Chapter 2 Cindy and Kelly add a female slave
After all of this the three of us were completely exhausted. After all we worked until midnight and now had been fooling around for a long time. The girls said it was tome to say goodnight and they would both sleep in Cindy's bed. I was sure right; they were bisexual. They left me all tied up but there was worse news than that. Cindy got jealous that Kelly had more time with me then she had. Thus she insisted that I spend the night enjoying her sneaker. Thus I found her sneaker thrust over my nose and mouth with my lips pressed on the inside and my nose further buried in the shoe where the toes go. The shoe was tied tightly around my head once again and I was left with the taste, smell and odor of Cindy's stench filled sneaker for the night.
I noticed that I was developing an erection again all alone there by myself in the dark. What Cindy was saying was beginning to come true. I had received so much sex while smelling sneakers and socks that the very smell now aroused me somewhat. It tried not to concentrate on this smell or my arousal as with my hands tied to the bed there was nothing I could do to jerk off or otherwise give myself release. It was true that Kelly had given me one great orgasm but I had that cock ring on for so long and had been tease so much that I was horny again. But despite all of this I managed to fall asleep as I was so exhausted by the excitement and orgasm of the day.
In the middle of the night I woke up with a wonderful tingle in my groin. It was so dark I did not know if it was Cindy or Kelly but one of these girls had snack into the living room where I was tied up and was licking my balls. This girl knew shat she was doing as she was holding my prick flat against my stomach which pulled my balls up so they could be licked and kissed. I was in heaven and only hoped that I would be given another orgasm, as the rubber band on my cock ring was loose.
Then I felt the girl kneel on the bed, straddle me and shove my erection in her pussy. A voice said, "I am horny and wanted to get fucked as well." Clearly this then was Cindy and she started to fuck me. She was in total charge as there was still a strap around my waist holding me down to the bed. I said nothing, as it was especially arousing to be lying there helpless in the dark as a girl fucked my brains out without a word being said. She took her time, riding my cock and moaning softly and then stopping for awhile. When she stopped, she would lick my nipples to keep me as a hard as a rock. I wished we could kiss as lovers kissing and tonguing during fucking but with the shoe tied on my face this was not possible. As a reflex, I started to lick and kiss the inside of the shoe and this with my heavy breathing really drove the stench into my mouth and nostrils. I came and so did Cindy and then I was left alone and exhausted to sleep through until the morning.
The girls woke me up around 1100 am, untied me and invited me to stay for breakfast. The one good thing about working late is that you can sleep in in the morning. Over coffee, the girls put a new proposition to me.
"You know", Cindy said, "we really need a second slave. Relax Dave, not another male slave but a girl slave. As you have noticed Kelly and I are BI-sexual."
"It would increase the fun a lot", Kelly pitched in. "We could have contests and the slave that loses would be punished and the winning slave would get a reward."
"Do you have anyone in mind?" I foolishly asked, being excited which overcame the more wise thought that it would be better for me to keep my mouth shut.
"As a matter of fact we do", Cindy replied. "It's Sandra and she is small and petite and really cute. Her whole attitude is submissive and she is a bit afraid to talk to boys. At the same time in girl to girl talk we know she is really horny and wants to get laid. We also have reason to believe like us she goes both ways."
"So the whole idea", said Kelly" is to get you to rope her in so to speak in the same way we snared you. You can use the anonymous e mail account we used to get you and you can get her into our trap. Once you get her over here and we get her into a little action, we can videotape her and she will be a slave as well. As a matter of fact Dave we have already sent the first e mail on your behalf!"
I sat there stunned but horny and with a dry and excited voice asked to see the e mail, which had just been sent. It read as follows:
"Dear Sandra
I am one of the five guys who works at hooters with you as bus boys. I really think you are cute and I want very much to be your willing boy toy. I will do anything you want at any time and in any place. There is nothing you have dreamed of that I would not willingly do for you, no limitations and no restrictions. I am yours to command at any time. If this interests you then send me back e-mail within 45 minutes. Otherwise this offer will be cancelled forever."
"Very clever girls", I replied, "but how did you know I would cooperate and even more how do you know she will see this email so quickly?"
"Very simple" said Kelly. "First, we have the goods on you and you will cooperate and you fucking know that. We asked you but we were only being polite. You know you are our slave and you have no choice. Secondly, we phoned Sandra to have a girl chat and we knew she was on her computer at home. She will see the email."
Just then the computer rang a little bell to tell Cindy that a new e-mail had arrived and with laughter Kelly and Cindy saw it was from Sandra. It was a short and sweet message and simply said, "Yes I am interested. I am now on MSN messenger and we can exchange instant messages."
Cindy opened her MSN messenger and started to type as if she were me. Here is the exchange that took place.
"Thanks for the reply. I really want to please you." Cindy typed as if she were me.
"Who are you?"
"I will tell you in a moment but first I want to talk a bit. Do you have a boy friend?"
"No I Don't"
"Well I will be your perfect boy friend. I will be yours to command sexually and to do everything that you want."
"You are making me horny."
"I am glad as my lips and cock are ready to give you orgasms just the way you want."
"I want to get started if you are not the only one of the four or five bus boys I do not like."
"I will tell you who I am if you promise to send me a picture of yourself with nothing on. In fact I have a webcam so you can show yourself nude on your webcam and I will record what I receive."
"Ok I promise to do that if I like who you are."
"I am Dave"
"Dave, I have to be honest; I have always wanted to get together with you. Will you do anything I ask you to?"
"Yes, if you show me your lovely body now on the webcam". (At this point with an evil grin Cindy set her computer to record the pictures the webcam would send us and turned on her webcam. They moved so Sandra would only see me.
Both webcams came on and I saw Sandra sitting there totally nude. She was very pretty with an athletic little body and very perky tits with big pointed nipples.
"Do you like what you see Dave?"
"I sure do Sandra", I replied. (Out of the corner of my eye I could see Cindy out of camera range holding a big paddle. This was a clear signal for me to rope Sandra in. Cindy held up a big sign. Tell her I am out tonight and you can borrow my apartment. She does not know you live alone."
"So you are going to do everything for me Dave?"
"Then get your clothes off and jerk off for me now Dave"
How did Cindy and Kelly ever think this girl was submissive or was it that now she had a chance to command all her pent up desires came into play? Anyway, I had no choice and took off all my clothes, stood in front of the webcam and started to stroke myself.
"Tell me what you would do with me if I were there Dave"
"I would worship your nipples and kiss them as much as you wanted. I would lick your ears and then I would fall on my knees and lick your sneakers and beg you to let me fuck you slowly and passionately."
"God I would love that Dave. Would you really lick my sneakers just to have sex with me?"
"Sandra, I would spend the while night just licking your sneakers if that is what you wanted. Cindy will be staying with a friend tonight and I can get her to lend me her apartment. If you come over here after work we can make this real."
"Are you having an affair with Cindy?"
"Good god no, she is just a friend. It is you I have always wanted.'
"Ok we will go back together to her place after work", Sandra replied.
I finished my orgasm; told Sandra I could hardly wait until tonight and then signed off.
Cindy and Kelly laughed with glee and told me what a great actor I was. They also told me that was the last orgasm I would ever have unless I was licking socks or sneakers! I was then told to get Sandra to the apartment right after work and they would hide in the bedroom. There would be a hidden camcorder to record everything and thus I had to get Sandra to compromise herself so she could be turned into a slave like me. "You may even have to fuck her", Kelly said with a laugh.
That night when I went to work I was very excited and it was all I could do to stop peeking at little Sandra. She was small, petite and cute with her blond hair bobbing in a ponytail and her cute round butt. Her breasts were small and quite perky and I was most attracted to her big bee sting lips. She smiled at me coyly from time to time in a knowing way, but otherwise avoided me. As closing time approached, I noticed Cindy and Kelly sneaking out early, probably to set up the camcorder to videotape little Sandra. Soon closing time would come and we would go over to Cindy's apartment. I had no idea what to expect; were they going to treat Sandra as a slave like me, what was meant by "slave contests" the girls had mentioned between the two of us etc. A million fantasies kept running though my head.
Sandra came right up to my as soon as her tables were cleared, put her arm in mine and said let's go. There was no harm in this, as often the guys and girls at the restaurant dated and no one would think anything of this.
We decided to walk over to Cindy's apartment, as it was only ten minutes or so away by foot. This was all to the best as it would give Cindy and Kelly lots of time to set up. I had been told to take Sandra into the living room as I guess all the bondage equipment in the study might frighten her off. As we walked Sandra kept up a constant chatter as to how much fun we would have.
"I am glad we got together Dave", she said. "I think you are very cute and I look forward to all the things you are going to do under my instructions. I have stored up a lot of fantasies and I really want to try them out. People think that I am shy and quiet but behind closed doors I love to take charge."
I wondered if Cindy and Kelly knew about this as they told me they thought Sandra was quite submissive. If this is what they really believed, then they were in for an awful shock. The other possibility of course was that they had set me up and I had been an unwitting party to bringing someone else into the group to dominate me.
I opened the door and we went into the living room. Everything looked normal but I was sure somehow or other the girls had set up the videotape machine. Sandra sat down on the couch and motioned me to sit down beside her. As soon as I did, she put her tongue in my ear and gave my whole ear a real tongue washing. "It really turned me on when you said you would even lick my sneakers if I wanted you to. Did you really mean that", Sandra asked me.
"Of course I did", I replied while thinking the last thing I needed was someone else who wanted her smelly sneakers worshipped. "Then you may start now. Get down on your knees and lick my sneakers." I did as I was told and got down on my hands and knees. I could see right away that her sneakers were old and filthy and even before I put my lips to them to lick I was hit by their smell. Sandra was like the other two girls; very smelly sneakers. I picked up her right foot in my hand and started to lick, doing it in a special way as Kelly had taught me. I licked the sneaker everywhere, the top, the side, the back and the front. I ran my tongue over the air holes on the side even thought the smell from them was gross. I could tell this was really turning Sandra on as she started to squirm on the couch a lot and I saw through the corner of my eye that she was starting to play with herself.
"I can't wait any longer Dave, I want you to lick and kiss my pussy". "My pleasure", I replied.
Sandra stood up and told me to remain on my knees as she liked men in this servile position. She then stood in front to me and pulled her hooters orange shorts down around her knees and did the same to the little thong she was wearing. She then put her hands on the back of my head and pushed my face into her pussy. I decided to give her the licking of a lifetime so that Kelly and Cindy would have a good show on tape, including how her face was now distorted and she was moaning with pleasure. She would also look like a real slut with her t shirt still on but her shorts and thong around her knees. So I started by licking the inside of her thighs and then continued with light little flicks of my tongue over her pussy lips. This caused her to start grinding her hips and rubbing her pussy against my lips. Then I nibbled on her clit and she started to moan. When she was hot as hell I plunged my tongue as deeply as I could into her pussy and started to lick, while at the same time making a sucking motion with my lips. She screamed as she came.
Jus as she finished coming, Cindy and Kelly burst into the room and grabbed her, before she knew what was happening. They forced her hands behind her back and handcuffed them together, and then while she was still in shock grabbed her ankles and with duct tape tied them firmly together. They then whipped a slave collar around her neck, pulled her t shirt up around her throat and with a pair of scissors cut her bra off, leaving her nice little tits and their erect nipples totally exposed. Of course they shot some videotape of her in this condition as well.
Finally Sandra recovered enough from shock to scream "what the fuck do you think you are doing?"
"I think we are videotaping you acting like a slut so you will become our slave", Cindy replied. "Kelly and I like training sex slaves and decided you are next as we are sick of all the crap we take from you at work. You like to pretend that you are so quiet and cute but in reality you are a bossy little bitch. You give us all sorts of shit as the shift leader and now it is time for you to take orders from us."
"You will take orders Sandra", Kelly added. "The videotape we have of you can be shown on the big screen at the restaurant and put as a free porn video on the internet. You just know you will do anything to avoid that. You will join Dave as our slave and we will have fun with you and with Dave as we are bi-sexual."
"That's what the fuck you think", Sandra replied. "I am a lot tougher than you girls and if you do not want any trouble you will hand over that tape now." But Kelly had already left the room to lock up the tape in a secure place and came back and told Sandra she had done so.
I could tell Sandra was as angry as hell but scared at the same time. Clearly Cindy and Kelly knew she was a dominating bitch and had tricked me so they could get her in this bad position and then fix her and train her as a slave.
"It is what the fuck we think", Kelly replied. "Do you want to cooperate and enjoy your training or do you want to do it the hard way? I assure you that in a few days you will be to be our slave."
Sandra said nothing and then Cindy said "Ok, it will be the hard way." They grabbed Sandra and carried her kicking and squirming into the den and Sandra shouted "oh for Christ sake no" when she saw all the bondage equipment.
We set her down on the floor underneath a t bar with loops on it that was hanging from the ceiling. The t bar in turn had a chain at its top end that ran up and through a little wheel screwed into the ceiling and then continued over to a winch on the wall. Clearly you could raise or lower this bar by turning the winch. Sandra was in a helpless position and with her feet held together by duct tape in a crossed position was not even able to stand up. Kelly said to me "Dave in a moment I am going to take the handcuffs off her and then put wrist cuffs with little metal loops on each wrist. We will then use these cuffs to padlock her wrists to the loops in this metal t bar. When the handcuffs come off you grab one arm while I and Cindy attach her other arm to the t bar. Then we will of course come and fix up the other arm that you are holding.
I grabbed Cary's left arm and Kelly the right and Cindy took off the handcuffs. Then both girls forced a wrist cuff onto Sandra's right arm and used the loops to padlock it to the t bar. Once that was done, the girls did the same to her left arm. Cindy then went over to the wall and started to turn the winch. With her arms over her head and the bar being forced up through the winch, Sandra was slowly but surely forced into a sitting position with her arms held over her head. Cindy then cut the duct tape and the girls quickly fastened a spreader bar between her two ankles, which forced her legs apart and exposed her pussy. Their idea was to make Sandra feel like a slut, with her tits and pussy wide open and her shorts and thong still pulled down but around the bottom of her legs.
"What the fuck do you girls think you are doing?" Sandra yelled. "You think I give a shit if you show that video to the girls at work? I will simply get another job."
"Who says we will just show it to the girls at work?" Kelly replied. "How about on an internet website or how about all the people you know at the university you are returning to in the fall? Relax and learn to become a slave."
Sandra gave Kelly and Cindy as well as me a cold stare and said nothing. Clearly this point had struck home and there was nothing she could say. But at the same time she was still defiant.
"Dave will demonstrate your future, Sandra." Cindy said. "Dave, put on your slave collar, cuffs on your wrist and your cock ring after getting naked and crawl over here.
Now this was a test for me as well. Was I really willing once again to put myself in bondage for these girls who had the keys to all the padlocks I was about to put on my body? I found I was ready to do this and found it exciting; in fact it gave me an erection that all the girls saw me as a slave and Cindy and Kelly smiled knowingly as an indication they thought my training to be a willing foot slave was progressing well.
Sandra stared at me in horror as I voluntarily put wrist cuffs on each wrist like she was wearing and locked them on with padlocks to which I had no key. Then I did the same with the slave collar. Sandra also stared in fascination as I put on the cock ring, pushing my balls through the metal loops and tightening the rubber band around the base of my penis before snapping the lock shut.
"Soon you will be as obedient a slave as Dave, Sandra", Kelly said. "Let me show you what a good slave he is. Dave, I have left on the same smelly socks you worshiped yesterday and in fact slept with my sneakers on last night. These shoes and feet are ripe Dave. Get on you knees and lick them."
Sandra stared horrified as I knelt down and started to lick Kelly's sneakers. I could tell right away that the stench level was way up from yesterday. Cindy pulled up a chair and rested her sneakers on the back of my head as if I were a footstool and started to chat with Kelly what should be done to train Sandra.
"Sandra is such a bitch", Cindy said. "I want to repay her for all the trouble she has given us at work and I am sure we can break her."
"Perhaps the best way is to show her we are serious and she has no choice," Kelly replied. "Humiliation should work with a bitch like this."
"Well, we can really humiliate her by making her serve us. After all she is not bisexual and we are."
"Good idea and at the same time if we make Dave give her orgasms, then we can train her to like it, just as we are training slave Dave here."
I knew the girls were right as I could feel my training was starting to have an effect. This time and for the first time I was getting an erection from licking Kelly's feet, even though the stench of her sneakers had reached an all time high. My erection came just from being a sneaker slave; nothing else was happening to make me horny.
"Let's do it", Cindy said. "But first I am going to make her beg. This will humiliate her and anyway I want to hear this bitch beg after all the shit she has given me at work."
As I continued to lick Kelly's sneakers, Cindy picked up a heavy rubber paddle and moved behind Sandra. "Beg to lick my sneakers, bitch", she told her.
Sandra said nothing, indicating she knew she was doomed as no more threats or retorts were coming from her bee sting lips. At the same time, she refused at least for the moment to beg. Cindy started swatting her ass. I could tell that were hard swats from the whacking sound each blow made as it landed. Sandra, despite efforts to not react, started to gasp and moan from each blow. After twenty or so whacks, Cindy stopped and said "Sandra, beg to lick my sneakers". Sandra replied by saying in a quiet voice "okay I will kiss your sneakers."
"This will not do", Cindy replied. "First of all I want my sneakers licked just like Kelly is enjoying Dave licking hers. Secondly, I asked you to beg and not just say okay." Having said this, Cindy returned to whacking her ass with the rubber paddle. After a few more whacks, Sandra had to give in and said "Dear Cindy, May I please have the pleasure of licking your sneakers?"
Cindy did not even bother to answer but walked over across the room and brought a bar stool and placed it if front of the kneeling and immobile Sandra. When she sat on the stool her butt was more or less at the same height as Sandra's face and it was easy for her to place a sneaker covered foot on each of Sandra's shoulders.
"So you want to lick my sneakers, Sandra", she asked.
"Yes please and thank you", Sandra replied, obviously being afraid of getting some more whacks on the butt.
Once again without a word Cindy took her right foot off Sandra's shoulder and stuck it right under her lips. Sandra had to lean her head down and forward a bit and started to lick the sneaker. Immediately her nose wrinkled and she made a face, as she was both surprised and overcome by the stench of the sneaker. "Lick with more passion", Cindy said "or I will have to beat your butt some more."
"See how nicely Sandra is now licking", said Cindy. "Not as well as Dave but she is doing a reasonable job." To more fully humiliate her, Cindy placed her other foot on top of Sandra's head and ran it through her hair as her other sneaker was being licked.
"Now we know that Sandra knows how to lick", said Kelly, "I think we should get on with more humiliation combined with orgasms. Just sit there Cindy and I will organise things."
Kelly turned to me and ordered me to lie on my back on the floor behind Sandra and where her butt was. Instructing Sandra to lift her butt a bit, I was ordered then to crawl face up under Sandra's ass and to push my head until my mouth and lips were on her pussy.
"Dave is in place", Kelly told Cindy "and now would you be kind enough to remove your shorts and thong, and stand right in front of little Sandra so she can lick your pussy."
"Yum, yum", said Cindy, "I am really horny and would love Sandra to give me a nice orgasm while she gets one from Dave."
To make sure that Sandra would do a good job, Kelly stood behind her and gave her ass a couple of whacks with the paddle just to make sure that Sandra knew she had to do a good job. Then I was ordered to lick Sandra's pussy while she licked Cindy.
I did the very best job I could in licking Sandra's little pussy. After all she was cute and it was a lot more fun than licking sneakers. I could tell my good work with my tongue and lips on her pussy and clit were having a big effect. Sandra started to grind her hips into my face and to moan as best she could while licking Cindy's pussy. Sandra was the first to come followed a moment later with large groans and whimpering from Cindy.
"Keep licking Dave and make sure Sandra comes again", Kelly told me. I am walking around front to take Cindy's place and come myself.
"Hey that is enough", yelled Sandra. "Do you expect me to serve you sluts all night?"
"Yes we do", replied Kelly "and as a slave you should be quiet unless spoken to." You must remember that it is an honour for a slut like you to suck my pussy. To teach you a lesson you will start with my butt."
As I started to lick Sandra again, Kelly walked in front of her, took off her shorts and thong and then turning around stuck her ass right into Sandra's face. She reached behind her with one arm and by grabbing Sandra's hair forced her face right into her butt and commanded that she lick it. Sandra was not so fast this time in getting excited and slow in starting to grind her hips from my lip and tongues work; perhaps the licking of Kelly's butt was not "so much fun" for her as pussy sucking. I kept up my good work and eventually I could fell Sandra starting to squirm. Kelly noticed it to and turned around and put her pussy in Sandra's face so that she would be serving pussy when she came. Sandra as she got hotter started to do a better job on Kelly's pussy and soon Kelly was starting to squirm too. "Lick and nibble her slowly Dave", Kelly instructed me. "I want her to suck my pussy this well for a little while yet." So I stopped sucking and licking for a moment and then started to do it very lightly. I was now learning how to keep a girl on the edge and be in control of when she came. I teased Sandra, getting her right on the edge within my licking and then stopping. Finally as my tongue was getting tired I started to really bang my tongue into her and in a few seconds she came with a great moan. Kelly came at the same time.
I was pretty frustrated now as Kelly and Cindy had both had an orgasm and Sandra who was also a slave had already enjoyed two orgasms. I looked pleadingly at Kelly and Cindy. Cindy immediately picked up on what I was trying to say with my eyes and said "Dave, we are now going to have a contest between you and Sandra. The loser gets punished and the winner gets an orgasm. "What will the punishment be?" Sandra said. "It will be whatever the fuck I want it to be slut", Cindy replied to Sandra. "You need to learn to become a good slave and keep your mouth shut." To make sure she was understood, Cindy reached over and twisted both of Sandra's nipples very hard. Sandra kept her mouth shut and stared at the floor.
The two girls got Sandra and me to crawl over to the front of the couch. We were both told to lie on our backs and then we had our slave collars attached by a padlock to a ring in the floor. Sandra still had her legs pulled apart by the spreader bar and I was still wearing my cock ring. To perhaps make thing equal, the girls put a spreader bar between my legs. Both of us had our wrist cuffs removed, probably because the contest required us to have some use of our hands. Sandra and I thus were tied up in quite a similar way; parallel to each other and with our heads only a couple of feet apart. Kelly took a big chair and put it on the floor so that she could sit over top of both of us, and while facing our immobile heads put a sneakered foot on each of our chests. "The contest is about to begin", she announced.
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