Story Title: Mistress Autumn
As he brushed and stroked his beautiful goddesses curls, Robie’s penis nearly wrecked itself, locked in the tiny casing. Would he escape it today… maybe?
Robillard St. Croix finished coming Autumn’s cascading blonde hair. He’d given Autumn a great comb over, and massaged his pretty cousin’s shoulders till Autumn had purred. She’d looked up at Robillard lovingly, and he felt like he was on the top of the world.
And Robillard was good! He had a big beauty parlor on the corner of Linnet and Bucephalus…people came constantly…
But all he cared about was his beloved, beautiful cousin Autumn!
She smiled at him, like the time he’d co-signed on her Lexus, and then ended up buying the whole thing for her, after she’d successfully completed Traffic school!
It was the rare time that Robillard was in control. He was a chubby, buck toothed boy, the butt of the family jokes, and he worshipped Autumn!
Robillard’s experienced fingers braided and weaved Autumn’s tresses, and then he gave her a scalp massage what he usually charged his hairdressing and massage clients. Though of course he charged Autumn nothing!
Pa had been so repelled that his youngest son had asked to be put through the Kurzweil Beautician’s Academy after the earlier four had won football scholarships…but Autumn had stood up for homely, pudgy Robillard. And it had been worth it.
Autumn now was Robillard’s ice queen, and Robillard was amazed and baffled by his beautiful relative.
Cousin Violet had chided Robie for paying Autumn’s Visa bills time and again, and for helping her out with her student loans after Autumn got her M.S.W. master’s, but he’d do it again in a heartbeat, though he didn’t think a social worker should be so romantically close to the ex-convicts that she counseled…
Robie finished the massage, and looked dotingly at the beautiful girl.
“Do you feel better now, Autumn?” Robillard asked his cousin, smiling. “You look pretty relaxed.” Robillard was also a licensed chiropractor, and knew what he was doing when Autumn got a cramp from wrestling around with one of her many sexual conquests.
Autumn stood up languorously and Robillard moaned inside as Autumn’s high breasts moved slowly in her snug pink sweater. But then Autumn’s eyes narrowed and she slapped her fat relative hard across Robillard’s chubby cheek.
“You’re such an egotistical pig, Robillard. No wonder Uncle Hal whipped your fat little ass in front of the rest of us so much, just to show what a creepy horny little goat you were!”
Robillard blushed at the memory, at his younger sister’s sneers and his Cousin Parley’s grin just above his goateed chin…while Robillard had to wear a crew cut!
And Autumn slapped Robillard again. It was hard to believe such a sweet faced social worker could possess such rage. Autumn reached out and twisted Robillard’s right nipple with two long purple fingernails. (Sharp nails, to be sure!)
Autumn had asked Autumn’s permission, as always, to be naked during Autumn’s massage and “Hair Therapy.” He had hoped, despite looking quite slovenly and cellulite ridden, to lure Autumn to his bed. This, so the fat boy could labor between Autumn’s soft, curvy thighs.
Just a reward for the good works on the massage!
Certainly Robillard had been licking Autumn’s twat on and off since high school, and then when she was done, she’d let him jerk off, kneeling before her (That was the old days, pre- Iron Maiden) Then of course, Autumn would go off to suck some idiot’s dick somewhere…never poor Cousin Robillard’s!
“After all, Robie…it would be like putting a Vienna Sausage in my mouth, who wants that?” What a mean girl!
So when Autumn came over, Robillard stripped down…it aroused him to be naked in her service…and when he was lucky, she’d also disrobe, or at least get into bra and panties…
Once or twice, Autumn had charged Robie $20 per garment to remove her clothing…but it had been worth it! Oh, those nipples….
Once or twice, Autumn had brought her friends Savannah, Trish and Corriveau over, and they’d laughed at poor Robie as he’d waited on them, naked and aroused…
But it had been worth it…and he knew that his big dream was to get Autumn naked again…what a girl!
But lately, Robillard had not seen Autumn naked very much…he’d always strip down when she visited his house, after all, she was a Superior Being…he had nothing to hide from her…but she remained clothed quite a bit of the time.
Now Autumn reached down between Robillard’s chubby thighs and twisted the small lock on Robillard’s “Iron Maiden” chastity belt.
True, Robillard had purchased this, and begged Autumn to lock him in it, but he’d never thought he’d have to spend such long periods of time locked up…and when she wasn’t visiting, poor Robillard had a tough time of it, watching porn while unable to masturbate!
Autumn reached under the Iron Maiden to squeeze Robillard’s exposed testicles, and the fat boy screamed in agony. Robillard bent over, nearly vomiting, as his balls crunched in her cruel gymnast’s grip before she let go.
Robillard’s cock, however, squirmed in the Iron Maiden as he saw his cousin’s nipples harden in the pink pullover. He knew she was turned on, if nothing else.
Autumn laughed at her cousin’s tears now. She slapped her miniskirted knee and laughed some more, and Robillard was gratified to see her considerable breasts heaving in her hilarity.
“You just think you’re hot shit because I let you put your filthy, obese paws on me. Take off your glasses, Hog Face, and get me the handcuffs and your Daddy’s razor strop. We’ll see who the hot shit is now.”
Robie’s penis struggled to erect in the Iron Maiden, which of course was impossible…the chastity device was so tight…and he was anguished, but quite aroused.
Autumn checked her makeup quickly in a compact, grinning. “I remember when Uncle Hal would whip your blubbery butt in front of the family, just to make a man of you! And you wriggled so much, he had to use his police handcuffs on you to keep you still…and now I have to use them too…because you’re such a whiny little shitbird.”
Autumn closed the compact. “Remember the time that your sister and I got you to put on makeup and a night-gown, and told you we would reward you with sex, and then we told Uncle Hal, and he came in and beat the crap out of your little transvestite ass…that was just wonderful True entertainment. Go get me that razor strop now!”
Robillard ran sobbing to the kitchen, where he retrieved his father’s razor strop from where it still hung, eight years after Pa’s death. Robillard found the police handcuffs in the kitchen drawer, and returned to Autumn, who was admiring her reflection yet again, in Robillard’s wall mirror in the living room.
The strop…When Pa wasn’t whipping Robie, he was making his chubby son put on boxing gloves, and then punching his boy like he was a gym bag..but the strop was even worse!
Pa had whipped Robillard twice a week until Robillard was nineteen…two days before Pa died of his heart attack…and Autumn had gotten such a kick out of taking over, that girl!
Autumn reached out abstractedly, and grabbed Robillard’s mousy brown mop and shook his head. “ I really should shave your head again…it was so hilarious the last time, those ridiculous wigs you had tow ear when you went out.” Autumn laughed cruelly.
Although Robillard’s hair was not beautiful, he was fond of it, and had wept bitter tears when cruel Autumn had gone at it with clippers and razor.
Robillard had been so happy after Pa’s death when he’d grown out the crew cut into a nice hippie-dippy ponytail, and Autumn had bided her time to destroy that little image. Now she made him wear his hair considerably shorter, just as he combed and pampered her beautiful shoulder-length locks in return.
Now, Autumn shook Robillard’s head again and dragged him by the hair, bending him over the arm rest of the divan, so Robillard’s seemingly enormous butt stuck out.
It may not be so bad, Robillard thought. When Mother was still alive, she used to give me enemas this way after Daddy’s whippings…I just have to be a man and not cry too hard.
“Hands” Autumn’s voice came with a snap, and Robillard moved his hands behind his back and Autumn locked them together with the cuffs. Autumn reached between Robillard’s legs and pulled the Iron Maiden back so it stuck out from the back.
Robillard felt Autumn’s light touch as she unlocked the chastity device, and played her long nails onto his cock and balls until his long denied penis was swelling. Robillard knew she was just doing this to make his cock a bigger target for the belt, but it had been nine days since she’d let him out for a brief tease, and many months since his last orgasm!
“Look, the burns are still there on your butt from when my boyfriend and his buddies had their cigar party. And then used your ass and mouth and your nipples as ashtrays…and I made you blow them all afterwards, too, and you were so upset when you had to watch Chuckie and I fucking on your sofa—Autumn laughed uproariously at the memory.
“P-please don’t be so rough with me, Autumn. I’m not tryin’ to be a big ego type. I was just so happy that I could massage your scalp and bring you some pleasure—oooh!”
WHACK! THWACK! SNAP! The leather strop came down unforgivingly on Robillard’s right butt cheek, and then twice on his left, before Autumn rose the belt to lash again.
Autumn’s strop came down buckle first and slammed into Robillard’s testicles, and he almost blacked out. The next swat hit his glans, the bulging cockhead.
As the strap broke open old blisters from Autumn’s last correction (Was it Wednesday?) Robillard bit his lower lip to keep from screaming.
“I (sob) just wanted (sob) OWW to make you (sob) OW! Yuh-you happy!” Robillard bit the pillow willing himself against the hurt. Another swing of the strop almost threw him off the couch arm.
But, as the belt hit again, Robillard moaned, and began getting excited. He wondered if Autumn was going to whip his chest next, or do something to them like the time she’d put huge rat traps on his tender nipples, and then knocked them off savagely.
Finally, Autumn tossed the strop to the floor and stretched. It had been a good workout, and she’d probably want Robillard to massage her shoulders again. “I suppose since I’ve been such a meanie, you won’t want to rub cream on my naked body will you, you aroused little warthog?”
Robillard looked up at Autumn with streaming, grateful eyes, and in a few moments had his Mistress stripped and lying on Robillard’s big Princess bed with the canopy on the top (Yes, he was a little funny) and he was touching Autumn’s incredible curves and her peaches and cream skin drove poor Robillard wild once more.
After Robillard had sucked Autumn to four or five orgasms, she rubbed his protruding stomach affectionately. Although Autumn had removed the handcuffs she had not yet locked the Iron Maiden back on…would Robillard get laid tonight, or at least get to jerk off?
Autumn always made Robillard earn his orgasms, often by servicing men, as she knew that Robillard was completely heterosexual, despite his effeminacy.
Recently, Autumn had given Robillard a ninety day sentence of chastity some months ago, in which there was no masturbation whatsoever, and Autumn had not even given him very many manual teases, which was really sad…though he’d continued to pleasure his pretty cousin with his slobbering mouth…
At the end of the three months, Autumn had taken Robillard to an active orgy. She’d handed Robillard a composition book. Robillard had looked at it puzzled. He’d thought that she was rewarding him by letting him fuck a bunch of women, but she’d left the Iron Maiden in place.
“If you want to jerk off at the end of the evening, you have to get five guys to sign statements that you sucked them to orgasm. That’s five blowjobs. Then, when we get home, I might unlock your chastity device, and let you jerk off…if you do a real good job, I might fuck you myself, Robillard.”
This had been a horrible task. Most of the guys there weren’t gay, and one even punched Robillard in the face for the audacious request. “Who IS this freak?”
But the guys were horny, and at the end of the evening Robillard was in tears, and his jaws were numb from so many cocks. He’d sucked eight men off, but only three had signed the statements afterwards, the others had just laughed, zipped up, and told him to go to hell.
“I did promise to sign, you fruitcake, but you might blackmail me with it!” one guy had said, and punched Robillard, his hopeful fellator, in the stomach.
The last dude had actually broken Robillard’s pencil!
Autumn had watched it all, from her position where she’d stoked Robillard’s jealousy by being fucked by ten or fifteen guys, and sucking twelve more off! She’d even let one black guy do her in the ass….and Robillard was, in his heart, a closet racist.
“I saw you suck them all off, Robillard, but you didn’t get the signatures, you needed two more. So that’s another thirty to sixty days in chastity!”
Autumn had laughed as the sobbing Robillard had driven her home from the orgy, before he’d gone home to Scope his mouth, and watch porn, crying with his locked crotch.
But of course Robillard loved Autumn and he knew Autumn loved him back didn’t she?
“Robillard, put your hands behind your head, like a pillow, and don’t move them, or I’ll have to lock them up. Autumn’s going to give you a little tease now.”
“It’s been so long since I got to have a release, Autumn.” Robillard said, timorously. He was so horny, blue-balled in fact. How could she do this to him? But he didn’t want to annoy Autumn; she might just decide to lock him back up in the Iron Maiden.
But Autumn smiled, and twirled a golden lock of her full hair with one hand as she grasped and stroked Robillard’s erection, now free of the Iron Maiden, with the other.
“I remember how resentful you were when I sent you home after that orgy. You didn’t get to let your poor little penis out, after I’d promised. Those signatures.” She laughed, thinking of this. “And all the men? And how you were so repelled at all the dicks I made you suck.”
As Autumn breathed this in Robillard’s ear, Robillard blushed and felt a little nauseated, and humiliated as well.
But at the same time he realized that he must really be in thrall to beautiful cousin Autumn to let her put him through the constant grinding agony of sucking off all those hostile men, especially when there had been so many beautiful girls at the orgy.
One, Meriwether Carver, was a fellow stylist at Robillard’s salon, and she’d laughed in his face the next time she’d seen him.
Another of the cute girls from the orgy had encountered Robillard on the street and backed away from him, thinking he was some sort of pervert.
And now Robillard watched Autumn’s purple tipped forefinger stroke his cock, which began swelling and drooling a bit of pre-cum.
“It’s such a cute, tiny little thing, your wiener.” Autumn said, laughing. “I remember when Uncle Hal, your poor worried Daddy was trying to break you of masturbation.
Hal was such a strict Catholic, and he made you pull out your wee-wee in front of the whole family and even then when I hadn’t seen too many dicks I thought it was a wimpy and immature penis.
And then Uncle Hal whipped your penis till you cried like a hen’s chick…but you never stopped playing with yourself, till I locked you up.”
Robillard bit his lip and tried not to cry, he was incredibly horny. What with Autumn rubbing and tickling his scrotum, and running her long slippery fingers up and down his now engorged member, it was something else! But Robillard did hate having his cousin bring up these horrible family memories.
“I remember once, your Daddy told my brother Dabney to strip you down and tie you to a rafter in our barn and whip you with a belt until you learned to be more of a man, and did you look silly howling and dancing around while Dab swung and slapped your fat ass and little dick with his belt! You were a caution.”
Robillard moaned in humiliation. He hated being the pudgy little butt of all the jokes, all the family punishment. He’d hated it being public knowledge that Pa and Mother made him go to bed at seven-thirty until he was a high school junior.
Robillard remembered Daddy, how once Daddy had peed in an old Maxwell House coffee can while working out in the garage, and then telling Robillard he had a “Hot drink” for him, and making poor Robillard drink it while every one laughed as the fat boy coughed and gagged on the foul urine.
But Autumn loved him, didn’t she?
Autumn tickled between Robillard’s “Thunderthighs” and giggled when he gasped. Poor horny boy. Robillard’s penis was not as tiny as Autumn made it out to be, but certainly he did not promote feelings of intense lust in her.
She’d trained him to perform well on her little clitty, and that had been great. Autumn’s regular boyfriend, Buster, didn’t like “licking down there” though he demanded Autumn’s mouth on his “Big thang” quite often!
Uncle Hal had advised Autumn to look after Cousin Robillard after her uncle passed. “The boy’s a sissy, but he ain’t no faggot, and he’ll do what you tell him, Autumn girl.”
It helped a lot of course when Autumn had discovered that Robillard had fantasies about being whipped and spanked and locked in chastity. How he could stand the frustration of not cumming for months at a time was still beyond the girl, more than a little bit.
She just knew that Robillard was more and more obedient as she kept him without getting to pound his pud, you know? Sometimes she’d cuff his hands and make him hump sandpaper or other cruel things when he wanted to release, evil girl that she was.
Now, Robillard began leaning closer to Autumn as she stroked his cock faster and faster.
“You really want to cum, and I bet you wish you could fuck me, don’t you, Cousin Robillard?” Autumn laughed as Robillard pushed closer, and then casually moved his right hand from behind his head, disobeying her earlier order.
Some months before, Autumn had ordered Robillard to keep his hands behind his back while she necked with him, and he’d kept pulling them out to grab her boobs, and she’d had to whip him nine times…and now he was disobeying her again!
“Oops!” Autumn giggled merrily. “You were supposed to keep your hands behind your head Robillard!” Autumn reached over and slapped Robillard’s face hard, and of course he burst into tears. Autumn recoiled in disgust.
Twenty-eight years old and he cries like a girl. Any real man would hit me back!
“What a crybaby you are, a disobedient, whining, ball-less crybaby!” Autumn sat up and took one of her slippers off the floor and pointed to her lap, and, still weeping, Robillard bent over. Autumn whipped Robillard’s ass until her arm was tired, and his cheeks were bright red once more.
“Now get between my legs and lick me some. Obviously I made a mistake by giving you a little freedom by taking off the handcuffs, and then giving you a little treat with my hand, and even considering letting you fuck me, when you broke my rule about keeping your damn hands behind your head.”
Robillard kept sobbing but he went down and spread Autumn’s legs and began licking rapidly, teasing her clitoris with his skilled tongue.
Autumn laughed deep in her throat. She had no intention from the get-out of letting poor Robillard fuck her at any time (after all, he was a relative) and she’d known that Robillard would break the rule about keeping his hands behind his head. He was after all, a man.
Perhaps she should have used the strap-on dildo on her fat cousin. That usually made him a little more aware of the inequalities in their relationship—not to mention that it loosened up Robie’s asshole for when Autumn made him service her male friends….
But the fact was, Robie was a compulsive masturbator, and it was kind of sad, really.
As Robillard slurped away, Autumn thought of the time that Uncle Hal had made Robillard drop his drawers before the cousins and siblings and then said “I’m sick of catching you self-abusing. Boy, jerk your penis now. Get it hard like you do under the covers of the bed!”
Uncle Hal had been watching Robillard’s sheets and as soon as he’d seen an absence of wet spots…nocturnal emissions, or “wet dreams”, Uncle Hal had known his errant son was choking his chicken again.
After Robillard became hard, from playing with himself, interspersing his pulls with “Please, not in front of everybody, Daddy”…then Uncle Hal was ready!
Bubba, Earl Junior, and Candide, captain of the cheerleading squad, all were laughing their asses off at their obese, naked cousin…and Uncle Hal loved this! Even Autumn had burst into laughter, though she thought Candy was a cruel air-head.
Then Uncle Hal had ordered Robillard to lay his hard cock on the cinder-block and Uncle Hal had whipped Robillard’s hard penis until Robillard had wept and screamed! Uncle Hal had read anti-masturbation stuff from the Bible and whipped some more, and finally his son’s poor dick was tiny and bleeding.
And then Uncle Hal had ordered Robillard to masturbate once more, get his cock hard and take another whipping on the cruel cinder-block!
It had been more difficult the second time, but Candy had obliged Robillard by flashing her panties at him, and even Elaine had showed him her cleavage….and when Robillard’s dick was hard again (Uncle Hal disgusted by how he was aroused by his own flesh and blood girl cousins) the whipping had once again commenced!
After this, Uncle Hal had caught Robillard several times jerking off onto his mother’s underwear and another few times parading around in panties and garter belts and stockings, masturbating wildly.
Uncle Hal had once again called the family together and enforced the humiliating cinder-block punishment, but there was no curing Robillard who was almost out of his mind with lust it seemed.
But Robillard had suffered. None of the cousins or the kids at school wanted to hang with Robillard or go to the movies with him after hearing of all this, which was just as well as Robillard was not usually allowed out at night, his bedtime being so early.
But had it done Robillard good? And was Autumn doing Robillard a good service in keeping him up to the mark? Autumn couldn’t claim she was just doing Uncle Hal’s will for altruistic reasons. Disciplining the errant Robillard…no there was a lot in it for her…
Shit, at one point before things got so intense, and Robillard had asked Autumn to lock him in the Iron Maiden, there had been a time when Cousin Garwood Utley had introduced Robillard to a nice girl, a very sweet little thing named Pepperdine McTithers.
Robillard and Pepper had gone hot and heavy for a while, he’d given her a diamond engagement ring, and Autumn had tried to stay away, thinking it was now time for Robillard to live a normal life. But then Robillard had given a dinner party for his few friends…
And at one point, with his arm around Pepper, Robillard had made a normal guy’s coarse joke, and Autumn had felt that Robillard was so full of what the Bible called “False Pride” that she’d shouted at Robillard, yanked him away from Pepper, and ordered Robillard to take down his breeches.
Pepperdine had screamed back at Autumn, but astonishingly, Robillard had said “How dare you yell at my cousin Autumn, Pepper.” And then he’d taken down his pants, in front of everyone, utterly humiliating his fiancée.
Autumn had poured gravy out of a frying pan and taken Robillard over her knee and whipped his bare buttocks with the pan until it was bleeding and then ordered Robillard to stand in the corner with his pants down, crying while she hosted the rest of the event. Pepper had left that night…no one had seen her again.
And Robillard had shown no anger or angst that his wife-to-be was gone.
Another time, Robillard had been kinda messing around with a girl called Fawn, and again, in the Youpon County mall, Autumn had gotten irritated with how macho her cousin could be when he was getting it regular, right?
Right there in the Youpon Mall, Autumn had slapped Robillard’s face, in front of the astonished, tube-topped Fawn, and then Autumn had pulled Robillard’s belt out of its loops and ordered Robillard to pull his bare dick out.
“Right here? Not here, Autumn!” Tears began rolling down the pudgy cheeks…
But he’d done it, and Autumn had whipped his (very hard) dick fifty times in front of the Victoria’s Secret store!
Fawn had ended up marrying Robillard’s brother Rupert, which had broken Robillard’s heart, but Autumn had allowed Robillard to suck her toes and empty his Platinum Visa buying her lingerie at that same Victoria’s Secret.
And some time later Robillard had begged Autumn to put the Iron Maiden on him, after he’d bought it, so Autumn had some fault here too, right?
And now there was a little problem.
Autumn had been offered a job in Quincy Massachusetts, running a psychiatric hospital. She couldn’t turn it down, the money was good. And she couldn’t take Robillard with her, as he was no competition for the hair stylists and masseurs up North.
But Autumn couldn’t just let Robillard live his life down here could she? Robillard was apt to just sit at home, smoking dope and looking at bondage porn, jerking off on his water-bed. And his life would go kaput. What about Autumn’s promise to Uncle Hal?
There were no girls that Autumn knew who could help Robillard in his particular way, run his life as it were. But Autumn thought she might find a guy to do it, in return for a little of Robillard’s ready cash. Robillard said he was no fag, but he would have to buck up.
Autumn found her cousin, and with a sprightly smile said “Robillard, I have good news for you!”
.for more of this story and many others, go to
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