesitation Rashid shoved his balled up rubber-covered fist deeply and forcefully into his quarry’s open hole. Once buried half way to the elbow, he began to roughly jerk his arm upwards and downwards, and side to side – mercilessly stretching and tugging at Peter’s cunt walls – forcing them to open even further and wider that they felt they ever had before.
For 90 minutes, Mehmet and Rashid took turns fisting open Peter’s snatch, constantly raising the level of savagery and inflicting ever increasing amounts of suffering on the bound and compliant rubber-slave all the while. When the car’s intercom system sparked to life and Ahmet announced from the driver’s seat that they had entered the estate’s vast grounds, each of the dominant Arabs peeled off their thick rubber gloves, and stuffed them inside of Peter’s ruined pussy. Alighting from the vehicle, Mehmet strode into the mansion with the front of his kaftan obscenely protruding forth due to his massive erection, while Rashid followed him completely nude with his turgid cock dripping with thick viscous pre-cum. None of the estate slaves would dared to have met the gaze of either their Master, or his honored guest, and so the pair of Arab despots simply sauntered about as if nobody else at all was around. In truth, this is exactly how they felt…no one else present was worth their attention anyway…every other person there existed in some capacity simply to be of service to the two of them. It was hedonism personified, and Peter would soon be on the receiving end of yet another round of perverse and torturous activities, all for the pleasure of Prince Rashid al-Saud…Saudi Prince, sadist, and pervert extraordinaire.
Next Chapter…Peter is stretched from the inside out.
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