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A Violation On The Stairs Author: SFCityDom
(Added on Aug 4, 2006) (This month 50144 readers) (Total 63295 readers)
A long day at the end of a long week. I take what ever I want.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 33% 50% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Aug 9, 2006
Very good story. To the point. The right details.
Sexy! (8/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Aug 6, 2006
You are getting quite good at the story telling, as proven by this short-short. A few more details would be nice,but overall I'd offer you three cheers for a well-told tale, (9/10)

Reviewer: ElectricBadger (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2006
Short, sweet, and to the point; great technically and with good voice. An excellent pick for a quick read, but needs a bit more plot, imagery, or ingenuity to really be memorable. (7/10)

Reviewer: J's blu (Edit) Rating: Aug 5, 2006
Another one well done, i just love the way You write Sir! short, but with well chosen descriptive passages. the paragraph where He says 'she has the best cunt' that is soooo hot! thank You Sir.
blu (9/10)
Replied by: SFCityDom (Edit) (Aug 5, 2006)
Thank you. A few well chosen words can go a long way.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Aug 4, 2006
very nicely done as are most of your works (9/10)
Replied by: SFCityDom (Edit) (Aug 5, 2006)
Thank you.

Reviewer: Millie (Edit) Rating: Aug 4, 2006
A nice short story. Explicit and to the point. (8/10)
Replied by: SFCityDom (Edit) (Aug 5, 2006)
Sometimes you want five course meal. Other times a really good snack.

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