Karina Pavlova groaned feebly in the darkened interrogation room. How long had it been? Surely, several hours had passed since the interrogator, claiming that he would "let her get some sleep," turned out the lights and left her here alone to suffer.
Not long after her arrest, she had been brought by a pair of guards to this room deep in the bowels of the prison, where she was greeted by an interrogator. After she refused to answer his questions, he got rough. The guards harshly ripped off her jumpsuit and shackled her to a chair where the interrogator began beating her across the chest with a thick cable, leaving her breasts bruised and swollen. When she still didn't talk, he went to work on her nipples with a pair of flat-nose pliers until they oozed blood. She responded by spitting in his face.
The interrogator claimed he was getting bored, so he took the large table in the center of the room and turned it on its side, then forced Karina to straddle the table's edge. It was just high enough so that her feet couldn't touch the ground, forcing all of her weight to be placed on her vulva. He then cuffed her wrists behind her back and linked them to a short chain hanging from the ceiling, causing severe discomfort in her shoulders and forcing her to lean forward. A piece of rope that ran underneath the table and was tied around each ankle held her legs in place. With that, he shut off the lights and left, promising to be back to check on her later.
After who knows how much time had passed, the door to the room opened and the lights turned back on as the interrogator stepped back in. He couldn't help but stare for a moment at her nearly-perfect figure, made all the more titillating by the sheen of sweat that covered her naked body. He admired himself for never personally taking sexual advantage of the prisoners he was assigned to interrogate -- he had heard of others in his position who did so regularly -- but he couldn't help but briefly reconsider his policy.
"Did you get some sleep?" he asked, mockingly. "I hope so, because I have some bad news for you. While you were hanging here, your friend Natalia fessed up. She told us you were second-in-command of your little terrorist cell, and you'd definitely be able to tell us where your associates moved to." So he took a few liberties with the details of Natalia's confession, but he figured he was close enough to the truth.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Karina grunted.
"Aww, that's too bad. So I take it you're not planning on telling me anything?"
"Go to hell, pig."
"Maybe later. But for now, I have something else planned." He gestured to the guard who waited outside the still-open door to the room. The guard came into the room, dragging behind him a struggling brunette who was wearing the bright orange outfit of a prisoner. She let out a little gasp when she saw Karina straddling the table, her breasts covered in bruises and crusted-over blood.
"This is Maria Turov," the interrogator said. "Until very recently, she was a security officer in the prison's civilian wing. Unfortunately, she's been arrested for compromising an intelligence operation."
He walked up closely to Karina and whispered in her ear. "But between you and me... she's innocent. You see, a little while ago we apprehended one of your cohorts, a cute little thing named Irina Savitsky. Like you, she wouldn't talk to me, so you know that I did? I had her raped by a room full of prisoners." Karina's eyes bulged at the sickening revelation.
"Poor Maria here inadvertently witnessed the, ah, incident on a security camera and was on her way to save your friend, or alert her superiors, or something of that nature," he continued quietly. "I couldn't have that information getting circulated around, so I had her arrested on trumped-up charges. And if I have anything to say about it, she'll never taste freedom again."
The interrogator turned around and walked over to Maria, who was still restrained by the guard.
"Now, Maria, you're going to be a good girl and take off that prison uniform of yours," he said. "I'm going to use you as part of a little demonstration for Karina here."
"Boris... please..." she pleaded. "I haven't done anything wrong. You know I haven't. Please let me go... I won't tell anyone what I saw, I swear."
"SILENCE!" he snapped. "Uniform. Off. Now. Or I have the guard here take it off."
Maria gulped and nodded quickly as she fumbled for the zipper of the jumpsuit. She pulled it down off her body, revealing a tanned, well-toned form that she had built up through her training as a security officer.
Boris condescendingly looked her up and down. "Shaved pussy. You like to turn on the men with that, Maria? Well, you won't have to worry about keeping that up any more. The only man you'll have to worry about impressing in the near future is the judge of a tribunal in Kiev... but you can worry about that later."
Maria trembled slightly as the gravity of her situation sunk in.
"Let's get started, shall we?" Boris said, addressing the guard who stood behind Maria. "Cuff her hands behind her back for me."
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