Slave to Hooters Waitresses
Chapter one I become a slave
As a college student I had to take any job I could get to make some extra cash working part time. Being a bus boy at Hooters was not exactly intellectual but on the other hand you got to work with some great looking girls.
After working there for about a week I went home and started to check my e mail. There was a message from this person calling herself "mystery girl at hooters" from hotmail. Naturally I was curious and opened the message which said:
"You do not know who I am but I am one of the girls at Hooters where you work. I and another girl who works with us think you are cute and want to get together with you for some weird and kinky sex games. If you are interested just reply and I will get back in touch with you."
Well of course I was interested and sent an e-mail reply right away. I kept checking my e mail all the next day but there was no reply and I went to work in an excited state of agitation. Every time a waitress smiled at me I wondered if she was the girl but was afraid to say anything. If I picked the wrong girl out of the 15 at the restaurant I might mess up the whole thing. When I got home that night there was a new e mail from mystery waiting for me:
"You were really cute at work tonight trying to figure out who I am. I will give you a hint by telling you I am a blond. What I want to now know is if you are really adventurous. My friend and I like to play games called "slave orgasms" and would like to know if this interests you. Send me an answer."
I was puzzled about what a slave orgasm was and thought I should ask about this. I knew I found it exciting as it made my dick very hard just reading the e-mail. So I sent a reply saying I was very interested but also asked what a "slave orgasm was."
When I went to work that night I found I was staring at every blond waitress in the place as I was of course just dying to know who mystery might be. Eight of the 15 or so waitresses were blond and in looking at them I came to the conclusion it did not matter much. Every one of them, thanks to Hooter's policy, was young and pretty and had great tits. Two girls however stood out above the rest. Cindy had big, beautiful blue eyes and a pair of big bee sting lips; even more pronounced than those that my favourite actress Julia Roberts has. The there was Pat who had the greatest pair of legs you have ever seen. In a way I was sad because a couple of the brunette waitresses were really cute and hot as well. But then I remembered that Mystery had only said she was blond and any of the other girls could be her partner in this sex game as no details about the other girl had been provided.
It was hard for me to fall asleep that night as I kept fantasizing about who Mystery might be and what a slave orgasm was. So when I got up in the morning I was tired, excited and horny as I opened up my e-mail to see if there was another message from Mystery. My heart leapt into my throat when I found that a new message had arrived. In fact I was so excited that I had to try twice before I could open the message which said:
"Dear Dave
You were cute at work last night trying to figure out who I am and of course you had no clues at all who the other girl, my partner in this adventure, might be. Let me answer your question as to what a slave orgasm is.
The idea here is that my partner and I will give you all the orgasms you can handle each and every day and in every way. You will get hand jobs, blow jobs, get your balls sucked and will get fucked in every position you have ever thought of and many others as well. The only condition is that you agree to be our boy toy sex slave and agree to everything we request we make, no matter what it is.
Now, we need to check and see if you are capable of being a slave and taking orders. This is important as it is your slavery that will turn us on and it is what we want to have before we give you all these beautiful orgasms. We need a boy toy to do whatever we want and whenever we want it. More than that, both of us like to be dominant.
So here is your little test. I want you at exactly at 1100 this morning to be standing totally nude on your balcony and with your portable phone in your hand. I will phone you with your next instruction as to how this fun game can start. If you agree, just send the word "yes" now to me in an e mail."
Without stopping to think and almost in a trance I clicked reply, typed in the word yes and clicked send. My God, I had slept in and noticed it was now only 15 minutes before eleven. Had I sent he message in time? The all of a sudden another e-mail came in that said "message received you only have ten minutes to get nude and get on the balcony.
Once again in a trance I started to undress, all the time wondering what was I doing getting nude on the balcony where others night see me. I had not until now reflected on the fact that it was only a few degrees above zero outside. But then I thought of the promise that I would get all the orgasms I wanted and finished stripping picked up my portable phone and walked out on the balcony. I huddled next to the wall so it was hard to see me and waited shivering.
At exactly eleven my portable phone rang and a girl said in a sexy voice "I will say little to keep you guessing who I am. Step out into the middle of the balcony where I can see you and masturbate until you come. This is your first of many orgasms."
She must have been standing or at least was located where she could see me. Maybe she was in the big apartment building next door. Anyway, with a dick hard with excitement I stepped into the middle of the balcony and started to play with myself. Even though I was outside and nude, it was not hard to come. The scene was so sexy and the thought of one of those cute blonds at hooters watching me aroused me so much I came very quickly.
As I finished my orgasm, the voice in the portable phone said "good for you, slave. Go back and read the next e mail and do what it says. I see you could, with training, make a good male slave for us."
I almost ran to the computer and saw there was a new e-mail from Mystery, which said
"Dear slave
Welcome to the wonderful sex games I and my friend have arranged, and I hope you enjoyed your first orgasm. I will personally give you the next one. If you follow these instructions, we can start our fun right after work tonight. Besides, it is a little late for you to back down now. I live in the apartment building right across from you and two floors up. The videotape of you nude and jerking off on the balcony should ensure your future cooperation. Here slave are your instructions.
Print off the attachment to this e mail which is a slave contract from you to me. Sign it and put it in an envelope and then slide it under the door of the girls' locker room at Hooters. Wait a minute or two and then an envelope of how and when we will get started this very night will be slipped back under the door to you."
With trembling hands, I opened the attachment which read as follows.
The undersigned agrees to be the total sex slave for (blank) and (Blank). More specifically:
The undersigned slave agrees to perform any act or do anything either of the two girls tells him to do, and to do so without hesitation.
The slave agrees to perform sex acts on anyone who is female who either of us tell the slave to serve or allow any female to have him as her slave if we so order.
Without limiting anything else in this agreement, the slave agrees to be tied up in any manner we want, to be whipped or beaten in any way we want and to be humiliated in any way we want.
Furthermore, the slave agrees to serve us as above at any time and in any place we want.
The contract can be cancelled by either of us at any time but the slave may not cancel this contract but will serve us as long as we want."
I saw the girls had cleverly left spaces for their names so I still did not know who they were and of course by slipping the contract under the locker room door I would not find out until I met them face to face. Also I was signing away my life and the only restriction was that I could not be made to serve anyone but a female. But then I thought this will be the adventure of a lifetime and what choice did I have now as the girl had a video of me jerking off on the balcony totally nude.
So I printed the contract off signed it and put it in an envelope. I also sent as requested an e mail back saying that I would slip the contract under the girls' locker room door as soon as I arrived at work and would wait for an envelope back with my next instructions.
I was very excited about going to work and the time seemed to pass very slowly. However finally the time came, and as I went into the employee entrance I turned to the right and went to the door of the locker room for the girls and slipped the envelope containing the slave contract I had signed under the door. I could hear the sound of tearing paper and guessed whoever was there was opening the envelope to check that a signed contract was inside. It took all the will power I had not to push the door open to see who the mystery girl was just near me on the other side of the door. After a short time an envelope was pushed back to me and I picked it up. I headed straight for the men's locker and locked myself in a toilet
I opened the envelope and inside found a key and one piece of paper which said "this is the key to my apartment. Use it right after work and go into the study where you will find some equipment and some instructions as to how to use it. I will join you 15 minutes later after you have had the chance to use the equipment as instructed.
Thank goodness it was a Sunday night and we would be closing early as each minute on the clock was like an age to me. What equipment was involved, how would I use it, who was Mystery and in what way would she and her friend use me as a slave? Would kind of orgasm would I get? These and a thousand other questions kept racing through my mind until quitting time.
I got out of the restaurant as soon as I could and even took a taxi to the apartment; after all it was close to where I lived and I could walk home afterwards. I took the elevator upstairs, walked down to the apartment and put my key in the lock. Breathing deeply, I entered a huge apartment with a sign hanging from the ceiling pointing to the study.
When I walked into the study, I could not believe my eyes. There were whips, handcuffs and all sorts or restraints hanging from the walls. There was a big leather bed with restraints, a whipping post and so many other devices I could not grasp them all at once. And yet the room had a nice atmosphere. The walls were painted a happy light yellow; there were couches with coffee tables as well as lounge chairs. The overall effect was like being in a cozy room with a nice soft rug floor, despite all the bondage and domination gear that was around.
On the coffee table I found a letter of instruction plus the implements needed to implement the orders. The letter read as follows.
The first thing you must do is take off all of your clothes so you are completely nude. Next, take the cock ring and put it on. The thick rubber band with the slip loop goes around the base of your cock. Don't worry about adjusting the rubber band. I am an expert in that and can set it so you will not get an orgasm until I so choose. Note the two wire loops; you have to push one ball through each of them and then you fasten the lock on the cock ring at the base of your balls. Yes, there is no key but I have it hidden in the apartment in a place you will never find. The cock ring comes off only and if I want it to.
The next order of business is the leg irons. The metal bar which is about 2 feet long goes between your ankles and keeps your crotch open for my pleasure. On the other hand if you swivel your hips you will be able to walk slowly or indeed the leg irons will allow you in a similar manner to crawl on your hands and knees across the floor to serve me. Kneel on the floor with your legs behind you and put on the leg irons. Lock the metal loop around each ankle and once again the key is hidden in a place only I know.
The last piece of equipment is the two little wrist cuffs that are joined together. Put them on in a manner that your hands are crossed palms up so that you look like you are begging me, as you will be doing. Also in this position your hands can receive any gift I give you, such as my panties to lick. You will find in the crossed and palms up position with your wrists locked together that you can grasp things if I so order but your arms and hands are really quite useless to protect yourself.
Having done all of this, work your way over to the front of the big comfy black leather chair in the corner. Kneel in front of the footstool and put your upturned palms under it. Place your slave face on the footstool and this will put your ass up in the air so I can whack it if I want. Do not, when I enter the room, move a muscle, try to look at me or speak unless asked a question or told to do so. Do all this now.
It was hard to get the cock ring on. The rubber band was tight enough t cut off some feeling in my cock and I knew it could prevent me from ever coming. I felt sick in my stomach when I locked it in place after pushing my balls through the wire loops. Here I was naked in someone's apartment with a cock ring I could not remove locked around my genitals and totally naked. Now I had to lock the leg irons onto my ankles that forced my legs apart and made it possible but very difficult to walk in a twisted staggering manner or to crawl. Then I put the wrist locks on my wrist with my palms up and crossed. I was really helpless and I could not unlock any of these devices. So without any other choice, I crawled over to and put my head on the footstool of the big armchair and my hands underneath it. There I was totally naked, my butt up in the air and waiting I guess like a slave should.
After what seemed hours but was probably only a few moments, I heard the door open and footsteps come in my direction. All of a sudden my hair at the back of my head was pulled a bit lifting up my face from the stool. A sneaker like all the girls wear at Hooters, a high top sneaker well laced up and also done around the ankle with Velcro, was thrust under my face and I heard just one word "kiss".
I kissed the sneaker and it stank. The sneaker was very old and worn and then a voice said "yes, the sneaker is old, Dave. The socks have been worn for a week in preparation for tonight and they really stink too. Kiss."
I kissed it again. Then the voice said "you may look up to see who I am."
I raised my head and my dream had come true as I saw Cindy standing there. Her firm tits were pushing against the hooters t shirt and her big bee sting lips were smiling at me. I smiled and said hello. Immediately I felt a huge pain on my butt which had been hit with a hard leather paddle.
"I told you not to talk Dave." Then Cindy pushed my head down on her sneaker again.
"You have a choice Dave. I can leave you here and go out to a party and you can be all alone with the cock ring and unable to move or leave here. Or I can put that nice video of you jerking off on the internet. Or you can continue to kiss my sneaker."
The choice was clear and I returned to kissing the sneaker and smelling the smell. I was glad the sneaker was on her foot and tied up as otherwise the smell would kill me.
"I am glad you are learning to serve Dave", the voice said. "Now let me explain. You are going to be trained as a perfect sex slave Dave. I am not finishing my masters in psychology for nothing. It is the smell of my sneakers and feet and my beautiful ass or the sneakers and feet of any girl that will control you. Dave, it is called auto response training. Every time you serve my feet or ass or those of my assistant who will help train you, we will be sexually exciting you. Every time you have an orgasm you will be smelling, licking and kissing feet, socks, shoes or ass. You will learn with time to associate great orgasms with these things and you will beg to lick them. This is your fate Dave, to be a foot and ass slave. You may not like the smell right now but you are going to learn to love it so much that you will beg for it and will do anything to have it."
I kept kissing her sneaker as she said all of these things and thinking it could not be true. I did not enjoy kissing her stinky sneaker and how could this become the thing I wanted to do most in the world. This was ridiculous.
"I see you doubt my words Dave", she said. "Perhaps a little quick demonstration may help. Do you feel horny and want an orgasm Dave? You may speak."
"Yes", I replied.
With a smile, Cindy then rolled me over on my back. My hands were still tied palms up together but now my knees were raised and the leg irons kept my legs apart completely exposing me. Cindy stood over me and smiled. She rang her tongue over her big bee sting lips and rubbed her nipples through her t shirt.
Just then I heard the door open and I raised my head to see Kelly walk into the room. Kelly was a dram in motion and still in her hooters outfit. She had long brown hair, big hazel eyes and nice tits. But her outstanding feature that I had dreamed about many nights was her long legs and her ass. Her ass cheeks were round but small and tight from all the exercise she did.
"Greet your other mistress Dave", Kelly said to me "and roll over and crawl over here and lick my sneakers."
I hesitated for a moment and Cindy said "a good slave never hesitates." Before I knew what was happening Cindy grabbed me by the hair and fastened a slave collar around my neck. It had little metal loops front and back and on each side. She grabbed my head and forced me kneeling over the footstool and with one firm motion grabbed a rope. The rope was through the metal loop in the front of my collar and then pulled down and tied to the bottom of the big heavy easy chair in front of the footstool.
Cindy then picked up a big heavy rubber paddle. "You have been a bad boy Dave", she told me. "Slaves must immediately obey any order they are given and Kelly just told you to lick her sneakers. This will cost you ten hard swats."
I felt totally helpless and exposed. My wrists were still bound together under the footstool and my legs were lying behind me on the floor spread apart by the spreader bar, exposing my cock ring controlled genitals. The rope through the ring in the front to the collar was pulled so tight that I could not move my head at all. I was in a position where these girls could whack my ass all night if they wanted to.
Cindy walked behind me with the paddle and lovely Kelly sat in front of me on the easy chair the better to see the look on my face as I was spanked. I knew that was what she wanted to do.
Kelly asked Cindy to give me a big whack every time she said the word "now" and Cindy of course replied it would be a pleasure to turn my ass nice and red and sore as well.
Seated in the chair, Kelly started to talk to me. "You disappoint me Dave. NOW. I have worn these sneakers for over 2 years at work and for the last week I have worn the same thick heavy socks to get everything really smelly for you. I have even gone jogging without socks to soak sweat into the sneakers for your smelling and licking enjoyment. NOW. Then I give you the chance to lick these sneakers I have worked so hard to get ready for you and you hesitate. NOW. On top of all of this, I and Cindy have promised you orgasms and I am one good looking chick. NOW. If I could get a little cooperation I would be so good to you. NOW. Cindy and I will train you to be a good slave and be kind to you if only you will act like a slave. NOW. "
Kelly then told Cindy to just keep whacking my ass. I had now received much more the ten blows but in my helpless condition I was afraid to say anything, let alone complain. Finally the girls decided this was enough whacking for now.
"Dave, I am now going to see if you have learned anything. I am going to put my sneakers under your face and I want them licked. The licking needs to be passionate. So you have a choice Dave. You can lick my sneakers or we can just keep on beating your ass."
I knew I would do anything to save my now very sore ass. I knew the girls could keep this up all night until I gave in any event. So when Kelly pushed her right sneaker under my nose and lips I started to lick. "Not good enough Dave", Cindy said. "I know you can stick your tongue out further than that and I know you can lick with more passion. To encourage me to do so, she gave me two of the hardest whacks on my ass I had had all night. I winced with pain and with no choice stuck my tongue out further and licked more quickly. The taste was terrible, all of rubber and canvas and sweat. The smell was very ripe to say the least. What did I expect as Kelly had worn these socks for a week? They must be soaked with sweat by now. I licked everywhere, the tops and over the laces, the sides and even the little air holes on the side. The air holes were the worst as they let some odour from the inside of the shoe to escape into my nose.
Cindy noticed that my cock was not erect and mentioned this had to be fixed. She reminded Kelly that their goals were to train me to like serving feet and being a slave. This, she said, could only be done when I was erect and excited when serving feet.
Kelly switched sneakers and put her other foot under my nose and lips. It was clear to me that I had to lick this one too or get my ass beaten again. So I started to lick. Suddenly I felt Cindy behind me and felt her hand reaching up to my crotch. Slowly she wound her hand around my cock and tightened the rubber band on the cock ring making sure I could not come. The she slowly started to stroke my cock. I got instantly hard with lovely Cindy stroking my cock and she made me hotter by leaning forward, so that I could feel her tits on my back, and started to lick my ear. As she licked, she started whispering in my ear and talking dirty. This is the one thing that drives me crazy and Cindy I think could tell what an effect it had by the way my cock jerked in her hand.
"Keep up the licking Dave", Cindy said. "Also I enjoy so much having your big cock in my hand. It makes me horny and I get wet when I see you licking Kelly's smelly sneakers. It turns me on so to think you are licking her sneaker and smelling that smell just to have the pleasure of my hand on your cock. Now I am tickling your balls Dave. I so hope you are going to be a good slave so I can reward YOU with blow jobs and a really good fuck."
"I think it is working Cindy", Kelly remarked. "Since you have been playing with his cock and talking dirty to him his licking has become more intense. Instead of showing resistance, he is now licking like a slut. Poor Dave seems to think that the more he licks the better the chance that he will come. God bless the cock ring." And Kelly was right. I was sucking and licking her sneaker like a mad man, and twisting my hips trying to get off. But the fucking cock ring prevented me from coming. One thing I could tell through all this agonising excitement was that Cindy really knew how to give a hand job. Both her hands were working on my now, one tickling my balls and the other stroking my shaft. From time to time she would pull the skin back on the end of my cock and tickle the head with her finger points, all the while licking my ear and nibbling on it. I knew for certain that I would lick any sneaker in the world to get Cindy to continue. I might not yet like kissing sneakers but I would do anything for the job Cindy was doing on me.
Cindy could tell she was getting me hooked. She whispered in my ear while licking it that "Dave I know you will lick that stinky sneaker Kelly has just to keep me stroking you; if we want, you will lick it all night you male slut. I am controlling you completely with just my hand; imagine how my tongue and pussy will enslave you!" I trembled with fear for the first time as I thought that possibly she just might be right.
"I think the time has now come to get down to some serious slavery and orgasms", Cindy suggested, "let us get Dave over to the bondage bed so we can really go to work on him."
The rope connecting my slave collar to the easy chair was undone but all my leg irons and other bondage on me was left intact. I was brought over to the corner of the room where the large bondage bed was located. It was enormous and I could see there was enough room for three people to lie down. I was told to lie down on my back and as soon as I did ropes were passed through the loops on each side of my slave collar and tied to loops on the side of the bed. This totally restricted my ability to move my head even an inch. Now that the girls knew they had me under control, one of them stood at each side of the bed and took the handcuffs off my wrists. Each girl then grabbed an arm and pulled it straight out and attached it to cuffs on each side of the bed. Lastly they looked after my legs. The leg irons were taken of but then after being told to bend my knees each ankle was also attached to a cuff with a padlock at the side of the bed.
I had never felt more helpless in my life. My head was held immobile by the slave collar and the cuffs held each arm straight out from my body and stretched. My legs were in a bent position with my ankles cuffed to the side of the enormous bed and thus my cock and balls were totally available and there was nothing I could do about it. Just when I thought they were finished binding me, Kelly found a big leather belt and passed it over my waist and anchored it to a fastener on each side of the bed. Now I could not even arch my back or move any part of my body off the bed.
"How do you like that, Dave", Kelly asked me.
"I have never felt more helpless in my life", I said " but I have to admit this large bed is very comfortable. I guess in this position I cannot worship your feet."
"You are wrong ", Cindy said to me. "There is no way we want you to be comfortable and just because your ass is not available we have other means to punish you. I am going to put nipple clamps on you to make you behave. Also notice the high bar stools over there by the bar. I simply put them by the side of the bed and then put my feet in your face."
Cindy did indeed what she said she was going to do. She put nipple clamps on me and then gave them a hard tug and I found out that really hurt. It was just as bad or worse than having my ass spanked. She then put a big high bar chair behind the bed and rested her sneakers on my shoulders from behind. She raised one sneaker tip up onto my lips and I knew I had to lick it. My god that sneaker smelt awful!. She then moved the bar chair to the side of the bed where she could maneuver her feet better and put the bottom of her sneaker on my face.
"It is time for your serious training to begin Dave"; she said "and let you enjoy the insides of my sneakers and socks. I know it is hard but undo the lace on this sneaker with your teeth", and put the sneaker under my chin.
With maximum effort I was able to get the knot undone and then I was instructed to loosen the laces with my teeth. This was very hard but I managed to pull the lace from three or four eyelets encouraged from time to time by Cindy yanking on the chain attached to the nipple clamps.'
Then I could feel Kelly crawling up onto the bed and positioning herself between my legs. Once again she tightened the rubber band at the base of my cock and checked to cock ring to ensure that I could not come. Then she started to play with my cock in her hands.
"In a moment you will be kissing Cindy's stinky and sweat soaked sports sock, Dave", Kelly said to me. "As part of your training to learn to love smelly feet and being a slave, I will then start to lick your cock. I am looking forward to running my tongue all over your shaft and may even lick your balls."
This made me hard as a rock and then I realized for the first time that yes I wanted to lick and kiss Cindy's stinky sock as a small price for getting Kelly's mouth on my shaft.
Cindy then used by forehead to pry off her sneaker and reached down and set it next to my head. The stench from the sneaker was terrible. I had never even in a locker room after a hockey game smelt anything so fetid. With a smile she then lowered her sock foot over my face. As it was coming at me, I could see that it was damp with sweat and had stains on it. God help me, she really had been wearing it for a week. She wrapped the toe part of the sock around my nose with her toes and then told me to kiss the instep part that was pushed against my mouth. With the sock pushed against my lips I was forced to breathe through my nose. I was assaulted by the smell of sweat, rubber and canvas and the sock was so wet and damp that pieces of it were coming off and sticking to my lips. In fact the sock was so sweaty that it was sticking to my face.
"I get so horny when you worship my feet Dave", Cindy said in a sexy voice. "I know it is hard for you to see but I am taking off my t shirt and have no bra on and starting to rub my nipples as you are making me so horny. I am getting wet Dave. Remember to kiss an area and then lick the sock. Do not worry I will move my foot around so you can enjoy all of it. Get used to the smell, as it will become a great pleasure to you. Over the next few days you will learn to crave and desire this smell."
I found the whole experience in a weird way quite exciting, perhaps because of the Cindy's sexy voice or maybe I was enjoying being tied up and humiliated. But the smell was terrible and the threat that I would be treated like this over the next few days was truly frightening.
Kelly then started to work on my cock. I could feel her wrap her left hand around it and this gave me an instant erection. Then I could feel her tongue flicking over the head of my cock. The bitch had drawn back the skin and was working directly on the cock head, both with her lips and tongue. Had it not been for the cock ring I would have gone off in about 30 seconds but all I could experience was a really horny feeling and a bit of pre come and nothing else. This started to drive my crazy. No matter what I thought of I could not come. I was unable to move my body even an inch and could not even thrust my hips.
This whole thing went on for several minutes until Cindy's entire sock was covered with saliva from the licks I had been forced to give it. The girls got the idea that they should switch positions as "Kelly wanted a chance to have her sock sucked too." Cindy agreed but reminded Kelly to keep one shoe on at all times as the stench was at its peak when the sock was fresh out of the shoe.
Kelly was in such a hurry to have her sock sucked and licked that she undid her own shoe lace instead of making me do it with her teeth. To follow her own advice to keep socks ripe and fresh, Cindy grabbed her sneaker from beside my head and laced it up very tight on her foot again. Kelly sat down on the high bar chair and pushed her foot hard into my face. I thought that Cindy's sock had stank but, as incredible as it was, Kelly's smelt even worse and was even more wet with sweat. She also wrapped her toes around my nose and told me "to make sure to sniff her stinky socks while I licked and sucked the sock part "jammed into my mouth.
While I was suffering in this way, I noticed that my cock was a bit hard even though Cindy had not started anything as yet. Could it be that the training the girls were giving me was beginning to work? I didn't really have time to think this through when Cindy grabbed my cock and started to play with it. She was as good as Kelly, albeit with a different technique. Cindy liked to lick the shaft while she played her fingers over the cock head. I thought for sure my balls were going to burst and I knew that if I was not blocked from talking with the sock foot pushed on to my mouth that I would have begged for an orgasm. But I could not and had to lie there motionless and suffer the smell and licking of Kelly's sock while Cindy played with my cock.
"Dave", Kelly said to me, "you may think that all this hot talk while you sock suck is just to train you into being a foot slave. But it is true as well. I am as hot as hell from the licking and kissing you are giving my stench sock. I am now going to get you to eat my pussy. Maybe you cannot come with the cock ring but I sure am going to."
Kelly then stepped down from the stool and took off her little orange hooters pants and the tiny little thing she was wearing underneath it. Both girls now took their tops off so I could see two sets of tits. I could feel the bed move as Kelly climbed on it and then I could feel her grasp each side of my head with her knees. She grabbed the chain of the nipple clamps and yanked it hard and then slowly brought her pussy to rest on my mouth. "I am going to unhook the chains on your slave collar Dave so you can tilt your head and really pleasure me. You are stilled tied up and the chain to your nipple clamps is in my hands so be a good slave!"
I could feel the bed move as Kelly climbed up and the she wrapped her knees around my head. Slowly as she faced towards my feet, she lowered he pussy right over my mouth and while yanking on my nipple chain, which really hurt, ordered me to lick. I stuck my tongue in her pussy and started to lick and suck. As soon as I started licking Kelly I felt Cindy start to move. She forced my dick flat against my stomach and sat on it with her crotch pushing against it. Then came the big surprise. She and Kelly started to do some of the deepest French kissing I had ever seen. So then I knew I had two bisexual girls on my hands.
I could tell my licking was having an effect as Kelly started to groan and grind her hips and thus her pussy against my lips and tongue. The more excited she got the more she pulled on the chain attached to the nipple clamps and this was real torture. I doubled my licking and kissing to her pussy and tongued her clit, anything to get her to come before the pain in my nipples overcame me. With a huge groan she came.
"Thanks for the great orgasm Dave," Kelly said and came over to me and licked my lips and stuck her tongue in my mouth. I am now going to do something special for you and to you. I may let you come!"
That made by dick jump. Kelly came over and tilted up the top of the bed. The girls had all sorts of special equipment built into this bed and now I found out that the head or foot could be tilted. So I found myself with my legs outstretched and tied apart as before and of course my arms were still cuffed to the sides of the bed. But now I was sitting upright with my back vertical and my legs to the side, with my feet apart and straight out spread eagled in front of me. Sort of like a bondage chaise lounge. Kelly then ran little ropes again through the loops on each side of the collar and tied then tight once more to the side of the bed. My head was once again immobile.
"Here comes your treat Dave", she said. "It will really help with your training to love foot smell and being a slave. I am going to tie this other sneaker still on my foot over your face so you will really get the full stench of the inside of this sneaker. You must breathe through your nose and use the tongue to lick the smelly inside bottom. When I take this sneaker of your face if it is not wet from your licking I will beat your balls, no kidding. Also I can watch your cheek all the time to see if your tongue is moving. If I think you are not licking then I will beat your balls right away."
Kelly did just what she said she would do. She took off her other sneaker and opened the laces wide. She then pointed the inside of the shoe at my face and rammed it over my nose and mouth. My nose was way up toward the front of the shoe where the smelliest area was and my tongue forced against the inside bottom. Kelly then pulled the laces around my head and tied it tightly behind my head, binding the inside of the shoe to my face.
"With the sex treat I am about to give you Dave trust me you will be breathing deeply", Kelly said with a laugh."
Kelly laughed as she saw how I was trying to hold my breath but of course after a bit I had to breathe and the stench that assaulted my nose was really beyond description.
With a smile Kelly then got naked and to my great joy loosened the rubber band on my cock ring so I would be able to come. She smiled and sat on my legs and took the nipple clamps off and started to lick my nipples. That felt incredible and instantly I had a huge erection. "Fuck time Dave" Kelly said and spread her pussy and lowered it on my cock.
Kelly was a tease even when fucking. She would pump my cock a few times and then lie still and remind me to lick the sneaker. I wanted to come so badly I could have died and despite myself I was licking the inside of that stench filled sneaker like it was the sexiest thing in the world. Kelly kept this up for about ten minutes and the finally pumped and rode my cock to the most thunderous orgasm I have ever had in my life.
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