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Blackmailed Nurse

Part 1

Blackmailed Nurse

Dr. Benjamin Carter had been suspicious of Angie for several weeks now. Angie Smithson was a nurse who normally worked the night shift, and he suspected she was stealing drugs. The problem was proving it. Dr. Carter's wife, Doris, was very interested when he told her about it over dinner.

Doris Carter had been a top notch investigative reporter for the local newspaper when they met. She gave it all up for Ben. Nobody else knew the truth about her relationship with Ben, because away from home she was a typical yuppie wife, but at home she was Ben's slave. He had begun training her early in their marriage, and she loved her role. Now, after 20 years of living with him, she was very comfortable in her dual life.

As usual when they were alone, Doris ate her dinner kneeling naked next to Ben's chair. Her hands were secured behind her with leather cuffs, so Ben fed her, as he did every night they didn't have company. When dinner was over, Ben turned his chair to face Doris, opened his fly, fished out his already hard cock, and told her to get busy. She leaned forward and took him all the way to the root in one smooth, practiced motion.

While she pleasured him, Ben told her he wanted her back in the investigation business. “I want you to get the goods on that nurse bitch, Angie. I think she is keeping the painkillers I prescribe for my patients and using them herself, or maybe selling them. Start up an investigation, but be careful. If she's selling them, the people she's dealing with could be dangerous. If she's dirty, get what we need to hammer her good. I want enough evidence so there's no doubt.”

The next day, Doris got busy. It had been years since she was an investigative reporter, but she still knew how. She started with a complete background on the subject, Angie Smithson. Angie was 39 years old, and had been divorced two years before. She had married young and had a son in college, but he had taken his dad's side in the divorce and the two of them seldom talked anymore.

Angie's former husband was a lawyer, and he did well in the divorce. There was no alimony and no child support, since the son lived with his father. She and her husband had rented a house and weren't savers, so there wasn't much to split. In essence she had walked away from the marriage with her clothes, a car with four years of payments left, and half the furniture.

After the divorce, she hadn't done well. Her husband had managed everything financially and she wasn't good at doing it on her own. She was clearly in financial trouble, late on her rent and with her credit cards maxed. The only thing she had going for her was her looks. Angie was, to put it simply, stunning. She had the face of a model and a body built for sin.

Too bad she didn't use it. All indications were that her husband had dumped her because of her lack of interest in sex, and since her divorce she hadn't dated at all, so far as Doris could determine. She wasn't very social, either, and had no close friends. Despite her looks, Angie had an ice-cold personality.

Over the next two weeks, Doris followed Angie. To avoid being spotted, Doris used rental cars and never used the same one twice. Angie never had a clue. By the end of the two weeks, Doris had lots of photos of Angie, including several of her with a young hoodlum named Victor. Included in the photos were clear shots of her handing him small bottles and receiving cash in return.

Working under cover, Doris got in touch with Victor and posed as a buyer. She wanted to know about the quality of the drugs she was buying, and Victor assured her they were the real thing. When Doris seemed doubtful, Victor explained that he had a nurse stealing them for him from a hospital, so they were medical quality. He had Percocet, Darvocet, Tylenol 3 and 4, Vicodin, and MSContin. Doris got it all on tape.

The next step was easy. Doris and Ben, mostly due to their unusual lifestyle, didn't really socialize, and nobody at the hospital knew Doris. Doris had no problem getting some fake ID, and Ben simply admitted her under an assumed name. He said she was in for observation of severe back pain and prescribed MSContin.

When Angie brought her pills during the night, Doris palmed them and carefully put them into small, labeled envelopes in her purse, with time and date noted. The next day, her chart showed she had been given two pills three times during the night. In fact, Angie had only been in twice. In addition, when they checked the labeled pills in Doris's purse, only one of each set was MSContin. The other was an aspirin tablet.

They had Angie nailed. They had proof she was stealing the pills. They had motive. They even had photos of Victor paying for and receiving the pills, and they had Victor on tape telling Doris he had a nurse stealing for him. Ben and Doris talked about what to do next and came up with a plan.

The next day was a Saturday, and Ben was off. Angie was working the night shift and was scheduled to get off at 7am Saturday morning. Ben met her in the hall as he was doing his rounds. He had checked the schedule and knew she had the next four days off.

“Angie, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Angie had always gotten along with Dr. Carter just fine, so she wasn't concerned. Ben took her aside and said, “Well, Angie, you have a problem. I know about you and the drugs, and I know all about Victor.”

For a moment Angie couldn't breathe at all. Then she managed to choke out, “What? I don't know what you're talking about.”

Ben smiled at her, and it was a chilling smile. “Don't even try, Angie. I have you cold. If you want to see what prison is like, keep up the front. Otherwise wait for me by your car in the parking lot. I'll be out in a few minutes.” Then he just walked away.

Ben had parked right by Angie's car. A half hour later, when Ben got to his car, Angie was standing next to hers, waiting. All he said to her was, “Get in your car and follow me.” Then he started up his Jag and drove off.

Angie was more scared than she had ever been before in her life, but she managed to start her car and follow him. Ben drove directly to his house. Angie's mind was spinning and her mouth was dry. She was aware enough to notice that Dr. Carter had an estate surrounded by a large wall and an electric gate. She followed him up the long drive.

Ben pulled his car into the garage and motioned Angie to park in the empty stall next to him. Once she was inside, he hit the switch to close the garage doors and headed into the house, waving her to come with him. She followed him into the house, through the kitchen, and down a long hallway to a study. Angie started to speak, but Ben cut her off. “Sit in that chair, fold your hands in your lap, and shut up. I'll be back in a little while.”

Once she was seated, he added, “Sit up straight, shoulders back!” Angie had complied before she even thought about it. Ben looked at her for a few seconds and then said, “I want you to sit just like that. Don't move a single muscle or you'll be sorry later. Oh, and close your eyes. Keep them closed until I tell you specifically to open them.”

Angie closed her eyes tight, and she didn't think she could move even if she wanted to. She was absolutely rigid with fear. She heard Ben leave, but she didn't know if he was right outside the door watching her. On the drive over, she had tried to imagine what was going to happen to her, or what Dr. Carter wanted from her, and she was still trying to think, but it was like her mind had shut down. All she could think about was how scared she was.

Ben and Doris stood in the hallway watching Angie for about 10 minutes. She never moved. Finally, Ben walked back into the room and sat down behind the desk. A moment later, Angie started to speak. “Please, Dr. Carter…”

“Didn't I tell you to shut up? When I want you to speak, I will tell you. Just nod if you are able to understand this simple instruction.”

Angie nodded.

“Fine,” Ben continued. “Now, open your eyes, but look down into your lap unless I tell you different. Nod again if you understand.”

Angie opened her eyes and nodded again.

“Good,” Ben said. “Now be quiet and listen. You have been under investigation for a few weeks now. You have been followed, and I have photos of you giving drugs to Victor and receiving money for them. I have a tape recording of Victor telling a potential customer all about the quality of his drugs and the nurse he has stealing them.”

“I also have the actual pills you gave a patient instead of what I prescribed, and I have your handwriting in a patient chart saying you gave meds three times when it was only twice. Now you may talk to me, but don't waste my time with any more silly denials.”

Angie didn't look up. Somehow she knew she shouldn't. It took her a couple of times to get her voice working. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. It's just that I was short of money, and I didn't know what to do. I was getting evicted and my neighbor knew Victor, and it just sort of happened. I promise I'll never do it again.”

Ben laughed at her. “Of course you won't do it again. You're going to lose your nursing license, and then you're going to prison. The women there will know what to do with you. I hope you like licking pussy.”

Angie had been barely keeping control, but that did it. She started to sob, and once she started she just couldn't seem to stop. Ben just waited. Finally Angie got enough control back to sob out, “Please, Dr. Carter, I won't do it again. I promise. I'll do whatever you want if you don't turn me in.”

Ben waited a minute before answering. “Specify exactly what you mean when you say you'll do anything. Precisely what are you offering?”

Angie kept looking at her lap. “I mean I will go to bed with you if you want.”

Ben laughed again. “Remember, you've been investigated for weeks. I know a lot about you, and I hear you're worthless in bed. Isn't that right, Doris?”

Angie hadn't known anyone else was present, and was shocked when Doris said, from behind her, “That's right. Her ex-husband's nickname for her was ‘iceball'.”

Before Angie could turn to see who was behind her, Ben snapped, “Keep looking at your lap, and sit up straight. I warned you about that.” Angie sat up straighter. Her muscles were beginning to ache from holding herself so rigid.

“Well,” Ben said next, “I guess we better get the formalities out of the way. Here's how it will work. If you do exactly as you're told, maybe you can avoid prison. First, I want a full and complete account, in your own words, of just what you have been up to these past months.”

“We are going to record that. You are going to sit there, look at the camera, and spill your guts. I want as much detail as you can remember, and your memory better be pretty good, because we already know a lot of the details. When you're done, we'll talk about what happens next. Think about what you're going to say, and let me know when you're ready.”

When Angie said she was ready, Ben turned on the camera and told her to look at it. Then he led her through a complete confession. Angie was completely cowed by this time and didn't protest at all. She actually felt better as she got her terrible secret out into the open. When she was done, Ben turned off the camera and told Angie to stand up and strip.

When she looked at him in amazement, he said, “Listen very carefully, because you will be sorry if I have to repeat myself. You really screwed up this time, and it isn't something you can fix with a quick romp in the sack. The last couple of years you've been running your own life for the first time ever, and it turns out that you aren't very good at it.”

“Well, that problem is over. Either I'll be running your life now, or else the state will do it through their prison system. You need to make up your mind which it will be right now. If you choose the prison system just get up and leave. You're guilty of multiple felonies, so you will spend a lot of time there.”

“If you would rather deal with me, that's fine, too. If you choose to stay, you will find the initial period quite unpleasant, I assure you. However, once you have adjusted to your new role, you will find conditions here to be much better than the prison system. So, it's decision time.”

”This is the most important decision you have ever made, and, regardless of what you decide, it's also one of the last decisions you will ever make. You can decide to let the prison system and your fellow inmates make decisions for you in the future, or you can decide to have me do it. Now, don't say a word. Get up and either leave or strip. I'll give you a couple of minutes to decide.”

Angie really wasn't thinking at all. Her mind was whirling and she couldn't hold any thought for more than a second or two. She was terrified of going to prison, though, and her scattered thoughts managed to remember that Dr. Carter had said life here would be better than prison once she adjusted. In a daze, she stood and started removing her clothes.

Ben said, “Fold them neatly and put them on the chair.” Angie was like a robot. Her mind had shut down completely. She really had no thoughts at all as she finished folding her clothes and stood by the chair looking at the floor. Ben stood up and handed her a blindfold. “Put this on.”

Once the blindfold was on, Ben led her out of the study. He carefully steered her around any obstacles as he led her down the hall and into another room. Eventually he stopped and told her to stand still. After what seemed an eternity he finally spoke to her again.

“Bend forward at the waist. Now bend your knees a little. Fine, now lift your arms up behind you as far as you can. Good, just hold that position and don't move. This position is called the airplane. Remember it. Right now we are going to discuss some things, and you will remain in this position. If you move, you will be punished.”

“From now on, you will address me as ‘Sir' and you will address my wife as ‘Mistress'. Do you understand?” Angie nodded. “You will answer my questions out loud. Do you understand?”


Doris swung the cane hard across the lower part of Angie's butt. Angie hadn't even known Doris was in the room, and the searing pain caught her totally unprepared. She screamed and fell to the floor.

Ben raised his voice. “Get up NOW. Resume the airplane position, or we will really punish you.” Angie managed to get up and resume the humiliating position, but her butt still felt like it was on fire.

Ben resumed his normal voice. “The reason you were punished just now is because you forgot to call me ‘Sir'. You won't forget again, will you?”

“No Sir. I'm sorry Sir.”

“Very good. Now, I'm going to ask you a question. Think about your answer. What are you?”

Angie did think about it for almost a minute. Finally she said, “I'm your slave, Sir.” The reality of her situation had finally hit her, and she started quietly sobbing again, but she held her position.

Ben stood behind her and began to gently stroke her butt. His fingers traced over the burning path left by the cane and soothed the fire. He continued his petting and stroking and then slid his hand down between her legs. As he played with the lips of her pussy and ran his fingers through her slit, Angie started to get wet.

For 10 minutes he kept up the gentle stimulation. By the end of that time, Angie was moaning softly and moving against his hand. Then he quit and began speaking again.

“Tomorrow we will take a truck and go to your apartment. I have arranged for two young men to help us. We will load up everything you own in the truck and bring it back here. I will arrange with your landlord to cancel your lease and will pay what you owe him.”

“On Monday, you will go to the hospital and quit your job, effective immediately. You will tell them you were offered a great opportunity nursing for a private patient, but that he requires you to start right away. On Monday we will also go over your bills. We will pay everything off and cancel all of your credit cards. Your car will be sold.”

“You now live here. Slavery is not a part time job. You don't get weekends, holidays, vacations, or days off. We will go through the possessions from your apartment. Most will be sold or given away. Do you have any questions?”

Angie's mind was still pretty much shut down, but it was working well enough for her to understand that her previous life was over. It had been wiped away by her own actions. When she had declared herself a slave, she had understood the implications. The rest of what Ben said followed logically. Angie answered her new Master. “No Sir, I don't have any questions.”

“Good, now stand back up.” Angie rose and stood quietly, her hands at her sides. Ben led her into a bathroom and took off the blindfold. He told her to use the toilet and shower, and come back out into the room when she was done.

As she showered, Angie was doing a little mental self-examination. She was completely calm, and it took her a minute to realize why. All of her worries were gone. She had no bills, no job, and no possessions. Her sole task in life was to follow the commands of her new Master.

Angie was very careful to be sure she was ready for her Master. She found herself wanting to look good for him, so she carefully shaved her underarms and legs. She even shaved her pubic hair into a narrow strip. When she finished her shower she blew her hair dry and brushed it until it shone.

When she was done, Angie walked into the adjoining room and stood quietly in front of Ben with her gaze on the floor. “Thank you for letting me shower, Sir. What do you want me to do now?”

Ben led her to the bed and pulled the covers back. “Get in. You need to sleep. We will wake you later.” Once Angie was in the bed, Ben covered her and tucked her in. He kissed her lightly on her forehead and said, “You did a good job with the shower, and your hair looks nice. I'm pleased. Sleep well.”

Angie felt a surge of joy at his praise and drifted off to sleep thinking about how to better please her Master. Her training had begun. Since she had worked all night, they let her sleep until nearly dinnertime.

The idea of making Angie their slave had come from Doris. Ben's first thought had been to get the evidence and just go to the police, but Doris had convinced him that Angie wasn't evil, just too foolish to run her own life. Ben, on the other hand, had come to believe that Angie's problems with sex had nothing to do with her being frigid and everything to do with how everyone had always catered to her because of her looks.

At 5pm Doris went in and gently nudged Angie, speaking softly to her until she woke. Angie recognized her from the hospital and her eyes went wide. “You're the new patient. What are you doing here?”

“Actually, I'm Ben's wife. My real name is Doris, but that's not what you will call me, is it slave?”

Angie still had a vivid recollection of the cane when she had failed to call Ben ‘Sir', and she really didn't want to feel it again. “Please Mistress, I'm sorry. I didn't know who you were. Please don't punish me.”

Doris was amused at her reaction and decided to play with her. “Kneel, and quickly.” Angie dropped to her knees and looked at the floor in front of her. “Good,” Doris continued. “Now put your forehead on the floor and stick your butt up nice and high.”

Angie whimpered in fear, but she obeyed. Doris retrieved the cane from the corner and swung it hard through the air a few times. The sound it made terrorized Angie, and she found herself crying again. “Please Mistress, don't hurt me too much. I'm sorry I forgot.”

Doris had never intended to cane her, and now she felt guilty for her cruel joke. The sight of Angie huddled on the floor with her butt in the air, shaking and crying while she waited for the cane to fall, made Doris realize the responsibility that came with her new power over another person. She told Angie to get up.

Even if she had wanted to punish Angie, she couldn't have, because Ben had told her that Angie could only be punished in his presence. Angie was looking at her feet and still crying. Doris gently lifted her chin so that Angie was looking at her. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. There's no reason for me to be more cruel than necessary. Let's go get dinner ready.”

Doris walked out of the room and Angie followed her. When they got to the kitchen, Ben noticed immediately that Angie had been crying. He said, “Why are you crying? Don't you like it here?”

Angie started to answer, but Doris cut her off. “Sir, it's my fault. When she woke up she forgot to call me Mistress, and I made her kneel and present herself for punishment. I pretended I was going to cane her. I'm sorry, Sir. I have already apologized to her.”

“Get the cane.”

“Yes, Sir.” Doris trotted out of the room and returned in a moment with the cane, presenting it to Ben with downcast eyes.

Ben took the cane. “Now strip and demonstrate the position you made her assume.” Doris quickly removed her dress and folded it carefully, putting it on the counter. Then she knelt and put her head to the floor.

Ben turned to Angie. “Well, how many strokes should she get. You decide.”

Angie said, “Please, Sir, don't hurt her. She didn't actually hurt me, and she apologized. I was just scared.”

“Really,” Ben answered. “Are you sure? She caned you before. Don't you owe her one for that?”

Angie was crying again. “No Sir. Please don't hurt her because of me.”

“OK, Doris, get up. You made a good choice, Angie. I would have given Doris as many strokes as you specified, but then you would have received the same. You're new to this, and you will make mistakes. You will be punished for them, but I'll try to be fair. Doris is your Mistress, but she is also my slave. Take note of how she was quick to admit her transgression to me. I will expect no less from you.”

Doris took Angie by the arm. “Come on, Angie, you can help me with dinner.” They were making shrimp scampi. Doris had Angie put some clarified butter in a pan and get it heating while she fixed a salad.

When the butter was hot, Doris handed Angie a bib type of frilly apron. “Here, put this on.”

“Mistress, won't he be angry? He hasn't told me I can dress. I don't want to get into trouble.”

Doris looped the apron around her neck and tied it in the back. “No, it will be fine. He doesn't expect us to stand in front of a spattering frying pan with nothing on. Take it off as soon as you're finished with the frying.”

One thing making it easier for Angie was that she knew she looked good. Being naked didn't really bother her all that much. She was in no way ashamed of her body, and had never been particularly shy about it. Her swimsuits, for example, tended to be barely legal.

While cooking the shrimp, she found herself wondering if Ben was going to have sex with her soon. She assumed that sex would be part of the package, and was surprised to find she was looking forward to it. She could never remember being interested in sex before. She always thought it was overrated.

Doris, like Ben, suspected that the real problem was that she wanted to be taken, not courted. Some women don't want to be treated like fine china, but Angie was so breathtakingly beautiful that men had always considered themselves lucky if she even noticed them. As a result, they treated her like a princess.

At dinner, Ben fed Doris and Doris fed Angie. After dinner Ben told the two women to follow him and led them down to the “playroom,” which filled much of the basement. Angie stopped dead still when she first entered the room, and if there had been anywhere to run, she would have.

The room was filled with an assortment of tables, crosses, and various other items of furniture. There were whips and cuffs and things she didn't recognize on the walls. Her audible gasp attracted Ben's attention, so he went to where she was frozen and led her into the center of the room.

Angie was mentally numb, and didn't resist when Ben put cuffs on her wrists. Meanwhile, Doris was putting cuffs on her ankles. Then the cuffs were hooked to ropes and pulled so that she was standing with her feet well spread and her hands over her head.

Ben went to the wall and took down a whip with several flat strands an inch wide. As he approached, Angie said, “Please Sir, what did I do wrong? Why are you going to punish me, Sir?”

Ben walked around her a couple of times, swishing the whip through the air. “I'm not going to punish you. Wait and see what happens. People all refer to you as an iceball or a snow queen. We're just going to see if we can melt the ice a bit. I hope you're ready.”

Ben started to whip her, but not hard at all. He started just hard enough to sting a bit and redden the skin. He spent a lot of time and covered her thoroughly, applying the whip to her back, butt, thighs, belly, and breasts. As he continued, he gradually got harder and harder.

He wasn't really hurting her very much, and her endorphins were really kicking in. She was starting to float. As he got harder and harder, Doris sat between her legs and started using a vibrator on her pussy. Before long, her hips were thrusting and she was moaning.

Angie didn't know what she was feeling. She couldn't think, and every blow from the whip seemed to shoot right to her pussy. She felt like she was on fire, and then it happened. The orgasm came out of nowhere, and Angie had no idea what was happening to her. She screamed, and her whole body went rigid. Then she started thrashing out of control. It went on and on, and then she collapsed, hanging from the cuffs.

Ben immediately supported her while Doris unclipped the ropes. Ben carried her to a padded table and laid her down on it, and then he and Doris both hugged and stroked her until she was coherent again. When her breathing had slowed to normal, Ben said, “I told you I wasn't punishing you. Was that a pretty good orgasm?”

Angie's reply surprised both Ben and Doris. “It was wonderful, Sir. It was the first one I ever had.”

Ben hesitated a moment and then said, “Well, it's time for a little question and answer. Tell me about your sexual experiences. You've never had an orgasm, even from someone licking your pussy?”

“No Sir. I've only ever had sex before with my ex-husband, and he didn't ever do that. He just got on, screwed me, and got off. Sometimes it started to feel good, but then it was over.”

Ben shook his head. “I am very sorry. I've been thinking you were an ice princess, but maybe your ex was just incompetent. Did you suck his cock? Did he play with your tits? Tell me about it.”

“I never sucked him, sir, and he didn't play with my tits. Once a week or so he would come to bed and push up my nightgown. Then he would get on and screw me. That was it.”

Ben was amazed. “How long did it take him?”

“I don't know exactly, Sir. It was maybe a couple of minutes.”

Ben shook his head again. “Well, we need to do some science here. An experiment is in order. Let's try this. I will lick your pussy while Doris uses the vibrator on your tits.”

Ben went to the end of the table and pulled Angie toward him. He lifted her legs up and out to the sides while Doris clipped ropes to them, holding them in place. Then they fastened her hands to the head of the table and cinched a belt around Angie's waist. Once she was immobile Ben got busy between her legs.

He used his fingers to stroke her pussy lips while his tongue made circles all around the area. When his fingers started sliding in and out of her pussy and his tongue found her clit, Angie thought she'd died and gone to heaven. She had never felt anything so completely wonderful.

Right about then Doris started using her mouth and the vibrator on her hard nipples. That was all it took. Angie exploded into the second orgasm of her life, but Ben and Doris didn't even slow down. In just three or four minutes, Angie exploded again.

Ben and Doris never let up. Angie's orgasms kept getting closer together until they were almost continuous. Finally she managed to say, “Please Sir, I can't stand anymore. Please.” Ben let her come down slowly, tapering off his tongue work until she was able to relax on the table. They quickly unfastened her and both held her.

Angie was shaking all over and crying at the same time. Her fragile psyche was shattered and it took some time for all the pieces to come back together. Finally Doris said, “Nope, she's definitely not frigid.” That started Ben laughing and he couldn't stop. Soon they were all laughing together.

Once they had settled down, Ben led the women into the living room and they all sat on the sofa, with Ben in the middle. Angie said, “Sir, thank you very much. My ex always told me I was frigid, and I believed him. I thought there was something wrong with me. He called me ‘iceball' all the time. It really hurt. After the divorce I never bothered to go out with anyone else because I thought it would be the same thing and I couldn't face it.”

“Well,” Ben said after a moment, “It would seem your ex is a moron. He didn't know what he had, so he discarded you. Now you belong to me, and I know exactly what I have. I feel like I just bought a Picasso at a yard sale. You are my slave, but you are a very treasured possession.”

Doris spoke up. “You are unschooled in using your body to please, but we will change that. You have the raw materials. You are beautiful, intelligent, and very responsive. It won't take you long to learn to be pleasing as well.”

Angie was positively glowing. In all of her life, people had only complimented her on her beauty. Her ex-husband had constantly run down her brains and told her she was cold in bed, and she had bought into that completely. Throughout her marriage she had felt like a pretty painting – nice to look at but useless for anything else. As she sat next to her owner, she was thinking that the last real decision of her life, made when she choose slavery over prison, was also perhaps the only really good decision she had ever made.

After a few minutes of cuddling, Angie said in a very quiet voice, “Sir, could you and my Mistress show me how to be pleasing to you. I would really like to please you, Sir.”

“That's good. Slaves should want to be pleasing. Doris will show you what to do.”

Doris got up and put some music on the stereo. Then she led Angie into position in front of Ben and said, “Now we will dance for our Master. Think about sex when you dance. You aren't dancing for exercise this time. You are dancing to please a man. Try to let your desire show. Men find it very pleasing when a woman desires them.”

Angie was already a skillful dancer. She had taken lessons for a long time, but her ex had never even bothered to watch her. As she danced for Ben, she thought back to how she had felt on the table as they made her orgasm over and over. Her dancing, which started out to be skillful but mechanical, soon became passionate. She could feel the rhythms deep in her belly. Her skin flushed, and her hips began their own erotic dance within the main dance.

By the time the third song began playing, Angie felt something she had never felt before. She had always felt beautiful but now she felt sexy, and that was new. She was discovering that sexy and pretty are two completely different things.

During the fourth song, Doris led Angie over to Ben, and the two women worked together to get him undressed. Angie noted that Doris carefully folded all of his clothes and put them neatly on the coffee table.

Once Ben was naked, Doris knelt between his legs. She said, “Watch what I do.” Doris used her tongue, gently licking Ben's cock and balls until he was fully erect. Then she took him into her mouth and began bobbing up and down. She was going down until her nose was buried in his pubic hair, and Angie could see her cheeks hollow as she sucked. After a couple of minutes, she stopped and said, “OK, now you try.”

Angie knelt between Ben's legs and pushed her tongue out, sliding the tip across the head of his cock. Then she started licking it and finally put it into her mouth. Doris reminded her to keep using her tongue, so she swirled it all around the head as she bobbed up and down.

Doris could see she wasn't sucking, so she told Angie not to forget the suction. Soon Angie was doing a credible job, but was only working the top couple of inches of Ben's cock. After a few minutes, Doris told her to try going deeper, and Angie started trying to get further down on Ben's cock. When it hit the back of her throat, her gag reflex made her choke.

Doris said, “Keep trying. I'll help.” Each time Angie started to gag, Doris slapped her hard across her butt. The distraction seemed to work, and Angie was able to get further down on each stroke. While she didn't manage to take him all the way, both Ben and Doris thought she did well for her first time.

Before long, Ben was ready. He told Doris to finish him by hand. Angie watched in fascination as his come arched into the air and landed on his belly. She had never seen a man come before.

When he was finished, Ben reached down with two fingers and ran them through the come on his belly. He licked his fingers clean and said, “See, it doesn't taste bad. Try it.”

Angie very hesitantly dipped one finger into the white fluid and then licked it off. He was right. It wasn't unpleasant. It actually had very little flavor.

“OK,” Ben continued, “Now clean the rest off with your tongue. Take your time.”

Angie leaned forward and slowly cleaned his belly with tiny licks of her tongue. Then, following instructions from Doris, she continued down and sucked Ben's flaccid cock into her mouth. In a few minutes, Ben was hard again.

Ben pulled her up so she was straddling his lap on the sofa. Doris held his cock and guided it into Angie as she sat on Ben's lap, facing him. Ben's hands were on her waist, and, following his gentle guidance, she began to move up and down on his cock. Soon she had a good rhythm.

As Angie moved on Ben's cock, Doris stood behind her, pressing her naked body against Angie's back. As Angie moved slowly up and down, Doris reached around, using one hand to fondle a breast while the other dipped down and began to tease Angie's clit. In a couple of minutes, Angie experienced her first orgasm during intercourse.

Having just come, Ben had no trouble going for almost 20 minutes. Doris kept her hands busy, and Angie crashed through several more orgasms before Ben finally came. When they lowered Angie to the sofa, her eyes were glassy. Doris kissed her, and Angie kissed back hard. Soon the two women were kissing with open mouths, their tongues dancing and their arms wrapped around each other.

Angie's head was spinning out of control. She had never remotely considered being with another woman, but she couldn't deny that the deep kissing was having a profound effect on her. Angie had spent most of her life starved for affection.

The simple fact was that she had not been the iceball in her marriage, her husband had. She had received more affection and affirmation today than she had in the last 20 years, and her mind was overwhelmed. For the first time since she was a child, she felt valued, and she wanted desperately to please the people who made her feel this way.

Doris broke the kiss and looked up at Ben. “Please, Sir, may we continue?” Ben nodded his consent and got off the sofa to give the women more room.

Doris kissed her way down Angie's body, spending a lot of time on her breasts. Before long the two women were arranged in a classic 69, with Doris on top. Ben sat in a wing chair and watched the two women play for almost an hour, and he quickly lost count of their orgasms.

When they finally tired of playing with each other, Ben moved back to the sofa and sat between them again. He asked Angie what she thought of her first day in her new home.

She looked up at him with an expression that was very hard to read. “I love it here,” was all she said.

After cuddling on the sofa for a while, Ben stood and picked Angie up in his arms. He carried her back to her room and Doris opened the covers so he could lay her gently in her bed. He tucked her in and said, “Sleep well, little slave. We'll see you in the morning.” She was asleep before they were out of the room.

Doris and Ben discussed the day's events at some length. Ben had expected Angie to require much more punishment before she adapted to her new life, but so far she had received only one punishment stroke of the cane. He didn't count the whipping, since that had been done in a very sensual way and not to punish her.

Doris told Ben that she really liked Angie, and that it was working out even better than she had anticipated. Ben reminded her that she and Angie were only allowed to pleasure each other if he was present.

Angie woke early the next morning, and took a long shower. She carefully shaved again, and then fixed her hair. She found some toiletries and such in her bathroom, so she applied deodorant and perfume. Then she sat quietly on the edge of her bed with her hands in her lap and waited.

While she was waiting, she thought about how her life had changed in the last 24 hours. She had been free 24 hours before, and then Ben and Doris had blackmailed her into becoming their slave. She knew she was completely owned by them and that they could do whatever they liked with her, but it didn't worry her.

After spending over an hour thinking about it, she realized she was glad it had happened. The previous day, after the fear of the meeting with Ben, had been the best day of her entire life. She found that she was looking forward to the coming day, which was something she hadn't done in a long time.

Her life previous to yesterday's events had become a burden to her. She had been deeply ashamed about stealing the drugs, constantly fearful about her finances, and there had been nobody who cared even a little bit about her. Even her son had not called in nearly three months. She had begun to think about suicide.

Now that life was done. It was like being born all over again. Her old life had been washed away, and whatever remnants of it that had tried to remain had been burned in the fires of her newfound passion. She thought back to the moment when Ben had asked her what she was and she had replied, “I'm your slave, Sir.”

That, she knew, was the moment she had let go of her previous life.

When Ben came to wake her, he found her sitting on the edge of the bed. He asked her how long she had been awake.

“I woke up at 5:30, Sir, so I got up and took a shower. Then I just waited here for you or the Mistress to come for me. I've been trying to sit up straight like you want me to. I hope that it was OK to take a shower, Sir.”

“That's fine, Angie. Your hair looks nice. What have you been thinking about, sitting there?”

“I thought about how my previous life ended, Sir. I'm glad it did. It wasn't much of a life, anyway. Then I thought about how I could be more pleasing to you and my Mistress. I want to be a better dancer, and I have so much to learn about sex. I'll do the best I can, Sir.”

Ben sat down next to her. “You have done well so far. I thought it would take a lot more punishment before you accepted your new life as a slave. How is it you adapted so quickly?”

Angie thought for a long time before she answered, and then she answered in a voice so low Ben had to strain to hear her. “I think I have always been a slave, Sir. I just didn't have a Master before.”

Ben wrapped his arms around her and kissed her for the first time. Angie molded against him with no hesitation at all. As he kissed her, she felt her nipples come erect and she could sense the moisture flooding her pussy. Her husband had seldom kissed her, and even when he did, it had never had this kind of an effect on her.

Ben felt her kiss change from light passion to intense need. Angie was moaning softly now, as she tried her best to merge their two bodies into one. Ben was unprepared for the suddenness of her passion and took a moment to catch up. Then he pushed her onto her back and held her down by her hair with one hand while he stroked her body with the other.

In no time, Angie was writhing under his hand. She couldn't believe how turned on she was. His touch was like fire moving over her skin, and her mind had whirled out of her control completely. When he slipped his fingers into her slit, she came hard on his hand, moaning and bucking her hips.

When she had settled down, he released her and helped her to her feet. “Please, Sir, I don't know what's happening to me. I've never been like this before. It's like I can't control myself at all.”

Ben chuckled at her as he led her to the kitchen. “Don't worry about it, little slave. You aren't supposed to be able to control yourself anymore. I have that control now, and I'm pleased by how responsive you're becoming.”

Angie and Doris quickly made a breakfast of eggs, cereal, fresh-squeezed juice, and tea. Once they had eaten, they all got into Ben's Jag and headed for Angie's apartment. Stan and David, the two young men Ben had hired, were already there with a U-Haul truck, and they all got right to work loading everything Angie owned into the truck.

They had bought lots of boxes when they rented the truck, so Ben, Doris, and Angie packed the boxes while Stan and David carried everything down to the truck from Angie's second-floor apartment. The landlord, a Mr. Johnson, showed up around 11am. He was upset at first that there had been no notice given, but Ben explained that his hiring of Angie had happened suddenly and she hadn't known she was moving until the previous day. Ben gave him a check for the remaining three months of the lease, and he went away happy.

They ordered some pizzas delivered and ate a quick lunch before getting back to work, and by 2pm everything was packed and in the truck. They all went back to the house, and, with everyone helping and the truck backed right up to the door, they were able to offload everything into the garage in just over an hour.

Ben paid Stan and David, and then he and the women went inside to collapse on the sofa. It had been a long day. After a soda and a half-hour rest, they all felt rested enough to get into the shower. Luckily the shower in the master bath was huge, with several shower heads, and they all had a good time scrubbing each other.

Once they were clean, they all got into the hot tub. Doris asked if she could kiss Angie, and when Ben said it was OK, the two women began to kiss and fondle each other. In a couple of minutes, both were getting hot, and not from the water. Ben finally told them to dry off and go into the play room.

This time Ben put the cuffs on Doris, and had Angie help him fasten her standing with her legs well spread and hands pulled high over her head. Ben had put suspension cuffs on Doris, and he pulled her arms up until she was straining to keep her tiptoes on the floor. Then they put a blindfold on her. Once she was secured, Ben started with the flogger he had used on Angie the day before.

Ben really took his time. Doris was already sexually aroused from her make-out session with Angie, and soon the flogger had her moaning and writhing in her bonds. As Ben moved around her, covering her body with lashes from the flogger, he slowly upped the intensity of the blows. Angie watched in awe as Doris gradually lost all control of herself.

After perhaps 15 minutes of this sensual flogging Doris was moaning constantly and thrusting her hips in an involuntary motion. Ben motioned to Angie and she quickly obeyed, kneeling between her mistress's legs and applying her fingers and tongue to the dripping pussy.

Doris came immediately, spasming hard on Angie's tongue and quivering all over. Angie kept licking while Ben kept flogging, and perhaps a minute later, Doris came again. Almost before that orgasm had ended, another started, and they were pretty much continuous from then until Ben finally called a halt about 10 minutes later. By then Doris was just hanging limp from the suspension cuffs, barely moving as the orgasms shot through her one after another.

Ben held her up while Angie got the ropes unclipped, and then he carried her to the padded table. He quickly stretched her out on the table and fastened her limbs down. Doris was hardly conscious of what he was doing. Ben quickly inserted a powerful vibrator into her pussy and set a heavy, iron weight on the table between her legs, pushing it against the vibrator to hold it in place. When he turned on the vibrator, Doris started coming again almost immediately.

Ben turned his attention to Angie. She was practically out of control with desire for him, and pressed her body against him as soon as she sensed it was OK to do so. Ben grabbed her butt cheeks and lifted her up, then lowered her onto his cock. She had wrapped her arms around his neck and quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, moving her hips back and forth frantically.

He felt so good inside her that she couldn't get enough, and she pumped him wildly for several minutes while their tongues played tag. When Angie came, she screamed out loud and then began sobbing as the power of the release overwhelmed her. When she had come back to earth, Ben gently set her down and then pushed her to her knees in front of him.

Angie needed no prompting to slide her lips around his cock, and the motion seemed to come naturally to her this time. She worked and sucked his cock, gradually going deeper and deeper, until she could feel his hair on her nose each time she went down. Before long, he erupted into her waiting mouth, and she sucked him dry.

Ben pulled Angie to her feet and they went over to see how Doris was doing. She was still oblivious to anything around her. Her hips were moving in circles, and the sound she was making was hard to describe – sort of a combination of moaning and grunting. It was obvious she was still coming constantly.

Ben took Angie's hands and put them on Doris's tits. As Angie started to kneed and stroke, Ben removed the weight and began moving the vibrator in and out. Doris's hips started bucking up and down in rhythm with his thrusts. At the same time, Angie started using her mouth of Doris's nipples. In moments the soft, continuous coming changed into a hard, crashing orgasm so powerful that Doris passed out completely.

When she awoke, Doris was still on the table, but she was no longer ties down and the blindfold was gone. Ben was caressing her upper body from one side of the table, while Angie stroked her lower regions from the other side. Doris didn't say anything for several minutes, and when she finally broke her silence, she said, “Thank you both. That was amazing. I've never felt anything like that. It was torture and bliss at the same time. I was so sensitive that everything you did to my pussy felt like I was being burned, but I couldn't stop coming.”

Once they had all returned to a more or less normal mental state, they retrieved the box containing Angie's financial records from the garage. After spreading it all out on the dining room table, they got to work figuring out what she owed, and to whom. Ben made out checks for the balance on all of the credit card accounts and the car loan.

They also did a letter to enclose with the credit card payments telling the companies to close the accounts. Ben did have her leave one credit card account open. “You never know, I may want you to rent a car or something. We'll keep it and put it away for you.”

It took about four hours to get it all done and the records organized and filed. Just that fast, Angie was off the credit tit. Of course it had cost Ben nearly $30K to get it done. While they were doing the books for Angie, they had Chinese delivered, so dinner was covered. When they had the books done everyone was pretty tired, so they went to bed.

The next morning, Doris woke Angie at 6am. She had time to shower before helping get breakfast ready. Since she had still not been given permission to dress, she was completely naked. At breakfast, Ben presented each of the women with a set of SmartBalls. Angie had never seen anything like them before.

They were two silicone covered balls connected together in the middle with a short neck. There was a string attached to one end to make it easier to remove them. Each ball obviously had another ball inside that was rolling and rattling around. The whole thing was about 4” long and just under 1.5” in diameter at the widest points of the balls. Angie didn't have any trouble imagining where they went.

Ben just said, “Put them in.” Doris got a bottle of lube and put a little on each set, and Ben watched as the two women inserted the SmartBalls up into their vaginas. Once they were in, Ben said, “Keep those in until I tell you to take them out, which will be sometime tonight. Have a nice day, girls.”

After Ben left for work, Doris and Angie cleaned up the kitchen. Once that was done, they went to the garage, which was attached, and brought in the boxes with Angie's clothes in them. Doris helped her go through them. She knew what Ben liked, and she also knew what he didn't like.

Ben liked outfits that were sexy without being sluttish, and he likes lacy underwear. He didn't like clothes that were too conservative, and he didn't like clothes he thought looked too “male.” Dresses were good. Pantsuits were bad. He also liked the look of bib overalls on women. In shoes he preferred sneakers and didn't like high-heeled pumps, which he thought were ridiculous and impractical. He had once told Doris that if she wanted to look like a slut she should just wear kneepads.

Both women found that the SmartBalls made the day very interesting. Every time they moved, even just a little, the rattles in the balls bounced around, sending subtle vibrations through their pussies. In no time they were very aroused, but it seemed unlikely that there was enough stimulus to actually make them come. They were talking about how crazy it was going to make them by evening.

About two thirds of Angie's clothes were deemed unsuitable by Doris and went into the back of her Expedition for the Salvation Army. Once that was done, both women dressed and they left.

The first stop was the Hospital. Doris went in with Angie to lend support. They had prepared a letter of resignation, which Angie handed in, along with a brief explanation of why she was leaving without notice. Once that was done, they moved on to Ben's accountant.

The accountant was arranging all of the employment stuff for Angie. He had a bunch of forms for her to fill out so he could set up the workman's comp, life insurance, health insurance, tax stuff, retirement plan, etc. Ben wanted her well covered, and he wanted it to look like she was an ordinary employee. Ben had several full time employees in his medical practice, and Angie's status as an RN made it easy. Nobody is surprised when doctors employ nurses, and the story was that she would be a visiting nurse, calling on Ben's patients in their homes to check on them.

As they left the accountant's and were walking back to the vehicle, Doris suddenly stamped her feet and groaned. Angie asked her what the matter was.

“It's these balls. They are driving me crazy. Don't they bother you?”

Angie shook her head. “Yes, I feel like I'm 75% of the way to an orgasm, and I can't get any closer. I sure hope he doesn't make us wear them every day. Riding in the car is maybe the worst. They just bounce all the time”

After they dropped off the clothes at the Salvation Army, they stopped at the Mall for lunch in the food court. Once they'd eaten, they went to a couple of lingerie shops to get Angie some new underwear, and then headed home. On the way home, Doris broke the news to Angie. “Ben wants us to stay in shape, so he insisted that we do an hour of exercise and aerobics this afternoon. That should be interesting with these SmartBalls in place.”

The two women spent an hour dancing and exercising to some rock music. By the end of the hour, they were both tired and also incredibly turned on. The SmartBalls had done their work well. They just had time to shower before Ben arrived home from work. As he had instructed in the morning, they were both naked.

“Well,” Ben asked, “How did you like the SmartBalls?”

Doris answered for both of them. “I think they are devious. It doesn't seem so bad at first, but the cumulative effect of spending a whole day unable to think of anything but sex is much more intense than I had expected.”

“Good,” Ben replied. “Now you know how guys feel every day.” That got a laugh from both women.

After dinner, Ben had his slaves dance for him for almost an hour. By then they were desperate for some relief from the constant, nagging vibration between their legs. Finally Ben gave them permission to remove the SmartBalls and pleasure each other.

After a little preliminary kissing and fondling, they quickly assumed a 69 position on the floor, with Angie on top this time. Before long they were both coming every few minutes. When Ben tired of watching, he had them follow him into the Master bedroom. He lay on the bed and had Doris straddle him so he could use his tongue on her pussy.

While he was licking her, Angie started work on his cock, and her mouth work was steadily improving. After Doris came, Ben had the women switch so he could get Angie off while Doris finished him orally. When he was satisfied, he had Angie stay in his bed instead of returning to her own. Angie was hoping that this could become a permanent arrangement.

Ben and Doris were each thinking the same thing. It seemed silly for Angie to sleep in another room. After all, she had been naked for three days now whenever they were in the house, not to mention all the sex. There was no point in pretending she was just a visitor, sleeping in the guest room. They would have to think about it.

The next morning they all showered together, and then they repeated the previous night's activities, except that this time the women took turns riding Ben's cock while he drove them crazy with his tongue. Ben had always had excellent control, so he was able to drive both Angie and Doris to multiple climaxes before he finally let loose himself. Later, at work, he would be surprised to find that he could not recall which woman had actually been riding him when he came.

That night, the fourth evening of Angie's new captivity, Ben called a meeting. He was sitting in the wing-backed chair in the living room, and the two women, both naked of course, were kneeling at his feet.

He started things off with a direct question. “Tell me, Angie, how are you adjusting so far? I hope you aren't too unhappy with your new life.”

Angie's smile was truly radiant. Right then she could have lit up a football stadium with that smile. “I'm very happy, Sir. In my whole life before Saturday morning I never even imagined it was possible to be this happy. Thank you both so very much for making me your slave.”

Angie's eyes got a naughty twinkle, and she continued. “I would like to show my gratitude in a more personal way, if my Master and Mistress will allow it.”

Ben and Doris were more than happy to let her show her gratitude for a long time that night, and after she had shown her gratitude to them for a while, they showed her again just why she was so happy.

And yes, Angie did get to sleep in the Master bed from then on.

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