BDSM Library - First Time in Hell

First Time in Hell

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: She never knew what lurked in the basement.

First time in hell

Part 1

When she first became His slave she had no idea what lurked in the basement.  Her memories are filled with love, admiration and awe of this man.  The total control he has over her. And yet she finds herself here, in this place, she displeased him greatly, and he was going to punish her for it. Why here she wondered. She had been “punished” before, but never in this undesirable place. Soon she would realize what was to come, the fear in the pit of her stomach was growing stronger as she heard his footsteps drawing near.

Inside, it looked like a warehouse! The small hallway she stood in opened into a cavernous space comprising what must once have been three or four rooms. Sturdy wooden rafters spanned the high ceilings and from those rafters hung various chains, ropes, and pulleys. Large gym mats, covered in gray rubber, hung from the roughly plastered walls. The room contained a metal bedstead minus its mattress, various tables and chairs, and strewn here and there were pieces of what looked like gym equipment, odd steel structures, the purpose of which she could only imagine. To one side, stood a set of wooden stocks, restraining devices built to confine the neck and wrists of a bending prisoner between two cut-out, hinged boards. Strange cages hung from the ceiling, “as she thought to herself“, clever training devices, I suppose.  Metal industrial-type shelves lined one wall holding an impressive array of instruments of punishment: whips and riding crops, and paddles. One set of shelves held some odd electrical devices, some of which seemed to be attached to love toys of various kinds. High overhead, bright neon lights brought the whole, coldly-sterile room into bold relief.

Earlier that week she was busy preparing for an upcoming engagement she was to attend. Something she enjoyed doing, looked forward to it, when he called.  You are to be here Friday evening no later than 6 p.m. He told her.  She was silent, she didnt know what to say, he knew she had plans for that evening.  She always let him know what she was doing in advance, just in case he requested her company on a particular evening.  Well Sir, I already have plans for the evening, she said.  “Break them” he said calmly.  No, she thought.  I am tired of being at his beck and call. After all, she had her own normal life that she also enjoyed. Well I cant, she said in a very soft voice.  She could feel his anger right threw the phone without him even speaking a word. “You Cant, princess or You Wont”.  No Sir, I cant. she replied. Well my dear, we shall see you on Saturday then? He replied in a calm and loving voice.  “Yes” she said with excitement, he wasnt angry after all she thought.  Till tomorrow then, and he hung up the phone.  If she only new what he had in store for her, she never would of disobeyed him to go out with her friends.

He came into the room smiling, she tried not to look at him, but she had to know what he was thinking, why she was in this cold, unpleasant place.  She had her head bowed, hands behind her back, trying to stand up as straight as possible for him, when she looked up and met his gaze. His eyes where now cold.  The smile was gone as he said to her, “poor stupid little slut” you dare to look at me without permission?  I…. I….I am sorry Sir, as she lowered her head quickly.  To late, she thought to her self… as he had already had her by the back of her hair and dragging her across the floor. There where no words to describe how she was feeling at that moment, “fear, panic, perhaps a little excitement?”  She started to feel the moisture building between her thighs,  maybe it wont be so bad she thought. After all John was never really cruel to her, he could be hard on her, but never cruel.  “Poor little princess”, he said.  You have no idea of what is to come, do you. He said to her in a strange sadistic tone she has never heard before.  The fear again was building within her when she saw the pile of ropes on the floor. All she could think of was “how could he?” He knew she hated to be tied with ropes. After all her skin was so delicate, she would always end up with bruises, bruises she would not of been able to explain if an outsider saw them. Oh, she sighed deeply, as she thought to herself, how could I of been so stupid. How can I get out of “this”. 

She thought about running, but only for a brief moment. As she smiled to herself and thought, yeah right, hed catch you and then you would really be in trouble. Your not going any where “little one” he said to her with a smile, as if he were reading her mind. There are no words, no gestures tonight, no limits, he said coldly. No matter what you say, or how much you beg and plead,  it will be ignored.  Do you understand “pet”? She was silent for a moment, thinking about how to respond to what he just said to her.  No words?  She knew she could of said no, after all this was just “play time”.    Well, pet? he said impatiently.  Yes Sir” she said, I understand.  Good, he said. you are mine tonight, you are my property to do as I please, whatever that may be and for however long I choose to use you.  You are my “Slut” tonight, and I expect you to act like one.  All she was thinking was what did I just agree to, as she responded “Yes Sir”   She hated being called slut, she preferred sub, bottom or slave, these where perfectly natural to her, not slut, whore or c…nt.  Words she supposed where what a Dom preferred to use, what they love to call there submissives. So tonight she would be his “slut”.      Shall we begin, she heard him say, that all to familiar phrase she has heard many times before. The phrase that usually excited her, made her wet.   because she knew what was to come on this night, it frightened her.   On your knees slut, he commanded.

He pulled her hair back with such force, that she almost lost her balance. She tried to steady herself, when he said, not to worry pet, I wont let you fall, as he continued with his tight grip around her long hair.   She knew what he wanted and she complied by opening her mouth as wide as she could.  He was brutal with his thrusts into her sweet mouth. She thought he would split her open if he continued with his assault this way.  With each thrust, he would pull her hair even tighter.  This sent waves of pain down her spine.  You will pay for your lack of good judgment, he said.  She could feel the anxiety building as she realized he had never abused her mouth in this way before.  Please cum, she thought. She couldnt bear it any more. Finally he was close. And to her surprise, he pulled out and came on the floor. Unusual, she thought.  Until she heard him say, “lick it up slut”  every drop. The humiliation was to much, and she hesitated to do what he commanded. He pushed her face to the ground and again commanded, “lick it up”.  the anger in his voice was so intense that she had no choice. Yes Sir, she said, and did what she was told.   

On your feet slut and Strip, he said.  She proceeded to do so slowly,  she realized she did not want this night to begin, she wanted to take as much time as possible. She could tell his patience was growing thin. Faster, he screamed.  She tried to get the dress off as quickly as possible but the zipper got stuck. Enough he yelled.  He grabbed her by the arm grabbed the back of the dress and ripped it down the middle. He tore it right off of her.  She was angry now, that was her favorite red dress, and now its in pieces on the floor. Next time you will be quicker he said with a sly smile.  All she could do was stare down at the dress and realize just how this night was going to unfold.  

He tied her around her ankles, just above her knees, under her ass, and around her waist, her elbows where secured to her ankles to a sturdy wooden pole in the center of the room.  The rope was so tight just above her elbows, that she couldnt feel her fingers, they where numb.  He tied her wrists together and encircled the rope around the top of her breasts.  She begged him to let her down, she hated to be off the ground, it frightened her.  he only smiled and said, you “will” learn to obey me little one. Next time I tell you to be here, “you will” .  Her mind was racing.  He has never treated her in this manner, never cruel, as he told her,  I am going to make you count each lash I give you.  If you forget to count, it starts all over again from one.   Dont forget to count , or youre going get twice as many,” he warned.  All she could do was plead and beg for him to stop.  “I am sorry Sir, she cried.  You should of thought of that princess when I called for you to come to me.  

She let out a muffled yelp, as the whip hurtled down in a whistling arc to lash across her bare back. Count “Slut” he commanded. Her voice quivering she began to count.. One, Two……..Her body bucked away from the searing pain as a pink stripe appeared on her smooth pale skin, the welts reddening to a livid crimson that stung her quivering flesh. A second lash streaked diagonally over the first, forming a scarlet X where the two welts crossed in the middle of her spine. She wailed desperately, her backbone curving towards the pole as a third stroke fell viciously across the backs of her thighs. You Didnt say three, “Slut”. He said coldly.  Start over with One, and louder this time.  She was now in a panicked state, Please Sir, she cried, im sorry, it will never happen again she wailed.  He ignored her cries and began over, now count “slut” One…..two…..three…….her lips where quivering as she counted, panic set in again as she tried to remember which number was she on?  Dam, was it 8 or 9?   9 she screamed out as the whip reigned down with brutal force across her ass, which was by now a lovely purplish color.  NO “Slut” he said,  8.  Now we will have to start over again.  One…..     Pleaseeeeeeee Sir, she begged him, no more, as the tears where streaming down her face. He only smiled and ignored her pleas as he continued his assault on her burning flesh. She was sobbing now, screaming,  Im sorry Sir.  She sighed heavily, she was angry, realizing there was nothing she could do, he had her, he had never made her sob so loudly, he was determined to break her, to make sure she would never disobey him again.   As she yelled out once again….. “One”.

Finally it was over, or so she thought.  He took her off the pole, undid the restraints from her now sore, burning flesh, and tied her to the wall. There he would continue his ravaged assault on her poor defenseless body.  The next three strokes struck diagonally across her chest, laying crimson stripes over the curving globes of her breasts.  Each stinging lash made her supple body jerk and twitch, her breasts bobbling helplessly as they endured a ferocious whipping. He then laid two cruel lashes across her shuddering thighs, before aiming the final five strokes at her crotch. He flogged her exposed vagina with a feigned fury that seemed delightfully realistic to Her but which lacked the brutal strength of his earlier strokes.

To her amazement, she wanted him to continue now. She was hot, from the welts that where deliciously rising, she could feel the moisture dripping down her inner thighs, that incredible stinging pleasure that comes with each lash across her body.  That pleasure/pain that only she knew. She could feel herself drifting now, the sobbing had ceased and was replaced by heavy sighs and moans.  She wanted that sweet relief.  The feeling that is indescribable, the most intense orgasms that only he could give her.  Relief that she knew she must earn.  uncontrollable pleasure that she now longed for……  Did I say you could feel pleasure “slut”, he screamed.  The sound of his voice snapped her back to reality, as she replied, “no Sir”.  You will beg me for that pleasure, do you understand “slut”? he said. Yes Sir, she said. She knew he was right. He would make her beg for it on this night. Oh god, she thought to herself, how he loves to make me squirm and beg. After all, she thought, after what he put her through, she “had”  already earned it. Hadnt she?  

End part 1

Part 2 - punishment continues

The panic inside her had subsided for his lashes where not as swift and powerful as before.  She was now burning inside and out.  She wanted him to give her that release that she thought she had earned.  She dared to look up for a brief second so he could see the struggle, the anguish in her eyes.  He was smiling at her as he said, Not tonight pet.  There shall be NO release for you on this night.  All she could do was let out a pleading moan. He began to laugh as he said, if you want it that bad, then you shall beg for it. But for now we shall continue with your punishment.  No, she screamed.  I have had enough, Sir.  Remember what I told you pet, no words, no limits……  He was right, she felt the fear building once again. What was she to do?  She was bound and he wasnt going to let her out of her restraints.  She always enjoyed being tied, the feeling of total submission excited her beyond reason.  On this night that feeling of excitement which she felt moments before, was slowly disappearing.

She began to look around the room.  What was next she thought. She knew what those strange devices on the shelf where, and she knew her limit. He knew she never would allow such a device to be used on her, that was in there “contract“.  Panic….yet again. His words “no limits”, which she agreed to.  He wouldnt, she thought as the tears began to fall.  Are you ready pet, he said, as he walked over to get something off the shelf.  She prayed he would pick up a crop, paddle, anything but……..….I think you will like these “toys” pet.  Clever little devices he said.   All she wanted was to get out of there, never come back.  He went to far this night even for her.  She can be pushed far, to the limit, to her limit,  but not that far. She looked up at him defiantly and said, No John, or I will never come back.  He looked at her puzzled as he said, “John”?  oh youll come back my little princess, you always do.

Anger was swelling inside her as he began to “hook up” his devices.  Clamps for her breasts, for the inside of her thighs, little white pads, they almost looked like some sort of medical device….each device had wires connected to them. Almost finished pet, he said. Just two more.  He proceeded to attach two clips to each of her vaginal lips. She began to scream at him to stop, he ignored her and told her to be quiet or he would gag her.  When he finished hooking up his “toys”, he came over to wipe her tears from her cheeks.  dont worry princess, I would never hurt you. In fact, you might enjoy this. Oh, she thought, I do not enjoy torture.  He started to explain to her what he was going to do, this is only a very mild shock, he said,  some submissives beg for this pleasure my pet. Please Sir, I cant, I wont let you do this, she cried.

Before she could scream out again for him to stop, it was to late.  She could feel her body moving, strange sensations,  not quite pleasure, but not as painful as she thought.  He stood there and watched her reaction to this, knowing quite well she preferred not to engage in this type of “fun”. She watched him go back to the table.  She let out a loud wail as the current suddenly began to rise.  “Stop” she begged him, as the pain intensified. Are you going to obey me, he said in a stern voice.  Yes she cried.  “Yes”.  very good little one.  He turned his play thing off and removed the devices from her body.  Now you shall have your release, he said softly in her ear.  He kissed her as he began to caress her body.  Moving his fingers slowly around her breasts and down her belly. She began to moan softly, as his touch began to arose her.  He kissed her more passionately as his fingers made there way down between her legs. Her sighs where deep and her moans where becoming louder as he continued to play with her wet vagina.  Cum for me my little slut, he said. “Now”  with that she exploded with an fiery orgasm, and to her surprise, it was one of the most intense orgasms she had ever experienced. 

When she was freed from her restraints, she put her robe on and went upstairs.  She had every intention of never coming back again.  She would find a new Dom, one who was compassionate and would never treat her like he did tonight.  After what he put her through, she thought.  Even if she did disobey him.  She didnt care how long they had been “playing” together, in her mind it was over.  Until he came up and put his arms around her and said, you pleased me tonight my beautiful sub, you pleased me very much. And added, will I see you next Friday? Yes Sir, she said.  He had her, she thought to her self as she looked up at him and smiled and said,  I cant wait…………..

The end   

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