BDSM Library - Debbie


Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Mom and dad split. Mom blames daughter and treats her very badly until mom remarries and punishments become thrilling in front of step-dad.

     I guess I began feeling guilty when I was really small. My parents were
really strict and it seemed like I was getting yelled at and sent to my room
almost daily for getting my clothes dirty, spilling food from my fork, not
making my bed correctly or any number of things. The worst part was that I was
never forgiven. When I was let out of my room they never said that my
punishment was over.
     By the time I was six locking me in my room was not good enough for them
and I was locked in my closet. Then even this wasn't enough and I was tied up
so all my muscles would be aching by the time I was released.
     I was looking forward to going to school when I was seven just so I could
be out of their sight so they could not see my mistakes. 
     But this was not to be. My folks took me to church on Wednesdays and
Sunday. The church scared me because the preacher yelled all the time about
burning in hell. Then the preacher started lecturing on the evils of public
schools and telling the parents that kids did not have to go to school. We
could be taught at home or at his school. The preacher's school cost a hundred
dollars a month so my folks got permission to teach me at home. They just had
to mail in my school work and I was expected to get nothing but an "A" on my
     Now my life was real hell. There were a lot more reasons for me to get
yelled at and locked up.
     I knew that my folks yelled at each other a lot but this didn't seem
strange since Mom was always yelling at me too. I was really surprised when Dad
packed his clothes and walked out.
     This came right after I got a "D" and my mom blamed me for his leaving for
being such a stupid child.
     I really felt bad and guilty because I missed him. He had not yelled at me
much and sometimes talked Mom out of really bad punishment.
     Mom didn't want to work because she wanted to study the bible all day and
go to church every night. Eventually we had to go on welfare. 
     She began to scare me by reading passages out of the Bible about how
sinners were punished by whipping and worse and then pointed out that not
obeying parents was a sin.
     Shortly after that I received my first whipping. It didn't really hurt
that much since she just used a little leather belt on top of my clothes. The
bad part was that I was hung from a ceiling light fixture and she would let me
hang there after the whipping till my shoulders ached really bad.
     Shortly after that she said that she was sick of having the welfare people
snooping around and got a job as a waitress.
     She said she didn't want me running out in the street while she was
working so she would lock me in my room with a chamber pot and a pitcher of
     Now it was a lot harder to do my school work because she was gone all day
and was too tired to teach me at night so I had to learn everything on my own.
She finally agreed to let me go to the library once a week to get more books on
my subjects. Eventually I checked out other books just for something to read to
kill time till she got home.
     By the time I was nine or ten my Mom began to change. She said she was too
tired to go to church and began to bring wine home with her. She said that
everybody drank wine in the Bible.
     Eventually she began to drink the whole bottle before she went to bed and
would wake up grouchy and tired in the morning.
     One morning she locked me up without leaving my pitcher of water. I didn't
miss it till about ten but it was summer then and hot so I got really thirsty.
I remembered a mystery story I had read where they had opened a locked door by
sliding a knife between the door and jamb to slide back the catch. I didn't
have a knife but I did have a school compass with a sharp point and found that
if I poked the catch with the point and slid it open a little then pulled on
the door to keep the spring from letting it slide back into it's slot I could
work it over far enough to open the door. At first I would just go out long
enough to get a cold drink of water but then I began to stay out so I could
watch our TV.  She always came home at the same time.
     One warm day I was reading while lying on the couch and went to sleep.
     I was jerked awake by her pulling me off the couch. She was screaming,
"You rotten girl! You know you had to stay in your room! Did you break the
     I tried to explain that I wanted a cold drink since it was so hot and that
I had not hurt the lock. I had just pried it open.
     That just seemed to make her madder. "What are you doing learning to open
locks so you can steal!"
     She tied me to the light and since I was growing so fast and since I had
old skirts the hem of my skirt barely covered my butt. She began whipping my
bottom but I was wearing a thick skirt so the belt didn't hurt at all. 
     She must have noticed I was not crying very much so she began to whip my
naked thighs. That hurt twice as much as my bottom covered with my skirt and
cotton panties so I began to cry and howl hoping she would take pity on me.
     Instead she said, "Oh that makes you pay attention. I have  been doing
this wrong."
     She unhooked my skirt and let it fall to the floor then jerked down my
panties and then began whipping my bottom. That was better my bottom was not as
sensitive as my thighs until it became sore after about fifteen spanks. When
the pain got too much I kicked with my toes that barely touched the floor until
I had turned my butt away from her. That just made her mad! She began to whip
my stomach and even the part where I had sparse hair on my crotch. I was
sobbing and hiccupping when she stopped and said,
     ""You had better learn to be good! I am always going to whip you on your
bare skin from now on."
     She left me hanging there. Eventually the tears cleared from my eyes and I
could see I was facing a mirror. My stomach below my belly-button and my crotch
was all red but now that she had stopped the pain turned to tingles that seemed
to center on my pussy. I began rubbing my legs together which increased the
     She made me hang there until she was ready to go to bed and my body had
stretched till my toes were resting on the floor.
She must have felt guilty seeing all the welts on my body because she handed me
some salve and told me to put it on and the welts would go away.
     I began putting it on my butt and thighs. It really felt good so I started
putting it on my crotch. I had never touched my pussy except with toilet paper
when I peed. 
     It felt even better than on my butt and soon the tingling sensation got
stronger seeming to center on a little nubbin at the top part of my pussy slit.
It felt very good and then even better when my finger slipped into the crack to
rub the little nubbin near the top. I began to feel agitated and excited. My
nipples began to tingle like my crotch so I began to rub them with my other
hand. It kept getting better and better until I began to pant and tighten my
tummy muscles till I felt a kind of electric explosion followed by a great
sense of release.
     The next morning she told me to take off all my clothes and put them with
my others in a wood box with a padlock. She said, "This will keep you from
opening the outside door and going out on the street."
     I had never been naked for any length of time before. At first I sat
huddled in a corner. Then I became curious and began walking around. I began to
enjoy it! I stood in front of a fan and enjoyed the feel of the warm air
caressing my body. Then I went over and looked in the mirror. Seeing my still
pink crotch reminded me of the great feeling I received from rubbing it so I
stood in front of the mirror with my legs apart and let my middle finger rub on
my nubbin until the tingles came back and got stronger until I got the release
that made me feel so weak I dropped to the floor gently rubbing my nipples and
crotch until I calmed down. 
     From then on I was happy to be left alone naked. I experimented a lot and
found it was best when I put fingers into it and rubbed the nubbin with my
thumb. I scared myself the first time I did it because I felt a tearing
sensation down there and found a little blood on my fingers. It didn't hurt and
the blood stopped. From then on I had no problem. I eventually was able to bury
three fingers in it and get even greater feelings. I knew I was doing something
wrong when I remembered that my mother had slapped my hand when I touched it in
the tub but I didn't care. It just felt too good to quit.
     Naturally I was spending so much time admiring my growing boobies and
playing with myself that I got sloppy in my schoolwork. One day Mom picked my
graded schoolwork out of our mailbox and found a "D".
     She hung me up nude and let me stay there increasing my fright while she
found her belt.
     When she began hitting me it hurt as much as ever at first but then I felt
the familiar excitement rising as she moved from my butt to my lower stomach,
pussy and thighs. I was yipping, panting, and pulsating just as I had when it
hurt. When the release came it was so powerful I screamed and let me head fall
forward. She quit then and said something but it didn't register in my muddled
     She must have felt a little guilty for hitting so hard because she let me
down in a few minutes and helped me to bed. I was so tired I went right to
     The next afternoon she looked me over and said, "You are a tough little
cookie. All but a few of your welts have faded to pink. I am going to have to
remember to get you a bra. You are going to have huge breasts like your
grandmother. They must be about thirty four C already."
     I blushed but I was proud of them. Then she told me to get dressed because
a man that was a regular at the restaurant had asked her out on a date. He was
to be at our place in an hour. She had me clean up the place while she changed
clothes. Then she said, "This guy is a little crude but he has a good job as a
steelworker. If we make a good impression maybe I can get him to marry me and I
can quit my job. Be nice to him. Don't drive him off like you did your father."
     That hurt me and I didn't really believe it but I had to admit Daddy had
never tried to contact me.
     He arrived on time. I thought he looked like a movie star. He was wearing
a tight black satin shirt, tight pants to show off his muscles, a belt with a
big silver buckle  and black cowboy boots. He had curly hair and wore a grin to
show very white even teeth. He made me feel good and mom too by saying I was
beautiful and looked like her. 
     Mom had bought a new dress for the occasion. She really had changed! When
she was going to church she always wore knee length dresses with high necks.
This dress only came to mid-thigh and the square neck showed the top of her
breasts. I decided the short uniform they gave her at work had made her less
     When they went out the door he gave her a spank on her butt. I was amazed
when she just giggled.
     I was still up watching a late movie when I heard a knock on the door. I
opened it just as Jim was about to kick the door again. He was carrying Mom. He
grinned at me and said, "Hold the door open kid. She is getting heavy."
     I asked him if there was something wrong with her but he said, "Nothing a
little sleep won't help. She is just drunk. It is my fault. I bought her
doubles all night because I liked her giggle. She put on a hell of a show
     "I'm sorry she got drunk. Are you mad at her?"
     "Naw. I told you it was my fault. Let's get her to bed."
     He was so matter of fact about everything I didn't think it was strange
when he held her up and told me to take off her dress. I thought he would just
lie her down so I could put the blanket over her but he sat her on the end of
the bed and took off her bra then laid her down to take off her shoes then
slide off her pantyhose. I had never seen her naked before. Except for having a
little bigger breasts and thighs she could have been me. It excited me when he
pulled her head up on the pillow and then slid his hands down slowly over her
breasts, her stomach and then through her pussy hair. He turned his hands to
press the edges of his palms between her thighs. She moaned and opened her legs
a little. When he got to her knees he pulled them apart a little more so we
could see all of her pussy. I got real excited then because I imagined he was
doing that to me but I grabbed the edge of the covers to pull them over her. He
stopped me.
     "Hold it a minute. She is beautiful. Let's appreciate her."
     He grabbed my wrist and put my hand on her breast. "Feel how nice and firm
she is. Have you ever felt a full grown woman before?"
     I was practically panting as I murmured, No she feels nice."
     He brought my hand down her stomach saying softly in my ear, "Feel her
nice tight tummy and the soft hair on her crotch."
     Mom was softly moaning in her sleep, she smiled when he pushed my middle
finger into the crack of her pussy. and said, "Is it wet? That is how grown-ups
     I just nodded as I slowly moved my finger causing Mom to moan louder. He
must have thought I would wake her because he lifted my hand off her saying,
"Is your body that firm?"
     I said quaveringly, "I think so."
     "Let's see." He pulled me up to my feet and wrapped my arms around his
neck then slowly pulled my nightie over my head. I was shaking slightly when he
closed his hands over my breasts and squeezed them gently while he whispered in
my ear as his hands slowly moved down.
     "You are just beautiful Baby, nice firm tits, tight stomach, cute pussy.
Lets see if you are old enough to get wet."
     He stuck his finger in his mouth to wet it then put it right on my nubbin
and moved it in a circular motion before he pushed it in my pussy and began
sliding it back and forth. I gripped his shoulders and panted into his neck."
     "Has anybody done this for you before Baby?"
     "No. Oh no. It feels wonderful."
     "If you like that. You will love this."
     He kissed me then began sliding his lips down my throat to stop for a
moment to nibble on my nipples then on down my stomach. I instinctively opened
my legs just before I felt his tongue go into my slit. It felt wonderful and I
felt my legs get weak. He let me down to the floor and took a pillow off the
bed to put under my butt Then licked and nibbled on my clitoris while he used
his hands to squeeze my breasts and nipples till I had a fantastic orgasm. It
took a minute to recover. When I sat up he had pulled his pants to his knees
and was lying on his back slowly rubbing his dick. I had seen Dad's dick once
when I barged into the bathroom while he was drying his hair after his shower.
This was different! Dad's had just been hanging down, this one was huge and
standing straight up. I was fascinated by it and reached out to touch it. It
felt silky and there was a little moisture on the tip. He pulled me over closer
and told me to lick it. I had no idea that there was anything wrong about doing
it. The moisture was slick and a little salty. When he told me I pushed the
head of it in my mouth. It was so big my lips were tight against it and I could
only get about a third of it in my mouth before it made me gag. He moved my
mouth around on it by pulling my hair till he made a grunt and it spit in my
mouth. It was kind of like snot but I swallowed it.
     "That was wonderful Baby. but we probably shouldn't tell your Mom about
     I said, "Why?" I could see nothing wrong with it. It felt wonderful and I
was just doing what I was told just as she said I should.
     "Because she might get jealous and be mad at you. She likes me too."
     That made sense. I remembered how she yelled at Dad if she caught him
looking at another woman. I remembered once she said she would scratch the
woman's eyes out. That scared me and I promised I wouldn't tell.
     "Your Mom said that you were naughty and that she had to spank you
sometimes. Is that true?"
     "Yes. Only now she mostly whips me with her belt."
     "Does that make you mad at her?"
     "No not really. In fact it is kind of exciting now that she whips me when
I am naked. She just uses a little belt that makes me all red. She thinks it
hurts me a lot because as I get excited I moan and pant and that is good
because if she knew it didn't hurt me much except at first she might use
something worse to hit me"
     "Where does she hit you?"
     "On my butt, thighs, and stomach. See. Here is a little welt."
     I spread the hair on my pussy to show a welt at the top of the slit.
     "Wow! Do you just stand still for this."
     I saw his dick was hard again so I stroked it gently  as I replied. "No. I
would probably jump around. She ties me to the light fixture."
     About that time Mom let out a loud moan and he pulled up his pants and
said he had to get home because he had to work a half day but he would see us
about two in the afternoon.
     As he went out the door I lifted mom up to slip on her nightie. She
mumbled "What's happening." I just said, "It's alright. I am just getting your
nightie on you." She was asleep again by the time it was on and I had covered
     I went to bed and played with myself till I went to sleep. I could hardly
wait to see Jim again.
     The next morning Mom was really hung over. She told me to get her some
tomato juice and the bottle of aspirin. Then said,
     "God I really got drunk. I don't remember coming home. I am naked under my
nightie. I always wear my panties to bed."
     "I didn't know that Mom, I took off your clothes and put you to bed."
     "Oh that accounts for my weird dream where I was naked and people were
running their hands over me. I hope I didn't make a fool of myself last night.
Did Jim say anything?"
     "No he just said that he had a good time and that it was his fault you got
so drunk. He is going to see us about two."
     "Good I was afraid he may be disgusted with me. Wake me up at noon I need
some more sleep."
     She woke up by herself about eleven-thirty and took a long shower then she
had me take one while she made herself up and combed her hair. When I got out
she combed my hair and put it in a pony-tail. Then she got out my best dress.
When I had it on she said, "My gosh you have grown. I guess I will have to get
you a new dress. This one is awful short. Remember to keep your arms down and
don't take a deep breath. You might pop the buttons."
     Jim arrived just before two and said that he would take us for a ride on
his boat so we could get some sun and swim.
     Mom said we didn't have swimsuits but he said, "No problem. We will stop
at the store on the dock and get some."
     It was a terribly thrilling day for me. I had never been anywhere except
the library and had never been in a car since we had always rode in a bus to
the library. The store was a wonderland! I had never been in a store before
either since Mom always bought my clothes while I stayed home. It wasn't a big
store since they just sold sport clothes and bathing suits for the boaters
     Mom started toward the one piece suits but Jim stopped her by saying, "You
girls have beautiful flat stomachs. Show them off with a bikini." She hesitated
then picked up a half-dozen of them to take in the dressing room. I just took
the one Jim offered me. It was made of a white stretchy material. The top only
covered the center half of my boobies.  The bottom had a "V" in the front  with
the point so close to my crotch hair I plucked out some at the top. He bought
us white terry-cloth robes that went just below our crotches. She was in there
so long he bought me a white tennis shirt and white jean shorts They were hip-
huggers and the bottom was cut up high enough for my butt-cheeks to peek out.
When I walked in them I got a pleasant tingle when the seam at the crotch
rubbed on my clit. He bought her a pair of shorts and a T-shirt but they
weren't nearly as cute as mine.
     We were sitting down sipping pop when she finally came out saying."Well at
least this one shouldn't get me arrested."
     He had her turn around slowly so he could see. It didn't show nearly as
much skin as mine but at least she was showing cleavage and it was below her
navel enough to show her flat tummy. She relaxed and grinned when he said she
looked beautiful in it.
     He had a little cabin cruiser. It was really pretty and it was another
first for me. I sat in the front and enjoyed the cool breeze on my nearly nude
body as we sped across the glassy water to the south end of the lake where he
said the water was warmer for swimming.
     He anchored where it was about waist deep, and folded down a little ladder
to get in the water. I took off my robe and started to walk over to it.
     Mom was shocked, "My God she is almost naked. She can't wear that! 
     Jim finally calmed her down by saying that we had complete privacy and
that all the girls were wearing them but I think the thing that shut her up was
when he told her to come down in the cabin so they could have a drink.
     This was a first for me too. I had never been in water any bigger than my
bath tub. It was a little chilly at first but I soon got used to it and began
bobbing down to my neck and splashing around. After awhile I got curious and
peeked into a little round window on the side of the boat. They were sitting on
the bed laughing about something. I was glad to see him refill Mom's drink. I
hoped she would pass out again.
     I splashed around again then they came out on the deck and sat on deck-
chairs till Jim noticed I was not swimming. 
     "Debbie, why are you just jumping around. Why don't you swim into shore
and sun yourself on the beach?"
     "I can't swim. I don't know how."
     "That's ridiculous. Anyone can swim. I'll show you."
     Mom said, "I think I will get out of this hot sun while you are doing
that. She headed into the cabin with her empty glass just as Jim dived into the
water. I guess I must be naturally buoyant because after having me lay out in
the water while I kicked and paddled with my arms I was able to dog-paddle
around in a few minutes. He waved me over to him and when I got there he put
his hands under my breasts and crotch and began to squeeze me while saying
"Last night was great Baby, Did you like it."
     "Oh yes! I have never felt that good before."
     "I'm glad you liked it, I hope we get another chance soon,"
     "Oh me too! Maybe she will get drunk again."
     "I made sure she has plenty of booze. With her thirst she could get
     At that moment Mom came out on the deck and said, "How are you doing?"
     Jim pulled down his hands and I began to dog-paddle away while Jim yelled,
"Great! She is swimming already."
     "Good. Let's go for a ride. I am getting bored. I am not about to get in
that cold water."
     Jim got on the ladder while Mom was climbing up on top of the cabin to the
steering wheel. When I got out of the water I saw my reflection in the tinted
window of the cabin. My suit had become transparent! I could see my nipples
clearly and even the shadow of my pussy-hair. When I told Jim to look he said,
"Yeah. If your mom sees you she will shit, You had better put on your robe."
     We rode around for about an hour. He let Mom drive and then me. I loved
making turns so I could look back to see the waves I had made.
     Mom said, "Let's go on in. I am hungry and Debbie is getting sunburned."
     I looked down at my legs and saw they had changed from white to a light
red. I was amazed. I had never been in the sun long enough to change color
     Mom insisted it was her turn to drive so I let her have the wheel. She
drove it to the dock and misjudged to scrape the dock. Jim said it was okay but
I noticed he pointed out the long black stripe left by the car tires they used
for bumpers. Jim told us to change into our shorts so he could take us to a
great fish place. I made sure I did not get in front of Mom so she could see my
bare cheeks.   
      Even this was an adventure. The fish and chips were made of halibut and
tasted great. The only fish I had ever tasted before was the frozen fish-sticks
Mom had brought home. There was no comparison.
     By that time I wanted to be with Jim forever. I think Mom felt the same
way because she gave him adoring looks that I had never seen her give Dad. I
was disappointed when she said she was getting a little tipsy and refused a
     When we got home he offered to take her dancing. While she was changing
Jim said "She might get drunk yet."
     God I hoped so. After they left I put my bikini back on and got it wet in
the shower. In the bright light of the bathroom it seemed to turn into plastic
wrap. I decided to pluck some of the hair that showed. It didn't hurt very much
and since it was so close to my clit I got excited and pulled every hair out
till it was totally bald. Just playing with myself a little bit gave me an
orgasm and I went to sleep. Since I had gone to sleep so early I was sleeping
lightly and I heard them come in. I went over and opened my door a crack so I
could watch them.
     She was giggling and slurring her words a little but it was obvious she
was not drunk enough to go to sleep.
     He sat on a chair and pulled her on his lap to kiss her. Then I heard him
say, "You told me you spank Debbie when she is bad. You deserve a good one for
wrecking my boat."
     To my complete surprise she said, "Do it if you will forgive me." and got
up to lie across his lap. I could hardly believe it when she didn't protest
when he flipped her skirt up on her back and began spanking her hard enough to
make her cheeks dance and after a few pulled down her panties for the rest. Her
only reaction was to squirm, moan and pant. I realized she liked it just like
me. When he quit he whispered something to her. She got up and kissed him and
led him to the bed. I didn't get to see anything after they were naked because
she pulled the covers over them. I couldn't tell if she was getting hurt or
having orgasms from the way she squealed. They became quiet in a little while
so I went back to bed excited and jealous of her.
     When I got up to get a glass of water in the morning they were still in
bed. When she heard me she told me to stay in my room while they got up and
dressed. I think they must have made love again because I ended up staying in
my room about a half-hour. 
     When she had me come out she told me to put on my new shirt and shorts
because Jim was going to take us on a picnic. He left to change clothes and
pick up some fried chicken and stuff.
     After I had changed she said," Debbie, he likes me. I went with him to his
place so he could change clothes last night. He has a house! It is great! It is
out in the woods and he said he has twenty acres of land since he wants his
privacy. He likes both of us. He thinks you are pretty and was happy I taught
you to be obedient. I won't mind keeping him happy. He is a good lover. I had
to let him spank me for hurting his boat but it wasn't too bad and that stuff
will stop as soon as I have that wedding ring. He really liked spanking me and
may want to do it again if I screw up and get him mad. He might want to spank
you too. He says you have a cute butt. If he does I don't want to have you
complain at all. If you do I will whip you till you bleed."
     I promised I wouldn't protest. Actually I was hoping for it. I asked her
what it felt like to make love and what happened but she just said I was too
young to worry about it and she would tell me when I was older.
     She had me turn around slowly while she looked at me. When my back was to
her she said,"I guess he must really like your butt judging from these shorts
he bought you." I was afraid she would be mad but she turned me around to face
her then said, "He likes your flat tummy too." Then she unbuttoned my shirt and
rolled it up under my tits and tied a knot in the front. I was bare from the
bottom of my tits to the top of my shorts. Then she pulled my collar apart so
the valley between my tits would show.
     She said, "He likes my tummy too. I wish I had bought hip huggers."  She
solved the problem by unbuttoning the two top buttons on her shorts and tucking
the waist band into the shorts. This made her panties show so she took them
off. I was amazed again. She had always been modest. Suddenly I was seeing her
pussy and she was going out of her way to dress sexy. She pulled up her T-shirt
and I helped her tuck it under her bra.
     We were both pleased when he came back and went on and on about how pretty
we were  while he twirled us around.
     I was in for another adventure. He took us up in the mountains and rented
horses so we could ride up to the top of a mountain for our picnic. I had never
been to the mountains before or ridden a horse. I loved it! When we trotted the
seam in my shorts would rub my clit and my nipples would rub on my shirt as my
tits bounced. I looked at Mom to see if she liked it too but she was standing
up in the stirrups and gripping the saddle horn with her hands while she
squeezed her tits with her arms to keep them from moving.
     Jim was riding between us grinning at me while he watched my boobies
bounce. When he turned to mom to see her gripping her tits he looked
disappointed and turned back to me.
     She must have noticed because she said she had to stop to pee. She went
out behind some bushes and came back a little later. When she got on her horse
I saw a flash of white material in her pocket and knew she had taken off her
bra. I felt bad because Jim lost interest in me to watch her bigger boobs jump
around like crazy. I think that excited her because when we got to a grassy
meadow for our picnic she told me to spread out the blanket and lay out the
food and plates while they went for a walk. By the time they got back I had
tired of waiting and feasted on the chicken, potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, and
beans. Again it was great, so much better than the frozen chicken wings  she
would pop in the microwave. I was dozing on the soft grass enjoying the warm
sun when they arrived all sweaty but happy.
     They ate hurriedly and had me put the blanket and leftovers in the saddle
bags while they enjoyed the view and drank beer.
     On the way back Jim said we were riding good enough to gallop. This didn't
make my tits bounce as much but I slid back and forth in the saddle till the
seam was giving me orgasms by the time we got back. I felt dazed and had to be
told to get off the horse. The crotch of my shorts was wet. I hoped no-one
     While Jim paid the man Mom said, "Christ! I am glad that's over. My tits
are aching from being bounced around how are yours?    "They are okay. They are
smaller so don't bounce as much."
     "Not for long. They seem to be getting bigger everyday. Are you having
     "Oh Yes! This is wonderful I am so glad you met him and he likes us."
     "Me too. And we are going to make sure he continues to like us. I want him
to marry me and you can help. He thinks you are real cute and it really excited
him to hear that you understood you needed a whipping now and then to be
obediant. If I decide to let him watch me whip you I don't want you to make a
     The idea of having him see me naked while her belt excited me really
turned me on.
     "Oh I won't. I want him to marry you too. I love the way he takes care of
us and his boat. You can whip me for no reason if you want. I saw him spank
you. Did it hurt a lot?"
     She seemed angry at first for peeking at them then said, "Not really. He
didn't hit very hard. I can take it if that is what it takes to get him to
marry me."
     "He looks so strong I thought he was really hurting you. I guess it would
be alright if he whips me too if it will help him want us."
     "I am glad you feel that way because I would rather it be you than me."
     On the way back Jim said he would show us his home since Mom hadn't got a
chance to see it all.
     We started out walking around the property. It was beautiful. Thick with
trees and best of all a little creek feeding a large pond for swimming.
     We went into the house through the kitchen door to see a kitchen grander
than anything I had seen on our little black and white TV. It had the biggest
built in freezer and refrigerator I had ever seen filled with food. There was a
dining room with a glass cabinet full of pretty crystal things, a rec room with
a pool table and a big stereo, a living room with a huge color TV.  Then he
took me to a bedroom with a huge bed, walk in closets and it's own bathroom. 
     He took me back to the rec-room and said I could be bartender. He showed
me a little refrigerator with ice and pulled down a half-gallon bottle of
whiskey. He showed me two little glasses he called "jiggers" and told me to
make his drink with the little jigger and Mom's with the big one. It was easy
to make them since they just drank whiskey and water. He winked at me and said,
"With any luck she will be passed out in an hour."
     It didn't work out that way. She just sipped her drinks while watching a
movie on cable. By the time the movie was over though she was starting to slur
her words and I got hope.
     I was sitting in a big overstuffed chair lying back with one leg lying
across the arm rest marvelling at the colors on the big TV when I looked over
at Jim and saw him staring at my crotch. I looked down and saw that the crotch
of my pants had slid over showing part of my pussy. I just grinned at him and
spread my legs a little further, Mom didn't notice because she was watching the
credits to see who had played the different characters.  I noticed her glass
was almost empty so went over to get it. She gulped down the rest and gave it
to me. When I brought it back Jim was looking at me strangely then he said,
"Debbie, Your Mom told me that she had trained you to be obedient and that you
would do anything she told you even if it hurt. Is that right?"
     Before I could answer Mom said, "Damn right she will. She will do it for
you too. I'll prove it to you. Debbie get a cleaver out of the kitchen and cut
a switch off the willow tree by the porch. Make it as tall as you are."
     I was scared but relieved by the idea Jim would be spanking me. I knew he
would not be as mean as Mom.
     I cut off the switch and brought it in. In order to be as tall as me the
butt was pretty thick then narrowed to a sharp point. I rested the butt on the
floor to prove it was as tall as me.    
     Mom just looked irritated. "Take off the leaves and branches dummy. I
asked for a switch not a bush."
     I went over to the fireplace and began pulling off the little branches and
leaves until it began to look like a real whip. My excitement began to build as
I imagined how the skinny whip would sink into my skin to make sharp pain. I
peeked at Jim. He seemed to be in shock. He was staring at me with his mouth
     I offered her the switch but she told me to give it to Jim. When I did she
said, "I want to show Jim how brave you are so you won't be tied. If you move
or try to cover up I will tie you and whip you twice as hard. Now,put your
hands behind your head and say," Jim, Please switch my butt, thighs, stomach,
and breasts."
     I trembled as I took off my clothes but it was not from fear. I was
excited by what was about to happen."
     Mom seemed a little surprised as she watched me strip.I braced myself for
the first one but Mom noticed my hairless pussy. "What happened to the hair on
your crotch."
     I explained that it showed when I put on the bathing suit. She got mad!
"Only strippers do that, Don't go easy on her Jim, she is wanton."
     I put my hands behind my head pushed out my chest, sucked in my stomach
and said with a tremble, "Jim. Please switch my butt, thighs, stomach and
breasts as much as you want."
          The first one across my butt cheeks really hurt even though he was
not hitting as hard as he could. Tears sprang to my eyes but I was able to
suppress a scream. but then as he began to lay on stripe after stripe each lash
seemed to send shocks to my pussy. He covered my butt down to mid-thigh then
surprised me by going to my breasts. The pain was unreal when he hit my nipples
but I just gasped and moaned as I became more and more excited. He moved very
slowly down my front leaving lines about an inch apart. By the time he had hit
across my belly button I was panting and pulsating as I struggled to get past
that terrible moment just before orgasm. I spread my legs and pushed my pelvis
forward then I felt the switch go across my pussy lips just at my clit. I
exploded in orgasms which kept coming ever stronger while lash after lash fell
on my crotch and inner thighs making me squeal with each one till I was so weak
I began to waver.
     He quit. He was looking wild eyed with sweat running down his face.
     Mom stared at my striped body in awe then said, "You can go to your room."
     I ran in there closed the door then jumped under the covers to try to jam
my whole hand into my pussy. Finally I fell into a deep sleep.
     Mom waked me really excited yelling. "You did it Debbie! You got him so
excited he fucked me three times and proposed. We are going to Reno next
weekend and get married. He doesn't just work at that steel company. He is a
partner. You have made me rich, baby. Get up so I can see if you are all
     I got out of bed so she could check. She said, "You have great skin. The
skin never broke! You have a lot of red lines but no blood. It probably doesn't
even hurt much."
     I couldn't believe it. I swore I felt blood running down my thigh but it
must have been sweat or juice from my pussy. She was right! There was no pain
unless I squeezed one of the welts.
     She made me a bubble bath and I laid there while she gently ran a big
sponge over my breasts, I found my nipples were still sensitive.
     She said quietly, " You were really brave, Baby. I don't think I could
have just stood there to take all those lashes the way you did. It must have
really hurt. Once we are married I won't let him whip you anymore."
     That seemed to confirm that she still didn't know the whipping had excited
me and I was afraid they might stop.
     I said "Yes, A switch hurts a lot more than the belt but after awhile I
guess I get numb because it doesn't hurt near as much later.I can take it if it
will help him marry you. Maybe you could ask him to use a belt instead."
     I hoped she didn't realize it got better when he hit the sexier places on
my lower butt near my pussy and my boobs and crotch.
     She seemed relieved that I wasn't mad at them and hugged me saying, "Oh I
am glad you are so brave because it makes him so excited I am sure he will want
to do it again. It is good for me too because it makes him want to make love to
me. It will be worth it to you too because he said he wants to get you nice
things for being so brave."
     I had to kow if pain excited her too and said, "I saw him spank you. You
were brave too. Does it get better as it goes along?"
     She was mad at first saying, " Why did you spy on us? It is none of your
business. If you do it again I will whip you really hard."
     I gulped in fear knowing she could be terribly mean but then she went on
to say, "I guess I know what you mean. The spanking didn't seem so bad toward
the end. I guess the pain is not so bad. What really bothers me is the
humiliation of being so submissive. That doesn't seem to bother you. You didn't
make any protest and took off your clothes without being told to do it.
 Of couse I had taken off my clothes because being naked added to my thrills
but I excused myself by saying " I thought you wanted me naked. You whipped me
     "Yeah but it is a whole different thing to get naked in front of your Mom.
I would have been blushing to my toes to strip in front of a strange man. It
didn't seem to bother you at all. It wouldn't have hurt as much on your clothes
but it probably wouldn't have excited him as much so I guess you did the right
     I thought she was being a hypocrite. If she had really wanted to save me
some pain she could have stopped me when I started taking off my clothes rather
than just watching with an excited look on her face. I just excused myself by
saying, "I guess I kind of got used to being naked when you left me that way at
our apartment."
     She just said, "Well at least you look good naked and he liked you that
way. You started something though. I guess you know you will have to be naked
for all your punishments from now on. I plan to want him to spank you instead
of me."
     I was relieved. I was afraid she may say I would have to be covered which
would not be exciting at all.
     I said, "I guess it doesn't matter now. He has already seen me naked so it
would be silly to cover up now."
     "Yes but if you do something that really makes me mad I will whip you on
your clothes so you won't get cut."
     That really frightened me and I sobbed, "I won't make you mad. I'll do
anything you want. Please don't hit me that hard."
     "We'll see. Just remember not to even hesitate to do anything Jim or I
want you to do."
     When I came out of the bath room Jim looked concerned, he said, "I hope I
didn't hurt you too much. You looked so great and was so brave I got real
excited and may have lost control."
     "No. It was O.K. It only hurts real bad at first then I get kind of numb
and excited and it only makes me more excited."
     He smiled and said, "No more than me. Now we had better go to bed. I have
to get up early but you guys can sleep in."
     I didn't go to bed right away. I waited until I heard little squeals from
their bedroom then opened their door a crack with all the lights turned off.
     There was a spotlight on the ceiling pointing at the bed. Mom was sitting
on his lap with her back to him looking at a mirror on the ceiling while she
moved up and down to drive his huge prick into her pussy while he pulled up and
down on her breasts. She was moaning as if in pain but at the same time she
would smile so I knew she was just getting excited. She acted like I did when I
was being whipped.
     She was nice to me all day. She rubbed me with salve to make the welts go
away and I didn't have to wear clothes. She even let me go swimming naked in
the pond since no-one could see me.
     I was looking forward to meeting Jim at the door naked to show him my
welts had almost gone away. Instead she told me to get dressed because Jim had
told her to quit her job and move in with him till they went to Reno. She put
one of her old bra's and baggy panties on me tightening the bra so my boobies
couldn't move. Then I had to put on this big drab dress that hid me completely.
Meanwhile she put on the shorts and shirt he had bought for me. She looked 
cute and sexy while I looked awful. When Jim came home he took one look at me
then watched her the rest of the time. I realized she had made me unattractive
so she could get all his attention.
     I could not believe the way she had changed. When Jim slapped her
playfully on the bare part of her butt she just giggled. When Dad had done the
same thing she had hit him with a frying pan. Dad was just as handsome so the
difference had to be Jim's money.
     Jim had brought a van home so we went to our place to pack. It didn't take
long since it was a furnished apartment. Mom even took the garbage bag of old
clothes I had outgrown.
     I was jealous all the way back because Jim was constantly stroking her
thighs or giving her kisses at stop lights while he ignored me. 
     Normally I would have been thrilled when they sent me into a drive-in but
since I looked so ugly I was glad to get back to the van.
     When we got home Mom went into the bar to make them drinks. At least this
gave me a chance to be alone with him so I jumped into the chair and put a leg
on the armrest so he could look up my dress. Unfortunately he lost interest
when he saw my panties.
     When Mom came out he said, "Debbie looks like shit in that dress. We are
going to have to get her some new ones to show off that great body."
     I instantly cheered up till Mom said, "She is growing so fast buying
dresses would be a waste of money. Besides she will be spending the rest of the
summer playing in the woods. I'll just cut off some of her pants to make
shorts. I think she has one cute dress. I'll be right back."
     She came back carrying the garbage sack of my old clothes. Then had me go
over to her and turned me around to face Jim.
     She said, "Maybe this would look better if it was shorter."
     She slowly lifted my skirt inch by inch getting Jim's attention till the
legs of my panties showed. She had me hold it there while she walked around me
then said, "No. It doesn't help that much."
     She stepped behind me and told me to hold up my arms and slowly slipped
the dress up my body and off. Then she took off my bra and slowly slid down my
panties. She had me stand there facing Jim. He was sitting on the edge of his
chair staring at me. I felt proud and excited to know I was causing the lump
growing in his pants. Then she reached into the sack and brought out a dress I
hadn't worn since I was ten. It was a knit dress with open squares about an
inch across. It was meant to be worn over a slip.It was so small she had to
work it down my body inch by inch by pulling it around the edges. When the
shoulder straps were finally at my shoulders the hem of the dress was just
below my crotch. When she zipped it up the tops of my boobs ballooned over the
square neck. Then she turned me to face her and pinched my nipples till they
were stiff and pulled them through the knitted squares till the string was
buried in my skin.
     She turned me around and said, "See. Is this sexy or what?"
     Jim just stared at me and breathed. "Oh God yes!"
     They had me walk around and make turns just like a model I had seen on TV.
I felt real proud and sexy enjoying Jim's hungry look and seeing the bulge in
his pants. I was naked for all practical purposes. The string that made the
squares was sunk into my skin at my butt and breasts and the open squares hid
     Then she said "It is practical too. Debbie bend over."
     When I bent over I felt the dress sliding up my butt. I stretched my arms
out in front of me and took a deep breath to pull it even higher.
     Mom said, "See? Isn't that a great target. She is already for a spanking.
Would you like to test it?"
     Jim sighed, "Oh God Yes."
     "Debbie. You wouldn't mind if Jim gave you a spanking, would you?"
     There was a threat in her voice but that was unnecessary by then I was so
excited I wanted more thrills.
     I said tremously, "Oh no Mom. Jim can do anythings he wants to me."
     She smiled and said, "Good girl."
She brought a strap out of the sack and handed it to him then held my hands
tight against her thighs.
     He must have hit me about thirty times while she gripped my hands and
grinned at me as the tears streamed down my cheeks till the excitement took
over. Suddenly he quit and I was afraid I wouldn't get to climax.
     Mom straightened me up and turned me around pulling my arms into the small
of my back while she reached around to tweak my nipples. "Look Jim. Two more
     He began strapping every inch of my tits concentrating on the nipples till
he dropped the strap and grabbed her arm to drag her in their bedroom.
     I stood there dazed, sweating and pulsating as orgasms ripped through my
body. I finally was able to get my breath and went to bed. When I got the dress
off I saw that my breasts were covered with red squares outlined in white from
the dress. Even though I had great orgasms I was still jealous of her in the
bed with him.
     The next morning she came in to my room smiling carrying the tube of
salve. She pulled back the covers and seemed surprised I didn't need any salve.
The redness had dropped to a light pink.
     "God you have great skin. I am sure if he had hit me I would be a mass of
bruises. You really turn him on. He was an animal in bed last night. You won't
get spanked today. I don't need any more sex for awhile. Besides I want to see
if he gets horny without causing pain."
     She let me swim and tan in the sun naked all day. I loved feeling the
water, sun, and breezes on my body. I would never wear clothes if I could get
out of it.
     Just before Jim came home she called me in and gave me a pair of my old
jeans. They were so tight she had to powder my legs to get them on and no
matter how we pulled we could only button the bottom three buttons on the fly.
The seam at the crotch was buried in the slit of my pussy. She put an old t-
shirt on me that was so tight it flattened my boobs and pushed them into my
armpit. She didn't like the look so she got some twine and wrapped it around
the bases so they were pulled together to make a tight crack between them and
they had formed hard balls. When she pulled the shirt back over them they held
their shape and my nipples made bumps in the material. I couldn't sit down in
the pants because the legs were so tight without pulling down the waist so she
got me a bottle of pop and had me stand in the living room while she got a
scissors and a low stool to put in front of me. I shifted from one leg to
another to make the seam move against my clit.
     We heard his car coming in the driveway. Mom sat on the low stool and
picked up the scissors.
     When he walked in she turned to him and said, "Hi Jim. I was just about to
make a summer outfit for Debbie. Get yourself a drink and sit down."
     She refused one and that reminded me that she had never been real drunk
since the night she passed out and Jim had made love to me. I decided that he
was good for her since she didn't need to get drunk anymore.
     She began cutting off the waist just above the buttons we had managed to
get buttoned then turned me around slowly as she cut the sides and the back so
just a little of the crack of my butt showed. Then she cut off the legs and
part of the rear to make my cheeks look like half moons. Finally she trimmed
the crotch so that almost all of the seam and material had slipped into my
pussy causing the lips to look puffy. Naturally her fingers working around my
pussy made me excited and I was frustrated when she stood up to trim off the t-
shirt to just show the lowest parts of my breasts.
     She grinned at Jim, " See, she doesn't need new clothes. How do you like
     "Great! Let's make you look like twins. Get your clothes off."
     He went into my room and came back with a pair of my jeans and a T-shirt.
They were much too tight for her but between the three of us and powder we got
them on her and a few buttons buttoned. When he put on the shirt her tits
flattened like mine. I suggested he wrap twine around them to make them stand
out. She gave me a dirty look but didn't complain. He really tied them tight.
When he was through her breasts were as hard as rubber balls and she was
     He did it different. He started at the shirt cutting it off just below her
nipples. then cut off the waist straight across so the top halves of her butt
was bare. Then he began to trim off the legs and back part. He noticed the seam
was in the crack of her pussy so he pushed it in further, She gasped and I knew
just what she was feeling. He pulled it back out and trimmed off some more then
reached around her to tug the seam in till it completely disappeared in her
twat. She kept gasping while he tugged on it to cut off most of the material on
her butt till there was just the seam and a narrow waistband. 
     He pulled up on the waistband to make her gasp again as the seam rubbed
against her clit and ass-hole then had her walk around. She made little gasps
at each step and her tummy began to pulsate. He told her to lift her arms over
her head which exposed all of her breasts. This was getting to me and I began
to saw my seam back and forth over my clit.
     He said, "That is great but we can make it better."
     He went over to a big sack that I thought was full of groceries and
brought back what looked like padded dog collars with a chain connecting them
and some rope. He pulled down her hands and put the collars on her wrists then
tied the rope to the chain and got onto a chair to loop the rope over a hook in
the ceiling. Then he pulled it down till she was stretched and tied the end to
the leg of a heavy cabinet. He got down and began to feel her stomach saying,
"Jesus Baby, this makes you look great! Your stomach is flat and hard and your
tits have raised up."
     He walked around her feeling her tight body till she whimpered, "Please
let me down, My arms hurt."
     He laughed and said "We can fix that"
     He got two smaller ropes and tied them to the waistband of her shorts then
ran them over the hook. She screamed when he lifted her feet clear of the
floor. All her weight was resting on that narrow band in her pussy. She
frantically lifted herself by her arms but she was not strong enough to hold
herself up for long and slowly settled back down on the seam whimpering.
     Jim said, I took off a couple of hours early to do some shopping. I'll
show you something else I bought."
     He went back to his sack and brought back a whip with leather thongs
coming out of a handle. Her eyes were clenched shut so he told her to open her
eyes while he held the whip in front of her face.
     Her eyes opened wide in fear, "Don't whip me! I haven't done anything
     "Ah this won't be bad. The thongs are soft. The clerk said it stung like
hell but wouldn't leave bruises."
     She whimpered again, "I haven't done anything to deserve a whipping. Isn't
this bad enough. My crotch hurts a lot and my breasts are throbbing."
     "Debbie didn't do anything either and you were all for whipping her. Here
I've got a blindfold so you won't be scared seeing it coming and I will take
some pressure off your pussy."
     He got more rope to tie to her ankles and pull her legs apart. It did let
her use her legs to lift herself a little but at the same time it caused her
pussy lips to open so you could see some pink flesh.
     Then he said, "You will be brave like Debbie won't you? Why don't you ask
me to give you a nice whipping with this puny whip."
     She said nothing while thinking it over. She must have decided it wouldn't
be too bad because when he said, "Well?"
     She said, "Okay. give me a nice whipping but from now on I only get
whipped if I have been bad. Okay?"
     "Yeah. That is fair." Then he kissed her and said, "Good girl."
     He slipped on her blindfold which made her whimper, "Oh. Not being able to
see makes it more frightening."
     "Good. Even though I won't hit hard the fright will make it seem worse."
     That seemed to relieve her because some of the tenseness left her muscles
and she said, "Do it and get it over with. My arms and legs are getting sore."
     He came over to me and whispered, "I will whip her butt then you can whip
her tits and pussy. You can get even for all the times she whipped you and she
will think I am doing it. Take off your clothes I want you naked while you are
whipping her."
     At the last minute he went back to the bag and got a rubber ball with
straps on it. He jammed it in her mouth so the only noise she could make came
out of her nose.
     I struggled to get off the tight shorts while he whipped her butt. I was
fascinated by the way her pussy lips squirmed as she strained to get away from
the whip.
     He whipped her till her head was hanging down then he pulled the t-shirt
up over her head and squeezed her breasts while saying, "The way your tits are
tied they look like a little firm butt. I guess we will give this little butt a
spanking." She shook her head  and moaned "No" through her nose but he ignored
her and gave me the whip.
 I hit her across her tied tits and to my amazement the whip just bounced off
them without sinking in. I hit harder while she snapped her head back and
screamed through her nose. After twenty or so I began whipping her pussy
fascinated by the way the lips squirmed. I thought she was getting excited
because the seam got wet in the front. Then her head went forward and she
became quiet.
     I looked over at Jim and saw he was sitting on the couch naked slowly
stroking his hard cock. I ran over to him and began to lick it but he picked me
up to straddle his thighs and let me down until the head of his dick was
pushing against the slightly open lips of my pussy. It was so big I felt a
stretch as the head forced it's way in but then I was so wet the rest slid in
easily. I had never had anything that big in my pussy. It felt wonderful since
my clit was pressed tight against it. I began to gyrate on it while he took my
nipples in his teeth and pulled them out as far as they would stretch. I came
twice or more before his dick got soft and slid out of me. He had me get towels
to dry the sweat and cum off our bodies then told me to put on a robe while he
got Mom down.
     She woke up when we had her lying on her side in the bed while he was
putting salve on her butt and I was putting it on her pussy. She began to cry
saying, "Jim, how could you do that to me. I thought you loved me. Debbie! Why
didn't you stop him. Couldn't you see I was dying?"
     "Gee mom. I didn't think you were being hurt so much. That whip isn't near
as bad as the willow switch."
     "Your tits weren't tied so tight!. They were hurting awful from being
tied, whipping them set them on fire."
     "Jim said, "I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have used the gag. If you could
have talked I would have known you were being hurt bad. I won't gag you next
     "There can't be a next time. If you want to whip someone you can whip
Debbie. She likes it! You have to promise you won't do more than spank me with
your hand."
     He promised then I left to go to bed. I had no idea it was so exciting to
whip someone. I played with myself till I fell asleep.
     The next morning she came in my room yelling, "Look what that bastard did
to me! I'm bruised!"
     I looked and saw the ends of the whip had left some small bruises on the
sides of her tits and a few more on the inner thighs. She didn't have any on
her butt and I realized that in my excitement I must have hit her a lot harder
than he did. I felt a little guilty and said, "I am sorry Mommy. Let me put
some salve on them for you. It's all my fault."
     She looked at me suspiciously and said, "What do you mean it is your
     Then I remembered that she couldn't know I was the one that had whipped
her. I gulped and said, "You were right I should have stopped him."
     "Well I guess it was worth it. He was sorry enough to say I could use his
gold card to go shopping."
     She went out for a minute then laid back on my bed and handed me the
salve. She had me put it on for a long time. When I got to her pussy I saw
there was a couple of bruises on her lips close to her ass-hole. I began to put
the salve on them and moved them around to get to the crease between the lips
and her thighs. Then she told me to put some inside where the seam had hurt
her. I spread the lips and began putting it on watching her clitoris grow and
get hard. She began to breathe hard and began squeezing her breasts. Then she
lifted her butt off the bed and moaned, "That feels good baby. Kiss it and make
it well."
     That sounded gross. She peed out of there. When I hesitated she said
nastily, "Do it or your pussy will be one big bruise."
     That scared me and I kissed a bruise but she said, "Higher! Use your
     I licked her pussy till my jaws were aching and my nose and cheeks were
covered with the juice running from her pussy. Finally she made a big sigh and
jerked around then said, "That was good. We are going to have to do that a lot.
It is too bad we need men to take care of us so we don't have to work. Girls
are a lot better. Even when you can get a man to do that, their beards rub you
     I wasn't looking forward to it. My jaws ached and my mouth tasted yucky. I
went into the bathroom to wash my face and brushed my teeth then rinsed a
couple of times with mouthwash.
     When I came back she said, "That was great. Would you like me to whip you
so you can get excited?"
     That scared me. I didn't trust her and pictured my pussy all black and
     "No mama. You might have to do it again later to keep Jim from wanting to
whip you and I will already be sore."
     "Yeah that's right. Jim said he didn't want me to whip you unless he could
be there to watch. He might get mad if he notices bruises."
     Later on she said. "I have decided to take you with us to Reno. I don't
think he will want to whip us with people so close to us but I am not going to
take a chance on getting one. If he gets the urge and I am the only one there I
will get it. I have to keep him happy for about a month so I can be sure he
can't get the marriage annulled."
     I didn't think it was a big deal till she said we would fly there. I had
seen the planes in the sky and wondered what that would be like.
     I didn't get whipped anymore for the rest of the week. That night he had
brought home a gold bracelet for her to make her feel better. The next day he
took us to work with him and gave her some money and his credit card so we
could get clothes for the trip. We shopped all day just taking off for lunch.
When we went back to his factory The taxi was full of boxes and sacks. 
     When we got home he had us try on all our clothes. It was fun, just like a
fashion show. Even Mom had fun. He loved the tiny underwear she had bought for
us but she gave me a dirty look when I told her to pluck her pussy like mine so
the panties could fit tighter and the hair would not stick out around the
     Jim loved the idea. He ignored her protests and had her lie on her back on
the bed then jammed a pillow under her butt to push up her pussy then he gave
me a tweezers to pull out the hair. Watching this made him excited and he must
have wanted to speed it up because he got a needle-nosed pliers and began to
help me.  The pliers would pull four or five hairs at once which hurt her a lot
more but having us move around her lips to find more hair must have excited her
because by the time it was bald she had stopped saying "Ow" as hair was pulled
and began panting and moaning. Jim got between her legs and began fucking her
then told me to kiss her nipples. Before she came she told me to bite them. I
bit the rubbery tips gently making her squeal until she had an orgasm so strong
she jerked and then fell back exhausted.
     The next morning we went to Reno. I was thrilled to death to fly. They
were nice and let me sit next to the window so I could watch the ground and
clouds beneath us. When we got there Jim told the taxi driver to go to the
nearest wedding chapel. They were married in less than an hour and then we went
to a casino hotel downtown. It was beautiful. I saw a pool outside that was
almost as big as my pond. He rented adjoining rooms so I had my own bathroom. 
We went to a nice restaurant for a late lunch and then they took me back to my
room to go back down to gamble.
     I was getting a little bored watching TV when I heard Mom next door and
opened the door. She was all excited and was putting money in a drawer. It
turned out Jim was a good poker player and was winning big. He got tired of Mom
hanging around and gave her money to play roulette. She was lucky too. She said
she had won a thousand dollars. "God it is really easy! I just found someone
who was winning and just bet the same as he did. He started to lose so I cashed
out. I am going back down to look for another lucky one."
     I told her I was getting a little bored watching TV so she gave me a
hundred dollars and told me to go shopping or swimming. She did not have time
to entertain me.
     From then on I never saw them. They gambled or drank all night and slept
most of the day. They would just leave notes and money for me. One of the notes
said If I needed them I could go to the desk and ask to page them but not to do
it unless it was an emergency. I mostly went swimming in the nearly deserted
pool. I didn't need any more clothes. At night I would walk down the sidewalks
to look at all the pretty lights. On the second day I found a note from Jim
saying he had made an appointment for me at the beauty salon to help me kill
     While I was enjoying being massaged with perfumed oil the girl massaging
me asked if I was enjoying Reno. I told her I was getting a little bored
because most of the places had signs saying I had to be eighteen to get in. She
said, Don't worry about that honey. You have the body of an eighteen year old.
When I have you made up you will be able to go anywhere." 
     She got rid of my pony-tail for a more sophisticated hairdo and made me up
with eyeliner and everything till I looked like some of the show girls in the
one show I had been able to get into. She told me to get some high heel shoes
and a leather skirt and I could go anywhere.
     I went to a store and bought a black leather hip hugger mini-skirt and a
matching leather top that left my middle bare, matching high heel shoes and
hoop earrings. I loved the feel of the leather sliding against my bare butt as
I walked and took off my bra so I could have the same feeling to my nipples.
     It took a while to get used to the shoes but once I learned to walk on my
toes I stopped stumbling. I walked down the street until I saw a store called
THE LOVE BOUTIQUE. It had a sign saying I had to be eighteen so I decided to
use it as a test. The sales clerk took a quick look at me and went back to
filling shelves. I really felt like a grown-up. 
     The front of the store just had skimpy underwear and I had plenty of that
so I wandered on back. I saw something then I had no idea existed. There was a
huge display of rubber dicks. They really looked real with veins and
everything. I saw one that looked like Jim's and picked it up. That made me
remember how long it had been since I had enjoyed an orgasm. For some reason I
couldn't get there anymore with just my finger. I put it back in its box and
started toward the clerk. On the way I saw a mannikin wearing a bathing suit
even smaller than mine. The bottom was cut real low in the front and there was
just a two inch strap coming up the back to bare most of the butt. The top only
covered the middle half of the breasts. While I was looking at it the clerk
came up and said, "May I help you?"
     "Can you wear this in a public pool?"
     "Oh sure. All the girls are wearing them. It is the latest thing. We have
even smaller ones."
     I had her get me one my size and went up to the counter to pay. When she
picked up the box with the rubber dick she asked, "Do you have batteries for
this?" I shook my head with no idea what she was talking about. "It doesn't
come with batteries. I'll get you some." 
     She put a couple of batteries in it and then flicked a switch. I stared in
amazement as it began to vibrate. It had three speeds. She said, "Good. All
three speeds work good. We had some trouble with some of them." She put
everything in a sack and said, "That will be sixty five dollars." I barely had
enough money left to pay for it.
     I hurried back to the casino to try out my new toy. It was hot and I began
to sweat which seemed to increase the sensual feeling of the leather rubbing my
butt and nipples. By the time I got to my room and naked I was excited enough
to make my pussy wet and the dick slipped right inside. Once it was in I
flipped the switch to make it vibrate. It was great! By changing speeds and
pressing it against my clit I got my first orgasm in a long time. Somehow even
though it was good it just made me want the real thing all the more. After that
I was really sweaty so I took a shower, When I came out I noticed a note from
Jim telling me to have a nice dinner and fifty dollars. That reminded me that I
had not eaten so I decided to have lunch at the pool. 
     I had just finished and had laid back to work on my tan when I heard a
voice. I was surprised because there was no-one there before I closed my eyes.
I opened them to see a boy about twenty ordering a beer. He was real cute and
had a muscular body in a  tiny bathing suit. There was a big lump in the suit.
I decided to tease him a little to see if it would grow. I walked around a
little to show him my butt then jumped into the pool and swam over to the other
side. I looked down and confirmed that my nipples showed through the white
material then walked back to my chair which would bring me right in front of
him. I looked down at his crotch to see if he had grown. My clit twinged when I
saw he had grown so much the head of his dick was peeping out of his waistband.
He saw me staring at it and slid forward in his chair which pulled down the
front of his suit to show more. My mouth began to water. When I was beside him
he said, "Hi. My name is Bill. You are absolutely beautiful. Would you like to
go to a party?"  
     I answered, "I'm Debbie. A party should be fun. I am getting bored with
     "Yeah I know. If you don't gamble there isn't a hell of a lot of things to
do. Let's go."
     "Okay I'll go put on some clothes."
     "Naw, you don't need to. It is a pool party."
     He drove me out to a little house in the desert and led me around to the
back where two more boys were sitting on a couch drinking beer.
     Bill took off my robe and twirled me around while saying, "Hey guys, look
what I found! Is she beautiful or what?"
     They really made me proud and thrilled especially when they said I was
prettier than any of the show-girls. My clit twitched again when one of them
said "She has a fine ass. Just begging for a spanking."
     I giggled and sat down between them. It must have encouraged them when I
didn't make any protest over the mention of a spanking because they became
bold. Bill gave me a beer, then another while they squeezed my thighs and
pushed on my tummy while raving about how firm I was. When my beer was gone I
offered to get more. They cheered as I walked away from them. Their comments
made me proud. I was a little giddy from the beer so I swayed my hips until I
was in the house and found the fridge.
     When I came back I asked when their other guests were coming. Bill said,
"You are it baby. Who would want anyone else."
     I giggled at the compliment and bent over to give them their beer. Bill
said, "Will you look at those great tits! They make your mouth water." That
made me imagine them sucking on them and I felt excitement rise. I stayed bent
over longer than I needed to.
     Then the curly haired one said, "We know how your butt looks naked. Why
don't you take off that top so we can see those tits?"
     I wanted them to see me but I wanted more than just looking. I don't know
where I got the idea but I said, "Oh no. That would be naughty and I would have
to be spanked with your belts so I wpuldn't feel guilty. I let that sink in
then added, "Then you would want me to take off the bottom too and I would have
to be spanked a lot more."    
     I think they thought I was kidding because curly said, "Well I guess that
is out. In that suit the whole world would see your red butt."
     They changed their mind when I said, "Not if you used a belt to just hit
the parts covered by the suit."
     Bill yelled, "Get that suit off, you naughty girl!"
     I snapped off the top and then pulled off the bottoms. Two of them jumped
up to touch me while Bill went into the house to get a belt. They squeezed my
breasts and pinched my pussy lips while they said, "Look at that! There isn't a
hair on her pussy."
     "Yeah and it is a great puss. It is so tight there is just a line where
the slit is."
     There were still fondling me when Bill came out with a belt. I was panting
with excitement.
     Bill said, "How should we decide how many you should get."
     I panted, "Spank me until I agree to do anything you want."
      Bill yelled, "Far out! Guys. Get two more belts."
     When they left I said excitedly, "Oh gosh. If you are all going to hit me
at once I had better get into a pose where all of me is available."
     By the time they got back I was standing with my legs apart, my hands on
my head, my tits pushed out and my tummy sucked in as much as I could. Bill
stood in front of me while one stood behind me and the other at my side. 
     I reminded them to only hit the white parts covered by the suit so I would
be able to go swimming. They were so excited just at the idea of getting to
spank me made me believe they wouldn't hit hard.
     Bill said, "Oh wow! The only white parts are your most sensitive places.
Your nipples, pussy and the crack of your butt. Are you sure you can stand
     "Yes. It should be my most sensitive parts. I have been really naughty to
let you see me naked."
     "Great! But you are going to have to spread your legs wider so we won't
hit your thighs."
     I became even more excited as I spread my legs little by little as they
yelled, "Wider, Wider." until Bill said excitedly "Thats good. I can see the
pink parts of your pussy."
     By then I was so excited I was panting while they decided to switch
positions every five lashes.
     Bill said "Go!" and there was pain at the crack of my butt, my pussy and
my nipples all at the same time. They must have wanted it to last for a long
time because they only hit hard enough to make a sharp sting. The triple sting
was enough to get me in orgasm by the time each of them had a turn to make my
pussy squirm and burn under their lashes.
 I moaned,"Stop! I'll do anything for you."
     Bill evidentally wanted to spank me more because he said, "Are you sure? I
want you to suck my dick and only a real slut would do that without more pain."
     They all looked at me expectantly and I decided I didn't want them to
think of me as a slut besides, I knew more spanking would just bring me to an
even greater orgasm.
     I moaned, "I guess I should be spanked more for that."
     They led me over to the couch and pulled my leg up over the back while
they pulled my other leg out to almost the splits to rest on the coffee table
then pulled my arms over my head with my shoulders on the armrest to push up my
     They started spanking again only hitting my most sexy and sensitive
places, my nipples and my slit. I gasped and moaned as I stretched as new and
stronger orgasms began coursing through my body.
     Suddenly Bill yelled, "Stop!" then said, "Are you ready to suck my dick
     I was ready for the different orgasms from fucking and moaned, "Yes I'll
suck you as long as you  want.
     Bill lifted me off the couch then pulled off his suit and sat down. I
knelt in front of him and sucked his dick in my mouth. Then I felt someone
behind me and a dick slipping into my pussy from behind. I had one orgasm after
another while they took turns using my pussy or my mouth. I learned to get
their dicks down my throat without gagging! When they had all cum twice they
sat me on the couch and handed me a beer.
     They kept my excitement alive by playing with my breasts and stroking me
till they were all hard again.
     Then Bill said she can handle all of us at once. I didn't understand how
but I found out. Bill laid on a blanket then pulled me down on his dick, Curly
rubbed his dick with baby oil then pushed me forward and I felt his dick
worming into my ass-hole. I could feel stretching and a need to poop but it was
not unpleasant. The other boy pulled my head around and put his dick in my
     We all came again and I was exhausted. "I told Bill I had to get back
before my folks missed me and promised to be at the pool the next day. I felt
marvelously satisfied and dreamy on the way back. As soon as I got back I took
off my suit and crawled under the covers. My skin was just a little red where I
had been spanked.
     Jim woke me saying, "Get up sleepy head and get dressed. We are tired of
gambling and our luck is beginning to go away. We decided to go out for dinner
and a show."
     I dressed in my leather outfit. Mom was pissed. "Where in hell did you get
that outfit! You look like a hooker."
     I didn't know what a hooker was but before I could ask Jim said, "Come on,
give her some slack. She looks cute and leather skirts are in fashion now. I
see them all the time. Besides we have to pass her off as eighteen to get into
the show. Make her up to look older."
     Actually it was dinner and show at the same time. It was a musical with
singers and dancers. The girls all had bare breasts with high feather hats and
feathers on their butts. I paid most of my attention to the girls because they
were so pretty and Bill had said I was prettier than all of them.
     We left the next morning. I was sad that I would not be able to meet Bill
but felt better watching the view out the window. Mom and Jim bitched all the
way home about their bad luck the last day. I couldn't see why they should be
unhappy. Jim said they were going home with six thousand dollars more than they
had when they started.
     It turned out Mom had not spent all her time gambling. She had taken
driving lessons in the afternoons and was looking forward to passing her test
to get her license. When we got home Jim stopped at the DMV to get her a book
to study for her written test.
     Jim said, "To give you incentive to study I will test you when I get home.
If you miss one guestion you will get five lashes on your butt, Two will get
you five on your tits, and three will get you five on your pussy." She had me
quiz her out of the book the rest of the day.
     Mom evidentally memorized the answers in order. Jim confused her by
picking questions at random and she missed five.
     She complained he cheated by jumping around the book but had to agree the
test would not be in order and just sobbed as she was stripped and hung from
the ceiling with her legs tied widely apart.
     He didn't hit her real hard and it became obvious the whipping was
exciting her by the time he got to her pussy by the way she was panting and
pulsating as her pussy made the whip wet.
     As soon as she was untied she pushed him down on his back and gyrated
wildly on his dick until she was squealing in orgasm.
     The next day she studied harder and only missed one question although he
asked them all in different words than the book. I think she missed one on
purpose just for the thrill because she offered to get on her knees to suck his
dick while he spanked her butt and said he could spank her until he came.
     He just used his dress belt which was thin and obviously didn't hurt much
because she got so excited she opened her legs so he could bring the belt down
between her legs to snap it up on her pussy until she got so excited she
managed to get his dick down her throat while the belt made her pussy-juice
spatter until he yelled and dropped the belt.
     They went on into the bedroom to rest while I stripped and dug furiously
at my pussy to get a little orgasm.
     My only thrill for the week was seeing her whipped. The batteries had gone
dead in my rubber dick and I couldn't get to a store to get replacements. Any
time Jim hinted I needed a spanking she would tell him to leave me alone
because I had been good. She let him spank her in their bedroom but I could
tell from the sound that they weren't very hard. She didn't let me go naked or
swim so I was climbing the walls with boredom by the time she felt ready to
take her test and went into town with Jim. 
     She told me that they would be back about six and to be good and not break
anything in the house. By the time they were out of the driveway I was naked
and on the way to the pond.
     I had learned to float on my back and was lying on the water with my eyes
half closed when I noticed the bushes move. I began watching them and saw a
boy's face peek over the branches. 
     I stood up  and he began to scramble to his feet to run away. I called
out, "Don't run away. It's all right. I just want to talk to you."
     He stopped and slowly walked back to me saying "I am sorry I peeked at you
but you are pretty."
     "It's all right. Do you really think I am pretty."
     "Oh yeah! But aren't you mad? My cousin got really mad when I saw her
naked. She had Dad switch me."
     "Oh I'm sorry. Did it hurt a lot?"
     "Yeah but it was worth it. Besides after a switching everyone forgives me
so I don't have to feel guilty."
     "I know what you mean. I would much rather be switched than having someone
mad at me."
     "I really like watching you. You can switch me for it if you want."
     I remembered how much I enjoyed whipping Mom but this was different. I was
hating her, this kid was really cute and I enjoyed the obvious admiration.
     "No it wasn't your fault you saw me naked it was mine for being this way.
I know it is naughty to run around naked. You should switch me."
     "Really? I have never switched anybody. I saw my cousin get switched once.
It was really exciting. She was wearing a bathing suit and it worked up into
the crack of her butt so you could see red lines form on her bare cheeks."
     "Well why don't you get a switch. If it isn't too big you can switch me
all you want."
     "Really? There is some willows a little ways behind me. They make great
switches and I have a knife."
     "Then go get it."
     He ran off and came walking back in a few minutes stripping the bark off a
limb about two feet long and skinny.
     I said, "That is a good one. It shouldn't hurt much. What did you see when
you noticed me?"
     "Everything! Your boobies, tummy, bottom and even your crotch. You were
playing with your crotch like I do."
     "Then that is what should be switched. All those places because I was
naughty and showed them to you."
     "Really? Are you sure? My cousin yowled like crazy when just her butt was
     I grinned at his excitement." Yes, I deserve it."
     He shuffled around and then blurted, "My friend has a picture of a woman
hanging from a tree limb while she is being whipped. It is awful exciting.
Would you kind of hold on to a limb?"
     "Only if you take off your clothes too. You are seeing me naked I should
get to see you."
     "Okay if you want to. I must be older than you. I have hair on my crotch."
     I didn't care if he wanted to think that. I watched him undress. All he
had on was overalls and under shorts so he was naked in seconds. His dick was
only about half as big as Jim's but it was cute and already hard.
     We walked around till I found a limb I only had to jump up a few inches to
reach and hung there trembling with excitement.
     At first he was really erratic, running around me to slap it against my
butt then my boobs then my thighs then butt then back around to my lower
stomach but soon he settled down and gave me ten to my butt before moving then
ten to my boobs then about fifteen fast ones to my lower stomach and crotch. I
had gone into orgasms and he suddenly sat down and wrapped his fist around his
dick and began moving his fist really fast. I dropped to the ground then held
his fist.
     "Don't do that. I know something that is better. He let me unwrap his
fingers and I put his dick in my mouth. A look of glee came on his face then he
gently pressed my head with his hand and closed his eyes in pure enjoyment.
Since his dick was smaller I found I could get all of it into my mouth and by
swallowing I didn't gag when the head went into my throat. He was so excited by
the whipping and everything he came in just a few seconds and then moaned in
ecstasy as I rolled his softening dick in my mouth.
     "That was wonderful. I never even heard of such a wonderful thing. I can
hardly wait to tell my friend."
     That worried me. "No you can't tell anyone. If your folks found out they
would be mad."
     "Do you think I am stupid. I don't tell them anything! They would have a
fit if they knew I saw you naked. My friend won't talk. We have a lot of
secrets. Our folks would have a fit if they knew we had pictures of naked women
and played with our pricks."
     "Are you okay. I made some red lines. Did I hit too hard?"
     "No you were just fine. The red will go away in a little while."
     I never got to play with other kids when I was little. For the next couple
of hours we swam, splashed each other and played tag. All the red lines were
gone in about an hour. We were tired by then so we laid on the beach. He laid
on his side so he could caress my boobs and pussy. It really felt nice and I
stretched out to let him get to all of me. If I had been a cat I would have
been purring. He began to concentrate on my pussy rubbing up and down on the
lips and must have noticed my smile because he said, "This must feel good. I
know I like to have my dick rubbed."
     It did feel good but it wasn't especially exciting so I said, "I'll show
you how to make it feel even better."
     I spread the lips of my pussy open to show him the little hard nubbin of
my clit and told him to rub it with his finger.
     In moments I was trembling with excitement and he said, "Oh yeah. I can
tell you like this more. Your clit is like a little dick."
     I sighed, "Oh yes! And it would be even better if you used your tongue."
     He made a face and said, "That sounds gross but I guess I owe you. You let
me switch you and sucked my dick."
     He gave my clit a tentative lick then must have discovered it didn't taste
bad so began lapping at it like a cat drinking milk. My tummy began pulsating
as I neared orgasm but then he lifted up and said, "Is that enough?" I moaned
"No. Not yet and grabbed his head to bring it down until I got a great orgasm.
He pulled away saying, "That's all. You are drowning me!"
     I moaned, "It's okay. That was wonderful."
     "Yeah I could tell but it isn't any fun for me."
     "I know but I'll make it up for you. I'll only ask you to do it as a
reward for letting you whip me and I'll suck your dick anytime you want."
     I noticed that even though he said he licking me had done nothing for him
that his dick was hard so I sucked it until he came to show I was sincere.
     We just laid there after that idly stroking each other.I hated to quit but
I knew Mom would be home soon so I had him show me how he had gotten through
the electric fence around our property. He showed me a wooden gate and then
pointed out his house about a quarter of a mile away across a pasture with cows
in it. I told him that he could never come on our property unless I signalled
to him that it was alright by tying a white cloth to the gate because Jim hated
trespassers. I pointed out a sign Jim had hung on the fence saying "Trespassers
will be shot then prosecuted." He thought that would be fine since he could see
the gate from his room upstairs with his binoculars.
     I got back to the house in time to get fully dressed and was drinking pop
on the porch when they came home. Mom was driving and had a big grin on her
face. She jumped out of the car and ran up to me yelling, "I did it! I did it,
Debbie! I have my license! I can go anywhere I want to go."
     "Oh great! can we go for a drive?"
     "Sure! Why not. Get in the car."
     She really drove different than Jim. The tires squealed around every sharp
corner. Jim kept telling her to slow down but she just said, "Oh don't be such
a fussbudget. This is fun."
     She scared me a couple of times when she came real close to other cars. I
was glad to get home.
     She was still happy all through dinner although Jim kept lecturing her on
     After dinner they started drinking. I felt left out and  just watched TV.
     After a few drinks Mom got a little silly. Dancing around and bouncing
over to him to let him pinch her bottom then dodging away just to come back to
let him do it again. I could see he was getting excited.
     Then he gave her another surprise. "I have another surprise to go with the
car. Here is your own credit card to buy gas and things."
     She jumped and down with joy and said she had a reward for him. She turned
off my TV and turned on some music then began dancing in front of him while she
slowly took off her clothes. He got red in the face from excitement. It excited
me too while I marvelled at her change in personality since we had lived with
my Dad. She never did anything sexy for him.
     When she was naked and all sweaty she said,"You should give me a spanking
for driving so fast."
     She laid across his lap and he began slapping her butt with his big hands
making a loud "Splat!" sound. She only let him hit her about a dozen times then
slid off his lap and kneeled in front of him and began unzipping his pants.
     I was staring at them shaking with excitement. Jim noticed me staring and
it must have bothered him because he picked her up and carried her into the
     I was so excited I ran into my room and got my rubber dick. I was so
anxious I didn't bother to undress I just pulled down my panties and furiously
pumped it in my pussy till I fell back in the bed with a glorious orgasm.
     After awhile I came back out. I could hear little squeals from mom and the
bed squeaking  then it got quiet. They never came out again. I watched TV for
awhile then went to bed.
     Since I went to bed so early I woke up when Jim got up and started making
noise in the kitchen.
     He was still happy and said, "Let your mama sleep in. She had a big
     I was disappointed he didn't seem to notice I was just wearing a nightie I
knew he could see through. He just made coffee and poured a cup to take with
him. On the way out he just slapped my butt lightly and said, "Take care of
yourself kid." I was hurt. I considered myself a woman now and hoped he would
kiss and hug me. Mom got up about ten and grabbed a cup of coffee then dressed
and went out to the car. She said Jim was a sex fiend and as long as we kept
him happy she could do anything she wanted. She said she was going shopping and
would be back about five. She reminded me to stay fully dressed because she did
not want to divert Jim's attention from her.
     When she left I grabbed a portable cassette player and ran out to hang a
white T-shirt on the gate. I had to wait almost an hour until I heard him
running toward me. He was disappointed to see me fully dressed but brightened
up when I told him about Mom doing a strip and that I wanted to do one for him.
     He really enjoyed it and so did I because he made me feel sexy by clapping
every time I took something off and saying I was beautiful. When I was naked he
took off his clothes and I showed him how to put his dick in my pussy. I pulled
him up close to my face to make his dick push hard on my clit but he still came
before I was ready. I asked him to kiss my pussy but he said, "You haven't
earned that." and wouldn't do it till I showed him a strap I had brought from
the house and told him he could use it to spank my pussy if he licked me until
I came like him.
     He liked that idea and pushed sand together to make a mound to rest my
butt on to let him spank all the way to my asshole. Then he began slapping my
pussy up and down with the strap but he wasn't hitting hard enough to get me to
the mindboggling orgasm so I pulled the lips apart so he could hit the tender
pink parts and my clit till I crashed and snapped my legs shut. He pulled them
apart again and began licking my clit to continue my orgasms until I moaned,
"Enough." and pulled him up to kiss him and lick my juices off his face which
had no taste at all.
     He pulled back to look at my pussy then said, "God you are brave. Your
pussy is really red. I couldn't stand having my dick spanked. Didn't it hurt
     "It hurts but not awful. It is an exciting hurt and the excitement lets me
ignore the pain."
     "Wow! I am glad it isn't awful because I love spanking it."
     We just laid back and rested while I stroked his dick and he fingered my
wet pussy. I was about to ask him to fuck me when we heard a church bell
     He sat up and said, "Shit! They want me for something. Dad bought the bell
at a swap meet so they could call me. I'll be back as soon as I can."
     He dressed and ran off. He never came back so I just swam and imagined
myself in all kinds of sexy scenes. I got dressed about four to make sure Mom
didn't catch me naked.
     She came sliding up to the house with the brakes locked and yelled at me
to help her. She had a bunch of shopping bags.
     When we were in the house she showed me a whip with six long thongs. "The
clerk said the leather was real thin and it wouldn't hurt much no matter how
hard it was used. Bend over I want to try it on you. I was standing in front of
a mirror and saw she was hitting as hard as she could. It was amazing! The whip
whirred in the air and made a loud slap but it just stung a little. After a
dozen she stopped and I turned to look at my butt. It was just red with no
welts and the red began to fade as I watched.
     "How was it?"
     ""It doesn't hurt hardly at all. It just makes a little sting and heat."
     "Great! It looks like it would hurt like hell. If he uses it on you I want
you to scream like crazy."
     She had dinner on the table by the time Jim had finished his drink. He
didn't pay any attention to me. He was too busy watching Mom's butt moving
around in her tight pants.
     After dinner they had a few more drinks then Mom said she would give him a
fashion show. She got her bags and must have arranged them in complete outfits.
She would strip completely naked and put on tiny panties and bras out of a sack
and walk around then go back to it and take out a skirt or shorts and walk in
that awhile then put on a top. It was kind of like a strip tease in reverse.
She did all the changing right in front of us and Jim was really enjoying it at
first but after the fifth outfit he said, "How much did all this stuff cost?"
     "Not much, the last sack has something you can use to have me pay for it."
     The last sack had a Little leather triangle that barely covered her pussy
and was held in place by leather strings going between her butt cheeks and
around her waist. The top was just leather circles covering her nipples and
held in place with tiny gold chains.
     Then she pulled out the whip and said, "I was naughty to spend all that
money. Would you like to punish me?"
     He said, "You betcha!" and got rope to tie her arms loosely to the hook.
     When he started whipping her she screamed at every lash but I knew they
didn't really hurt. Once after a lash to her butt she grinned and winked at me.
It was obvious to me that the whip wasn't bad when he got to her tits because
they barely moved when hit but he didn't seem to notice. The leather protected
her sensitive nipples. When he began on her lower stomach with thongs slapping
against her leather clad crotch she let her head fall and moaned as if she was
totally exhausted. It was really phoney. I knew the whip didn't hurt that much
and the only sensitive places that could be hurt on her nipples and pussy had
been covered with leather. 
     He got her down and carried her into the bedroom. A little later he came
out naked with a soft wet dick and got the salve. I didn't see them again for
the rest of the night. The whole scene was so phoney I didn't even get excited
so I just watched TV till I was sleepy enough to go to bed.
     The next morning she said gleefully, "He said I could shop all I wanted as
long as I took a whipping for it. I am going shopping again. I'll see you about
five. Clean up the house."
     There wasn't much to do except wash the breakfast dishes and make their
bed which only took a short time so I went out and hung up the shirt.
     He showed up about eleven carrying a long fishing pole and a little metal
     "I am sorry I had to go home early yesterday. They were calling me for
lunch and then I had to cut wood for the winter the rest of the afternoon. We
have all day today. I had Mom give me lunch early and told her I was going
fishing and might not hear the bell."
     I had become bored waiting for him. I was already naked so I could swim.
He looked at me admiringly while he took off his clothes.
     I was fascinated by the fishing pole. It looked just like the buggy whip I
had seen the night before in a western movie. While he dressed I picked it up
and began to swing it in the air to make a "Whirring" sound.
     He laughed and said that isn't the way you cast out the line. You bring it
over your shoulder not sideways."
     I ignored that and felt myself getting wet as I said, "I wonder what it
would feel like to be hit with it."
     I saw his dick harden as he said excitedly, "I'll show you! Just hang on
the limb."
     I got caught up in his excitement and said, "No. We will make it like your
picture. Take off the string and winder. I'll be right back."
     I ran into the house and got the cuffs and rope. By the time I got back he
had taken the stuff off the fishing rod and was swinging it in the air. Now it
really looked like the buggy whip and I began to breathe fast while he put the
cuffs on me and led me over to a higher limb. He threw the rope over it and
pulled me up till my toes were off the ground. 
     I was totally excited and panting while he moved back sliding the rod
against my butt till I felt the tip at the edge of my right cheek. I told him
not to hit too hard because the red would have to be gone by five so my Mom
wouldn't see it.Then he brought it way back and  my excitement was lost by
blinding pain to my butt. It hurt so bad I couldn't even scream. The long
leverage of the rod made the tough skinny tip bury itself in my ass. He hit me
about ten times and then moved toward my front. Tears rolled down my cheeks
while I begged him to stop.
     He said," Only if you ask me to give you three more.One on each boob and
one across your pussy and then suck my dick."
     I didn't see how I had any choice. I was helpless and he could hit me
forever.I moaned "Okay but please don't hit too hard."
     He didn't but he didn't need to. The tip hit my right and left nipple then
up into the slit of my pussy to cause blinding pain much too bad to excite me.
     He let me down so he could lie down for me to put his dick in my mouth. He
came in a very short time but then it got hard again and he fucked me. The
second time he lasted a lot longer and I came from the combination of his dick
against my clit and my sore butt rubbing on the dirt.
     We rested awhile but my ass was still hurting a lot so I took him into the
house with me so I could look at it in the mirror. I was amazed. There were
just skinny red lines that I knew would be gone before five. I said, "God. I
expected it to be much worse. Nothing has hurt that bad before even the willow
     "Yeah. It must be because it is so skinny but the nylon makes it strong. I
am sorry I hurt you so bad. I'll lick your pussy for you."
     I told him that it was alright and that it was my fault for asking for it.
I told him we could never do that again because it was lucky I was not
     That really alarmed him. "Oh You mean I can't switch you anymore either?"
     He was relieved when I said little switches would be alright and even some
whips I had but no more rods or long switches and no more today.
     We went back to the pond where the cool water felt good on my sore butt
and stinging nipples and pussy.
     He said. "I guess your bottom is too sore to fuck you again."
     I thought that might make me forget the pain and said, "It would be okay
if I was on top."
     He was really happy and clambered out of the water to lie on his back to
rub his dick to get it hard again after the cold water. I put his dick in my
mouth to get it really hard and then settled down on him. This was great! I
could move around to make his dick rub where I wanted to and my sore butt felt
good slipping on his wet legs. It was also fun to watch the expression on his
face while I moved around while he pinched my breasts and nipples with his
fingers. When he came it looked like he was in great pain. I remembered I
looked that way too when I used my rubber dick while facing a mirror and
thought it was interesting that pain and orgasms seemed to have the same
     That time we both came at the same time since he could last even longer
lying on his back. Afterwards my butt began to get hot again so I went back in
the water to cool it.
     He really got a kick out of watching me splash around and jump up and down
to make my titties bounce. He suddenly looked serious and said, "You are
wonderful. I love you and want to marry you when I get older."
     "Do you really think I am wonderful?"
     "Oh yes! Nobody would believe what you will do. I told my best friend
about you and he thinks I am making it up. Could I bring him with me sometime?
He is staying overnight with me tonight and will be here all day the next day."
     I told him it would be alright as long as he was sure he wouldn't tell
anyone else. 
     He was really happy and said, He won't tell anybody. I am the only real
good friend he has. He is kind of a bully. No-one will give me a hard time when
I am with him because they are afraid of him."
     About that time the bell began to ring. He ignored it at first but when it
kept starting up again he said he had to go and put the stuff back on the
fishing rod.
     It was a good thing. I had just got back to begin dusting the furniture
when I heard her tires sliding in the gravel driveway. She came in carrying
just one box looking bitchy. I said, You are home early. It is only three
"This town is too small. I looked all over and only found one lousy thing." 
     She opened the box to show a shiny dress. She said it was made of silver
lame and was low cut and backless . She said it was so sexy all the men would
be drooling over her. She went on, "I love to get the bastards all excited
while I know they can't touch me. It is a real powerful feeling."
     I guess that was the difference between her and me. I liked the feeling of
being a slave to strong guys.
     She had dinner ready when Jim got home then made him a strong drink and
led him over to his big chair.
     She got the box then took off all her clothes then put on some tiny
panties like the show-girls had been wearing. Then she put on the dress. It was
really sexy. The back was open so low on her back you could see the dimples
just above her butt and the top was just two triangles coming from her waist to
tie around her neck. You could see her belly-button and the sides of her
breasts. She danced around a little then said, "Let's go dancing."
     "No I don't think so. I am tired and I am not sure I want you that naked
in public."
     "Oh come on Honey. Tomorrow is Saturday. You can sleep late then I will
drive you to Portland so you can have dinner at the oyster bar you said you
liked. You know you like to see other men drooling after me. It helps your ego
to know only you can have me."
     When he still hesitated she said, "Portland has sex shops! You might find
something you will want to use on me."
     That convinced him and he went in the bedroom to put on a suit."
     After he dressed they had a few more drinks because the live music would
not start till nine.
     The rest of the night I played with myself and thought how exciting it
would be to have more than one boy at a time all weekend. I imagined all kinds
of things they might do to me and had a bunch of little orgasms. Then I had a
terrible thought. What if they wanted me to go with them?"
     I needn't have worried. I helped Mom make a real elaborate breakfast with
bacon, sausage, eggs, waffles and fruit. While I helped her she said, "We can't
let you go with us to Portland. We will be going to places that won't let in
kids. I want you to stay close to the house. If you get hurt out in the woods
no-one will be around to help you. We will be back in the afternoon Sunday. If
you are good I will buy you some more clothes in Portland."
     They left shortly after breakfast and I ran out to hang the shirt on the
gate. They must have been watching for it because they arrived shortly after.
     They were just wearing cut off jeans. Bobby's friend looked about the same
age but he was taller and bigger. He was real muscular with a big chest and
ridged stomach muscles.
     As soon as they got close to me Bobby blurted, "Debbie. This is my friend
Ted. Isn't she beautiful Ted?"
     His personality was different too. He kind of sneered at me and said, "It
is hard to tell in that baggy dress. If you haven't been lying to me she will
take it off so I can see."
     I slid off the dress and stood nervously in front of him. He was not at
all what I had expected. I thought he would be like Bobby and be awed by me and
let me decide what we would do. I had even set up a plan. Ted would obviously
want things his way.
     When the dress was off  Bobby gushed again, "See! I told you she had a
great body and would show it to you."
     "He still didn't seem impressed. "Maybe. She has big tits. Maybe they sag.
Take off your bra!"
     He scared me with his abruptness. I hurried so much to get it off that I
fumbled with the catch at my back. Ted laughed and said, "She is kind of a
clumsy bitch isn't she?"
     Bobby sprang to my defense, "No. You are scaring her. She is real
graceful. Wait till you see her dance."
     He just laughed and said "THe only dancing I want to see is her at the end
of a rope. Bobby, get the box while she gets those pants off."
     Bobby ran back to a tree to pick up a big box. I could see that I was not
the only one to be ordered around. I took off the panties and got my first
compliment. "Hey I love that cute pussy especially since it is bald. I wanted
to pull the hair on my sister but I was afraid our mom might see it." He jammed
his finger into my crack then brought his hand up to my tits and pinched my
nipples and pulled my breasts up and out to the sides. When I whimpered, he
said "Does that hurt, cunt?" When I nodded with tears in my eyes he said, "Get
used to it. This is nothing. Besides, Bobby said you like pain."
     "Yes, but not too much."
     "I'll decide what is too much." 
     By that time Bobby had brought over the box.  Ted had me kneel down on the
ground then he took out a loose leaf binder and a few picture magazines and
laid them on the ground in front of me. He explained that he had found the
magazines in the attic of a house they had rented and the loose pictures he had
cut out of all the books he could find in the university library on torture and
corporal punishment. Then he handed me some polaroid pictures saying, "I came
up with a few ideas myself. This is my sister. I was surprised to see she was
older than him. She was pretty although a little chubby and maybe fifteen or
sixteen. The first picture showed her tied to a wall with her legs pulled wide
apart. There were red lines crossing her body especially on her breasts which
were bigger than mine.
     The next picture had her bent backwards over a saw horse. Her wrists and
ankles were tied tightly to the bottom of the legs and the board at the top was
buried in her butt.
     The next picture had her bent into a backbend by ropes going from her
biceps and thighs towards the ceiling. Her mouth was open as if screaming and
deep red lines covered the whole top of her tits and across her butt.
     The last picture looked the worst. She was straddling the sharp edge of a
split cedar fence post with her wrists tied tightly to the outside of her
thighs and big weights tied to her ankles. It made my pussy ache just to look
at it. I knew from our fence post that hundreds of stickers would be going into
her pussy and thighs at the smallest movement. I was sure she moved a lot
considering the red welts on her whole front. I asked, "How can she let you do
this? Why doesn't she tell on you. I would!"
     He looked taken back. "Bobby said, you would agree to be whipped. If he is
lying to me I will beat the shit out of him."
     "No! I will let you whip me. I just don't want bad welts my folks might
see. They would make me tell how they happened."
     "Don't worry. Bobby said you go swimming naked all the time. I can see
where your Mom might see you. My sister always keeps herself covered up so no-
one can see her welts. She doesn't tell on me because nobody will believe her.
She told my folks that the principal of our school had spanked her bare butt.
Dad and mom made a big stink about it and ended up looking like fools after the
investigation proved he didn't do it. Then I spanked her with a strap on a
friday night after the folks left for the week end. She went bawling to them
when they got home but when mom looked at her butt all the marks had gone away.
Dad was so mad at her for lying he whipped her butt and thighs with a rubber
hose till she was so bruised it hurt her to sit down for a week. After that I
rented a camcorder and shot a tape where she begged me to whip her and promised
to suck my dick if I would. I had given her the choice of doing that or being
whipped by barbed wire. I have some great shots of her sucking my dick and
thanking me when I came in her face. I show it to her every once in awhile. It
really keeps her in line. She knows that if I show the tape to my folks they
will just think she is a pervert that is leading me astray. She is studying
like crazy so she can go to college and get away from me.
     I went back to opening the magazines. They mostly just had women tied in
all kinds of uncomfortable positions. A few had their tits tied into hard balls
with small rope around the bases. I wondered if that was where mom got the idea
of doing it to me. One was scary. The woman was tied upside down to a pipe
frame with ropes wrapped around her legs to hold her in the "splits" and her
pussy was gaping open so all the inner lips were showing and you could see
inside her. I shuddered at the thought of a whip hitting it.
     Then I opened the book of library pictures. They were horrible! I was sure
the women must have died. There were several with women with blood pouring down
their bodies from long whips and thong whips with nails coming out of the
thongs. Other women were tied to a log and turned over a fire like a barbecue
and still others were being branded with hot irons or whipped with red hot
metal rods.
     I was in shock when Ted said, "Since it is your first time you can choose
the way you want to be tied for your whipping. It is too bad we don't have a
real whip."
     That reminded me that in one of the polaroids a willow limb was laying
across her body. It was real long and thick and I knew it would hurt as much as
the fishing rod and that he would hit hard with it. I had one ray of hope. None
of the pictures of his sister had a leather whip. He might think they were
really painful. I said, "We have one. It is in the house."
     "Good. You can get it after you choose your position."
     I chose the picture Bobby had tied me in but Ted said "That is no good. We
can't get to your inner thighs or your crotch. Pick another."
     The next best choice seemed to be with a woman tied with her arms going up
and her legs tied apart. He agreed to that and told me to go get the whip while
they got the ropes ready. I brought back mom's "Easy" whip. I was relieved when
Ted liked it saying, "This is great! she will get six lashes with each swing."
     They tied my arms first then spread my legs till cords were showing in my
inner thighs and I felt coolness as my pussy lips opened.
     They decided to take turns with ten each and flipped a coin to see who
would be first. I thought that meant I would only get twenty. I felt good
knowing I could take that easily.
     I got lucky. Bobby won and put his on my butt to help me get excited to
overcome the rest. At ten Ted took the whip and put ten on the back of my upper
thighs a lot harder. It still didn't hurt terribly but I gasped and moaned as
if it was. He gloated, "That's the way to do it Bobby. Look at how much redder
her thighs are than the wimpy ones you put on her butt."
     He faced me and said, "I have to give you credit. My sister would be
bawling and screaming. You are pretty brave."
     There was a short delay and I thought it might be over and let my eyes
close. I opened them with a scream when I felt the lashes come across my tits.
I realized then that they were just going to take turns every ten lashes and I
had no idea how many lashes I would get. I never knew how many I took. The pain
and excitement made it impossible to count them. I remembered mom's advice and
screamed with every lash. before long I was so hoarse I was just gasping while
they took turns till every inch of my skin was red from my armpits to my knees.
They finished by swinging the whip like a soft ball pitcher for ten each right
on my gaping pussy lips. That was too much even with the "Easy" whip. I had
begun having orgasms when my tits were whipped. I was totally exhausted before
they finished with my pussy and was just moaning and jerking slightly as I felt
the heat and pull on my pussy lips with each lash. Each one slightly harder
than the last. When they finally stopped I let my head fall and just sobbed.
     It seemed like it had lasted for hours when they finally let me down. My
leg muscles were so sore from being pulled apart so widely I could hardly walk.
I knelt in the grass rubbing the inside of my thighs and caressing my breasts
and pussy to try to ease the pain. Even with the easy whip the last twenty
directly on my pussy had made it dark red and swollen.My pussy felt like it was
on fire.
     Ted came over and said,"We won't whip you anymore as long as you do
anything we want."
     "Oh thank you. I'll do anything."
     "Does your pussy hurt a lot?"
     I said honestly, "Oh yes! It feels like it has been burned."
     "Good. Beg me to fuck it."
     "Oh no. Please! Maybe later when it feels better."
     "I didn't ask for argument. Beg me or I'll tie you upside down and beat it
with a limb."
     I couldn't even imagine how much that would hurt and quickly said, "Please
fuck my pussy." That was not good enough.
     "No! Say please fuck my sore pussy. I know it will hurt and I don't mind."
     I hung my head and repeated what he said. He made me say it again louder
then unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop down his legs. I cringed. It was
so hard it was throbbing and was even thicker than Jim's. He dragged me over to
a fallen tree and bent me backwards over it then told Bobby to stick his dick
in my mouth. As soon as he saw Bobby's balls were pressed against my nose he
jammed in his dick. It was so tight from being swollen I screamed around
Bobby's dick as I thought I had been torn but when he was finally able to get
the head inside I was wet enough to take the rest. I began pushing back feeling
stickers from the tree sticking into my red ass until I had a crushing orgasm.
     When they came into my pussy and throat they let me lie there till my
breathing got normal and my butt began to burn and itch from the stickers.
     Ted made me lick his cum and my juices off his dick and wasn't satisfied
till I had licked his balls and even his asshole. Then he was hard again and
laid on his back so I could suck him while Bobby fucked my asshole. This felt
good and I began to moan in pleasure till I had another nice orgasm.
     I laid between them in the grass gently fondling their soft dicks when I
got my second compliment.
     "I have to admit you have a jewel here Bobby. My sister gives bad blowjobs
no matter how much I whip her and she can never get it down her throat like
     "Have you ever whipped your sister as long as you did me?"
     "No. We gave you over a hundred lashes. She passes out after thirty or
     For some reason I was hating his sister for helping create this monster. I
made a suggestion.
     "Maybe she is faking passing out. You could test her by sticking a pin in
her nipple. If she flinches you would know she was faking."
     "Good idea. That sneaky bitch might try that. I know how sensitive nipples
are, let me show you what I got for hers."
     He went back to the box and brought back two big mousetraps. He had me sit
up then let the wire close on my nipple. It sunk out of sight in my nipple and
I was still gasping when he put on the other.
     "Hurts doesn't it?"
     "Oh God yes! Take them off please!"
     He laughed and removed them. " Hell it gets a lot worse. I found out those
springs will hold ten pounds of weight before pulling off."
     I shuddered at the thought and in gratitude for taking them off I bent
over and started licking his dick.
     He said "Hey that feels good but let's not leave Bobby out."
     He had Bobby lie down and slid him forward by pulling on his legs till
their balls were touching and I could squeeze their dicks together and stretch
my lips enough to get the heads of them in my mouth. Ted yelled, "The last one
to cum gets to use the paddle on her ass!"
     They were singing songs, and talking to take their minds off their dicks
to last a long time but since Ted's dick was longer and scraping on the roof of
my mouth he came first.
     Bobby got a ping-pong paddle out of the box and asked, "How many swats
should I give her."
     Ted thought for a minute then said, "Lets make it a birthday spanking. How
old are you Debbie?"
     I told them I was fourteen. and he said "Okay, we are both twelve so that
adds up to thirty-eight."
     Bobby started to pull me over his lap but Ted stopped him.
     "Wait a minute. We got a lot of time. I want to show her how I spank my
     He went over to the box and brought back an iron pipe. I was afraid he was
going to substitute it for the paddle but he went over to the tree and began
threading a rope through the pipe Then he stretched up to tie one end of the
rope to a low limb. He called me over and had me bend over and hold the pipe
against the bottom of my stomach. Then he pulled on the other end of the rope
until the pipe was pushed into the bottom part of my tummy. He found a fallen
limb and spread my legs till most of my weight was resting on the pipe then
tied my legs to the limb. Then he tied my thumbs to my hair with twine. My face
was getting flushed and warm from my head down position when he came back and
reached between my legs to put alligator clips with a length of twine on my
nipples. It made me gasp because it really hurt! It felt like a little animal
with sharp teeth was biting them.Then he pulled me as close to my legs as I
could get by my stretched and bitten nipples and tied the twine to my legs. He
was finally done. The muscles in the back of my thighs and my tummy muscle
pushing against the pipe were aching already and my nipples felt like they were
being chewed off.
     Then Ted frightened me.
     Ted said, "Isn't that great Bobby? She is bent over so far her pussy is
pooching out behind her legs. You can spank it too. I know you won but can I
have the last ten?"
     My pussy was still a little swollen and I could see it was sticking out
between my legs. I whimpered, "Please don't hit my poor pussy anymore." but
they ignored me and Bobby answered, "Sure. Twenty eight is plenty for me."
     Then Ted told me I could do the counting and Bobby would start when I said
     I planned to count fast and get it over with but the first swat on the
tight skin of my ass hurt more than I thought and I jumped causing the clips to
take a terrible bite on my nipples. I had to get my breath and brace myself to
say "Two" That one hit at the top of my thighs and across the lips of my pussy.
I jumped so bad I ripped one clip off my right nipple and there was a delay
while Ted put it back on my now bleeding nipple.
     I begged them to tie my hands to my ankles so I could hold myself tight to
my legs and save my nipples which were now throbbing with pain. Bobby said I
had been good and talked Ted into doing it. That helped a lot because I could
squeeze my body closer to my legs and take some of the pressure off my nipples.
     Bobby must have felt guilty for causing so much pain by hitting my pussy
because the next was just on my buns.I began to count faster and to my own
amazement found the pain was beginning to be replaced by excitement. Ted
noticed at twenty.saying, "Jesus Christ! She is getting off on this. Look!
Pussy juice is starting to drip out of her crack. He was right!  When it got to
his turn he used all of his ten on my pussy and upper thighs but even this
terrible pain just brought on ever increasingly powerful orgasms.By the time he
got his ten I had gone into orgasms so strong I let go of my legs to jerk at
the clamps until I  ripped them off. Ted dropped the paddle and jammed his dick
in my pussy.I was so wet it made "Squishy" sounds. The next thing I knew I was
lying on the grass and Bobby was cooling my butt by wetting the t-shirt he had
brought from the gate.
     Ted went over and got three bottles of beer he had stolen from a case he
had found in Bobby's basement. We laid back to sip on them while we watched the
     They seemed to get kind of lovey with both of them snuggling against me
giving me kisses on my neck and boobies. I thought Ted might have changed.
     After we finished the beer Ted began caressing my red pussy then said, "I
got to cum one more than you Bobby. Make her suck your dick!"
     I said, "He doesn't have to make me. I will be glad to do it."
     "Well in that case make her suffer to get to suck it."
     Bobby started to protest but I remembered he was willing to lick me if he
could spank my pussy and interrupted him to say, "If you will lick my sore
pussy after I suck you can spank it ten times with the strap "
     I went over by the bush where I had left the strap and kneeled down and
gave it to him saying "Please spank my pussy, Bobby."
     I rolled over on my back and lifted my butt off the grass with my legs and
spread them then used my thumbs to pull my lips apart. That let the strap hit
directly on my tender inner lips and clitoris to start my orgasms again.
     It blew Ted's mind. He just stood and stared at us while Bobby spanked it
and I moaned and pushed up my ass to meet the strap. I lost sight of him when
my face went into Bobby's pubic hair but someone was gently playing with my
     After Bobby came he rolled me over on my back and began licking my pussy.
It felt wonderful and soon I was moaning and pulsating from orgasms.
     Ted was still staring at us. He finally closed his mouth and shook his
head then he said, "Oh God Bobby. You are so lucky. I wish I didn't live so far
away. I would be here everyday. I wish I could get my sister to be like
     "Maybe you can. You are just giving your sister pain. Next time you whip
her do something she will enjoy like licking her pussy for a reward."
     He made a face and said, "No way! that is gross."
     Bobby spoke up saying, "No it isn't. There is no bad taste. I thought it
was gross too till I tried it and it must be great for her. She will agree to
anything if I will lick her till she cums."
     "You have done it before?! Don't you feel like a wuss."
     "Hell no. It gives you a feeling of power to know you are getting her so
     He still looked unconvinced so I said. "I am sure if you try it you won't
mind doing it. Even if you hate it, isn't it worth it to have a girl that will
do anything for you?"
     "You are right. I'll try it. Any other ideas?"
     "Yes if you whip her butt have her fuck you with her on top. That way
fucking won't hurt her sore butt and she can move the way she wants to be able
to cum.
     If you spank her pussy get a lot of grease on your dick and fuck her ass.
Remember to keep sex as a reward to pain. And no matter what you hit, after you
have made love have some good salve and cold towels to stop the pain as fast as
possible. It is impossible to love someone that causes pain long after the
exciting part is gone.
     He had continued fondling my pussy all the time we were talking and
excitement had returned. I said, "I'll prove it to you. If you promise to lick
my pussy until I have an orgasm I'll let you do anything you want."
     "That's Bullshit. I can do anything I want to you anyway."
     "But you would be forcing me. It is different to have a girl be willing to
do it."
     Bobby said, "She is right. It gives you a real sense of power to have her
submit willingly."
     I guess I thought he moght ask me to suck his dick or something. I should
have known better. He said, "Okay. We'll see. Bobby give her your knife so she
can cut a willow switch."
     I gulped in fear but had committed myself. I took the knife and went to
the tree. They folowed me. Ted had a smirk on his face as he said, "I'll bet
she cuts a little wimpy one."
     For some reason I had to prove I was brave and cut one about three feet
long. As I cut off the twigs and leaves fear returned but I was committed then.
     We returned to the beach as my fear increased from the whirring sound as
Ted whipped the switch in the air.
     Then he said, "Kneel, slave and put your hands on your head."
     I suddenly had a flash of a picture I had seen in my history book where a
slave was whipped and fell into the role saying, "Yes. Master."
     I knelt to see him grinning at me in triumph.
     He said, "I am going to whip your tits until they are nice and red. Is
that alright with you. Slave?"
     My voice quavered as I said, "Yes Master."
     He seemed surprised I didn't argue. After watching my breasts tremble from
my fear he said, "It will take about ten to cover all of them. You must know it
will hurt bad. Do you still agree?"
     I really wanted to back out but then I thought if I tried to quit he may
do something worse.
     Tears came to my eyes as I said, "Yes Master."
     Then he made it even worse when he said, "Okay. Every time I hit you I
want you to say, "Another Please."
     He hit me across both boobs. It stung terribly and I had to let the pain
subside before saying, "Another Please."
     He hit again even harder and I had to bring down my hands to caress my
stinging boobs. He laughed and said, "I knew she couldn't do it."
     That made me look like a coward and I  put my hands back on my head and
pushed out my boobs to say defiantly, "Another Please!"
     That one came over both nipples and tears gushed from my eyes but I
managed to moan, "Another...Please."
     I must have become numb or he didn't hit as hard because that one and the
rest stung no more than the whip and I was near orgasm When he stopped and
said, "I guess I owe her a pussy licking."
     I fell back to lie on my back with my legs open and felt a tentative lick.
Then Bobby made it even better by licking and sucking my nipples. I realized my
suffering had given me power. I told Ted to let his tongue circle my clit and
told him to put in his tongue as deep as possible. I enjoyed his response to my
commands especially when he drove his nose into my slit to get his tongue as
deep as possible. He kept licking even though I cheated by not letting him quit
until my second orgasm.
     He wiped my juices off his mouth saying, "That was kind of gross but it
was worth it knowing it took all your willpower to keep your tits out."
     I laid there caressing myself as little aftershocks of orgasms went
through me and gasped, "I am glad you think so because the licking made the
pain worthwhile."
      About that time the bell began to ring. They said they would be back in
the morning but I said they couldn't because my folks would be back. Actually I
saw the red welts on my boobs and was afraid if they did it again my Mom would
see them. Mom said she would get me clothes and I knew I would be naked for the
fashion show.
     In the morning I found Mom's whip was a wonder! I had taken over a hundred
lashes and there was not a mark on me from it. I did have a couple of little
ones from the switch but I didn't think anyone would notice. 
     It was a nice day so I just walked around exploring then swam for awhile.
I got bored with that so I dug around to find Mom's leather g-string and danced
to the music from the stereo  swinging my hips and shaking my boobies. I had
just put it back and put my clothes back on when their car pulled up next to
the house. They seemed happy enough but when Jim went to the pantry to get some
whiskey for the bar Mom took me aside and said, "I am tired of keeping him
happy. He can't even get it up anymore unless he whips me first. You are it
now. Don't even think about objecting to anything me or Jim tells you to do if
you want any skin left on your body."
     When Jim came in she smiled at me and him as if we had just shared a joke.
I decided she should have been an actor. She was better than most of the actors
on TV.
     They settled down on the couch with their drinks then Mom said "Come on
over and see your new things."
     I walked over in front of them. Mom held up a handful of white cloth and
said here try this on. When I had my dress off I reached for it but she told me
to take off my panties too because they were the wrong color. I was now
completely naked. She handed me a skirt kind of. It was only about seven inches
long. It barely covered my puss and only the upper part of my butt. The top was
just a piece of gauze with elastic on top and open and loose just below my
nipples. Mom told me to back up to her then bend over. The top fell away to
bare my titties and the skirt slid up to bare my butt. Mom said "This is the
ideal outfit for a naughty girl. See. Just by bending over she is ready for a
spanking." She slapped both cheeks of my butt for awhile then told me to go to
Jim so he could try it. Jim slapped harder and longer but neither of them hurt
me really and I began to get excited. It seemed strange I felt more like a pet
than a human. They talked about me but the only time they talked to me was to
give me orders.
     The next outfit was really strange. Mom helped me put it on. A gold chain
went around my waist so tight it sank into my skin then a strap went through my
legs with big glass jewels about a half inch apart. I would have thought the
jewels would be on the outside but she put them on the inside. Then she had me
bend over and I saw the strap was split and there were metal things on the end.
She stretched out my nipple and then I saw there was a little metal wheel she
turned with her fingers to close the jaws on my nipple. She tightened that one
just tight enough to stay then put on the other one. She went back and forth
tightening each one until I began to moan from the pain. then she adjusted the
straps and told me to stand up. It was wild. The jewels slid across my clit and
ass-hole and my nipples and boobs were pulled down. I slouched over to take off
the pressure and the jewels moved again. Mom said sharply, "Stand up straight.
Nice girls don't slouch." I straightened up to again feel a pull on my nipples
and the faceted jewel tighten against my clit. Mom spread my legs and my pussy
lips and pushed the strap inside then told me to walk around. That was wild!
Every step caused tugs on my nipples and the jewels to bite on my clit. Then
one bit hard and I bent over and used my hand to move the strap.
     Mom yelled, "You are slouching and touching your pussy.You really aren't a
nice girl. Here Jim. She needs a spanking." She gave him a leather strap then
took me over to the rope hanging from the ceiling with the leather cuffs.
     She pulled down on the rope until my arms were over my head but this time
she didn't tie the end to anything.
     He began spanking me. At each spank she jerked on the rope to make my
nipples slide the jewels against my clit. In no time I was having giant orgasms
and just let my legs collapse to pull the jewels as tight as possible and
jerked my shoulders back until I was so exhausted I was just twitching.
      She let me down on the floor and I laid there tugging on the strap slowly
coming back to my senses.
     I heard Mom saying through a haze, "Well that definitely proves she is a
woman. A little girl could never have orgasms that strong. It is time she had
sex education. Jim. you look uncomfortable. Why don't you take off those tight
     I didn't know who she was trying to kid. All those sensations would have
got me off if I had been six. 
     She came over to me while Jim stripped and began unscrewing my nipple
clamps. My nipples had gone numb, now they came alive with a vengeance,
tingling and throbbing as the blood returned. I began to rub them while Mom
rolled me over on my side and pulled the wet strap out of my crotch then dug
into my tummy to get to the latch on the chain. Then she put her finger into my
pussy saying, "Good. You are still nice and wet."
     She pulled me to my feet and led me to Jim who was sitting on the couch
slowly rubbing his dick. 
     She said," Straddle his legs and put the head of his dick in your pussy.It
may hurt but you will do it anyway."
     She acted like this may humiliate me so I was smart enough not to let on
that I had done it before and straddled his dick and slowly let myself down to
feel my pussy stretching around it. I gasped and she smiled thinking it was
hurting me but actually it just felt wonderful.I began to slowly move my hips
around and leaned forward so he could kiss my still tingling nipples. 
     Mom watched us for awhile then said, "She isn't moving fast enough. Here
Jim." she pulled me back by my hair and Jim began spanking my tits with the
strap she had given him then I felt pain on my butt when she began strapping
it. The triple sensations turned my feel good sensation of just his dick to
instant excitement. I was almost to explode when Jim  grunted and dropped his
strap. I tried to keep going but his dick got soft enough to slide out of my
pussy. I sat on him whimpering till Mom said, "All right. Now she can learn
about personal hygiene."
     It was strange. With Jim and I naked and her in all her clothes we both
acted like animals being trained. She led me to the bathroom and Jim docilely
     She had me get in the tub then slipped an attachment onto the spout with a
small hose coming out of it. She turned on the water then stuck the hose into
my pussy. Jim's cum started flowing out but then she had Jim help her pinch my
lips together until I felt my insides stretch where they would release my lips
to give me a feeling of relief when the water gushed out. They repeated that a
few times. I did not know what to do with my hands so I began pinching my
nipples. Just as I was beginning to peak she said that was enough and had me
get on my hands and knees with my butt toward the spout.
     She stuck the hose up my ass! She pulled my legs together and let the hose
run until the water stretching my guts began to hurt. I looked down between my
tits and saw my tummy was beginning to bulge and began moaning, "It hurts oh it
hurts." She pulled out the hose and shitty water just gushed out of my ass. I
felt totally humiliated. i was making farting noises and brown water was
running down my thighs. She did it four more times while I rested my forehead
on the cool bottom of the tub and pinched my nipples to keep my mind off my
swelling tummy. Finally the water was crystal clear and she used the hose to
wash off my legs. She had me stand up shakily while Jim gently dried me with a
soft towel while she said, "Now she is nice and clean for our new toy." I
didn't know what she was talking about but I was sure it would hurt. I was
     She led me into the dining room and said, "She should be on the table so
she can get her head back. It will let her get more of your dick in her mouth
for her cock-sucking lesson."
     Jim picked me up and laid me on my back then they slid me on the table
till my head was hanging off the edge. Then Jim stepped up to my head. He must
have gotten used to my nudity because it was soft. Mom had me pick it up with
my hands and put the head in my mouth. She told me to run my tongue around it
while I caressed his balls with my fingers. In a little bit it started to get
hard and Jim pushed more of it in my mouth.then Mom said,
     "This will be a lesson for you too Jim. Girls really can't get too excited
by sucking dicks so they need a little extra stimulation. You'll love this
     She held up a long necklace with big beads. I cringed because I thought
she planned to whip me with it. She brought up my legs and had Jim hold my
ankles over my head and out on the sides. I felt her at my asshole and a
stretch as I realized she was pushing the beads in my ass. It felt strange but
good as my sphincter muscle stretched to let in a bead then snapped shut when
it was in. She kept putting them in as Jim's dick grew and started to push into
my throat. I choked at first but then learned to grab some air when he pulled
back and let it out when it was in. I was concentrating on the breathing rhythm
when Mom said, "I guess the beads weren't enough stimulation she doesn't appear
to be excited."
     I felt a sharp sting on my pussy and realized she was spanking it with the
strap. She was good at it. She started out easy then hit harder and faster as
Jim's and my excitement built up.
     I was in full orgasm when I felt Jim's dick jerk in my mouth and knew he
was shooting cum down my throat. Mom jerked the necklace out of my ass! The big
beads made my asshole flutter as it threw me into a higher plane of orgasm.
     He stepped back and said, "God she has drained me. I need a break and a
     He kind of staggered over to the couch while Mom went for drinks. I laid
there a couple of minutes until I calmed down and rolled off the table. I
noticed there were three glasses on the table in front of them. My mouth was
really dry. I went over and sat down and picked up the glass and choked when I
found out it was a very strong drink of whiskey and water. Mom giggled and
said,"You'll get used to it. I sure as hell did."
     We had a couple more and Jim seemed to perk up. He was grinning while Mom
stroked his soft dick. I felt a little giddy and giggled at his silly grin.
     Mom said, "Oh we have more stuff. I have a costume and you have one to
dance in."
     She grabbed the sack and went into the bedroom. Jim had me get us another
drink and I made them half whiskey and half water. I sat next to him and he
idly fingered my pussy while I stroked his dick. It was getting to me but he
must have been really tired because it just got a little longer but not really
     Then Mom threw open the door and stepped out. 
     God, she was frightening! She had thigh high black leather boots, a
leather bikini bottom with studs and chain hanging off it and a leather bra
with holes cut out for her nipples to stick out. She had on a tight leather
hood with holes cut out for her eyes, nose, and mouth and was swinging a black
leather whip about three feet long with a knot on the end. I felt Jim's dick
jump when he saw her.
     She scared me when she came over and said nastily, "Stand up bitch. I have
to get your dance costume on."
     I jumped up to stand at attention. She reached into a sack and brought out
six chains with alligator clamps on one end and hooks on the other. She put the
clamps on my nipples then ran the chains around my neck and pulled on them till
my breasts lifted by my bitten stretched nipples then used the hooks stuck in
the links of the chain to keep it tight. She put the clamps on the lips of my
pussy and pulled the chain around my butt then hooked it to hold my lips
stretched open.
     She led me out to the center of the floor. Each step caused bites to my
nipples and lips. When she stopped me I dropped my head and squeezed my legs
together to take off some of the pressure. She went over to the stereo and
slipped in a tape. When the music started she yelled, "Dance! You slut!"
     I tried to move slowly and smoothly to keep the clamps from biting too
hard but this was not what she had in mind.
     She hit my ass with the whip and I felt a sharp pain as the knot dug in
while she yelled, "Faster! Bitch!" 
     I danced faster causing the clamps to bite and tear at my nipples and lips
but she would still flip the whip at me every few seconds. She was really
accurate with it. She could make the knot hit directly on my nipple,or into my
pussy. I would scream when it hit my clit. I kept watching her face hoping I
could dodge the knot. I noticed she would dart her eyes back and forth from me
to Jim. I looked at him and saw his dick was hard and he was sitting on the
edge of his chair.
     Just before the end of the song Mom used her whip to hit the chains on my
nipples and ripped them off. The pain was terrible and I screamed again. She
yelled, "Shake those tits!"  That didn't hurt and it gave me an excuse to stop
moving my legs to bend over and shake them as hard as I could. Just as the song
ended  she led me over to Jim and had me kneel in front of him and put his dick
in my mouth. She told Jim to just lay back and let me do the work. She told me
to bob my head up and down on it so my tight lips could stroke all of it and
said she would spank my butt to make me do a good job. As soon as he came she
would stop spanking.         
     She started spanking me slowly with the knot making me jump each time.
Every once in a while she would hit one of the chains causing a bite to my
pussy. I fell into the rhythm of the whip and began bobbing in time with the
spanks. Soon my ass got a little numb and it became just a sensation. I began
to go into orgasm as she spanked faster and faster till I was bobbing as fast
as I could.
      Jim kind of screamed and I held his dick in my mouth while it jerked and
jerked. Mom had stopped spanking when he screamed. Although his dick pumped and
pumped only a tiny bit of cum came out.
     He laid back panting for awhile then said, "I have had it. I am going to
bed." He got up and staggered to the bedroom. I was exhausted too and asked if
I could go to bed. She agreed and I just fell on top of the covers and
instantly went to sleep.
     The next morning she came in and kissed me saying, "You did a great job
honey. Jim was asleep as soon as he hit the bed. Unfortunately all that action
got me excited and I had to bring myself off. I am still horny. Tonight it will
be my turn for sex."
     She noticed the whip had left round bruises where it had hit and got the
salve to put on them. It really felt good. If I had been a cat I would have
been purring.
     She said she had heard of a new mall and was going shopping. She would be
back about four.
     I had gone to bed early and after her massage I felt good so I ran out and
hung up the shirt as I was anxious to tell Ted and Bobby about my adventure.
     Bobby showed up in a little while out of breath from running.
     He said he wouldn't have to go home for lunch since his folks had gone to
     I asked him where Ted was and he said his Dad had missed the beer. When
Ted admitted he took it his Dad had got mad and took Ted home. "One nice thing
though. Dad rushed Ted so much he didn't have a chance to get his box. I hid it
out in the brush."
     He got it and along with the books there were a bunch of alligator clamps,
a lot of big fish weights of lead, clothespins, and a leather strap with thumb
tacks pushed in it to let sharp points stick through. We agreed that it would
make me bleed and we wouldn't use it.
Then he noticed the black and blue polka-dots on my body and asked me what had
made them.I told him about my adventure.
     It made him very excited and he said, "Your boobies moving around with the
nipples in clamps sounds real exciting. I wish I could spank them while you sat
on top of me wearing those clamps."
     I knew he would not hit hard so I agreed. I put some clamps on my nipples
and he took some twine from the box to tie them around my neck to pull them
tight. I had forgotten how much that hurt and had to sit still a minute to get
used to it. I had learned how to tighten the muscle in my pussy so his smaller
size didn't bother me. I sat on him and he guided his dick into me. When I
tightened my muscles his eyes opened wide and he kind of sighed, "God that
feels so good. It feels like you have a wet fist in there squeezing me."
          I started moving up and down and in a circle. It felt so good to him
he forgot about spanking me but I hadn't and when the clamp's nibbling began to
excite me I said, " Spank them. Please!"
     He opened his eyes and began spanking them easy. He did not have to hit
hard because most of the pain came from the clamps when my tits bobbed. Then I
started to move faster and he began hitting faster and harder along with me
till I fell across him. He hugged me which lifted and flattened my breasts to
ease the bite of the clamps.
      He reached behind my neck and untied the knot to the twine holding the
clamps then removed the clamps while he said, "I'm sorry I couldn't hold off
long enough to cum when you did."
     I hadn't noticed, He was still hard. That was the difference between boys
and men. Men could last a lot longer but it took longer for them to get hard
again. Bobby could get hard real fast even after he had cum three times.
     For the rest of the day we just sucked each other, swam. fucked and
talked. I was glad he didn't want to hurt me anymore because I knew I wouldn't
refuse even though I was afraid Mom might notice new marks.
     I got home about three and Mom got there a little later. She said she had
something for me for a new dance and something for her.
     She got out a box with some kind of lamp with a big bulb and read
directions to install it. Then she turned on some music and the light began to
flash on and off really bright.
     "Isn't that great? It flashes in time with the music. The man said if the
room was dark it made dancers look as if they disappeared and reappeared in a
new pose. I thought it might be fun."
     Then she went to a sack and brought back a leather G-string and a whip
with a short handle and a bunch of what looked like leather shoe strings coming
out of it. When I took the G-string  from her I saw a leather ridge in the
inside center. She told me to put it on because it felt great. I did but I
didn't notice any great feeling till she put her fingers under the edges and
pulled the lips of my pussy open. The ridge pressed right on my clit and every
step made it move against it. I couldn't resist pushing the center with my
fingers to push it even tighter.   When she saw that she tightened the leather
string between my ass-cheeks to drive it into me.
     Then she gave me the whip. She told me that when I danced I would whip
myself in time with the music. With the handle at my waist the thongs reached
clear to the floor. I said, "How can I whip myself? It is too long. A person
would have to be two or three feet away from me to use it."
     "No. it is easy. I'll show you."
     She brought the whip back behind her and lifted her other arm in the air.
Then she swung it forward real hard and stopped the handle just before it hit
her stomach. The thongs wrapped around her and the tips hit her breasts. She
didn't even flinch but then she was wearing a dress and bra. 
     She told me to practice a little. In a short time I was able to get the
tips to land anywhere I wanted. The excitement of the whip and the leather
pushing on my clit got me excited and I began whipping faster and harder. She
saw what was happening and told me to stop and took away the whip and pulled
off my bottom. 
     I felt really frustrated as she said,"Take it easy. I want you to save
yourself for later."
     I knew I didn't have to save myself I could cum over and over until I got
too tired and it was pain that exhausted me.
     She poured some cooking oil in a big pan and put my whip in it to soak
saying,"This will make it nice and soft for you."
     I don't know if she believed that or not but I found out later the oil
soaked strands just got heavier and more flexible to hurt twice as much as my
practice swings.
     Jim called to say he would be late and to forget dinner as he would just
grab a hamburger. 
     She said, "Oh good that will give me time for a few drinks to get up my
nerve for tonight."
     That reminded me and I asked her what she got for herself. She went back
to the sack and brought back two more whips like mine only with thongs only
about a foot long. She explained.
     "You looked like you got fantastically excited when Jim whipped your
breasts and I whipped your ass while you bounced on his dick. I thought I would
try it."
     I was sure she would like it especially with these little wimpy whips that
had barely turned my skin red.
     "Oh gosh yes! It is fantastically exciting to have your pussy, breasts,
and butt all stimulated at the same time."
     "That is what I thought. Your eyes were rolling around in your head like
you were going to space out and it didn't seem to hurt you. You just moaned and
pulsated as if you were going into one orgasm after another."
     "Oh yes. Wait till you try it. You get orgasms twice as strong as just
     She looked at me funny and said, When did you have plain sex? With Jim
some pain was always involved?"
     I gulped then said, "I meant when I played with myself."
     "What do you use to play with yourself?"
     "I bought a rubber dick with some of the money you gave me in Reno at the
sex shop."
     "How in hell did you get in? I was there and it had a sign saying you had
to be eighteen. And how did you know they had dildos?
     "I guess they thought I was eighteen in my leather outfit and high heels.
I just went in to look at the panties and bras I saw through the window and
found the dick by accident."
     "Go get it. I want to see it."
     I ran into my room and brought it out.
     "God this looks real. I wanted to get one but Jim said I didn't need it as
long as I had him. Isn't it supposed to vibrate?"
     "Oh it does! The batteries are just dead."
     "You must use it a lot."
     "No. Not anymore. It seems pretty tame after sex with whips."
     "Then I'll get batteries for it. Jim doesn't last long enough to get me
off sometimes and I get real frustrated."
     "You won't once you get used to whips. That gets to you real fast."
     "You might be right. I had the clerk at the shop I got these take me in a
back room and use them on me. Even though there was no sex at all I got
excited. For Christ's sake don't tell Jim I did that."
     I was amazed. Only a few months ago she would have been mad if a strange
man even touched her. I said, "Really! You let a strange man whip you?"
     "I didn't plan on it it just kind of happened. I was looking at this whip
and I asked the clerk if it hurt very much. He told me that depended on how
sensitive I was it may hurt or just be a little sting and tingle I would like.
It was fairly expensive so I asked him if I could return it if I didn't like
it. He told me they had a no return policy. I was holding it trying to decide
if I dared buy it since if it was too bad I would have to throw it away when
the clerk said 'We have a back room where we could try it.' I saw there were a
lot of people in the store who could help me if I screamed so I agreed."
     I said excitedly, "Oh I would have done it too. Did you get naked for
     "Well not at first. We went into the back room and I just lifted my skirt
so he could spank my butt on top of my cotton panties. It barely stung and
wasn't exciting and I told him it didn't do anything for me. Then he said,
'This is not a fair test. You are a beautiful woman. I am sure anyone whipping
you would do it on bare skin.' 
     I was flattered that he thought I was beautiful and decided he was right
and wanted to prove how pretty I was so I took off my dress. He said, 'You look
great but you don't want me to just hit you on your stomach and back do you?
That is all that is bare.'
     You know that it is not exciting to be hit on the back and stomach besides
he was a nice looking man and the idea of him seeing me naked excited me so I
took off my panties but then it seemed strange to be standing there just
wearing a bra so I took it off too. He stoked my butt and boobs saying that I
was really beautiful and firm which just made me feel proud and even more
excited. Then he began spanking my butt. It just made a little sting and tingle
that increased my excitement to the point I was trembling. He said, 'You love
this don't you?'
     I did! I moaned, 'Oh yes.' and he said 'It is even better on other
     I knew what he meant and turned around to push out my boobs. He had a whip
in each hand and began slapping them with both whips until I was moaning and
panting then he told me to open my legs. I did and he began slapping my pussy
near my clit with one while he brought the other up between my legs to sting my
asshole and lower lips until I had a fabulous orgasm  that made my legs weak
and I sunk to the floor.
     He just grinned and said, "I think I made a sale. Rest awhile and come out
when you are ready.'
     When I recovered I felt embarrassed I had made such a spectacle of myself
and hurriedly dressed to pay for the whips and get away. He said, 'There are a
lot of other things I would like to try on you.' but I told him I was too
embarrassed to do it again."
     Her story thrilled me to my toes and I said," Oh gosh that must have been
exciting. I wonder what it would have been like if all those people in the
store had been watching."
     She looked at me funny and said, "You really like to show off. Don't you?"
     I blushed and said, "I guess so. It just seems like it would be even more
thrilling to have a lot of people know you are beautiful and brave."
     She said, "I don't think that will ever happen."
     Naturally I didn't tell her that I had an audience at Reno and had loved
     By that time my whip was soaked so I took it out and wrung out the excess.
It excited me just to pull it through my fingers and remember how it felt. I
asked her if she wanted to soak hers but she looked at me quizzically and said,
"No. I don't care if they hurt a little."
     She made a drink and gave me a weak one. After a few she said we might as
well make Jim horny right away. Lets meet him at the door naked. Then she
giggled and said. "I think I will get really naked. Lets shave my pussy. She
had stopped plucking it and the hair had grown. She got Jim's electric razor
and told me to shave it while she laid back on the table with her legs spread.
It must have excited her because when I was running it over the lips for the
second time to make sure it was real close she grabbed the razor out of my hand
to spread her lips to hold the edge against her clit. She moved it around until
she moaned and dropped it on the floor. I picked it up and turned it off
     In a few minutes she sat up and said, "That was great. I can hardly wait
to get batteries for that dick."
     She began walking around rubbing her hand on her pussy as she said
wonderingly, "God, having a bald pussy makes so much difference, I feel
incredibly naked and it seems more sensitive. I can feel a breeze on it."
     We had another drink then we heard his truck driving up. We met him at the
door and kissed him then Mom told me to make drinks while she got him
comfortable. When I got back they were sitting on the couch and he was stoking
her bald pussy with his middle finger buried in it while Mom stroked his
growing dick. I gave them the drinks and sat on the other side of Jim. Mom took
her hand off his dick to hold the drink so I put my hand on it. It was still
not real hard and I was surprised. I thought having us both naked would have
him excited I asked,
     "What's wrong Jim? You aren't hard."
     He said he was just tired and that he would be fine after a drink or two.
Mom solved the problem.
     "Jim. Do you remember when Debbie sat on your dick and you whipped her
tits while I whipped her ass?"
     "God yes. How could I forget!"
     I felt his dick get harder.
     "Well..I want to see what that feels like. Would you do that for me?"
     "God yes! I would love it. I have wanted to whip your big tits so I could
see them bounce."
     "Great! Debbie. Suck his dick while I get the whips. I want him rock
     She was back in a minute and she had her wish. Jim's dick could never get
any harder.
     She handed us whips then slid down on his dick. she raised and lowered
herself a few times then said, "Okay. Do it!"
     Jim and I started hitting her easy but as Jim got more excited he began
fore-handing and back-handing the sides of her tits so hard they made a
"Slapping" sound when they met in the middle. Then he began hitting them from
below so hard they almost hit her chin. I expected her to protest but she began
to scream "Harder! Faster!" so I stopped holding back and watched her ass get
redder and redder. Suddenly she let out a scream that drifted into a moan and
she just fell back. If I hadn't caught her she would have hit the floor. She
had passed out and I was amazed. I had fantastic orgasms but I had never lost
consciousness. Jim and I lifted her up on the couch then I knelt in front of
him and began licking his and her juices from his dick and balls. She must have
been terrifically excited. He was wet with her juices clear past his asshole.
When he started to get hard while I was sliding my lips over the head he
stopped me saying."Let's take a break. I want to save myself for later. I
understand you are putting on a show."
     He made us drinks then we sat on the floor watching Mom. In a few minutes
she began to stir and moan. "Oh God. What happened?"
     "You passed out Mom. Are you okay?"
     "Oh Christ I remember now. The last thing I remember was wanting more and
more pain. I have never had an experience like that. I think I went crazy but I
don't care. I am burning! Would you put some salve on me?"
     Jim and I sat on the couch and she stood sideways to us and bent over so I
could put salve on her ass while he put it on her tits. I said,
      "Gee Mom. Your pussy looks snow white now that your boobies and tummy and
bottom is so red" 
     She looked down and said "Yes it looks left out doesn't it. Maybe we will
fix it later."
     I giggled because Jim was wrapping his big hands around the base of her
tits and sliding them to her nipples. It looked like he was milking her. After
about ten minutes she said the burning had stopped but that her pussy was
dripping. She had me lick it but it was a losing battle. The more I licked her
the wetter she got. Finally she said, "That's enough Debbie. You are right it
isn't as exciting without pain."
     She told me to get some more drinks. I was glad to do it, my mouth felt
     When my drink got low she asked Jim if he was ready for the show. Of
course he was, so she told me to get on my outfit. When I came out I saw Jim's
dick twitch and begin to grow when I walked to Mom with the tips of the whip
dragging on the floor. She spread my lips and pushed in the ridge then
tightened the strings and tied them with a bow.
     She went over to the stereo and put in a tape and turned on the strobe. I
was already excited just from walking around with the ridge rubbing my clit.
When the music started and I began to dance it rubbed harder just like a thumb
in a leather glove. I swung the whip and screamed with surprise that it hurt so
much more than I expected. I soon got used to it and began to swing it to put
the tips on my nipples or at the crack of my ass. I kept hitting harder making
my tits flatten when hit and then put the tips on my crotch. I was frustrated
by the protection of the leather and pulled the bows to get rid of it. I hit my
pussy about three times when Jim suddenly grabbed me and laid me on the floor
to drive in his dick. Then the strobe started acting funny with extra flashes
and I saw Mom taking pictures of us with her polaroid camera. I didn't mind. I
hoped to find them and show them to Bobby.
     When Jim came I had already had my major orgasms and was beginning to calm
down. I saw Mom scoop up the pictures she had let fall to the floor and run
into their bedroom. When Jim rolled off me she was already back.
     I helped Jim up and we went back to the couch where I turned in front of
them so they could put salve on big red welts I had caused when I became so
excited. When they got done Jim's dick was still soft. I noticed it looked
sticky so I offered to lick it clean. Mom said she would help. We spread his
legs wide then we both licked his dick and balls. Mom got a hair in her mouth.
When she spit it out she said, "Maybe we should shave him too."
     Jim said, "No way! I take showers after work with the guys. They would
laugh their asses off."
     He was still soft in spite of all the licking. Mom wiggled it and giggled,
"I think its dead. Maybe a drink will help."
     She got drinks then we went back to playing with it. Finally Jim said,
"You might as well give it up. I'll be lucky if I can get it up in a week."
     Mom said. "Oh yeah? I'll bet I can get it up."
     She picked up one of her little whips and pulled him up to lead him to the
table. She got on it and laid back so her head was off and gave him the whip to
spank her pussy. He just slapped it lightly while Mom sucked on him but then
she raised her knees and spread them. He began to whip hard enough then to make
her pussy squirm and I noticed the thongs were getting darker as they got wet
from her juice. She began to gag when he started pushing his now hard dick into
her throat so she spun around and put it in her now red pussy.
     Suddenly she yelled, "It's getting soft. Debbie! Whip his butt."  
     I slapped it with my whip and he didn't say anything so I stepped back a
little so the ends could hit it. Every time I hit him he would thrust into Mom
so hard her tits would bounce from her stomach to her chin. It took him a long
time to cum. I saw that Mom was going from one orgasm to another.
     When he came he screamed and then slumped. Mom and I helped him to bed
then I went to bed.
     It took me a long time to get to sleep. While I reflected on the fact that
no-one had hurt me except myself and now I had been allowed to whip both of
them. I felt really grown-up and equal to them. I went to sleep with a smile on
my face.
     Mom confirmed this in the morning. She giggled and said we had about
killed Jim. It had been all he could do to get out of bed and to work. Then she
told me that she felt more like my best friend or sister now and that I should
call her Lynn instead of Mom. She told me to get dressed so I could go shopping
with her.
     I was a little disappointed since I was anxious to tell Bobby about my new
status but showered and dressed.
     On the way to town she said it was great to shop anytime and anywhere she
wanted but hated the idea that she needed a man around so she could. I was
     "Mom. I mean Lynn, I don't see any problem. Jim is nice to you and he
gives you orgasms."
     "Hell I can be nice to myself and orgasms are no big deal. I can get them
with myself, another girl, or any man under sixty who isn't repulsive. Being
dependent on a man pisses me off. I have to be nice to him and fuck him whether
I feel like it or not. Besides the only times I get an orgasm with Jim is when
there is extra excitement involved. I admit I have no real bitch now but if he
gives me a hard time he is in for a surprise.
     We shopped all day so she could buy me all adult clothes with low cut
dresses, blouses, and high heel shoes. Then she took me to a beauty salon for a
new hair style, Makeup and a manicure. When they were all done and we looked in
the mirror together I really did look like her sister.
     She said Jim told her he would be coming home late because he had to work
on a contract so she took me to a beautiful restaurant. She was really pleased
when the waiter asked if I wanted a drink. I ordered a whisky and water and he
brought it with no questions. She giggled and said,"Debbie you just passed for
twenty-one, How does it feel to have aged about six years?"
     I told her I felt grown-up and that I felt that way the night before when
I got to spank Jim.
     She giggled and said, "Yeah that really got to him didn't it. He told me
he came so hard he almost blew his dick off."
     After dinner we went home and Lynn had me put on my sexiest panties and
bra and a low cut shiny cocktail dress. She said that since my legs were so
tanned I didn't need stockings with my high heeled shoes.
     When Jim came home he said, "Debbie, is that you? You have turned into a
     I twirled to make the skirt come up and said, "Do you like me?"
     "I don't know. I have to think about it."
     Lynn asked him if he wanted to play games but he said that he was beat and
was going to bed."
     Lynn and I were disappointed. We had been practicing to do a double strip
tease for him with her taking my clothes off while we danced and I took off
     We decided to do it anyway. When we were naked she sucked and chewed on my
nipples then told me to lie on my back.
     She got on her hands and knees then got behind my head then kissed my
forehead, my, cheeks, my breasts and worked down my stomach till I felt her
tongue slipping into my cunt, Hers was just at my nose so I put my hands on her
butt and pulled her cunt down to my tongue. Everything she did to me that felt
good I did to her until we were both moaning and trembling, I had a little
orgasm just as she rolled off. She brought her face back up to mine and said,
"See? We don't need men. I know you had an orgasm."
     I agreed that it was really nice but it wasn't a real fantastic one like I
had experienced with pain added.
     "Yeah I guess you are a natural masochist. I am kind of one too but mostly
I like to cause the hurt."
     I told her that I really liked spanking her and Jim and it got me excited
but not enough to cum.
     "Yeah. You really have to hurt someone a lot to cum. I had a girlfriend in
high school like you. She couldn't get enough pain.  she let me whip her with a
straightened out wire coat hanger till she bled. I always came when I saw the
first blood and heard her screams."
     I shuddered then said, "What happened to her?"
     "I have no idea. My father caught us licking each others snatches and
kicked me out of the house saying I was a slutty lesbian. I was your age. I
hitch hiked to Seattle where I met your dad. He offered to take good care of me
so I married him. You know the rest. I never saw my girl friend again."
     We went into the kitchen and drank a couple of drinks, She said I was
beautiful and when I was older would be able to marry a rich man to take care
of me and give me plenty of time for myself. Then she told me to go to bed
because a store was having a sale and she wanted to get there before the good
stuff was gone.
     My orgasm hadn't been nearly strong enough so I got my rubber dick. It
just didn't do much for me so I planned to remind her to get batteries. The
story she had told me about her girl-friend worried me a little. She had not
hurt me terribly so far but I knew now that she might. I relaxed when I
realized that Jim was not that mean and would keep her from causing me to
bleed. I was really proud of my body and although turning it black and blue
just let me relive the experience that caused it I didn't want it permanently
     The next morning in the car to town she said, "Jim is a real pervert. He
doesn't want you to look older. If anything he wants you to be younger. He told
me to get you a little girl dress and all your make-up off and your hair back
into a pony-tail when he gets home. I have to get one of those frowzy house
dresses that zips down the front and when he gets home I am supposed to say you
were naughty and needs a spanking. You are supposed to say that you are sorry
and ask him to spank you. He said if we did a good job he would give us both a
     That explained why he had seemed to lose interest in me. I was willing to
wear a diaper if that was what it would take to get his attention again.
     She went to the store that was having a sale first. I got bored as she
picked through everything before she finally decided that nothing interested
     We started going to children's stores but couldn't find what she was
looking for. I must have tried on a dozen things feeling embarrassed when I
came out of the dressing cubicle to show her.  Anyone who passed by looked at
me strangely with my upswept hairdo, make-up, and high heel shoes in dresses
that barely covered my butt and that I couldn't button up the front because of
my big tits. She finally found a store that catered to chubby kids and bought
me a skirt and matching sweater with clowns printed on them and little buckle
shoes with white bobby socks.
     I reminded her of the batteries so she took us to a sex store. While there
we browsed through magazines on sadism and masochism. She found some wild
pictures so bought a half dozen of them, I could hardly wait to see Bobby and
show them to him.
     When she took everything to the clerk he kind of sneered at her and said,
"Would you like to try out another whip, baby."
     She told him there was nothing new and he said to come back next week as
they were getting another supplier. I realized that this was the man she had
let whip her. He was wearing all black clothes and really looked mean.
     When we got home she had me put on the outfit. The sweater mashed my tits
flat so she flipped it up and wrapped twine around the bases till they were
hard balls. When she pulled the sweater back down it stretched over my hard
tits and my nipples made big bumps in it. By the time he got home my tits were
really throbbing from the pressure.
     She asked me if I wanted her to soak the whip in oil and when I said yes
she grinned and said,"You really are into pain aren't you? That is when I knew
she had known soaking the whip for my dance would hurt more.
     We had a drink while the whip soaked. When our glasses were empty she
began to wring the extra oil out of it and slid it through her fist to let some
drops fall back in the pan.
     She must have noticed my excitement watching her stroke it because she
said, "He is just going to spank your butt, Would you like a little warmup
somewhere else."
     I moaned "Oh yes."
     "Tits or pussy?
     I knew it would kill me on my already throbbing tight tits so I lifted my
skirt and spread my legs to say, "Pussy."
     She did it just right starting slow and easy then making it a little
harder and faster as my excitement grew I was just about to have an orgasm when
she stopped! "I hear him coming."
     I could hardly wait for him to come through the door. Now my tits and my
pussy were both throbbing and tears were coming from my eyes from the
     She noticed the tears and said that was a good touch.
     When he walked in Mom put an angry look on her face and said "Debbie has
been real naughty! You should give her a hard spanking."
          I ran over and knelt in front of him hugging his legs feeling his
dick hardening against my forehead and begged, "I have been terrible! Please
spank me real hard."
     He grabbed my pony-tail and pulled me over to a chair, pulled up my little
skirt and put me head down over his legs. The head down position made my tits
throb even more. Then he began to spank my ass and thighs with the whip till I
was cumming then brought me to a higher plane by bringing it between my ass
cheeks to "Splat!" against my pussy. I pushed up on my toes so he could get to
all of it while fantastic sensations coursed through my body. Then he suddenly
jumped up dumping me on the floor where I curled up moaning while he went over
to Mom, unzipped her dress and slammed her against the wall to fuck her
standing up." 
     When I calmed a bit I saw he was lifting her feet off the floor with his
upward thrusts. When he came he stepped back and she slumped to the floor with
a blank look on her face and drool coming out of her mouth.
     He ripped the dress off her and pulled her to the bedroom by her hair as
she crawled as fast as she could on her hands and knees to ease the pressure.
As soon as they were inside he slammed the door.
     When I calmed down I got up to take off the sweater so I could remove the
twine. My tits had swollen so much the twine was buried in my skin so deep I
couldn't get to the knots. They were hard as softballs and almost maroon
colored. I had to put a spoon handle under one of the strings and pull it even
tighter to cut the string. The relief to get them loose was fantastic and I
went to bed to caress them until I fell asleep.
     Mom came in to my bedroom in the morning and checked me out. I was fine
except for a bruise about a half inch wide circling the base of my tits.
     Mom said, "That fucking Jim is an animal. I thought he would fuck you. It
is a good thing I got wet watching him spank you or he would have ripped up my
pussy. You really got him excited. When he got me into the bedroom he tossed me
over the footboard and fucked my ass. He didn't get soft again till he had me
suck his dick with my shit on it. He had better bring a hell of a present home
with him!"
     She said she was too sore to go shopping so I talked her into going to the
pond. It felt so good we stayed there all day bathing and putting cool mud
packs on us to let dry in the sun. then wash off.
     We heard his truck come in and ran to him naked. There was a covered
trailer behind his truck. He let down the ramp and went in to lead out a pony.
I jumped and clapped in enjoyment. He grinned and said he remembered how much
fun I had riding in the mountains then put the reins up on its neck to lift me
up on it bareback. I found he had bought me a giant dildo! The stiff hair
poking and sliding on ny thighs and pussy made instant excitement and when I
started it going, a bone at the back of his neck began pushing on my pussy with
each step and sending in stiff hair to tickle my clit. I rode it around about
an hour moving my ass to different positions and opening my legs while I made
it walk fast then trot then gallop. I had gobs of little orgasms and was
exhausted when I went back in the house after putting the horse inside the
     When I went in Mom was sitting on his lap kissing him. When she saw me she
yelped, "Debbie! For my present he is taking me to San Francisco where I can
shop till I drop. Do you want to go? We are leaving tomorrow and be back Sunday
     I had missed Bobby and I knew he had missed me so I told her I really
didn't like to shop much and it would be more fun to have her surprise me with
something. She seemed relieved. Mom began packing their clothes in two
suitcases then they went to bed since they had to catch the plane at seven in
the morning.
     I ran out the next morning and hung up my shirt. 
     When he still had not shown up by ten I decided to ride the horse over to
his place to see if he was mad at me for not putting out the shirt for so long.
     I put on a sweat-shirt and jeans. It was not exciting riding it with
clothes on but it was still fun and I was grinning when I ran up to knock on
his door. There was no answer and no car in the driveway so I started to leave
when I heard a squeaking noise coming from their barn.
     I opened the door a bit and peeked in to see Ted and Bobby on ladders
feeding rope into rusty pulleys that were making the sound I heard. A cute
little blonde girl was watching them apprehensively. 
     She noticed me and yelled, "Ted! Someone is here!"
     Ted and Bobby looked at me then Bobby said, "It's Debbie! Hi Debbie."
     They got off the ladders and ran over to hug me Then Ted introduced me.
"Debbie this is Nan. My sister. She has really changed. She will do anything
now won't you, Nan."
     "Oh Yes. I am so glad to meet you Debbie. I don't know what happened but
you made a fantastic change in Ted. He always gets me to cum now. Thank you so
     I said she was welcome and then asked what happened to Ted for taking the
     "That was kind of bad news and good news. They kept me locked in my room
for a week just opening the door long enough to give me food and water but the
good news was that Nan found out she missed being naked and spanked. By the
time I got out and spanked then licked her pussy she had orgasms so hard I
thought she was going to space out."
     Nan broke in to say. "He had never done that before! His tongue on my
pussy he had made tingle with a strap felt utterly fantastic. I owe you for
     Ted said, "Hey it is great Debbie is here. Now we can try the scene in the
     Bobby ran over to the box to show me the picture. A girl was hung upside
down with ropes holding her legs apart while another girl with her legs held
apart by stakes in the ground had her face pushed into the other girls crotch.
Both of them had their arms tied to the other's legs.
     Ted said, "We had planned just to tie her upside down so she could suck us
but this will be better. We have never seen two girls lick each other."
     They tied us with Nan upside down and when they were satisfied we were
tied tightly enough Nan made a tentative lick on my pussy. I licked hers in the
way I had learned felt best. The boys watched avidly for awhile then began
spanking our butts. This did it for Nan and I. I felt her join my trembling as
orgasms buzzed through our bodies. I finally got so exhausted I just hung on
the ropes to her legs.
     When the boys got us loose I had her juices on my breasts and stomach and
mine was on my thighs and all over her face. We laid on the floor hugging each
other and catching our breath while the boys ran outside. In a few minutes Ted
and Bobby came in with a hose with a spray nozzle on the end and towels.
     Ted turned on the water and directed it at the juices on our bodies. That
really woke us up! The water was kind of cold and we jumped around squealing
and giggling till he thought we were clean enough. Then they gently rubbed us
down with soft towels. 
     Nan looked over at me and said, "See how nice Ted is now. He would never
have bothered to dry me off before.
          Then she said, "Thank you, Ted." and knelt in front of him and began
unbuttoning his jeans. His dick was in her mouth as she slid his pants down his
legs and he was pulling off his t-shirt. I joined them by sucking Bobby.
     Then Ted said, "Let's have a contest. The one who lasts the longest gets
to whip the girl sucking him."
     That had to be a new record for length of time. I wanted Bobby to win and
evidentally Nan wanted to be whipped too because like me when we felt they were
getting too excited we would take their dicks out of our mouths and just kiss
their nuts or legs till they calmed a bit. Finally Ted said "Arrgh" and jammed
his dick down Nan's throat. I began to suck in earnest and Bobby came shortly
     They began to discuss how I should be tied for my whipping but I felt
     "When are your folks coming home?"
     Bobby said, "No problem Ted and my folks went to a farm convention. They
won't be back till late Sunday."
     "That's Great. My Folks are gone too. They went to San Francisco."
     Nan said, "I still worry a little. If Debbie could walk in on us someone
else might too."
     "I agree. Let's go to my place. No-one will bother us there."
     Bobby agreed, "Debbie is right. Her place has electric fences and keep out
signs. The neighbors think he is unfriendly and won't have anything to do with
     They began putting rope into their box and Nan started to dress but I just
grabbed her clothes and mine and put them in the box and led her out to my
horse. I put her in front and snuggled up to her butt to push her pussy into
the neck-bone and started trotting. She was having great orgasms by the time we
got to my house.
     When she got off she spread the lips of her pussy to see the pink had
turned red. She looked at me and said, That is amazing. I felt all those
needles sticking into me. I was sure I would be bleeding but I was cumming so
hard I didn't care."
     I knew it would take a little while for the boys to get there so I made us
a drink of whisky while we waited.
     I said, "I know it excites you to be whipped. Do you think you would like
to whip someone?"
     She thought about it for a little while then said, "I don't think so. Part
of the thrill is the thought of being under someone else's total control so I
don't have to feel guilty about having orgasms from things that are done to me.
If I was able to whip Ted it would make me equal and just a slut to enjoy it."
     "I wasn't thinking of Ted or Bobby. I thought it may be exciting for both
of us if you whipped me. We are both girls so You would know what is most
     "Oh Yes! That may be wonderful, especially if Ted tells me to do it."
     About that time Ted and Bobby came in sweating from jogging along carrying
the box from ropes on a poles going over their shoulders. I made them a drink
too. They were thrilled as neither had ever tasted whiskey.
     I said, "I know Bobby won my whipping but I hate to leave anyone out. If
it is okay with you Ted could whip my bottom and legs with this long whip, and
Bobby could hit my breasts with this little one then Nan could whip my pussy
with this other little one." I had shown the whips Mom had bought and that were
now all oiled.
     Nan said, "Oh I don't know if I should hit anyone."
     I could tell she was pleased when Ted said, "You'll hit her or I'll hit
you twice as long and hard!"
     Then Ted said, "I have an idea. I am anxious to get to fucking and
sucking. Let's all whip her at the same time."
     Bobby agreed so I got the wrist cuffs and stood under the hook in the
ceiling so they could pull me up tight and then tie my legs apart. 
     They changed it a little. They thought that Nan was not as strong so she
should use the long whip and swing it around like a windmill to just have the
tips hit my crotch while they stood at my sides to whip my butt and breasts
without getting in each others way.
     They had Nan keep cadence which was great because she knew to start slow
then go faster as the excitement built up. The stimulation to all my sexy parts
at once was phenomenal I reached first orgasm right away and they built till my
whole body was dripping with sweat and I finally could no longer hold up my
     They cut me down then put Nan and me on our sides with our faces in each
others breasts so we could lick and nibble at each other's nipples while the
boy's fucked us.
     We just laid on the floor completely limp for awhile. Ted was the first to
get up and make us all drinks.
     We scooted over to lay back against the couch. I would shift position to
feel the nylon thread of the rug stick into my sensitive butt and crotch. I was
just real red with no big welts.
     We just sat there resting and sipping our drinks when Ted said, "I owe you
a favor Debbie. Nan does not fight me any more, Do you Nan?"
     "Oh no Ted. I love being your slave."
     "Good. You whipped Debbie's pussy pretty hard. Why don't you say, 'Please
Debbie. Whip my pussy. If you will I will lick yours till you forget the pain I
caused.' Isn't that the least you should do for being so mean?"
     "Oh Ted. That will hurt awful and I am not a lesbian."
     "Of course you aren't a lesbian. If you were it wouldn't prove anything.
Are you arguing with me?"
     "No. I just wanted to be sure you really wanted me to do that."
     He and Bobby moved the couch out and then set her on the backrest and tied
her ankles to it's feet to spread her legs. He told me to use one of the
smaller whips and took her shoulder and laid her back so her shoulders were
resting on the couch and her head back off the edge.
     She said excitedly, "This is going to hurt awful isn't it."
     Ted answered, "Probably. Bobby and I will play with your tits while it is
happening to take your mind off it. Does the idea of it hurting bother you?"
     "No. I want Debbie and Bobby to know what I will do for you."
     I went to the back of the couch to see her lips had opened to the point I
could see the pink inner parts. I could see the bump of her clit and touched
it. It was very hard and she flinched at my touch.
     Just like she did with me I started slow and easy making them
progressively faster and harder as her excitement rose and her slit became very
wet. Ted's idea of playing with her tits was for him and Bobby to snap on one
alligator clip after another on her nipples till there was no more room. She
was amazing! She made no protest and keep her untied arms out spread with
clenched fists. The only way I could tell she was in orgasm was by the way she
tried to raise her pussy to meet the lash.
     Ted had me come around in front and spread my legs to lower myself enough
to lay my pussy on her mouth. For someone who had supposedly never done it
before she did a great job and I felt my self going into orgasm while I pulled
on the clamps on her nipples.
     Suddenly I felt her nose sliding past my asshole and looked up to see Ted
fucking her splayed pussy. Shortly after that Bobby pushed me forward and I
felt his dick going up my ass while Nan bent her head way back so she could
keep her tongue in my pussy.
     That was mindblowing for all of us and again we slumped to the floor to
     Until we were ready for bed Nan and I were just fucked, sucked the boys,
or each other. There was no more pain.
     We woke up late in the morning and had some cold cereal for breakfast then
I told them if I were to be whipped it would have to be soon so the red would
go away before my folks got home. Ted agreed saying he did not want Nan
flinching when she sat down to make their folks curious. Since it was hot I
suggested we go out to the pond to swim.
     He decided we would have a contest. Nan and I would whip each other till
one of us wanted to stop. Whichever quit first by dropping her whip would just
have to suck the others the winner would be fucked or sucked as long as she
     THey tied a rope around our waists then tied our left wrists behind our
back to the rope so we could not protect ourselves with our left arms.
     We circled each other warily then I stepped in and hit Nan on the butt. Of
course that brought me close enough so she could hit me. We were both trying to
win and hit really hard fortunately the small whips would not cut the skin but
we were really getting red when I felt a terrific burn to my left breast from a
lash so hard I felt it pulled violently. We both realized if we were going to
win we would have to concentrate on tender areas so both of us aimed at each
others crotch or tits. Suddenly I slipped in the mud and fell. Before I could
get back on my feet Nan hit me several times. The last was directly on my pussy
and so hard I was sure it went clear inside and I dropped my whip.
     For the next couple of hours Nan was fucked while all I could do was watch
and get them hard by sucking them so she could be fucked again.
     By the time they left to take baths and get naps before their folks got
home I was fantastically horny and frustrated. I begged them to fuck me but Nan
had worn them out.
     I took a shower to clean the mud off and went to bed and tried to get off
by playing with my pussy but I just couldn't cum without the extra excitement
of pain so went to sleep.
     I woke up and made something to eat. Shortly later Jim and Mom came home
with a bunch of boxes.
     They had bought a bunch of leather and rubber costumes and harnesses to
truss me into uncomfortable positions. The only one I liked hung me from the
ceiling with my legs spread and my head tied back so Jim could fuck me while I
licked mom. The costumes were just hot or uncomfortable and the harnesses just
made my muscles and joints ache which I didn't find exciting, although they
     Mom made an abrupt change, Now she wore her costume she said made her a
dominitrix every night and stopped fucking Jim. Now I had to service both of
them and submit to anything that would excite either of them.
     Mom's shopping changed too. Now once I was dressed up to look older she
spent most of our time going to sex stores to look for costumes and sex toys. 
     Then Jim said he would be gone three days for a business trip and would be
too busy to take us.
     When he left Mom said, "I think we may need some new toys to keep us
entertained while he is gone."
     She dressed me in just a hip-hugging micro-skirt and a sheer blouse that
let my pink nipples show through. I told her I might get arrested but she said
I was legal. Actually I was kind of glad and looked forward to walking down the
sidewalk to see the men staring at me longingly.
     It turned out to be a long walk. Mom had to park a long way from the sex
shop but I enjoyed looking  in the mirror like surface of the shops to see men
staring at me and even walking backward to keep me in sight as long as
     When we got to the shop the clerk in the black outfit saw Mom and said
they had a new collection she had to see in the back room.
     We went back there and I saw a whole wall of nothing but whips, canes,
paddles, and straps of all kinds and sizes.
     He asked Mom if she would like to try them and she replied that she would
but on me, not her, then told me to undress.
     I felt totally humiliated even though I was naked most of the time. This
man was different. He just sneered as he watched me undress and made comments
about my body as if I was just some kind of animal.
     When I was naked and hung from the ceiling he tied my legs so far apart
the tendons in my inner thighs hurt then said, "Hey she looks good. My partner
will want to see this. Is that okay?"
     Mom said, "Hell yes. She told me she would like an audience."
     That embarrassed me to seem like such a slut and I whined, "Mom! that was
just a fantasy. This will be real!"
     She said, "If you fantasized about it you want it."
     He left and I excused myself thinking I needn't feel guilty because I was
tied and had no choice.
     When he came back it was not just his partner. Five more men walked in! I
was embarrassed and tried to twist to hide my pussy but it was impossible being
tied so tight. They walked around me pinching and squeezing my butt and breasts
and even pulled my pussy lips open to push in their fingers. My only
consolation was that they all agreed I was beautiful and firm but then one of
the men frightened me as he squeezed my boobs and said, "When we are done with
these they will be red as beets."
     Mom. the bitch!, laughed and said "She will probably be that red all over.
     I was suddenly frightened knowing she could let them whip me real bad
because I would have time to heal before Jim got home. I got even more
frightened when the man asked her which whip she wanted to try and she said,
"Hell. Let's try them all."
     I yelled, "No! No! That is too much. I will scream the house down!"
     She said nastily, "You little bitch. I make the decisions about how much."
     Then she turned to the man and said, "You must have something to keep her
     He said, "I have just the thing." He forced my jaws open and pushed in a
rubber ball that stretched my lips and tied it on behind my head. Now I was
really frightened because I wouldn't get any sympathy by screaming or begging
for mercy.
     They decided to give me three lashes with each instrument so Mom could see
the effect. It was awful. Since each of them had three lashes they decided to
hit the three sexy places so everything fell on my butt, breasts or pussy. They
hit too hard to excite me and there was just blinding pain. Merifully after
sixty or so I passed out.
     The break did not last though. The next thing I knew was having buckets of
cold water thrown on me. Thankfully that at least stopped some of the burning
feeling from the paddles and thick straps.
     I felt a little grateful to the man in black when he asked Mom if I would
be alright. but she just laughed and said, "She's fine. She always passes out
after a great orgasm."
     That was just a terrible lie! I had never come close to an orgasm it had
just been a nightmare of pain.I snorted my anger through my nose but I was
ignored. I had hope again when he came over to untie my legs. But then he just
put the ropes up over hooks in the ceiling to pull up my legs then two men
untied my arms to tie them to the hooks that had held my legs. The man in black
said, "Once they have passed out once they will do it again faster. This will
stop that."
     I knew what he meant. You become unconscious when the blood leaves your
head. I felt pressure in my head from the blood being upside down and knew I
could not count on passing out when it got too terrible.
     Even worse with my legs open and upside down they could bring their whips
down with even more force. It was awful until my nerves went dead and I just
hung there gibbering and soaking my hair with tears as I saw canes and sticks
beating my swollen purple breasts and pussy.
     Then the man said, "That is all of them except this. It may bee too bad to
use on her." He showed her a whip he called a martinet. My whole body was dark
red from all the other whips and when I saw it I began to scream through my
nose hoping someone would feel sorry for me. No-one did. The men just stared at
me hungrily and some of them had taken out their dicks to stroke them. The
martinet was made of tightly braided leather with four to five lead weights in
each strand. There were nine strands.
     Mom said, "That looks wild. Give her three with it."
     They hit my butt, then my tits, then my crotch. The pain was indescribable
it went to live nerves deep inside me and seemed to tear them.Mom
yelled,"Enough! She is bleeding."
     I looked up to see little rivulets of blood running down my stomach from
my crotch. I felt sick and when they let me down and took off my gag I threw up
until I was dry then passed out.
     I woke up in a strange bed in what looked like a storage room. My body was
real greasy and I realized someone had covered me with salve There was a light
o in a bathroom with the door open and I was dying of thirst. I got up and
hobbled over to it with my legs open because my pussy was still so swollen and
tender it hurt to close my thighs on it. I leaned over the sink with my mouth
over the faucet enjoying the coolness of the porcelain on my poor boobs and
drank until my stomach was full. I stood up and then noticed there was a full
length mirror.  I looked at myself and began to cry. The boobs and pussy I was
so proud of and everyone liked looked just awful. My boobs were solid purple
and swollen so much the skin was tight and so was my pussy. When I turned to
see my butt I saw it was not just bruised, There were scabs on it from cuts.
When I turned again to look at my pussy some nore I saw it also had big scabs
from cuts and when I gently opened the lips I saw the inner parts that ere
normally pink were dark red.
     I was still looking at myself when the man in black appeared at the door.
He said, "Jesus. You are one tough cookie. I thought you would sleep until
tomorrow morning. It is only midnight."
     I said, "I got thirsty. Where's Mom? I want to go home."
     "Shit. Why would you want to go home with that bitch?"
     "It is the only place I know. I want to lie down by my pond and get well.
Jim will protect me from her."
     "She is picking you up tomorrow with some clothes to hide your bruises.
Meanwhile she said I could do anything I wanted with you."
     "Oh Please! You won't hurt me anymore will you?"
     "That depends on you. Are you going to be a good girl and do what I want?"
     "Oh yes! Anything. Just don't hurt me."
     "Good. Kneel in the tub. I am going to give you a little shower."
     I knelt and he took out his dick and began pissing on me. That was the
ultimate humiliation. I cried as he directed his pee on my boobs and even my
     When he finally finished he said, "You really are a good girl. You didn't
try to hide. Now we will wash you. The reason you were so thirsty was because
you must have sweat a gallon of water while you were whipped."
     He filled the tub with tepid water and began gently lathering me. At first
I was afraid he would squeeze my boobs and pussy to hurt me but he was gentle
and I began to relax and enjoy his soapy hands caressing me. I finally relaxed
enough to open my legs to feel his soft soapy hands caress my pussy and into
the crack of my butt. It really felt nice  and I was disappointed when he had
me stand up so he could drain the tub to rinse me off with the hand held
     He said, "You are amazing. The scabs have come off and you are already
     I leaned over to look at my pussy and saw he was right. Nothing was
     Then he told me to go back to bed so he could put on some salve.
     He gently caressed it on my boobs then had me lie on my side and used both
hands to put it on my butt and pussy at the same time. It felt wonderful and to
my amazement I began to get excited. He said, "God you are amazing. After all
you have been through you're pussy is getting wet. I am going to give you a
reward with a nice fucking."
     The caresses felt good but I was afraid my pussy was too sore to fuck and
said, "Oh please. I am too sore."
     "You'll be okay. You can be on top. You don't want the martinet again do
     "Oh No!" I straddled him and he let me direct his dick into my pussy
gently to pry the lips apart. When the head was in I was able to let myself
down slowly with only a stretching feeling and no pain.
     He said, "Oh yeah! A whipped pussy is really tight."
     It would have been tight anyway around his wide dick but I didn't say
anything. I just began to move slowly to confirm there was no pain then began
moving faster. He groaned and grabbed both my breasts causing a deep pain but
by then I was so excited I didn't care and began rising to fall hard enough to
make my bruised butt slap against his thighs and leaned back to cause even more
pain to my breasts as he held them to pull them out.
     I had two orgasms before he made a face then dropped his hands to pull on
my butt to twist me on his softening dick. When it was totally soft he lifted
me off and said, "You were great baby. You'll get a lot more orgasms before you
leave. Now clean off my dick with your tongue. I have to get to work and you
need more sleep."
     I had really gotten him wet. I licked his dick and balls clear to his
asshole and his dick began to lengthen.
     He said," Jesus you are getting me up. That's enough. I have to get back
to work."
     He left and I laid there gently caressing my pussy anazed that the
swelling was nearly gone. Suddenly I felt guilty. I realized no normal girl
could possibly enjoy sex after being punished as I had and began to think I
must be crazy. Then I thought there was nothing I could do about it and fell
into sleeep. 
     I don't know how long I slept but it must have been enough because I was
already awake when the door opened and the light came on to reveal the man in
black. He said, "Good. You are awake. How do you feel?"
     "The sleep helped. I am not sore anymore. Are you going to fuck me again?"
     "No but I have someone who will. You are going to cooperate aren't you? He
will tell me if you don't. I'll just hang this here to remind you to be good."
     He hung the martinet on the wall. Just seeing it made me whimper. He said
"Don't worry. It won't be used if you are good."
     In a few moments a man came in and took off his clothes. He walked over to
me naked then held out his dick and said, "Suck it until it is good and hard
and wet. I am going to fuck your brains out."
     I sucked it until it was real hard then he put on a rubber and got on top
of me and fucked furiously until he came in much too short a time to let me
have an orgasm. He got up and while dressing said, "Good job baby. Best twenty
bucks I ever spent."
     I realized he had sold me. I was nothing but a whore! I sobbed but then I
thought that I was just scum and deserved to be a whore."
     Man after man came in close enough together to finally allow me to get
orgasms until I was totally exhausted. The last man said, "Shit. That was like
fucking a dead girl. I am going to get my money back."
     I realized that may get me whipped but I was too exhausted to care. I felt
so low I actually hoped he would kill me.
     The man in black came in and I began to whimper expecting the horrendous
pain of the martinet but he said, "Relax Baby. I am not going to hurt you."
     "Oh thank you. The last man was unhappy. I was afraid you would whip me."
     "Yeah he bitched about it but admitted he had cum so fuck him. Your Mom
will be here in an hour. Take a shower and get some rest."
     I took a short shower then fell into bed to instantly fall asleep.
     I awoke some time later to see Mom holding a dress.
     I cried, "Oh Mom. He sold me. I am a whore!"
     She showed no sympathy at all. "Yeah I know. Did they all wear rubbers? He
promised me they would."
     "I think so. There were so many I can't be sure."
     "You must have been good. He said I could have any three whips I wanted.
This is one of them."
     She lifted the martinet off the hook and I began to cry, "Please not that
one! It hurts awful!"
     "Good. It will keep you in line. The whip doesn't matter it just depends
on how hard it is used."
     I wasn't so sure. The lead weights were so heavy it had to be swung pretty
hard to stand up sideways.
     She helped me on with a new dress. She was still being mean. The dress was
made of a stiff wool that made it feel like it was made of cockle burrs. It
scratched my senstive nipples and butt on the way to the car and on the way
home she seemed to go out of the way to hit potholes to make my boobs jump to
rub my nipples against the wool. By the time I got home I could hardly wait to
get it off because my nipples felt raw.
     Thankfully she let me stay naked for the next two days and rubbed salve on
my bruises until they disappeared except for the worst ones caused by the
martinet. I thought she felt a little guilty for hurting me so bad but when I
said, "You are my mother. How could you let them whip me so bad and then sell
     "I just wanted to let you know how bad I could make it for you if you ever
crossed me. I may have you do something you really hate to keep Jim from
whipping me. No matter how bad it will be you know I can make it worse. Don't
     "Yes Mama. I'll be good. I promise."
     "Good. I don't want you to tell him what happened to you."
     We were sitting on the couch in our robes when Jim came bursting through
the door and yelled, "Strip! It has been a long time and I am horny as a goat!"
     We dropped the robes then undressed him. When his shirt was off we knelt
to take off his shoes and socks then opened his pants to pull his pants and
shorts down his legs and began kissing and licking his dick with Mom on one
side and me on the other. He went down on his back and pulled Mom over his dick
while he pulled me over his mouth. He was really horny! Even after he came he
stayed hard to move Mom up to his mouth and me on his dick. We all had
marvelous orgasms then laid by his side all sweaty and fondled his finally soft
dick until he said to Mom,"You said you were going to lose weight. Stand up so
I can see you."
     Now I knew why she had eaten nothing but vitamin pills and water for the
three days. She got up and sucked in her tummy as much as she could saying, "I
lost almost two inches from my waist. Do you love me?"
     "Yeah you look great and that is good because I bought you a dress to show
off that flat tummy."
     She squealed in delight and asked him where it was. He told her it was in
a sack on the front seat and she ran out stark naked to get it.
     While she was gone he told me to get up so he could see me. I got up
sucking in my tummy to prove I was still more slender than her. That is when he
noticed some bruises still on me from the lead weights. He said, "Jesus. What
happened to you. You have some nasty bruises."
     I remenbered what Mom had said and was too embarrassed to tell him anyway
so I just said, "I got whipped with a really nasty whip."
     She came back in waving the sack and he said, "Chist what did you hit
Debbie with? She is all bruised. Bruises are ugly. I just want her red."
     She said, "Oh that is our new toy. I got a litttle carried away because
she asked to be hit harder. It made her have an orgasm. Didn't it, Debbie?"
     I knew I had to agree even though it was a lie and said hesitantly, "Yes.
But I wouldn't want it that hard again."
     That seemed to satisfy him and he told Mom to try on the dress.
     She squealed again and ripped open the sack to put it on. It was the
sexiest thing I had ever seen. It was made out of a stretchy white material.
The skirt was cut so low at the front it barely covered her pubic bone and in
the back only covered her butt when she stood straight up. There were just two
skinny straps coming from the side of her waist to go around her neck which
barely covered her nipples. I couldn't see how she could go out in public with
it on. As she turned grinning I could see bumps easily at her nipples and the
butt part was so tight it would have shown a pimple.
     That is when I found out what an exhibitionist she had become. She said
she loved it and begged him to take her dancing. He said, "Are you sure?
Everybody will be staring at you."
     "I know. That is what makes it exciting.Please take me I want to show off
my skinny tummy. If you do I'll suck and lick you until you cry for mercy. I'll
even lick your asshole."
     That convinced him and he dressed again to take her.
     I was watching a sexy movie and playing with myself when I heard their car
come into the driveway. I turned off the movie and ran into my room to pretend
I was asleep in case they were drunk and wanted to whip me.
     I heard Mom giggling and since they didn't go near my door I opened my
door a crack to peek at them.
     Mom was kissing him and said, "God you are my hero. You beat the shit out
of that asshole."
     "I got a black eye out of it but nobody comes up to my wife and offers
fifty bucks for a blowjob.
     That confirmed my thought that everyone would think she was a hooker but
it didn't seem to bother her. It must have bothered him though because he
wouldn't let her wear that dress to a dance again.
     Then she took off the dress and began taking off his clothes saying, "I am
going to make good on my promise my hero."
     She put one of his legs up on the arm of the couch and the other on the
coffee table and began licking and sucking him. I realised she was making good
on her promise to lick his asshole when his balls rested on her nose and he
groaned, "Oh god that is good! Stick your tongue in deeper."
     She sucked him until he came twice then groaned, "Enough. I can't take
     It was evident she had found a way to get him hard again though because I
heard the bedsprings squeaking and slapping sounds.
     I had to pee so I slipped out to the bathroom. I was still in there with
the door open when she came out to go to the kitchen for water. Her boobs were
almost glowing red.
     When she went back into the bedroom I slipped back to my room. I was
curious how it would feel to have a tongue in my ass so I licked my finger and
stuck it in. It felt great and I pumped it in and out while I played with my
clit with my other hand until I had a nice orgasm. 
     The next morning was a Saturday so I knew they would sleep in. I dreesed
in a sweater and skirt and decided to get them in a good mood by making
breakfast. I made scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and sliced fruit so it
wouldn't go bad while I waited for them to get up. I was still slicing
cantaloupe when I heard their shower go on. As soon as they came out in their
robes I met them with a tray of coffee and orange juice. I knew I had done the
right thing because they wolfed the food while complimenting me on the nice
     They went out to sit on the couch then said they were hungover and had me
make them Bloody Marys. 
     On the second round Mom noticed I was dressed and said, "Why are you in
clothes? You know Jim likes you naked."
     I said, "I'm sorry. I was afraid the bacon grease would spatter on me."
     I hurriedly took off my clothes then stood in front of Jim with my hands
behind my back, my legs open, my tummy in and boobs out just as she taught me.
     Jim told me to move closer so I straddled his legs. He reached out to
press a bruise at the top of my slit and said, "This one must have really hurt.
What caused it?"
     I said, "It did hurt awful. One of the lead things hit my clit."
     "What lead thing?"
     Mom jumped up saying, "I'll show you. It was caused by our new toy."
     He had me step back and turn slowly to look at my bruises which by now had
faded to a light blue. When I was facing him again Mom came up behind me. She
hekd the handle with her right hand and the end of the thongs with the other
and began stroking it back and forth over my make them sway and the
nipples bend. 
     He watched avidly then asked her to give it to him. I was afraid he might
hit me with it but he just examined it.
     Mom said, "While you are looking at it. I'll help her put on the costume
you bought."
     She took me into the bedroom and picked up some metal chain about a half
inch wide.There were two loops she forced to the base of my breasts by pulling
on my nipples while pushing on the chain then she hooked a chain at the sides
around my back to hold it tightly in place.the chain sunk into my skin to make
my boobs balloon then she picked up the other chain to tighten around my waist
then pulled another chain through my legs to hook it to the back of the waist
chain. Finally she made me gasp by spreading my cuntlips and tucking in the
chain to rub on my clit.
     She led me over to the full length mirror. Just those few steps made the
chain rub on my clit to bring me thrills. 
     She said, "Wow! That is really sexy isn't it?"
     I thought it was hardly a costume since it hid nothing. The chains at my
boobs had sunk in to only show the tops and the chain through my crotch
disappeared in my slit to make the lips pooch out obscenely.
     I said, Yes. The chain in my slit moves against my clit when I walk."
     "Good. I want you horny. Jim might want me to demonstrate the 'Cat'. If he
does I want you to say 'Harder' at least twice. If you don't I'll wrap you in
barbed wire and drive it in with a paddle."
     That really scared me. I knew it would make me bleed all over and
whimpered, "I'll be good."
     She brought me back into the living room and had me walk around and do a
back bend. The chain at my slit excited me so much I was trembling when I went
back to face them.
     Jim said, "That looks great. I love the way it makes her boobs stick out
and her pussy pooch to look swollen."
     Then I was grateful when he said, "This whip is too bad to use on her. The
lead weights could cause internal injuries."
     Mom said, "Oh no. You wouldn't use it on her stomach or back by the
kidneys. It wouldn't have left bruises if Debbie had not begged me to hit
harder. It can just be exciting. I'll show you."
     She brought out a kitchen chair she put in front of him and went into the
bedroom carrying rope and some handcuffs back out. 
     She had me sit on the edge of the chair then pulled my legs open to tie my
knnes to the legs of the coffee table. then handcuffed my hands to the rungs at
the back of the chair. 
     I looked down between my cleavage to see my pussy  completely vulnerable
and whimpered at the thought of it being hit.
     Jim said. "She doesn't look excited at the prospect. She is whimpering."
     "That is just because she doesn't know what I may do. Just watch her. You
will see that she loves it once I get going."
     She leaned ove my shoulder so she would not block his view and let the
thongs lay against my slit. I gasped and braced my self for the pain but it
didn't come. She just dragged the thongs through my slit to make the weight
bump against the chain on my clit. It was really exciting and my excitement
increased as she dragged it over my nipples to make them vibrate.
     She brought the whip back down to my pussy then began flipping it against
my pussy. It didn't hurt at all. The weights just made my pussy lips squirm and
a weight hit the chain to make it vibrate against my clit. I began to moan and
tremble from the excitement.
     She said, "You love this don't you?"
     I did! I could feel myself rapidly nearing climax and moaned, "Oooh. Yes!"
     She said, "Would you like to have me hit harder?"
     I remembered her threat but it wasn't necessary. I wanted more thrills and
gasped, "Yes. Harder!"
     She swung the whip out further to make it "Splat!" against my pussy. It
hurt now but the chain protected my clit and it just added to the thrill as it
hit then dragged up my slit. I slid forward on the seat to open my legs even
     Jim stared at me and said excitedly, "God that makes her pussy squirm. It
looks like it is alive. She does love it. Juice is dripping from her pussy!"
     She said, "Harder?"
     I didn't want it any harder. The pain was just right but I remembered her
threat and said, "Harder."
     She brought the whip up over my head and swung it down to hurt enough to
make me squeal but I was so close to climax I didn't care. She stopped just as
I was on that wonderful, terrible feeling just before climax.
     I moaned, "Oooh God. Don't stop now!"
     She handed the whip to Jim and said, "You try it."
     He stood by my legs and hit even harder with just the tips hitting my
pussy. After a few I had this fantastic orgasm to make me scream and stretch
then slump in exhaustion.
     Jim said, "God. She came from that!"
     He untied my legs but I left them open and pumped my hips as aftershocks
coursed through my body. Finally I calmed and slumped in the chair feeling my
pussy throbbing.
     She took the whip from him and said, "She doesn't like it as much on her
tits but they really jump, Would you like to see it?"
     He said, "Yeah. Just a few."
          She stepped in front of me and I moaned, "No. Please No." but she
ignored me and swung the whip against the side of my left breast so hard it
slapped into my right one. I screamed at the terrible deep pain but she just
hit the other one the same way then brought up two more from below to make my
tits jump up as I screamed.
     Jim grabbed the whip from her and said, "That's enough. They are maroon."
     He took off my handcuffs and I caressed my tits gently. They were aching
and throbbing. He pulled me up to my feet and then unhooked the chain around my
back to pull off the chains. My tits had swollen so much the chain pulled them
away from my chest as he pulled it loose then he took off the chain around my
waist and let it fall to pull it out of my pussy.
     He began caressing my pussy and boobs saying, "God. They really swelled
up. Do they hurt real bad. Debbie?"
     Surprisingly they didn't. I said, "Not so much now. They just ache and are
     Jim said, "You were real brave. You deserve a reward."
     He took off his robe and sat down on the couch to pull me over him by my
buut cheeks and down to his super hard dick. The head nosed against my slit but
didn't go in. He said, "Jesus her pussy has swollen so tight I can't get it
     Mom said, "I'll help." and pushed down hard on my shoulders. I felt a
tremendous stretch as the head popped in but then it felt good and I gyrated on
it. Unfortunately he was so excited he came right away but I managed to keep
moving on his softening dick long enough to get a little orgasm.
     He said, "God. That was great! The swelling realy made her pussy tight."
     I cringed thinking he may always want it swollen before fucking me. It
must have excited Mom too because she said, "Go soak in the cool water of your
pond. That will take down the swelling." As I walked out  she had knelt to lick
his dick to get him hard to fuck her.
     The pond felt great. I laid there with just my head out of water resting
on the bank as I fondled my tits and pussy feeling the swelling go down. I
suddenly realized I had really blown it. I should have screamed at each lash.
Now they would think it wasn't that bad and would use it again. I laid out
there all morning afraid if I went back in they may want to whip me some more.
     My worst fear was realized . Mom or Jim used the  whip with the lead
almost all the time and my body seemed to always have bruises. She got very
expert with it and began to put the end weights right on a bruise which would
make me bleed.
     After a couple of weeks my thighs, butt, crotch, and breasts were all
solid black and blue. I could no longer overcome the pain with excitement and
tried to run away. They caught me and hung me up to give me a terrible whipping
with willow switches over six feet long until I I was bleeding in several
places and was begging them to stop and promising never to run away again. They
still didn't trust me and from then on I had to drag a chain around my ankle
padlocked to a big weight from his bar-bell set. Meanwhile she kept taking
pictures of me with her polaroid.
     Finally Jim became worried about me and decided to give me a break for a
week to heal up. I was so grateful I offered to suck their sex or assholes in
thanks. This wasn't a great concession on my part since they made me do it
anyway but I knew that was one of their favorite things.
     That night they just drank and had me suck them when they felt like it. 
     bout ten days later when I was healed Jim reminded me that Moms birthday
was in a couple of days.He said he was going to invite a few of his friends
over for a birthday party and that I could make some sandwiches. He would get a
cake and a present from me and him and some new clothes for Mom and me to wear
at the party.
     He brought home two giftwrapped small boxes with his and my name on them
and black silk push-up bras and matching panties. He had us model them for him.
The bras just fit under our boobs to push them up and together to make cleavage
and left the nipples bare. The panties slid up into the crack of our butts to
bare most of our buttcheeks. then we put on matching silk blouses and micro-
skirts. The blouses had square cut necks that bared the tops of our boobs and
only came down low enough to cover the bottoms to bare our tummies way below
our belly-buttons. He had us walk around awhile saying we looked great. The
silk molded our butts and boobs to look really sexy. Then he told us to make
some drinks.
     When we brought them back he told us to lean over to put them on the
coffee table. I felt the blouse loosen and the skirt slide up on my butt. 
     He looked at our breasts then said, "Perfect. Just the effect I was hoping
     I looked down to see that my boobs were totally visible. Mom looked down
too then said, "God. We might as well be topless. Your guests will be staring
at us. Won't you be jealous?"
     "Hell no. I want them to know how lucky I am to have you two. They will be
jealous of me."
     I said, "But what if they are not satisfied with just looking and want to
touch me?"
     "If they do you will just stand there to let them feel you and thank them
for any compliment they will probably give you."
     Mom and I grinned at each other knowing it could be a really exciting
party. but then Mom said, "The wives might get mad."
     We knew it would be exciting then when he said, "The wives aren't coming.
It is just three guys. I told them you would do anything I wanted. You had
better not make a liar out of me."
     The next day we spent hours bathing and getting our makeup just right. Mom
said I could pass for eighteen easily then we made the sandwiches and canapes
naked to make sure we would not spill on our clothes. We dressed and stood by
the front window anxiously waiting for Jim to come home. His car finally came
into sight with another car behind it.
     Jim and three men got out and started to the house. Mom and I moved back
and were posing with our tummies tucked in and our boobs out to make bumps in
the blouses with our nipples when Jim opened the door.
     It started out normally enough. Jim introduced his friends, Al, Bob and
Tim and they said, "Happy Birthday," and gave Mom presents that she put on the
table with mine and Jim's. 
     Jim seated them on the couch and chairs around the coffee table then told
us to get them some food and drinks. Just as he had instructed us we brought
them plates of food and drinks one at a time serving the men on the south side
of the table from the north to let the one being served to get a good look at
our boobs while the man behind had our butts almost in his face. 
     When they were all served Mom and I made drinks for ourselves and Mom sat
on the couch between Jim and Bob. I looked around and realized I had not placed
a chair for me.  Al noticed and patted his thighs so I sat on his lap feeling a
hard lump on my bare buttcheek. Instead of just holding her glass Mom would
take a drink and set it back on the table to bare her boobs then bare them
again when she picked it up for another drink. I did the same and my skirt
worked up to leave my butt bare for Al. 
     Then Al said, "You are a lucky man Jim. Your wife and daughter are
     Jim said, "Thanks but she isn't really my daughter. She is adopted. I like
to think of her as my 'Barbie' doll to dress up and play with."
     That emboldened Al and he moved his hand from the armrest to cup my
buttcheek and slowly stroke it.
     Bob said, "Yeah. They both have better bodies and faces than the strippers
at "Exotica."  Tim said, "Hell yes. They would be stars at that strip club."
     Jim said, "Yeah. That's why I don't go there anymore. My girls can dance
     Bob said, "God I would like to see that!" He and the others looked
disappointed when Jim said, "Yeah? Well maybe later. They have only danced for
me. Get up girls, the glasses are almost empty."
     We jumped up letting our hips swing as we went to the kitchen. Tim said,
"Gee. They really mind good."
     Jim laughed and said, "You have no idea. They will do any damn thing I
want them to do."
     "God that's great. I have to use a switch on my wife just to get her to
keep the house clean."
     Jim said, "Yeah all women have to be punished now and then."
     Al said, "Aint that the truth. If you don't keep them in line they will
walk all over you. Bob agreed saying, "Usually a hard spanking will keep my old
lady straight."
     Mom and I got a little worried knowing they were all used to hitting women
but we served with a smile, again one at a time and now all of them fondled my
butt when I bent over in front of them. Bob worked up the nerve to pat Mom's
buttcheeks and when neither she or Jim objected they began fondling her too. 
     Just when they had advance to fondling my pussy Jim said, "It is time to
blow out the candles and let her open the presents.
     Jim lit the thirty-five candles and Mom blew them out. She said, "Little
is best and arranged the packages with the smallest to largest then picked up
my little package to open it and see the gold earrings. She hugged and kissed
me even though I had nothing to do with it then opened Jim's to reveal a gold
bracelet with gemstones. She hugged him to mash her boobs into his chest and
kissed him while he grabbed an asscheek in each hand to pull her into his
crotch. Then she opened Al's to reveal a bra and panties. She felt the white
silk material and said this underwear will feel great. Al said, "It isn't
underwear. Jim said you had a great body so I got you the sexiest swimsuit I
could find." 
     She hugged and kissed him too and he followed Jim's example to squeeze her
buttcheeks and press her into the lump in his pants. Bob had got her a
beautiful sheer blouse and got his kiss and Tim had brought a leather micro-
skirt he said was made of deerskin. She flet it and said, "Oh it is so soft
I'll never want to wear panties with it and gave him a kiss and swivelled her
hips as he pulled her into him.
     Then Jim said, "Why don't you model everything for us?"
     She said, "Okay." and scooped up everything to take them into the bedroom.
While she changed I served another round of drinks Jim made everyone bolder by
sliding his hands under my blouse to squeze my boobs. After that they all did
it and I was trembling with excitement When she came out and Jim pulled me down
on the couch between him and Bob. She looked great. The blouse was so thin you
could easily see her skin and the bra and the skirt had laces up the sides to
show the sides of her legs and hips clear to her waist.
     She walked around emulating the models we had seen on TV for awhile then
Jim said, "Dance for us baby."
     They clapped their hands and she grinned and giggled then turned on the
stereo to start a slow song with a hard beat. I recognized the tape we made of
our favorite strip songs and realized she had expected or at least hoped she
would be asked to dance.
     Al and Tim turned their chairs around and she started moving smoothly and
sinuously around on the floor. She took off my earrings to put them on the
coffee table. Then Jim's bracelet. Then slowly began unbuttoning the blouse.
When it was unbuttoned and opened she went to Tim and he slid it off her arms.
She danced around some more in the bra and skirt. I doubted she could ever wear
the "Swimsuit" on a public beach. It molded her breasts and the thin white silk
made her nipples visible. Then she pulled the bows loose on the skirt and stood
in front of Bob with her hips undulating to the music while he slid off the
skirt. Then she began dancing again in just the swimsuit. The bottom was just
like the top. She had pulled the back into the crack of her butt to bare both
cheeks and pulled the front tight against her pussy to look like she was just
wearing a thin coat of white paint. She danced around like that for the rest of
the song and when the next song started she continued to dance making no move
to take anything else off.
     Bob couldn't stand it. He yelled, "God. Don't stop now! Take it off."
     The others yelled, "Yeah!" and began to clap. 
     She just grinned and said coyly, "I was just supposed to model the
     I was sure she just wanted more encouragement and joined in the applause
and yelled, "Do it Mama. You are beautiful!"
     She looked at Jim who nodded then she reached back to undo the bow. That
made he boobs ballon around the bra and brought more yells of encouragement. 
     She slid the bra slowly down her boobs then walked over letting her heels
hit hard to make her boobs tremble to drop the bra on the table. That brought
more cheers so she lifted her arms then shook her shoulder to make them sway
and collide with each other for awhile. Then she noved close to Tim and began
undulating her stomach as her hips went forward and back. She untied the bows
at the sides of the pantiesthen put her hands on her head to contine pushing
her hips forward and back slowly while Tim pulled her panties down then made
her gasp by dragging them through her crotch. He reached out to stroke her
pussy but she backed away and went back to dancing now totally nude. She moved
so sinuously I was reminded of a snake. The men just stared at her silently as
if awestruck. Suddenly the music stopped since we had only recorded four songs
and it was deathly silent except for the whirring sound as the tape rewound.
Mom just sttod there obviously not knowing what to do next. The guys came out
of their trance to whistle and applaud. She smiled and bowed again swinging her
boobs by waggling her shoulders then turned to go back to the bedroom.
     Jim stopped her saying, "Where are you going? Come here. Debbie get up and
get her a drink."
     Mom said, "Shouldn't I put on a robe?"
     "What for. We have all seen you naked and like you that way. Right guys?"
     They all agreed making her blush but smile then I went to get her drink. 
     When I got back she was sitting on the couch between Jim and Bob. They had
pulled her legs over theirs to open her slit and were stroking the lips. She
was lying back with a glazed look on her face and taking deep breaths.
     I stepped between Al and Tim and bent over to hand her her drink but she
acted like she didn't see me so I set it down on the table. 
     Al and Tim began squeezing my buutcheeks then one of them began sliding
his hand over my crotch. I put my hands on the table to maoan and move my hiips
back and forth wishing the panties were not in the way. Bob was staring at my
boobs as he rubbed Moms and said, "I should have got a bathing suit for Debbie
too so she could model."
     "Jim said her clothes are fine for that. Debbie. Dance for us?"
     What they were doing to me felt so nice I hated to leave but I knew it
would be even better if I was naked.
     I went over to the stereo and pushed "Play" then began dancing slowly as
she did. I remebered the guys liked taking off Mom's clothes so I danced over
to Al and bent over with my arms out straight so he could slide off my blouse.
That got cheers so I just made a few turns before going back between them so
they could slide off my skirt.
     I danced some more but the bra wouldn't let my boobs move like Moms so I
went back to kneel between them so they could take it off. I planned to dance
in the panties for awhile but when I stood up they jerked them off too. I
wanted to do something different than Mom and knew she was not as limber as me.
I did a backbend that got applause from seeing my open pussy. I did the splits
to open it even more then began crawling around on my hands and knnes dragging
my nipples on the carpet slow and smoothly like a tiger to the music then I
faced them to do the splits again but this time I waggled my shoulders to make
my boobs sway. Al and Tim said something to Jim. Jim nooded his head in
agreement. They got up to pull off their T-shirts and slide off their jeans.
Neither of them wore undershorts and their dicks were hard. By then I was super
horny and began crawling toward them.
     Al kneeled in front of me and pressed the head of his dick against my
lips. I opened my mouth to let it slide inside just as Tim began pushing his
dick into my wet pussy. The dancing must have got them really excited because
in a little while first Al came into my mouth then Tim gave a little cry and
came in my pussy. I felt frustrated because I was mear orgasm but then was
relieved when Jim and Bob took their place. They lasted long enough to give me
a good orgasm then we sat on the rug and leaned against the wall. I stroked
their soft dicks with my hands as they stroked my tits and pussy. I was
watching Al and Tim stroke Mom but it didn't seem to give her much pleasure.
She whimpered, "Isn't anyone going to have sex with me?"
     Jim said, "Sure Baby but we just fucked and are soft. You are going to
have to get us hard."
     She must have known what was next because she moaned, "Ooh Nooo."
     Jim grinned and said, "You guessed it baby. It is time for your Birthday
spanking. Go get the thong whip."
     She must have been relieved that he would use the thong whip rather than a
switch or nasty paddle because she got up with no protest and brought back the
     Al seemed surprised to see it and said, "Oh. Wow! Her butt is really going
to be red after thirty-five with that."
     Jim said, "Oh it won't be a childish butt-spanking. She is all grown-up.
She would rather have them all over her body wouldn't you Honey?"
     She gulped and shuddered but said, "I guess so."
     "Right. You want them on your butt, thighs, stomach, boobs, and even your
pussy don't you?"
     She sighed then said, "I guess so if I have to."
     "Good. Do you want them tied or untied?"
     She thought a moment then said softly, "I guess tied. it should be more
exciting for you and I won't have to concentrate on staying still."
     "Good. Go get the manacles with ropes."
     While she was gone Jim told me to get more drinks. I spashed whiskey and
water into glasses then took a big swallow out of the bottle before bring the
drinks to them on a tray. Mom must have been working up her nerve because she
didn't return until I had served the drinks and was sitting between Bob and Tim
on the couch with my legs open to make it easy for them to fondle me and slide
their fingers on my clit.
     Mom came out to stand under the ceiling beam to buckle the padded cuffs on
her wrists and ankles then spread her legs and stretched her arms over her
head. Jim threw the ropes from her wrists over the beam and told Al to tie her
ankles to the rings he had screwed into the floor under two throw rugs.
     Tim squeezed my pussy and said, "God this is exciting. I figured that
since Jim had bragged how pretty his girls were naked I might get to see them
nude but I sure didn't expect this. I have never seen a girl get whipped
before. She must not mind it though. She isn't being forced to do it."
     Bob said, "She probably gets off on it. My wife gets horny when I spank
     "Really? Maybe I'll try it on my wife."
     "Yeah but don't just spring it on her. Wait until she feels guilty about
something or else has a birthday. I spanked mine after she dented a fender. She
was so excited when I fucked her she came three times."
     I thought it best not to tell them that she knew if she refused Jim would
give her a much worse whipping after they left.
     By that time she was tied with her body stretched up and her legs pulled
open enough to open her slit.
     Al couldn't resist stroking her stomach and boobs saying, "Jesus. Having
her stretched makes her look and feel fantastic. Her waist has shrunk and her
body is really firm."
     Bob said, "Yeah she looks great!" and Tim said awestruck, "God. I have
never seen anything so beautiful."
     Jim grinned and said, "Did you hear that Honey. They think you are
beautiful. You are even sexier once you are red and sweaty aren't you?"
     Mom moaned, "Oh yes. They will want to fuck me until they are dry."
     Jim said, "Are you ready?"
     She moaned, "Yes. Get it over with."
     He moved over to her left side to start on her butt. Mom tighten he
stomach musles even more to brace for the first lash but then Bob said, "Are
you going to give all thirty-five? I have never been able to spank anyone
except my wife."
     Jim said, "You will all get a turn. When I finish my thirty five, You can
give her thirty-five more, then Al and Tim."
     They all cheered but Mom looked alarmed.
     She whimpered, "No. No that is too many. Debbie will take half of them for
me. Won't you Debbie?"
     I recognized the threat but it wasn't necessary. I had already become
excited by imagining me in her place and also wanted the men to know I looked
great hung up too.
     I said excitedly, "Sure Mom. It can be my birthday present for you."
     Jim said, "Is that okay with you guys?"
     Al said, "Hell yes! and Tim said, "Yeah a hundred and forty is too much
for her. Seventy each should be just right."
     Jim went first, I think to prove to them it was okay to hit her breasts
and pussy. 
     Seventy was a lot but none of them were really hard. She was red from her
thighs to the tops of her breasts but there were no welts and she was so
excited she was pushing out her pussy to meet the whip for the last three.
     Jim got up to unhook the ropes and unbuckle her wrist cuffs while Bob did
the ankles. As soon as her hands were free she ripped open his shirt then began
kissing and licking his chest and stomach while she loosened his pants then
when his dick popped free she took it in her mouth. He dropped down to his
knees and she bent over to take his dick deep into her throat.
     When Bob had her ankles loose he pulled off his t-shirt then dropped his
jeans to stick his dick in her from the rear. I coulddn't tell if it went into
her anus or pussy but either way she just gasped then began pushing herself
back and forth with her hands on Jim's thighs to let Jim's dick come nearly out
of her mouth to push her butt into Bob.
     l said, "Jesus. I need some of that action and grabbed my head to pull
my face down to his crotch but Tim said, "Cool it! She'll do anything you want
after her whipping. Won't you baby?"
     I said, "Oh Yes. Anything!"
     "See? Now just sit back and enjoy the show."
     They couldn't just relax though. They both reached under my blouse to
pinch and pull on my nipples as our excitement rose. Jim and Bob seemed to last
a long time. From the agonized looks on their faces I think they were able to
stay hard to cum twice.
     Finally she let Jim's soft dick slide out of her mouth then rolled over on
her back showing Bob was now soft too. She was taking deep shuddering breaths.
     They picked her up and started to carry her to the couch. Al pulled me up
saying excitedly. "It is our turn!" They dragged me under the cuffs and I said,
"Don't you want to see me dance?"
     Al said, "Later Baby. Right now we just want you naked."
     I was disappointed. I wanted them to see how sexy I moved but I stood
there quietly while they pulled off all my clothes. I was watching Mom and her
guys. Jim put her butt on the armrest of the couch while Bob jerked out a
cushion to put under her shoulder to raise her face to the level of his dick
when he knelt on the innersprings of the couch. Jim reached under the couch and
brought out two leather straps. He handed one to Bob and said, "You can have
her snatch. I'll let you know when."
     Jim began slapping her boobs making them jump and tremble while she moaned
and held on to Bob's butt to jam his soft dick into her mouth. Jim got hard and
jammed his dick into her anus then said, "Hit her pussy, but not me?"
     Bob hit the top of her pusy right over her clit. She squealed and jerked
her hips. Jim said, "Perfect! That feels great!" 
     Bob's dick was now hard and he stuck it in her mouth just as Jim hit the
side of her boob. Her gasp made Bob say, "God. That made her tongue flutter."
     I lost interest in them at that point because my arms were being pulled up
to be buckled into the cuffs. Since they weren't interested in my dance I
wanted to look really good so I moaned, "Oh stretch me real tight."
     Al seemed amazed. "Aren't you frightened. Don't you know this will hurt?"
     I moaned, "I don't care as long as you will let me have orgasms."
     Bob said, "Let me be first. I know how my wife likes it."
     He began slapping my butt with the whip. I knew why his wife didn't mind.
There was just a tiny sting that was not even exciting. I moaned, "Harder! I am
just a slut that should be punished.
     HE hit harder but spent too many lashes on my relatively insensitive butt.
By the time he moved to my front he only had enough left for three lashes to my
tummy, three to my boobs and three to my pussy. They had not tied my ankles and
seemed amazed when I opened my legs for the last two. I was moaning and pumping
my hips in the effort to get past that terrible moment just before orgasm. Al
must have thought I was in great pain because he said, "You don't have to take
any more. I'll understand."
     I moaned, "It's okay. Just don't hit my butt anymore."
     I knew then that in spite of what he said he wanted to hit me because he
smiled and hit me across my thighs level with my slit then began moving upwards
over my tummy towards my boobs. It was almost the perfect hardness. There was a
sting but not so much I couldn't convert it to excitement. When the first lash
went across my tits I encouraged him by moaning, "Oooh yes!"
     He loved that. He said, "God! Look at them bounce!" as he hit them across,
up, down and sideways until I went into orgasm and moaned, "Pussy. Hit my
     Orgasms came faster and stronger as I opened my legs as much as possible
and pumped my hips to meet the lash until I got an orgasm so strong I slumped
in the ropes. 
     They took off the cuffs and I grabbed Al around his neck to kiss him and
moan, "Oh thank you."
     Then I remembered how I could really thank him. I started sliding down his
chest kissing him as I went feeling his body hair rub on my sensitive nipples.
By the time I got to his waist he had dropped his pants to let me capture his
dick in my mouth. He let out a loud sigh but then he surprised me by pushing me
away before he came to sit on the rug and pull my hips onto his dick. I let it
sink into my pussy and then Tim Pushed me forward and I felt his dick
stretching my asshole. They had both of their dicks in me! I felt really full
but wonderful and swivelled my hips as I went into more orgasms until they
moaned and came then pulled out of me. I was trembling and pulsating as
aftershocks kept going through me.
     Then Jim said, "How was that guys?"
     I looked over at them on the couch. They had obviously finished since they
were just sitting back on the couch sipping drinks. Mom was between them
caressing her now real red boobs and pussy and making mewing noises.
     Al said, "Fantastic! I came so hard I thought I might blow my balls
through my dick." Bob said, "For sure!"
     Jim grinned and said, "Take a break. Debbie make them and you a drink."
     I stood up and wavered dizzily for a moment then started to the kitchen.
Al started to pull up his pants but Jim said, "Forget the pants. It isn't
     Al grinned and took them all the way off and so did Tim.
     As I was making the drinks I heard Jim say, "Honey. Get up and clean
everybody's dick."
     When I came back in everyone was naked and Bob's dick was glistening and
hard from her spit and she was licking Al's dick and balls. Just as he got hard
she moved to Tim and began licking him. She made a face and I realized she was
tasting my shit.
     I handed Al and Tim a drink then kneeled between their chairs. By then she
had finished Tim and was walking on her knees to Jim to lick him. 
     Tim said, "God. She is really obedient. Isn't she?"
     Jim said, "Yeah but sometimes she objects a little. Debbie is really good.
She never objects. Do you Deb?"
     That wasn't true. We both knew there were times when I begged him not to
hurt me anymore but I knew if I didn't cooperate I would be feeling the "Cat."
     I gulped afraid of what this may lead to and said, "No sir. I'll do
anything you want."
     I was relieved when he said, "Good girl. Why don't you get fresh drinks
for everyone. They seemed to have quite a thirst."
     He was right everones galls was dry to relieve our dry mouths including
mine. I hurried in to fill a tray to pass around then resumed my kneeling
position between Al and Tim. 
     The men began to idly caress Mom and me for a couple of drinks then Bob
said, "Jesus. Debbie is really amazing. After seventy lashes her skin has lost
most of the red."
     Jim said, "Yeah. The thong whip doesn't cause much damage. You don't mind
that whip do you Deb?"
     "No. It stings a lot but it also gets me excited."
     "You can get excited from even more pain than that. Can't you?"
     "Well.. A little more."
     "Good girl. Why don't you prove it by getting the willow switch soaking in
the tub so everyone can make some nice stripes on you like a tiger."
     I looked at Al hoping he might say he didn't want to do it since he had
given me a choice on the whip and said, "Oh that will hurt terrible."
     That hope was crushed when he said, "Christ. She won't object to being
tied and whipped with a switch?"
     Jim grinned and said, "Not even tied. She will just stand in the center of
the room with her legs open and her hands on her head to push out her boobs to
feel the sting. Won't you Debbie?"
     That definitely implied a threat. My voice quavered as I said, "Yes sir."
wondering if I really had that much courage.
     He said, "Okay. Get the switch."
     I was trembling with fear as I went to the bathroom. I moaned when I saw
it floating in the tub. It was almost as long as the tub. When I took it out it
was taller than me and reminded me of the pain caused by the fishing pole.
     He met me at the center of the room and took the switch. I put my hands on
my head and opened my legs. Tim said, "God she looks beautiful."
     I was so vain I sucked in my tummy a little more and pushed out my boobs.
     Then he said, "We don't want her all red. There should be some white
places to make the stripes show. Maybe one on each bun," as he stroked my butt
cheeks, "One on each thigh," as he rubbed my thigh so close to my pussy his
thumb rubbed against the lips, "A couple on her tummy," as he rubbed just above
my slit, "One on each boob, as he pinched and pulled out a nipple "and finally
one on each pussy lip."
     "How does that sound, Deb?"
     I whimpered, "I guess I can stand it."
     "Good girl! It shouldn't be too bad. You took seventy with the whip. When
we get done you will only have had fifty."
I let out a long "Ooooooh." thinking it was nasty of him to let me think I
would only get ten. Worst of all fifty meant Mom would have a turn and I knew
she would hit hard.
     He let my fear build by having me hold the switch while he got cards for
them to cut to determine how they should line up to hit me. Bob noticed I was
trembling and had tears in my eyes. He said, "God. Look at her. She is really
frightened but she still is not begging us not to do it."
     Tim said, "Yeah. She must know how excited it will make her feel in spite
of or because of the pain."
     Mom complained, "Oh shit! I drew a deuce. I'll have to wait to last. I
wanted to show you guys how to do it."
     I was glad. I knew she would hit hard to let them know they could hit hard
too but also knew I would be really sore when her turn came.
     Jim said, "I have the Ace of spades. I can show them how it should be
     He had me put my hands back on my head and then turn my back to them and
bend over. I felt the switch sliding on my butt then a searing pain as it hit
my left buut-cheek with the point slipping between my cheeks. I made a
shuddering gasp and he traced the stripe with his finger and said, "Did that
     "Oooh yes!"
     "You could take it even harder though couldn't you."
     I knew I was supposed to say yes but the best I could do was a
     He moved to my other side to hit my right buttcheek. I couldn't tell if he
hit harder or not. The first one hurt so bad I wasn't sure it could get worse.
     I gasped then turned around as instructed to feel the sting across my
pubic bone with another just above it. Tears were in my eyes as he put his
cheek next to mine and whispered, "I don't want you to scream. Clench your
     I would have screamed, the switch sank deep into my nipple to cause
horrendous pain. While I was still recovering he moved to the other side to
make my other nipple burn.I was sobbing with my teeth clenched when he moved in
front of me to lightly slap my inner thighs to get me to open my legs more. I
opened them to hear Al say, "God.She is making it easy for him."
     Then there were terrible stings to my inner thighs so close to my pussy it
almost scraped my lips then finally one on each pussy lip but these were the
easiest since they came up from the floor without a full swing.
     Then he gave the switch to Bob who followed the same routine and then Al
then Tim but something happened. Either they did not hit as hard or else I got
numb because they brought more excitement than pain.
     I was in near orgasm when Mom took the switch. She cheated by bring it
acroos both butt cheeks at the very bottom super close to my pussy then had me
lean back to hit the undersides of both boobs twice. I came! and kept having
orgasms as she put two more on my tummy then ignored my thighs to put four
across both pussy lips right at my clit. I know it sounds incredible but that
brought on such a monster orgasm I dropped to my knees to drive fingers of both
hands into my wet pussy to make squishing sounds.
     Al said awestruck, Fuck! She got off on that!"
     Tim said, "I told you she knew it would excite her."
     By then I had flopped on my back and was furiously rubbing my clit. Jim
said, She deserves a reward. Why don't you fuck her"
     All three rushed toward me but Bob won by diving between my legs to bury
his dick in me. The other two settled for kissing and licking my nipples and
boobs then Bob came and Tim replaced him then Al.  I finally got to the point I
couldn't cum anymore.
     They got up and helped me to the couch. Someone got me a drink and we sat
together on the couch drinking them thirstily. Tim said, "That was unreal. I
won't be able to get my dick hard again for a week!"
     Jim said, "Maybe." then turned to Mom to say, "You didn't follow
instructions. I said one to each butt cheek and one to each boob and one to
each pussy lip. You doubled that. She should be punished. Shouldn't she
     In spite of the fact that she had given me an ultimate orgasm I said,
"Yes. She was really mean! Not like you guys."
     Mom began wailing, "No it wasn't my fault. She got me so excited I
     He began pulling her to the ropes but she struggled so Bob and Tim jumped
up to help him stretch her up with her legs so open she was nearly doing the
     He just let her hang there sobbing while he said, "What do you think we
should do to her?"
     Tim said, "She should be switched like Debbie."
     Bob said,"Yeah only twice as much!"
     Al said, We could all whip her at once with one at her butt, one on each
tit and one to her pussy."
     It suddenly occured to me that whatever they did to her she would do to me
only worse so I said, She isn't as brave as me. She will faint if it is too
bad. If you want to hit her a long time you should use your belts."
     I was sure the belts would just sting her enough to excite her and she
confirmed it by smiling at me.
     They discussed it then agreed it would be better to be able to hit her for
a long time. Then they asked me how many lashes she should get. I said, "Until
she faints." I knew she would faint when she got the monster orgasm.
     They asked Jim if that would be alright and he said, " Yeah. She will
faint before it gets too bad."
     They made her wait trembling while they cut cards to see what body part
they would get to hit.
     They began hitting her making her boobs and pussy squirm  I could tell
that having all her erogenous zones stimulated at once quickly got her excited
because she caught the rythmn to push her butt out to meet that belt and then
her pussy out to meet the other until Bob wo was hitting her pussy yelled,
"Hold it. My belt is wet."
     He grabbed her buttcheeks to sink his dick into her hanging spread-eagled
body then Tim drove his dick in her ass. When they came they were replaced by
Jim and Al. They fell back as exhausted as mom who just hung limply in the
ropes. I untied her legs then loosened the rope to her wrists to let her slowly
fold up on the floor. When I went to her to take off the writcuffs she
whispered weakly, "Oh thank you Debbie. They could have made it terrible." I
knew I had done the right thing. She had no reason to get back at me."
     I whispered back, "It was wonderful wasn't it? How many times did you
     "God. I don't know. All I could stand. I owe you."
     Tim and Bob got up to carry her to the couch and get her a drink. For the
rest of the night they just idly caressed us and went on and on about how brave
and beautiful we were and how lucky Jim was to have us."
     The next night Jim and Mom began arguing. He said she was a slut to enjoy
fucking everyone and she really blew it by saying that any of them could get
her off better than him. He snapped manacles on Mom  and hung her from the
ceiling and when she called him a bastard he put a gag in her mouth.
     When he got the martinet she shook her head violently but he ignored her
and began covering her body with stripes and splotches. I really enjoyed it,
Now she would know how it hurt and might go easier on me. She passed out on
about the thirtieth and didn't come to even after he had let her down. He
finally decided she had enough and carried her to bed.
     She slept late the next morning then came out to have me put salve on her.
She was really pissed off.
     "That motherfucker is never going to touch me again. If he does I will put
him in jail for life and take every fucking thing he has. Debbie, You are a
minor. He is not supposed to fuck you or whip you. Whatever you do, never say I
whipped you too. If you do I will whip you till you die. I don't think it will
come to that but if we have to go to the cops you will tell them all the things
he did to you and that I was too afraid of him to stop him. If you don't Jim
and I will both go to jail and you will be an orphan till I get out in a few
months to cut your body to shreds with the martinet. I have all the pictures to
show him fucking and whipping you. I'll tell the cops he said he would kill me
if I tried to stop him."
     She scared me to death and I promised to do as she said especially since
she promised not to ever use the martinet since she now knew how terrible it
was as long as I remembered to tell the cops her story. Thankfully she took off
the chain on my ankle saying, "I don't think you will run off again knowing it
will just get you another bad whipping."
     She sat around and drank the rest of the day while I bathed her in cool
water or put salve on her. Late that afternoon she asked me to make her another
drink and I had to tell her we were out of whiskey.
     She came boiling out of the tub and dried off to throw on some clothes
bitching all the time.
     "That cheap sonuvabitch should buy whiskey by the case. Now I have to
drive all the way to the fucking liquor store!"
     She threw gravel from the back tires all the way out the driveway.
     Time passed and neither Jim or Mom showed up. I finally decided they had
met on the road and went out to dinner so I dressed and fried myself a
     I had just finished it when I heard a car pull up to the house. I thought
it must be Jim because it was not sliding up with the brakes locked like Mom.
     There was a knock on the door that puzzled me. I put on a robe and opened
it to see a state patrolman standing there. It really scared me because I
thought Mom had told the cops about me and Jim.
     The patrolman said that he had bad news. It seemed that Jim and Mom were
both speeding but Mom had crossed the centerline at a curve and their cars hit
head-on. Since neither of them ever bothered to put on seat-belts they were
both killed.
     I just stood there in shock. It seemed God had rescued me from them.
     The patrolman asked me if I had relatives or friends I could stay with and
the only one I could think of was Bobby. He took me over there. His folks were
real nice after the patrolman told them what happened and said I could stay
with them till I knew what I wanted to do.
     When he left I began to cry and they put me to bed. I wasn't crying
because they were dead I was crying because I didn't know what would happen to
me and I blamed myself for their death since if Bobby, Ted, Nan and me had not
drank up the whiskey she wouldn't have had to get more.
     The next morning one of Jim's partners showed up to say he was taking me
to a lawyer to arrange the funeral and arrange to set up a place for me to
     On the way to the lawyers Mr. Bonny, Jim's partner told me that I would be
very wealthy. They had a key man insurance policy on each of the partners to
allow the living partners to buy out the deceased Interests. As the only heir I
would get the money from the million dollar policy. I couldn't help but think
that if Mom had known about it she may have killed him. Mr. Bonny said that the
lawyer was an old friend and honest although that was unusual.
     The lawyer said that since Jim and Mom had no living relatives if I wanted
he would contact Bobby's parents to see if they would like to be my legal
guardians till I was eighteen. If so he would arrange to have them receive two
thousand dollars per month for my upkeep. I said I would like to live with them
because I would be close to my house and my horse.
     He called them and they said they would be happy to have me.
     The lawyer arranged the funeral. I was surprised Jim had so many friends
since only three came to our house. None of them talked to me.
     Later The lawyer called me to say the car insurance people would pay the
policy limit of five hundred thousand since Jim had killed my mother and made
me an orphan.
     My money was put into a trust and I am told if I don't spend over ten
thousand dollars a month I will never run out of money since I will just be
living off the interest. Bobby's folks treat me really nice. They can afford to
live better with the two thousand they get and I have taken them on trips to
     They let Bobby and I play at my house all the time. If I get to feeling
guilty for killing Mom I just have him whip me with the martinet to remind me
how badly I was treated and that it would have eventually become worse.
     I was worried about going to public school but it turned out all the
studying I had done out of boredom had paid off because the tests placed me as
a junior in high school. Pretty soon I will be old enough to get a car and
Bobby and I can go anywhere we want. Since I am older than Bobby his folks just
think we are having a brother sister relationship. We are! Just like Ted and
                                    THE END

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