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Bruce and Sarah

Chapter 3 A new job?

Chapter 3 A new job?

Sun streamed through the curtains before either of them woke. It was unusual for
Bruce to be in bed this late but as he said to Sarah when she stirred, it was
not usual for him to bath a girl at 3.30 in the morning. Sarah's arse was still
very tender. She wouldn't want to sit for the rest of the day. "You need to
pee?" Bruce asked. Sarah nodded. "Let's see how well you can walk." She could
but groaned with the pain. Bruce carried her and held her over the pan as he had
earlier. This time Sarah pooped even though she tried not to. Bruce didn't seem
to worry. When she finished he wiped the area and gave her arse a kiss. He then
sat on the seat and took a shit himself.

Finding a new toothbrush for Sarah, they both cleaned teeth and washed faces
before Bruce carried her back to the bed. He laid her face up but her bottom
still said no to that position. "Okay, we'll have to postpone the next part of
our agreement for a little longer. Still it's time my cock had some satisfaction
from you." Bruce lay face up on the bed and positioned Sarah on top of him in
the traditional sixty-nine position. Her face was right alongside his hard
prick. She knew what he wanted but was reluctant to oblige. Only after her legs
were parted and his tongue started to stimulate her sexually did she attempt to
satisfy him. At first she only sucked the very end but finding it not unpleasant
gradually allowed it further into her mouth.

"Massage the shaft with your hands as well Sarah." Sarah gripped the base of his
cock in her tiny hands and rubbed up and down the rigid shaft. Meanwhile, Bruce
was tormenting her clit with his tongue until she was almost ready to cum again.
In her mouth, Bruce's cock had started to twitch and she guessed he was near to
cumming as well. Should she remove her mouth? In a bit perhaps. By then it was
too late. Jets of sperm flew from the cock eye to the back of her throat. Some
found its way down. Not much taste to it really she thought and swallowed the
rest then concentrated on rubbing her cunt on his mouth until she too climaxed.
Picking Sarah up Bruce kissed her forcibly on the lips. He could taste his own
spending but didn't mind. Perhaps she could taste her juices on his lips.

"Thanks Sarah. That was great."

Hearing a car pull up outside Bruce peered out of the window and saw a
policewoman emerge. "Get under the bed, and stay there." Bruce instructed Sarah.
He put on a dressing gown and answered the door.

"Good morning Sir, I'm detective sergeant Elaine Willis. I was asked to check if
everything was really alright after your phone call last night and perhaps
advise you on measures to prevent intruders getting in, even if they are only
cats." She gave a little laugh. Bruce invited her in and on being asked, showed
her the open window and the smashed vase. It puzzled the sergeant.

"Are you sure it was a cat Sir?"

"Well I found one in the house so assumed it was."

"I think it might have come in after the intruder had entered. I can't see a cat
knocking the vase from the mantle as far as the door. This has the hallmarks of
a series of burglaries we've had lately. We suspect a young girl but haven't
been able to catch or pin anything on her. Would you mind showing me around the
house so I can check other windows and see if perhaps you notice anything else
missing from other rooms." Bruce wanted to seem co-operative so agreed.

He gave her the house tour until they came to the bedroom. At the foot of the
bed half hidden by the bedclothes, the policewoman spotted a small ladies shoe.
When she picked it up, Bruce knew he couldn't hide the fact he had seen the
girl. Peering under the bed he caught hold of Sarah's feet and slowly dragged
her squealing out into the open. When halfway out he paused so that Elaine could
get a good view of her sore arse.

"This is the cat."

"You did this to her? You know you could end up in prison on assault charges?"

"Only if she presses charges and she won't if I say nothing about the

"I shall have to report it."

"Why? Had you come and taken her away last night you would have had to go
through all the formalities and charges and the court procedure. Then we would
have to pay to keep her in prison. This way the punishment was simple and
probably just as effective."

"Do you want to press charges Sarah?" Sarah, now wrapped in a blanket, shook her

"I would still like to take her down to the station and question her about
previous burglaries."

"You have already done that and found out nothing."

"We would like to know how she gets rid of the jewellery. We think the same
fence is involved with other criminals."

"Well I don't think she is in a fit condition to go anywhere for a day or two
and you don't really have any real right to take her in. She is staying here for
a day or two at least so you'll know where to find her. If I agree to try and
find out who the fence is, can you turn a blind eye to what you have seen?"


"I can't guarantee to find out anything and you wouldn't be able to use it in
court but it might help you with other investigations."

"Okay. I didn't see anything." With that the policewoman gave them her card with
her mobile number and took her leave of them.

It was now late morning. Sarah's arse was too sore for her to put on tight jeans
so had to make do with wearing her duffle coat and nothing under. The coat
barely covered her crotch but as there was only the two of them, it didn't
matter. Because it was late, they decided to make what the Americans call
brunch, breakfast and lunch combined.

"Sarah, do you want to go home and pick up some things? I can drive you if you

"Naah. I don't think I can sit in a car to go home. Or perhaps what used to be
home. Ma told me  'When you're eighteen, you either leave or pay a proper rent
to live here.' She doesn't want me at home, I know. I get in the way when her
boy friends or clients come round. If I leave home I can't afford a place of my
own and will be on the streets. If I stay at home I have to steal enough to pay
my way."

"Why don't you get a job?"

"Have you ever tried getting a job with a criminal record for theft? Without any
qualifications? I have! I've been trying for a job since I left school two years
ago. Yeah, I know about the training schemes. I've been on them too." The
bitterness showed in her voice. "Nothing got me a job for more than a couple of
weeks until my past caught up with me. Haven't seen any adverts for a burglar
lately which is about the only thing I can do and I get caught at that
sometimes. And what about you telling the fuzz I would be here?"

Bruce ignored the question and continued with his own. "At school, Sarah, was
there anything at all that you liked doing?"

"Quite liked woodwork and could have been good at it if I hadn't played truant
so much. Think the old woodwork teacher liked me. Anyways he didn't make me feel

"Were you any good on computers?"

"I was at primary school and then in my first year at the comprehensive but when
computer pieces went missing I got the blame even though for once I didn't steal
them. So I sort of got banned from the computer rooms for most of the time."

"I presume you didn't work very hard at english and maths or languages?"

"Nah, it would have been bad for my image. Hey, what's this sodden interrogation

"Could be a job interview."

"You think I would want to work for someone who has thrashed me so I wont be
able to sit for a week? A bastard who had made my arse so sore and swollen I
can't get my jeans on? Someone who is just waiting to put his cock in my cunt?"


"You are mad!"

"You don't even know what sort of job I would be offering, Sarah. There is still
the question of paying for the vase. And I think you need someone to look after
you and to keep you under control. You can't look after yourself long enough to
keep out of trouble and it doesn't seem that your mother can. You haven't
mentioned a father so I presume he is not there. "

"I've never known him. Not sure ma does for certain."

"Okay then, we'll forget about the job for the time being. What was all that
about the fence the WPC was talking about?"

"You don't think I'm going to grass do you? Think again, Bastard."

"I believe you are the one who needs to think again," Bruce commented as he
picked the small girl up and deposited her over his lap.

"No! No! Noooo! You can't hit me again. You're a fucking pervert. You've hurt me
enough already. You just enjoy hurting me. Why should I tell you anyway?"

"Because it may help to get you off the hook with your other crimes. They may
turn a blind eye especially as they don't seem to have any evidence. And, no, I
don't enjoy hurting you. I don't want to spank you again but if it means putting
other criminals in prison then I will do it. I would have lost some rings and
things had I not heard you the other night and set the alarm for last night. So
start talking."

"No way, fucking bastard!"

"Whap! Whap!" Two heavy swats to her already tender backside had Sarah crying
for mercy. She wasn't the bravest or the toughest of girls. Her small size
precluded her being that. "Okay then, get talking."

Sarah resolutely shut her mouth in defiance. "Whap! Whap!" Two more heavy swats
and she was blubbering like a baby.

"Stop. No more please. I'll tell you." Sarah told how at a previous remand she
had met another woman thief by the name of Gwen who when Sarah had told her she
was in court because her fence had betrayed her gave her the name of the one she
and others used now. His name was John Jenkins and he worked for Ansty's the
high class jewelers in Romford. She had to dress respectably and go into the
shop with a ring she wanted resized. Any old ring. She had to insist the
jeweller look at it personally and would be taken to his workshop at the back.
When he did she slipped him the stolen goods and he would write a receipt for
the ring and be told to collect it some days later. Gwen had told her the goods
were sent abroad the same day with legitimate stuff. When she collected the ring
he would have to personally check the fit and give her the money. She would then
have to pay the nominal amount for the ring repairs and would be given an
Ansty's receipt. She didn't know how they were sent or anything like that and
she only got a fraction of the real price but Jenkins seem fair in his dealings
with his clients. The people abroad only got about a third of the retail price.
Jenkins got half of that and she would get half of his fee. That was all she

"What are you going to do now?" Sarah asked. Bruce answered by dialing the
detective sergeant's mobile and informing her. At the end he said, "Keep dumb
about where the information came from. It would never be admissible in court,
nor would the methods used to obtain it." Elaine agreed.

Bruce left Sarah on the bed for an hour or so to recover. On his return Bruce
lay down and cuddled the girl. At first she struggled and lashed out at him but
her efforts were ineffective and she soon quietened and lay still and powerless
in his arms.

"Sarah after that I don't feel you have to stay. Do you want leave or phone your
mother and get some more clothes or just lie on the bed? If you stay I will look
after you but will expect some things in return."

Tears came to Sarah's eyes. Tears she tried to suppress but which came all the
same. "You're a real bastard. I don't understand you. You spank me till I cannot
hardly move and then you are like I imagine a father should be to me. Why are
you trying to help me at all? After I twice tried to rob you. Do you just want a
fuck toy?"

Bruce sat thoughtfully for a few moments. "Yes, Sarah, I think I could act like
a father should to you. When you do wrong, expect punishment. But in reality I
want to be more like a dominant lover, I would like a fuck toy as you so
delicately put it. I've often fancied having a little sex slave but it is a
fantasy, not reality. One girl came close but I found out she was only doing it
to get at my money. Still it was nice while it lasted and only cost me a few
thousand in the end. The reality though, is that I quite like you. Despite what
you have done, I feel you have a personality that it good underneath. Giving you
a job might help you get a better or a different one later."

"What sort of work would I do?"

"Come and see what I do." Bruce led her as she walked stiffly into another room
with two computer screens and an array of other equipment that sported winking
neon lights. "Much of my time is spent sorting peoples computer program
problems. I can usually do this from home via the Internet so I spend a great
deal of time cooped up in here. For relaxation, I go to my workshop." Sarah
winced a little as she followed him down some stairs to the basement. "Here I
make furniture items for myself, mainly reproductions of antiques that catch my
eye and provide a challenge to my skills. This is a bow fronted bureau of the
Louis XV period. Have only done the carcase work at the moment. It will all be
veneered and covered with marquetry."

Sarah recognised some of the tools from her woodwork classes but others were a
mystery to her. "I like the smell of wood in here," she remarked, sniffing the
air, "Reminds me of the old woodwork man."

Alongside the workshop was a home gymnasium. "This is where I train for
wrestling matches although I don't compete much now."

They went out of a door into the garden. A chill breeze blew under Sarah's
jacket causing her to shiver when she felt it on her bare bum. "Any good at
gardening?" Bruce asked as they surveyed the somewhat overgrown area outside the
back door.

"Not really. I did some when I was with the Parks Department on the training
scheme. Quite liked slashing undergrowth down when we had to clear a bridleway
but didn't have enough patience to do delicate weeding of the flower beds."

"Well there are no delicate flower beds here. I don't have time to mess about
with anything that doesn't come back each year."

They went back inside to the living room. "Sarah, there's the phone. The front
door is unlocked. Until 2 o'clock you are free to go. That gives you two hours."
Bruce took a wallet from his back packet and placed some notes on the table.
"Here's ?50. If you decide to leave, take it. If you decide to stay, leave it as
part payment for the vase." Sarah tried to interrupt but Bruce silenced her.
"Here's the deal if you decide to stay. I will employ you for work to be decided
at ?5 and hour which is well above minimum rate until you are sufficiently
trained and then we will negotiate a rise. Of your pay half will go directly to
you and half towards paying for the vase. In addition you will live in and get
your board and lodging free but it will involve sleeping with me and being my
fuck toy." Bruce paused to get Sarah time to digest the details. "The choice is
yours Sarah. Take the money and run back to your mother, back to your old ways
or leave the money in your account and stay, have a job, a place to sleep and
someone to look after you. But that someone may be inclined to punish you for
any misdeeds and to have sex in a variety of ways."

Sarah queried several points but then quietened. It was a difficult decision for
her to make.

"Sarah you are free to wander round the house and garden for these two hours
except I will lock my studio. I will be working in the computer room. If you
stay, at 2 o'clock make a pot of tea and bring it in there. I am sure someone
with your experience will soon find the materials for that and the tin of
biscuits." Bruce left her standing by the table with the money.

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