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Medieval Justice Chapter 1 Author: Ivan Bulley
(Added on Nov 13, 2005) (This month 103015 readers) (Total 169974 readers)
During the dark ages punishments were harsh and cruel. People were accustomed to misery and death and often took delight in the public implementation of justice. Dreary daily way of life did otherwise not offer much entertainment. Although the judges decided over life and death, they on average only pronounced the number of lashes. It was up to the guards or executioners to carry out the required punishments and the details were left to them. They were allowed to use any instruments of punishment they deemed necessary and they had to make certain that efficient justice was done, or else they themselves would be subjected to severe punishment for negligence. The choice of instruments could determine the severity of the punishment. They often made use of this. A ‘cat’ could produce the same effect as nine separate lashes. Women were treated conceivably no less harshly. Witches were submitted to horrific torture and eventually suffered the worst imaginable pain– burning of every part of the body. The following tales are fiction - maybe. Some of them are possibly based on facts - probably even all of it. It starts with the chastisement of three senior school pupils. Other tales and scenarios follow – some harsh, some brutal and others utterly disgusting.

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Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: May 14, 2007
An enjoyable read, which in some ways is disjointed, but in other ways gives a bit of an 'overview' of the world that is being described, rather than trying to be definitive about any particular aspect. And yes, Sabrina, it does take all sorts ... (7/10)

Reviewer: Sabrina (Edit) Rating: Mar 25, 2006
Grammatically competent, but sickening content and historically ~ well, let's face it; it's pure, unadulterated bull-shit. But the real question I ask is; do people REALLY get turned on by this kind of thing? It seems so. It takes all sorts to make up a world, I guess. (2/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2005
A fine effort shown in the crafting of the story, and the historical accuracy of the torments. The first chapter seems to be the best reading of the three; whatever you did differently, change back! Good work, though. (7/10)

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Nov 23, 2005
Very nice story. Good Action (8/10)

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Nov 18, 2005
Nice story, lots of hot action, If indeed it is a first attempt it's a damn good one. Only suggestions would be to work on smoothing the transitions and round out the characters a bit. But that's just me for hot torment pain and suffering you've already hit the mark (7/10)

Reviewer: headhunter (Edit) Rating: Nov 18, 2005
If this is the author's first published story, it is damn good! He shows talent, an ability to create a scene, and a brutal imagination. I would suggest he focus a bit more on the characters and their reactions, and don't be so impatient to get to "the good stuff." (7/10)

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