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The Erliks Author: obohobo
(Added on May 25, 2002) (This month 82999 readers) (Total 93892 readers)
BBC Newsreader, Penny Leghorn is abducted into space to warn earth of an impending disaster. The Pteroden commanded ship is bringing a colony of backward, baboon-like creatures, the Erliks, to live on earth. Their own planet has been destroyed. The Erliks are farmers and swordsmen with no knowledge of firearms so to protect them, the Pterodens encircle the Earth with a force that prevents all explosions, including those inside a combustion engine. Unfortunately they chose April the first as they day to land so the warnings given of impending doom were largely treated as an elaborate April Fool joke. Erlik society is very male dominated with each male having several wives and able to mate twenty or more times a day. Penny is forced to become one of the wives and through an implant, a negotiator for the Erliks.

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2009
read like a realy cheap erotic version of "War Of The Worlds" (5/10)

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