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Dave and Cindy Author: Kanashin
(Added on Jul 13, 2005) (This month 58892 readers) (Total 91283 readers)
Dave calls his sister Cindy to discuss his obsessions at the request of his analyst Stacy. Things quickly get out of hand as Cindy takes advantage of the situation.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 9
3 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 2 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 2 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 2 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 11% 22% 33% 0% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Jan 30, 2006
Interesting story, sometimes little slow. Be careful not to exagerate. No man will be able to get 100 kicks in his balls in such a short time... (7/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2005
needs word and it offered nothing new, exciting or hot (5/10)

Reviewer: johnboy (Edit) Rating: Jul 21, 2005
look forward to part 2 (8/10)

Reviewer: LordVetinari (Edit) Rating: Jul 16, 2005
I'm not normally into femdom stories, but this was well told. Reminded me somewhat of a VP Viddler story. Hopefully there will be part two, and three, and... (8/10)

Reviewer: crickette (Edit) Rating: Jul 15, 2005
I loved reading Dave and Cindy. It was different and held my attention. I guess honesty is not always the best policy. I look forward to Chpt. 2. (8/10)

Reviewer: chooky_104 (Edit) Rating: Jul 15, 2005
I enjoyed this story very much. Thanks. (7/10)

Reviewer: slaveneedledick (Edit) Rating: Jul 14, 2005
Not much into the phone transcript stories. (5/10)

Reviewer: mystymason (Edit) Rating: Jul 14, 2005
The story line is excellent. You have a overly naive younger brother, a wonderful betrayal by his therapist and a delightfully sadistic sister who is all too ready to make his dreams (nightmares?) come true. His degrading fall into their clutches, however, was a little too swift for my taste; I like cruelty dragged out and savored. While I am definitely looking forward to the next episode, I would prefer to have the story delivered in a more narrative manner. Perhaps told through the eyes of his mother, hmm? (6/10)

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2005
This read like a script, not a good thing at all. There were some fairly decent ideas (his fantasies) that might have been developed into a good lengthy story, but not in this format. I'd like to see you try to rewrite this into prose and not script speak, it probably would gain a lot more readers. (5/10)

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