GEORGINA - Chapter 6: The Adit
The next thing Georgina was aware of was the bell for the morning shift tolling. Her head was thumping in time with each beat of her heart. She shivered uncontrollably as she pulled her cold sodden shirt down to cover her exposed breasts from the view of passing mineworkers heading for the pit. Scrambling to her feet Georgina hurried to the colliery and furtively scurried behind the manager’s office to discard the ruined remnants of her trousers and quickly pull on the coarse canvas ones acquired from the dead girl. The legs were perhaps a bit short, finishing half way down her calves but anything was better than the old ones which had exposed more flesh than they had covered.
At the pit-head Georgina looked around but saw no sign of Dick before Ben arrived with Agnes. He looked questioningly at her new trousers and at her sodden shirt now held together at the front by only two remaining buttons. As he swung the iron bar across the top of the shaft towards her for her to sit on he asked "Had a good night then" with a grin. She didn't reply as he swung his legs over the bar and clasped her to him ready for their descent. They hadn't descended far before he coldly stated "You stink."
Georgina paused, ashamed yet in a strange way emboldened by the sub-human state she felt she was slowly descending to. "Fuck you!" she eventually spat out at him.
"Alright" Ben replied grasping her so tightly she could no longer breathe in.
With relief Georgina at last felt her feet touch the ground at the bottom of the shaft. Turning quickly away from him she started harnessing herself to the empty tub. As she reached to fasten the belt round her belly her hands touched the stinking, vomit soaked, slimy front of her shirt. She glanced back at Ben and Mr Woods, took a deep breath, unfastened the two remaining buttons on her shirt and peeled it off, rolling it into a bundle which she carefully placed in her empty tub. By the flickering light of the candles she thought she saw Ben staring at the way her hollow belly rose up from the bottom of her rib cage as she crawled on all fours and at her daintily hanging breasts. She was considering spitting in his face when Agnes, his daughter, arrived down the shaft so, before she had the chance to make any comment, Georgina was swiftly dragging her tub down the tunnel.
Having missed her morning porridge Georgina was hungry long before Ben stopped for his mid-day bread and she also realised that she had not brought anything to eat with her. She was also unusually thirsty, indeed so parched had she become that she finally collapsed face down in the cold trickling water and gulped down a couple of mouthfuls of the filthy gritty water before she started feeling sick again. When Ben finally stopped to eat she curled up into a ball to hide her breasts from him as he turned to face her. Then to her surprise Agnes pulled off her thick cloth chemise and placed it neatly with Georgina's shirt at the base of the coal pillar away from the face where Ben was working. Slightly shocked she wondered whether Agnes had only started wearing it since Georgina had started working with them or whether Agnes was copying her. However Georgina felt that the young girl was almost theatrically eating her bread as conspicuously as possible, fully aware that Georgina had failed to collect her ration that morning.
By the end of the shift Georgina had almost decided that Ben was no longer noticing that she was half naked beneath the layers of grime and dust, however when it was time to be hoisted to the surface he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her hurriedly to sit on the iron cross bar as soon as she had got her arms into her shirt sleeves, before she had a chance to fasten the buttons. As they started to be hoisted to the surface he grasped her tightly with his hands inside her shirt, pressing her exposed breasts tight against his bare chest. She avoided making any eye contact with him until they reached the surface when she quickly hurried back ahead of him, quickly fastening the front of her shirt as best she could.
Apart from the occasional grope while being wound up and down the shaft Ben took no other advantage of her scanty clothing and after a couple of days Georgina followed Agnes's example and left her shirt in the care of the old woman at the top of the shaft, whose main job was to pass on the bell signal from Mr Woods at the bottom to the two sturdy women operating the windlass.
Georgina kept a look out for Dick but over the next couple of weeks only saw him a couple of times, in the early morning queue at the pithead. On one occasion he nodded offhandedly to her but on the other he failed to look in her direction. She hesitated to seek him out as she hazily recollected his disgust when she threw up over him and, in any case, she suspected he was thinking of the dead girl they had just buried all the time he was caressing her.
One of the hewers was killed when the roof collapsed on him then, a few days later, one of the hurriers working at the four foot seam, where small trams running on rails were used, lost her right leg when a loaded tram ran away crushing her. Ben said misfortunes often come in threes and the following day they found themselves trying to work in over a foot of water by mid-day, when Georgina reported the flooding to Mr Woods he said to carry on and he would look into it. Ben explained to her that the horse powered capstan on the surface operated a rag and chain pump which lifted the water up another shaft halfway to the surface where it ran off into a small adit emptying into a tributary of the River Douglas some distance away. The next time she emptied her tub Mr Woods said he'd sent a message up and it had been confirmed that the two horses were still working and all seemed to be in order with the pump. But as Georgina reported the water was still rising and Ben said the pump well had now become inaccessible he would send a message for someone to inspect the adit. Within an hour the water was so high that the low tunnels were no longer tenable and six workers from the half yard seam were sent to the surface one by one sitting on the iron bar with the full bucket beneath, to blasphemous complaints from the winders that no coal had been left out to compensate for the extra weight of the men.
When they turned up for work the following morning it was confirmed that the adit was blocked and flooded up to the chain pump with little water emerging from its mouth. As the colliers were turned away Mr Thomas, the manager, held Georgina back together with Dick Barratt and led them into his office with one of the surveyors. He told them they were to go up the adit from its outlet to investigate and if possible clear the blockage, presumably a roof fall. Dick immediately refused saying "If we unblock it all the water built up on the higher side will come down on us and drown us or at best flush us out senseless."
The surveyor then explained that they were at first simply to go up with a measuring chain, which was why it needed two of them, and report back to him the nature of the blockage and how many chain lengths up the adit it was. He would then decide the best way of clearing it.
Mr Thomas added that if they refused there would be no further work for them in the pit and Dick would be sent to rot in the gaol as a debtor. He had chosen them because Dick was the thinnest hewer in the pit and he judged that Georgina would be capable of accurately keeping measure of the distance measured by the chain. The surveyor spoke to Georgina ensuring she knew how to measure the distance up the adit using his long-linked chain while the manger discussed the possible causes of the blockage with Dick.
The adit was indeed tiny and both Dick and Georgina stripped off their shirts as they would have been quickly shredded by the jagged wet rock and shale walls and roof of the tunnel. It was a slow and painful progress up the miniature tunnel. Dick had to slide along the wet slimy invert on his belly pushing mainly with his legs as one hand held the end of the chain and the other the candle in its tin box. Georgina had to wait behind in the darkness until the chain went tight then Dick would stop and she had to follow, in many places the back of her shoulders was jammed against the roof as her breasts scraped over cold uneven stones beneath her, she had little option but to keep her arms almost straight out before her and just wriggle so tightly did she fit the adit. In other places the water had scoured deep pools in the mud and stone bed into which she would unexpectedly slither in the dark. Here and there sections were supported by soft rotten timbers which crumbled as she touched them, her heart pounded as she envisaged the tunnel collapsing onto them, thousands of tons of rock crushing their bodies to nothingness in an instant; or, perhaps even worse, collapsing behind them to entomb them to a lingering death by drowning, starvation or suffocation in the darkness. She wondered how so small a tunnel had been constructed, perhaps by children working in unimaginable conditions with just hammers and chisels. Once she caught up with Dick they would start the progress over again. Their progress was so slow that it seemed to take hours to reach the roof-fall. Georgina just lay there soaked, exhausted and shivering, crying silently in pain from countless cuts and abrasions. She mentally repeated to herself "nineteen and a half chains" as she dully stared past Dick's bare feet at the glimmer of his candle ahead as he inspected the fall.
To her surprise he started pulling away some of the loose stones in front of him. "The surveyor said we were to just inspect the blockage and report its position back to him" she called forward.
"Mr Thomas took me aside and said he'd cancel my debt to him of five pounds and give me a further five pounds if I could clear the blockage to save the time and cost of sinking a shaft to it from the surface." Dick replied "You can have the five pounds cash if you help me."
"You said we'd be drowned by the water released by the fall if we disturbed it" Georgina complained.
"This fall is only small stones, clay and mud" countered Dick "I should be able to carefully make just a small hole through, about the size of a small pebble, which will only let the water escape slowly, we can't be too far down from the pump, which has stopped working now."
Georgina replied that she had a bad feeling about it as she unsuccessfully tried to wriggle up alongside him. With her arms stretched out in front her hands felt his bare belly, she moved one down to grasp the waistband of his trousers. Dick started to wriggle back down to the slightly wider eroded section of tunnel where Georgina had been waiting.
"Do you want to go back then?" he asked her.
She thought of the long slow torturous journey back and wondered, if Dick was correct about how close they were from the pump shaft, whether they would be told to repeat the journey to clear the fall. "Do what you want, I'll stay with you" she hesitantly replied. Before he wriggled forward away from her again she added "You said you wished you'd fucked Helen before she got killed."
"You remember something of that night then?" he queried placing a hand onto her grazed shoulder.
Moving her hand back onto his flat belly she slid her fingertips under his waistband replying "I'm sorry I was sick when we kissed, it was the beer, I had never drunk it before..."
"I thought you were revolted by me kissing you, and you passed out soon afterwards" he replied moving his hand down to her breasts while she slid her hand down to his stiffening member.
"I don't mind if you want to pretend I'm Helen" Georgina boldly responded. He quickly pushed his other hand down the front of her trousers to explore and probe between her lips.
"You don't feel anything like Helen" he said as he inserted two fingers into her vagina. "She was sweet" he paused. "You're perfect" he added as he clawed the fingernails of his other hand across the prominent ribs of her back making her arch her body towards him.
"Fuck me! Fuck me now, then I won't care if we die! she suddenly screamed, letting go of his erect penis to push down and remove her trousers, Helen's trousers she recalled as the water carried them away down the tunnel. Dick removed his hands from her to tear loose the waistband of his trousers and frantically push them down into the muddy water free of his legs and feet.
They clawed at each others already bloody, slippery, bodies. She found his hard stiff cock entered her with unexpected yet not totally unpleasant pain then, as they writhed against the sharp wet rocks, her body was gradually taken over by an all consuming ecstasy even before she felt, with a thrill, his seed issuing into her.
They lay panting, clasping each other tightly before the cold water trickling past their glistening bodies stirred them back into action. Now naked, Dick wriggled forward to the rock fall and, lying on his side, worked to loosen individual stones which he pushed down past the front of his body to Georgina who then rolled them past her into the deeper puddle. The flow of cold muddy water increased slightly as a large piece of clay was dislodged, washing past Dick to catch Georgina's open mouth by surprise.
Dick paused to ask "Are you all right?" to Georgina coughing and spluttering in the darkness between his legs.
"Carry on" she spluttered in reply.
The stones in front were more jagged and jammed firmly against each other so Dick had to spend some time trying unsuccessfully to wriggle them loose with his bleeding fingers. Georgina pushed the end of the surveyor's long-linked chain up to him "Try using this to loosen them" she suggested. Watching by the dim flickering candle light little spurts of water jetting from the tiny gaps between the rocks she again had that bad feeling about this task and indeed about the whole adit. With no stones to handle down past her for the time being she reached between his legs and fondled his flaccid cock. As it stiffened again she massaged it in time with his body's writhing as he desperately struggled to loosen any of the immovable rocks ahead, blood trickling down both arms from his mangled fingers. With her other hand she pleasured herself, as she had done many times in the past but never before with the excitement of pumping a hard throbbing penis in the other.
She came before he did, releasing his cock in order to massage her own breasts and belly. Then she slid further forward jamming her head between his legs to take the whole length of his hard swollen cock in her mouth. She thrust her head to and fro, ecstatic each time the end gagged her throat at the back of her mouth. When she finally made him come he was oblivious to the pain from his fingers, ripping two fingernails off as, no longer cautious, he tore a large stone loose. As he ejaculated deep into her throat she choked and sank her fingernails deep into his thin buttocks feeling his body arch so his pelvis thrust forward striking the back of her head against the tunnel wall while his cock pushed down her throat blocking her airway.
Once the large stone was released four other stones were immediately dislodged by the pressure of the water behind them, then the whole mass loosened. The gushing torrent struck the two helpless enmeshed bodies immediately sweeping them down before it until the girl's long slender legs lodged against the rough tunnel sides jamming them both from further progress. The boy's torso folded back so that the tunnel was largely blocked by it, the mass of water upstream totally submerging his face so his lungs quickly filled with mud and water through his gasping mouth. The girl's head, still jammed between his legs was pushed forward so her chin was jammed down onto her collar bone preventing her opening her mouth to spit out the semen with which it was still filled but she could, after a few long seconds, breathe in the occasional bubble of air from the cavitation downstream through her nose.
As the flow lessened and she could breathe more easily Georgina became aware of the pain from her hips due to the unnatural angle of her legs which were jammed immovably across the narrow tunnel. In a panic she spat the remaining semen which she hadn't already swallowed out between her teeth and struggled to free herself but that only caused more pain. Then by twisting her pelvis slightly she straightened and freed her left leg so her right leg could bend double at the knee allowing her to slide on down the tunnel away from the pressure of Dick's body. Rolling onto her back with her arms trailing limply above her head she came to rest again on the bed of the adit as the flow reduced to a trickle, but by then she had already lost consciousness from the pain and the cold.
Georgina was totally disorientated when, luckily, she regained consciousness in the cold and wet total darkness of the adit. She realised she had been awoken by the rapidly increasing flow of cold water past her body, muddy water splashing into her open mouth. Shivering violently she rolled onto her belly and crawled forward back up the tunnel against the current. With horror and hatred she realised they must re-started the pump. She wasn't sure how far she had crawled when her hands felt Dick's cold legs and feet. She frantically called to him, tugging at his legs until she dislodged his body, releasing the water built up upstream of it to cascade over her head. Tearfully she pulled his limp form alongside her, feeling his chill chest, neck and face quickly she confirmed that he must have been dead for some time. She wriggled back downstream then commenced the slow task of wriggling back downstream, dragging the corpse along by its ankles.
The cold rushing water numbed her body so that she was barely aware of how the stony bed and the jagged rock sides and roof of the tunnel tore at her body as she wriggled backwards, sometimes straining to drag the corpse as it caught on a protruding rock or a shattered timber support, sometimes being pushed down as the current caught it, washing it down on top of her until its legs twisted and once again lodged it against the tunnel walls.
Several times she stopped for a rest, each time making the effort to continue aware that if she drifted off into sleep or unconsciousness she would probably never awake. She was beginning to think that she was in some never ending nightmare when she finally encountered the little masonry arch outlet of the adit, with some surprise as it was now dark outside. She wearily dragged Dick's broken, battered remains out of the little brook running dark brown from coal dust mixing with the disturbed clay and ochre from recent fall. For several minutes she sat huddling her bloodstained knees to her grazed breasts and torn nipples, staring at the shattered corpse lying on its back. Now seeing it illuminated by the rising moon she could no longer recognise it as Dick, it had become just a broken carcass with the nose almost ripped from its face, one ear practically missing and several ribs glistening in the pale light where the skin and flesh had been torn away. She thought it strange there was no blood, it didn't seem to be just a trick of the moonlight as she could see the slightly reddish hue where the corpse was stained with the ochre rich clay in places.
When Georgina tried to stand she cried out loud with pain from her left ankle and fell forward onto all fours. She crawled, dragging her injured leg behind her up from the brook towards a shrubby tree. Grasping its largest stem for support she cautiously stood again. Gingerly she tested her ankle again, wincing as it bore her weight she nevertheless managed to hobble unsteadily back towards the colliery.
The only sound at the pithead was from the pair of dejected horses working the capstan powering the pump. A small boy tending them looked up and down the naked blood stained wraith in silence. She feebly croaked "Help me!" but he just stared back at her, he was probably no more than four or five years old. "Please, get help" Georgina pleaded, swaying unsteadily. The boy just looked at her as if she hadn't even spoken.
After she pleaded with him a third time he replied "I mustn't leave horses" in a squeeky voice. Turning away from him she staggered towards the manager's office, feeling increasingly weak. She tried the handle, even though she knew it must be locked, then looked towards the adjacent village, the moonlit rows of cottages seemed to be swaying, rocking like a boat adrift on a gentle sea while she lost the feeling in her legs and crumpled to the ground.....
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