Chapter 4 Going to the Domme shop
As ordered, I met Kelly and Cindy at the coffee shop. I notice right away that they were wearing the same sneakers and socks as they had on yesterday. Their shoes and feet would now smell even more than before with a further day's use without being changed. Also it was a hot and muggy afternoon which would add to the stench. The first thing I was told to do was to go into the washroom and put on my cock ring. I hated doing this as it really hurt to pull my balls through the little metal rings and pulling the rubber band tight around my prick also was uncomfortable. But I had no choice. I did all of this and as a last step locked the cock ring in place, as always without having the key to unlock it.
The girls were sitting at a table in the back of the shop and Cindy reached underneath the table and undid my zipper to make sure the cock ring was in place. I wondered where we were going and just who this girl Laura was but of course was afraid to ask. As a slave, I was learning that speaking without first being spoken to could get me into a lot of trouble and pain.
We all finished our coffee and started out the door and walked across the street. I looked up and saw a sign that said "domme shop" and my heart skipped a beat as I could guess that was where we were going. I was right as the girls headed straight for the door. Just before swinging the door open, Cindy grabbed my hands and cuffed them together behind my back and then pushed me through the door.
As we entered I could see we were in a shop that sold tons of different bondage and discipline equipment. There were whips, cock rings, handcuffs and ball gags hanging from the walls plus a lot of other devices that I had no idea what they were for. At the back of the store was a big sign marked as the entrance to a display room. But the thing that caught my eye more than anything else was the goddess standing behind the counter. She was a tall blond with beautiful make up and beautiful bee sting lips. She indeed looked quite a bit like Pamela Anderson except her tits were ample and well shaped instead of being huge. She also had a nice round and firm ass and great legs. She was dressed somewhat like a domme, wearing long leather boots, which from their condition I could tell had been worn a long time. She also had on a very short jean skirt and a tight white t-shirt.
"So this is your famous slave in training", she said to Cindy.
"Yes", Cindy replied "and he can certainly use your firm hand Laura to improve his attitude to serve completely and with joy."
"How is the process of getting him to love servicing and worshipping feet as well coming along?" Laura asked.
"We are making some progress here", Laura replied. "He now gets an erection whenever he kisses boots, socks or feet even though nothing else is done to stimulate him. His attitude of being a slave is less desirable. He will follow orders but not immediately and without a huge amount of enthusiasm."
"Training him to do anything for an orgasm and keeping him hot without relief in a cock ring will eventually complete the job", Laura remarked. "Slave, get down on your knees and lick my boots. I want to see if you get an erection".
I knew I had to do this. It was clear to me that if I behaved badly in front of this girl Cindy and Kelly would be furious, as it would reflect on their training. They would punish me terribly. So out of a mixture of desire and fear, I knelt down in front of this gorgeous blond Laura who had her hands on her hips and was staring at me and awaiting my response.
I got down on my knees in a doggie position and started to kiss her knee high leather boots. They really stank. This girl too obviously kept her socks and boots in the smelliest condition possible as a way of humiliating and punishing. Even kissing the outsides of them I could smell a very strong aroma.
All of a sudden, I felt a tremendous searing pain on my ass. I had been hit three times with a riding crop that hurt like hell and I suspected had even left welts on my ass right through my pants. "You stupid fuck", Laura shouted at me. "I told you to lick my boots and you are just kissing them. Get your tongue way out and clean both my boots all over before I beat your ass for half and hour." I got my tongue way out and started to lick like mad, suffering the taste of the old and foul leather. I knew this chick Laura would indeed beat my ass.
"He needs a lot of training as a slave", Laura said. "Does he know what he is here for?"
"Not yet", replied Cindy.
"Well", Laura replied, "serving as a demonstration slave to my domme customers who come here to buy the expensive equipment we have in the demo room should help him learn how to serve. I hope that slut Sandra you mentioned is also coming as some of the equipment is designed to punish two slaves at once. Also some of the dommes like to punish girls too."
"Sandra will be here in an hour or so when she finishes at Hooters", Cindy told Laura. "She has the afternoon shift today."
"Well in the meantime you can excite this poor slave if need be until Sandra gets here", Laura replied and Cindy and Kelly nodded in agreement. I was scared as shit as now I would be a slave to every domme that came into this store. Cindy and Kelly were certainly determined to make me an obedient slave; they had enlisted a whole stable of dommes to help train me.
Laura invited us all to go into the demo room while we were waiting for Sandra to arrive. The first item she showed us was a big comfortable armchair for a domme to sit in, which had some special features. There were telescoping rods that could be pulled out from the bottom of each side of the chair. Each arm had metal loops on it that could be locked around a slave's ankles or wrists. By adjusting the length of the telescoping arms the slave could be positioned to be up close and personal to service a pussy or have his ass available for a good caning. The slave could also be positioned of course to worship the feet of his mistress. Each arm of the chair had a cup holder so the mistress could enjoy a cool drink and the side of the chair was equipped with a lot of canes, whips and other implements.
Naturally Cindy volunteered that Laura would use me to demonstrate how comfortable the chair was. She pulled the rods out to a medium length and then ordered me to get naked, except of course for my cock ring which was left firmly locked in place. I was ordered to kneel so that the back rings on the rods were opposite my ankles, which were then locked into place by the metal rods. "Note how I have left the slave's hands free, so that he can worship my feet and hold them so that I do not have to strain my legs by holding them up", Laura said. "The loops around the ankles are most effective as the slave cannot stand up or otherwise rise and is really helpless even though his hands are free. If there is any failure to follow orders, then we just use this handy little cane here to whack the slave in the balls. However as a precaution I always like to attach the cock ring of the slave to the metal rods like this." Reaching down, Laura snapped a chain onto the loop at the bottom of my cock ring and then pulled it tight and snapped the other end onto the ring around my left ankle. "Now Dave will obey for sure", Laura said, "as any movement will yank painfully on his balls."
"You have told me you want to keep Dave excited as he worships smelly feet", Laura said to the girls. "Well, there are easy ways to do this without having to go to any trouble." She reached into the leather pouch built into the side of the chair and pulled out an obviously very effective ticking device. It was on a long thin stick and half its length was covered with soft feathers and pieces of soft plastic fluff that clearly could tickle you like mad. "It works like this"; she said and started to use the tickler on my cock and balls. The tickling sensation was incredible on my balls and caused me to ache with pleasure. I tried to squirm as the tickling was so erotic but could not do so with my cock ring including my balls being so tightly bound by the chain.
"Lick my boots again slave", Laura ordered me. With my balls on fire from the tickling, I held Laura's proffered left leg in my hands and started to lick it all over. I was careful to lick from the toe where the stench could be smelt through the leather all across the sides and top and right up to where the boots ended around her knee. When the left boot was finished, Laura changed legs so that I could worship the other one. I repeated the whole procedure even though my tongue was getting rough and sore from all the licking. It was a strange sensation as I was a naked slave licking smelly boots but at the same time due to the ball tickling I was in a constant state of high arousal. I would have given anything to come but the cock ring made it impossible. I found I was really in a strange way beginning to like these experiences, even though they were both frightening and humiliating.
After I had finished the second boot, Laura said to me "now comes the big treat Dave. You may undo the zipper of my left boot with your teeth and then pull it off. You will then gently and tenderly plaster my socked foot on your face while supporting it with your hands so that my leg is comfortable. My toes should be over your nose and then you may lick the bottom of the sock that is on your lips. Do it now Dave."
I slowly undid the zipper with my teeth. As the zipper moved inch by inch the overpowering smell of sweat and leather grew stronger. I thought to myself that I would never be able voluntarily to stick these stench drenched toes and sock over my nose. But at the same time I realised I had no choice. I had to do it voluntarily which was so totally humiliating or I would be forced to do it and probably caned as well. So when I came to the end of the zipper I gently grabbed Laura's sock covered foot and placed the toes of it over my nose and started to lick. The stench hit me like a sledge hammer and my humiliation was increased by all the girls starting to laugh at my fate together.
I thought this was the worst punishment I could ever suffer, due to the deep smell of sweat and leather and the sour and foul taste of the sock on my tongue. But I was wrong as Laura found a way to increase my suffering. She leant forward and pulled back the foreskin on my swollen dick and then started to tickle the naked end of it with the tickle stick. I started to jerk and buck like a fish out of water. This level of sexual arousal and tickling was driving me out of my mind. Laura gave me a stern warning to stop jerking around or "she would beat the shit out of me." So I tried to remain still even though the tickling, the stench and the taste all combined to nearly drive me crazy.
Despite my predicament I could hear Laura's assistant bringing Sandra into the room. Sandra was questioned to make sure she was still wearing the same socks and sneakers that she had on yesterday and she confirmed this was the case. Sandra was then told that she along with me would be used to demonstrate some new equipment to the dommes that came into the shop. I imagined that Sandra was as horrified as I was.
The girls then all decided that I should be freed up to see the toys they were going to use on Sandra by herself and also so that I would be available to "assist" with the toys that were to be used on two slaves together. But at the same time they decided that as a slave I should also get some punishment. Kelly informed me that I had never enjoyed the pleasure of the "sneaker enjoyment mask" and so this would now be strapped on to me.
The thought of being strapped into this mask to smell rotten sneakers had frightened me ever since I had seen it used on Sandra and had seen how it made her eyes bug out. But now I had no choice, once again.
My hands were once again cuffed behind my back before my ankles were unlocked. While still in the kneeling position, Laura took the sock I had been licking off her foot and thrust it into my mouth as deep as it could go. She then covered my mouth with duct tape to ensure that I could only breathe through the nose. The taste of the sock imbedded in my mouth was bad enough but now the mask was coming.
Kelly stuffed the end of the plastic tube dangling from the mask into the sneaker on her left foot. With a wicked grin, Kelly put the two plastic tubes protruding from the mask itself into my nostrils and then put the rubber part of the mask into place. With a swift and deft movement, she then pulled the buckle and strap of the mask at the back of my neck tight and fastened it in place so the mask was tight on my nose and face. The stench of her sneaker I was now forced to breathe from hit me like a truck. The stench of rubber, canvas and sweat, all hot and moist filled my nose while the taste of the sock filled my mouth. But in a strange way I was finding this very sexually exciting and I knew the girls' training to make me a sneaker slave was beginning to work.
"We should find something for Sandra now", Laura said. "While I show you some equipment for her, let's get her naked except for her smelly sneakers of course and get her kissing Dave to keep him fully aroused."
Sandra started to strip and I could see her lovely legs, ass, pussy and her perky tits with the nice big nipples. She was ordered to stand in front of me, put her arms around me and give me French kisses. To enable me to do so, the duct tape and sock were removed from my mouth. There was room under the mask for her to get her tongue on my lips and then when ordered to stick her tongue in my mouth. I became as hard as a rock and would have gone off if the cock ring were not on me.
Laura then reached up to a shelf and pulled out a big rubber glove that had little bumps and tough spots all over, including on the fingers. 'This is a wonderful tool to use on a slave, especially a female slave" she said. Putting the glove on she rubbed her hand hard all over Sandra's nipples and used the fingers of the glove to rub her nipples very hard. Sandra flinched with pain but kept on kissing me as she had been instructed. "The best use of all", Laura commented, "is to use the glove to give the slave an orgasm."
Sandra was ordered to stop kissing me and start to lick and bite my nipples. To keep me breathing through the mask, the duct tape was replaced over my mouth. Sandra was told to bend over a bit when doing so which would cause her pussy and asshole to be made available. While she was doing this, Laura pulled another rubber glove on her other hand.
"You insert your middle finger ion the slave's pussy with your hand pointed downwards", Laura said. "This allows you while fingering the slave to use your palm to rub her clit. Furthermore, note how I am using my other hand to rub her ass and from time to time to stick a finger and its rubbery point into her ass. This drives a slave crazy. Once and awhile you stop so that the slave is on the edge of an orgasm but has not come. With a little practice you can keep a slave on edge as long as you want."
I could tell Laura was a real expert by the way Sandra was panting as she licked my nipples. In her excitement she would bite my nipple really hard from time to time. I hated this as the pain made be breathe in deeply as a reflex and suck more hot stench into my nose from Kelly's sneaker.
Laura indeed was a real expert and kept Sandra right on the edge without letting her come. All the licking Sandra was giving me had me in the same condition, hot and horny and unable to come due to the cock ring.
Laura noted to the others that now that both slaves were really horny this would be a perfect time to try out a new piece of equipment she had designed called "no fucking way." She said it could cause great fun and amusement as the slaves would be fucking each other but could not come. She brought out a strange looking piece of equipment. It was a metal bar that had a metal slave collar on each end. The metal bar could telescope in and out and thus be adjusted to any length. She ordered Sandra to stand up next to me and put the slave collar around each of our necks. She then adjusted the metal bar, ordering us to French kiss each other and made the length of the bar such that we could not pull our heads back. Thus we were locked with our tongues in each other's mouth and unable to move out of this position, our lips also touching each other. As Sandra's tongue was in my mouth and mine in hers, I was forced again to breathe through the mask and" enjoy" the stench of Kelly's sneakers.
The next piece of equipment once again had a telescoping metal bar but this time with four loops. Laura attached two loops, one around the top of each of my legs. She then grabbed my dick and put it deep into Sandra's pussy. The other two loops went around the tops of Sandra's legs and then the metal bar was adjusted so that neither of us could move our legs and thus our hips. We were thus joined in a fucking embrace but unable to thrust and do any fucking.
I thought it was an act of kindness when Laura took the mask off me, but it was only so that the girls could go next door for a few drinks, leaving us tied up, French kissing and fucking but unable to pump. They laughingly bid us farewell and left with us horny, fucking and French kissing for god knows how long.
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