BDSM Library - The Bondage Clown:---The mystery behind the mask.

The Bondage Clown:---The mystery behind the mask.

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: This story is a blend of bondage with a little bit of suspense and mystery. A very beautiful girl is taken into bondage by an unknown person and the girl\'s relatives set out to find her and her captor
Ben Johnson and Juliet Catherine were the hottest couples in their college




Ben Johnson and Juliet Catherine were the hottest couples in their college. Both belonged to rich families. Both of them had their own talents. While Juliet was very good in studies, Ben was very good in sports and athletics. He was also good at other activities like mimicry, dancing and car racing. And needless to say both were extremely beautiful and handsome. Both fell in love with each other at first sight. Now the whole college knew of their relationship. They both were doing their final year in their college and they both had been recently awarded the award for the ‘Hottest couples’ in their college.


This Tuesday, it was Ben’s birthday. As planned, they both went to a disco club in the evening. They both had a great dance and all the other dancers looked with awe at how skillfully and co-operatively they both danced with each other. When they had finished, they went to a hotel. “Hey Julie, do you remember something,” Ben told, “you haven’t given me a birthday gift yet”. Julie smiled freakishly, “I know what you are expecting, Ben.” “Then why”, Ben said, “have I not yet received it. It’s my birthday, and I deserve something special.” Julie leaned a little closer to him and almost whispered, “That something has to wait till tonight.” “Now that’s not fair Julie, but anyway, I trust you.”

“You better do that, Ben.” After finishing their dinner, they both went for a ride along the beachside in Ben’s new car which his mother had bought for his birthday. “You are driving your car pretty fast Ben. I reckon you to drive a little slower, after all it’s a new car and you would not want to damage it.” “Oh come on Julie! Don’t you know how good a driver I am, and now it is pretty dark, and especially in these areas it would be surprising if we see a vehicle at all.”


 No sooner had he said these words that a truck came ramming into his car. If not for his instincts, Ben would not have turned his car just in the right moment. The truck just went grazing past the car. Due to the sudden turn, the car went skidding down the roadside. The truck sped past without bothering to stop. Due to the impact, Ben hit the windowpane and smashed his head into the glass. His head immediately began to bleed. Juliet, who hadn’t suffered any overall damage, immediately applied a cloth over Ben’s injury. She took the Driver’s seat and drove Ben to the nearest hospital.


“Don’t worry sir, it will heal soon”, said the doctor who had attended Ben, “it’s only a minor injury. But since it is in the head, it has to be taken seriously. If you don’t mind, then can I ask you to stay in the hospital tonight? It would be much better for you.” Ben started to say ‘no’ but Julie interrupted, “Did you hear that Ben? You have got to take rest in the hospital tonight.” Ben started to protest, “Today is my birthday Julie, and I don’t want to spend the night here. After all, it’s just a minor injury.” “Ben, it’s just for today. And it’s for the sake of your health.” “But Julie, what about my birthday gift?” Ben asked stubbornly. “I am afraid that it would have to wait,” said Juliet, “but for now it’s just this.” And Juliet kissed Ben in the lips. “Can’t you stay here with me tonight?” Ben asked pleadingly, “anyway I have to inform my mother through my cell phone. I will inform your mother also. It’s already very late in the night. You might not want to go alone.”

“I am sorry Ben, but my mother is alone and I have got to go. But I promise that I will be here in the morning to receive you. Do you mind if I take your car?”. “No problem Julie. But I will be expecting you by my side in the morning.” “Sure Ben. Goodnight!” .She kissed him once again and with that she left the hospital.


Juliet had little idea that this incident would bring about the beginning of the darkest days in her life. If she had got even the slightest hint about what was going to happen next, she would have gladly stayed back with Ben. But things proceeded as they would and perhaps it was written in Juliet’s fate. As Juliet was on her way home on Ben’s car, in the middle of the road, she saw the body of a person lying face downwards. She immediately got down from the car to help the person. The whole area was deserted and it was very dark. As she reached the person and bent down to take a look at the face, she was taken aback. The person’s face was fully white with dark black stripes around the eyebrows. The person’s cheeks were red. She was afraid that it may be blood. But suddenly she relaxed. She had realized that it was not the person’s face but was just a mask. The mask looked like the ones which circus clowns wear.  “This isn’t funny”, she thought, “in the middle of the night I come across someone in the road and how can I expect that the person is wearing a mask.” As she looked closer she could see that there were two gaps in the mask for the eyes beneath it.


 Suddenly the eyes opened and stared at Juliet. It was so sudden that Juliet was startled and she jumped back in fear. The person leaped from his place and took out a cloth and pressed it hard on Juliet’s nose. Juliet fought back and punched the person on his stomach. But the person was very strong and he held both her hands with one hand and with his other hand he pressed the cloth harder on her nose. Juliet tried to scream and began kicking the person. But she had smelt the scent in the cloth and it began to take its effect. She began to feel drowsy and soon her vision began to darken.


When Juliet opened her eyes she found herself in a very dark room. The room looked like a dungeon. She tried to move around but found that she had been chained. Her arms and legs were spread. Her hands had been spread over her head and had been chained by iron chains to two pillars, one on her right side and one on her left side. Similarly her legs had been spread and chained to the bottom of the two pillars around her. She was totally spread which put her in a very vulnerable position and offered her little movement. She saw that she was fully dressed. She tried to shout but found out that she couldn’t because she had been gagged. The gag had been made from a very rough cloth which caused some pain to her mouth. Juliet began to panic and she tried desperately to free herself from her bondage. She shook the chains forcefully. This caused some sounds and this resulted in the awakening of her captor. She heard footsteps coming in her direction and she froze with fear. She couldn’t see anything in this darkness but she realized that the noise she had created while trying to break free from the chains had caused her captor to come for her now. She cursed herself silently. She could now hear the sound of the footsteps coming very close to her. The footsteps stopped abruptly and she could sense the presence of her captor right in front of her. Suddenly a matchstick was lighted and the light shone right on her captor’s face. Juliet shrieked with horror but her shrieks became muffled moans due to her gag. The face of her captor was frightening enough. That mask and the circumstances under which she was seeing the face gave her the creeps. It was as if she was staring into the face of death itself. Suddenly the matchstick light went off and it was dark once again. She heard the sound of a switch being switched on and light from a single bulb was projected on her whole body. She was momentarily blinded by this sudden outburst of light on her face after being in the dark for quite some time. She could now see her captor very clearly. He was dressed fully in black. He wore a black coat, black gloves on his hands, and a black pant along with black shoes. He was also wearing a black hat. The combination of the hat and the mask made it impossible for her to guess out what would be the genuine face of her captor. Only the eyes beneath the mask were genuine. Suddenly the captor got hold of her jacket and forced it open as one by one the buttons on the jacket popped out of their place. Juliet was wearing a t-shirt beneath her jacket. He also tore the t-shirt open. Juliet began to squeal uneasily but a hard slap from her captor on her face silenced her. As her t-shirt was torn and removed, a gold necklace which was worn on her neck became visible. On the tip of the necklace were inscribed the words ‘B.J’. The captor paused and stared at those letters as if he recognized something. “Perhaps he wants the necklace”, Juliet thought. But she turned out to be wrong. Her captor left the necklace as it was and quickly turned his attention on her blouse. He ripped it open with his gloved hands. Underneath the blouse she was wearing a bra but her large and magnificent curves were already visible. Her captor bent down and pulled down her shorts. He removed her shoes. Now Juliet was chained, clad only in her bra and panty.




During this time, Ben’s mother had received a call from Juliet’s mother. “Mrs. Johnson, I am very afraid. Nothing of this sort has ever happened before.” “Relax Mrs. Catherine”, Ben’s mother replied, “Ben just met with a minor accident tonight. May be Juliet is staying with him tonight.” “But surely she would have informed me by this time”, Mrs. Catherine sounded very much worried. “Don’t worry Mrs. Catherine. I will call Ben and find out. Everything will be fine. You just go back to sleep. If anything is wrong I will call you back”. With that the she ended the call. Ben’s mother quickly dialed Ben’s cell phone number. But although the ring was going on nobody picked it up. Even Ben’s mother became a little tensed. “Should I call the police,” she thought, then she reconsidered her thinking, “but Ben must be sleeping. After all it’s around midnight and he is already tired. Anyone would be dozing at this time.” Ben’s mother assured herself that everything would be fine and she went off to sleep. That was where she made her mistake. It would be almost 8 more hours before she would realize it.




Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Juliet was sweating all over her body. It was partly due to tension and partly due to fear. Her captor now removed a small knife from his pocket. He watched the fear in Juliet’s eyes as he did this. Then he walked around her back and she could no more see him. Her captor took the knife and cut open the hook of her bra which was on her backside. The bra slid open and fell to the floor. Similarly he cut down her panty and it also fell to the floor. Her captor moved in front of her. Now Juliet was totally devoid of any clothing except for the gag which was placed on her mouth. She was totally nude except for the gag and the gold necklace. She could see the gleam in the eyes of her captor as he inspected her nude body. He took one of her breasts in his gloved hand and slowly rubbed the pink nipple with his finger. As he did this, she moaned behind her gag. Then he left her for some time and went out of the dungeon. He returned after a few minutes carrying a plastic bag. He removed something from the bag which Juliet recognized as a bunch of wires. He took the wires and slowly wrapped them around her naked body. When he had finished wrapping her, only her head, her breasts and her pussy were visible. All other parts of her body had been wrapped up completely in black wires. Then he connected one end of the wires to a small wooden box which consisted of a regulator and a button. The regulator had the markings from 1 to 5. He carried the wooden box in his hands. He then went behind her and connected the other end of the wires to a switchboard. Juliet was unable to see this because her back was facing the switchboard. Then suddenly, without any warning, he pressed the button on the wooden box. Blue sparks of electricity burst out from all the wires and they rubbed against Juliet’s body causing her to yell in pain. But the gag prevented the yell from escaping her mouth. Her captor, who had been standing behind her, moved in front of her to show her the apparatus. He showed the wooden box to her and turned the regulator from1 to 2.Then he pressed the button. Again the blue sparks of electricity passed around her body and again she yelled causing the chains to dangle. He turned the regulator from 2 to 3 and pressed the button. This time more number of sparks passed around her and she violently dangled in the chains causing her breasts to sway right and left. Her captor delightedly turned the regulator once more from 4 to 5.When he pressed the button, the pain encountered by Juliet was so much that she let out such a scream, that if not for the gag, she would have awakened the whole neighborhood. Her whole body was sweating vigorously. Her body was no longer able to stand upright. She allowed her whole weight to act on the chains. But this did little to please her captor. He returned his attention to the regulator and set the pain level to the maximum, i.e., to level 5. As he did this he looked up to meet her eyes. Her eyes were pleading him to stop. She shook her head as if to signal a ‘no’ when she saw what he was about to do. But he ignored her pleadings and pressed the button. The impact of the electric blasts was so much that her whole body shuddered violently and shook for one last time. Then she fell unconscious.





It was around 8.a.m in the morning when Mrs. Johnson received a phone call from her son. “Goodmorning mom!”, Ben said. “Good morning Ben. How are you feeling?”. “I am feeling fine mom. Will you please do me a favor? Call Julie and say that I am waiting for her. She promised me that she would visit me in the morning and she has not yet come.”

That was when Mrs. Johnson realized that something was wrong.




To be continued…………….


"Name of the missing person






"Name of the missing person?'', asked the police constable, as he noted down.

"Catherine Juliet”, answered Ben.

"Lastly seen ..."

"Yesterday night".

Ben, his mother Miss Johnson, Miss Catherine (Juliet's mother) and her husband had arrived at the police station nearly fifteen minutes ago, but had been told to wait by the constable until the inspector arrives. Just as the constable decided to take down the information the inspector arrived.

"Good morning Inspector Jones!” the constable greeted him.

“A very good morning Peitler!” inspector Jones returned the greeting.

"Excuse me!” Ben interrupted, “I don't think that it is a very good morning for us".

Jones gazed questionably at Ben.

Ben's mother nudged at him, but Ben was in a very bad mood.

"Pardon me sir,” said Jones,” I don't get you."

Ben almost burst out,” For the past fifteen minutes we have been waiting and being totally ignored and all you come and say is that you don't get anything. What do you think........"

Jones cut him off,” Please calm down sir and clearly tell me what the problem is..."

This time Miss Catherine spoke,” My daughter is missing since last night and we came to give the complaint."

"Why are you so certain that she is missing? She might have gone to someone's house for staying and she might be planning to return home today."

"She never goes without informing us in advance, inspector,” replied Mr. Catherine (Juliet's father).

"And she wouldn't go roaming about in my car,” sneered Ben. He was getting very much irritated.

"No need to get tensed mister,” Jones said.

"I didn't come here for you to advice me, inspector".

"I understand....."

"No you don’t!” Ben slammed his fist on the table.

"Wait, listen..."

Ben again started to say something before his mother realized that the conversation was getting worse and stopped him and said,” Let us listen to him first, Ben.”

 Ben controlled himself somewhat.

Jones continued," I just said it is too soon to imagine things..., but nevertheless I am taking down the information. Do you have her photo?"

Miss Catherine gave him the photo.

"Fine! I will file the complaint. I have some work now. Come back in the noon. If she still hasn't returned, then we will proceed with the search. Till then be patient."




Catherine Juliet woke up from her sleep only to get a cold greeting.

“Good morning, Catherine Juliet! “

Juliet froze in horror. A cold shiver went down her spine.

The shiver was not due to the arrival of her captor, not because he had spoken to her for the first time, it was not even due to the mention of her name, but……..the voice………she felt as if she had heard this voice before.

“I have been waiting for you to get up. I didn’t want to disturb you from your pleasant dreams.”

Juliet couldn’t talk as she still had the gag on her mouth.

“Perhaps you are surprised by the mention of your name by me,” spoke her masked captor.

Though the sound of his voice came, Juliet could see no moment of his lips. And how could she? After all the voice came from the original mouth beneath the mask.

“However there is no need for you to worry about that matter. It is quite unnecessary for you. What you should be concerned about, right now, is yourself.”

Her captor gazed at her chained nude body. He bent down so that she could directly meet his eyes. He had tied her hands behind her back and her legs to a single pillar so that she could lie down.




“Now listen to me carefully. I am going to remove the gag from your mouth. But beware, if you make even the slightest sound you will receive good lashes from this,” he lifted his hand to show her what he was holding,” this, is an electronic whip.”

Even as Juliet saw the cruel object in her captor’s hand, memories of the tortures she suffered last night flooded through her mind.

“From now onwards, I will do all the talking. You will just say a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ whenever I ask you a question. Did you get that?”

Juliet slowly nodded her head not knowing what else to do.

“If you ever break this rule, you will get a deserved punishment”.

Juliet could not see a smile in her captor’s face but she could definitely sense a glee in his voice as he said this.

Her captor removed the gag from her mouth. But Juliet didn’t dare to shout. Her hands and legs were still chained.

He placed his hand on her right breast and slowly squeezed it hard. Juliet tried hard not to yell.

He pinched her nipple. This time she could not resist a slight muffle.

His hand slowly moved down her pussy. His fingers circled around her crotch.

He poked one of his fingers inside her tiny hole.

Juliet bit her lip to stop herself from screaming.

The masked face turned up to look at her face. The masked face came very close to her face, almost touching her nose. “Do you know something Juliet, you smell a little stinky. Would you like to take a bath?”

Juliet was surprised by this sudden question. She simply stared at the mask.

“That was a question Juliet! I need an answer.”

She couldn’t bring about to say anything. At last she managed to blurt a “Yes”.

At least she could be free from his poking of her body.

“Very well”, said the voice beneath the mask.

Her captor stood up and walked behind the pillar. From there he picked up a small object. He came in front of Juliet again. On seeing a little closer Juliet saw that the object looked like a remote controller.

Her captor pressed a button on the remote and an opening slid open just beside her. It was filled with water and had the appearance of an underground water tank.

“Now this will be your underground bathtub Juliet”.

Juliet hadn’t expected this.

Her captor moved behind the pillar and removed the chain bound to her legs. But before Juliet could do anything he quickly tied both her legs with the chain. This way she was free from the pillar but she couldn’t move her hands and legs herself.

Without warning, her captor lifted her to a standing position and quickly pushed her into the underground water tank.

Juliet felt slight pain as her body suddenly splashed into the cold water. The tank was deeper than her whole height. She felt herself being pulled out of the water by her hair.

“Not tall enough, eh?” sneered her captor as he pulled her face out of the water.

“It seems we must make some arrangements for you”.

He took two ropes and tied them to two knots on her hair which he made and then tied the ropes to the two pillars such that the water level just stayed below her nose but covered her mouth. This made breathing possible but difficult.

“It seems fine! Now I have to go. I have some work. But you can expect me to return soon. So till then, enjoy a nice bath Juliet”.



 “Are you Dr.Simons?”

 “Yes, I am!”

“I am Inspector Jones.”

Ben, Juliet’s father and Inspector Jones were now in the hospital in which Ben was admitted last night.

“You wanted to see me inspector.”

“Yes Doctor. Do you remember this person? “, he pointed towards Ben.

“Oh yeah! He was admitted in our hospital last night for a minor accident and was discharged this morning only.”

“You were the doctor in charge.”

“Yes, I was.”

“Then you must be aware of his friend who admitted him. Her name was Catherine Juliet.”

“Yes. She admitted him and left after ensuring that he stayed in the hospital. Why, is there any problem?”

“As a matter of fact, she has been unavailable from yesterday night.”


“We suspect that she is missing.”


“Since this was the last place she was seen, I considered it necessary to visit the hospital and see you.”

“I am so sorry! Could I be of any help?”

“Did she say anything to you when she left the hospital?”


“Are you sure doctor? Did she say anything….anything at all?”

This time Dr.Simons hesitated a little. ”Err….,”he paused slightly and then finally replied,” no. Nothing that I remember.”

“Dr.Simons”, this time Juliet’s father talked,”do you realize that any information you give might be of utmost importance in finding my daughter.”

“I am sorry sir! I don’t know anything else.”

“Well then doctor!” inspector Jones said” We don’t have anything else to say. Thank you for your co-operation.”



When they were out of the hospital Jones asked Juliet’s father,” According to what the doctor said, Juliet must have directly headed to her house after leaving the hospital. From here, which way do you use to go to your house?”

“There are three routes for reaching my home from this place….”

“Which way is the shortest?”

“Two roads are main roads and both of them take around the same time. The third road may lead more quickly as it is mostly deserted and hence there is no traffic. But we have never used that road because it is in a very bad condition.”

“But she might have used the third route.” Jones turned to Ben,” What do you think Ben?”

“I don’t think she might use a route which she has never used before.” said Ben.

“On the other hand,” said Jones,” late at night, she might have wanted to reach her house as fast as possible. So she might have preferred to use the third route. It’s just an assumption. We will see soon.”

All three of them headed for the third route in Jones’ police jeep.

The inspector turned out to be right. No further had they gone half the route, they spotted Ben’s car which Juliet had driven the previous day.

Jones got out and examined the car.

“The car seems to be in a good condition”, said Juliet’s father.

“Well, not totally,” said Jones,” there are some marks in the front side of the car.”

“They seem like scratches’, said Juliet’s father.” But why would Juliet make those scratches in a new car.”

“She didn’t make them deliberately. They were made……….”

“Made?” asked Juliet’s father with a puzzled look on his face. ”How….?”

“During a fight or a struggle….” Jones turned towards Ben.” For the first time I agree with you Ben.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I think Juliet was kidnapped. She probably made these marks with her shoes while she was having a fight with her kidnapper. Now we get the reason for her missing.”

Juliet’s father looked shocked and frightened.

Ben was getting tensed again,”Damn it! I know that she is missing. I have been telling you that since morning. What the hell…, all I want to know is that ….where is she now.”

“We will find that out.”

The inspector moved a little further to search. ”Here I see the tyre marks of another car, which probably would be our kidnapper’s car. Let us see where these marks lead to. These marks lead to that direction. Let’s follow it in my jeep.”

But no sooner had they covered a few meters that the marks suddenly disappeared.

“Uh-oh!’ Jones sounded disappointed.” Our criminal seems to be very clever. From this point onwards he has driven his car on a rocky path which leaves no marks. That way he gets us off his track. He might have gone in any direction from this path. The combinations are too vast to make any assumptions.”

And so, their search ended as abruptly as it started.





Juliet was having a hell of time in her captor’s dungeon. She felt as if this was the longest day in her life. She had been in the water for several hours now.

Her body had become cold and rigid and yet there was little she could do.

She was finding it very hard to breathe as her nose was just above the water. She almost suffocated many times while trying hard to breathe properly.

She had been suspended into the water tank through knots in her hair. Had it not been to the upward force she was experiencing due to the buoyancy of the water, she would have found it very painful to have been hanged by her hair.

In the dungeon, she found it impossible even to guess what time or part of the day it was.

She couldn’t even shout because a considerable part of her face was inside the water, which included her mouth.

But the most occupied thought in Juliet’s mind was the voice. That voice……… had sounded familiar, but she couldn’t recall where she had heard it before. It had sounded very funny…if that was the right word to describe it……..sort of pitch modulated voice.

No sooner had she thought about this that she heard the footsteps again. She prayed that it would be someone else for rescue, but, to her dismay it turned out to be her captor as usual.

“I am back, Juliet!” he said cheerfully.” Now let’s get you out of your bath-tub. I hope you had a very enjoyable bath.”

He untied the knots from her hair and started lifting her. As soon as he lifted her out of the water, she spit in his face with some water she had already gathered in her mouth for this purpose.

It turned out to be a very bad mistake as she later regretted it.

“That was a wrong thing to do Juliet. After all, you spit in my mask. No harm to my face. What a way to waste a spit….”

Juliet yelled very loudly” You Fucker! Let me out! Let me go you sick bastard………”, her captor quickly slapped a gag over her mouth.

Juliet desperately wrestled with her chains, but in vain.

He slapped her hard three times on her face until she stopped struggling. He caught her by the neck and pressed until she calmed down. He then tied her again spread-eagled to the two pillars.

And to Juliet’s’ horror he took out the whip and fixed its wire cable to the plug point.

“When I mentioned you not to say anything, it also meant not to open your mouth. You have broken that rule and it is time to see that you get the punishment you deserve”.

Juliet just watched him swing his hand and the next instant she felt pain tear through her body as the whip landed on her stomach. She also felt a momentary shock rip through her body as the powerful lash touched her skin.

“How did you feel that?” He didn’t wait for an answer.

He moved behind her and cracked a powerful lash on her ass.

Juliet muffled in pain as her whole body shook terribly.

He whipped her ass seven more times and came in front of her to view her.

Juliet was terribly exhausted and her eyes had become very watery due to the pain.

The look in her face let out a sorry expression as if she begged her torturer to stop.

“Now! What does Juliet want to say?” he mocked her.

Juliet let out a slow moan beneath her gag.

“Does that mean you are sorry?”

Juliet nodded her head desperately.

“Very good! So let me finish our deal” and this time he brought down the whip on her left breast. Juliet almost jumped with pain.

With that, her captor went and plugged of the whip from its plug point.

“I am going to remove your gag once again. But before that, I want to ask whether I can have your full co-operation this time?”

Juliet nodded her head quickly.

“Good! Don’t ever do the mistake of behaving like that to me again. Do you understand?”

Juliet nodded her head again.

He removed her gag and then he suddenly asked,” Are you hungry Juliet?”

Juliet was taken aback by this question and she realized that she had forgotten something all along. She tried to remember the last time she had a meal.

“That was a question Juliet.”

“Yes!” she added quickly.

“Fine! I have the meals prepared. However that won’t mean that you are having your hands and legs free.”

He went somewhere nearby and came back after a few minutes holding a bowl of food in his hand.” I wanted to feed you myself, but since you behaved naughtily, I suppose there is a change of plans.”

He set the bowl on the floor. ”Bend down Juliet”.

Juliet looked at him, confused.

“I said to bend down on your knees”.

Juliet hesitated slightly but then quickly thought otherwise and did as she was told .He tied her hands behind her back and also tied her legs together.

“Now I want you to eat it. I am going to go and have my meals. And listen….before I come back I want that bowl to be licked completely clean. Otherwise it will be the last meal you will be having for the next two days.”





In her house, Miss Johnson looked around to see if anyone was around. When she made sure that nobody was nearby, she picked up the phone and dialed a number. And then she began to speak …………………………………….






















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