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the Punishment Author: Abe
(Added on Mar 20, 2010) (This month 59246 readers) (Total 79652 readers)
Amy violated the sorority rules and was given the choice of resigning or taking her punishment. The punishment was more than she expected, not just swats but humiliating sexual acts.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: May 6, 2010
What a great story! This one was light, refreshing, fun, and pretty enjoyable. It built sexual tension and I would love to see a whole series of Amy stories! I did have a problem with the author's use of adult terminology for sexual parts. Vagina, vulva, labia and stuff are fine when using them to describe action from a third person perspective, but when your characters start using those same terms, especially characters who are obviously college age potty mouths, I find it just a little out of character. I mean seriously, a bunch of college kids would be using words like "cunt" or "pussy" at the very least. Would they really use the word "anus"? I think not.
*** I also would have liked the "punishment" portion of Amy's ordeal to have been more detailed and longer. We went through 15 different couples rather quickly. The story built up tension and a nice series of detailed "semi-rapes" culminating in a brutal spanking would have been a nice climax. Instead, the climax ended up being tied to the horse, which didn't make much sense (from a story arc POV), and the resolution was being ass and mouth raped. It just didn't seem right.
***Even with the timing problem for the story arc, this little tale was still one of the better offerings here at the BDSM Library. Michael Alexander ( (9/10)

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