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Stacy and the Wired Devices Author: JustALittleRougher
(Added on Feb 4, 2012) (This month 64493 readers) (Total 87368 readers)
Stacy's Dom makes her his dog, wires her with shock devices, and prepares to the day.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Reviewer: ElectricBadger (Edit) Rating: Feb 28, 2012
Very well written, I love the plot and the little vignettes. The involvement of strangers at the end of pt 2 helped characterize both of them as well. Definitely more feelings, perhaps some hints at back story and a firmer plot arc, but would certainly love to read more. (9/10)
Replied by: JustALittleRougher (Edit) (Feb 28, 2012)
Thanks for the feedback. I DID jump into the middle of the story a bit, it's a spinoff of something else I was working on. I'll flesh it out a bit more next time around.

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 4, 2012
Well written and interesting account of a torrid encounter.
What I lack -but which doesn't take anything away from the overall quality of this piece- is Stacy's view; her feelings.
I like to know what's going on in the head of the women who are submissive and/or have masochistic tendencies.
While JustALittleRougher is an excellent writer, we often are presented with too much of a one-sided view, which to me, takes away -not from the reading pleasure, but from the ability to "feel" the woman. Because, she's there alright, but seemingly only in the mind of the narrator...
On rare occasions, JustALittleRougher pushes his women out into the spotlight, all on their own and those are the moments in his stories which I most thoroughly enjoy.
"Stacy And The Wired Devices" is again concentrating more on the main male character's thoughts and actions, but a very nice read altogether.
JJ (9/10)
Replied by: JustALittleRougher (Edit) (Jul 8, 2012)
Jimmy, wondering if you feel part 2 was any better on that point of getting inside the woman's head?

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