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Rowena\'s birthday humiliation Author: Rowena
(Added on Apr 29, 2006) (This month 17087 readers) (Total 40582 readers)
slavegirl Rowena thinks her friends are taking her out to celebrate her birthday, but Garth and Sally have other ideas and what follows is a night of nudity, humiliation and pain for Rowena

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes 1 Vote 1 Vote
4 Votes 1 Vote 1 Vote
4 Votes 1 Vote 1 Vote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 67% 17% 17%
Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: May 1, 2006
I must agree with Willman's review of the story (8/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2006
they do not get better then this rating wise (10/10)

Reviewer: chattel69 (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2006
I know there are Sadist out there but what happened to SSC? (8/10)

Reviewer: Qmoq (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2006
I liked this one, the depravity was intense and cumulative, it never stopped for poor Rowena! Sometimes the story is fun when all the doms and dommes are vicious and mean. Phew. (9/10)

Reviewer: piret (Edit) Rating: Apr 30, 2006
hot, well written, more plot, please (8/10)

Reviewer: willman (Edit) Rating: Apr 29, 2006
Story is well written, but very straight forward like a news article and lacks the flair necessary for a higher rating. (8/10)

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