Chapter 166 The Submissive Concubine
General Wang barked out a command and a pair of soldiers leaped forward to undo the ropes that bound Erika’s yoke to the general’s chariot.
The beautiful blonde wanted nothing more than to sink to the ground in exhaustion or at the very least to bend over with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. The last hundred yards or so up the steep incline had been the most arduous of all. The muscles in her thighs were burning, her bare feet were bloodied, and her heart and lungs felt as if they were about to burst. Nor had her exertions led the general to spare the lash Time and again the general’s whip had bitten into her backside or curled around her flank to nip at the sides of her naked breasts. But, despite the agony of her ordeal somehow she found the strength to stand tall and meet the gaze of the welcoming party, while the two soldiers did as they had been commanded.
Though Erika’s shapely body was caked with dust and blood, and sweat and her lovely face bore the tracks of more than a few tears, her posture remained proud and indomitable while the soldiers struggled with the ropes. The two men, grimy with dirt, and smelling of stale wine, lingered at their task, fumbling clumsily with the ropes for as long as they dared in order, to prolong their encounter with the general’s nearly nude captive.
They made no attempt to hide the pleasure they took in manhandling their statuesque captive as they liberated the yoke from the chariot, while leaving Erika tightly bound to the yoke itself, her aching arms outstretched to their limits, her superb breasts displayed to obscene perfection by the tight leather straps which framed them.
Although she was only yards from the entrance of the general’s forbidding fortress, and could only guess at the horrors that awaited her within, Erika did her best to face the welcoming party boldly, returning their lewd appraisals with all the defiance she could muster.
By the gods, wondered Cheng, the general’s bespectacled young adjutant, as he eyed Erika’s near nudity, how could a woman who was clearly on the verge of exhaustion, be so alluring? It was the fire, the defiance in her sky-blue eyes, he thought, that set this young European woman apart from the dozens of other young damsels the general had subjugated to his will. A crooked smile crossed his mouth; this one would surrender, too, in time, he knew. They always did. And what sport it would be to break her!
Lu Chow, the obese Commissioner of Corrupt Practices, wiped the perspiration from his face. He had only walked fifty yards across level ground to join the welcoming party, but he was breathing heavily and sweating like a late-summer pig. But it was the sweat on Erika’s glistening body that drew his attention; he focused his gaze on the valley between her gorgeous breasts, hoping that it would not be long before he would be given the opportunity to cram his short, thick manhood between those sweaty mounds and saw his cock back and forth between them to the point of ecstasy before anointing them with his slick, slimy seed.
Sang Chu-ming scratched at his beard thoughtfully. He had spent that morning touring the dungeons of the general’s castle making sure that none of the chains and shackles had become too rusty, and that all the implements were in order. The general was a stickler for planning and preparation, he knew. As his deep-set eyes raked Erika’s bare flesh, he pictured her in one of the cells he had inspected. Standing on one leg, bent at the waist, both arms and one leg drawn painfully high behind her by chains, so that all her weight was borne by one shapely leg that was shackled to the floor. But that was not all! Her defenseless breasts hanging downward, in thrall to a pair of tight-gripping nipple clamps each of which was attached to a chains that tugged them toward the floor. But the other end of the chains were not simply affixed to the floor -- they were wound around miniature capstans, so that the pressure on her tortured breasts, and indeed on her entire body, could slowly be increased by tightening the tension of the capstans. An evil smile creased the gaunt face of the counselor , for that was but one of the torments that awaited their full-breasted young prisoner.
Despite her exhaustion, and despite the salacious leers of Lu Chow and Sang Chu-ming, Erika sensed that some of the less exalted courtiers in the welcoming party seemed uncertain how to react. They seemed not to be able to make up their minds whether to devote their attentions to kowtowing to the ruthless general or to eyeballing his new slave. Their heads and hands and shoulders were inclined toward the general in attitudes of respect, but their eyes were on Erika Weiss.
The well-toned blonde was still clad only in the bizarre leather ‘garment’ that was really only a collection of brown leather straps. Two pairs of straps were drawn tightly across her chest, just above and just below her tempting pleasure-globes, which by now were well-marked by the general’s whip and the bamboo cane of Jasper Slegg.
Her torso was nude save for the slender connecting strap that led from the straps below her breasts, down to a minuscule crotch piece. That tiny triangle of leather gave way to a thin strap that almost disappeared into the cleft between Erika’s lash-marked bottomglobes before completing its final bumpy journey along her spinal column where it was eventually secured to the obverse side of her breast straps.
The general puttered about, greeting the various dignitaries and courtiers who had come out to greet him at such length that Erika was almost sure that he had done so to give them all plenty of time to examine his new trophy, whose rounded shoulders were still so tightly – and cruelly - bound to the yoke that her bold-nippled breasts were thrust forward for the delectation of any who cared to gaze upon them.
“Give this filthy wench a quick clean-up and then bring her inside!” barked the general Then, turning to the woman in the jade green qi pao, he asked, “I trust that Miss Ting is awaiting my arrival? I am anxious to give our new slave,” he paused, giving Erika a sinister glance, “her first lesson in the kind of behavior expected from my concubines.”
“I am certain that she is, your lordship,” tshe woman in green answered. As she did so the courtiers and officers began to follow the general into the castle, leaving Erika in the courtyard in the company of half a dozen slovenly looking soldiers and a pair of pretty housemaids.
The general had no sooner spoken the words, “clean her up” when two pairs of soldiers approached, each pair toting a barrel of water. But before any of them could get to her, two other soldiers stepped forward to cut her free from the dreadful yoke. Erika tried to rub her arms and shoulders to improve the circulation, but even as she tried to do so, the two soldiers ripped the sweat-and-blood-stained bondage garment from her body leaving her entirely nude. The sight of her golden triangle gave the people around her pause for a moment, and they stopped to admire her as one might pause before a work of art in a museum. As she continued to rub some life into her aching shoulders it struck Erika once again that many of the people on the general’s island had probably never seen a woman with fair skin and blonde hair before.
Her musing did not last long however, because as soon as the leather garment had been cut away, the first barrel of water was upended over Erika’s head drenching her entire body. It was only then that Erika realized that they had used saltwater and that the biting alkalinity of the brine was seeping into every bruise, every abrasion, ever lash mark that she had borne in recent days.
Despite her gasps of pain, the instant the barrel was empty one of the housemaids raced forward armed with a tough-bristled scrub brush and a small block of some kind of gritty soap. The alacrity of her approach – coupled with the swiftness of the soldiers in coming forth with the water – was clear evidence that on Zhoushan Island, the general’s commands were obeyed instantly – at least while he was around.
The maid with the brush and the soap attacked Erika’s lash-marked body swiftly and roughly, removing the sweat and blood and dirt with admirable thoroughness, but abrading a great deal of skin as she did so, with every brush-stroke eliciting winces of pain from Erika.
“Wait!” the second housemaid said. “This is not necessary.” Although her attire was simple, She approached Erika with a soft cloth and gently finished the job of cleaning the surface dirt off her body. It was a poor substitute for a hot bath, thought Erika, but she gave the good-hearted maid – who looked strangely familiar - a grateful smile for her kindness.
When she was done the maid stepped away and signaled the soldiers to pour the second barrel of water over Erika to rinse off the soap. And another cascade of flesh-stinging brine searched out her every injury. Moments later the maid approached again, this time with a flimsy white robe. “It is much too small, I know, Miss, but it is all I have.”
Erika was struck by the pretty young woman’s decency and courage. Surely it was almost foolhardy for her to offer succor to a new slave. “What is your name,” she whispered.
“Lily. My name is Lily, Miss.”
“Thank you, Lily. You have been very kind.” Aside from a few self-serving courtesies from Tranh, the Vietnamese cook on the Yangtze Dragon, she couldn’t remember the last time someone had been kind to her. She silently vowed to repay Lily’s charity if ever given the opportunity.
As Erika slipped into the tiny robe – Lily was eight or nine inches shorter than her and much slimmer of frame than the athletically built German girl -- Lieutenant Meng re-emerged from the castle.
“She is ready,” Lily announced.
Meng gave the robe a surprised glance, but shrugged and said nothing. He grasped Erika roughly by the arm and led her through the great doorway of the castle, with Erika still tugging at the panels of the robe in an attempt to bring them together so that she could button them, but without much success. As she approached the general’s entourage she was supremely conscious that not only did the robe reach only to mid-thigh, she was unable to close it. There was a two inch wide gap of bare flesh running down the center of her body. Despite having had her body fully or almost fully exposed for many days to dozens of men, she was still mortified by her present plight. Her spirits were not boosted by the mocking titters she heard as Meng led her toward the group of people. The general was apparently regaling them with the story of his somewhat unpleasant crossing on the “Yang-tze Dragon,” a vessel without the slightest pretense of the amenities befitting one of his status.
“But at least, my friends,” he concluded, “I have something to show for my journey on that miserable ship…” and he gestured toward Erika.
Once again Erika cast her eyes over the group around the general. Lu Chow, the obese and corrupt politician who had taken part in the depraved banquet at George Chan’s house so many months ago, was clad in a yards and yard of rich purple fabric, The Commissioner of Corrupt Practices, Lu ran his fat, greedy tongue over his lips as he appraised the latest addition to the general’s harem of sex slaves.
“Ah, Miss Weiss, is it not?” he greeted Erika with faux hospitality as his beady eyes fastened their gaze on the opening in her robe. “So nice to see you again. Hopefully,” he added with a lecherous grin, “we can renew our acquaintance at the earliest opportunity.”
Erika was bemused by his false courtesy. His splendid robes could never hide the fact that at heart he was every bit as vicious and twisted as the worst of the crewmen on the Dragon. Erika tried unsuccessfully to suppress a shudder of disgust as she remembered having been forced to fellate the fat cock of the commissioner at the banquet of cruel debauchery hosted by George Chan so many months ago. .
“Is my uncle well?” the general asked Lu Chow. Erika remembered the general’s octogenarian uncle, whose body looked impossibly frail, but whose long, sharp fingernails had drawn blood from her breasts.
“He is not strong, your excellency, and is lying down in his room. But I am sure that he, too, will be refreshed by the sight of your guest.” The commissioner gave Erika another wicked smile, one that spoke of depravities beyond measure.
“Very well. We shall see him later. But first I would like to introduce our guest to Miss Ting. Is she in her rooms?”
“Yes, of course, general. She is awaiting your arrival.”
Hearing that comment, most of the courtiers and servants drifted away, leaving only General Wang and Lu Chow, who apparently wished to pay his respects to Miss Ting, and Lieutenant Meng, whose strong hands continued to hold his scantily clad prisoner in an iron grip.
The party of four passed through a great entrance hall, and Erika looked around in wonder at the richness of the furnishings. Lush, thick carpeting, wallcoverings of scarlet and gold occasionally interrupted by priceless tapestries. In dozens of glass cases, the products of several dynasties were on display -- beautiful pieces of china and porcelain, ancient woodworking, a priceless collection of medieval weapons and armor. All of them, Erika had no doubt, had been looted from the people of China by General Wang and his ruthless cronies.
The great hall gave way to a long corridor with a crimson carpet, at the end of which stood a richly embossed door.
The general knocked sharply on the door and then opened it. Erika gasped as her eyes swept the room taking in the contents of the lavishly furnished boudoir of Miss Ting, who evidently was the general’s favorite concubine.
Then she gasped again as she looked down and saw the sole occupant of the room, a beautiful young woman with lustrous black hair and hauntingly beautiful eyes. Her only garment was a brief chemise of white gossamer silk that reached only to the tops of her bare thighs and against which the taut nipples of her apple-sized breasts poked aggressively. Ting knelt submissively on the carpet, holding the stock of an evil-looking whip between her pearl-white teeth.
“Welcome home, your excellency,” the young concubine whispered submissively.
Erika needed only those four words to know that the spirit of this lovely creature had long ago been broken. How long, she wondered, would her own courage hold up in the face of unspeakable sexual tyranny?
“Very good, Ting, I am pleased. You are progressing well. Oh, but I see that you are unable to greet our new guest. Let me take that,” he added as he took the whip from her mouth and ran it through his hands caressingly. “This,” he added, inclining his head slightly in Erika’s direction, “is our newest guest, Erika. She is quite lovely, isn’t she?”
“Yes, my lord. Ting raised her eyes timidly toward Erika, “Ni hao,” she whispered so softly that Erika could barely make out her words.
Erika returned her greeting, “Ni hao.” Erika was astonished that Ting seemed neither angered nor surprised by the sight of the general escorting a half-dressed young woman through the castle.
“Ting, please tell our new friend. What is the most important quality I expect in my … guests?”
“O-obedience, my lord,” Ting stammered nervously.
“And have you learned obedience in my service, Ting”
“I have tried, my lord. I have tried very hard.”
“Let us see how well you have learned, Ting. Let us show our new guest what is expected of her.”
The beautiful Chinese girl tried to suppress a shiver. “Yes, my lord. What is it you wish?”
“You know what I wish. Take your position.”
“Y-yes, my lord.” Ting rose to her feet, her body trembling.
Erika could see that the girl’s bare legs were lovely. Beneath the hem of her transparent chemise, Ting’s impeccably groomed delta of wispy pubic hair was strikingly beautiful. The nipples of her plump breasts danced enticingly beneath the gauzy fabric.
“What is the first chapter in your lesson, Ting?”
“I-I am to remove my garments, my lord.”
“Do so, please. Slowly, as I have taught you.”
Her hands trembling, Ting reached for a golden clasp on her shoulder and unhooked it, letting the chemise slip off one bare shoulder.
“Now the other.”
Flushing, Ting undid the clasp on her other shoulder, letting the garment slide partways down her chest, catching it at just the right moment, so that it revealed only the upper slopes of her delicious breasts.
Erika, standing next to Lu Chow, could hear the fat man smacking his thick lips in anticipation of the erotic delights that would surely ensue.
“Continue, Ting.”
Blushing with shame, Ting slowly slid the chemise down over her succulent breasts, unveiling her dark, delicate nipples.
“She is exquisite, general, exquisite,” Lu Chow enthused. “And so well trained.”
“Yes she is. But let us see if she remembers the rest of her lesson. Continue, Ting.”
The beautiful young woman let the top fall to her waist, and then lifted the hem of the garment and intertwined it with the upper part of the chemise, so that she was naked save for the makeshift silken sash she had created around her slender waist.
Despite her empathy for the poor young woman, Erika could not take her eyes off the spectacle taking place before her. Ting’s lovely complexion was of burnished gold, darker than that of many Chinese, as if she had spent many hours lying out in the sun.
“Continue, Ting.”
Ting was visibly trembling now, as she spread her legs until they were perhaps two feet apart. Lu Chow was breathing even more heavily now as his eyes raped the delicate folds of flesh guarding Ting’s most intimate treasure.
“Very nice, Ting. Go on.”
Ting lifted both of her arms upward, crossing them above her head by forming an X with her wrists.
“Why do I have you place your arms over your head, Ting?”
“So that my br-br-breasts will be more pleasing to you, my lord.”
“Yes, you have learned well, my dear. They are most pleasing indeed. Is it not so, my friend?”
Lu Chow was speechless with lust as he feasted his gaze on Ting’s ripe breasts, so proudly lifted by her upraised arms.
“Now we will move on to part two of your obedience lesson for today, Ting,” General Wang sneered as he ran the whip through his fingers.
“Which number is considered most unlucky in China, Ting?”
“Four, my lord.”
Erika knew this to be true. The Chinese word for ‘four’ and the Chinese word for ‘death’ sound almost exactly the same, and for centuries many Chinese people have deemed the number ‘four’ to be unlucky.
“And how many tails does the whip that you presented to me have?” Erika could see that four tails of tough leather, studded with evil-looking knots, extended from the sturdy handle of the whip.
Ting swallowed. “F-four, my lord,” she whispered faintly.
“And how many strokes of the whip am I about to give you?”
“F-four, my lord.”
“On which parts of your body will I strike you?”
“Wh-wherever it pleases you, my lord?
“And how will you show your obedience as I deliver them?”
“I am to try to remain still, my lord, with m-my wrists crossed above my head. And I am to try not to cry out.”
“You had better do better than ‘try’, girl, if you know what’s good for you,” the general snapped. “What will happen if you lower your hands or move your feet?”
“Th-the count will begin again.”
“And if the count were to begin again, and you were to be so disobedient as to fail for a second time … Ting, tell our new guest what happened the day that you failed twice.”
“My lord, you took me out into the courtyard, and ordered your men to stake me out on the ground.”
“Face up or face down?”
Ting gulped at the dreadful memory. “F-facing the sun, my lord.”
“Ah yes, I remember now. They stretched your pretty limbs about as far as they could be stretched that day, didn’t they? Was it as painful as it looked, Ting?
“Yes, my lord. Very painful.”
“Refresh my memory, Ting. Was it a hot day that day?”
“Yes my lord, it was in August. One of the hottest days of the year.”
“Were you out in the sun long, Ting?”
“All day, my lord. From dawn to dusk.”
“Why you must have gotten a dreadful sunburn, then?”
“Y-yes, my lord.”
“And when dusk came, what happened then?”
“Your men brought me back inside, my lord, and you whipped the front of my body again. But this time I was stronger. I did not move.”
Erika shuddered in horror at the thought of this delicate Chinese beauty baking in the sun for many hours and then being flogged on her sunburnt breasts and belly and thighs.
“So, you learned your lesson, didn’t you?”
“Y-yes, my lord. I hope so.”
“You hope so? Well, let us see if you can show our guest how well I have trained you.”
With that comment, General Wang whipped the four-tailed lash into Ting’s alluring mid-section, leaving a quartet of livid marks across her belly.
Ting let out a sibilant hiss of agony, as Erika averted her eyes in horror.
“Make her watch, Lieutenant. This little lesson is for her benefit.”
Lieutenant Meng grabbed a handful of blonde hair and forced Erika to watch as the flogging of Ting continued.
CRACCKKK!!! The general’s second blow scalded the tops of Ting’s thighs. She grimaced in agony, but held her ground, although it took every ounce of her strength and resolve not to lower her out-stretched hands.
The general studied the imprints left by the knotted tails of the whip; he had used it scores of times on beautiful young women and it never failed to disappoint.
“You know where the next blow will fall, don’t you, Ting?”
“O-on my breasts, my lord, if it pleases you to strike me there.” Ting’s entire body was quaking now, and her delectable nipples were quivering with fearful anticipation.
“Yes, it does please me, Ting.” The warlord took good aim at Ting’s golden love-globes, and then lashed them viciously, the knotted tails of the whip curling around her breasts like fiery tentacles.
“NNNGGGGHHHH!!!!!” It was all Ting could do to suppress a scream of agony, but she knew that if she failed the count would begin anew.
Erika’s heart went out to the poor girl. How long, she wondered, had this beautiful concubine been forced to endure such dreadful abuse at the hands of her cruel master?
“Such lovely marks,” the general mused. “On such lovely breasts.” He moved closer to better inspect the result of his most recent lash. The whip had not broken the skin, but it had visited Ting’s lust-mounds with frightful force, leaving trails of fiery scarlet in its wake.
But then the warlord returned to the matter at hand.
“How many more strokes, Ting? Have you been counting?”
“Only one more my lord,” Ting answered meekly. “Unless it pleases you to give me more.”
“A fine answer, Ting. A fine answer indeed, is it not so, Lu Chow?”
The corpulent commissioner grunted his assent. The more strokes across this lovely concubine’s quivering breasts the better, as far as he was concerned.
“Where do I usually deliver the fourth stroke, Ting?”
“Between my… my legs, my lord.” Ting whispered almost inaudibly.
“That’s right, Ting. And I am a man who respects tradition.” With that comment, the general lowered the lash to the carpeted floor and then swept it up skillfully into her moist cleft.
Ting’s lovely almond eyes rolled back in agony. The burning tails of the lash had found her glistening clitoris and set it alight. As Ting wobbled unsteadily, struggling desperately to maintain the required position, Erika thought for a moment that the poor creature might pass out. But she did not. Perhaps, Erika wondered, it might have been better if she had fainted.
It took the beautiful courtesan fifteen or twenty seconds to regain her poise. “Is the lesson complete, my lord?”
“Ting, you have done very well,” the general admitted grudgingly and with a certain pride. “But today’s exercise is not quite finished. My friend Lu Chow has been watching your lesson with considerable interest, is it not so?”
The fat commissioner’s visage was a mask of sadistic lust. He nodded enthusiastically as his eyes traced the whipmarks on Ting’s nude body.
“Pleasure him, Ting. Right here, right now.”
“But my lord… here … in front of these …”
Ting’s reticence was met with another vicious whiplash across her throbbing breasts.
“NNGNHHHHHH!!” Ting moaned despairingly.
“Now, I said. Go to him. On your knees.”
Ting’s golden complexion was rosy with humiliation as she dropped to her knees and knee-walked across the carpet toward the corpulent politician.
“Take it out.”
Lu Chow broke into a leering grin as the beautiful concubine reached inside his robes and extracted his fat cock.
“Caress it, Ting. With your fingertips. Up and down the shaft.”
Erika looked on in revulsion as Ting, her dark eyes haunted with the fear of incurring the general’s displeasure, fingered the commissioner’s fat little penis.
“Now use your tongue. Slowly, Ting, slowly. It is a woman’s duty to enhance a man’s pleasure, not to rush it. Now take it in your mouth. Very good. Get it nice and wet.”
Timidly, hesitantly, the raven-haired beauty proceeded to worship the cock of the Commissioner of Corrupt Practices with a skill that belied her years. Cupping his hairy balls in a tiny hand, she slowly licked upward along his shaft, drawing a gasp of pleasure from the obese politician. She caressed his testicles gently, as her tongue worked its moist pink magic down one side of the swollen cock and then back up the other.
Sliding closer, she brushed her tender young breasts from side to side against Lu Chow’s ugly, purple-veined phallus letting him feel the tautness of her nipples and then she pressed her treasures together, and slid them up and down his throbbing member as he groaned with delight.
“Is she pleasing you, Lu Chow?”
“Pleasing me? It’s harder than the Great Wall, my friend!”
“Yes, Ting has learned well under my tutelage, has she not?”
Ting’s wet tongue danced around the head of Lu’s penis, kissing, licking, teasing its head, her warm breath further inflaming his lust, while her fingers stroked the length of his cockshaft, coaxing it to ever-greater length and hardness.
As the beautiful fellatrix continued her depraved task, the general turned his attention to Erika Weiss whose stomach was in knots from watching the repulsive sexual display.
“I hope you, too, are a good learner, fraulein. If you are not, it will be all the worse for you,” the general snarled. “Obedience, fraulein. Obedience and submission. Those are the two iron laws of Zhoushan Island. Here disobedience is punished by discipline of the sort you witnessed a few moments ago.”
Then the warlord turned back toward his lovely concubine. “Now suck, it Ting. Suck it long and suck it hard. For that is the purpose of your life. To please men. Take it deep down your throat! Deeper, deeper! You can do better than that!”
The tearful, gagging young beauty redoubled her efforts, accepting more and more of Lu Chow’s fat man-weapon into her mouth. Breathing heavily, the corpulent commissioner grabbed two handfuls of Ting’s silky black hair and drove his cock forward vigorously until his hairy balls were slamming into Ting’s lower lip and dimpled chin. A few seconds later Lu Chow emitted a groan of pleasure from deep within his loins and sent the issue of his lust spurting into Ting’s mouth and face, inadvertently dripping some of the dregs of his copious seed onto his purple garment.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! So good. That was so fucking good. Thank you, your excellency!” he went on, bowing abjectly to the general, before noticing that he had soiled his robe.
“ I must … I must change my robe,” he muttered as he retreated from Ting’s elegant boudoir.
“Yes, my lord?” Ting mumbled as she wiped at her semen-streaked face and hair.
“Is your mother in her chambers?”
“Yes, father. She is awaiting you.”
Father! Erika’s jaw dropped at this revelation. Her head was spinning as she tried to make sense of the unspeakable horror she had just witnessed. If the wicked general could be so unspeakably cruel to his own daughter, what kind of horrors awaited her? Swiftly the general and Lieutenant Meng escorted her across Ting’s boudoir toward the door which led to the chambers of Ting’s mother.
When the general threw open the door, Erika’s eyes fell on the sole occupant of the room, a beautiful Chinese woman in her mid-thirties with lustrous black hair and hauntingly beautiful eyes. Her only garment was a a brief chemise of white gossamer silk, which reached only to the tops of her bare thighs and against which the turgid nipples of her ripe breasts poked audaciously. She knelt submissively on the carpet, with the handle of an evil-looking whip in her mouth.
Seeing virtually the same scenario for the second time in half an hour, Erika was reminded of a chance comment her lover, Daniel Kauffmann, had once made about a recently discovered psychological phenomenon called ‘déjà vu’ – the reliving of an experience for the second time. It was eerie, no it was more than eerie, to see Ting’s mother submitting to the evil general in precisely the same ritual.
“Welcome home, your excellency,” Ting’s mother whispered fearfully as she proffered the whip to the general’s extended hand..
{Author’s note: Some of the events in this chapter were inspired in part by a wonderful episode (if you share my particular tastes in erotic literature) in one of the most exciting BDSM novels I have ever read. I believe it was published in the 1990’s under more than one title, but the version that I read was titled, “Girl Tamers.” “Girl Tamers” was written by ‘Pamela’, who has posted a number of stories on this website, although not that particular favorite of mine. I borrowed some of the key elements in the chapter ( a deliciously sadistic Chinese-American father who requires absolute obedience from his beautiful daughter, the flogging, the sunburn, the mother’s end of chapter appearance) but I hope I did so in such a way that ‘Pamela’ herself might not have recognized my ‘theft’ until the very end of the chapter. After all, her story was set in contemporary America, and mine is set in late 19th century China.
In any event, I hope ‘Pamela’ will forgive my respectful literary borrowing . I encourage you to check out her stories, many of which are very fine indeed.
If you enjoyed this chapter, much of the credit belongs to her. If you didn’t enjoy the chapter, it’s my fault, not hers.
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