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In Real Life Author: Lisa Jones
(Added on Jul 4, 2007) (This month 60231 readers) (Total 79699 readers)
This is not autobiographical, more of a what if based on some real events. It's dedicated to my puppy.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 8
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Reviewer: nrjb2 (Edit) Rating: Dec 26, 2011
Great and charming story. It was believable from beginning to end and the ending was very good and natural. The inner thoughts of the protagonist were well developed and realistic. Thank you! (10/10)

Reviewer: xSoCalCynicx (Edit) Rating: Jan 22, 2011
Very well written - shows that a D/S story does not need to go all the way to the bleeding edge to be very interesting. Top marks! (10/10)

Reviewer: phrazer (Edit) Rating: Dec 8, 2007
The story is first class and written very well. Off to read your other stories now! (10/10)

Reviewer: bound_bob (Edit) Rating: Aug 21, 2007
I love the stories with happy endings and got a thrill seeing ever so breifly bob in the story. Another fine one. (10/10)

Reviewer: uktrucker100 (Edit) Rating: Jul 29, 2007
yet another wonderful tale that is well writen and makes one just have to keep reading. A very good writer:-)
I for one cant wait to read the follow up of this one. (10/10)

Reviewer: chuck (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2007
Not only well written, but the characters were likable, plausible, and sensible. The reader is treated to their exploration of personal feelings as the two established their relationship and followed their desires. (10/10)

Reviewer: DungeonMaster6 (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
Brilliantly conceived and immaculately written, this is possibly the best F/m story I've read. How many sub-guys wouldn't loved to have been in Mark's position? I certainly will be looking for more from this author. (10/10)

Reviewer: topsfrombottom (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2007
Wow. What's there to say, but this:
Yet ANOTHER perfectly-spun FD tale by the new Queen / Goddess / Mistress of Female Dominant Esoterica. Outstanding, Mistress; outstanding. PLEASE don't stop?
PS: Here's a little jot from me, just for You, Goddess...
Mmmm, but to be the naked, whip-striped and branded creature that's throat is locked within Your collar, Goddess... I can see it, now:
With the wrist-loop of my slack lead loosely encircled and trapped by the long, needlelike stiletto heel of one of Your tall, black, strappy sandals - a little 'Visual Statement of Fact' for me that You - my Sublime Mistress, my All & Everything, my very Religion & OneGoddess Thereof - fancied mere moments before You accepted the chilled flute of Sparkling White from Your property's timerous, proffered-up hands...
"...SLUG..." You lean forward and hiss at the nape of my neck, knowing that I daren't glance up to catch the tiny, amused smile tugging at the corners of Your perfect, pretty mouth...
"Oh, YES, Cherished Goddess; FULLY Goddess' slug, Goddess!" i softly murmur in whip-, heel- and slap-trained response, my downcast eyes held locked upon the glimmering, burgundy nails at the tips of each of Your regally-elegant toes, a mere eighteen inches further distance beneath my face.
"...MAGGOT..." You challenge icily, noting a visible shudder scramble along my bowed and naked spine that i barely manage to control enough to avoid a tiny sloshing-out of the yet-proffered wine. Your breath catches, as, of course, this shudder wrought by the frosty tone tingles, enflames and floods Your Own Temple of Femininity.
"Oh, YES, Beatific Goddess; utterly and wholly Goddess' maggot, Goddess!" i fervently affirm.
"Surely, you must KNOW, My worthless, little toe-breath," You purr Femininely, as You at last deign to lift the sweating flute from my trembling fingers and sip it before setting it aside and tangling Your slender fingers in my hair, causing me to gasp, "...that, had you clumsily spilled even a DROP of My wine, just then, DISCIPLINE would've been forthcoming... DON'T you?"
"Oh, YES, Holy Goddess - Your toe-breath KNOWS it, and would have most ardently plead at its Lovely Goddess-Mistress' feet to be corrected, Goddess, as it's been taught to do, Goddess."
"Yes; I should hope SO, pig..."
i am suddenly shoved downward until my lips brush the clefts of Your matchless toes, where i am released, and sense You sitting back into Your favorite reading chair. And, though my lips are being warmed by the warmth and my hungry nostrils filling with the delicate essence of Your pristine feet, I remain stock-still, having painfully learned long-since never, EVER to assume Mistress' whims. Your toes absently ramp and arch against my eager lips, as You reach beside You to retrieve Your current read, and slice it open to Your left-off point. I then hear Your angellic voice float down to me:
"Mistress pleases a few hours' quiet reading, grub. While I indulge this fancy, YOU will gingerly - and SILENTLY - worship Me by continually working your way back and forth across the toenails of either or both of My feet with raindrop-soft, tonguetip-butterfly-kisses, slut, according to whether I have either or both feet resting beneath your face. Niether, and you are to remain stone-still and crypt-silent. DISTURB Me - in the slightest manner - and I SWEAR on the dried & shriveled testicles of your entire, male lineage, slave, I'll whip you unconscious with a knotted, electrical power cord. WORSHIP."
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Gah. Hope You enjoyed reading that, Mistress, as much as i enjoyed tapping it out for You. Hmmm... may need to change briefs, it seems... hehe :D
Again, AWESOME writing on Your part, please continue blessing us with it.
at Your feet (and keeping damned quiet, too ~wink~),
tfb.. (10/10)

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