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The Journey of Elizabeth Author: Mekallena
(Added on Dec 29, 2009) (This month 54345 readers) (Total 63863 readers)
The story you are about the read is about a world both like and unlike our own. Sex trade is not on a black market, but a regular occurrence. Women and men go missing all the time and no one even comments on it. The one rule: if you are foolish enough to be taken, then you deserve whatever happens to you. This is the story of a young woman named Elizabeth and how she found her way to happiness and peace…

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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6.5/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: May 8, 2010
Perhaps the story is a little light on characterization, but if there are more chapters then we could get to "know" the players better. There are a few spelling mistakes and words missing which in one place makes for confusing reading.
i liked the preamble explaining this is part our world and part fantasy ("is about a world both like and unlike our own. Sex trade is not on a black market, but a regular occurrence. Women and men go missing all the time and no one even comments on it."), this helps make the story more believeable. i also liked the little bits of detail, the breakfast, the closet with the pj's etc.
Overall i liked the story and hope there will be more about Elizabeth in the near future - is her slave name going to be Angel? (8/10)
Replied by: Mekallena (Edit) (May 26, 2010)
I'm currently rewriting the first few chapters. I had written a bit farther than what I had posted on here when I realized character development was lacking a bit, even though you get to see more of Elizabeth and Richard, and even a bit of Candy in the future. I plan on having "angel" be Liz's slave name. I'm plan on getting the revised version and the next couple of chapters up in the next few weeks so I hope you have patience until then. :)

Reviewer: slave_peri (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2010
Story premise is always interesting but I found it a bit boring. (5/10)

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