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\'Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt.\' Author: jan311648
(Added on Jan 10, 2006) (This month 62117 readers) (Total 80341 readers)
Every Summer a Great Slave Hunt takes place on the estate of Mistress Sarah in darkest Devon. This is a \'Feminine Domination\' event which begins with the slaves of the Ladies attending being hunted by their Mistresses. Carol, keen on the prospect of herself and Jane being hunted, tries to persuade the Organizers that their taking part wouldn\'t violate the principle of Female Domination over the male sex, as she and Jane would be hunted as animals, mitted and gagged.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: suissepervert (Edit) Rating: Nov 17, 2010
I know this story is a few years old but I wanted to post a few words here nonetheless. As the synopsis stated what's in here, I can say directly say that this one is - as are all stories from jan311648 - very well written and the tales about Jane are quite captivating. Even if the newer stories he/she wrote are only deterrent and repulsive to me. Well, back to this one: I especially like the way the girls act and are treated as animals. I would like to see something new about these two, but not in the style of e. g. "Penny's Cage" or "Doggygirl". (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 28, 2009
This is excellent material. Not only due to its content, but especially by the way it is presented.
The difficulty in these kind of exersices, is to not succumb to the pitfalls and let the story slide into a rather rocambolesque affair, but instead maintaing an air of believability.
Thanks to the minute painting of the main characters, Jan succeeds very well in this, making "Jane And Carol" a true delight to read.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: pttwyn (Edit) Rating: Jul 27, 2006
I like stories where slavegirls get to be animals. You also had the other characters also treating them like animals too. Very enjoyable. I will soon be posting some Ponygirl tales.
Thank you
Arnold Puttwyn (9/10)

Reviewer: jakelaw@concentric.n (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2006
I very much enjoy stories from the perspective of the proto slave. Especially reading the rationalization process in accepting their role. While this story only hints at more to come, it was an engaging and well written account with a twist on the Sadie Hawkins Day premise. I look forward to more of the saga of Jane & Carol. (9/10)

Reviewer: sheilagirl (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2006
I love ponygirl stories as long as I can remember, actually envisioned myself as a ponygirl before I ever read anyone else's idea of it. The story is excellently written and the descriptive feelings portrayed as accurately as I could imagine. Kudos to the author. (10/10)

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