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A day at the races Author: A.E. Applebaum
(Added on Nov 3, 2010) (This month 63977 readers) (Total 69425 readers)
A pleasant afternoon out in the country where ponies frolic, gambol and race. Along the way we learn about their drivers, their histories and what happens after the races are over.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2010
First, there was the Marx Brothers movie (1937), then there was the Queen album (1975) and now we have us a BDSM story carrying the "A Day At The Races" moniker...First off, the story isn't as funny as the 1937 movie, nor as bombastically rocking as the 1975 album.
Secondly, the intro -while flawless in its description- is comprehensible only for insiders of the equestrian sports. Or folks who have barns and a hyppodrome. With or without ponygirls.
The story is excellently written though, with great, to the point descriptions, giving us a fair view on the goings-on.
The major has qualms with the degree of realism in "A Day At The Races". I haven't. Ninety percent of dissapearances aren't being smeared-out over our TV screens. Only the ones deemed interesting enough. So, as far as realism goes, there's nothing wrong with the story.
Furthermore, how realistic must one be, like most of our politicians do, to praise the lord for 65 years of world peace..? That's today's realism for you.
Very well written and executed story.

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