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A Toy for Life Author: Gawler Hicks
(Added on Oct 21, 2011) (This month 106381 readers) (Total 145748 readers)
A young woman buys herself a chastity belt. She's in for a long and sweet self-bondage game. But her mysterious stalker has some plans of his own.

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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: CaptainBB (Edit) Rating: Oct 8, 2015
a good self bondage story (9/10)

Reviewer: Hans Hansen (Edit) Rating: Jan 19, 2012
Absolut amazing story. Yours are the best of all self-bondage stories written until now.
It starts so nice and slow but although sexy and changes into the worst scenario - very different but also very sexy and logical.
Great compliment! (10/10)

Reviewer: Tavy (Edit) Rating: Nov 17, 2011
Great plot, I was so enthralled by the story that I didn't spot any grammatical errors :) (7/10)

Reviewer: brace (Edit) Rating: Nov 12, 2011
I always enjoy a good tale, and this was pretty well told. Suspension of disbelief is a must of course. (9/10)

Reviewer: slivy (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2011
I just love it. The kidnapping, the clothing, the basement, the chains, the whip... I hope there will be a cage too. And i hope it never ends... (10/10)

Reviewer: CarolinaSpanker (Edit) Rating: Oct 28, 2011
I looked past the grammar issues and concentrated on "the careful for what you wish for" story plot.
I like the bruised ass but would like to see a thick wooden paddle deeply give her some purple bruises to sit on in her chasity belt. Also I would like to see her be forced to take a hot soapy stinging enema and hear her fart it out in blast of stuffed poop logs to hear tearfully and smell her own shit. quite the humiliation. It will also make it less messy to fuck her tight narrow asshole in the future. (8/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Oct 27, 2011
The first sentence confused the hell out of me.
How on earth is someone "raped like a limp doll?" Personally, I've never been raped like a limp doll, so I have no idea how a doll, limp or otherwise, gets it done. If the doll is limp, how does he get it up? Or is this modifier referencing the main character "Louisa", who likes to be raped, and goes limp when it happens? Does being raped happen a lot to Louisa? It almost sounds like she LIKES being raped, which is sort of odd since the definition of the word "rape" is non-consensual sexual assault, or some such. Maybe what she really likes is too be RAVISHED (which CAN be consensual, even if you're PRETENDING not to want it!) like a BLOW UP doll. Okay. I can sorta see that... uh… well damn, that still doesn’t make sense. Fuck it. Onward.
Oh… it’s her FANTASY to be raped. Gotcha.
I’m going to state right here that I liked the plot. Louisa is another one of those secret BDSM girls who in their darkest thoughts and private moments long to be abused and sexually assaulted. It becomes an almost psychological condition and in the story Louisa goes the whole distance, buying a whole set of odd ball toys to torment herself with. On the fateful night of the story’s beginning, Louisa locks herself into a chastity belt , one that will keep everything out of her pussy, along with padlocks and keys, and proceeds to let herself enjoy the feeling of being bound and gagged. Ah… I love girls who are into self-bondage. The opportunity for mischief is off the chart.
During Louisa’s little playtime however, she is interrupted by a visitor, who somehow seems to have a key to her place. Goofus doofus however doesn’t notice the fact that she’s wearing a chastity belt and evidently he leaves the keys at her place. This wouldn’t be such a bad thing except for the fact he TORCHES the place after kidnapping her. In his work van. After spending several weeks repeatedly fixing the stupid cable outside her window. Yeah… he won’t be caught. Never, especially when they find an accelerant on the floor and no charred remains.
But Goofus Doofus isn’t phased. After deciding he can’t get the chastity device off her (despite it being locked on with a flimsy padlock. Has he never heard of bolt cutters?) he decides its okay and he’ll just use her rear end. Yep. Definitely a back door man.
I couldn’t help laughing at the general antics of both main characters, who are so over the top that I found the whole effect slightly humorous. I think the author did a phenomenal job bringing them life, describing not just their actions, but their very thoughts, their emotions, and I could SENSE Louisa’s panic as well as Goofus Doofus’ general grunge and crude longings. If anyone would have a hairy cock, it’s that Neanderthal.
From a grammatical standpoint, there were a lot of problems. I somewhat suspect that the author’s first language isn’t English, since some of the errors were syntax. A good editor will help with that. But there were also some wrong words. Mostly these are synforms, a type of error that occurs when you have two words that are graphically or phonetically similar, like “put” and “but”. Re-reading your work a week or two after writing generally will help put these to rest.
In summary I think we have a decently creative author who can imagine some vivid characters and scenes and does a nice job in bringing those scenes to life. An experienced editor or some more practice can easily bring the grammar quality to a higher level and we should soon be seeing some high quality work from this author.
Replied by: GawlerHicks (Edit) (Oct 27, 2011)
Harsh but true :) Yes, English is not my native language, but since I don't have any native speakers around who are willing to proofread my stories, I didn't have any other choice but to put it here as it was. Sorry for offending your sense of beauty :)
As for plot holes - yes again, I admit I was a bit careless with this one. Maybe I'll edit this one to be more consistent (probably not), but anyway I'll try to make other stories more plausible.
Thanks again for such a thorough and merciless opinion :)
Replied by: Michael247 (Edit) (Oct 28, 2011)
Gawler, I wasn't offended by your writing. On the contrary, I enjoyed it. However I've always felt that a decent review goes beyond the typical "Great story... write more," sort of reply. I remember when I was first starting out as an erotica writer getting those kind of relatively worthless reviews. I was glad people appreciated my writing, but every once in a while I'd get a review from someone who REALLY had some good suggestions. I try to do that same thing. You've got a lot of great talents, you just need to pull them together! Good luck!

Reviewer: Darinost (Edit) Rating: Oct 26, 2011
Some grammar and punctuation issues prevent me from giving a full ten, but this was otherwise a great story. Short and sweet, with a solid ending. (9/10)
Replied by: GawlerHicks (Edit) (Oct 26, 2011)
Replied by: GawlerHicks (Edit) (Jul 4, 2016)

Reviewer: fellatrix (Edit) Rating: Oct 26, 2011
Wonderful, beautifully written story of rape fantasy becoming reality. I love it. (10/10)

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