Valerie enters the dark world of bdsm.
Pre note. Part of this story is based on true events. Valerie and her husband did wish to join a BDSM club some of the events actually happened.
At last after months of arguments Valerie at last, agreed with her husband.
She had to accept the fact that perhaps he was right. All this came from a swinging party they had attended, were her husband had watched Valerie being taken by numerous cocks some White some Asian but the ones Val adored were Black they seemed to reach were a lot of the others couldn’t, deep within her.
From then on it was her husband’s wish to join this BDSM club where he and whoever was there could see her being used. Although the thought of this made Valerie, secretly very wet. She didn’t like the idea of being a prized cow put on show for the amusement of others. But in the end the thought of other cocks lovely black ones please thought Val, fucking her. This won her over.
Now they waited for the letter telling them if they had been accepted. The rules of the club were very strict; all new members were to be placed on the stage were the woman would stay to be used. In what way was never made clear.
Her partner would watch from the side. After the women had been used they were classed as full members and could visit whenever they wished, but if the woman failed they would never be allowed back.
This of course added pressure to Valerie performance knowing it was her husband’s wish. Just think of cocks she thought she would get through it.
She saw her husband approach threw the letter onto her lap. “Better read this” he said.
Looking down Valerie saw dress code for females it stated.
Females are to wear delicate bra, panties, garter belt, all matching and stockings, as under wear. Normal dress wear is to be short black skirt, transparent top, six inch high heel shoes. A raincoat may be worn over the top; this will be discarded as you enter the premises.
Dress code for males shall consist of dinner suit with crop to show authority. Females collar in his pocket.
At the end it stated show number 1. Time 8pm.
Val’s husband looked at her. “You did say you would do it? Is all ok with what you have read. You will be my slave you know, but it will be others who use you!”
“Yes, yes I know,” Val replied. But the shoes I have not got so if you wish me to go you better get me some.
Hubby left smiling.
As the fateful day approached Valerie decided to see what she looked like dressed as they wished, putting on her bra, (petite white silk with net edgings) her nipples could be clearly seen. Much the same with her panties although thicker at the gusset much of her cunt could also be seen. She decides to shave as the triangle of pubic hairs spoiled the view.
Then putting on her skirt she noted it hugged her slim figure. But her sheer top made little difference she could still see her breasts spilling out from the top which caused Valerie to smile, thinking she might enjoy this after all as she felt her panties dampen.
“Its six o clock Hun,” she heard her husband say, “Time to get ready come down and show me before we go.”
Yes my Master Val giggled to herself.
Dressing then donning her raincoat she went to show her husband. Standing in front of him she removed the raincoat.
“Oh my fucking god,” he cried out.
Val stood before him showing him what a whore she looked like. This ok Master,” she said.
“My god yes Val, or should I say slave Valerie I knew you were beautiful and I like men looking at you. But looking like that I think every guy in the room will be jerking off. If we don’t get made full member something is seriously wrong. If we had time I’d fuck you now.”
Yes Valerie was thinking the same, but with a slight difference, she wished the cock to be black.
Driving along her husband gave orders. Slave remove your coat Valerie of course did she liked the fact of being a slave, she was getting into this. Now remove one breast from your cups till we get there. Valerie did as she was asked, then said “Yes Master.” Knowing people would see her on show like this.
Driving up outside. Her husband said. “tit back in, coat on.” “Yes Master,” She said now wanting to do all this for him.
Standing outside they both looked up they saw what looked like an old cinema. Both had butterflies in their stomach’s they entered.
The first thing they saw was this sign it stated. All slaves entering here will be humiliated and used, it is every Dom/Domes right to do so. Your slave will not leave here in the same frame of mind as they entered. Make sure you know this before you enter.
They looked at each other. Valerie nodded took of her raincoat her breast fully on show and entered. Showing their invite to the doorman they were shown their seats. Noting a smile on his face he said, “8 pm till whenever.”
Valerie gulped knowing she had passed the point of no return what lay ahead of her, lay ahead of her. No point wondering what, she had to accept it.
For the next hour they both watched some light BDSM, slaves were bought on stage. Some were fingered with cunts on show, had nipples rolled between fingers. Some were beaten on their bodies that left light pink welts on them, but Valerie knew they would soon go. If this was all they were going to do with her she would surely pass. Not one girl was fucked the one thing Valerie craved.
The stage darkened in a spotlight stood this man, “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, tonight as you all know we have people here wishing to be made full members. I’m so happy to see so many people here. They have been made aware of what this entails but not to the full extent, that of course will become clear to both of them in due course. The slave’s partner has stated she is willing to do anything for him and that we will look forward to.“
Pointing at Valerie he said,” raise slave. “Valerie stood. “Master you also;” he stated Valerie watched as her husband stood up.
Slave to the center of stage face forward. Master to her right hand side. Both kneel until full members.
Both entered and took their respective positions. Valerie saw what must have been at least 300 to 400 people looking at her. Butterflies returned to her tummy.
What her husband saw then, even amazed him. Seeing his wife Valerie kneel head down, he spotted a figure approach her. Dressed in a Master outfit of leather thong pants cross braces across his chest with leather mask studded boots finished the look. He ordered her to raise but keep her head down.
Valerie did as she had been told; glad that she could not see people looking at her. He circled around her flicking her hair, pinching her nipples, touching her skirt raising it slightly, in fact examining her, this all on show with others watching. Picking up a leather blindfold he placed it on her knowing this would heighten her senses.
He then approached her husband.
He then said, kneeling before me as Master of this house. Offer your wife’s collar so that all in here can use her as they see fit.
Her husband gingerly offered Valerie’s collar to his now Master, knowing in doing this he was offering his wife body for their use, she was theirs not his.
He stood behind Valerie holding up the collar. This he stated is a sign of ownership her husband has granted to everyone here; she will be used by any of you at your request, from this day forward she is ours. He then placed the collar on Valerie.
Snapping his fingers four immensely dark men appeared, all naked cocks hanging down. Valerie of course saw nothing, but her husband did his cock started to harden. Two held back while the other two approached Valerie. Touching her waist she was made to move round whilst having her skirt lifted and her body being fondled.
They stopped with her facing away from the audience. One man then started to undo Valerie’s zip slowly letting her skirt down to expose her ass cheeks. Bending her over rubbing his fingers over her ass he pulled the panties deep in to her rubbing her clit with one hand while slapping her with the other floor. He then began to lightly spank Valerie’s ass slight, her cheeks tuning pink in time, moans escaped Valerie’s mouth. All this to people clapping
Turning her again to face the audience Valerie knew they could now see her tits and cunt she was getting damp. It was then her top was removed and both her tits were taken out of the cups, were he started to roll her nipples between fingers and thumb turning 180 degrees, causing Valerie to grimace in pain. She was being humiliated but could not see. The other man then removed her bra and started to spank her tits lightly again turning them once more to a deep pink color. Again Valerie moaned, with not being able to see Valerie twitched as her tits were being spanked not knowing were the next one would come the clapping got louder.
“Remove her blindfold,” The Master cried out. “Let her see what’s next.”
Valerie blinked as the blindfold was taken of but what she saw bought a smile to her face. Before her stood two black men with very impressive cocks she then noticed two more behind her equally impressive cocks. But then a look of shock entered Valerie face as she saw one of them was carrying what looked like clear plastic tubes with plungers. It became very evident what they were for as one was put over her right nipple pulling her nipple out making it more than twice as long a pin was put in to hold it there the same was done to the left nipple.
She looked up briefly to see people applauding and some men jerking of looking back down she saw the clear tubes attached to her nipples, her nipples being grossly pulled out but surprisingly they didn’t hurt all that much, in fact she quite liked them.
“Front of stage slave let them see you.” The Master retorted. Valerie walked forward to the edge of the stage now standing very close to the watching audience. “Remove her panties,” the order came. Her panties removed Valerie stood there completely naked with people looking at her.
The Master approached Valerie. Your husband will now hit the inside of your thighs with his crop she was told, this is a sign of your obedience. “Spread them legs bitch he said.” Valerie spread her legs a little. “Wider bitch let them see your cunt,” he screamed .Valerie spread her legs much wider she also noted even more men standing to jerk. So this is humiliation she thought being made to do things against your will with lots of people watching. Valerie’s heart was pounding in her chest. Her husband then turned her thighs bright red with nasty weal marks.
Valerie then noticed he was carrying something. In his hand she saw what looked like an instrument of torture. It consisted of two clamps with weights attached each clamp connected to a 4inch spreader bar. She then felt him pull-down on one of her cunt lips oh my god no she thought. The next moment Valerie stood there with her cunt spread wide open, nipples pulled out grossly to tumultuous applause cameras flashed.
A leather clad stool was bought onstage. “Kneel on that slave back to the audience. Valerie staggered to it legs wide open. Weights pulling down on her cunt lips, making them sway grossly between her legs.
Before she reached it one of the black men took hold of her head and attached a small horse bridle with the center bar between her mouth wanting to touch his cock but daring not to. Tongue on top she was told. This of course made Valerie drool, more humiliation, she was then pushed down onto the stool head to the floor ass held high. Soon in front of her the drool gathered on the floor
She never saw what came next but feel it she did. First she felt a finger in her ass then two, her ass clenched as three were put in. “That’s it bitch suck them in.” she heard. Then a large butt plug was forced in her ass, she was being ass fucked by a butt plug of all things and with all these people watching.
Why with so many nice cocks around? After a few vigorous thrusts it settled into her ass a large fluffy tail was then attached.
“Off the stool bitch crawl around the area,” the order came, a leash was added to the bridle and Valerie was lead around the stage tits hanging low cunt lips to match spread widely open, how much humiliation were they going to make her take. As Valerie crawled around she noticed lots of men jerking, all with their camera phones out wondering what pictures were taken and who they would be sent to.
Let them see you as the bitch you are for all in here she was told.
Moments later Valerie was told to stand the nipple suction were taken of her. What she saw then she realized what purpose they were put on. Her nipples were at least twice as long as one of the black men attached pincer nipple clamps one to each nipple. She bit down hard on the bar in her mouth, the third hung between her legs. She guessed were that was going and she was right as she felt him pull her exposed clit out, again all she saw were camera flashes.
Next a rope was bought this was first looped over Valerie’s head, across and under her tits, round her back the rope was then passed under and over it was pulled tight. The clamps hung obscenely from her tits her cunt gaping wide open.
A roped pulley was then used it was connected to Valerie’s bindings and she was pulled upright till her feet left the floor, hanging there Valerie saw the Master pass her husband a mutitailed whip. She heard him give her husband instructions first the bitch’s ass, and then tummy, inside of thighs, follows that with a tit whipping then her open cunt. Hit your bitch hard and do it till I say stop, show her who is in control, you agree. She heard her husband say. “Yes Master.”
For the next 30 minutes her husband beat her in the order given by the Master. Hit the bitch harder he kept shouting out make your cunt feel it. Tears welled in Valerie’s eyes as the pain increased her body felt on fire all she felt were the whip hitting her. She was covered in welts, criss cross marks covered her body. Ohh if only a black guy was doing this she thought.
“Stop” she heard him shout he came to her,” open your legs wide bitch your husband is going to beat your cunt now. This will hurt a lot as its held wide open. He has orders to whip that clit clamp of you and he is to do it till that’s done. He has every right to do this as you are his slave now be brave and hold them legs wide open”.
“Carry on she heard,” The next moment Valerie nearly doubled over as she felt this awful pain deep in her cunt, over and over he hit his own crying wife Plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss she shouted get it of quick Beggiinggggggg Youuuu, as she watch flash over flash as pictures were taken . Tears now flowed from Valerie’s eyes as her husband beat her till the clamp was whipped of her.
The master approached.” Good girl,” he said. “Stop sobbing now you show promise, lower her down.” He commanded.
Valerie was lowered to the floor, legs wide open. Her cunt still wide open but bruised now. But Valerie didn’t care let them take all the pictures they want. All she felt now was pain.
Wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs were attached to Valerie oh my god please no more went through Valerie’s mind when will they have had enough of using her. Is this happens to all want to be members.
Valerie was amazed to see all four black men surround her. One placed an open ball gag in her mouth this held her mouth wide open as her cunt was. This guy then stood over her face she saw that gorgeous black cock sticking out. She noticed a trellis lower above her the wrist and ankle culls were attached she was then risen spread eagle until her mouth was just below his cock. Valerie thrust her head up trying to reach it yes if she could have that all this pain was worth it.
Begin. She heard the Master say. The guy over her bent a little and placed his stiff black cock into Valerie’s mouth were he proceeded to face fuck her. This was bliss to Valerie all the pain disappeared as if by magic. “Cock balls ass bitch.” She heard Master say. Yes please Valerie thought.
‘FUCKKKK YESSS,” Valerie cried out as a second black cock took her, as she felt her cunt being pierced.” YES, YES, YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. Was all she could utter?
Her husband looked on noting that none of the man carried protection. They were all bareback he knew they would cum in her his sweet wife. Had he done right in bringing Valerie here?
Valerie on the other hand was enjoying the attention she took now, Trying to fuck both cocks. Thrusting her head up and cunt back looking like the puppet she was now for them. She was enjoying this immensely wanting to take their cum from them she sucked hard this is what she came for and now she was getting it. All four took her in turn, her used cunt red and gapping seeping cum at the end.
The next thing Valerie saw was a sofa bed being brought on. Yes ,yes more fucking she thought, she was really beginning to like all this what’s a little pain when I get black cock she thought. She noticed her husband’s eye on the sofa bed. Yes she thought you’re going to watch me take black cock along with all those looking, you wanted me to be a slut well here I am hubby, get used to it.
The crowd cheered as the sofa bed was placed at the front of the stage. But the next thing Valerie felt was gagging on this cock as he came in her mouth. “Swallow it all bitch,” he said. Valerie gladly obliged.
Valerie was detached from the trellis along with wrist and ankle cuffs and was thrown on the bed. Yes Valerie thought now the real fucking can begin who gives a dam who sees who takes pictures. She just wanted to be fucked hard.
On her back face out to the audience, again her mouth took a long black cock in it but this was even bigger as it hit the back of her throat. Gag bitch she was told. At the same time Valerie felt a cock at her ass pushing hard opening her up until finally it went in. Yes she was being anal fucked and all she could it. Flash, flash, flash was all she saw. Then she saw another black guy approach cock in hand, god yes Valerie thought she was about to be double fucked yes bring it on. Let everyone see her as the whore bitch her husband had made her into.
They all carried on fucking her till one by one they emptied their loads inside her Valerie was cum covered. It ran from her mouth, her ass and her wide open cunt.
Much to the dismay of her husband!
As he watched he turned to see a toilet being bought on what now he thought. This was put center of stage close to the edge.
Up you get slave Valerie stand and let all see your cum covered body they all want a pic you know, then sit on the toilet I will ask you a question. “Yes Sir,” Valerie replied. Valerie was dazzled by the flashes. After 10 minutes of standing there she turned to sit on the toilet.
“Now then Valerie,” the Master said. “It seems you are covered in cum correct,” “Yes Master,” Valerie replied. So the question is how are we going to remove it slave. “Master that is your decision not mine,” Valerie said.
“Correct slave but don’t you see four black men around you with full bladders.”
“Yes Master if you say so,” Valerie said.
“Well slave I’m sure if you ask them nicely enough they have enough pee to wash your mouth out, your tits and tummy, not forgetting that wide open used cunt. What do you think, if you agree please ask them my slave.
“Yes Master,” Valerie said. She also though oh my god humiliation to the end.
“Please Sirs. This whore slave wishes to be clean it is her wish to be pissed on in my mouth, my tits and tummy and finally on my well used wide open cunt and of course photos can be taken as I’m nothing more than your whore slave.
To tumultuous applause Valerie was pissed on for the next 20 minutes.
Valerie thought back to the sign when she entered. She definitely will be leaving different to coming in. She came is as a wife and will leave as a used whore.
They both left the building her husband perhaps regretting it, in his hand he carried a gold topped crop with snake emblem. Valerie although very sore was presented with a white collar with gold snake emblem she had to told to wear this whenever she visited. Valerie knew this would be quite often.
White Whore Wife is blackmailed ch 05
Pre Note It is advisable to read previous chapters.
Valerie’s breeding
Get cleaned up then report to me she heard her Mistress say. “Yes Mistress ty,” replied Valerie
Valerie went to her hut and tried as she may, it was difficult to remove all the dried cum from her badly beaten body. Three times she washed herself till no more could be seen.
Replaying over and over in her head what was done to her last night the terrible beating and fucking that was done to her, she was starting to think being a black cock slut did have its downside, oh how her body ached.
Not having a mirror to look through, she felt all over her body for more dried cum when she touched her cunt it sent shock waves through her whole body. It was then she noticed her left nipple was just hanging on, badly torn with a deep cut still bleeding as she washed herself.
Patching that up as best she could she stood in the sun to dry as she had no towel, naked as usual with everyone looking at her this no longer fazed Valerie as it was now normal to be like this in front of others.
When fully dry she made her way to her Mistress’s palatial home. Approaching she went on all fours to show her respect and called out her approach “Mistress MZ 73 wishes to be inspected,” cried Valerie.
“Approach piggy cunt stand before me and turn” she heard her Mistress say.
“Yes Mistress of course” replied Valerie.
For the next five minutes her Mistress inspected her body “Arms up legs wide open piggy cunt” her Mistress instructed.
Valerie obliged doing as instructed, knowing others were watching her.
“Well cunt you look and smell a lot better than the last time I saw you.”
“Thank you Mistress” replied Valerie.
“Feel between your cunt MZ 73 what do you feel” her Mistress instructed.
Valerie gingerly felt below her cunt fearing the worst, she felt cum leaking out of her from last night.
Her Mistress then sent her reeling onto the floor as she was struck in the face sending her tumbling backwards.
“What a waste of a good whore you are MZ 73 can’t you do anything right, as long as you get black cock in you that’s all that matters isn’t it. Just pure white trash aren’t you” her Mistress screamed.
“Please Mistress nooo I’m only here to please you nothing else please don’t hit me again your cunt is begging you” cried out Valerie
Valerie stood shaking fearing her Mistress would hit her again. “Wipe that cum away cunt and turn again.” Her Mistress said with anger in her voice.
“Let’s see what damage has been done you your fucking white ass,” her Mistress demanded.
“A few bruises MZ nothing more, give it a day’s rest need to tattoo that ass before your breeding.” Her Mistress stated. “What do you think of pictorial tattoos MZ piggy? Need to cover all those nasty remarks on your ass. Fucking idiots who did it.”
Valerie smirked knowing it was her husband who demanded it.
“Yes mistress your little piggy would like that a lot.” Valerie said with glee in her voice.
“MMMM let me see what about a pig sty on your ass lots of hay all trodden down. Mommy pig that being you, feeding her little piglets to show your breeding. With daddy pig his snout going in your wide open cunt that I do like,” she sniggered.
“On the other cheek a pictorial of you on your breeding stool MZ Piggy above your head, with lines of black guys ready to fuck you. What do you think of that my piggy cunt?”
Valerie’s heart sank, but blurted out, “Yes Mistress whatever is your wish.”
“At times my little piggy cunt I could kiss you for being so obedient. You will be fucked soon enough.”
“Yes my Mistress,” Valerie said. Knowing she was beaten by this black goddess who had control over her but at the same time a urge came over her to to eat out her Mistress black cunt .
Give that ass two days rest want it nice and smooth for your tattoos. Do try not to get it fucked you hear me piggy hard as that is for you.
All this because she loved black cock, was it worth it Valerie now had her doubts.
The next two days for Valerie felt like murder apart from guys coming to her to pinch and slap her tits all it seemed were under instructions not to fuck her or mark her ass anymore. Ohhh how she wanted black cock in her again but the thought of her impending breeding managed to cheer her up, she would get more than enough then.
On the third day her Mistress called for her. Valerie requested permission as entering without would mean a beating.
“Approach MZ piggy,” she heard her Mistress say. How Valerie hated being called that.
“Come let me look at you bend over show me your ass,” her Mistress ordered Valerie did as requested.
What do you think Si that white piece of meat good enough to tattoo? “It will be my pleasure came the reply.”
Valerie meets Si your tattooist this will be done using tribal methods. Needles “We have progress from thorns” she giggled. Ground up black rock with resin applied with bone hammer. What do you think of that MZ piggy?
“Whatever is your wish Mistress” Valerie replied, cringing at the thought.
“Approach me now my little piggy face on,” she heard her mistress say.
Valerie turned to face her Mistress took the three steps towards her expecting another slap across the face but when she reached her Mistress she was rewarded by a kiss from her that went on and on. At the same time her mistress stuck two fingers right in her cunt Valerie immediately wanted to cum but daring not to.
Ohh my little piggy cunt what a good girl you are pleasing your Mistress by agreeing to everything without question. What a fine black cock whore we have here, I think the best we have ever had. Wanting black cock all the time aren’t you girl. “Valerie blushed.”
Her mistress then stopped kissing her withdrew her fingers and turned Valerie around. “ See that roll of cloth piggy lay on it just above your hips spread those white legs wide so Si can see your cunt and ass so he knows were to begin, he is a perfectionist.” She giggled more. “This will hurt my little piggy show me want a big girl you are no tears please.”
Approaching the roll of cloth Valerie lay on it as instructed spreading her legs wide open sweat begging to flow form her body.
Your tattoo piggy will take a few hours Si will start at you cunt first want that snout right in giggling more. When he has done with you two more days rest before that ass and cunt are used without mercy got that my cunt. Can’t wait to decorate rest of your slut body.
“Be a good girl and take the pain piggy” she heard her Mistress say.
“Yes my Mistress,” was all Valerie could utter. As she waited for the terrible pain to be inflicted on her.
“Let me know when finished Si,” she heard her Mistress say. “Of course Miss,” came the reply. Valerie gritted her teeth hard in anticipation as she readied herself for the first blow, knowing tears would surely come.
The first blow landed right on her cunt. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKINGG HELLL escaped Valerie’s mouth. She bucked and weaved. Si said “hold still you piece of white trash whore this is how we do it here.”
OMG not on their cunt lips surely not. Could anyone survive this agony?
Valerie prayed once more to pass out. But still the hammer struck time and again each one sending a shock through her whole body. Cum started to leak from her open cunt as it was hit repeatedly. Slowly the snout grew out of her cunt and the pain started to get more bearable.
Slowly as the pain ceased the tears dried from Valerie’s face Three hours later one cheek had been done. She felt Si stretch her other cheek and began to work on that, the needles driven into her did hurt but with no bones in her ass cheeks it was bearable.
Finally after five hours she head Si say. “Stay right there you cunt your Mistress will need to see.
Valerie lay there in anticipation hoping Si had done a good job and it pleased her Mistress no matter how demeaning it looked.
Valerie heard her Mistress approach. “Ohh yes Si a gorgeous job daddy pig with his snout right in her cunt pawing at it with that trotter wonderful she said. Just a little more hay and make daddy pig black and the piglets black but not so dark and I think you’re done. Did my piggy cry at all? “She asked. “A few the beginning when I was right in her cunt,” she heard Si say.
Valerie lay there waiting for Si to start work on her ass cheeks again not daring to move. But at least Mistress was satisfied with the pig snout in her cunt so no more terrible pain.
“Call me again Si when done we need to show it off to everyone.” Valerie heard her Mistress giggle intensely.
Next moment Si began driving those dam needles into her ass once again. “Not a lot more to do cunt then your all done your Mistress seem pleased.” Si stated.
“All done cunt,” Si stated. “Stand over there bend over and let your Mistress inspect.
MMMM good job Si I like it, Val heard her Mistress say. “Open that cunt up piggy want to see that snout inside.”
“Not like that you fucking whore I said cunt.” Slapping her legs! “Don’t you dare cover those tattoos with your filthy hands?” One final hard slap to her legs! stinging now.
Now my little piggy I see over thirty men wanting to see Si’s work bend over in front of each one and open up your cunt so they can see the work in its entirety.
Valerie of course dutively obliged going from one man to the next opening her cunt for each one. Some fingered her some spat in it one got up to fuck her, looked at her Mistress then declined to do it as Mistress shook her head.
Valerie then heard her Mistress say. “Good girl piggy now come over here, tell me how far are you through your cycle. “I’m mid-way through Mistress,” Valerie replied.
“Perfect give those tattoos two days rest then your breeding will begin. One thing I’m sure you’re looking forward to piggy eh,” she said laughing. “All the men in this village and some from surrounding ones will fuck you to make sure parentage is not known. As there are well over 100 men in this village alone I’m sure it will be a success this will be done in stages piggy fucked for four hours then rest for four, then so on and on for two days in total. If you thought that slutty cunt of yours took a lot of cum in it before you came here your about to get more than you imagine oh yes piggy all holes will be used remember guys need fun as well.”
“Do you agree with that piggy” her Mistress enquired.
“Yes of course my Mistress,” Valerie replied
“Though you would piggy. Oh yes little piggy I’ve decided on how to cover your body with tattoos. It will be a pictorial event from when my husband bought you, the fucking you received there and you your trip over and since. What do you think of that piggy,” she said smiling.
“Yes my Mistress piggy thanks you.” Valerie knew better than to argue with her Mistress as it would only turn out much worse for her.”
“Now go rest that ass. Have to prepare your breeding stool piggy, two days remember.”
“Yes my Mistress,” Valerie replied
The following two days for Valerie did nothing but drag no one even approached her. All Valerie could do was play with herself which she did on show of course. It seems even the protocol of fucking was observed in this hell hole. But it at least gave time for her body to heal soon the marks began to fade.
The days drifted by until she saw something that looked like a torture rack being assembled this consisted of what looked like a human body being stretched out in a spread star fashion. Broader planks at the bottom set at 160 degrees thinner ones at the top set at 140 degrees connected by a thin spar all this sunk into the ground tilted forwards.
Valerie masturbated madly looking at what she was about to be strapped too. Thinking of all that black cock she was about to take until she came and came.
The following morning Valerie found herself strapped to it. Legs and arms spread wide. Ass and cunt raised into the air. Not giving a fuck who saw her tattoos now. Head and fuckholes, at perfect height to be taken and used, at last after four days of no cock now she would get plenty. Ohh, her cunt throbbed in anticipation.
Her Mistress stood before her; black pussy just inches form her face. “You ready for this piggy” she enquired.
“Yes my Mistress of course,” replied Valerie.
“Piggy you are set like this for ease of breeding all holes at perfect height to be used over and over. If a cock is presented to your mouth you will of course suck on it. Master Ziad has given a few of his slaves to aid you in this part but only for sucking purposes nothing else this is your breeding not theirs.”
Her Mistress then parted her skirt, and then pushed her black pussy close to Valerie’s mouth. “Suck on your goddess black pussy my little piggy need that whore white mouth, to make me cum if you are successful I have a little treat for you.” Valerie did it with no thought about the treat she just wanted to please her Mistress she needed to do this.
“God yes my piggy get that tongue in deeper let them all see you pleasing your Mistress come on you fucking white whore lick that black pussy of yours out, at the same time she was slapping her back with her hand .” Moments later her Mistress came in Valerie’s mouth
Ohh my piggy you’re so good, I love you. Sooner have that mouth round my pussy that anyone else’s piggy.
“Oh dear piggy Mistress has marked your back all red now, but looking at it has given me an idea. What do you think of a white cow, that being you, being milked by a black with a huge grotesque cock and you with milk titter cum, cumming all over it? Mmmm I will see Si during your breeding what a wonderful idea, want it covering your entire back. Say good idea Mistress piggy.
“Good idea Mistress” Valerie mumbled, with her face full of black pussy. But thinking can’t be any worse than having a snout right in her cunt.
“Now than my little piggy here is your treat,” holding before her was a clump of white, fat stemmed grass of some kind. “You are about to be fucked by hundreds of men over and over. At first you will enjoy but as they keep fucking you the pain will start my piggy. By chewing on this and taking only the juice from it into your mouth along with my pussy juice the feeling of pain will be diminished keep some in your cheeks to chew on while being fucked. But piggy do not eat it at any cost. You are here to be bred piggy not fucked raw.”
Mistress was right of course as the fucking started Valerie couldn’t get enough she was savoring every cock that entered her no matter what hole was used. She wanted all they gave as they filled her cunt they moved to her ass then onto her mouth when that was overflowing.
This carried on for hours it seemed to Valerie she was enjoying it so much. At last she was being used as she wanted to be, just pure wild sex with black cocks how she loved it. She even looked round to see at least four white slaves sucking the cocks of black men as they queued up to fuck Valerie.
Then it happened a sharp hot stabbing in Valerie’s cunt, as another black cock parted her cervix not painful yet but she did feel it. She decided not to chew on the grass just yet as it might get worse.
The pain in Valerie’s holes got steadily worse now she saw why she was strapped it this contraption. At times it made her grimace at some thrusts. Her Mistress watched and smiled at Valerie’s discomfort.
Valerie then saw her Mistress approach. “Well done my little piggy cunt your first round of fucking has been done let’s hope you have a black baby inside you now! You may now rest those aching holes for four hours then it will begin again and because I saw no tears you will get more pain deadening leaves.”
“Thank you Mistress.” Valerie managed to say as she stumbled away from the breeding stool with cum leaking from her holes.
Valerie could not sit or lie down for over an hour each time she tried the pain shot through her. But such blessed relief when she finally could. She tried to sleep but the sound of her Mistress calling come my piggy woke her from dreams of black cock.
Looking up she saw a new line of black men with hung cocks waiting to fuck her. At this point she decided to chew more on the leaves provided by her Mistress.
Rising Valerie was once again strapped to the breeding stool. “Be a good little piggy again my girl.” She heard her Mistress say.
The fucking, breeding of Valerie was underway once more. She knew more black cock would enter her holes than she ever thought possible and this only round two of twelve, would she be able to sit ever again. As the fucking tempo increased so did the pain but Valerie was determined not to cry as that would mean no more leaves.
Over the next two days Valerie passed from conscientious to unconscientious. Her poor holes all feeling as if on fire, but still Valerie did not cry, not even one tear.
At the end of her breeding Valerie could not move she had been fucked raw by countless black cocks wishing at times no more would enter her. It dawned on her that any animal could just walk up to her and use her in any way it pleased.
Thankfully she saw her Mistress approach. “Oh my little piggy cunt are you some form of fucking machine I’m so proud of you. You are the first girl that has ever took so muck cock without crying. Yes I have the best slave in this village for certain!”
“Now go rest my little piggy, no more cock for you for two days but before that someone will come for a pee sample just to make sure. But if not little piggy back to the breeding stool for you I’m afraid.”
‘Now thank your Mistress for breeding you piggy.”
Yes my Mistress. “Your little piggy slut thanks you for breeding her.”
Unable to walk Valerie crawled back to her hut. Mistress called out. “Make way for my wonderful piggy,” she said, but laughing at the same time at the sight of her. Not a pretty sight as cum leaked all down her legs.
Valerie just need rest, hopefully sleep will come soon.
Valerie was woken thirty six hours later by a foot kicking her night tit. “Wake up you idle bitch,” she heard the man say.
Valerie woke up to see a black man with a bowl in his hand.
“Mistress says you have to piss into this.” He said.
“Open your piss flaps bitch straddle this bowl and piss in it,” he said and held the bowl beneath her. He looked at her in contempt as Valerie did as she was told.
“Not be long before you get fucked again.” He said “and seeing you’re a dirty bitch I will be one of the first to take your cunt.
Valerie thanked him as he left showing her subversives to blacks.
Valerie’s cunt and ass still ached as she tried to move about; slowly feelings began to return to her legs. Thinking back how the hell she managed to get though all those cocks fucking her she will never know, but feeling proud she did.
All this because of what her brother in law had done to her, thinking she was not a good wife to his brother. In some ways she owed her brother in law a lot.
A few hours later she saw Mistress approach. “Good news my little piggy it seems you have a black baby growing in side you. You will be allowed to hold it and offer your tit to it before it is taken from you and sold on to parents of mine and Masters choosing. Never to be seen by you again.”
“Strange don’t you think that baby will fetch at least twice what my husband paid for you? Kind of puts you in your rightful place just a breeding machine.”
“Yes my Mistress.” Valerie mumbled
Tomorrow morning piggy you will allow black cocks to enter you once again. All have been told not to mistreat your body with that black baby inside your much to valuable and that my piggy means I can decorate your body at will.
“Thank you my Mistress,” have no fear I will bring no harm to the baby I have inside me. Your piggy slut thanks you for breeding her.
Such a good little piggy such a darling little piggy you are, with that she left.
The following morning once again Valerie was flat on her back with black cocks queuing to fuck and use her body.
Over the next three years Valerie gave birth to 4 black babies’ three boys and one girl, each time after two or three days they were taken from her.
During the same time Mistress continued to add tattoos to her body until she looked more black than white, all depicting her slavery even illegal beatings she took although none had been done to her since she was bred.
Valerie often looked at the tattoos she could see and thought, my god have I gone through all that.
Valerie woke the following day to expect more of her usual fucking but was informed by a man she had a visitor and was told to crawl to her Mistress.
A visitor who could that be thought Valerie was Mistress about to sell her on, her mind was in turmoil but doing as the man said she started to crawl to her Mistress.
As she neared her Mistress Valerie made out the figures of what looked like white men. Darkness descended on Valerie she was about to be sold to these people.
But as she got closer, these men looked like her husband and brother in law. What the hell was going on Valerie stopped not wanting her husband to see her covered in these tattoos.
“Come little piggy you have visitors,” her Mistress said.
Valerie’s husband turned to look at her, eyes widening as her saw the tattoos on her, “what the fuck,” she heard him say.
Her Mistress then parted her skirt, saying. “You know what to do piggy.” Valerie was about to be humiliated in front of her husband. Valerie of course started to lick her Mistress’s pussy without further question.
“Say hello to your husband and brother piggy they have made a very interesting offer. But first I want you to make your Goddess Mistress cum and swallow all the juices my piggy,” she ordered
After you have done that stand turn and show all the beautiful art work adorning you dirty slut body. Valerie nodded as her Mistress didn’t like her talking into her pussy.
God yes my little piggy whore your Mistress is about to fill you. Mouth open wide piggy, Mistress then parted her pussy lips and squirted straight into Valerie’s mouth both her husband and his brother looked on in amazement.
‘See gentlemen this slut not only likes black cock now but black pussies as well.” She laughed.
‘Hello Brain hello Tom’ Valerie spurted out.
“Turn around my little piggy I want to point out all the interesting tattoos I have had done on you.”
Mistress then looked at her brother in law. “Tom is it,” she enquired “yes he replied,” “Yes Mistress! show some respect just because I’m black doesn’t mean you can disrespect me.”
Sorry, “yes Mistress,” he amended. Valerie smiled inwardly as her Mistress put her brother in law into place.
“Well Tom across her tummy you will see a pictorial of the gangbang you set up for her, there she is walking back home naked.” She sniggered.
“Open your legs slut.” Valerie did as instructed. “Inside of her right thigh you see her in front of her husband being questioned with that dirty writing all over her which you had done. I hated that so have covered it in pictorials. Above her cunt you see property of mistress Ziad and her slave number. Same appears above her ass cheeks with name of piggy which I gave to her due to her color and her slave number.
Along her left leg and thigh, things you have not seen, this was her transportation by boat which shows her being fucked in and out of her cage and being pissed on. No room for it all on that leg so some transferred to her right leg.
“Now you see across both tits something which I am not proud of. This is a pictorial of a beating and fucking she took in another village which I hasten to add was nothing to do with me. This was due to a beating she took the previous day with a whip across her back her own fault she refused to say who did it.”
“The beating with the whip is on her right shoulder my revenge on one of the men who did it is on her left shoulder see me kicking him in the balls.” She laughed.
“But as you can see I am always dressed while piggy has worn no clothes for over three years now. Which of course, aids you in any future plans you have for her?”
“Turn around now little piggy,” her Mistress said. “Valerie did as instructed,” once again to hear a sharp intake of breath.”
“This gentlemen is beautiful don’t you think. Its shows piggy’s first breeding. Mommy sow, that being my little piggy, with little piglets. While daddy boar (oh some unknown black man) has his snout were all men here have been. Right in piggy’s cunt I’m so proud of this. “On the other ass cheek you see piggy strapped to her breeding stool with lines of black men wanting to use all her holes. All holes were then cleaned in piggy’s mouth. Such a good brave piggy she was never a tear escaped her eyes. See out of her cunt and ass Si has tattooed cum leaking from her, this is how piggy looked as she crawled away unable to stand
“On piggy’s back you see her as a white cow with udders showing being used by a man with grotesque cock, the milk signifying piggy leaking cum all over that cock. Si certainly has some good ideas.”
“That gentlemen concludes the tour of piggy’s tattoos, others you see are different fuck positions she has took to please most black men in this village some rather grotesque if I may say, naughty piggy.”
“So what do you think?” Mistress demanded.
“Mistress you have done a wonderful job covering her body is obscene tattoos a sign of a true artist.” Her brother in law said.
“I agree.” Valerie’s husband said” it shows her as the fuck whore she is.”
Right my little piggy sit legs open please. Your husband is about to tell you of his future plans for you.
“Valerie,” he started to say.
Mistress held up her hand. “Please Brian show some respect that is not her name till you get her home, while she is here she is my piggy my breeding sow.”
“Sorry Mistress” her husband said. Another wry smile escaped Valerie’s lips.
“Piggy,” he then stated. “You’re not coming home as my wife this cock will never enter you again. I’m fucking other women now, some black women as well.”
“Instead you’re coming home to be the mother of our children not a day goes by without them asking about you. So in front of them you will be my wife I say speak to you as such all other times you will be silent. So tom came up with this idea were you could be their mother again whist still making money out of you.”
“As soon as they leave for school you will strip naked and be that way unless you have to go out, no matter who calls you will be naked even if friends of yours call let them see you for what you are. I may at times bring women I am fucking to be serviced by you seeing you enjoy cunt now as well.”
“Tom will set up some gangbangs for you with black men of course. These will be sold private as with pictures of your tattoos. In time some may find themselves on mainline porn sites of course but what the hell. I have agreed with your Mistress to pay back half of what her husband paid for you. You will make that up, using your depravity for black cock. “
“So what do you think of that my little piggy?” Her Mistress said.
“Piggy thanks her Mistress but what about all the tattoos covering my body how would I hide them.”
“Come walk with me piggy we need to have a chat.”
“Look I know you don’t want to leave your Mistress but if I am honest with you I was close to selling you over three months ago to theses slave traders. You see dear little piggy that cunt of yours is getting so stretched only the biggest black cock in the village gets any satisfaction from fucking you now, so what will it be like in another three months.”
“Plus the fact I know those tattoos will soon be whipped from your body. But if you go back to your husband not only will you get to see your children, but they are to continue paying me royalties for my artwork on you 25% piggy of what they get from them. Far better than being a whipped slave dragging a plough, because that is all you will be worth in six months’ time, if I sell you on to them. I have spoken to Master Ziad and he is in agreement. As for you clothing I’m sure we can find you a long sleeved shirt and some jeans to wear on your way home. Don’t you agree piggy.”
Valerie looked quizzical; she didn’t give a dam about the tattoos covering her body. Or the fact that at last she was to get out of this hell hole at last. Or even her Mistress the only thing she would miss about her was feeding on her black pussy. She knew she would get more black cock in her and the odd cunt to lick out.
No all Valerie wanted was to see her children again; it sent a warm glow through her heat when her husband said they had asked over her every single day. After having four babies taken from her, who could blame her for that.
No Valerie was delighted back to normal living and oh my god sleeping in a bed again. Washing what hair would grow on her hard again Valerie found it hard to keep her Mistress in suspense until she said.
“Yes Mistress you are right of course. I will agree to go back and continue earning for you.”
‘Ohh my little piggy I love you so,“ her Mistress said.
“Now just a test for your husband before I free you and you will be on your way.”
Valerie walked at the back of Mistress and returned to her husband.
“Right then gentlemen.” Good news. “My piggy had agreed to return with you.”
“But first I will ask the husband if it is true, you will continue to use my piggy the way she is now accustomed.”
“Yes Mistress it is.” Replied Valerie’s husband.
“So you are not taking her back to be your wife again and show her freedom.”
“Not at all Mistress I will use her as stated. She is a wife to me only in name in fact I detest her. This is only for my children’s sake.”
“Come on in men, “said Mistress. All turned to see thirty hung black men walk into the room.
“To me husband,” Mistress demanded. Valerie’s husband did as she asked this made Valerie smile.
“Piggy will be placed over the stool in front of you. In turn all men her will fuck her mouth, cunt and ass. This will show your commitment to me and all in here. You will first open her cunt wide open take the freshly sucked cock take hold of it an plunge it right into her cunt with as much force as you can muster. After that do the same with her ass hole, want to see it gape this will be filmed to start your collection off.”
“As this is the last time I will see piggy fucked I want it to hurt, maybe a tear will flow but after her showing on the breeding stool I doubt it just make sure she feels it husband. If you agree to this humiliation, signal for the first man to fuck her mouth.”
Valerie smiled as she saw her husband wave the first one forward.
First of all Valerie felt a man with a huge cock go deep in her mouth making her choke on it. She struggled to put a bit of a show on, but not enough that Mistress would change her mind and keep her.
Taking it from her mouth with drool hanging from it her husband took hold of it opened her cunt right up and plunged it into her as hard as he could. Valerie yelped to add more effect knowing then that her husband really did detest her. She then felt her husband fingering her ass hole growling at the same time, then taking the cock buried in her cunt, he again plunged it right to the balls in her ass hole saying, “yes you bitch fucking take this.” Valerie shuddered to add effect forcing her mouth deeper down the next cock to fuck her. Knowing Mistress wanted to see her suffer.
She was playing them at their own game and winning. She was about to see her children again all that mattered to Valerie.
The fucking continued for over an hour Mistress often screaming.
Valerie smiled she had won at last. Going back home to comfort instead of a hut but continuing to fuck black cock, with not only her husband knowing, but setting the fucking’s up as well. Ooh she was so happy.
As the last man drained his balls into Valerie’s ass her Mistress walked up to her kissed her on the cheek saying, “I know what you’re up to piggy bitch.” Valerie’s heart stopped for a moment.
“To me husband.” Mistress ordered. “You did a good job there I trust you will keep piggy as I have, never give her an inch and she will serve you well. Handing her husband a piece of paper she said, ”take her she’s all yours.”
Valerie breathed a sigh of relief.
Tom said. “Some clothes for you in the car whore; put them on before we get to the airport.”
Valerie turned to see her Mistress and Master standing there before they were hidden by the dust as they sped away.
Ziad turned to his wife. “Good slave you had there,” “yes I know husband. Did you see the act she put on just to see her children again but she deserved it. Think she was fooling me did she! More black than white that one now.
Far to willy for those two wimps. She will take them for all there worth and then more. But I wonder if she realizes this has all been set up to get her and her daughter here as well. A fine young slave she will turn out to be if anything like her mother
Don’t worry in a couple of years when her cunt has retightened due to less cock, I will get her back along with that sweet daughter of hers. Take them by force if you have to. The bitch thinks she is free never in a million years she and her daughter are mine. Set the ball rolling husband in eighteen months dear.” “Yes my love anything for you.” Mistress smiled.
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