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Jayne's Chains Author: Sailor 861
(Added on Feb 14, 2005) (This month 62552 readers) (Total 74444 readers)
Peter Metcalfe, the son of Isabel Metcalfe (whom you met in Through Night to Light, Moira's Story and The Perilous Adventures of Isabel and Moira), meets the lissome Jayne Beresford-Smythe, and they fall in love after Jayne discovers bondage and a long-dormant desire to be bound and chained before a Master. The young Metcalfe is only too happy to oblige and, in time, Jayne is introduced to Peter's mum, who is still in chains these many years after her 1975 alien encounter described in Through Night to Light. Read on how the two young people fall in love, the meeting with Mrs. Metcalfe and discover how fate has treated Isabel and what lies in store for the young couple.

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