We left Bornholm on July 6th. I had given Louise her indenture papers on the 4th
but the weather was too bad to return to Shropshire. Life was a little difficult
for her particularly during the first few weeks at home when all the people she
met knew her as her old self and treated her as the person she was but we had
expected that and I tried to be with her as much as possible. She joined the
naturalist's club and found that just from the few weeks observations and
reading on the island, she could converse with and understand other members on
animal and bird life. She was especially keen on sea birds.
We returned to Bornholm towards the end of August to film some of the final
stages of the chicks we had seen hatch earlier. One morning she was up early
even though it was raining hard. After making a pot of tea she dragged me out of
bed and down to the loo. We sat, as we often did these days, side by side on the
seat. She said, "Do you know what today is?"
Puzzled, I struggled to think whether is was the day of the week or the day of
the month she was asking. I shook my head.
"Its September 4th." The date started to ring a bell but I couldn't remember
"You said that two months after my indenture finished I could ask you again to
marry me, so as we sat here last time I am asking you again. Will you marry me?"
"Of course dear." Naked we kissed, fondled and returned to bed to consummate our