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Review This Story || Author: The Outsider

Sarit's Letters

Part 2

Sarit's letters, part_2
By the outsider
Sarit tells her parents about the last week.

In the last chapter, I mentioned: U. N. Secretary General Elizabeth Wu and US
President Simpson, and forgot to say that they are used with GW's permission.


1. The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are
under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. ALL of
the characters and the events are made-up.

2. This chapter was inspired by a story written by Llabmik, which is called:
"screaming bitches - a tale of Islamic terror". Thank you for the inspiration.


Dear parental unit.

As you know, I am now the owner of Simon. However, I'm not going to keep her for
long time as I want her to love me. Speaking on Simon, we've made huge step as
she is now referring to me as: Mistress Sarit, and not as: mistress. However, I
still can't have a talk with Simon about her past without having her breaking
into tears and horrible screams as if she is literally being tortured.

As you know, Simon's boobs used to be a full H, however, after talking to Anne:
I was able to have it reduced to a FF. once Simon woke up in the rest-room; she
kissed me and begged that I won't enlarge those boobs. From what she mumbled, I
was able to understand that whenever she was "bad" in the eyes of Mistress
Bitch, the later had her boobs enlarged. I also discovered that Simon's hair
color is: black and dark as the night. Her eyes are: blue, deep and if you won't
be able: you might drown in them. Her skin is as smooth as a silk, and has the
taste of a fig. not to mention her "junction" which has the taste of honey.

Other then that, I went on a tour with Anne which was amazing. For example, we
went to the memorial monument to the victims of the terror here in the good ol'
USA. You know, it is amazing: here we have a country like our. A country that
has the same: regime, tradition (which is very important here in America) and
victims, however, they see the terror against us as nothing but. Just listen to
what I read on the news that the American ambassador, Kimberly L. Babul, said to
a group of Israeli students: "if you think that your government doesn't do
right, you can choose not to do as you are told. That is called a 'citizen
revolution', and it is okay."

I talked about that with Anne, and asked the shocked, poor thing: "if a
"respected ambassador" was declaring that after September 11th, what the
American's would do to him\her?" and she answered: "lynch him\her!"

I asked Anne about her mother, and she told me that story: It all started when
the two friends got to college. Lisa or as she was once known: Rachel Cohen was
a religious woman who most people will call a nerd as she used to wear thick
eyeglasses. Her hair then was as black as a crow, and was in ponytail. She wore
long black dresses with white shirts with bottoms. On her legs she always had
socks and shoes. Everything was great until Lora who was a pledge convinced her
to join her sorority like she was. However, Lora's wish was not "pure" as she
was ordered by her "big sister", but poor, unsuspecting Lisa was about to become
a Lesbian sex-slave.

After that she dropped out of school, and was forced into becoming a strait

She was in this "profession" for five years, until she was kidnapped into
becoming once again a sex-slave. However, this time for a couple who used to
torture her. That all went until she was free, when she gave birth to her
daughter who she called: Anna. As you know: "Anna" means please in Hebrew.

When the girl was old enough, she legally changed her and her mother's name to:
Anne Smith, and her mother's name to "Lisa Smith" so that their past will be
forgotten by all. However, a few years ago Lisa couldn't do her new job as a
maid anymore, and so she was declared insane after suffering from a mental
breakdown.", and her daughter, Anne, was forced to become her own mother's legal
Guardian. If she refused, her mother was to be sent to the loony house.

Anne didn't know what to do until this Lawyer, Geri Phillips, came to her and
after she introduced herself. Then she led Anne and Lisa to her car where they
saw blonde women who wore: red sunglasses, red g-string abbreviated matching red
vest without buttons, red chauffer's cap was standing next to with her head bow
down and her hair was free.

Then when they were closer the chauffer looked at Anne and her mother and said:
"welcome Mistress, where shell we go from here?"

"Home, Wodden." Geri said.

"Very good, Mistress." The chauffer replied, as she opened the door.

Then after the humiliated chauffer opened the door: Lisa was the 1st woman who
got into the car before the strange lawyer, and Anne was the last but she
suddenly stopped as she looked at the chauffer. Lisa recognized the woman, but
she didn't say anything as she got into the car. Then Anne got into the car and
after Geri got in then the chauffer closed the door and went to her seat.

As the car began to move; Geri asked Anne to tell her all about the history of
poor Lisa. Lisa just set there and held her hands tightly around her now small
and weak body. Poor Lisa tried not to attract much attention as she just wanted
to be free, and to live with her beloved daughter who likes her was now hurt
from being in her position while she attended Law school.

Anyway, Anne and I had a talk about the future. In that talk, we agreed that I
need to be sent to a regular school, and not the boarding-school which  she
wanted to send me. Maybe I will have new friends. I sure hope so, as it is very
hard to be ALL alone in a new country. By the way mother: Anne is much nicer
then you used to tell me.

You see mommy; Anne proved that she loves me. Furthermore, she proved that;
there will be nothing that she won't do to get me a future. I love her so much,
however, I don't forget the fight that you two had. But the good news are that:
Anne tries not to let that stand between s, and I love her so.

Love you: Sarit.


Dear mother Anne, please stop reading my mail.

Review This Story || Author: The Outsider
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