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Becoming Her Maid

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Becoming Her Maid (Revised Edition)

All the usual disclaimers.  You must be over 18 to read this.  This story is
pure fantasy.  You have been warned!

NOTE:  This story is one of my earlier works.

     Where do I begin?  I had interviewed five women but none of them seemed to
fit the job properly.  It was three weeks and no one came by or called about the
job.  I really needed someone to cook and clean the house badly.  Once a husband
is gone you really begin to appreciate all that he did for you, especially being
financially secure.  He used to do a lot of stuff for me and after five years of
his absence I decided to hire a maid.  I was glancing at my ad again and
     "This time if someone comes I am not going to be so picky about
everything."  I placed the paper down, and went to take a shower.  Despite my
age you can say that I am still quite attractive.  I have black hair and
hazel-green eyes.  I wear lots of silky blouses and skirts.  I have a huge
assortment of styles and colors.  I was continuing to wash myself when the phone
rang.  I thought it could be someone answering the ad so I rushed to get to the
     "Hi, is this Ms. Emily Johnson?" Her voice seemed quite young.
     "Yes it is."
     "My name is Donna Stanton.  I am interested in the position you are
     "Finally a caller."  I thought to myself.  "Yes, would you like to come in
today around 10:30 for an interview?"
     "Yes I would." She said.
     "Great, I will see you then."
     "Okay, thank you."
     I was ecstatic.  I had a new applicant, and "maybe this would be the one?"
I thought.  Promptly at 10:30 the doorbell rang,
     "Hi my name is Donna.  I called earlier about the maid job."  She was no
more than nineteen years of age.  Being in my forties made me wish for my youth
again.  Still she was a bit older than the other ones that applied.  She had
blond hair and strikingly, beautiful blue eyes,
     "Hi, please come in.  I am Ms. Johnson."  I took her in the living room.
"Make yourself comfortable.  Do you have a resume and references, Donna?"  I
took a good look at her and thought, "Oh, no, I hope she is not a bubble head
blonde; and she is chewing gum, but I can't be so picky this time. She has to be
the one."  She handed over her resume and reference sheet,
     "Very nice, Donna.  I see you have done some nanny work as well, so you
have done some cooking too?" I asked.
     "Yes I have."  She said.
     "Good, I will need someone to do some cooking on occasion, is that a
     "No, not at all."
     "Great, why don't you remove your coat, and I'll hang it up for you.
     "Sure."  Donna just grinned with a childlike expression.  She removed her
coat, revealing a very sexy maid's outfit.  It was black and white with all the
proper trimmings.
     "My God," I thought,  "she sure is confident about this job, well maybe
that is a good thing.  Now, why don't I show you around the place?"
     "Cool."  She said as she popped a bubble from the pink gum in her mouth.
     "As you can see, the place is a real mess.  The rugs need washing and
cleaning.  The kitchen is also filthy, and those windows need work.
     "Sorry, I don't do windows, Ms. Johnson."  I frowned, but I was trying not
to be so picky this time.
     "Well I hope you at least do bathrooms, as you could see..." Donna cut me
     "Ms. Johnson, I do not do bathrooms.  Perhaps you should find someone else
in that department."  Her tone was matter-of-fact, almost command-like, rather
than a statement.  She blew another bubble.  I was obviously disappointed, but I
tried not to show it. "Should I find someone else?" I thought, "no, this has to
be the one.  I am desperate right now. I will just have to handle the other
cleaning myself.

     Well you don't object to the rest of the work around here do you?"  I asked
with my best, firm voice. I don't know why I was so nervous in her presence. 
After all I was the one in charge here."
     "No, not at all Ms. Johnson." She looked directly into my eyes.  Her eyes
were so blue, almost mesmerizing.  I got lost in them for a second,
     "Ummm, very well then, can you start today dear?"  I asked in a real soft
tone.  I really should have checked out her credentials but I needed a maid
     "No, I will start tomorrow, Ms. Johnson."  She spoke without a flicker,
looking directly at me.  I should have told the little bitch to leave right
there and then, and that she was no good for the job, but for some reason I just
seemed to agree with her.  There was something about her commanding tone.  It
just made my mouth and legs week.
     "Um, well, I guess tomorrow is okay then."  I said rather sheepishly.
     "Good.  I will see you tomorrow, Ms. Johnson."  She grinned with a
childlike expression and blew another bubble.
     The next day, after returning from the salon to have my hair and nails
done, I saw Donna vacuuming one of the rooms.  I couldn't believe it, but she
was actually playing with the vacuum on her breasts.  She was sucking her own
nipples with it. I was shocked and immediately got wet.  I had never thought of
doing anything like that before.  Suddenly I realized she could see me watching
her in the mirror, so I immediately broke off my gaze and pretended I saw
nothing.  However, I did notice that the windows seemed to be much more dirty
than usual.  I mean they were dirty, but now they seemed awful.  I decided to
question her on it,
     "Donna, why are these windows so filthy?"  I asked firmly.
     "I don't do windows.  Why have you forgotten that Ms. Johnson?  I was very
clear about the entire issue.  Now what is the problem?"

     I couldn't believe it.  A young girl, half my age, was talking to me in
this commanding way.  I realized she was right though.  She did say she didn't
do windows.  I softened my tone.  I felt nervous,
     "Well, I mean, I was just wondering how the windows seemed much more
dirtier than yesterday, that is all Donna."  I said meekly.
     "I don't know Ms. Johnson.  I have been cleaning all day long here and you
come in with this kind of an attitude.  Do you always speak to your employees
this way?  What do you have to say for yourself?"  Again she seemed to be
commanding.  I grew nervous as she looked right into my eyes.
     "Um, um, no, well, I mean, you are quite right.  I am sorry Donna.  I had
no place saying that to you."  I was cowering away.
     "Very well then, please see that it does not happen again Ms. Johnson." 
She grinned with a childlike expression and blew another bubble in my face.
     I wasn't sure what to do.  I thought about hiring someone to clean my
windows, but the last time I did that my jewelry was robbed.  I no longer
trusted window cleaners.  I was paranoid I guess.  I just decided to clean them
myself right there and then.  I went into the closet to get the proper cleaners
for the windows and started working on them with a rag.  I could sense Donna's
eyes were watching me as she blew some more bubbles.  Here I was doing the
windows when she was the maid.  I felt somewhat humiliated.

     "Ms. Johnson, you seem to have missed some spots on top.  You know you
really need to put some elbow grease into it and make them shine nicely."

     I couldn't believe she was saying that, the little bitch.  "If she knew so
much about it why wasn't she doing it herself?"  I thought.  I was becoming a
bit angry, but I realized she did not do windows, so I just put a little more
strength into it.
     "That's it, now you are getting it.  What a nice cleaning lady you make Ms.
Johnson."  Her remarks were making feel more humiliated.
     "But look at your blouse, you are getting it all dirty."  She said.  It was
one of my best blouses.  In my fervor I forgot to take it off.  I was a wet
     "Oh my God, you are right, but I don't own any smocks to do this with."  I
looked down at my blouse and frowned.
     "You need to be appropriately dressed when you clean, Ms. Johnson.  I could
lend you my maid's outfit, we are about the same size and you wouldn't get your
clothing all soiled?"
     "Could she really be suggesting that I put on a maid's uniform?"  I
thought, but I didn't know what to do at that moment.
     "Here let me help you out of that wet shirt."  She came towards me.  I grew
nervous.  She started unbuttoning my blouse.  I was becoming wet.  I wasn't a
lesbian or anything.  I was embarrassed.  I think she knew that I was wet down
there.  She removed my skirt.  She started taking her outfit off too.  I thought
she might have had an extra one to lend me but she didn't.
 	"You have nice boobies, Ms. Johnson."  She juggled them a bit.  She blew
a bubble while taking off my bra. 
 	"Uh, I can do that, please."  I said nervously.
     "Nonsense, I am trying to help you.  My bra is a bit too big for you, since
my breasts are much larger, but I think it will do.  We can always put some
padding in it until we get you your own maid's outfit."

     "What was she saying?  The little snot nose."  I thought.  She lifted up my
breasts and tugged on my nipples.  "What was wrong with my breasts?  Could she
be serious about a maid's outfit for me?  Wasn't she the maid?"  I was really
thinking nervous now.  She dressed me up completely.  I felt like a child.  I
was feeling humiliated.  My thoughts rambled on,  "But it was only a dress,
right?  Something just temporary while I cleaned what she wouldn't?"
     "There, now you are ready to do some proper cleaning up around here."  She
was commanding again.  I grew nervous and wet somehow.  "This little tart was
turning me into the maid.  How could I become so weak?" I thought.
     "The bathroom is quite filthy, Ms. Johnson, maybe you should start cleaning
that today too.  I really can't believe your hygiene, are you always such a
slob?" She was looking directly at me.  I was so humiliated.  I never thought of
myself as a slob, but she was right, my bathroom was disgusting.
     "I...I guess you are right."  I said looking down at the floor.
     "Of course I am right.  You don't want your neighbors and friends knowing
how filthy you are, now get to it!"  It was like an order.  I blushed with
embarrassment.  I didn't want anyone to know how dirty the bathroom was.
     "You should start with the tiles and work your way over to the bathtub. 
The floor should be cleaned last, after you clean the toilet bowl."  Her voice
was searing me.  I had no idea that cleaning a bathroom was so hard, "but why
was I doing this?" I was doing every little thing she asked of me like I was the
maid or something.
     "That's it Ms. Johnson, put a little more elbow into it.  You've got to get
it nice and clean so your friends won't see what a pig you are."
     "Did she really say 'pig'?" I flushed with embarrassment.  After arduous
work on the tub, I decided I had enough.  I was worn out.  She quickly said
     "Ms. Johnson, you are not quitting already?"  She walked over to the toilet
bowel and directed me there.  She made me look down into it.
     "Look at all that filth and dirty waste.  The ring is disgusting."  I was
getting nauseous looking at it, but she kept on.  "You really don't want to stop
now do you?  This is the worst part of the bathroom.  How can you live like
this, with such filth?  You can't quit now.  Do you really like looking at that
dirty, pissy, looking water?  Ms. Johnson answer me?"  I was getting dizzy.  She
pulled my hair and head towards her.  I was so tired by now.  I felt like I
would pass out.  I looked into her eyes and realized she was right.
     "No."  I said.
     "No what?"  She insisted.
     "No, I can't quit now.  You are right it is so filthy Donna."  She grinned
with a childlike expression and blew another bubble.
     "Good girl.  I knew you wouldn't let me down.  Now get back to work, and
remember, that floor still needs to be done.  I am going to put something of
yours on me, Ms. Johnson, after all, you are wearing my outfit right now and I
need some clothes.  You don't mind if I go watch some television while you
finish up here now do you?"  She was such a manipulator to suggest wearing my
own clothing, but she had to wear something.
     "Well, really Donna, I mean..." She cut in,
     "What?"  Her voice and eyes went through me again.  I grew nervous.
     "I mean, um, I guess, yes you should."  I said while quickly returning to
my work.  I thought, "this bitch was turning me into the maid!"
     "Great!"  She said while smiling, just like she won something.

     After finishing all the work I flopped into bed and called it a day.  I was
so worn out, but the bathroom was nice and clean and so were the windows.  The
next day I woke up really late around 12:00 noon.  I still had my maid's uniform
on.  I was so tired from the previous night that I had crashed with it on.  I
went to the kitchen and saw Donna reading a book while eating an apple.  She was
dressed in one of my best silk blouses and skirt.  I was angry.  Also, the rugs
seemed to be quite dirty and I didn't understand that since she had just done
them yesterday.

     "Donna, what the hell is going on, and why are these rugs so filthy?"  I
was adamant now.  She stood up and looked directly at me,
     "I don't know.  I thought I did a really good job on them yesterday, but
maybe I missed some spots.  She went over and took out the vacuum.
     "You are not going to do that in my fine clothes?"  I asked.
     "Ms. Johnson, I am just trying to do my job here, after all you are still
wearing my maid's uniform.  Why must you be so indignant?  When was the last
time you cleaned a rug, Ms. Johnson?"
     "Now listen hear..." I started to say.
     "I'll bet you don't even know how to clean a rug or use a vacuum."  She
smiled smugly, looking very proud.
     "I do so."  I said rather childishly.
     "Oh, really."  She said as she went to get the vacuum.  "Here, why don't
you show me?"
     "You bitch!"  I thought to myself.
     "Very well, give it to me."  I took it from her.
     "You don't even know how to turn it on." She laughed.  I was embarrassed.
She turned it on for me and I started cleaning up the living room.
     "You have to push, push it real hard Ms. Johnson.  That is a thick rug."  I
was trying my best with it.
     "You don't even know what proper settings to put it on.  What are you
hopeless, Ms. Johnson?"  She laughed again. I felt so stupid.
     "That's it, and stop missing so many spots, you can do better than that,
can't you?  I guess I will have to help you out and switch uniforms again.  I
was going to go out and buy myself some extra uniforms and clothing for today,
but I guess that will have to wait." She started towards me.  My pussy grew wet. 
I wasn't going to go through that again.
     "Wa...wait a minute.  You are right, go buy your things and I will take
care of the rugs."  I don't know why I said that, but it just seemed easier that
way since I was wearing the uniform now.  She grinned with a childlike
expression and blew another bubble.
     "Very well, Ms Johnson, I think you need to learn how to clean anyway.  I
have never seen such a filthy house."  Her words hit me hard.  I was so
embarrassed at that remark.  She left and went about her business.
     I was so tired, but I decided I was going to make myself something to eat
first before I finished vacuuming the house.  I dreaded the idea of more work to
do but it had to be done.  It was about an hour before I decided to tackle the
remaining rugs.  I resumed my work with the vacuum cleaner.  After finishing the
last rug in the bedroom, I glanced up at the mirror and something had crossed my
mind.  I remembered how Donna was playing with the hose of the vacuum making it
suck on her tits.  I became extremely horny.  I couldn't get that image out of
my mind.  I became overwhelmed with the idea of trying it myself.  I looked at
it and studied it a bit.  She only had the nozzle when she was doing it.  I
realized that she must have taken the main section off somehow.  I figured it
out and took it off.   I looked down at the hose and turned the vacuum back on. 
I took it up to my tits and began to put the end of it on my nipples real
carefully, trying not to hurt myself.  I was holding back my breast with one
hand while fondling the nipple with the hose.  My pussy was drenched.  Suddenly
I looked up at the mirror and saw Donna standing right behind me.  She was
taking snap shots of me with a camera.  I immediately reached down for the off
switch in total embarrassment when she spoke,
     "No, don't stop Ms. Johnson, I can see that you are very horny.  I knew
that you would try it.  I just knew it.  That's it play with those breasts. 
Those nipples of yours are getting quite erect now aren't they?  That's it, move
the hose from one nipple to the next."  I couldn't stop. I was so horny.  She
continued to take pictures of me.
     "Now take the tip carefully down to the top of your clit Ms. Johnson."  It
was like I was being directed for her camera.  "That's it, good girl.  When was
the last time you had an orgasm like this Ms. Johnson?"  She asked, but I
couldn't respond.  I was reaching a climax on the hose.
     "A long time I'll bet?"  She said.  "That's it, fuck that vacuum for me
just like a little whore!"  She commanded and I came all over it.  She continued
to take snap shots of me.  "Did you like that Ms. Johnson?"  She asked looking
right at me while blowing bubbles again.
     "Um, Donna, I don't know what happened I..." She cut me off.
     "Well, I think you just fucked a vacuum, now don't you Ms. Johnson?"  Her
words cut into my mind.  I didn't know what to say.
     "Now, I went out and bought you a proper maid's outfit that will fit you
perfectly.  Wasn't that nice of me?"  She said while smiling.
     "Look here Donna, I am not the maid around here you are."  I said feeling
my strength return to me.
     "No, I don't think so Ms. Johnson.  You see I have all these dirty pictures
of you now, and I know your friends would just love to see you in a maid's
outfit fucking a vacuum cleaner."  She looked right at me, and quickly I grabbed
for the camera.  She slapped me in the face.  I was stunned.  I was no match for
     "If you try that again I will knock your teeth out!"  She exclaimed.
     "Now, Ms. Johnson, have you ever considered changing your hair from black
to blond?" She asked.  I was mortified.
     "No, never I said."  I had always thought that blondes were nothing but
bubble heads.
     "I think you would look just fine in blond hair." She grinned with a
childlike expression and blew another bubble.
     "But Donna, please, I ca..."
     "Shut up.  I have taken the liberty of making us an appointment for 5:30 at
your salon.  I have decided to change my head to red and add a few curls.  You
are becoming a blond."  This was beyond belief. I didn't know what to say.
     "You know you really should try some bubble gum, it will help you get
through the day and all the cleaning chores you will have to do."  She smiled
and blew another bubble.
     "Here, why don't you try some."  She took out the piece that was in her
mouth, "now open wide like a good girl."  I resisted her but she pinched my nose
so I could not breathe, and then I had to open my mouth.  She placed it in my
mouth, "now chew."  She said while squeezing my nose and jaw together to make me
do so.  I hadn't chewed bubble gum since I was a kid.  I felt so humiliated.
     "That's it Ms. Johnson, now blow, blow a nice big bubble for me."  I tried
but it didn't work so well, I was out of practice.
     "We'll just have to work on your bubbles now won't we dear."  She smiled.
Not only was this bitch making me her maid but she was also turning me into a
bimbo.  She told me to get dressed so we could go to the salon.  I did as she
said. What else could I do?
     The next day brought more horrors to me,
     "Ms. Johnson, come here this minute!"  I ran to her from my cleaning in the
     "From now on I think it is much more appropriate that you call me Ms.
Stanton and I call you Emily.  Don't you?"  I was silent for a moment, but then
I spoke up,
     "Um, Donna."
     "What!" She scolded me.
     "I mean, yes, Ms. Stanton."  I flushed.
     "That's better.  Now I want you to come over here and sign this document
for me."  I picked it up and read it.  It was a form giving her power of
attorney over all my assets.  I slammed it down.
     "I will not, you can't make do that!"
     "Oh no, you are forgetting about something?" She cajoled me. The photos
flashed back in my mind, plus she made me play with the vacuum again last night
in front of a video camera as well.
     "Please, Ms. Stanton." I begged.  She twisted my arm. "Owe!"  Now she was
forcing me to do it.
     "Sign here or I will break it off!"  She commanded.  I took up the pen and
signed my entire life over to her.
     "Good girl.  Now get back to work, Emily.  I have invited some guests to my
new home tonight.  They are a couple of your friends from your phone book.  I
know you are so eager to let them see your new position in life."  She smiled
and turned on the TV.

     I was just finishing up at around 8:00 when I heard the door bell ring.  I
was upstairs cleaning the guestroom.  I was about to run down to answer the
door, but Donna did it for me.  It was Jan and Sara, two of my best friends at
the door.
     "Hi, who are you?" Jan asked.
     "Hi, my name is Donna, pleased to meet you and thank you for coming
     "But where is Emily?"  Sara asked.
     "Oh, just a minute."  Donna said, "my maid is cleaning upstairs."  She
smiled at my two friends, but I was listening to it all from the top of the
stairs.  I could barely move to come down.  I was so humiliated.
     "Emily!" Donna Screamed, "you come here this instant!"  I came to the door.
     "Yes, Ms. Stanton?"  I said choking back a tear.  My feather duster was
still in my hand.
     "Say hello to your two old friends."  She said, almost acknowledging the
fact that they would no longer be my friends after they discovered my new
station in life.  I was mortified.
     "Emily?  Is that you?"  Jan asked.  Sara's mouth was open too.  They looked
at me in amazement, seeing my new blond hair and uniform.  My teeth were
chewing away at the bubble gum while my legs were nervously shaking.  It was
just then that I realized how changed my life was.  I had been transformed into
a maid and a bimbo.  I grinned with a childlike expression and blew another

The End

Copyright (c) 2003



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