BDSM Library - Tanya Loves Brenda

Tanya Loves Brenda

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A chance encounter leads to sex and love. Also involves friendshp, drugs and violence.
Tanya Loves Brenda

                                                              Tanya Loves Brenda


So far college was a bore for Tanya.  Having gone to private school everything she heard in her classes was a rehash of her junior highschool year so she often cut class to cruise the Strip. The Strip was an area just outside campus that offered all sorts of diversions for students who had time to kill or were here on daddys' dime and just intended to party till they dropped.


Tanya was a smart young woman who had always been comfortable with the fact that she was a lesbian. She liked to think of herself a a glam-goth. She didn't know if there really was such a category, especially in this town, but that is how she felt and dressed to fit her mood.


She loved black and leather and short skirts. In contrast, she chose to color her lips and nails in vibrant colors ranging from bright red to neon blue. Heeled ankle boots and revealing braless tops were a must when she was not attending a class. She kept her hair rather long as it was dark and straight and gave her a 'Morticia' sort of look.


All eyes had turned to her as she entered the pub. Except for the barmaids, the place was filled with boys who immediately began to hit on her and offer her drinks. She dismissed them all and bought her own drink. Cherry cola and Jack was her sweet and nasty favorite.


There were three pool tables and she noted that some money had just changed hands as a preppy looking college boy had just sank the money ball right in the face of a biker looking dude that nobody in their right mind would want to mess with.

The other patrons watched the biker glower at the privileged little punk and wondered if a bloodbath would ensue. Instead, the big man peeled off some bills and threw them on the table.

"See you on the road bitch" he said as he turned and nearly broke the door with his exit. Within the pub only the jukebox made a sound until the roar of a Harley peeling away was heard outside. Preppy boy gathered his money but clearly wasn't confident about driving back to his dorm right away.


"Easy money", thought Tanya.

 Having received her drink she sauntered to the table where the preppy boy and his goofball friends were yucking it up.

She leaned over the table giving them an exaggerated view of her cleavage and spoke in her most sultry voice.


"Hey, stickman, that was pretty good; think you can beat me?"

She knew that a glimpse of titties made men agree to all sorts of crazy things so naturally 'preppy boy' said yes,


Tanya literally laid her ass on the line. She bet against everything taken from the biker plus all the money preppy and his pals had on them. When it was all laid out the boys had almost fifteen hundred on the table. Tanya had two hundred in cash and offered her bankcard and a recent statement that showed a balance of eight hundred.


"You've already lost, bitch, you can't just make a bet and not cover it", said preppy.


"Well," said Tanya, "I've saved the best for last. How about a four way? If I lose, I will screw all your balls off."  With that she began to dance with the music and did things with her hips reminiscent of the Shakira and Fergie videos they had all jerked off to.


"It's on," said the boys. Best of three!"


They flipped a coin for break and college boy won. He scattered the balls with no lucky sinks which was fine with Tanya. Within ten minutes she worked her way through the cluttered table and sank every shot.

While loserboy was racking the balls she returned to her drink and looked out the full window of the pub. That's when she saw her.


Brenda had missed the bus that was to take her back to the campus of St. Elizabeths School for Exceptional Girls. It had been a lovely fieldtrip to the Museum of Fine Arts and she had been so engrossed in the ancient pictures of naked women that she had not heard the call of her proctor to assemble. She eventually found herself quite alone wiithin the foreboding building and slowly realized she would have to make her own way out of the city. She had to trot along the dirty streets that led away from the museum in her five inch heels and short schoolgirl skirt in a desperate attempt to find a way home. There were scary people all around that whistled and said very naughty things about the way her unfettered titties bounced beneath her loose white school blouse. Some had suggested that the inadvertant swaying of her hips was 'bootyliscious'. One boy had even offered to let her sit on his face. She was getting tired and thought he was nice to offer but that it might reflect badly on the school if she were seen relaxing in such a manner on a busy street. There was a bus stop just ahead and she began to search the small pockets of her skirt for enough change to get a public bus back to school.


Tanya could barely believe her eyes. The saucy tart had strutted right up in front of the window and was twisting her ass from side to side in her short pleated skirt. She seemed to be rubbing her thighs but, with great effort, drew forth a few coins that she looked at with a disappointed stare.


The balls had been racked and Tanya was called back to the table. Reluctantly she turned away from the window and took her shot. She scattered the balls but the outcome did not look good. Preppy made four easy shots leaving her with no options that would not take time. Time was now foremost on her mind as she really wanted to get to that sweet piece of eye candy outside the window before a bus, or something worse, swept her out of her life forever. She had to get this overwith as soon a possible. She purposly sank the eight ball with a deft bankshot and turned again to the window.

"God", she thought, "That is one pretty girl." Without knowing her name she decided that if she could ever meet the girl she would always call her "Pretty".


The little darling was prancing in her heels as though she might have to pee.

Her blonde curls bounced in time with her unfettered tits and bubble butt as she became increasingly aware of her predicament. She finally settled on the bus stop bench and tightly crossed her legs.


The boys were were feeling good now and had some things to say.

"Rack the balls, bitch." "Your ass is ours." "Like to play with balls, huh?"


Tanya formed a tight rack on the table while exposing a good portion of her own. Just as 'Preppy' was about to shoot she gave a tug to her silky blouse and flashed a nipple. 'Preppys' shot went wide and peeled away only a few balls.


With a glance out the window, to assure that 'Pretty' was still there, Tanya went to work. She had learned a lot working in her daddys' bar and it had never mattered more than now. She sank five balls before 'Preppy' got a turn. He put away two but then it was over. Tanya finished the table within two minutes and waited, with hands on hips, to receive her payment.


The boys raised a protest and were refusing to pay until a large shadow fell across the table. Biker guy was back looming over the table and siipping a beer. "I saw the whole game, he said, the lady beat your wussy ass, so deal with it."

The boys paid up. Tanya grabbed her jacket and she and the biker exited out the back door. Tanya peeled off five hundred and handed it to biker guy.


"Thanks, Henry, you're a girls best friend."

He straddled his Harley and gently stroked her cheek. "Anytime babe, it's a pity you''re not straight."

"Well, she said, it's a pity you're not a girl. I'll call you later but. if my luck holds, I might have a hot date waiting out front."


"She's sweet, said Henry, if you don't take her I will." With that, he gunned the bike and sped from the parking lot.


Tanya made her way to the front just as a bus was pulling up. She saw Pretty step in and present her meager change but the driver just shook his head and left the girl sobbing in his wake. She walked right up and put an arm around the girls shoulder.


"What's the matter, Pretty, what's got you crying?"


"Mm, my, my, name's Brenda", sobbed the girl.


"Well, that's a nice name but you don't mind if I call you "Pretty" do you.?"


"No, but I've missed my school bus and don't have enough money to get back tp St. Elzabeths."


"I might be able to help, said Tanya, I have a car and it's right down the block."

"Would you like to go with me?"


"Ok, but I really have to pee, too, and I can't wait much longer."


"I know a place for that, and it's on our way, just follow me."


Tanya led Pretty/Brenda into an allyway and behind a large dumpster.

"I've only been in town for six months but I have pissed here plenty of times. Just drop your panties and squat," she said.


Pretty was too desperate to argue and held onto the dumpster as she tugged her panties over her spiky heels. She handed them to Tanya.


"Will you hold these for me?" "It would be naughty if I got them wet."


Tanya fondlled the silky white panties as Pretty squatted behind the dumpster.

She held them to her face and savored the fragance as she heard the splash of piss on concrete. A frothy torrent of girl pee flowed past her boot and continued for some time. The girls bladder must have contained a gallon. She waited patiently after the flow ended but when the girl did not stand she finally had to ask. "What are you doing back there?"


A meek voice responded. "Miss? What's your name?


"My name is Tanya. Now, what's the problem?"


"I'm still wet Miss and I need to be wiped."


"Well, use your hand, or skirt or whatever. Why is that a big deal?"


"I'm not supposed to touch myself, you know, down there. It's a school rule and I"m a good girl MissTanya. Don't you have some tissues or something?"


Tanya and Henry had played out their pool scenario several times since they had met and became friends. They had made some good bucks with their clever con and it had never failed. The rich college boys were always brimming with confidence after winning money from a guy who looked like Henry and were easy marks when Tanya strutted up and offered herself as a prize. Tanya now begin to wonder if it were she who was being conned. She was definately hot for the schoolgirl but wondered if she could possibly be for real.


Tanya found tissues in her jacket pocket that she had used to blot her lipstick. She walked behind the dumpster to find Pretty still squatting there holding her little skirt well above her hips. She instantly noted the girl was a natural blonde and that the golden curls around her pussy glistened with tiny droplets of her amber pee. She offered the tissues but the girl just stared back at her with wide green eyes and said, "I'm not supposed to touch and I'm a good girl." "Won't you help me?"


Even if she was somehow being played Tanya found the prospect of acess to that sweet pussy impossible to resist. She squatted beside Pretty and began a gentle wipe of the girls moist curls. She slipped a finger along the smooth lips of Prettys' vagina and felt them grow damp with sticky girl cream. She poised her hand at the entrance of the girls tight honey tunnel and slowly inserted a finger.

Pretty sighed and raised her mouth to be kissed. Tanya engulfed the offered lips with her own and thrust her tongue deep into the pliant mouth as she added another finger and fucked the girl until she could feel her hand being flooded with syrupy  cum. 


Pretty held the kiss as long as she could and used her tongue to lap up Tanyas' flowing spittle that filled her mouth but as she climaxed she could no longer squat and fell back on her butt. Drool dripped from her chin and even after the fingers were removed from her pussy she squirted a bit more and this time it had soiled her skirt. She would be in so much trouble at school. The sexy young woman in black extended a hand to help her up but she knew what she should do first. She took Tanyas' hand and kissed it. She sought out the fingers that had fucked her and began to lick them clean.


Tanyas' panties were very damp by now but she did not want to make real love in some sordid alleyway that she had formerlly used only to take a piss.

She helped Pretty to her feet, assisted her to put on her panties and led her to the car. Once they were seated Tanya lit a cigarette and looked at her passenger. Pretty kept her knees together with her hands in her lap but would cast flirting glances toward her. Tanya shiffted her position and slowly raised a leg to rest on the back of the passenger seat. This movement raised her skirt and revealed her brief wet thong as well as the dragonfly tatoo that hovered just above her pussy.


Pretty could no longer feign disinterest in her savior. She went to her knees and began to kiss the strong supple thighs,  Her mouth slowly made its' way upward and she was soon using long tongue strokes on Tanyas' moist silky thong.


The girls' tongue was amazing.

Tanya could feel her panty crotch being inserted within her with every lapping thrust. She pulled her panty aside and allowed Pretty free acess to the full flow of her passion. The kneeling girl licked her deeply and then found her clit. She brought it forth with gentle flicks of her tongue tip then held it between her lips and began to hum a little tune that resembled "The Sound of Music."

Tanya clenched her thighs tightly on the lovely face between her legs and gripped her lovers blonde curls to hold the skillfull mouth in place as she thrust her hips and  felt an intense orgasm claim her senses. Pretty did not abandon her but calmed and cleaned her simultaneously with a gently lapping tongue and soft sipping lips. Tanya had gushed profusely as she came and when she opened her eyes she was thrilled at the sight of the blonde beautys glistening face between her legs.


Tanya found more tissues within the confines of her cluttered car and began to wipe her copious spendings from her new lovers face.

"Oh, Pretty, that was special." "Where did you learn to do that?"


"I learned at school, said Pretty, but I liked it so much better with you Miss Tanya."


Tanya became vexed. "Get up and sit down and enough of that "Miss Tanya" crap, my name is just Tanya." "Got it?" "Now, where do you want to go, back to some stuffy old school or to my cozy little apartment?"


Pretty looked bewildered but cute as she bit her lower lip and gave Tanya a wide eyed helpless look. "Oh, I don't know, I'm in so much trouble if I go back now." "Maybe, in a day or two, I could call the school and tell them I was kidnapped or something."


Tanya laughed and started the car. "We'll work that out later,she said, but tonight you're staying with me." "I'm hungry, do you like Chinese?"



















Tanya Loves Brenda pt 2

                                                  Tanya Loves Brenda pt 2


The girls scooted by a takeout window and Tanya bought several orders of food that she placed on her passengers lap. She didn't like to cook and such large purchases were not uncommon for her. There were, after all, classes that she needed to attend and hours to be spent at the library so a weekly cache of well stored sustenance saved her a lot of time.


Arriving at her complex she left it to Pretty to carry the food while she led the way to her home away from home.

Her apartment was a modest studio just off campus. It was not well kept. The one clean corner held her desk, computer, and a shelf of books. The rest was fillled with discarded clothes, dirty plates and half empty glasses.


Pretty placed the heavy bag on the table and looked around. There was clearly much work to be done but she was good at that and doing it for her new friend would be more pleasing than working for those mean proctors at her school.


Tanya opened the fridge and selected a bottle of white wine. She poured two glasses and presented one to her new roommate. "To new friends," she said.

Each selected a carton of Chinese cusine and settled on the small sofa.


It had been a long day for both and they ate in silence until Tanya burped and set Pretty into a fit of giggles. She put down her fork and said, " Oops, I gotta pee again", and dashed to the bathroom.  She came out and snuggled close to her dark haired friend.


"Don't worry, she said, I wiped and washed."


"Really, asked Tanya, how did you get so bold? 


Pretty bit her lower lip and smiled up at her.

"Well, I sorta lied about that part" said the curly blonde, "You were so beautiful and nice that I just wanted you to touch me."


Once again Tanya was beguiled and sprang from the sofa to refrigerate the food. In her mind even lust must give way to common sense and practicality.


She suggested a shower before bed and soon the floor was cluttered with more discarded clothes and the new lovers were delighting each other beneath the warm spray. Slippery soapy fingers went everywhere but as the water qrew cold the girls exited, gently toweled each other and retired to Tanyas rumpled bed.


Pretty frowned and said "That's a mess. Get us some more wine and I will fix it. 


This was new, as Tanya had rarely heard the girl speak with any certainty. but she liked it,  When she returned Pretty was stretched out on a bed of tightly drawn sheets and a neatly folded comforter resting just below her navel with her taut tummy and ripe breasts fuly exposed.


"I'm a good girl," said Pretty, as she opened her arms.


The wine was forgotten as the two young lovers snuggled in for the night and finally began to talk.


Pretty related of how she had once lived on a large estate with her loving parents and how they had been so understanding. When she was fifteen she had told them that she was in love with another girl. They told her that was fne if it made her happy but to be sure and to always guard her heart. She and her girlfriend, Priscilla, had spent many hours in her bedroom learning how to please each other and the world was beautiful until that fateful day when a plane crash had deprived her of her special parents and left her in the care of her uncle George and aunt Barbara.

They had wasted no time in moving into the estate and turning her life upside down. They were very strict, did not like any of her friends and forbade her to see them.


One night, when they were out, Brenda convinced Priscilla to visit her and it was a lovely reunion. They embraced, kissed and danced before falling on the bed amidst much laughter. Unfortunatly they lost track of time and were discovered in a position known as a "sixty nine."

Brendas' conservative and self rightious guardians had immediately banished her to St.Elzabeths School for Exceptional Girls while maintaining control of her inheritance until she was of age.


It was an interesting story but the supple curves of her bedmate were what was really on Tanyas' mind. She hushed the girl with a deep hard kiss and kneaded her firm young breasts until the nipples looked as though they might launch from her full mounds. She adored the fabulous titties with her mouth and let her hand drift slowly toward the moist cleft that she had briefly felt before.


Her lover was already dripping and a single finger would do no good. She started with two and heard a sexy grunt as her intrusion was welcomed. The expression on Prettys' face let her know that the girl was happy yet unsatisfied. She added a third finger with a forceful yet sensual stroke. Her thumb found another target and slid deeply into the adorable pucker that was her new lovers anus. She maintained a steady rhythm and kept a close watch on the girls face to gauge the effect.


The room was soon filled with emotion as mewing little kitten sounds gave way to the low growls of a lynx and then the pure piercing scream of a panther as Prettys hips rose from the bed as she climaxed.

Pretty drenched Tanyas hand as well as the sheets with her effusive spendings.

Neither girl minded the wetspot as they again cuddled and shared kisses with the smell of sex hanging heavily in the air.


The wayward schoolgirl felt so safe and grateful within her lovers embrace. Her kisses sought to provide maximum pleasure to her new friend. She nuzzled at Tanyas neck then kissed her shoulders and even licked beneath her arms. The musky taste reflamed her passion and she spent several minutes kissing and sucking at her lovers breasts before moving lower and slipping her tongue into the belly button. She raised her head and held Tanyas hand to her lips. It was specifically the very hand that had fucked her so well. She suckled at each digit while looking intently into the dark eyes of her lover.


"I like to lick", said Pretty.


"Oh, yes baby, you are such a good girl", replied Tanya as she gently guided the willing mouth between her legs.


For the next hour the college girl was educated by the hapless schoolgirl about the full potential of ardent oral love. Her pussy was lapped, kissed, teased, tweaked and sucked through many lovely orgasms. Some were so gut wrenching and intense that they caused her to pull hard on the blonde curls between her thighs while others brought her languid thoughts of swaying in a hammock on a tropical isle.


The girls had, at least, one thing in common. Tanya could feel that she was releasing a river of pussy cream but never felt a hint of wetness on her thighs or between her cheeks thanks to the tireless activity of Prettys tongue until, finally, the girl had exhausted her.


She fell into sleep and her dreams were of exotic fruit dripping with jucies that fell onto the faces and bodies of pretty blonde girls that danced in the sun. One of the juicy girls, with spectacular blonde curls, walked right up to her with two frosty drinks and kissed her. The dream ended much too soon for her liking.







Tanya Loves Brenda

                                                     Tanya Loves Brenda

                                                                  Pt. 3


Tanya awoke just before 10 am and realized she had already missed one class. Pretty was curled into a cute little ball on her bed with the full cheeks of her bottom displayed like two large melons. So tempting, yet she showered, threw on a top and some shorts and was out the door within ten minutes. She left a note that simply said, "I should be home by 5pm. Please stay. You are a very good girl. Love, Tanya."


Tanya attended all  her classes that day and went to the professor of the class she had missed with a story about car trouble and received the days assignments. She tried hard to focus but the idea that she might come home to an empty apartment  plagued her mind. Finally the day was done and she raced to her car and sped for home.


She paused outside the door before turning her key and said a little prayer.

"Oh, Pretty, please be here."


When she opened the door she was greeted by soft music and the smell of incense.Pretty was standing before her dressed in shorts and a tee. The girls wide smile was all she could see for a few moments as she silently gave thanks that her prayer had been answered.


As she entered the room she noted it was spotless. The clutter was gone, the carpet was clean and fluffy and her small kitchen sparkled. While she stood there, quite stunned, Pretty dashed forward to take her backpack of books, place them by the desk and began a long babble of how she had spent her day.


"Hi, Miss Tanya," said the impossibly perky girl.

"I did the laundry, vacuumed and mopped the kitchen. I found places for all the dishes after I washed them and cleaned the fridge. You had some really moldy stuff in there but some was good and I found enough to make dinner if you would like and froze the new food for later.

I borrowed these clothes. I hope you don"t mind. I'm so glad you're home.

Would you like some wine? I walked to the corner and bought it with some money I found in your panty drawer. I know that was naughty and I will pay you back.

Oh, I think you'll like it, just sit down and let me get it for you."

"Oh, and I hand washed all your undies too. You have some really nice things and they were much too delicate for the machine."


Tanya had spent her life believing there were two kinds of people, the users and the used and she had determined that she would never be the latter. Her cynical attitude, however, was but a distant memory now as she settled onto the sofa and watched Prettys perky bottom wiggle away to fetch her a glass of much needed wine.


The girl brought her a glass of Merlot, knelt beside her and began to nuzzle and kiss her legs. It was a nice feeling soTanya instantly forgave the minor theft and pulled a packet of cigarettes from her pocket as she decided to enjoy this moment. Smoking helped her think, or so she thought. She reclined further and let her legs fall apart. The wine and the kisses were removing all doubt and vexation she had felt throughout the day. 


"How was your day?" asked Pretty as her lips moved higher along Tanyas thigh. "I"ll bet you are the smartest woman that school has ever seen."


This was all too perfect and Tanya could feel herself succumbing to the irrational notion that she could simply keep the girl as her devoted love slave for as long as she liked. The silky tongue had snaked its way beneath the leg of her shorts and was licking at the edge of her panties but, by now, the girl was too much her lover to use, betray or abandon  She snapped her legs together and ordered Pretty to get herself a glass of wine and then sit beside her so they could talk.


Loosened by the wine and encouraged by her relatively mature friend Pretty related everything she knew about the school and the deal that was made with her guardians.


St. Elzabeths was not so much a school as a training facility. Given her lesbian tendencies Pretty/Brenda had been readily accepted with only a modest tuition. The Matron had assured uncle George and aunt Barbara that, with proper conditioning, the girl could be sold as a devoted maid and submissive lover to any number of wealthy women with an equal split of the profits. It seemed that many ladies of privilege were willing to pay generously and had the means to ensure that their purchase of a slave would not be noted in the press. 

Once swept away to a lair of one of the worlds many depraved divas Brenda could be considered a missing person and her inheritance would eventuallly fall to her guardians.


Over the past two years Matron and the proctors had taught Brenda to perform all manner of domestic servitude with a very harsh hand. She had endured paddles, whips, quirts and tawses as she learned to cook, clean and study all the ways that she might serve a demanding woman.


The last class of each day was devoted to lessons in oral submission where she had to use her mouth to please both Matron and her assistants in order to avoid a spanking. She had resisted at first and then. as she accepted her fate, advanced from the status of bitch through the ranks of slut, bimbo and maid to finally stand proudly naked before Matron and receive a little gold chain and pendant that marked her as a 'Good Girl.'

'Good girls' were ready to be sold and soon would be auctioned in all their submissive glory to the spoiled and wealthy women who no longer felt that disposable pets, cars, houses and boyfriends were sufficient to sate their undeserved egos.

Field trips into town were a perk of being a 'Good Girl' before bieng sold and Brenda had not thought of escape but simple twists of fate had led her to this moment as she sobbed on Tanyas shoulder.


This was a revealing and thought provoking story to Tanya. She caressed her sweet pets blonde curls and felt bad that she had been treated harshly for the financial gain of greedy ogres who clearly did not deserve it. On the other hand, she secretly knew that, given the means, she might well have been tempted to purchase just such a girl. She kissed Prettys face until the tears were all gone and sent her off to prepare dinner. She reached for her cell and called Henry.


Dispite his gruff manner and biker looks Henry was quite versatile in his pursuits. He maiintained, for instance, a relationship with a small group of cyber criminals that called themselves "the ghosts".  He hooked them up with drugs or girls and they, in turn, could get useful information on just about anything. After much joking about a BJ from Tanya as the price of service he agreed on five hundred to set his computer cowboys on the task of finding out everything available regarding St. Elzabeths, as well as Prettys' guardians and her deceased parents.

This deal bit deeply intoTanyas income but as she watched the swaying curls and bouncy bottom of Pretty stirring away at something on the stove she figured it was well worth it.


Somehow the girl had managed to combine the salvagable items in the kitchen into a  tasty meal and watched with pride and glee as the sexy woman seated by her side relished each bite and complimented her talents. After cleaning up she exited the kitchen to find that Tanya had shed her clothes and was lying face down on the bed. She knelt by the bed and stroked the long dark hair of her special friend.


"I love your hair, she said, I wish mine was straight like that, I have too many curls."


"I love your curls baby but I'm just too tired for a repeat of last night", whispered Tanya.


"That's ok, but, I could give you a nice massage", said the kneeling girl.


Getting no response Pretty sat on the bed and began a tentative caress of her lovers neck. Her efforts were not rebuffed so she continued in earnest. This was another talent she had honed at school and her hands delved into every muscle and sinew of her beautiful prone girlfriend and was rewarded with many sighs of appreciation and contentment. She smiled at the little grunt of disappointment as she finished her work on the lower back and skipped Tanyas bottom to start again at her feet and methodically work her way upward along the legs. She arrived again at Tanyas firm ass and although her anatomy lessons had taught her this part of the body was the 'Gluteus Maximus' she renamed it, in her mind, as 'Glorious Maximus'.


She gave it her most professional attention and then gradually became more intimate with her touch to let her hands slip between the prominent cheeks and slowly seperate them. She heard another sensual sigh but no indication that she should stop what she was doing. She kissed the descending curve of each proud hillock and could smell the musky aroma that arose from deep within the hidden valley.  Her kisses grew more bold and eventually went to the very center of Tanyas ass, She brought her tongue into play and slowly worked it into the tight anal orifice of the woman she now adored.


In contrast to her bad girl persona most of Tanyas lovers had been bi curious debutantes, cheerleaders and sorority girls and none of them had done this before.


Could that tongue possibly be as deep as it felt and could it possibly feel that good? She gave up all thought and brought a finger to her clitty. With just a few strokes she was cumming and raising her ass to increase the contact with Prettys tongue thrusts within her bottom. The girl held on to her hips and did not miss a lick until she had climaxed and fell flat on the bed. Still her cheeks were held apart with licks and kisses filling her deep devide. She could not remember ever having felt so sexy and so loved but suddenly there was an urgency that she could not ignore. She reached behind her to grab a handful of blonde curls and urged her lovers talented mouth from between her cheeks.


"Oh, baby, please stop, I have to fart."

She felt another kiss on her bottom and tugged harder.

"I'm serious, Pretty, I can't believe I'm saying this but get your face out of my ass."


"Ok", said Pretty, "I'm out of the way but I want to watch." She sat to the side and soon heard a tiny 'phht" sound from between Tanyas lovely globes. She burst into giggles and climbed over to lay beside her new friend and lover. "That was it? That was so cute. You fart like a girl." Her juvenile comments and the twinkle in her green eyes made her very relaxed lover laugh as well.


Tanya hugged the girl to her breasts and said, "You are such a silly and beautiful girl., now, let's get some sleep. Trust me, baby, I will make it all good and since you think my farts are so girly next time I wont warn you."


Pretty snuggled right into her lovers armpit and kissed her there as she mumbled, "You smell good everywhere, Miss Tanya."


"I told you not to call me that, said her lover, it's just Tanya,"


"I like that you think I'm pretty but my name is Brenda", she responded.

Her lover kissed her and whispered softlly, 'Point taken." "Goodnight Pretty."


"Goodnight Miss Tanya."


They fell asleep entwined but Tanya awoke alone.













                                                     Tanya Loves Brenda

                                                                                    Pt. 4


A thin shaft of sunlight pierced the drawn shades and fell across Tanya's face. She awoke with a start fearing she had missed another class and that her college career was on a fast track to oblivion. She dashed to the shower. When she emerged she found a well pressed blouse and a fresh pair of shorts that had somehow appeared on the top of her dresser and heard Pretty call from the kitchen.


"Breakfast is ready. Your first class starts in an hour."


Once dressed, Tanya rounded the corner to see Pretty standing by the table in just her schoolgirl skirt with her proud bare tittes on display which jiggled a bit as she poured hot coffee into a cup.


Pretty smiled widely as Tanya entered and began another long babble that she hoped would explain everything.


"Good morning, Miss Tanya, thanks for everything. You were so nice to help me and it was so great and sexy to be with you but I know you have to go to your classes so I made you some breakfast and don't worry about me."

"I'll be a good girl all day. Please sit down. Even beautiful women, like you, need to eat."

"I didn't find sugar nor cream so I guess you like your coffee black."


Tanya took her seat and saw that the topless girl had prepared eggs and toast with jelly. She sipped her coffee and found it was good. She consumed the food while in a dazed reflection of the last two days events. It was only as she took her last bite of toast that she realized how satisfying and tasty the breakfast had been. She was drawn from her reverie as Pretty began to clear away the dishes, kissed her face and spoke. "You have to go, Miss Tanya, I don't want you to be late again."


Dispite having been hustled out of her own apartment by a topless and homeless runaway Tanya smiled all the way to school and found herself quite engaged with her classes. She found nuance in the thngs she already knew and was intrigued by the new information. It was late in the day when her cell rang with a call from Henry.


"Hi, babe, you really tapped a hornet's nest with this one. It seems your fluffy little conquest is a very rich girl but her guardians have an eye on her inheritance."

"She was sent to St. Elzabeth in hopes of making her disappear altogether and just stumbled into your arms by dumb luck. Did she tell you about her school?"


Tanya sighed into her cell. "Yes Henry, can we help her? I really like this girl."


"Well, said Henry, 'the ghosts' found a posting of her parents will. There"s a clause that says she can control her inheritance when she turns eighteen if she is gainfully employed or enrolled in college."


Another sigh from Tanya brought forth another question. "How old is she, Henry?"


"Seventeen years and nine months", he replied. "It seems there was a lot of bidding for her so the school has been holding out but finally settled on a buyer in Prague.  The school and the buyer want her alive but George and Barbara would just as soon see you both dead, so, be careful."


Tanya reverted to the breathy sensual voice that she used in the pubs.

"Sounds lIke I need a friend , Henry, someone big and strong and not afraid of anything. Someone like you, maybe?"


Henry laughed, "I like you Tanya but I'm in business. I"ve got a club to run and this thing smacks of a huge headache. What's in it for me?"

Henrys' laughture wasn't just because he had Tanya on the ropes and she was just about to agree to anything he asked but also because his favorite girlpal Candi had stopped by.


Candi had arrived with a compact package just as he made the call.

She had opened the package on his coffee table and took a taste. Her sly smile and dancing blue eyes told him that they had made a good purchase. Candi was a great judge of product. While he talked, Candi unzipped his shorts and powdered his cock with the product, spit on her hands and massaged it in. Once he was fully hard her bright red lips slid all the way down its length then slowly withdrew to leave only the hardened head of his cock between her lips as she gave him a wink. That's when he laughed.


Tanya nearly sobbed, "Please, Henry, I've never asked anything special but this is important. I don"t have much money but this time I"ll give you anything, even myself, however you want."


Henry laughed again as Candi took a sip of champagne and used one of her long nails to scoop up some of the product and sniff it up her nose. She then stood up and lavished her moist pussy with a scoop of the illicit powder and began to slowly kneewalk up the sofa while Henry quickly closed off his conversation with Tanya.


"Lighten up, Tanya, I can hear that you're in love and still don't realize that the little bird between your legs is actually the 'golden goose'.  I'm going to give your problem my full attention for te.....".  Candi wagged her finger and held up another  with her white coated pussy just inches away from Henrys' mouth as he spoke into the phone. "Er, Tanya, I gotta go but I think I can help you for twenty percent of everything coming your way." "Deal or no deal?"


Tanya was still confused. Twenty percent of what? She knew, however, that when Henry said he 'gotta go' that was it. She also knew that Henry was holding someting back but at this point she didn't care.

"Sure, Henry, if anything good comes of this you get twenty percent but you also get twenty percent of the bad so, yea, it's a deaL"


As soon as he clicked off the phone Henry felt Candis powdered pussy settle onto his mouth. His tongue became slightly numb as he licked her labia, flicked her clit then slid deep inside. The woman deserved her due so he was content with the taste of foreplay until she lifted off and engulfed his cock within the tight moist velvet of her sex. It was a long sweet ride for them both and each time Henry sucked at Candi's hard nipples irridescent dollar signs danced before his eyes.


Even after their sexual needs were sated Henry and Candi stayed up all night. First, they dealt with the product and had it packaged for purchase in record time. Several eager buyers stopped by and Candi had soon stashed a small mountain of cash into their safe. They broke out a fresh bottle of Dom and discussed how best to deal with the potential windfall that centered around Tanya and Pretty. Eventually they had to sleep and still had business to do so it was a week later when Henry finally called Tanya to present  their plan to her. 







                                                    Tanya Loves Brenda

                                                                 Pt. 5


Tanya fell into a comfortable lifestyle of being awakend by gentle kisses that might begin on any part of her body and usually end with Pretty's amazing tongue lapping

her pussy into a frothy lather that jumpstarted her day better than the best espresso.


Her clothes were kept crisp and clean while breakfast and fresh coffee were always waiting for her. She would kiss her sexy servant goodbye and glide through each day with keener insight and sense of purpose than ever before.


Her grades soared. She stopped smoking and began working out. She loved to work hard and build up a lot of sweat thinking of the sweet pink tongue that would soon eagerly lick it all up. It had become a pre-shower ritual for Pretty's skillful mouth to both clean and soothe her before they showered together.


It was at just such a moment, as she began to gently move her pussy on her kneeling lover's compliant flattened tongue, that her phone rang. She ignored it until she heard Henry's voice.


"Hey Tanya, whatcha doin'? Bet you're havin' fun but this is important. Pick up!"


Reluctantly, Tanya pushed the questioning face of her darling girl away from her pussy and listened as Henry filled her in. He asked if she had learned of Pretty/Brenda's surname.


Tanya confessed that she had not even asked and Henry had laughed and sang a few lines of "Crazy Love" before getting back to business.


This time, he was very serious. They had to keep Pretty out of sight and harms way until she turned eighteen at which time she could show up in court and claim her inherited fortune. He already knew that there were well paid and relentless people searching every crackhouse and shelter for anyone who might be the runaway from St. Elzabeths. 


The very rich lady in Prague had dispatched her own agents to look for her missing property and they had focused their attention on the area where Pretty/Brenda had last been seen.  All of this meant that Pretty had to remain hidden until she was eighteen and then go to court and make her case.


Henry assured Tanya that he would keep their apartment under scrutiny but suggested that their biggest problem might be to convince any court that Pretty was competent to handle her affairs. He asked if Pretty had any skills.


"She sure does, said Tanya, but I doubt we can put them on a resume."


Tanya clicked off her phone with a new understanding of how things were. She gently stroked Pretty's hair, silently led her to bed and invited her to continue where she had left off.  The golden curls felt so good on her thighs as the adoring  tongue excited her into another noisy and gushing climax. She stroked and fingered Pretty into releasing her own pent up girl cum while sucking hard at her perfect titties.


The next morning went as usual. She was gently wakened and treated to crisp bacon, scrambled eggs and english muffins. Pretty sat behind her and fussed with her hair finally placing it into a high sleek pony tail. Tanya could find no fault with anything but, having finished her breakfast, she stood, took Pretty in her arms and kissed her deeply.


"I love you Pretty, she said, but I have to spank you."


The pout of Pretty's bottom lip was the picture of remorse as she softly chirped.

"I'm sorry, Miss, I've tried to be a good girl. It was the muffins wasn't it? I left them in too long."


"No, baby, everything was fine. I'm going to spank you because I have someting very important to tell you and I want to be sure you remember it.' 

'I also want you to promise that you will do everything I say from now on."

"Now, bend over the table and lower your panties."


Pretty gave her that soulful look that she had come to love, melted into her arms and then, did as ordered. She wiggled out of her silkies and looked over her shoulder.


Oooh, I'm so happy you said that. I am so grateful to you. I'm glad to be away from that school and didn't want to be sold but.....sometimes, I.. well... I sort of miss the spankings." 

I would like you to spank me, Miss Tanya, whenever you want. Even when I am a good girl."


Tanya used her full palm and laid several hard smacks on Pretty's full pale cheeks. 

The girl's round saucy bottom just begged her to spank it more but this was not the time to indulge her desires.


More important was the lecture that came after. She strictly forbade her sweet baby to go outside and answer neither the phone nor the door. The ever cheerful nymph did not seem to mind at all.  After all her effort to be harsh the girl had wiggled back into her panties and softly kissed her as she left.


"I promise, Miss Tanya, I'll do what you say. I love you."


When the door had closed Pretty settled onto the sofa and clicked the remote. 

She had not seen much television in over two years and would laugh out loud at the most mundane things. She was content to watch TV for hours when she was not cooking or cleaning or finding new ways to please her lovely mistress.


Life was so much better now and she felt deep love and gratitude for the woman who had rescued her. Her spanking had not been unpleasant. In fact, it had been more of a turn on than a punishment and she blushed to find the experience had left her a bit moist inside her panties. She hoped it would not take a crisis for her lover to spank her again.


Tanya pulled into a parking spot and began to gather her things. She started to adjust the rearview to check out her lipstick when she saw a black sedan stop  behind her car. The doors opened and two dark figures emerged. The first was a  tall thin woman dressed in a black pantsuit, her hair was short and dark and she wore mirrored shades. The man was so big it took him longer to get out of the car. He, too, was dressed in black, wore dark glasses and his fists looked like hams.


The sleek woman was closing so fast that Tanya lurched to the passenger side and exited before the big guy could get to her car. She ran a few steps and then turned with an unwarranted sense of bravado and flashed them the 'bird'.


"Good morning, she waved, you look like such an interesting couple but I'm late for class."  "Bye now." 


She sprinted into a throng of students and made her way inside the nearest building. Her first stop was a bathroom where she used her cell to call Henry, "They're here", she said. She discribed her encounter and awaited a reply. There was a long silence before Henry said, "Tanya, open your purse. Check out your makeup and read the labels."


If she hadn't trusted Henry she would have thought his request was stupid if not downright cruel but did as he asked. "Well. I have some lip gloss, eyeliner and lotions but what does...."


Henry interrupted, "Who made it?"


Tanya squinted at the labels. "It's all made by 'Claveliss' she said, they really do make the best but....."


Again, Henry cut in. "Tanya, your girlfriend's real name is Brenda Claveliss. She is the only heir of the founders of  that company and owns sixty percent of their stock. You are in danger."

"If she's not around, George and Barb are the next in line. They, more than anyone, want you both dead."


 "I know of the two you met. They are known as 'Hammer and Thorn.'

"They work for the woman who wants to buy Brenda and wont hurt her but would kill you in an instant to get to her."

"Stay in school. You'll be safer there. I'll send an escort to take you home and double security on your apartment but you both need to move tonight. I have a place for you."


Tanya went through her classes seeing little and hearing less. At the end of the day, she went to the top floor of the library to view the parking lot. The black sedan was nowhere to be seen and her car was surrounded by four of Henry's friends that reclined on their bikes sipping beers and listening to music. They escorted her home and she felt very safe with the agile speed of the bikers guarding her all the way.


She ran up the stairs and opened the door. Pretty stood before her in a silken teddy that was a bit too small letting her pink nipples peek over the lacy top. The table glittered with candles and tempting aromas came from the little kitchen. Tanya felt her heart begin to swell but with a quick kiss she urged her girl to get dressed while she blew out the candles and turned off the stove.


They were escorted to a rundown warehouse district from where Henry did his most clandestine business. Most of the area had been long abandoned but Henry

had managed to rennovate one floor of an old pallet factory into both a comfortable living area and an office.


The girls were led to Henry's office and found him sweating over his computer.

He smiled as they entered but then slammed his fists on his desk. "Geez, I hate these fucking spreadsheets. If I can't fix this the IRS will jack up the jail and put me under it."


"Sorry if we came at a bad time," said Tanya.


"No, said Henry, I'm glad you're here but I"m only good at making money and not so much at justifying or hiding it," *Looks like I'm in for some serious problems."


Unexpectedly, Pretty spoke up. "Can I take a look? I learned a lot about computers and finance at St. Elzabeths."


She started to move forward but felt Tanya hold her back. She jerked free and turned on Tanya with firey defiance. "Dammit, Tanya, It was a school, after all. I learned  more than just licking and cooking and don't call me 'Pretty' any more!"

"My name is Brenda!"


Henry was near as stunned as Tanya and gave up his seat so Brenda could view his computer screen. Her slim fingers flew over the keyboard while her companions looked on in awe. She finally stopped and looked at Henry. "You've really made a mess but I think I can fix it and save you lots of money."

"It will take a few hours,"


"Is there anything you need?", asked the big man.


Brenda leaned back in her chair feeling good to have regained some control over her life.


"Yes, she said, I want two cinnamon swirls and lots of sweet coffee."


She got what she wanted and four hours later she slid into bed with Tanya and shook her awake.


"I did it, she said, Henry's accounts are now as clean as new fallen snow."


Tanya was happy just to hug her again. "I'm, sorry Pre...No!"

"Brenda! I'm REALLY sorry. I began to take you for granted and that was wrong."


Brenda kissed her and then flipped onto her back.


"I love you ,Tanya, you saved me."

"I didn't want to be sold away and I could never have hoped to escape on my own."

"You were so beautiful and kind that I wanted to be with you forever but I'm not just a bimbo."  I"m a person, too, and I need your respect."


Tanya tried to hold her emotion but was near to tears as she began to kiss Brenda's face. She moved lower and took great care to admire and worship her lover's breasts. She lavished those vibrant orbs with kisses as she slid her hand across the flat tummy. Her fingers stroked the silky hairs on Brenda's mons.


What had she been thinking? She had tasted pussy before and wondered why it had taken her so long to return the love that had been so freely given to her.

Had she been so content with being the 'queen bee' that she had neglected to notice the sweetest of flowers? She moved further down in the bed, kissed Brenda's whispy curls and advanced her tongue. It slipped easily between the delicate petals of her lovers moist orchid.


Brenda's nectar began to flow and Tanya knew she was in love. Her tongue was drawn by the sweetness of Brenda's pretty pussy. It was a luxurious indulgence.


She recalled her dream but this time it was different. She was alone on a tropical beach and dancing naked under the sun. She looked up into the branches of the trees surrounding her. A smiling blonde girl sat above and flooded her face with the jucies of exotic fruits. She opened her mouth and drank all she could.    




























                                                            Tanya Loves Brenda

                                                              Pt. 6


Brenda proved herself so adept at shielding Henry's income and at IT matters in general that he added her to the payroll of one of his shell companies. The 'ghosts' loved the intrigue and soon produced documents indicating that Henry had employed the girl since her disappearance.


The girls stayed secluded but the building was constantly being watched. George, Martha and the Matron had hired several low rent thugs with little talent for subtlety. They were as obvious as rhinos at a petting zoo as they tried their best to be stealthy. Their only threat was in their numbers.


Henry had gained many friends from his years on the road and never forgot his roots. He had been generous in spreading his business around and was in a position to call in some favors. Within two days there were at least fifty bikers cruising around his building and the area was soon clear of wannabe spys. He opened the lower floors of his warehouse and invited his buddies to move in. Within a week they had renovated and opened an after hours club. The thump of the music made it hard to sleep but Tanya, Brenda, Henry and Candi didn't mind because it also made their beds vibrate.


Hammer and Thorn were aware of all this. A simple kidnapping had turned into a real annoyance. They contacted the 'Lady in Prague' and informed her of the situation and how much it would cost if they continued.


The Lady was vexed, "This is ridiculous, never has it been so difficult to aquire a slave. Forget the girl but I want you to close that school. No one fucks with me and I want that so called 'Matron' put out of business."


On the eve of Brenda's birthday Henry received an e-mail.

"Job has changed. We are not a factor.  H&T."


Meanwhile 'Matron' was distancing herself from George and Barb.

'No,' she said, there would be no return of tuition. She had done her job of training Brenda and never bargained to retrieve a runaway. The desperate couple protested but were soon ushered away by three of the school guards. Knowing they were near defeat they returned to the estate and stripped it of all the art, silver and things of value that they could carry.


Matron just wanted this episode over and to get back to the business of training docile girls to service ladies that shared her interests. Indeed, she was paid well for her efforts but she loved the 'work' even more than the money.

She ordered an iced latte and asked that Mindy deliver it.

Mindy was only fifteen but already near to becoming a 'Good Girl". She had been living on the street when she heard rumours of the school and actually volunteered to become a student. She had taken to the training so well that she quickly became a favorite of her teachers.


Bare breasted Mindy pranced in with the coffee and set it on the desk before Matron. She knew what was expected next and, with a shy smile, went beneath the desk to raise Matron's skirt. She rather liked it's cool silky texture on her face and began to place soft kisses on the firm thighs surrounding her.


Just then there was a heavy thud on the door and another that broke one hinge.

Matron called for the guards and six were instantly there with guns drawn.


A final blow left the door lying flat but there was no one outside. A moment passed before a sleek black figure crashed through the window behind Matron's desk and went into a crouch. Thin bright blades and shurikens were suddenly flying through the air with uncanny accuracy. They seemed to appear as if by magic from Thorn's black catsuit.


 Two of the guards grabbed their throats in a futile attempt to stem the blood flow from their carotid arteries while a third howled in pain from the five pointed star imbedded in his right eye. At the same time Hammer had entered and, with a single blow. had spit Matron's desk in half. He flung one half into the corner where two guards were pulling their triggers. The desk took their rounds just before it crashed down upon them. He felt a sting in his shoulder and knew he had been shot. He turned just in time to see Thorn sitting astride the gunman's shoulders and thrusting a dagger into his temple.


As they surveyed the carnage Thorn said, "That's four to two. I win."

"Hmmph!", said Hammer.


Still in position were Matron and Mindy. Hammer approached and held out a hand to the kneeling girl. He helped her to her feet and turned to Thorn. "I think this one is yours. I'll take the other one."  With that, he lifted Matron by her hair and threw her over his shoulder.


Thorn knelt and opened her arms to the frightened girl.

"What's your name, honey?"

"Mm, mm, Mindy", sobbed the girl.


"Would you like to go home with me, Mindy?" asked Thorn.


Poor Mindy was now fully crying but tried to speak between her gasps.

"I don't knooow!" "I'm scared!"


"I know, baby, but I have a nice big house in the country and lots of ponys you can ride anytime you want."

"I think we could have a good time there."


"Really, asked Mindy, you have ponys? Can we go there now?"


So it was on the very morning that Hammer and Thorn were paying a visit to St. Elzabeths that Brenda was presenting her petition to the court for full emancipation and the rights to her inheritance. As there was no opposition, the case was quickly settled and Brenda became a very wealthy girl.


She kept control of Claveliss Inc. but sold the estate. She and Tanya found a lovely villa in Aruba and spent many days playing naked in the surf off their private beach.

Their property was filled with fruit trees and they made good use of the ample juices.They even started a small company that blended them into a delightful beverage which sold very well.


When Brenda felt submissive she would ask Tanya to call her 'Pretty' and to spank her. Tanya was more than willing. Just the sight of Brenda's perky bottom always made her wet and she did love spanking it. She knew, however, that Brenda was no bimbo. Her lover had her quirks that meshed so well with her own but was also an atute business woman. They remained together for a long time but not forever.


Henry and Candi turned the warehouse into a full blown nightclub. They made lots of money but continued to live on the edge.

After three years of drug deals, busts and dubious partners things were looking shakey. They  took what was left, changed their names and bought a condo in Florida.


George and Barb moved toTexas and tried to sell their illgotten gains. They were soon found out and each spent several months in lockup. They spent their final days in trailer parks on opposite sides of Dallas


The police thought that the Matron of St. Elzabeths had escaped to parts unknown but a vengeful diva in Prague knew different. Her boots no longer became soiled when she entered her stables. Her new muckgirl was working out very well.


Hammer and Thorn were hard to track. They remained a legend among assasins and guns for hire but many doubted that they even existed. This was what they had always intended. As different as they were they had shared a vision of a bucolic paradise where the violence of their lives would be balanced by the beauty they could create.



Mindy made her pony gallop faster than ever before until she was directly under the apple tree near the hilltop. She plucked a bright red one and began to munch away as she spoke and shared her thoughts with her pony as she stroked his neck.


" a good pony. I love you."

"I love my new family too".

"I feel so safe with 'uncle Hammer'

"No one would think he could be so kind and funny yet smash things so easily."


"I'm not sure if Thorn is my teacher or my lover." 


"As my teacher, she makes me read and study a lot and swats my bottom when I give a wrong answer."

"She still scares me a little but she is so sexy and loving when she comes to bed with me. We do such delicious and naughty things together."


""I love her both ways and I want to be just like her."

























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