Synopsis: A very rich black man shows up at the family's dinnertime and offers to buy Alicia from her parents, to be his sex slave.Alicia's Enslavementby SirbootnockaChapter 1: The dealThe entire Jones family was at the dinner table today, to partake in this meager meal. The Parents, Carl and Aline, sat at opposite ends of the table. Alicia, the eldest at sixteen, sat at their father's right. Amelia, the quintessential middle child, sat at his left. She was going on fifteen. And Amy the youngest, sat beside Amelia, closer to her mother. Two of the girls had the same hair color as their father, ash blonde, except Alicia, who had her mother's Irish red hair, naturally curled and hanging to her shoulders. They were having pasta and onions, with hardly any meat, and some day old bread that Dad had scored in a bread line, when there was a knock at the door.Amy, the youngest of three daughters, at and 4'9" with her dad's ash blonde hair, got up to answer the door. What met her was two tall, very well dressed, black men. "Is this the Jones residence?" One asked. Knowing all along, that this was indeed the household he was looking for. "Yes it is." Amy said. "Then may I speak with your father please?" "Dad"! Amy yelled into the house. "Some men are here to see you."Carl Jones, at 5'8"with ash blonde hair, got up from the table and approached the two men."Yes, may I help you?" He said. "No Mr. Jones, you cannot help me" The other black man said, as it was his first time speaking. "I intend to help you though" He continued. "I wish to make you an offer that, while not made everyday, will change your life forever". Carl Jones, forever the skeptic, wanted to know what the catch was, before he even heard what was in it for him. "Impeccably dressed men don't show up at your door during dinner to make you life changing opportunities every day. Especially in this economy". Was the thought that went through his mind. "Let's hear it then". Was what he said, disbelief written across his face.The man who had just spoken raised his hand to shoulder level, and the other man stepped back a couple of feet. Still close enough to be in the conversation, but far enough back so that it was apparent who was in command and also close enough that if violence ensued, he'd be able to do something about it. This also didn't go unnoticed by Mr. Jones."I plan to make you a very rich man Mr. Jones". The man said. "First, my name is Randolph Charlemagne. I am extremely wealthy. I am worth over 5 billion cash and my investments and properties are worth another 12 billion. What I intend to offer you is 2 million dollars, a number of vehicles, two very nice homes, one here and another in the Caribbean, access to my money market management team, and my property investment team". He continued. "You or your family will never be poor again, Mr. Jones. I've given this alot of thought and I am loathe to make you this offer, unless I can be reasonably sure that I have done all I can to make this an equitable trade, for all concerned"."Well what is it that I have that you want ?" Said Carl. "Your daughter, Alicia". Said Mr Charlemagne."You want to marry my Alicia?" Said an incredulous Carl."No, nothing so archaic as that, Mr Jones, I am not looking to get married"."Then what, may I ask, do you want her for?""I want her to be my, how shall I say this, servant, so to speak.""What do you mean, servant?""I want your daughter to be my sex slave."Carl's face transformed into a feral scowl and he made a move to wrap his hands around the throat of this crazy S.O.B. and strangle the life out of him. He didn't count on the much younger and faster black man standing behind and slightly to the side of his boss. Before he knew what had happened, he was laying on his back, trying to regain his breath, with slight wheezing noises.The whole family had gathered and heard the exchange, and there were gasps all around. They were afraid for their husband and father. Amy almost screamed, the sound caught in her throat.The older man stepped forward and looked down at Carl Jones, and said, "I wouldn't try that again, if I were you, Mr. Jones." After straightening back up, and looking at each female, in turn, the man then reached inside his suit pockets and pulled out stacks of hundred dollar bills. He then motioned to his lackey, who did the same. After handing the money to his boss, the younger man retreated a few steps, to once again a comfortable distance.Mr. Charlemagne then spoke again, "I am feeling generous today Mr. Jones, as this whole thing has come as quite a shock to you and your family, I am willing to make a substantial down payment, to give you a chance to digest what I am offering, and to talk this over with your family." He bent down, and with his assistant hovering close by, laid the stack of bills on the chest of Mr. Jones. As he stood up, he said, "This is one hundred thousand dollars, consider it a gift, from me to you, to let you know how serious a man I am about this.""Spend some money. Take your family out and treat them to some of the good things in life, all on me." Then, "I'll be back in one month, Mr. Jones, at that time I am hoping we can do business like gentlemen."Mr. Charlemagne then straightened his suit, and looked right into the eyes of Alicia. Their gazes held for a moment, and Alicia could swear she felt something inside her lurch. It wasn't the fear of violence, like when that awful man hit her dad. It was something more primal. Her pulse quickened and her breathing deepened. Her head started swimming and she thought she was going to faint. She was caught in that gaze, like a fly in a spider's web, and couldn't break free. That gaze held so much promise. She was lost and she knew it. She was as good as his. He only had to come back and claim her, in one month's time.Alicia's Enslavement Chapter 2By SirbootnockaMoney changes thingsThe Jones family was once again sitting around the dinner table, yet all pretenses at the food offered was forgotten. A large stack of one hundred dollar bills, was sitting in front of Carl Jones, the family patriarch.Carl sat at the head of the table. 5'9" ash blonde hair and green eyes.Aline, the mother, sat at the other end of the table. 5'4" red hair, blue eyes and body measurements of 34C-28-36.Amelia sat at her dad's left side, 5'4" with ash blonde hair, 28B-22-30.Amy was sat closest to her mother. 4'9" same ash blonde hair, and was just into training bras.Alicia sat at her dad's right. She was a vision to behold. 5'8" 36C-24-36, red hair down to just past her shoulders, with her dad's green eyes.After a very long, and very strained silence, where he seemed to regain his composure, Carl spoke. "The nerve of that, that, that nigger!" All the girls gasped, as they had never heard their father use racial slurs, in fact, he was usually adamantly against such displays of intolerance. "Where does he get off, coming into my house and asking me to sell him my Alicia, like so much meat? Who the fuck does he think he is?!!"Then after awhile, "I wish he didn't have that other one with him, I'd have choked the life out of him!"Ever since loosing his real estate job, when the market took a nosedive three years ago, Carl had felt a growing sense of uneasiness over not being able to provide for his wife and three daughters. The subsequent move to a smaller, two bedroom house, all his girls had to now share a bedroom, and the loss of one of the family vehicles to the repo man, had been hard to bear. A real blow to his manhood. He didn't know how to do anything else. He had went to the local community college after high school and had been working real estate ever since. Nineteen years in the industry, and then nothing. Not a day went past, that he didn't wish things were different. How was he going to tell them that his unemployment benefits was at their end? He would get only one more payment. Aline broke his revery when she spoke. "Carl, what are we going to do?" she asked."Well we're not going to sell our daughter, I can tell you that!" yelled Carl. Then his eyes rested on the stack of bills."I don't know, I just don't know." said Carl, with weariness evident in his voice."Can't we call the police or the FBI or something?" Amelia asked."I don't think it would help." Stated Carl. "They are too busy as of late, because one third of the officers have been laid off, as a result of the economy. And if this guy has the kind of money he says he does, then he could tie it up in court indefinitely. Plus he really didn't DO anything, other than beat me up, and I attacked HIM.""Can we just take the money and leave?" asked Amy. "No that's dishonest." said Aline."Plus we're probably being watched, to avoid that." said Carl"Well, we can't leave a hundred thousand dollars laying around the house." said Aline."Right. I'll put it in a bus-station locker, down the street, across from the church where I get the bread. That's safer than having it in the house." said Carl. "First thing in the morning, while taking the girls to school."No one noticed that Alicia was strangely quiet during the whole conversation. She was usually very lively and outspoken. Even when their parents went to bed and the girls were alone, doing the dishes, she was quiet. Everything went as planned the next day. Carl dropped off the money, in a gym-bag barrowed from one of the girls, at the bus station, on the way to drop the girls off at their respective schools.Things pretty much returned to normal until friday, when the family car broke down. When Carl had it towed to a service center, thereby using up most of what was left of his unemployment check, he was told that the car needed a new transmission, and that it would cost almost a thousand dollars to repair.He called the schools of the girls and left instructions for them to catch the bus home, then walked home himself. He had to pass the bus station on his way home, and he thought about how much money was there and using some of the money to fix the car. But how could he rationalize that to his daughters and wife?When he got home he was met with another surprize. A letter from the landlord. Their rent was being raised! Damn!He told his wife Aline, about the car, and she told him that tonight's dinner was the last of their meat. He hadn't even stopped at the church to get day old bread.Alicia and Amelia caught the bus home together, and then waited at the bus stop for Amy, before all returning home. Amelia wanted to join the gymnastics team, and had aleady told Alicia. They all talked excitedly as they walked from the bus stop, the four blocks to their house. Right past the bus station. They all looked at it with different thoughts.Amelia thought about gymnastics lessons and prom that was fast aproaching. Billy Davis had already asked her yesterday, if she would go with him. She told him that she would think about it, and not to ask anyone else, as she was sure she would make up her mind by monday. A beautiful prom dress filled her mind's eye.Amy was thinking about a microscope better than the ones they had at school. She loved science and she had a report due in a couple of weeks, that would count for about a fifth of this quarter's grade and with the microscope she would be able to get a higher grade than she would without it. She could do better research.Alicia was thinking about how that money could help her family get the things that they needed and wanted. How life would be much easier on her parents, if they didn't have to worry about money all the time............ She also thought about His eyes when they held her trapped. What was it that she had felt? Excitement? Joy? Fear? All those feelings and more. He was such an enigma. She was also thinking what sex was going to be like with him. She had been thinking about sex more often anyway, and what it would be like with this or that person. She had a boyfriend, but her and Jeff Richards hadn't done anything but kiss. She was saving herself for the right person. She didn't have any particular criteria, she just felt that she would KNOW when and if that person were the right one.Jeff had asked her to the prom, but she had said no. She had made the excuse that she wasn't interested in prom. How could she tell him that she would probably be someone's property by then?They all continued walking home together.Elsewhere."How much longer do you think they'll wait, before spending the money, boss?" said Tyrone."No more than a couple of days, I think." said Mr. Charlemagne. "They are sure to have had some distinct monetary issues by now.""You did as I ordered to their car?" He asked."Yes sir." Tyrone replied. "The Sabotage went well and the service center told him the inflated prices.""And the rent increase?""Yes boss, they now have to pay almost as much as they used to, for that two bedromm house, as they did for that four bedroom they used to live in.""Good, then we wait."Two days later, at the Jones house.Carl and Aline were in their room talking."We just don't have enough of anything to go on." said Aline."That doesn't mean we spend the money." stated Carl."Can't we just get some food, you know we can't just not eat!" Aline almost yelled."If we do, we're gonna have to figure out a way to pay it back." said Carl "If things were just a little like they were with the housing market, I could take that money and make more money off of it, in less than a month. The way things are now, it would take a year or better to make up that kind of money." stated Carl further."So we're in agreement then, to spend some of the money?" said Aline.Carl sighed, and said "yes, we'll spend some, but like I said, we'll have to figure out a way to pay it back."How much are we gonna spend?" asked Aline.Carl said, "We're gonna take one of those stacks, I think it's ten thousand, and do everything we need to do. We're gonna get the car out of the shop, we're gonna buy some food and get these bills caught up. Then if there's some left, we can get the girls some stuff that they need or want. You know, I'm going to buy one of those pre-paid credit cards, so that you can pay all of the bills down, all except the rent. I'll pay that tomorrow. Then I'll figure out a way to pay it all back.""Ok" said Aline. Carl stood up from the bed and hugged his wife. "I hope we're doing the right thing." He said."Me too." said Aline. Then they walked downstairs together, where the girls were watching tv. They watched the girls for a minute, and then a commercial for the new casino grand-opening came on and they all watched that.Carl made up his mind as to how he was going to pay back the money. He would play poker at the new casino. He was always the winner when he and his buddies played. They were having a no limits poker game, at the casino, starting day after tomorrow. "That's what I'll do", he thought, "Not only will I win enough to pay back what I spend, but also enough to carry us awhile." The commercial said it only took fifty thousand dollars to get into that game, and they had the money.He turned to leave and kissed Aline on the cheek. It was only ten a.m. the service center stayed open til twelve thirty today, as it was sunday, and the check cashing place next-door stayed open til two, where he meant to get the pre-paid credit card.The service center had already called him and told him that their car was ready and that he could pick it up anytime.Carl walked out of the door. A man with a plan.ElsewhereHe sat behind a massive transparent glass desk. His muscular 6'2" frame, naked from the waist down. His pants and suit coat were hanging behind him on a hanger. A naked, except for high-heeled shoes, high priced call-girl, was on her knees, under the desk, sucking the biggest black cock she had ever seen. It was massive! About twelve inches long and as wide as her wrist. The head of it was the size of a large plum and it got thicker at the base. She could only get about a third of it in her mouth before it gagged her. The man who had paid for two full days with her, liked to see her gag. He kept pushing her head down on this monster of a cock, so that she WOULD gag. A couple of times he held her head down on it til she thought she was going to pass out. But just before she would see blackness swirling around in her vision, he would release her head. Her hands were tied behind her, so she couldn't even push away from this cudgel of a dick. He hadn't fucked her yet, so there was something to be said for that, but she had only been here for just over two hours. She had been sucking his dick for all of that time. He showed a monumental amount of control. There was a puddle of saliva, snot and tears in front of her, from her, between his feet. A trail of her mascara ran down her face. She was in a constant state of panic because she never knew when he was gonna push her head down on this monster dick again. But through it all, she knew not to stop sucking.There was another puddle under her pussy that was smaller than the one under her face. She had always liked being objectified, it turned her on. That was the reason that she could do the kind of work that she did. So even though he was a sadistic bastard, she was leaking cunt juice like a sieve. She wished he would just fuck her already. She didn't know if she could handle that monster dick, but she would love to try. So she continued to suck and slobber all over his dick like she knew he wanted.There was a soft knock on the door. Followed by a male voice. "Boss?""Yes." He said, not even looking up from the top the call-girl's head."You told me to tell you when Carl Jones was on his way to spend the money.""Yes" He said, and still he hadn't looked up."He was seen by one of the surveillance details going into that bus station where he hid the money, and then he went to a check cashing place and bought a pre-paid credit card. He only had one stack of money with him, so he only had a maximum of ten G's.""Is that poker game commercial for the casino running yet?" He said, still watching the girl's head bob up and down on his cock."Yes boss, it's been running on every channel since yesterday.""Good, let's hope he takes the bait." He said."Anything else you need me to do, boss?" said Tyrone, liking the look of the naked woman on her knees sucking his boss's dick."Not yet." said the seated man. "You may go."Tyrone walked out disappointed, but hopeful. He had been given other women, when his boss, Mr. Randolph Charlemagne finished or got bored with them, and he hoped this time was no different.Randolph finally made up his mind that he was going to fuck this girl. He had asked for a redhead, but the service didn't have any. He settled for a strawberry blonde.He grabbed her hair and pushed her head down on his dick again and watched her choke on it. Then he pulled her head so her mouth came away from it, leaving behind a trail of spit and snot. He stood up, with her hair still in his grasp and dragged her across the room to a couch. He positioned her on her knees, with her head facing the back and spread her legs, to put her in the optimal position to fuck. He rubbed her spit into his cock for lubrication, placed his plum sized cockhead at the entrance to her cunt and slid it along the slit. Up and down, he went, until he was ready. Then he tried to push in all of his twelve inches at once. A big whoosh of air escaped her mouth, as he did. He set up a leisurely pace, he wasn't trying to cum yet. Still holding her hair he fucked her hard and deep. He still had yet to get all of his dick in her. He was bottoming out, punching up against her cervix. In this position he could hurt her seriously if he wasn't careful. He let go of her hair and grabbed her hips, pushing and pulling her on and off of his cock. This was not love making, this was grudge fucking. Then she came on his cock and it almost angered him. It made him want to try something he hadn't done in a while.He pulled out of her and untied her hands. He laid her down on her back and entered her again, holding her legs in his arms. He grabbed her legs, right behind the knee and pushed them up and back, folding her in half. Pumping steadily in and out of her, he waited for her to cum again. As soon as she got well into her orgasm he plunged as deep as he could. When he reached her cervix, he kept on pushing. He leaned all of his weight down on his cock and pushed right through her cumming cervix. Impaled, she couldn't move. She had never experienced anything like this. It was extremely painful, yet she felt more than good. She felt whole. She would do anything this man wanted. She was his, if he would have her.He had her and he knew it! It never ceased to amaze him. She was truly and inexorably impaled by his cock. He held still for a moment, then pushed and pulled in small motions, fucking her cervix. He waited, allowing her cervix to dilate and make it easier for himself. When she dilated so that it was easy going, he amped up his strokes. Plunging lunges, in and out of her core, he fucked her. Visions of doing this same thing to Alicia, when it was time, came to his mind and caused him to cum. He came in buckets it seemed. Great, streaming, ropes of cum, straight into her womb. He didn't worry about getting her pregnant, because she wasn't going anywhere, and he knew that he could get her an abortion, if need be. A low growl escaped him as he came into her womb. "Aaannnnggggghhhh." He almost collapsed against her, as he came. Then he pulled his cock out of her, with an audible pop.She, in turn, was breathing hard, huffing and puffing. She was a sweaty mess. She tried to speak, but was stuttering and stammering. Th...That was... was .... I ...I... I've ne..ne.. never. Then she broke down crying. Great sobs ecaped her. She was overcome with emotion. He let her cry for awhile, then when she calmed down a bit, he asked her what she was crying about, knowing all along. She said, "I've never felt like that before." Then hiccuped, trying to talk and catch her breath at the same time. She got up off the couch, and somehow it didn't seem right to be standing, so she got back on her knees. He noticed this and nodded. She crawled over to him and threw herself at his feet. "Please, please, don't send me away!" she begged. "Let me stay here with you. I'll do anything, anything you want." He knew this already, but wanted to prolong her agony, so he asked her a question. "What will you do for me, that you havn't already done, because I paid you?" It was a good question. "I'll do anything. You can have all my money. Beat me, anything. He answered, "If I paid you enough, I could have beat you today, and as you know, I have money." She was crestfallen. He could tell. He waited and feigned indifference. She started to cry again, thinking that she had nothing to offer this man. He walked away, as she cried. Thinking that she would come in handy, to help train Alicia. She picked herself up off the floor, a sad and broken woman. Where there was once an aire of confidence, she only looked sullen and morose. She started to gather her clothes, as he had made her shed them, as soon as she entered his office. Before she could get to the door, he called her. "Hey, come here." he said. She walked, slowly, over to him. She didn't make eye contact. She just stood there. "What's your name?" he said. She answered, "Mercedes" He said, "Your real name." She started to hope again, and said, "Meagan, Meagan Hunt." "Well Meagan, I just might, have something for you to do, after all." He said. "Anything." She replied.Alicia's Enslavement Chapter 3Alicia was sitting on her bed thinking. She hardly ever got the chance to be alone anymore. She had to share a room with both of her sisters, now that they lived in a two bedroom house, as opposed to the four bedrooms they used to have. She liked the privacy of having her own room. She missed that.She was thinking about where she would be in about two more weeks, if her dad didn't come up with a way to hold off the man who wanted to make her a sex slave. Mr. Charlemagne.She found herself having romantic ideas about him, how he kissed, what his hands would feel like, if he was mean or kind. She knew about sex, she thought. She had seen a porno movie, at Jenny's house, before the move. She had no doubts that he'd want to have sex with her. All the boys that she had known, had wanted to have sex with her. Jeff Richards, her current boyfriend, wanted to have sex, but he was waiting for her to be "ready", before he started making advances, like all the others. She had held them off, by sheer force of will. Now she almost welcomed the upcoming opportunity. She knew that it was going to hurt, at first. All of her friends, that had had sex, had told her that. Then they said that it started to feel good, provided the person didn't finish too quickly, and if they took their time making her wet beforehand.She had been highly aroused a couple of times, she liked that tingly feeling, and she also masturbated. So she liked orgasming. Not so much now, but before the move. It was hard to say no, to the boys that had aroused her, but with him, she wouldn't have that option. That was what it meant to be a slave, wasn't it? Especially a sex slave. She wouldn't have the option of saying no.Most people would just write him off as some pervert, but Alicia knew different. There was so much that passed between them, when their eyes met, that first time, that she knew better. He would literally own her, body and soul.As she thought about being a slave, she started to get horny. Her entire family was at the mall and she didn't want to go, so she had the whole house to herself. It had been a long time since she was able to masturbate. She started feeling her breasts, through her dress and bra. The dress she was wearing, A red one with a flower on one side, had started to get small, but she liked the way it hung on her body. She rubbed all down the sides of her dress, to her thighs. She continued rubbing and her dress rose with her fingers. She brought her thumbs to the waistband of her panties and pushed them down, over her legs and off. She let her fingers slip through her red pubic hair and find her slit. She traced the outline of her entire slit, before slipping a finger inside. She imagined his face, as he told her what to do, as she played with her clit. She imagined that he had told her to suck his cock, as she fingered her clit faster and faster, as she moaned and writhed on her bed. She could feel her orgasm building almost to the point of no return. She could almost hear his voice, and he told her to cum for him. She climaxed in a rush of good feelings and wetness, for what seemed like ages, before she calmed down and lay still.Alicia slowly got up off her bed and donned her panties, then she heard the family return from the mall. Just in time too, she thought, as she didn't want to have to try to explain masturbating in her room to them.She came out of her and her sisters's room to see what all they had bought at the mall. Her sister Amy had a new microscope. One of those really high priced models. Amelia had some gymnastic equipment and they all had clothes. They had even bought her some new clothes. Some dresses and jeans. What was really great, was the gold locket that her mother gave her. It was heart shaped and had tiny flowers all over the outside and opened up to reveal a tiny picture of the whole family, from a couple of years ago, when they had took that family portrait. She wondered how they had made the picture so small.Things almost seemed normal at the Jones residence for the rest of the day. Their mom cooked a wonderful dinner, and they all sat at the table and ate together, talking excitedly. All except Alicia. She spoke to her family, at dinner, but she was a little subdued. If anyone cared to notice, she was acting a little out of sorts.She was quiet and introspective, where once she was an extrovert. She hadn't talked to Jeff in days and didn't want to. She also had taken to daydreaming when in school, when she was supposed to be paying attention to her studies. Her grades had started to slip. She was daydreaming now and didn't hear her father talking about the big poker game at the new casino tomorrow night."It's a good plan to make enough money, so that we don't need to accept money from Mr Charlemagne and he won't bother us anymore." Carl said, as Alicia started to pay attention again.The family started talking in that vein and Alicia lapsed back into daydreaming. She was thinking what it would be like to have to have sex with more than one person. She imagined that Randolph, that is what she now called him in her mind, gave her to his assistant and a few others. She was starting to get turned on, thinking about sex with multiple partners. Her breathing deepened and she was getting flushed. She had turned a shade of pink and her nipples were hard and aching."I have to get myself together" she thought. "I am stating to enjoy this a little to much. It's not healthy" But she couldn't lie to herself, the thought of belonging to him appealed to her.She had started to romanticize being a slave to someone in general and him in particular. She decided to look up sex slave on the Internet, when no one was around. She didn't know when she would get the chance, but she was now very curious about what went on in a relationship where one is owned by another.Her chance came sooner than she expected, when her sister Amelia suggested that they all go back to the mall to see a movie. She begged off, using the excuse that she want interested in that particular movie, because her and Jeff had seen it already.The family left, for the mall again, and Alicia was at home with the family computer. She logged on and went to yahoo then typed sex slave in the search box. She saw numerous sites that claimed to know about sex slaves and sex slaves bought and sold in Afghanistan and how many children in America that are sold as sex slaves. But none of them told her what it meant to be a sex slave. What constituted sexual slavery. Until she saw one that said Urban dictionary. It explained that "a sex slave is a woman or a man that assumes a subordinate manner/position and performs sexual acts for the dominate male or female partner. Can tie in D/s where the person can do these acts freely or become collared, i.e. owned. This role can be voluntary or forced in some situations.She continued to search all over the Internet until she found a site with stories on BDSM and sexual slavery. She read some of the shorter stories and found that they aroused her and printed out some of the longer ones to read later. There was even a pop-up part of the site that showed various practices of BDSM and she watched some of the videos. She saw women being tied up, their tits clamped with weights hung from them, forced to orgasm whipped and flogged, and even pissed on. She was turned on something fierce, she had never been that aroused. She masturbated again, right at the computer, as she watched some of the women being tied and fucked. She imagined herself in some of those positions, with Him doing those things to her. She came harder than she ever did before, with the images playing in front of her. She hadn't even removed her panties, they were soaking wet, by the time she was through.She straightened her clothes, logged off the computer, and went to her room to change her panties. She didn't know what had come over her. She had never came that hard before. Was it the threat of getting caught masturbating that made it so thrilling, or was it the fact that she would most likely be treated like some of the women in those videos and stories?Alicia found herself wishing that he would just come and get her, to get it over with. The waiting was driving her crazy. She now had a romantic notion that he was coming to rescue her from a boring life. He WAS rich, he had enough money to take her anywhere, and do anything with. To add excitement to her otherwise drab existence.The next day.The poker room was huge! Fifty tables, each able to seat ten players, plus a dealer, was spread out in a room the size of a medium auditorium. There was a podium set up at the right side of the door, to announce winners at each of the tables. When one person won all of the money from one table, they were moved to an empty table until all those seats were taken and, game play resumed. It was like a giant poker tournament. In reality, that is exactly what it was. All except a proviso that one could buy his way into the tournament at any stage of the game with a million dollars. One million dollars to buy your way in, was only the beginning, you still had to have enough money to play. After the first three rounds of game play the stakes were very high. You had to have over two million to play at all, and the stakes were getting higher all the time.Carl Jones had made it through eleven rounds of play, and had amassed a considerable sum of money. He had over five million dollars in chips sitting in front of him. He was a very good poker player, and had gained the respect of alot of players and dealers alike. Some players only grudgingly, but all respected him. They were down to two tables of game play, when a new player was introduced. He played at the opposing table from Carl Jones, but his entrance gained immediate notoriety. It was none other than Randolph Charlemagne himself. The reason for all the hubbub, Carl found out, was that he owned a large portion of the casino itself.Game play resumed and Carl continued to win. As did Randolph Charlemagne. They both won the overall game, at their prospective tables, and the championship game was against each other. After a brief break, they sat down to play for it all. Each had mountains of chips in front of them.They played well into the night and then the next day, neither one gaining the upper hand until Carl got a hand that he though couldn't lose. He made a four million dollar bet, and hoped to win it all and then help his family get away from here. To keep from having to sell his oldest daughter into sexual slavery. His bet was called and raised. He called and raised. Back and forth it went, until they were "all in". Then the dealer announced that their cards had to be shown.Carl dropped his cards and showed a straight flush, Queen high, in hearts. Thinking he had won, because Randolph Charlemagne looked like he didn't have the cards to beat him, Carl reached for the pot. "Ahem" Randolph cleared his throat. Then he laid down his cards. A Royal flush, Ace high, in spades.Carl's heart almost stopped. He had made and lost all the money he had won, all the money he had gotten from Mr Charlemagne, all his hopes of not having to sell his baby. All gone on one hand of poker. He felt like he was going to die. He felt physical pains in his chest.Then Mr Charlemagne spoke, "You didn't think I was going to allow you to keep her from me that easily, did you?" With that he turned and told the dealer, "Take care of my winnings."Then he got up from the table and walked out.All Carl could do was watch as he left. He had failed. All his hopes of saving his daughter vanished, like smoke, before his eyes.He then picked himself up and made his way to the exit. He had to go home and tell his family that he had failed. Again.Alicia's EnslavementChapter 4By SirbootnockaThe Jones family was sitting in the living room of their two bedroom house. All were present, Carl, Aline, Amelia, Amy and Alicia. They were waiting to see if the man, Randolph Charlemagne, would indeed come to claim Alicia today.They had eaten dinner and hadn't talked much. There was a sense of dread covering the whole family. There were questions each wanted answers to, but the only one able to answer them were Mr Charlemagne, and he had yet to make an appearance.Carl had come home and made the announcement, that he had lost millions, in the poker game two weeks ago, and the family had taken it hard. He felt like more of a failure, since then. He had had a plan, but his plan had failed, to protect his daughter from having to go with this man who planned to make her his slave. And to know she was slated to be a sex slave, did nothing for his esteem.As they all sat and ruminated on the soon to be facts of their daughter's or sibling's pending enslavement, the doorbell rang.Carl got up to answer the door and had to compose himself for a last ditch effort. He remembered the last time he had tried to fight with Mr Charlemagne, and what the outcome was, but he had to do something.Carl walked to the door, noticing through the window, that both of the men now carried very large briefcases in their hands. More like suitcases, were these bags. They were obviously heavily laden, as the men almost struggled with them.Carl opened the door and the men stepped inside without being asked. They could tell, by the way Carl's body moved, that he was going to try and fight them.The hated Mr Charlemagne spoke up, before Carl had a chance to make a move. "Oh come now, Mr Jones, surely you know how this is bound to turn out, if you attempt to fight me."The whole family could see and hear the exchange, as the floor plan of their two bedroom house was open. There was only about twelve feet of space between the living room and the door. The room sitting just to the left. The front door opened up to their spacious for it's size, dining room.He added, "I fully intend to have you daughter with me when I leave here, so let's just get the particulars over with and we can all get on with our lives." Carl was still geared to put up one last desperate attempt to save what little of his pride he had left, when he heard his daughter speak."Dad please!!!" She yelled, a little more loudly than she intended. "I'll go." She said, more subdued, now that she had gotten herself under control. "Please...Just don't hurt my dad." She said to the men.To her father, she said, "Dad I've been thinking. The family needs this money. If I can do this for the betterment of my family, then it means all that much more. I can survive this. I'm reasonably sure, that he doesn't intend to kill me, after paying over two million dollars for me. With that kind of money, all of you will be able to live like you always wanted to live and I'll feel good knowing that I helped to make that happen." To Amelia, she said, "I want to one day see you in the Olympics, for gymnastics. You know you can do it. No one is as good as MY sister."To Amy, she said, "Be the best scientist that this world has ever seen. I fully expect you to one day cure cancer or something."To aline, her mom, she said, "Mom I love you, and I wish you guys all the best. I have to do this, mom. Please just be happy. I'll be alright, I promise."She finally turned to Carl,and said, "Dad I know you did everything in your power to make this go away, but it is time for me to go. I'm a big girl now and you raised me right, I'll make you proud. I'm going to do my best. Try not to worry."Then she addressed Mr Charlemagne, for the first time. "Sir,I don't know who you are or what you really want with me nut, I do know this, if you hurt my family again I'll kill you. I don't know how, I don't know when but, I will wait and watch and then find a way to kill you dead."With that said, she walked out of the front door and sat on the stoop.Randolph was livid, but he didn't show it. He got down to the business at hand, paying the Jones's their two million. He showed them the title deeds to their two houses, with business cards attached that belonged to a property investment firm, and another card from a money market investment firm. He told them that the firms were waiting on them to call and they could start buying and selling property at their convenience. There were also six titles to various cars in the stacks. A Roles Royce, A Ferrari, an Aston martin and some mini-vans, one at each house. All the licenses had been changed and were valid. There was also great, large, stacks of one-hundred dollar bills. That was the bulk of what was in the briefcases.He had Carl sign the titles of both the houses and the cars. There was no need of a notary, since the other man had a notary seal, which he then used and signed his name to the documents.After all of that was done, he told Carl, "You'd better use a bank this time, the bus station lockers aren't that safe." With that they walked out.Alicia was still sitting outside, on the stoop, when they came out. She looked like she wanted to cry, but she was too angry to cry. "It's just not fair" she thought. "They get to be rich, and I get to be a slave."Randolph stood and watched her for awhile, and with a gesture sent Tyrone to the car, while he waited on Alicia. He didn't say anything for a long time, just letting her brood. Until she finally looked up at him and asked him a two word question."Why me?" She asked."Do you really want to know?" He asked her in return.That brought her up short. She had to think a moment. She originally thought that it was just about sex. She was sure that that had something to do with it, but what more could he want?When she was sure that she would be able to digest his answer, she said "yes."His answer was one word. "Come."Then he took off walking to his car. She got up and started walking, timidly, at first, but the closer she got to the limo, her steps were more and more bold. She knew somehow that she would get through this, as she said to her family.Tyrone jumped out and opened the door to the limo for them. Randolph got in and didn't even wait for Alicia.When she was seated across from him and comfortable, the limo eased from the curb and merged into traffic. He pressed a button on the console next to his seat and said, "Just drive."Tyrone's curt reply of "Yes boss" was heard through the speakers."Now to answer your question of why you." He said."I don't have any family. No one to whom I can leave all of this to. I own some of everything. My businesses cover every facet of human endeavor, and I am alone. The closest thing I have to someone I can trust, is Tyrone. I began thinking that I needed someone who I could trust above all others and how to make them trustworthy. You see where I come from trust is it's own commodity. So I started searching for someone to trust. I made a lot of mistakes. I trusted people who had something to gain from me. Then I had the idea that if this person had nothing, not even their own freedom, to gain, then I could at last, bring myself to trust without the threat of ruining myself, in the bargain. So a few years ago I started searching for a slave. The perfect slave. Here again I made mistakes, but always I felt like I was getting closer to the perfection I yearned for. That is where you come in. I have been watching you for six long years. Since you were ten. You were given psychological exams. You were tested for your subservience. You were shown deferential treatment and then had it taken away. I even have your DNA. You see, you are the closest that I have come to the perfection I seek. You can be the perfect slave." "However, you have no training." He continued. "You don't know what it is to give of yourself in a selfless way, yet. You don't yet know the joy that it will bring you to give your all. You will find out though. You will give your all to me. When you think you have no more to give, I will wring even more from you. Only then will you reach that place where I can trust you with my all." "You have a rough road ahead, but I believe in you. In fact, I'm proud of you already. What you did, in being willing to come with me, voluntarily, for your family shows exactly the kind of selflessness I'm looking for in a slave."" However, we must address your threatening my life and the punishment that you will have to endure for it.""Understand something. Your talking to me in any way other than with complete respect is bad, but the fact that you chose to threaten my life, as well, really compounded the offensiveness of it all. It also shows me that I can't trust you. So you must be punished for that. It will be painful, but you will live, and you will learn. You will understand that I brook no disrespect, Blatant or otherwise."He thought for a moment, then seamed as if he had made a decision, and said, "first, we have some shopping to do."With that he once again reached for and pressed the call button and said, "To Raphael's place."Tyrone curt reply of his customary "Yes boss." Was heard.Tyrone was expecting this, and had already driven to Raphael's immediate neighborhood. One of the reasons he held this job, for so long, was his ability to anticipate some of his bosses wishes. The other was his undying loyalty. He had proven himself to be loyal time and time again. He didn't forget who had found him almost starving, and took him off the street.His mother was a crack-whore and didn't take care of him well. But he was smart and made it his business to look out for influential people with whom to attach himself to. Once he saw Randolph, he was sure he could get the man to give the tall skinny youth a job.His first job had been to finger a rival drug dealer. (all of Randolph's businesses were not legit, back in the day.) And he had proven himself quite indispensable since then.Randolph had sent the young man to martial arts school and made sure that he ate and dressed well. He was a stickler for good grades, and took no excuses for failure from the young man. He had become the boy's father where he had none. Tyrone had never even met his father.Randolph had even paid for his mom's funeral, when she was found dead in an alley, the victim of a rape/robbery/drug deal gone bad.It was these thoughts that went through Tyrone's mind, while he drove Randolph to the places he wanted to go and helped him do the things that he wanted to do. Tyrone placed a call on his cell phone, to Raphael's and told the owner that they were coming and that they would probably shut the store down. Randolph told Alicia, "When we get there I want you to do everything I tell you. EVERYTHING. I am slowly running out of patience, and this is going to take enough time as is, so just do what I tell you. In fact, I want you to do what anyone there tells you. Obey them as you would me.Finally, they pulled up in front of a storefront, with the name Raphael's on the front, in garish green neon. In the windows on both sides of the door, were manaquins wearing very revealing clothes. Alicia's stomach did flip flops, when she saw some of what they were wearing. "Would he expect HER to wear clothes like that?" She had read the stories that she got online, where women wore clothes like this, but she didn't think that she'd be wearing them as well. She was afraid of showing him her body. No one had seen her naked since she was a little girl and her mom used to give her baths. She knew that there would be sex involved, but this was too soon. She knew now, that she would soon be naked, in front of him, Tyrone, and who knew who else.Tyrone got out first and opened the door to the limo. Randolph said, "Come."Then proceeded to step into the interior of the store, with Alicia trailing along behind. As they all walked in, Tyrone came in too, they were greeted by not one but two almost naked women. What little they wore only accented their nudity. They both had on latex short shorts, that were crotchless and matching latex tube tops, with their breasts peeking through the front. They were both blondes, with their hair braided in a french braid hanging down their backs, almost to their asses. They were both about five foot six. One wore baby blue and the other wore pink. They looked like sisters, but were not."Hello ladies", said Randolph. "Where's Raphael?"Raphael stepped out of the back, and said, "I'm here Mr. Charlemagne. I just had to make sure of something.""Please Raphael, call me Randolph" he said. " We have been friends for too many years now to be burdoned with protocol." They then shook hands.Raphael was a middle aged white man, with greying hair, a barreled chest, and the biggest hands Alicia had ever seen. He stood only two inches shorter than Randolph's six foot five, at six three."Becky," said Raphael. "Close the shop."One of the scantily clad women, the one in blue, said "Yes master" and walked over to the door and locked it. Then she flipped the open sign to closed and turned off the neon sign.While all of this was happening Alicia was looking around. One wall was covered in shoe racks. High heeled shoes in every size and description were represented. There were clothes racks scattered everywhere, with lingerie of every color. This place made Victoria Secrets look like Macys though, with how revealing the clothes were. Alicia's heart was hammering in her chest."Raphael, please tell me you have what I ordered." Said Randolph"You know I do." Raphael replied. "Is this your model?" he asked."This is Alicia, my new slave." Stated Randolph."She's pretty," said Raphael. "Although I preffer blondes, as you can see.""Beautiful." Said Randolph.Alicia didn't know if he was talking about her or the blonde women."Well let's see it then." Said Randolph. "Alicia, get undressed. Everything off. I want you to try on this outfit.""So here it was" Thought Alicia. "Now I have to take my clothes off in front of these people."Raphael had walked into the back of the store, so that left the two blondes, Becky and Jessica, Tyrone and Randolph, to watch Alicia's unveiling. Her trepidation at having to strip in front of all these people knew no bounds.She didn't mind so much the women, they were in a state of undress constantly, what she was so afraid of was getting undressed in front of men. "What if she wasn't visually pleasing?" She felt herself thinking. She had worn her new jeans today, now she knew, in hopes that she wouldn't be required to strip, and a tight tee shirt.She looked at Randolph, pleading with her eyes, but he only nodded, a little smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.She turned half way to the side, facing the wall of shoes and crossed her arms over her front, grabbing the hem of her tee shirt, removed it over her head."I can get through this." She told herself.She unbuttoned the snap in the front of her jeans and pulled them down her legs, kicking off her sandals as she did so.She only had on her bra and panties now, and she stopped.She turned back, to look at Randolph, and he motioned for her to continue.She blushed from her hairline to her chest, and hooking her thumbs into the elastic of her panties, pulled them down to her ankles. She then kicked them into the pile of steadily growing clothes at her feet. She then reached behind herself, and unhooked her bra. She let it fall halfway down her arms and then pulled it off, to drop it into the pile.She stood with her arms in front of herself, one covering her breasts and the other in front of her vaginal mound, with it's downy covering of red hair.It was then that Raphael came back into the showroom carrying a bundle of latex clothing. "Put your hands down girl!" He said, angrily. "You have a wonderful body, be proud of it."Alicia tentatively lowered her arms and hands to her sides. She couldn't help but feel some little bit of pride at the compliment. She looked at Randolph and was taken by the awe she saw in his gaze. She saw him drink in the site of her nude body and saw the lump of his manhood grow in his pants. It made her even more proud, that she could evoke such a reaction to her nakedness. The fact that he wanted only her, added to that pride.Raphael handed one of the latex outfits to Alicia and told her how to put it on. "Jessica come and help her." He said.Alicia studied the "garment", for a moment, before attempting to put it on. Jessica leans in and shows Alicia the proper way the piece is to go, pulling and tugging.Finally Alicia has the piece on her body, and feels more naked than when she had on no clothes. Everything that she would normally hide, is framed by the outfit. It is bright red, with gold trim, her schools colors. Her 36C breasts stuck out of the front, cutouts sewn into the piece for each breast. Her pussy and ass is likewise bare, the outfit coming to right above her knees. It fits like a second skin. Tightly accentuating all of her assets. Finally it zips up the back and Jessica zips her in."Now", said Raphael, "You wanted to be able to suspend her in this outfit. Correct?" " What you have here, is very cleverly hidden O rings. There are pockets here and here". Pointing at a space between Alicia's armpits and shoulders and at a spot forward of her hips. "You just reach inside the little pocket, and pull the ring out. Like so." He demonstrated by pulling out all of the O rings. "And, as you can see, all of her tasty bits are available."As all of this was happening, Alicia found herself getting aroused. She didn't know if it was being paraded around naked or half naked, or at having them discuss her attire and her like she wasn't even there. Her breath was coming deeper, her nipples were hard, and she was getting wet. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was being humiliated. She didn't know, but she liked it. Especially when she looked at Randolph. The lust she saw in his eyes spoke volumes to her. He wanted her and he wanted her BAD. She realized that she wanted him, as well. She just hoped that he would be gentle with her, she "was" still a virgin.Raphael had Alicia remove the outfit, then handed her the other one he held. This one was a deep royal blue, that covered her whole body, minus the naughty bits. From her ankles to her neck, and down her arms to her wrists, were all covered in latex. Her breasts, ass and crotch were still on display. This one had the same pocketed O rings, but quite a few more, they were also at her elbows, wrists, thighs and ankles, front and back.Randolph said, "I'll take them both. Now on to the more mundane." With that they proceeded to go through, Alicia was sure, every item of clothing that they sold. She was swept away with it all. She had tried on baby doll negligees, body stockings, hobble skirts, short shorts, dresses, corsets, and harnesses. There was an even longer list of accesories, that she had to wear, in conjunction with all the clothes, not to mention the endless amount of shoes, that went with the outfits. Randolph bought some of everything. Some things he had more than one of, in more than one color. Alicia's head swam with the sheer number of articles he bought.Alicia wouldn't be allowed to wear the clothes that she wore to the shop. Randolph picked a pink and white babydoll corset, with a pink pencil skirt. The corset covered her, from the top of her breasts, to her waist. The pencil skirt was made of shiny, translucent rubber, and went on over the corset bottom and zipped down over her ass, to her calves. Under the ensemble, she wore a white garter belt and white, seamed stockings. Pink and white, five inch open-toed shoes, that locked onto her feet, topped off the outfit.The corset brought her 24 inch waist down to 20 inches, and it was a little hard for her to breathe. She could only take shallow breaths, but it made her breasts look wonderful and Randolph told her so.Raphael also had Jessica and Becky take Alicia in the back of the store and unbraid her hair and curl it in Shirley Temple curls. While they were curling her hair, one of them, she knew not which, said, " You are so lucky to have a master like Mr. Charlemagne, he's spending in excess of fifty grand on you right now. How many girls can say that they went on a fifty thousand dollar shopping spree?" Then the other one said, "I know that you're new to the whole slavery thing, just do yourself a favor and do what you're told. The perks are worth the work. Try your best, and things will be better, than if you try to fight it. Anyway, the sex is better than anything I experienced before my slavery. You're young, beautiful and you have a rich and powerful master, what more could a slave ask for? At least he isn't into those sadistic games like some of the masters that come here." Then they applied a coat of make-up. The results were stunning! Alicia couldn't believe that the super sexy creature that looked back at her from the floor length mirror was her. But it was. She moved in a few cursory maneuvers, and the reflection moved with her. It was like she was a different person, all together. Her ass looked great, with her now tiny waist and thrust out breasts.Alicia's mind was awhirl. She didn't know what to think anymore. She had harbored resentment against her master, is that what she should call him?, for taking her from her family. But then she felt butterflies in her stomach, everytime he looked at her, with that hungry look in his eyes. She wanted to go back to her old life, but she also, in a way, wanted to please him. She had read those stories, that she got from the Internet, at the BDSM site, but those were fiction and it didn't prepare her for the reality of life as a slave. She just didn't know what all was expected of her. She was excited to get over fifty thousand dollars worth of clothes. Granted, they were kinky clothes, but they were for her. All for her. He had even had some made up custom, for her. "Let's get you some practice walking in those heels." Said Jessica. "You are gonna make an enticing entrance, when you go back in there."Alicia tried to walk, as she'd seen the other girls walk, but the effect was not the same. "You're trying too hard." Becky told her. "Remember, you have on what is called a pencil skirt. It makes you take small steps, don't fight it. Take small steps and let the skirt guide you."Alicia did that and the results were immediate, but the look wasn't right yet."Thrust out your hips more." Said Jessica. "Don't try to roll your hips though, the shoes will do that for you."Alicia took all of the advice in and walked around in the five inch heels for a few minutes. When the two of them were satisfied that she walked well enough in them, she was then, with an admonishment to keep her head up and shoulders back, told to make her entrance into the showroom, and Becky and Jessica went back out to join the rest.Alicia took a deep breath and started walking. As she turned the corner, to enter the showroom, she saw Randolph standing there watching her. She made a decision to be all she could be, in that instant. She locked eyes with him and walked. She took small deliberate steps, as she'd been taught. She walked right up to him and in a moment of inspiration, gracefully bent to her knees. She placed her hands on her thighs, palms up, she had read about this pose in one of the stories from the BDSM site, and bowed her head, saying, "Whatever you wish of me master, I am here to serve."Randolph bent down and picked her up, by her shoulders, then he did something she had been secretly hoping for since this thing began. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. He held her close and whispered in her ear. "My sweet sweet slave Alicia."Chapter 5Randolph broke his hug of Alicia and said "Now we must address your threatening my life. You have to be punished for that." He then stood to his feet and approached Raphael. "You still have your barrel in the basement?" He asked. Raphael nodded his ascent. Randolph continued. Then may I utilize your barrel and some accou tre mon"Raphael again nodded and led the way to the basement door. He pulled a large keyring out of his pocket, and fumbling for the right key, for a few seconds, he ceremoniously opened the basement door. "Tyrone" snapped Rndolph, "Make sure the store is secure, then join us. I wouldn't want you to miss this." "Yes sir" Tyrone said, as he started checking doors. He closed the window gates and locked them, with the keys Raphael had tossed him. When he was satisfied that all was secure, he then walked calmly down the basement stairs, into the makeshift dungeon of Raphael.Randolph grabbed Alicia by the arm and escorted her down the stairs. She needed help, as the pencil skirt she wore would've made it nigh impossible, otherwise. She was quite taken aback. She had never been punished. Not like he thought of punishment. "He wouldn't really hurt her! Wouldhe?" She thought. "Could he be serious?!" Ran frantically through her mind. Randolph feigned paying her any attention. He knew she was afraid! Very afraid! Raphael walked through the dungeon stages, turning on lights as he went. The punishment room was the furthest of four consecutive, subterranian rooms. All built with the latest in sound deadening materials. Silent to 300 decibles. That means you could blow a train whistle and no one outside would hear you. Randolph told Alicia to take off all of her new clothing. He located the barrel and motioned for her to join him next to it. She was, again, naked as the day she was born. Oddly enough, she preferred being naked, than in one of the outfits. It felt more natural to her. She was still afraid though. "Alicia" said Randolph. "Lean over this barrel, here."She followed his orders, tentatively at first, then with more alacrity. She figured that he wouldn't kill her or hurt her too badly. As he had just paid two million dollars for her.Randolph said, "take your clothes off, Alicia." She started to take off the new outfit, wonderingg all the while, how much it was going to hurt and what exactly he planned to do to her. As if reading her thoughts, Randolph said to her, " I am going to punish your threat to me by whipping you." He continued. "Normally I would tell you how many lashes or whatever, but the seriousness of your offense requires a bit more. So I'll stop when I figure you've learned your lesson." Alicia was shocked, to say the least. She had never even gotten a spanking. Her dad always talked to them and his disappointment made her cry, as it hurt her feelings. This was something alltogether different. Capital punishment! She was afraid.When Alicia was, again, naked, Randolph had her lean over the barrel. The barrel had leather cuffs on the far side and at the bottom, which he strapped her into. He chose a medium strength cane from the rack of tools on the wall. Raphael asked "You don't think that cane is too much?" "No" Randolph answered. "This is no pleasure spanking." "Even though no one can hear you try not to scream too loudly"With that said he swung the cane and conncted with one of Alicia's butt cheeks. White hot pain seared her mind! She screamed then Never had she felt anything like this. And he kept swinging. Alicia kept screaming. Raphael's two slaves were afraid as well. Alicia's pain receptors were on fire. This was by far her worst experience. Every time he hit her was worse than the last.finally she could take no more and darkness claimed her.When Alicia stopped screaming it took Randolph a moment to realize that she had lost consciousness. He was mid swing for another lash.Then he was angry at himself for making her punishment so severe. Randolph unstrapped Alicia from the barrel and carried her upstairs. The look on his face prevented anyone from addressing him directly. He told Raphael's slaves to provide aftercare for Alicia.After a nod from Raphael, they too, followed all of Randolph's orders. Randolph's face showed all of the anger he felt. His scowl was frightening to behold. But, to the not so casual observer, there was genuine care and concern, as well.After Raphael's slaves administered aftercare to Alicia, Randolph had them dress her. He chose something loose, so as not to cause her any undue pain. A tinnis skirt, with a matching top and tennis shoes. Alicia then started to come around. Slowly, at first, then more rapidly. She saw Randolph's face and was again afraid. Then she saw that he was angry at himself and that he was concerned for herand it changed something inside of her. She knew that she should not threaten his life, but she also realized that she was supposed to be closer to him than anyone else. He had said as much.She understood that she could not engage in that type of behavior, with such a powerful and private man as Randolph Charlemaine. When he realized she was awake and watching him, Randolph approached her."Never again." He said. "Never again will I punish you so severely.""Are you ready to go home?" He Asked. For a moment she thought that he as asking if she wanted to return to her old life, then she realized he meant HIS home."Yes. I'm ready." She said, softly. "Tyrone!" Randolph almost yelled. "Get the car loaded."While Tyrone loaded the purchases, Randolph had bent down and was stroking Alicia's hair. Gently reassuring her, in wisperedtones, that all would be well. When the car was loaded, he gently scooped her up and got in the back of the limo.
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